diff options
authorPascal Rigaux <>2007-05-18 07:21:36 +0000
committerPascal Rigaux <>2007-05-18 07:21:36 +0000
commit5b9c9acacf284eb20f94ece672983279c3b15d30 (patch)
parentbb1b69d0432a226b860b6dfd6a86aa7acd3adf25 (diff)
2 files changed, 4 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/Makefile.config b/perl-install/Makefile.config
index 797371c3e..78ae8cff0 100644
--- a/perl-install/Makefile.config
+++ b/perl-install/Makefile.config
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# -*- Makefile -*-
SUDO = sudo
TMPDIR = /tmp
diff --git a/perl-install/NEWS b/perl-install/NEWS
index 6a8afde59..58a1c291c 100644
--- a/perl-install/NEWS
+++ b/perl-install/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Version 10.4.131 - 18 May 2007, by Thierry Vignaud
+- bug fix for rpmdrake: file was missing
- diskdrake:
o fix resizing's failures due to udev race when writing the
partition table
1'>171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416
package detect_devices; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

#- misc imports
use log;
use common;
use devices;
use c;

#- Globals
my @netdevices = map { my $l = $_; map { "$l$_" } (0..3) } qw(eth tr fddi plip);
my %serialprobe = ();

#- Functions
sub get {
    #- Detect the default BIOS boot harddrive is kind of tricky. We may have IDE,
    #- SCSI and RAID devices on the same machine. From what I see so far, the default
    #- BIOS boot harddrive will be
    #- 1. The first IDE device if IDE exists. Or
    #- 2. The first SCSI device if SCSI exists. Or
    #- 3. The first RAID device if RAID exists.

    getIDE(), getSCSI(), getDAC960(), getCompaqSmartArray();
sub hds() { grep { $_->{type} eq 'hd' && ($::isStandalone || !isRemovableDrive($_)) } get(); }
sub zips() { grep { $_->{type} =~ /.d/ && isZipDrive($_) } get(); }
sub ide_zips() { grep { $_->{type} =~ /.d/ && isZipDrive($_) } getIDE(); }
#-sub jazzs() { grep { $_->{type} =~ /.d/ && isJazDrive($_) } get(); }
sub ls120s() { grep { $_->{type} =~ /.d/ && isLS120Drive($_) } get(); }
sub cdroms() { 
    my @l = grep { $_->{type} eq 'cdrom' } get(); 
    if (my @l2 = IDEburners()) {
	require modules;
	modules::add_alias('scsi_hostadapter', 'ide-scsi');
	my $nb = 1 + max(-1, map { $_->{device} =~ /scd(\d+)/ } @l);
	foreach my $i (@l2) {	    
	    log::l("IDEBurner: $i->{device}");
	    my ($e) = grep { $_->{device} eq $i->{device} } @l;
	    $e->{device} = "scd" . $nb++;
sub burners    { grep { $_->{type} eq 'cdrom' && isBurner($_) } get() }
sub IDEburners { grep { $_->{type} eq 'cdrom' && isBurner($_) } getIDE() }
sub dvdroms    { grep { $_->{type} eq 'cdrom' && isDvdDrive($_) } get() }

sub get_mac_model() {
    my $mac_model = cat_("/proc/device-tree/model") || die "Can't open /proc/device-tree/model";
    log::l("Mac model: $mac_model");

sub get_mac_generation() {
    my $generation = cat_("/proc/cpuinfo") || die "Can't open /proc/cpuinfo";
    my @genarray = split(/\n/, $generation);
    my $count = 0;
    while ($count <= @genarray) {
	if ($genarray[$count] =~ /pmac-generation/) {
	    @genarray = split(/:/, $genarray[$count]);
	    return $genarray[1];
    return "Unknown Generation";	

sub floppies() {
    require modules;
    eval { modules::load("floppy") };
    my @fds = grep { tryOpen($_) } qw(fd0 fd1);
    my @ide = ls120s() and modules::load("ide-floppy");
    my @scsi = grep { $_->{type} eq 'fd' } getSCSI();
    (map { $_->{device} } @ide, @scsi), @fds;
sub floppy { first(floppies()) }
#- example ls120, model = "LS-120 SLIM 02 UHD Floppy"

sub isBurner { 
    my $dev = $_[0]{device};
    if (my($nb) = $dev =~ /scd(.*)/) {
	grep { /^(scd|sr)$nb:.*writer/ } syslog();
    } else {
	my $f = tryOpen($dev); #- SCSI burner are not detected this way.
	$f && c::isBurner(fileno($f));
sub isDvdDrive {
    $_[0]{info} =~ /DVD/; #- SCSI DVD seems not to be detected correctly, so use another probe after.
    my $f = tryOpen($_[0]{device});
    $f && c::isDvdDrive(fileno($f));
sub isZipDrive { $_[0]->{info} =~ /ZIP\s+\d+/ } #- accept ZIP 100, untested for bigger ZIP drive.
#-sub isJazzDrive { $_[0]->{info} =~ /JAZZ?\s+/ } #- untested.
sub isLS120Drive { $_[0]->{info} =~ /LS-?120|144MB/ }
sub isRemovableDrive { &isZipDrive || &isLS120Drive || $_[0]->{type} eq 'fd' } #-or &isJazzDrive }

sub isFloppyOrHD {
    my ($dev) = @_;
    require partition_table_raw;
    my $geom = partition_table_raw::get_geometry(devices::make($dev));
    $geom->{totalsectors} < 10 << 11 ? 'fd' : 'hd';

sub getSCSI() {
    my @drives;
    my ($driveNum, $cdromNum, $tapeNum) = qw(0 0 0);
    my $err = sub { chop; die "unexpected line in /proc/scsi/scsi: $_"; };
    local $_;

    local *F;
    open F, "/proc/scsi/scsi" or return;
    local $_ = <F>; /^Attached devices:/ or return &$err();
    while ($_ = <F>) {
	my ($id) = /^Host:.*?Id: (\d+)/ or return &$err();
	$_ = <F>; my ($vendor, $model) = /^\s*Vendor:\s*(.*?)\s+Model:\s*(.*?)\s+Rev:/ or return &$err();
	$_ = <F>; my ($type) = /^\s*Type:\s*(.*)/ or &$err();
	my $device;
	if ($type =~ /Direct-Access/) { #- what about LS-120 floppy drive, assuming there are Direct-Access...
	    $device = "sd" . chr($driveNum++ + ord('a'));
	    $type = isFloppyOrHD($device);
	} elsif ($type =~ /Sequential-Access/) {
	    $device = "st" . $tapeNum++;
	    $type = 'tape';
	} elsif ($type =~ /CD-ROM/) {
	    $device = "scd" . $cdromNum++;
	    $type = 'cdrom';
	$device and push @drives, { device => $device, type => $type, info => "$vendor $model", id => $id, bus => 0 };

sub getIDE() {
    my @idi;

    #- what about a system with absolutely no IDE on it, like some sparc machine.
    -e "/proc/ide" or return ();

    #- Great. 2.2 kernel, things are much easier and less error prone.
    foreach my $d (sort @{[glob_('/proc/ide/hd*')]}) {
	my $t = chomp_(cat_("$d/media"));
	my $type = $ {{disk => 'hd', cdrom => 'cdrom', tape => 'tape', floppy => 'fd'}}{$t} or next;
	my $info = chomp_(cat_("$d/model")) || "(none)";

	my $num = ord (($d =~ /(.)$/)[0]) - ord 'a';
	push @idi, { type => $type, device => basename($d), info => $info, bus => $num/2, id => $num%2 };

sub getCompaqSmartArray() {
    my (@idi, $f);

    foreach ('array/ida', 'cciss/cciss') {
	my $prefix = "/proc/driver/$_"; #- kernel 2.4 places it here
	$prefix = "/proc/$_" if !-e "${prefix}0"; #- kernel 2.2

	my ($name) = m|/(.*)|;
	for (my $i = 0; -r ($f = "${prefix}$i"); $i++) {
	    foreach (cat_($f)) {
		if (m|^\s*($name/.*?):|) {
		    push @idi, { device => $1, info => "Compaq RAID logical disk", type => 'hd' };

sub getDAC960() {
    my %idi;

    #- We are looking for lines of this format:DAC960#0:
    #- /dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-7, Online, 17928192 blocks, Write Thru0123456790123456789012
    foreach (syslog()) {
	my ($device, $info) = m|/dev/(rd/.*?): (.*?),| or next;
	$idi{$device} = { info => $info, type => 'hd', device => $device };
	log::l("DAC960: $device ($info)");
    values %idi;

sub getNet() {
#      my @a;
#      foreach (@netdevices) {
#  	$::isStandalone && /plip/ and next;
#  	print (" hhhhh $_ \n");
#  	/ippp/ and run_program::rooted("", "/sbin/isdnctrl addif $_");
#  	c::hasNetDevice($_) and push @a, $_;
#      }
#      /ippp/ and run_program::rooted("", "/sbin/isdnctrl delif $_") foreach @netdevices;
#      @a;
    grep { !($::isStandalone && /plip/) && c::hasNetDevice($_) } @netdevices;

#sub getISDN() {
#    mapgrep(sub {member (($_[0] =~ /\s*(\w*):/), @netdevices), $1 }, split(/\n/, cat_("/proc/net/dev")));

sub pci_probe {
    my ($probe_type) = @_;
    map {
	my %l;
	@l{qw(vendor id subvendor subid pci_bus pci_device pci_function type driver description)} = split "\t";
	$l{$_} = hex $l{$_} foreach qw(vendor id subvendor subid);
	$l{bus} = 'PCI';
    } c::pci_probe($probe_type || 0);

sub usb_probe {
    -e "/proc/bus/usb/devices" or return ();

    map {
	my %l;
	@l{qw(vendor id type driver description)} = split "\t";
	$l{$_} = hex $l{$_} foreach qw(vendor id);
	$l{bus} = 'USB';
    } c::usb_probe();

# pci_probe with $probe_type is unsafe for pci! (bug in kernel&hardware)
# get_pcmcia_devices provides field "device", used in
# => probeall with $probe_type is unsafe
sub probeall {
    my ($probe_type) = @_;
    require sbus_probing::main;
    require modules;
    pci_probe($probe_type), usb_probe(), sbus_probing::main::probe(), modules::get_pcmcia_devices();
sub matching_desc {
    my ($regexp) = @_;
    grep { $_->{description} =~ /$regexp/i } probeall();
sub stringlist { 
    map {
	sprintf("%-16s: %s%s%s", 
		$_->{driver} ? $_->{driver} : 'unknown', 
		$_->{description} eq '(null)' ? sprintf("Vendor=0x%04x Device=0x%04x", $_->{vendor}, $_->{id}) : $_->{description},
		$_->{type} ? sprintf(" [%s]", $_->{type}) : '',
		$_->{subid} && $_->{subid} != 0xffff ? sprintf(" SubVendor=0x%04x SubDevice=0x%04x", $_->{subvendor}, $_->{subid}) : '',
    } probeall(1); 
sub check {
    my ($l) = @_;
    my $ok = $l->{driver} !~ /(unknown|ignore)/;
    $ok or log::l("skipping $l->{description}, no module available (if you know one, please mail install\");

sub tryOpen($) {
    local *F;
    sysopen F, devices::make($_[0]), c::O_NONBLOCK() and *F;

sub tryWrite($) {
    local *F;
    sysopen F, devices::make($_[0]), 1 | c::O_NONBLOCK() and *F;

sub syslog {
    -r "/tmp/syslog" and return map { /<\d+>(.*)/ } cat_("/tmp/syslog");
    `$ENV{LD_LOADER} /bin/dmesg`;

sub hasSMP { c::detectSMP() }
sub hasPCMCIA { $::o->{pcmcia} } #- because /proc/pcmcia seems not to be present on 2.4 at least (or use /var/run/stab)

#- try to detect a laptop, we assume pcmcia service is an indication of a laptop or
#- the following regexp to match graphics card apparently only used for such systems.
sub isLaptop {
    hasPCMCIA() || (matching_desc('C&T.*655[45]\d') || matching_desc('C&T.*68554') ||
		    matching_desc('Neomagic.*Magic(Media|Graph)') ||
		    matching_desc('ViRGE.MX') || matching_desc('S3.*Savage.*[IM]X') ||

sub hasUltra66 {
    die "hasUltra66 deprecated";
    #- keep it BUT DO NOT USE IT as now included in kernel.
    cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /(ide2=(\S+)(\s+ide3=(\S+))?)/ and return $1;

    my @l = map { $_->{verbatim} } matching_desc('HPT|Ultra66') or return;
    my $ide = sprintf "ide2=0x%x,0x%x ide3=0x%x,0x%x",
      @l == 2 ?
	(map_index { hex($_) + (odd($::i) ? 1 : -1) } map { (split ' ')[3..4] } @l) :
	(map_index { hex($_) + (odd($::i) ? 1 : -1) } map { (split ' ')[3..6] } @l);

    log::l("HPT|Ultra66: found $ide");

sub whatParport() {
    my @res = ();
    foreach (0..3) {
	my $elem = {};
	local *F;
	open F, "/proc/parport/$_/autoprobe" or open F, "/proc/sys/dev/parport/parport$_/autoprobe" or next;
	    local $_;
	    while (<F>) { $elem->{$1} = $2 if /(.*):(.*);/ }
	push @res, { port => "/dev/lp$_", val => $elem};

sub usbMice      { grep { $_->{type} =~ /\|Mouse/ && $_->{driver} !~ /Tablet:wacom/} usb_probe() }
sub usbWacom     { grep { $_->{driver} =~ /Tablet:wacom/ } usb_probe() }
sub usbKeyboards { grep { $_->{type} =~ /\|Keyboard/ } usb_probe() }
sub usbZips      { grep { $_->{type} =~ /Mass Storage\|/ } usb_probe() }

sub whatUsbport() {
    my ($i, $elem, @res) = (0, {});
    foreach (grep { $_->{type} =~ /Printer/ } usb_probe()) {
	my ($manufacturer, $model) = split '\|', $_->{description};
	$_->{description} =~ s/Hewlett[-\s_]Packard/HP/;
	push @res, { port => "/dev/usb/lp$i", val => { CLASS => 'PRINTER',
						       MODEL => $model,
						       MANUFACTURER => $manufacturer,
						       DESCRIPTION => $_->{description},

#-MODEL:HP LaserJet 1100;
#-DESCRIPTION:HP LaserJet 1100 Printer;
sub whatPrinter() {
    my @res = (whatParport(), whatUsbport());