package network::vpn; =head1 NAME network::vpn - VPN connection abstract class =cut use common; my $vpn_d = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/vpn.d"; =head1 CLASS METHODS =head2 Generic class methods =over =item list_types List supported VPN types =cut sub list_types { common::load_modules_from_base(__PACKAGE__); } =item get_configured_connections Return list of configured connections for this class =cut sub get_configured_connections { my ($class) = @_; map { if_(/^(.*).conf$/, $class->new($1)) } all($::prefix . $vpn_d . '/' . $class->get_type); } =item new(NAME) Create a new VPN connection object named NAME =cut sub new { my ($class, $name) = @_; bless { name => $name, }, $class; } =back =head2 Pure virtual class methods =over =item get_type Return VPN type (preferably one lowercase word) =item get_description Return description of the VPN type =item get_packages List package required for configuration =back =head1 INSTANCE METHODS =head2 Generic instance methods =over =item get_name Return name of the VPN connection =cut sub get_name { my ($connection) = @_; $connection->{name}; } =item get_label Return label of the VPN connection =cut sub get_label { my ($connection) = @_; sprintf("%s (%s)", $connection->get_name, $connection->get_type); } =item get_config_path Get configuration file path =cut sub get_config_path { my ($connection) = @_; $::prefix . $vpn_d . '/' . $connection->get_type . '/' . $connection->get_name . '.conf'; } sub _run { my ($connection, $action, @args) = @_; my @command = ('vpn-' . $action, $connection->get_type, $connection->get_name, @args); @command = common::wrap_command_for_root(@command) if $>; require run_program; run_program::rooted($::prefix, , @command); } =item start($o_in) Start the VPN connection $o_in is an interactive object used to interact with the user, used if some interactive username/passwords are required. If not specified, there is no user interaction. =cut sub start { my ($connection, $_o_in) = @_; $connection->_run('start'); } =item stop Stop the VPN connection =cut sub stop { my ($connection) = @_; $connection->_run('stop'); } =item is_started Returns true if the VPN connection is started =cut sub is_started { my ($connection) = @_; my $pid = chomp_(cat_($::prefix . '/var/run/' . $connection->get_type . '-' . $connection->get_name . '.pid')); $pid && -e '/proc/' . $pid; } =back =head2 Pure virtual instance methods =over =item read_config Read configuration from the file returned by get_config_path() =item write_config Write configuration to the file returned by get_config_path() =item get_settings Return an array ref of interactive settings =back =head2 Optional instance methods =over =item prepare Run commands or services that are required for the VPN type =back =cut 1;