diff options
authorPascal Rigaux <>2001-08-19 21:29:01 +0000
committerPascal Rigaux <>2001-08-19 21:29:01 +0000
commit36d3a4fe804fb661f494d60a6969853c335b34f5 (patch)
parent94f942f169827a79ef3a2345bc41955e56c70e11 (diff)
major rework + adaptation to it
7 files changed, 270 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 6f38455c8..3f60fcc49 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ sub lilo_choice
my ($all_hds) = catch_cdie { fsedit::hds([ detect_devices::hds() ], {}) } sub { 1 };
my $fstab = [ fsedit::get_all_fstab($all_hds) ];
- fs::get_all_mntpoints_from_fstab($all_hds);
+ fs::merge_info_from_fstab($fstab);
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 0c6e21a6f..7241681da 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -16,62 +16,141 @@ use modules;
use fsedit;
use loopback;
-sub add_options(\$@) {
- my ($option, @options) = @_;
- my %l; @l{split(',', $$option), @options} = (); delete $l{defaults};
- $$option = join(',', keys %l) || "defaults";
+sub read_fstab {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ map {
+ my ($dev, $mntpoint, $type, $options) = split;
+ $options = 'defaults' if $options eq 'rw'; # clean-up for mtab read
+ $type = fs2type($type);
+ if ($type eq 'supermount') {
+ # normalize this bloody supermount
+ $options = join(",", grep {
+ if (/fs=(.*)/) {
+ $type = $1;
+ 0;
+ } elsif (/dev=(.*)/) {
+ $dev = $1;
+ 0;
+ } else {
+ 1;
+ }
+ } split(',', $options));
+ }
-sub get_raw_hds {
- my ($prefix, $all_hds) = @_;
+ if ($dev =~ m,/(tmp|dev)/,) {
+ $dev = expand_symlinks($dev);
+ $dev =~ s,/(tmp|dev)/,,;
+ }
- $all_hds->{raw_hds} =
- [
- detect_devices::floppies(), detect_devices::cdroms(),
- (map { $_->{device} .= '4'; $_ } detect_devices::zips())
- ];
- my @fstab = read_fstab("$prefix/etc/fstab");
- $all_hds->{nfss} = [ grep { isNfs($_) } @fstab ];
- $all_hds->{smbs} = [ grep { isThisFs('smbfs', $_) } @fstab ];
+ { device => $dev, mntpoint => $mntpoint, type => $type, options => $options };
+ } cat_($file);
-sub read_fstab {
- my ($file) = @_;
+sub merge_fstabs {
+ my ($fstab, @l) = @_;
- local *F;
- open F, $file or return;
+ foreach my $p (@$fstab) {
+ my ($p2) = grep { $_->{device} eq $p->{device} } @l or next;
+ @l = grep { $_->{device} ne $p->{device} } @l;
- map {
- my ($dev, @l) = split;
- $dev =~ s,/(tmp|dev)/,,;
- { device => $dev, mntpoint => $l[0], type => $l[1], options => $l[2] }
- } <F>;
+ $p->{type} ne $p2->{type} && $p->{type} ne 'auto' && $p2->{type} ne 'auto' and
+ log::l("err, fstab and partition table do not agree for $p->{device} type: " . (type2fs($p) || type2name($p->{type})) . " vs ", (type2fs($p2) || type2name($p2->{type}))), next;
+ $p->{mntpoint} = $p2->{mntpoint} if delete $p->{unsafeMntpoint};
+ $p->{type} = $p2->{type} if $p->{type} eq 'defaults';
+ $p->{options} = $p2->{options};
+ add2hash($p, $p2);
+ }
+ @l;
-sub up_mount_point {
- my ($mntpoint, $fstab) = @_;
- while (1) {
- $mntpoint = dirname($mntpoint);
- $mntpoint ne "." or return;
- $_->{mntpoint} eq $mntpoint and return $_ foreach @$fstab;
+sub add2all_hds {
+ my ($all_hds, @l) = @_;
+ @l = merge_fstabs([ fsedit::get_really_all_fstab($all_hds) ], @l);
+ foreach (@l) {
+ my $s =
+ isNfs($_) ? 'nfs' :
+ isThisFs('smbfs', $_) ? 'smb' :
+ 'special';
+ push @{$all_hds->{$s}}, $_;
-sub check_mounted($) {
+sub merge_info_from_mtab {
my ($fstab) = @_;
- local (*F, *G, *H);
- open F, "/etc/mtab";
- open G, "/proc/mounts";
- open H, "/proc/swaps";
- foreach (<F>, <G>, <H>) {
- foreach my $p (@$fstab) {
- /$p->{device}\s+([^\s]*)\s+/ and $p->{mntpoint} = $1, $p->{isMounted} = $p->{isFormatted} = 1;
+ my @l1 = map {; { device => $_->{device}, type => fs2type('swap') } } read_fstab('/proc/swaps');
+ my @l2 = map { read_fstab($_) } '/etc/mtab', '/proc/mounts';
+ foreach (@l1, @l2) {
+ $_->{isMounted} = $_->{isFormatted} = 1;
+ delete $_->{options};
+ }
+ merge_fstabs($fstab, @l1, @l2);
+sub merge_info_from_fstab {
+ my ($fstab, $prefix, $uniq) = @_;
+ my @l = grep { !($uniq && fsedit::mntpoint2part($_->{mntpoint}, $fstab)) } read_fstab("$prefix/etc/fstab");
+ merge_fstabs($fstab, @l);
+sub write_fstab {
+ my ($all_hds, $prefix) = @_;
+ $prefix ||= '';
+ my @l1 = (fsedit::get_really_all_fstab($all_hds), @{$all_hds->{special}});
+ my @l2 = read_fstab("$prefix/etc/fstab");
+ my %new;
+ my @l = map {
+ my $device =
+ $_->{device} eq 'none' || member($_->{type}, qw(nfs smb)) ?
+ $_->{device} :
+ isLoopback($_) ?
+ ($_->{mntpoint} eq '/' ? "/initrd/loopfs$_->{loopback_file}" : $_->{device}) :
+ do {
+ my $dir = $_->{device} =~ m|^/| ? '' : '/dev/';
+ devices::make("$prefix$dir$_->{device}"); "$dir$_->{device}";
+ };
+ mkdir("$prefix/$_->{mntpoint}", 0755);
+ my $mntpoint = loopback::carryRootLoopback($_) ? '/initrd/loopfs' : $_->{mntpoint};
+ my ($freq, $passno) =
+ isTrueFS($_) ?
+ (1, $_->{mntpoint} eq '/' ? 1 : loopback::carryRootLoopback($_) ? 0 : 2) :
+ (0, 0);
+ if (($device eq 'none' || !$new{$device}) && !$new{$mntpoint}) {
+ #- keep in mind the new line for fstab.
+ $new{$device} = 1;
+ $new{$mntpoint} = 1;
+ my $options = $_->{options};
+ my $type = type2fs($_);
+ # handle bloody supermount special case
+ if ($options =~ /supermount/) {
+ $options = join(",", "dev=$device", "fs=$type", grep { $_ ne 'supermount' } split(':', $options));
+ ($device, $type) = ($mntpoint, 'supermount');
+ }
+ [ $device, $mntpoint, $type, $options || 'defaults', $freq, $passno ];
+ } else {
+ ()
- }
+ } grep { $_->{device} && $_->{mntpoint} && $_->{type} } (@l1, @l2);
+ log::l("writing $prefix/etc/fstab");
+ output("$prefix/etc/fstab", map { join(' ', @$_) . "\n" } sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @l);
sub auto_fs() {
@@ -87,9 +166,17 @@ sub mount_options {
\%non_defaults, \@user_implies;
+# simple function
+# use mount_options_unpack + mount_options_pack for advanced stuff
+sub add_options(\$@) {
+ my ($option, @options) = @_;
+ my %l; @l{split(',', $$option), @options} = (); delete $l{defaults};
+ $$option = join(',', keys %l) || "defaults";
sub mount_options_unpack {
my ($part) = @_;
- my ($type, $packed_options) = ($part->{type}, $part->{options});
+ my $packed_options = $part->{options};
my ($non_defaults, $user_implies) = mount_options();
@@ -105,7 +192,6 @@ sub mount_options_unpack {
$non_defaults->{$_} = 1 foreach @$l;
- $non_defaults->{autofs} = 1; # autofs proposed for any types??
$non_defaults->{supermount} = 1 if member(type2fs($part), 'auto', @auto_fs);
my $defaults = { reverse %$non_defaults };
@@ -114,8 +200,6 @@ sub mount_options_unpack {
foreach (split(",", $packed_options)) {
if ($_ eq 'user') {
$options{$_} = 1 foreach ('user', @$user_implies);
- } elsif (/fstype=(.*)/) {
- $type = $1;
} elsif (exists $non_defaults->{$_}) {
$options{$_} = 1;
} elsif ($defaults->{$_}) {
@@ -130,25 +214,16 @@ sub mount_options_unpack {
$options{'rsize=8192,wsize=8192'} = delete $options{'rsize=8192'} && delete $options{'wsize=8192'}
if exists $options{'rsize=8192'};
- $options{autofs} = 1 if $part->{type} eq 'autofs';
- $options{supermount} = 1 if $part->{type} eq 'supermount';
my $unknown = join(",", @unknown);
- \%options, $unknown, $type;
+ \%options, $unknown;
sub mount_options_pack {
- my ($part, $options, $unknown, $type) = @_;
+ my ($part, $options, $unknown) = @_;
my ($non_defaults, $user_implies) = mount_options();
my @l;
- if ($options->{autofs} || $options->{supermount}) {
- $options->{"fstype=$type"} = 1;
- delete $options->{$_} and $part->{type} = $_ foreach 'autofs', 'supermount';
- } else {
- $part->{type} = $type;
- }
if (delete $options->{user}) {
push @l, 'user';
foreach (@$user_implies) {
@@ -195,33 +270,118 @@ sub mount_options_help {
-sub get_mntpoints_from_fstab {
- my ($l, $prefix, $uniq) = @_;
- log::l("reading fstab");
- foreach (read_fstab("$prefix/etc/fstab")) {
- next if $uniq && fsedit::mntpoint2part($_->{mntpoint}, $l);
- ($_->{device} = expand_symlinks(($_->{device} =~ m|^/| ? '' : '/dev/') . $_->{device})) =~ s|^/dev/||;
- foreach my $p (@$l) {
- $p->{device} eq $_->{device} or next;
- $_->{type} ne 'auto' && $_->{type} ne type2fs($p) and
- log::l("err, fstab and partition table do not agree for $_->{device} type: " . (type2fs($p) || type2name($p->{type})) . " vs $_->{type}"), next;
- delete $p->{unsafeMntpoint} || !$p->{mntpoint} or next;
- $p->{type} ||= $_->{type};
- $p->{mntpoint} = $_->{mntpoint};
- $p->{options} = $_->{options};
+sub set_default_options {
+ my ($all_hds, $useSupermount, $iocharset, $codepage) = @_;
+ my @removables = @{$all_hds->{raw_hds}};
+ foreach my $part (fsedit::get_really_all_fstab($all_hds)) {
+ my ($options, $unknown) = mount_options_unpack($part);
+ if (member($part, @removables)) {
+ $options->{supermount} = $useSupermount;
+ $part->{type} = 'auto'; # if supermount, code below will handle choosing the right type
+ }
+ my $is_auto = isThisFs('auto', $part);
+ if ($options->{supermount} && $is_auto) {
+ # this can't work, guessing :-(
+ $part->{type} = fs2type($part->{media_type} eq 'cdrom' ? 'iso9660' : 'vfat');
+ $is_auto = 0;
+ }
+ if ($part->{media_type} eq 'fd') {
+ # slow device so don't loose time, write now!
+ $options->{sync} = 1;
+ }
+ if (isNfs($part)) {
+ put_in_hash($options, {
+ ro => 1, nosuid => 1, 'rsize=8192,wsize=8192' => 1,
+ 'iocharset=' => $iocharset,
+ });
+ }
+ if (isFat($part) || $is_auto) {
+ put_in_hash($options, {
+ user => 1, 'umask=0' => 1, exec => 1,
+ 'iocharset=' => $iocharset, 'codepage=' => $codepage,
+ });
+ }
+ if (isThisFs('ntfs', $part) || $is_auto) {
+ put_in_hash($options, { 'iocharset=' => $iocharset });
+ }
+ if (isThisFs('iso9660', $part) || $is_auto) {
+ put_in_hash($options, { user => 1, exec => 1, });
+ }
+ if (isThisFs('reiserfs', $part)) {
+ $options->{notail} = 1;
+ }
+ if (isLoopback($_) && !isSwap($_)) { #- no need for loop option for swap files
+ $options->{loop} = 1;
+ }
+ # rationalize: no need for user
+ if ($options->{autofs} || $options->{supermount}) {
+ $options->{user} = 0;
+ }
+ # have noauto when we have user
+ $options->{noauto} = $options->{user};
+ if ($options->{user}) {
+ # ensure security (user_implies - noexec as noexec is not a security matter)
+ $options->{$_} = 1 foreach 'nodev', 'nosuid';
+ mount_options_pack($part, $options, $unknown);
-sub get_all_mntpoints_from_fstab {
- my ($all_hds, $prefix, $uniq) = @_;
- my @l = (fsedit::get_all_fstab($all_hds), @{$all_hds->{raw_hds}});
- get_mntpoints_from_fstab(\@l, $prefix, $uniq);
+sub set_removable_mntpoints {
+ my ($all_hds) = @_;
+ my %names;
+ foreach (@{$all_hds->{raw_hds}}) {
+ my $name = $_->{media_type};
+ if (member($name, 'hd', 'fd')) {
+ if (detect_devices::isZipDrive($_)) {
+ $name = 'zip';
+ } elsif ($name eq 'fd') {
+ $name = 'floppy';
+ } else {
+ log::l("set_removable_mntpoints: don't know what to with hd $_->{device}");
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ my $s = ++$names{$name};
+ $_->{mntpoint} ||= "/mnt/$name" . ($s == 1 ? '' : $s);
+ }
-#- mke2fs -b (1024|2048|4096) -c -i(1024 > 262144) -N (1 > 100000000) -m (0-100%) -L volume-label
-#- tune2fs
+sub get_raw_hds {
+ my ($prefix, $all_hds) = @_;
+ $all_hds->{raw_hds} =
+ [
+ detect_devices::floppies(), detect_devices::cdroms(),
+ (map { $_->{device} .= '4'; $_ } detect_devices::zips())
+ ];
+ my @fstab = read_fstab("$prefix/etc/fstab");
+ $all_hds->{nfss} = [ grep { isNfs($_) } @fstab ];
+ $all_hds->{smbs} = [ grep { isThisFs('smbfs', $_) } @fstab ];
+ $all_hds->{special} = [
+ { device => 'none', mntpoint => '/proc', type => 'proc' },
+ { device => 'none', mntpoint => '/dev/pts', type => 'devpts', options => 'mode=0620' },
+ ];
+# formatting functions
sub format_ext2($@) {
+ #- mke2fs -b (1024|2048|4096) -c -i(1024 > 262144) -N (1 > 100000000) -m (0-100%) -L volume-label
+ #- tune2fs
my ($dev, @options) = @_;
$dev =~ m,(rd|ida|cciss)/, and push @options, qw(-b 4096 -R stride=16); #- For RAID only.
push @options, qw(-b 1024 -O none) if arch() =~ /alpha/;
@@ -299,6 +459,9 @@ sub format_part {
+# mounting functions
sub formatMount_part {
my ($part, $raids, $fstab, $prefix, $callback) = @_;
@@ -457,6 +620,9 @@ sub umount_all($;$) {
+# various functions
sub df {
my ($part, $prefix) = @_;
my $dir = "/tmp/tmp_fs_df";
@@ -488,102 +654,13 @@ sub df {
-#- do some stuff before calling write_fstab
-sub write {
- my ($prefix, $fstab, $manualFstab, $useSupermount, $options) = @_;
- $fstab = [ @{$fstab||[]}, @{$manualFstab||[]} ];
- unless ($::live) {
- log::l("resetting /etc/mtab");
- local *F;
- open F, "> $prefix/etc/mtab" or die "error resetting $prefix/etc/mtab";
+sub up_mount_point {
+ my ($mntpoint, $fstab) = @_;
+ while (1) {
+ $mntpoint = dirname($mntpoint);
+ $mntpoint ne "." or return;
+ $_->{mntpoint} eq $mntpoint and return $_ foreach @$fstab;
- my $floppy = detect_devices::floppy();
- my @to_add = (
- $useSupermount ?
- [ split ' ', "/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/$floppy 0 0" ] :
- [ split ' ', "/dev/$floppy /mnt/floppy auto sync,user,noauto,nosuid,nodev 0 0" ],
- [ split ' ', 'none /proc proc defaults 0 0' ],
- [ split ' ', 'none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0' ],
- (map_index {
- my $i = $::i ? $::i + 1 : '';
- mkdir "$prefix/mnt/cdrom$i", 0755;#- or log::l("failed to mkdir $prefix/mnt/cdrom$i: $!");
- symlinkf $_->{device}, "$prefix/dev/cdrom$i" or log::l("failed to symlink $prefix/dev/cdrom$i: $!");
- chown 0, 22, "$prefix/dev/$_->{device}";
- $useSupermount ?
- [ "/mnt/cdrom$i", "/mnt/cdrom$i", "supermount", "fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom$i", 0, 0 ] :
- [ "/dev/cdrom$i", "/mnt/cdrom$i", "auto", "user,noauto,nosuid,exec,nodev,ro", 0, 0 ];
- } detect_devices::cdroms()),
- (map_index { #- for zip drives, the right partition is the 4th by default.
- my $i = $::i ? $::i + 1 : '';
- mkdir "$prefix/mnt/zip$i", 0755 or log::l("failed to mkdir $prefix/mnt/zip$i: $!");
- symlinkf "$_->{device}4", "$prefix/dev/zip$i" or log::l("failed to symlink $prefix/dev/zip$i: $!");
- $useSupermount ?
- [ "/mnt/zip$i", "/mnt/zip$i", "supermount", "fs=vfat,dev=/dev/zip$i", 0, 0 ] :
- [ "/dev/zip$i", "/mnt/zip$i", "auto", "user,noauto,nosuid,exec,nodev", 0, 0 ];
- } detect_devices::zips()));
- write_fstab($fstab, $prefix, $options, @to_add);
-sub write_fstab($;$$@) {
- my ($fstab, $prefix, $options, @to_add) = @_;
- $prefix ||= '';
- my $format_options = sub {
- my ($default, @l) = @_;
- join(',', $default, map { "$_=$options->{$_}" } grep { $options->{$_} } @l);
- };
- unshift @to_add, map {
- my ($dir, $options, $freq, $passno) = qw(/dev/ defaults 0 0);
- $options = $_->{options} || $options;
- isTrueFS($_) and ($freq, $passno) = (1, ($_->{mntpoint} eq '/') ? 1 : 2);
- isNfs($_) and $dir = '', $options = $_->{options} || $format_options->('ro,nosuid,rsize=8192,wsize=8192', 'iocharset');
- isFat($_) and $options = $_->{options} || $format_options->("user,exec,umask=0", 'codepage', 'iocharset');
- isThisFs("reiserfs", $_) and add_options($options, "notail");
- my $dev = isLoopback($_) ?
- ($_->{mntpoint} eq '/' ? "/initrd/loopfs$_->{loopback_file}" : $_->{device}) :
- ($_->{device} =~ /^\// ? $_->{device} : "$dir$_->{device}");
- local $_->{mntpoint} = do {
- $passno = 0;
- "/initrd/loopfs";
- } if loopback::carryRootLoopback($_);
- add_options($options, "loop") if isLoopback($_) && !isSwap($_); #- no need for loop option for swap files
- eval { devices::make("$prefix/$dev") } if $dir && !isLoopback($_);
- mkdir "$prefix/$_->{mntpoint}", 0755 if $_->{mntpoint} && !isSwap($_);
- [ $dev, $_->{mntpoint}, type2fs($_), $options, $freq, $passno ];
- } grep { $_->{mntpoint} && type2fs($_) } @$fstab;
- push @to_add, map { [ split ] } cat_("$prefix/etc/fstab");
- my %new;
- @to_add = grep {
- if (($_->[0] eq 'none' || !$new{$_->[0]}) && !$new{$_->[1]}) {
- #- keep in mind the new line for fstab.
- @new{$_->[0], $_->[1]} = (1, 1);
- 1;
- } else {
- 0;
- }
- } @to_add;
- log::l("writing $prefix/etc/fstab");
- local *F;
- open F, "> $prefix/etc/fstab" or die "error writing $prefix/etc/fstab";
- print F join(" ", @$_), "\n" foreach sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @to_add;
-sub merge_fstabs {
- my ($fstab, $manualFstab) = @_;
- my %l; $l{$_->{device}} = $_ foreach @$manualFstab;
- put_in_hash($_, $l{$_->{device}}) foreach @$fstab;
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 7e1487575..1324dc325 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -269,6 +269,12 @@ sub get_all_fstab {
my @raids = grep {$_} @{$all_hds->{raids}};
@parts, @raids, @{$all_hds->{loopbacks}};
+sub get_really_all_fstab {
+ my ($all_hds) = @_;
+ my @parts = map { partition_table::get_normal_parts($_) } all_hds($all_hds);
+ my @raids = grep {$_} @{$all_hds->{raids}};
+ @parts, @raids, @{$all_hds->{loopbacks}}, @{$all_hds->{raw_hds}}, @{$all_hds->{nfss}}, @{$all_hds->{smb}};
sub get_all_fstab_and_holes {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
my @raids = grep {$_} @{$all_hds->{raids}};
@@ -413,7 +419,7 @@ sub mntpoint2part {
sub has_mntpoint {
my ($mntpoint, $all_hds) = @_;
- mntpoint2part($mntpoint, [ get_all_fstab($all_hds) ]);
+ mntpoint2part($mntpoint, [ get_really_all_fstab($all_hds) ]);
sub get_root_ {
my ($fstab, $boot) = @_;
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 92ce4ffcd..e5bb280fa 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ sub suggest_mount_points {
$part->{mntpoint} = $mnt; delete $part->{unsafeMntpoint};
#- try to find other mount points via fstab
- fs::get_mntpoints_from_fstab($fstab, $handle->{dir}, $uniq) if $mnt eq '/';
+ fs::merge_info_from_fstab($fstab, $handle->{dir}, $uniq) if $mnt eq '/';
$_->{mntpoint} and log::l("suggest_mount_points: $_->{device} -> $_->{mntpoint}") foreach @$fstab;
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ sub use_root_part {
my ($fstab, $part, $prefix) = @_;
my $handle = any::inspect($part, $prefix) or die;
- fs::get_mntpoints_from_fstab($fstab, $handle->{dir}, 'uniq');
+ fs::merge_info_from_fstab($fstab, $handle->{dir}, 'uniq');
map { $_->{mntpoint} = 'swap' } grep { isSwap($_) } @$fstab; #- use all available swap.
@@ -919,10 +919,12 @@ sub getHds {
#- try to figure out if the same number of hds is available, use them if ok.
$ok && $hds && @$hds > 0 && @{$o->{all_hds}{hds} || []} == @$hds and return $ok;
+ fs::get_raw_hds('', $all_hds);
+ fs::add2all_hds($all_hds, @{$o->{manualFstab}});
$o->{all_hds} = $all_hds;
$o->{fstab} = [ fsedit::get_all_fstab($all_hds) ];
- fs::check_mounted($o->{fstab});
- fs::merge_fstabs($o->{fstab}, $o->{manualFstab});
+ fs::merge_info_from_mtab($o->{fstab});
my @win = grep { isFat($_) && isFat({ type => fsedit::typeOfPart($_->{device}) }) } @{$o->{fstab}};
log::l("win parts: ", join ",", map { $_->{device} } @win) if @win;
@@ -990,8 +992,7 @@ sub disable_user_view {
sub write_fstab {
my ($o) = @_;
- fs::write($o->{prefix}, $o->{fstab}, $o->{manualFstab}, $o->{useSupermount}, lang::fs_options($o->{lang}))
- if !$::live;
+ fs::write_fstab($o->{all_hds}, $o->{prefix}) if !$::live;
my @bigseldom_used_groups = (
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 822ac3be4..63d6a60a8 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -148,6 +148,9 @@ sub doPartitionDisksAfter {
$_->{rebootNeeded} and $o->rebootNeeded foreach @$hds;
+ fs::set_removable_mntpoints($o->{all_hds});
+ fs::set_default_options($o->{all_hds}, $o->{useSupermount}, lang::fs_options($o->{lang}));
$o->{fstab} = [ fsedit::get_all_fstab($o->{all_hds}) ];
fsedit::get_root_($o->{fstab}) or die "Oops, no root partition";
diff --git a/perl-install/standalone/diskdrake b/perl-install/standalone/diskdrake
index 930fc7fe3..9b326d388 100755
--- a/perl-install/standalone/diskdrake
+++ b/perl-install/standalone/diskdrake
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ my $fstab = [ fsedit::get_all_fstab($all_hds) ];
fs::get_raw_hds('', $all_hds);
+fs::merge_info_from_fstab([ fsedit::get_really_all_fstab($all_hds) ]);
+fs::merge_info_from_mtab([ fsedit::get_really_all_fstab($all_hds) ]);
diskdrake_interactive::main($in, $all_hds);
diff --git a/perl-install/standalone/drakboot b/perl-install/standalone/drakboot
index 4b8abde3c..9d159a685 100755
--- a/perl-install/standalone/drakboot
+++ b/perl-install/standalone/drakboot
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ sub lilo_choice
my ($hds) = catch_cdie { fsedit::hds([ detect_devices::hds() ], {}) } sub { 1 };
my $fstab = [ fsedit::get_fstab(@$hds) ];
- fs::get_mntpoints_from_fstab($fstab);
+ fs::merge_info_from_fstab($fstab);