path: root/bin/net_monitor
diff options
authorDexter Morgan <>2011-06-02 20:51:02 +0000
committerDexter Morgan <>2011-06-02 20:51:02 +0000
commit03f527a208b2ef57ef9765aff554f9a03fb3036c (patch)
treec01b3724b3f66f30d866ba283b7ca484c604802a /bin/net_monitor
Branch for updates
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/net_monitor')
1 files changed, 642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/net_monitor b/bin/net_monitor
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5c27f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/net_monitor
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+# NetMonitor
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Mandriva
+# Damien "Dam's" Krotkine
+# Thierry Vignaud <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
+use strict;
+# i18n: IMPORTANT: to get correct namespace (drakx-net instead of libDrakX)
+BEGIN { unshift @::textdomains, 'drakx-net' }
+use standalone; #- warning, standalone must be loaded very first, for 'explanations'
+use c;
+use interactive;
+use mygtk2 qw(gtknew gtkset);
+use ugtk2 qw(:create :helpers :wrappers);
+use common;
+use network::network;
+use network::tools;
+use POSIX;
+$ugtk2::wm_icon = "/usr/share/mcc/themes/default/net_monitor-mdk.png";
+if ("@ARGV" =~ /--status/) { print network::tools::connected(); exit(0) }
+my $force = "@ARGV" =~ /--force/;
+my $quiet = "@ARGV" =~ /--quiet/;
+my $connect = "@ARGV" =~ /--connect/;
+my $disconnect = "@ARGV" =~ /--disconnect/;
+my ($default_intf) = "@ARGV" =~ /--defaultintf (\w+)/;
+my $net = {};
+$default_intf ||= $net->{net_interface};
+if ($force) {
+ $connect and network::tools::start_interface($default_intf, 1);
+ $disconnect and network::tools::stop_interface($default_intf, 1);
+ $connect = $disconnect = 0;
+$quiet and exit(0);
+my $window1 = ugtk2->new(N("Network Monitoring"));
+$window1->{window}->signal_connect(delete_event => \&main_quit);
+unless ($::isEmbedded) {
+ $window1->{window}->set_position('center');
+ $window1->{window}->set_title(N("Network Monitoring"));
+ $window1->{window}->set_border_width(5);
+#$::isEmbedded or $window1->{window}->set_size_request(580, 320);
+my $colorr = gtkcolor(50400, 655, 20000);
+my $colort = gtkcolor(55400, 55400, 655);
+my $colora = gtkcolor(655, 50400, 655);
+my $isconnected = -1;
+my @interfaces;
+my $monitor = {};
+my $c_time = 0;
+my $ct_tag;
+my ($pixmap, $darea, $gc_lines);
+my ($width, $height) = (300, 150);
+my $left_border = 50;
+my $grid_interval = 30;
+my $arrow_space = 6;
+my $arrow_size = 5;
+my $cfg_file = $< ? "$ENV{HOME}/.net_monitorrc" : "/etc/sysconfig/net_monitorrc";
+my %config = getVarsFromSh($cfg_file);
+my $use_same_scale = text2bool($config{use_same_scale});
+ gtknew('VBox', spacing => 5, children => [
+ 1, gtknew('HBox', spacing => 5, children => [
+ 0, my $notebook = gtknew('Notebook'),
+ 1, gtknew('VBox', spacing => 5, children => [
+ 0, gtknew('Frame', text => N("Settings"), shadow_type => 'etched_out', child =>
+ gtknew('VBox', border_width => 5, children_tight => [
+ gtknew('HBox', border_width => 5, children_tight => [
+ N("Default connection: "),
+ my $label_cnx_type = gtknew('Label', text => "") ]),
+ my $button_connect = gtknew('Button', text => N("Wait please"), sensitive => 0, clicked => \&connection),
+ ]),
+ ),
+ 1, gtknew('Frame', text => N("Global statistics"), shadow_type => 'etched_out', child =>
+ gtknew('VBox', border_width => 5, children_tight => [
+ gtknew('Table', col_spacings => 1, row_spacings => 5, homogeneous => 1, children => [
+ [ gtknew('Label', text => ""), gtknew('Label', text => N("Instantaneous")) , gtknew('Label', text => N("Average")) ],
+ [ gtknew('WrappedLabel', text => N("Sending\nspeed:")), my $label_st = gtknew('Label', text => ""), my $label_sta = gtknew('Label', text => N("unknown")) ],
+ [ gtknew('WrappedLabel', text => N("Receiving\nspeed:")), my $label_sr = gtknew('Label', text => ""), my $label_sra = gtknew('Label', text => N("unknown")) ],
+ ]),
+ gtknew('HSeparator'),
+ gtknew('HBox', border_width => 5, children_loose => [
+ N("Connection time: "),
+ my $label_ct = gtknew('Label', text => N("unknown")),
+ ]),
+ ])
+ ),
+ ])
+ ]),
+ 0, gtksignal_connect(gtkset_active(gtknew('CheckButton', text => N("Use same scale for received and transmitted")), $use_same_scale), clicked => sub { $use_same_scale = !$use_same_scale }),
+ 0, gtknew('HButtonBox', layout => 'edge', children_loose => [
+ my $button_close = gtknew('Button', text => N("Close"), clicked => \&main_quit),
+ ]),
+ 0, my $statusbar = Gtk2::Statusbar->new
+ ]),
+my $gct = Gtk2::Gdk::GC->new($window1->{window}->window);
+my $gcr = Gtk2::Gdk::GC->new($window1->{window}->window);
+my $gca = Gtk2::Gdk::GC->new($window1->{window}->window);
+$statusbar->push(1, N("Wait please, testing your connection..."));
+# make sure widgets got realized before any event callback is called (#36537):
+my $time_tag1 = Glib::Timeout->add(1000, \&rescan);
+my $time_tag2 = Glib::Timeout->add(1000, \&update);
+gtkflush() while $isconnected == -2 || $isconnected == -1;
+$time_tag2 = Glib::Timeout->add(5000, \&update);
+connection() if $connect && !$isconnected || $disconnect && $isconnected;
+my $tool_pid;
+$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
+ my $child_pid;
+ do {
+ $child_pid = waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG);
+ if ($tool_pid eq $child_pid) {
+ undef $tool_pid;
+ $button_close->set_sensitive(1);
+ }
+ } while $child_pid > 0;
+my $during_connection;
+my $first;
+sub main_quit() {
+ foreach my $timeout ($time_tag1, $time_tag2) {
+ Glib::Source->remove($timeout) if $timeout;
+ }
+ $config{use_same_scale} = bool2yesno($use_same_scale);
+ setVarsInSh($cfg_file, \%config);
+ ugtk2->exit(0);
+sub getcurrentintf {
+ my $currp = $notebook->get_current_page;
+ foreach (@interfaces) {
+ my $intf = $_;
+ return $intf if ($monitor->{$intf}{page} == $currp)
+ }
+sub intf_reset {
+ # resets counters for currently selected tab
+ my $intf = getcurrentintf;
+ if (defined $intf) {
+ $monitor->{$intf}{totalt} = 0;
+ $monitor->{$intf}{totalr} = 0;
+ }
+sub connection() {
+ $during_connection = 1;
+ my $wasconnected = $isconnected;
+ $button_connect->set_sensitive(0);
+ $button_close->set_sensitive(0);
+ $statusbar->pop(1);
+ $statusbar->push(1, $wasconnected ? N("Disconnecting from Internet ") : N("Connecting to Internet "));
+ if ($wasconnected == 0) {
+ $c_time = time();
+ $ct_tag = Glib::Timeout->add(1000, sub {
+ my ($sec, $min, $hour) = gmtime(time() - $c_time);
+ my $e = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec);
+ gtkset($label_ct, text => $e); 1 });
+ }
+ my $nb_point = 1;
+ $first = 1;
+ my $_tag = Glib::Timeout->add(1000, sub {
+ $statusbar->pop(1);
+ $statusbar->push(1, ($wasconnected == 1 ? N("Disconnecting from Internet ") : N("Connecting to Internet "))
+ . join('', map { "." } (1..$nb_point)));
+ $nb_point++;
+ if ($nb_point < 4) { return 1 }
+ my $ret = 1;
+ my $isconnect = test_connected(0);
+ if ($nb_point < 20) {
+ if ($first == 1) { # first time
+ if ($isconnect == -2) { # wait for last test to finish
+ test_connected(2); # not yet terminated, try to cancel it
+ return 1;
+ }
+ test_connected(1); # initiates new connection test
+ $first = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ($isconnect == -2) { return 1 } # no result yet, wait.
+ if ($isconnect == $wasconnected) {
+ # we got a test result; but the connection state did not change; retry.
+ test_connected(1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # either we got a result, or we timed out.
+ if ($isconnect != -2 || $nb_point > 20) {
+ $isconnected = $isconnect;
+ $ret = 0;
+ $statusbar->pop(1);
+ $statusbar->push(1, $wasconnected ? ($isconnected ?
+ N("Disconnection from Internet failed.") :
+ N("Disconnection from Internet complete.")) :
+ ($isconnected ?
+ N("Connection complete.") :
+ N("Connection failed.\nVerify your configuration in the Mageia Linux Control Center."))
+ );
+ # remove the connection time timer if connection is down or failed
+ $isconnected or Glib::Source->remove($ct_tag);
+ my $delay = 1000;
+ # keep the message displayed longer if there is a problem.
+ if ($isconnected == $wasconnected) { $delay = 5000 }
+ my $_tag3 = Glib::Timeout->add($delay, sub {
+ $button_connect->set_sensitive(1);
+ $button_close->set_sensitive(1);
+ undef $during_connection;
+ update();
+ return 0;
+ });
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ });
+ gtkflush();
+ print ("Action on " . getcurrentintf() . "\n");
+ $tool_pid =
+ $wasconnected == 1
+ ? network::tools::stop_interface(getcurrentintf(), 1)
+ : network::tools::start_interface(getcurrentintf(), 1);
+sub graph_window_width() { $width - $left_border }
+sub rescan() {
+ get_val();
+ foreach (@interfaces) {
+ my $intf = $_;
+ my $recv = $monitor->{$intf}{val}[0];
+ my $transmit = $monitor->{$intf}{val}[8];
+ my $refr = $monitor->{$intf}{referencer};
+ my $reft = $monitor->{$intf}{referencet};
+ my $diffr = $recv - $refr;
+ my $difft = $transmit - $reft;
+ # prevent for case 32 bits or 64 bits unsigned value of /proc (if rotate to zero)
+ if ($diffr < 0) {
+ if ($refr < 2**32) { # transition (2^32 - 1) to 0
+ $diffr += 2**32
+ } else { $diffr += 2**64 } # transition (2^64 - 1) to 0
+ # { $diffr = 0; $monitor->{$intf}{totalr} = 0 } # Alternatively, if bug for very big number in perl
+ };
+ # prevent for case 32 bits or 64 bits unsigned value of /proc (if rotate to zero)
+ if ($difft < 0) {
+ if ($reft < 2**32) { # transition (2^32 - 1) to 0
+ $difft += 2**32
+ } else { $difft += 2**64 } # transition (2^64 - 1) to 0
+ # { $difft = 0; $monitor->{$intf}{totalt} = 0 } # Alternatively, if bug for very big number in perl
+ };
+ $monitor->{$intf}{totalr} += $diffr;
+ $monitor->{$intf}{totalt} += $difft;
+ $monitor->{sr} += $diffr;
+ $monitor->{st} += $difft;
+ $monitor->{$intf}{recva} += $diffr;
+ $monitor->{$intf}{recvan}++;
+ if ($monitor->{$intf}{recvan} > 9) {
+ push(@{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_ra}}, $monitor->{$intf}{recva}/10);
+ $monitor->{$intf}{recva} = $monitor->{$intf}{recvan} = 0;
+ } else { push(@{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_ra}}, -1) }
+ shift @{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_ra}} if @{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_ra}} > graph_window_width();
+ push(@{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_r}}, $diffr);
+ shift @{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_r}} if @{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_r}} > graph_window_width();
+ $monitor->{$intf}{labelr}->set_label(formatXiB($monitor->{$intf}{totalr}));
+ $monitor->{$intf}{referencer} = $recv;
+ $monitor->{$intf}{transmita} += $difft;
+ $monitor->{$intf}{transmitan}++;
+ if ($monitor->{$intf}{transmitan} > 9) {
+ push(@{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_ta}}, $monitor->{$intf}{transmita}/10);
+ $monitor->{$intf}{transmita} = $monitor->{$intf}{transmitan} = 0;
+ } else { push(@{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_ta}}, -1) }
+ shift @{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_ta}} if @{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_ta}} > graph_window_width();
+ push(@{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_t}}, $difft);
+ shift @{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_t}} if @{$monitor->{$intf}{stack_t}} > graph_window_width();
+ $monitor->{$intf}{labelt}->set_label(formatXiB($monitor->{$intf}{totalt}));
+ $monitor->{$intf}{referencet} = $transmit;
+ draw_monitor($monitor->{$intf}, $intf);
+ }
+ gtkset($label_sr, text => formatXiB($monitor->{sr}) . "/s");
+ gtkset($label_st, text => formatXiB($monitor->{st}) . "/s");
+ $monitor->{sra} += $monitor->{sr};
+ $monitor->{sta} += $monitor->{st};
+ $monitor->{nba}++;
+ if ($monitor->{nba} > 9) {
+ gtkset($label_sra, text => formatXiB($monitor->{sra}/10) . "/s");
+ gtkset($label_sta, text => formatXiB($monitor->{sta}/10) . "/s");
+ $monitor->{sra} = 0;
+ $monitor->{sta} = 0;
+ $monitor->{nba} = 0;
+ }
+ gtkset($label_cnx_type, text => N("%s (%s)", translate($net->{type}), $net->{net_interface}));
+ $monitor->{$_} = 0 foreach 'sr', 'st';
+ 1;
+sub get_val() {
+ my $a = cat_("/proc/net/dev");
+ $a =~ s/^.*?\n.*?\n//;
+ $a =~ s/^\s*lo:.*?\n//;
+ my @line = split(/\n/, $a);
+ require detect_devices;
+ my @net_devices = detect_devices::get_net_interfaces();
+ map {
+ s/\s*(\w*)://;
+ my $intf = $1;
+ if (member($intf, @net_devices)) {
+ $monitor->{$intf}{val} = [ split() ];
+ $monitor->{$intf}{intf} = $intf;
+ $intf;
+ } else { () }
+ } @line;
+sub change_color {
+ my ($color) = @_;
+ my $dialog = _create_dialog(N("Color configuration"));
+ $dialog->vbox->add(my $colorsel = Gtk2::ColorSelection->new);
+ $colorsel->set_current_color($color);
+ $dialog->add_button(N("Cancel"), 'cancel');
+ $dialog->add_button(N("Ok"), 'ok');
+ $dialog->show_all;
+ if ($dialog->run eq 'ok') {
+ $color = $colorsel->get_current_color;
+ }
+ $dialog->destroy;
+ $color;
+my ($scale_r, $scale_t);
+$scale_r = $scale_t = $height;
+sub scale_tranmistted($) { $_[0] * $scale_t }
+sub scale_received($) { $_[0] * $scale_r }
+sub color_button {
+ my ($gc, $color) = @_;
+ gtknew('Button', relief => 'none', clicked => sub {
+ $color = change_color($color);
+ $gc->set_rgb_fg_color($color);
+ $_[0]->queue_draw;
+ },
+ child => gtksignal_connect(gtkshow(gtksize(gtkset(Gtk2::DrawingArea->new, width => 10, height => 10), 10, 10)),
+ expose_event => sub { $_[0]->window->draw_rectangle($gc, 1, 0, 0, 10, 10) })
+ );
+sub update() {
+ if (!$during_connection) {
+ my $isconnect = test_connected(0);
+ if ($isconnect != -2) {
+ $isconnected = $isconnect; # save current state
+ $isconnect = test_connected(1); # start new test
+ }
+ }
+ my @intfs = get_val(); # get values from /proc file system
+ foreach (@intfs) {
+ my $intf = $_;
+ if (!member($intf,@interfaces)) {
+ $default_intf ||= $intf;
+ $monitor->{$intf}{initialr} = $monitor->{$intf}{val}[0];
+ $monitor->{$intf}{initialt} = $monitor->{$intf}{val}[8];
+ $monitor->{$intf}{totalr} = 0;
+ $monitor->{$intf}{totalt} = 0;
+ $darea->{$intf} = Gtk2::DrawingArea->new;
+ $darea->{$intf}->set_events(["pointer_motion_mask"]);
+ $notebook->append_page(gtkshow(my $page = gtknew('VBox', children => [
+ 0, gtknew('HBox', border_width => 5, children_tight => [
+ gtksize($darea->{$intf}, $width, $height) ]),
+ 0, gtknew('HBox', children => [
+ 1, gtknew('VBox', children_tight => [
+ gtknew('HBox', spacing => 5, border_width => 5, children_tight => [
+ color_button($gct, $colort),
+ N("sent: "), $monitor->{$intf}{labelt} = gtknew('Label', text => "0") ]),
+ gtknew('HBox', spacing => 5, border_width => 5, children_tight => [
+ color_button($gcr, $colorr),
+ N("received: "), $monitor->{$intf}{labelr} = gtknew('Label', text => "0") ]),
+ gtknew('HBox', spacing => 5, border_width => 5, children_tight => [
+ color_button($gca, $colora),
+ N("average") ]),
+ gtknew('Button', text => N("Reset counters"), sensitive => 1, clicked => sub { intf_reset })
+ ]),
+ 0, gtknew('VBox', border_width => 5, children_tight => [
+ gtknew('Frame', text => N("Local measure"), shadow_type => 'etched_out', child =>
+ gtknew('VBox', border_width => 5, children_tight => [
+ gtknew('HBox', children_tight => [
+ N("sent: "),
+ my $measure_t = gtknew('Label', text => "0")
+ ]),
+ gtknew('HBox', children_tight => [
+ N("received: "),
+ my $measure_r = gtknew('Label', text => "0")
+ ])
+ ])
+ )
+ ])
+ ])
+ ])),
+ gtknew('Label', text => $intf));
+ $monitor->{$intf}{page} = $notebook->page_num($page);
+ $darea->{$intf}->realize;
+ $pixmap->{$intf} = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixmap->new($darea->{$intf}->window, $width, $height, $darea->{$intf}->window->get_depth);
+ $monitor->{$intf}{referencer} = $monitor->{$intf}{val}[0];
+ $monitor->{$intf}{referencet} = $monitor->{$intf}{val}[8];
+ $pixmap->{$intf}->draw_rectangle($darea->{$intf}->style->black_gc, 1, 0, 0, $width, $height);
+ $darea->{$intf}->signal_connect(motion_notify_event => sub {
+ my (undef, $e) = @_;
+ my $x = $e->x - 50;
+ my $received = $x >= 0 ? $monitor->{$intf}{stack_r}[$x] : 0;
+ my $transmitted = $x >= 0 ? $monitor->{$intf}{stack_t}[$x] : 0;
+ gtkset($measure_r, text => formatXiB($received));
+ gtkset($measure_t, text => formatXiB($transmitted));
+ });
+ $darea->{$intf}->signal_connect(expose_event => sub {
+ return if !$darea->{$intf}->window;
+ $darea->{$intf}->window->draw_drawable($darea->{$intf}->style->bg_gc('normal'), $pixmap->{$intf}, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
+ });
+ $gc_lines->{$intf} = Gtk2::Gdk::GC->new($darea->{$intf}->window);
+ $gc_lines->{$intf}->set_foreground($darea->{$intf}->style->white);
+ $gc_lines->{$intf}->set_line_attributes(1, 'on-off-dash', 'not-last', 'round');
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (@interfaces) {
+ my $intf = $_;
+ $notebook->remove_page($monitor->{$intf}{page}) unless member($intf,@intfs);
+ }
+ if (@intfs && !@interfaces) {
+ #- select the default interface at start
+ for (my $num_p = 0; $num_p < $notebook->get_n_pages; $num_p++) {
+ if ($notebook->get_tab_label_text($notebook->get_nth_page($num_p)) eq $default_intf) {
+ $notebook->set_current_page($num_p);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @interfaces = @intfs;
+ if ($isconnected != -2 && $isconnected != -1 && !$during_connection) {
+ if ($isconnected == 1 && !in_ifconfig($net->{net_interface})) {
+ $isconnected = 0;
+ $statusbar->pop(1);
+ $statusbar->push(1, N("Warning, another internet connection has been detected, maybe using your network"));
+ } else {
+ #- translators : $net->{type} is the type of network connection (modem, adsl...)
+ $statusbar->pop(1);
+ $statusbar->push(1, $isconnected == 1 ? N("Connected") : N("Not connected"));
+ }
+ $button_connect->set_sensitive(1);
+ $button_connect->set("label", $isconnected == 1 ? N("Disconnect %s", translate($net->{type})) : N("Connect %s", $net->{type}));
+ }
+ unless ($default_intf || @interfaces) {
+ $button_connect->set_sensitive(0);
+ $button_connect->set("label", N("No internet connection configured"));
+ }
+ 1;
+sub in_ifconfig {
+ my ($intf) = @_;
+ -x '/sbin/ifconfig' or return 1;
+ $intf eq '' and return 1;
+ `/sbin/ifconfig` =~ /$intf/;
+sub draw_monitor {
+ my ($o, $intf) = @_;
+ defined $darea->{$intf} or return;
+ my $gcl = $gc_lines->{$intf};
+ my $pixmap = $pixmap->{$intf};
+ my $gc = $darea->{$intf}->style->white_gc;
+ # fix race on ugtk2->exit that causes a crash (#33023)
+ return 0 if !$gc;
+ $pixmap->draw_rectangle($darea->{$intf}->style->black_gc, 1, 0, 0, $width, $height);
+ my $maxr = 0;
+ foreach (@{$o->{stack_r}}) { $maxr = $_ if $_ > $maxr }
+ my $maxt = 0;
+ foreach (@{$o->{stack_t}}) { $maxt = $_ if $_ > $maxt }
+ my ($graph_maxr, $graph_maxt);
+ if ($use_same_scale) {
+ $graph_maxr = $graph_maxt = ($maxr + $maxt)/2;
+ } else {
+ $graph_maxr = $maxr;
+ $graph_maxt = $maxt;
+ }
+ $scale_r = ($height/2) / max($graph_maxr, 1);
+ $scale_t = ($height/2) / max($graph_maxt, 1);
+ my $step = $left_border - 1;
+ foreach (@{$o->{stack_t}}) {
+ $pixmap->draw_rectangle($gct, 1, $step, 0, 1, scale_tranmistted($_));
+ $step++;
+ }
+ $step = $left_border - 1;
+ my ($av1, $av2, $last_a);
+ foreach (@{$o->{stack_ta}}) {
+ if ($_ != -1) {
+ if (!defined $av1) { $av1 = $_ } else { defined $av2 or $av2 = $_ }
+ if ($av1 && $av2) {
+ $pixmap->draw_line($gca, $step-15, scale_tranmistted($av1), $step-5, scale_tranmistted($av2));
+ $av1 = $av2;
+ undef $av2;
+ $last_a = $step - $left_border + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $step++;
+ }
+ $step = $left_border - 1;
+ foreach (@{$o->{stack_r}}) {
+ $pixmap->draw_rectangle($gcr, 1, $step, $height-scale_received($_), 1, scale_received($_));
+ $step++;
+ }
+ $step = $left_border - 1;
+ $av1 = $av2 = undef;
+ foreach (@{$o->{stack_ra}}) {
+ if ($_ != -1) {
+ if (!defined $av1) { $av1 = $_ } else { defined $av2 or $av2 = $_ }
+ if (defined $av1 && defined $av2) {
+ $pixmap->draw_line($gca, $step-15, $height-scale_received($av1), $step-5, $height-scale_received($av2));
+ $av1 = $av2;
+ undef $av2;
+ }
+ }
+ $step++;
+ }
+ my ($pix_maxr, $pix_maxt);
+ if ($last_a) {
+ $pix_maxr = $height - scale_received(@{$o->{stack_ra}}[$last_a]);
+ $pix_maxt = scale_tranmistted(@{$o->{stack_ta}}[$last_a]);
+ } else {
+ $pix_maxr = $height - scale_received(@{$o->{stack_r}}[@{$o->{stack_r}}-1]);
+ $pix_maxt = scale_tranmistted(@{$o->{stack_t}}[@{$o->{stack_t}}-1]);
+ }
+ my $x_l = $arrow_size + 1;
+ my $y_l;
+ #- "transmitted" arrow
+ $y_l = max($arrow_space, min($pix_maxt, $pix_maxr - 2*$arrow_size - $arrow_space));
+ $pixmap->draw_line($gct, $x_l, 0, $x_l, $y_l);
+ $pixmap->draw_line($gct, $x_l-1, 0, $x_l-1, $y_l);
+ $pixmap->draw_line($gct, $x_l+1, 0, $x_l+1, $y_l);
+ $pixmap->draw_polygon($gct, 1, $x_l-$arrow_size, $y_l, $x_l+$arrow_size, $y_l, $x_l, $y_l+$arrow_size);
+ #- "received" arrow
+ $y_l = min($height - $arrow_space, max($pix_maxr, $y_l + 2*$arrow_size + $arrow_space));
+ $pixmap->draw_line($gcr, $x_l, $height, $x_l, $y_l);
+ $pixmap->draw_line($gcr, $x_l-1, $height, $x_l-1, $y_l);
+ $pixmap->draw_line($gcr, $x_l+1, $height, $x_l+1, $y_l);
+ $pixmap->draw_polygon($gcr, 1, $x_l-$arrow_size, $y_l, $x_l+$arrow_size, $y_l, $x_l, $y_l-$arrow_size);
+ for (my $i = $grid_interval; $i <= $height - $grid_interval; $i += $grid_interval) {
+ $pixmap->draw_line($gcl, $left_border, $i, $width, $i);
+ my ($gc2, $text);
+ if ($i > max($grid_interval, $use_same_scale ? $pix_maxt : $height/2)) {
+ $text = formatXiB(($height-$i)/$scale_r);
+ $gc2 = $gcr;
+ } else {
+ $text = formatXiB($i/$scale_t);
+ $gc2 = $gct;
+ }
+ $pixmap->draw_layout($gc2, 45-string_width($darea->{$intf}, $text), $i-5, $darea->{$intf}->create_pango_layout($text));
+ }
+ $darea->{$intf}->queue_draw;
+sub test_connected {
+ my ($arg) = @_;
+ $::testing || network::tools::test_connected($arg);