# translation of drakx-kbd-mouse-x11.po to Euskara
# EUSKARA: Mandriva Linux translation.
# Copyright (C) 2002,2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi <xalba@euskalnet.net>, 2001-2002,2003,2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009.
# Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetza <hizpol@ej-gv.es>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: drakx-kbd-mouse-x11\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-05 03:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-10-31 12:51+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi <xalba@euskalnet.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <kde-i18n-doc@kde.org>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Lokalize 0.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:20
#, c-format
msgid "256 kB"
msgstr "256 kB"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:21
#, c-format
msgid "512 kB"
msgstr "512 kB"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:22
#, c-format
msgid "1 MB"
msgstr "1 MB"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:23
#, c-format
msgid "2 MB"
msgstr "2 MB"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:24
#, c-format
msgid "4 MB"
msgstr "4 MB"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:25
#, c-format
msgid "8 MB"
msgstr "8 MB"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:26
#, c-format
msgid "16 MB"
msgstr "16 MB"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:27
#, c-format
msgid "32 MB"
msgstr "32 MB"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:28
#, c-format
msgid "64 MB or more"
msgstr "64 MB edo gehiago"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:176
#, c-format
msgid "X server"
msgstr "X zerbitzaria"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:177
#, c-format
msgid "Choose an X server"
msgstr "Aukeratu X zerbitzari bat"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:208
#, c-format
msgid "Multi-head configuration"
msgstr "Buru anitzeko konfigurazioa"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:209
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your system supports multiple head configuration.\n"
"What do you want to do?"
msgstr ""
"Zure sistemak buru anitzeko konfigurazioa onartzen du.\n"
"Zer egin nahi duzu?"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:298
#, c-format
msgid "Select the memory size of your graphics card"
msgstr "Hautatu zure txartel grafikoaren memoria kopurua"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:323
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There is a proprietary driver available for your video card which may "
"support additional features.\n"
"Do you wish to use it?"
msgstr ""
"Zure bideo txartelarentzat gidari propietario bat dago ezaugarri gehiago "
"onar ditzakeena.\n"
"Hura erabili nahi duzu?"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:355
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The proprietary driver was not properly installed, defaulting to free "
"software driver."
msgstr ""
"Gidari propietarioa ez da era egokian instalatu, software askeko gidari "
"lehenetsia erabiltzen."

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:425
#, c-format
msgid "Configure all heads independently"
msgstr "Buru guztiak independenteki konfiguratu"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:426
#, c-format
msgid "Use Xinerama extension"
msgstr "Erabili Xinerama luzapena"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/card.pm:431
#, c-format
msgid "Configure only card \"%s\"%s"
msgstr "\"%s\"%s txartela bakarrik konfiguratu"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:92 ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:93
#: ../lib/Xconfig/monitor.pm:137
#, c-format
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Pertsonalizatua"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:127
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic Card & Monitor Configuration"
msgstr "Txartel grafiko eta monitorearen konfiguraketa"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:128
#, c-format
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Irten"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:130
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic Card"
msgstr "Txartel grafikoa"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:133 ../lib/Xconfig/monitor.pm:131
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: This is a display device\n"
msgstr "Monitorea"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:136 ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:371
#, c-format
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Bereizmena"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:139
#, c-format
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Probatu"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:144
#, c-format
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Aukerak"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:149
#, c-format
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Pluginak"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:183
#, c-format
msgid "Your Xorg configuration file is broken, we will ignore it."
msgstr ""
"Zure Xorg konfigurazio fitxategia hondatuta dago, baztertu egingo dugu."

#: ../lib/Xconfig/main.pm:201
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Keep the changes?\n"
"The current configuration is:\n"
msgstr ""
"Aldaketak gorde?\n"
"Uneko konfigurazioa:\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/monitor.pm:132
#, c-format
msgid "Choose a monitor for head #%d"
msgstr "Aukeratu monitorea bat %d. buruarentzako"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/monitor.pm:132
#, c-format
msgid "Choose a monitor"
msgstr "Aukeratu monitorea"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/monitor.pm:138
#, c-format
msgid "Plug'n Play"
msgstr "Plug'n Play"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/monitor.pm:139 ../lib/mouse.pm:48
#, c-format
msgid "Generic"
msgstr "Generikoa"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/monitor.pm:140
#, c-format
msgid "Vendor"
msgstr "Hornitzailea"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/monitor.pm:158
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The two critical parameters are the vertical refresh rate, which is the "
"at which the whole screen is refreshed, and most importantly the horizontal\n"
"sync rate, which is the rate at which scanlines are displayed.\n"
"It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not specify a monitor type with a sync "
"that is beyond the capabilities of your monitor: you may damage your "
" If in doubt, choose a conservative setting."
msgstr ""
"Bi parametro kritikoak freskatze-maiztasun bertikala eta sinkronizazio-"
"horizontala dira. Lehenengoak pantaila osoa freskatzeko maiztasuna \n"
"zehazten du, eta bigarrenak lerroak garbitu eta bistaratzekoa.\n"
"OSO GARRANTZITSUA da zure monitoreak onar dezakeena baino sinkronizazio-"
"balio \n"
"handiagoko monitorerik ez zehaztea: monitorea honda dezakezu.\n"
" Zalantzarik baduzu, aukeratu ezarpen kontserbadore bat."

#: ../lib/Xconfig/monitor.pm:165
#, c-format
msgid "Horizontal refresh rate"
msgstr "Freskatze-maiztasun horizontala"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/monitor.pm:166
#, c-format
msgid "Vertical refresh rate"
msgstr "Freskatze-maiztasun bertikala"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/plugins.pm:219
#, c-format
msgid "Choose plugins"
msgstr "Aukeratu pluginak"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/proprietary.pm:60
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The free '%s' driver for your graphics card requires a proprietary firmware "
"package '%s' to be installed, but it was not available on the enabled "
"The basic non-accelerated '%s' driver will be configured instead.\n"
"To enable full graphics support later, enable the 'nonfree' repository "
"section at \"Install and remove software\" and reconfigure the graphics "
"driver by going to \"Set up the graphical server\" at Mageia Control Center "
"and re-selecting your graphics card."
msgstr ""

#: ../lib/Xconfig/proprietary.pm:67
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The free '%s' driver for your graphics card requires a proprietary firmware "
"package '%s' to be installed in order for all features (including 3D "
"acceleration) to work properly, but that package was not available in the "
"enabled media.\n"
"To enable all graphics card features later, enable the 'nonfree' repository "
"section at \"Install and remove software\" and install the firmware package "
"manually or reconfigure your graphics card."
msgstr ""

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:10
#, c-format
msgid "256 colors (8 bits)"
msgstr "256 kolore (8 bit)"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:11
#, c-format
msgid "32 thousand colors (15 bits)"
msgstr "32 mila kolore (15 bit)"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:12
#, c-format
msgid "65 thousand colors (16 bits)"
msgstr "65 mila kolore (16 bit)"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:13
#, c-format
msgid "16 million colors (24 bits)"
msgstr "16 milioi kolore (24 bit)"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:75
#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:362 ../lib/mouse.pm:36
#, c-format
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatikoa"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:133
#, c-format
msgid "Resolutions"
msgstr "Bereizmenak"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:394 ../lib/mouse.pm:513
#, c-format
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Bestelakoak"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:446
#, c-format
msgid "Choose the resolution and the color depth"
msgstr "Aukeratu bereizmena eta kolorearen sakonera"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:447
#, c-format
msgid "Graphics card: %s"
msgstr "Txartel grafikoa: %s"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:461
#, c-format
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ados"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:461
#, c-format
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Utzi"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/resolution_and_depth.pm:461
#, c-format
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Laguntza"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/test.pm:30
#, c-format
msgid "Test of the configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurazioaren proba"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/test.pm:31
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to test the configuration?"
msgstr "Konfigurazioa probatu nahi duzu?"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/test.pm:31
#, c-format
msgid "Warning: testing this graphic card may freeze your computer"
msgstr "Abisua: txartel grafiko hau probatzean ordenagailua blokea daiteke"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/test.pm:65
#, c-format
msgid ""
"An error occurred:\n"
"Try to change some parameters"
msgstr ""
"Errorea gertatu da:\n"
"Saiatu parametro batzuk aldatuta"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/test.pm:126
#, c-format
msgid "Leaving in %d seconds"
msgstr "%d segundo barru irtengo da"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/test.pm:126
#, c-format
msgid "Is this the correct setting?"
msgstr "Ezarpen hau zuzena da?"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:26
#, c-format
msgid "Disable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace: %s\n"
msgstr "Ezgaitu Ktrl-Alt-Atzera: %s\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:26
#, c-format
msgid "no"
msgstr "ez"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:26
#, c-format
msgid "yes"
msgstr "bai"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:27
#, c-format
msgid "3D hardware acceleration: %s\n"
msgstr "3D hardware azelerazioa: %s\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:28
#, c-format
msgid "Keyboard layout: %s\n"
msgstr "Teklatu-diseinua: %s\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:29
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse type: %s\n"
msgstr "Sagu-mota: %s\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:31
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor: %s\n"
msgstr "Monitorea: %s\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:32
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor HorizSync: %s\n"
msgstr "Monitorearen sinkronizazio horizontala: %s\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:33
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor VertRefresh: %s\n"
msgstr "Monitorearen freskatze bertikala: %s\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:35
#, c-format
msgid "Graphics card: %s\n"
msgstr "Txartel grafikoa: %s\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:36
#, c-format
msgid "Graphics memory: %s kB\n"
msgstr "Grafiko-memoria: %s kB\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:38
#, c-format
msgid "Color depth: %s\n"
msgstr "Kolorearen sakonera: %s\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:39
#, c-format
msgid "Resolution: %s\n"
msgstr "Bereizmena: %s\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:41
#, c-format
msgid "Xorg driver: %s\n"
msgstr "Xorg kontrolatzailea: %s\n"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:244
#, c-format
msgid "Xorg configuration"
msgstr "Xorg konfigurazioa"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:245
#, c-format
msgid "Global options"
msgstr "Aukera orokorrak"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:246
#, c-format
msgid "Disable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace"
msgstr "Ezgaitu Ktrl-Alt-Atzera"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:248
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic card options"
msgstr "Txartel grafikoaren aukerak"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:249
#, c-format
msgid "Enable Translucency (Composite extension)"
msgstr "Gaitu zeharrargitasuna (Composite luzapena)"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:252
#, c-format
msgid "Use hardware accelerated mouse pointer"
msgstr "Erabili hardwar bitartez azeleratutako sagu erakuslea"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:255
#, c-format
msgid "Enable RENDER Acceleration (this may cause bugs displaying text)"
msgstr ""
"Gaitu RENDER azelerazioa (honek testuak erakusterakoan akatsak sortu ditzake)"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:259
#, c-format
msgid "Enable duplicate display on the external monitor"
msgstr "Gaitu bistaratze bikoiztua kanpoko monitorean"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:260
#, c-format
msgid "Enable duplicate display on the second display"
msgstr "Gaitu bistaratze bikoiztua bigarren pantailan"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:263
#, c-format
msgid "Force display mode of DVI"
msgstr "Behartu DVI-ren bistaratze modua"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:266
#, c-format
msgid "Enable BIOS hotkey for external monitor switching"
msgstr "Gaitu BIOS laster-teklak kanpoko monitorearekin trukatzeko"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:269
#, c-format
msgid "Use EXA instead of XAA (better performance for Render and Composite)"
msgstr "Erabili EXA XAA ordez (Render eta Compositerentzat performatzia hobea)"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:271
#, c-format
msgid "Graphical interface at startup"
msgstr "Interfaze grafikoa abioan"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:272
#, c-format
msgid "Automatically start the graphical interface (Xorg) upon booting"
msgstr "Automatikoki abiatu interfaze grafikoa (Xorg) abiatzerakoan"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:284
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your graphic card seems to have a TV-OUT connector.\n"
"It can be configured to work using frame-buffer.\n"
"For this you have to plug your graphic card to your TV before booting your "
"Then choose the \"TVout\" entry in the bootloader\n"
"Do you have this feature?"
msgstr ""
"Badirudi zure txartel grafikoak TV-OUT konektorea duela.\n"
"Frame-buffer erabiliz funtzionatzeko konfigura daiteke.\n"
"Horretarako, txartel grafikoa telebistarekin konektatu behar duzu, "
"ordenagailua abiarazi aurretik.\n"
"Ondoren, hautatu \"TVout\" sarrera abioko kargatzailean\n"
"Baduzu eginbide hori?"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/various.pm:296
#, c-format
msgid "What norm is your TV using?"
msgstr "Zein arau erabiltzen du zure telebistak?"

#: ../lib/Xconfig/xfree.pm:765
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_:weird aspect ratio\n"
msgstr "beste bat"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:187 ../lib/keyboard.pm:220
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Czech (QWERTZ)"
msgstr "txekiarra (QWERTZ)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:188 ../lib/keyboard.pm:222
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "alemana"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:189
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Dvorak"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:190 ../lib/keyboard.pm:234
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "espainiarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:191 ../lib/keyboard.pm:235
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "finlandiarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:192 ../lib/keyboard.pm:237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "frantsesa"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:193 ../lib/keyboard.pm:238
#, c-format
msgid "UK keyboard"
msgstr "Erresuma Batuko teklatua"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:194 ../lib/keyboard.pm:277
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "norvegiarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:195
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "poloniarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:196 ../lib/keyboard.pm:287
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "errusiarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:197 ../lib/keyboard.pm:289
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "suediarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:198 ../lib/keyboard.pm:324
#, c-format
msgid "US keyboard"
msgstr "Estatu Batuetako teklatua"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:200
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "albaniarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:201
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Armenian (old)"
msgstr "armeniarra (zaharra)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:202
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Armenian (typewriter)"
msgstr "armeniarra (idazmakina)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:203
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Armenian (phonetic)"
msgstr "armeniarra (fonetikoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:204
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "arabiarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:205
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "estoniarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:206
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Azerbaidjani (latin)"
msgstr "azerbaijandarra (latinoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:207
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "belgikarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:208
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Bengali (Inscript-layout)"
msgstr "bengaliarra (Inscript-diseinua)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:209
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Bengali (Probhat)"
msgstr "bengaliarra (Probhat-diseinua)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:210
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Bulgarian (phonetic)"
msgstr "bulgariarra (fonetikoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:211
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Bulgarian (BDS)"
msgstr "bulgariarra (BDS)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:212
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Brazilian (ABNT-2)"
msgstr "brasildarra (ABNT-2)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:213
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "bosniarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:214
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Dzongkha/Tibetarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:215
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "bielorrusiarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:216
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Swiss (German layout)"
msgstr "suitzarra (diseinu alemana)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:217
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Swiss (French layout)"
msgstr "suitzarra (diseinu frantsesa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:219
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Cherokee syllabics"
msgstr "Cherokee silabikoa"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:221
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Czech (QWERTY)"
msgstr "Txekiarra (QWERTY)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:223
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"German (no dead keys)"
msgstr "Alemana (letra zaharkiturik ez)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:224
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Devanagari"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:225
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Daniarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:226
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (US)"
msgstr "Dvorak (Estatu Batuak)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:227
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (Esperanto)"
msgstr "Dvorak (Esperantoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:228
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (French)"
msgstr "Dvorak (Frantsesa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:229
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (UK)"
msgstr "Dvorak (Erresuma Batua)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:230
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (Norwegian)"
msgstr "Dvorak (Norvegiarra)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:231
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (Polish)"
msgstr "Dvorak (Poloniarra)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:232
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Dvorak (Swedish)"
msgstr "Dvorak (Suediarra)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:233
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "estoniarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:236
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Faroera"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:239
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Georgian (\"Russian\" layout)"
msgstr "georgiarra (diseinu \"errusiarra\")"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:240
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Georgian (\"Latin\" layout)"
msgstr "georgiarra (diseinu \"latinoa\")"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:241
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "grekoa"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:242
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Greek (polytonic)"
msgstr "grekoa (politonikoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:243
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "gujeratiarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:244
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Gurmukhi-koa"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:245
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "kroaziarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:246
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "hungariarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:247
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "irlandarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:248
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Inuktitut"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:249
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "israeldarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:250
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Israeli (phonetic)"
msgstr "israeldarra (fonetikoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:251
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "irandarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:252
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "islandiarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:253
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "italiarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:257
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Japanese 106 keys"
msgstr "japoniarra 106 tekla"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:258
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "kannada"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:259
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Kyrgyz teklatua"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:260
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Koreako teklatua"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:262
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Kurdish (arabic script)"
msgstr "Kurdua (arabierazko letretan)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:263
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Latin American"
msgstr "latinamerikarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:265
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "laostarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:266
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Lituaniera"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:267
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "letoniarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:268
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "malayalama"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:269
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Maoriera"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:270
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "mazedoniarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:271
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Myanmar (Burmese)"
msgstr "myanmartarra (Birmania)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:272
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Mongolian (cyrillic)"
msgstr "mongoliarra (zirilikoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:273
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Maltese (UK)"
msgstr "maltarra (Erresuma Batua)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:274
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Maltese (US)"
msgstr "maltarra (AEB)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:275
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Nigeriarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:276
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "holandarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:278
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "oriya"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:279
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Polish (qwerty layout)"
msgstr "poloniarra (qwerty diseinua)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:280
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Polish (qwertz layout)"
msgstr "poloniarra (qwertz diseinua)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Paxtuera"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:283
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "portugesa"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:284
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Canadian (Quebec)"
msgstr "kanadarra (Quebec)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:285
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Romanian (qwertz)"
msgstr "errumaniarra (qwertz)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:286
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Romanian (qwerty)"
msgstr "errumaniarra (qwerty)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:288
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Russian (phonetic)"
msgstr "errusiarra (fonetikoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:290
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "esloveniarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:292
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Sinhala"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:293
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Slovakian (QWERTZ)"
msgstr "eslovakiarra (QWERTZ)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:294
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Slovakian (QWERTY)"
msgstr "eslovakiarra (QWERTY)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:295
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Saami (norwegian)"
msgstr "Saami (norvegiarra)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:296
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Saami (swedish/finnish)"
msgstr "Saami (suediarra/finlandiarra)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:298
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Sindhi"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:300
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Serbian (cyrillic)"
msgstr "serbiarra (zirilikoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:301
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "siriarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:302
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Syriac (phonetic)"
msgstr "siriarra (fonetikoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:303
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Telugu"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:305
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Tamil (ISCII-layout)"
msgstr "tamila (ISCII-diseinua)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:306
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Tamil (Typewriter-layout)"
msgstr "tamila (Idazmakina-diseinua)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:307
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Thai (Kedmanee)"
msgstr "Thai (Kedmanee)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:308
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Thai (TIS-820)"
msgstr "Thai (TIS-820)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:310
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Thai (Pattachote)"
msgstr "Thai (Pattachote)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:312
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Tifinagh (moroccan layout) (+latin/arabic)"
msgstr "Tifinagh (marokoar diseinua) (+latindarra/arabiarra)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:313
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Tifinagh (phonetic) (+latin/arabic)"
msgstr "Tifinagh (fonetikoa) (+latindarra/arabiarra)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:315
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "Tadjikistango teklatua"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:317
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "turkmenistandarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:318
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Turkish (traditional \"F\" model)"
msgstr "turkiarra (tradizionala \"F\" modeloa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:319
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Turkish (modern \"Q\" model)"
msgstr "turkiarra (modernoa \"Q\" modeloa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:321
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
msgstr "ukrainarra"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:323
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Urdu keyboard"
msgstr "Urdu teklatua"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:325
#, c-format
msgid "US keyboard (international)"
msgstr "Estatu Batuetako teklatua (nazioartekoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:326
#, c-format
msgid "ISO9995-3 (US keyboard with 3 levels per key)"
msgstr "ISO9995-3 (AEB teklatua teklako 3 mailarekin)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:327
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Uzbek (cyrillic)"
msgstr "uzbekistandarra (zirilikoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:329
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Vietnamese \"numeric row\" QWERTY"
msgstr "vietnamdarra QWERTY \"ilara numerikoa\""

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:330
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keyboard\n"
"Yugoslavian (latin)"
msgstr "jugoslaviarra (latinoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:337
#, c-format
msgid "Right Alt key"
msgstr "Eskuineko Alt tekla"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:338
#, c-format
msgid "Both Shift keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Bi Maius teklak batera"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:339
#, c-format
msgid "Control and Shift keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Kontrol eta Maius teklak batera"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:340
#, c-format
msgid "CapsLock key"
msgstr "BlokMaius tekla"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:341
#, c-format
msgid "Shift and CapsLock keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Maius eta BlokMaius teklak batera"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:342
#, c-format
msgid "Ctrl and Alt keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Ktrl eta Alt teklak batera"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:343
#, c-format
msgid "Alt and Shift keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Alt eta Maius teklak batera"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:344
#, c-format
msgid "\"Menu\" key"
msgstr "\"Menu\" tekla"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:345
#, c-format
msgid "Left \"Windows\" key"
msgstr "Ezkerreko \"Windows\" tekla"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:346
#, c-format
msgid "Right \"Windows\" key"
msgstr "Eskuineko \"Windows\" tekla"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:347
#, c-format
msgid "Both Control keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Bi Kontrol teklak batera"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:348
#, c-format
msgid "Both Alt keys simultaneously"
msgstr "Bi Alt teklak batera"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:349
#, c-format
msgid "Left Shift key"
msgstr "Ezkerreko Maius tekla"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:350
#, c-format
msgid "Right Shift key"
msgstr "Eskuineko Maius tekla"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:351
#, c-format
msgid "Left Alt key"
msgstr "Ezkerreko Alt tekla"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:352
#, c-format
msgid "Left Control key"
msgstr "Ezkerreko Kontrol tekla"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:353
#, c-format
msgid "Right Control key"
msgstr "Eskuineko Kontrol tekla"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:389
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Here you can choose the key or key combination that will \n"
"allow switching between the different keyboard layouts\n"
"(eg: latin and non latin)"
msgstr ""
"Teklatu-diseinu batetik bestera pasatzeko tekla edo \n"
"tekla-konbinazioa hauta dezakezu hemen\n"
"(adib.: latinoa edo ez-latinoa)"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:394
#, c-format
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Kontuz"

#: ../lib/keyboard.pm:395
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This setting will be activated after the installation.\n"
"During installation, you will need to use the Right Control\n"
"key to switch between the different keyboard layouts."
msgstr ""
"Ezarpen hau instalazioa egin ondoren aktibatuko da.\n"
"Instalazioa egiten ari zaren bitartean, eskuineko \n"
"kontrol-tekla erabili beharko duzu teklatuz aldatzeko."

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:26
#, c-format
msgid "Sun - Mouse"
msgstr "Sun - Sagua"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:32
#, c-format
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Estandarra"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:33
#, c-format
msgid "Logitech MouseMan+"
msgstr "Logitech MouseMan+"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:34
#, c-format
msgid "Generic PS2 Wheel Mouse"
msgstr "Gurpildun PS2 sagu generikoa"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:35
#, c-format
msgid "GlidePoint"
msgstr "GlidePoint"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:38 ../lib/mouse.pm:72
#, c-format
msgid "Kensington Thinking Mouse"
msgstr "Kensington Thinking sagua"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:39 ../lib/mouse.pm:67
#, c-format
msgid "Genius NetMouse"
msgstr "Genius NetMouse"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:40
#, c-format
msgid "Genius NetScroll"
msgstr "Genius NetScroll"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:41 ../lib/mouse.pm:51
#, c-format
msgid "Microsoft Explorer"
msgstr "Microsoft Explorer"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:46 ../lib/mouse.pm:78
#, c-format
msgid "1 button"
msgstr "1 botoi"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:47 ../lib/mouse.pm:56
#, c-format
msgid "Generic 2 Button Mouse"
msgstr "2 botoiko sagu generikoa"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:49 ../lib/mouse.pm:58
#, c-format
msgid "Generic 3 Button Mouse with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "3 botoiko sagu generikoa gurpil-emulazioarekin"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:50
#, c-format
msgid "Wheel"
msgstr "Gurpila"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:54
#, c-format
msgid "serial"
msgstr "seriekoa"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:57
#, c-format
msgid "Generic 3 Button Mouse"
msgstr "3 botoiko sagu generikoa"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:59
#, c-format
msgid "Microsoft IntelliMouse"
msgstr "Microsoft IntelliMouse"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:60
#, c-format
msgid "Logitech MouseMan"
msgstr "Logitech MouseMan"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:61
#, c-format
msgid "Logitech MouseMan with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "Logitech MouseMan gurpil-emulazioarekin"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:62
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse Systems"
msgstr "Mouse Systems"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:64
#, c-format
msgid "Logitech CC Series"
msgstr "Logitech CC Series"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:65
#, c-format
msgid "Logitech CC Series with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "Logitech CC Series gurpil-emulazioarekin"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:66
#, c-format
msgid "Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+"
msgstr "Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:68
#, c-format
msgid "MM Series"
msgstr "MM Series"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:69
#, c-format
msgid "MM HitTablet"
msgstr "MM HitTablet"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:70
#, c-format
msgid "Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)"
msgstr "Logitech sagua (seriekoa, C7 mota zaharrekoa)"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:71
#, c-format
msgid "Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type) with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "Logitech sagua (seriekoa, C7 mota zaharrekoa) gurpil-emulazioarekin"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:73
#, c-format
msgid "Kensington Thinking Mouse with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "Kensington Thinking Mouse gurpil-emulazioarekin"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:76
#, c-format
msgid "busmouse"
msgstr "bus-sagua"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:79
#, c-format
msgid "2 buttons"
msgstr "2 botoi"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:80
#, c-format
msgid "3 buttons"
msgstr "3 botoi"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:81
#, c-format
msgid "3 buttons with Wheel emulation"
msgstr "3 botoi gurpil-emulazioarekin"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:84
#, c-format
msgid "Universal"
msgstr "Unibertsala"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:86
#, c-format
msgid "Any PS/2 & USB mice"
msgstr "Edozein PS/2 eta USB sagu"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:87
#, c-format
msgid "Force evdev"
msgstr "evdev behartu"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:88
#, c-format
msgid "Microsoft Xbox Controller S"
msgstr "Microsoft Xbox S Kontrolatzailea"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:89
#, c-format
msgid "VirtualBox mouse"
msgstr "VirtualBox sagua"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:90
#, c-format
msgid "VMware mouse"
msgstr "VMware sagua"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:93
#, c-format
msgid "none"
msgstr "bat ere ez"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:95
#, c-format
msgid "No mouse"
msgstr "Sagurik gabe"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:488
#, c-format
msgid "Testing the mouse"
msgstr "Sagua probatzen"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:525
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose your type of mouse."
msgstr "Aukeratu sagu-mota."

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:526
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse choice"
msgstr "Sagu aukeraketa"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:542
#, c-format
msgid "Emulate third button?"
msgstr "Hirugarren botoia emulatu?"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:546
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse Port"
msgstr "Sagu-ataka"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:547
#, c-format
msgid "Please choose which serial port your mouse is connected to."
msgstr "Aukeratu sagua konektatuta dagoen serieko ataka."

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:556
#, c-format
msgid "Buttons emulation"
msgstr "Botoien emulazioa"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:558
#, c-format
msgid "Button 2 Emulation"
msgstr "2. botoiaren emulazioa"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:559
#, c-format
msgid "Button 3 Emulation"
msgstr "3. botoiaren emulazioa"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:610
#, c-format
msgid "Please test the mouse"
msgstr "Probatu sagua"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:612
#, c-format
msgid "To activate the mouse,"
msgstr "Sagua aktibatzeko,"

#: ../lib/mouse.pm:613
#, c-format

#: ../tools/XFdrake:71
#, c-format
msgid "You need to reboot for changes to take effect"
msgstr "Saioa berriro abiatu behar duzu aldaketek eragina izan dezaten"

#: ../tools/keyboarddrake:37
#, c-format
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Teklatua"

#: ../tools/keyboarddrake:38
#, c-format
msgid "Please, choose your keyboard layout."
msgstr "Aukeratu zure teklatu-diseinua."

#: ../tools/keyboarddrake:39
#, c-format
msgid "Keyboard layout"
msgstr "Teklatu diseinua"

#: ../tools/keyboarddrake:52
#, c-format
msgid "Keyboard type"
msgstr "Teklatu mota"

#: ../tools/keyboarddrake:65
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want the BackSpace to return Delete in console?"
msgstr "Atzera-teklak Ezabatu itzultzea nahi duzu kontsolan?"

#~ msgid "3D hardware acceleration"
#~ msgstr "3D hardware azelerazioa"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "_: keyboard\n"
#~ "Lithuanian AZERTY (old)"
#~ msgstr "Lituaniako AZERTY (zaharra)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "_: keyboard\n"
#~ "Lithuanian AZERTY (new)"
#~ msgstr "Lituaniako AZERTY (berria)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "_: keyboard\n"
#~ "Lithuanian \"number row\" QWERTY"
#~ msgstr "Lituaniako QWERTY \"ilara numerikoa\""

#~ msgid ""
#~ "_: keyboard\n"
#~ "Lithuanian \"phonetic\" QWERTY"
#~ msgstr "Lituaniako QWERTY \"fonetikoa\""

#~ msgid "Mouse test"
#~ msgstr "Sagu-probatzea"

#~ msgid "Please test your mouse:"
#~ msgstr "Probatu sagua:"