path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
20 files changed, 5106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/.perl_checker b/lib/Xconfig/.perl_checker
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2326e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/.perl_checker
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Basedir ../..
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/FILES b/lib/Xconfig/FILES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6352de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/FILES
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+parse --- xfree ---- default ------------------ main
+ \--- card -------------------/ test
+ \-- monitor ---------------/ various
+ \- screen ---------------/ proprietary
+ \ resolution_and_depth-/
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a10606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+package Xconfig::card; # $Id: 266355 2010-02-22 20:51:38Z pzanoni $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use lib '/usr/lib/libDrakX';
+use detect_devices;
+use Xconfig::xfree;
+use modules;
+use common;
+use interactive;
+use log;
+use run_program;
+my $lib = arch() =~ /x86_64/ ? "lib64" : "lib";
+sub modules_dir() { "/usr/$lib/xorg/modules" }
+my %VideoRams = (
+ 256 => N_("256 kB"),
+ 512 => N_("512 kB"),
+ 1024 => N_("1 MB"),
+ 2048 => N_("2 MB"),
+ 4096 => N_("4 MB"),
+ 8192 => N_("8 MB"),
+ 16384 => N_("16 MB"),
+ 32768 => N_("32 MB"),
+ 65536 => N_("64 MB or more"),
+my @xfree4_Drivers = ((arch() =~ /^sparc/ ? qw(sunbw2 suncg14 suncg3 suncg6 sunffb sunleo suntcx) :
+ qw(apm ark ast chips cirrus i128 i740 intel mga
+ neomagic newport nouveau nv openchrome psb qxl
+ rendition s3 s3virge savage siliconmotion sis sisusb
+ tdfx tga trident tseng vesa vmware xgi xgixp)),
+ if_(arch() =~ /i.86/, qw(geode)),
+ qw(ati glint fbdev));
+sub from_raw_X {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my ($device, @cards) = $raw_X->get_devices or die "no card configured";
+ my $card = {
+ use_DRI_GLX => eval { any { /dri/ } $raw_X->get_modules },
+ DRI_GLX_SPECIAL => $device->{Driver} eq 'nvidia' && eval { any { $_ eq 'glx' } $raw_X->get_modules },
+ %$device,
+ if_($device->{Driver} eq 'nvidia',
+ DriverVersion =>
+ readlink("$::prefix/etc/alternatives/gl_conf") =~ m!nvidia(.*)/! ? $1 : '97xx'),
+ if_(@cards, cards => \@cards),
+ };
+ add_to_card__using_Cards($card, $card->{BoardName});
+ $card;
+sub to_raw_X {
+ my ($card, $raw_X) = @_;
+ my @cards = ($card, @{$card->{cards} || []});
+ foreach (@cards) {
+ if (arch() =~ /ppc/ && ($_->{Driver} eq 'r128' || $_->{Driver} eq 'radeon')) {
+ $_->{UseFBDev} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $raw_X->set_devices(@cards);
+ $raw_X->get_ServerLayout->{Xinerama} = { commented => !$card->{Xinerama}, Option => 1 }
+ if defined $card->{Xinerama};
+ # cleanup deprecated previous special nvidia explicit libglx
+ $raw_X->remove_load_module(modules_dir() . "$_/") foreach '/extensions/nvidia', '/extensions/nvidia_legacy', '/extensions';
+ # remove ModulePath that we added
+ $raw_X->remove_ModulePath(modules_dir() . "/extensions/$_") foreach 'nvidia97xx', 'nvidia96xx', 'nvidia71xx', 'nvidia-current';
+ $raw_X->remove_ModulePath(modules_dir());
+ #- if we have some special ModulePath, ensure the last one is the standard ModulePath
+ $raw_X->add_ModulePath(modules_dir()) if $raw_X->get_ModulePaths;
+ #- un-disable modules that we previously disabled
+ $raw_X->remove_disable_module('glx');
+ $raw_X->remove_disable_module('dri');
+ $raw_X->remove_Section('DRI');
+ $raw_X->remove_load_module('v4l') if $card->{use_DRI_GLX} && $card->{Driver} eq 'r128';
+sub probe() {
+#-for Pixel tests
+#- my @c = { driver => 'Card:Matrox Millennium G400 DualHead', description => 'Matrox|Millennium G400 Dual HeadCard' };
+ my @c = detect_devices::matching_driver__regexp('^(Card|Server|Driver):');
+ # prefer the boot device
+ my @cards = sort { $b->{boot_device} cmp $a->{boot_device} } map {
+ my @l = $_->{description} =~ /(.*?)\|(.*)/;
+ my $card = {
+ description => $_->{description},
+ VendorName => $l[0], BoardName => $l[1],
+ BusID => "PCI:$_->{pci_bus}:$_->{pci_device}:$_->{pci_function}",
+ boot_device => chomp_(cat_($_->{sysfs_device} . "/boot_vga")) || 0,
+ };
+ if (my ($card_name) = $_->{driver} =~ /Card:(.*)/) {
+ $card->{BoardName} = $card_name;
+ add_to_card__using_Cards($card, $card_name);
+ } elsif ($_->{driver} =~ /Driver:(.*)/) {
+ $card->{Driver} = $1;
+ } else {
+ internal_error();
+ }
+ #dual head ATI card have a dummy DISPLAY_OTHER pci device because it
+ #was needed by Win2000, filter those out because we don't want to
+ #behave as if there were 2 video cards in the system in such cases
+ ($_->{media_type} eq 'DISPLAY_VGA') ? $card : ();
+ } @c;
+ if (@cards >= 2 && $cards[0]{card_name} eq $cards[1]{card_name} && $cards[0]{card_name} eq 'Intel 830 - 965') {
+ shift @cards;
+ }
+ #- take a default on sparc if nothing has been found.
+ if (arch() =~ /^sparc/ && !@cards) {
+ log::l("Using probe with /proc/fb as nothing has been found!");
+ my $s = cat_("/proc/fb");
+ @cards = { server => $s =~ /Mach64/ ? "Mach64" : $s =~ /Permedia2/ ? "3DLabs" : "Sun24" };
+ }
+ #- disabling MULTI_HEAD when not available
+ foreach (@cards) {
+ $_->{MULTI_HEAD} && $_->{card_name} =~ /G[24]00/ or next;
+ if ($ENV{MATROX_HAL}) {
+ $_->{need_MATROX_HAL} = 1;
+ } else {
+ delete $_->{MULTI_HEAD};
+ }
+ }
+ #- in case of only one cards, remove all BusID reference, this will avoid
+ #- need of change of it if the card is moved.
+ #- on many PPC machines, card is on-board, BusID is important, leave?
+ if (@cards == 1 && !$cards[0]{MULTI_HEAD} && arch() !~ /ppc/) {
+ delete $cards[0]{BusID};
+ }
+ @cards;
+sub card_config__not_listed {
+ my ($in, $card, $options) = @_;
+ my $vendors_regexp = join '|', map { quotemeta } (
+ '3Dlabs',
+ 'AOpen', 'ASUS', 'ATI', 'Ark Logic', 'Avance Logic',
+ 'Cardex', 'Chaintech', 'Chips & Technologies', 'Cirrus Logic', 'Compaq', 'Creative Labs',
+ 'Dell', 'Diamond', 'Digital',
+ 'ET', 'Elsa',
+ 'Genoa', 'Guillemot', 'Hercules', 'Intel', 'Leadtek',
+ 'Matrox', 'Miro', 'NVIDIA', 'NeoMagic', 'Number Nine',
+ 'Oak', 'Orchid',
+ 'RIVA', 'Rendition Verite',
+ 'S3', 'Silicon Motion', 'STB', 'SiS', 'Sun',
+ 'Toshiba', 'Trident',
+ 'VideoLogic',
+ );
+ my $cards = readCardsDB("$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/ldetect-lst/Cards+");
+ my @xf4 = grep { $options->{allowFB} || $::isStandalone || $_ ne 'fbdev' }
+ uniq(@xfree4_Drivers, map { $_->{Driver} } values %$cards);
+ my @list = (
+ (map { 'Vendor|' . $_ } keys %$cards),
+ (map { 'Xorg|' . $_ } @xf4),
+ );
+ my $r = exists $cards->{$card->{BoardName}} ? "Vendor|$card->{BoardName}" : 'Xorg|vesa';
+ $in->ask_from_({ title => N("X server"),
+ messages => N("Choose an X server"),
+ interactive_help_id => 'configureX_card_list',
+ },
+ [ { val => \$r, separator => '|', list => \@list, sort => 1,
+ format => sub { $_[0] =~ /^Vendor\|($vendors_regexp)\s*-?(.*)/ ? "Vendor|$1|$2" :
+ $_[0] =~ /^Vendor\|(.*)/ ? "Vendor|Other|$1" : $_[0] } } ]) or return;
+ log::explanations("Xconfig::card: $r manually chosen");
+ $r eq "Vendor|$card->{BoardName}" and return 1; #- it is unchanged, do not modify $card
+ my ($kind, $s) = $r =~ /(.*?)\|(.*)/;
+ %$card = ();
+ if ($kind eq 'Vendor') {
+ add_to_card__using_Cards($card, $s);
+ } else {
+ $card->{Driver} = $s;
+ $card->{DRI_GLX} = 0;
+ }
+ $card->{manually_chosen} = 1;
+ 1;
+sub multi_head_choose {
+ my ($in, $_auto, @cards) = @_;
+ my @choices = multi_head_choices('', @cards);
+ my $tc = $choices[0];
+ if (@choices > 1) {
+ $tc = $in->ask_from_listf(N("Multi-head configuration"),
+ N("Your system supports multiple head configuration.
+What do you want to do?"), sub { $_[0]{text} }, \@choices) or return;
+ }
+ $tc->{code} or die internal_error();
+ return $tc->{code}();
+sub configure_auto_install {
+ my ($raw_X, $do_pkgs, $old_X, $options) = @_;
+ my $card = $old_X->{card} || {};
+ if ($card->{card_name}) {
+ #- try to get info from given card_name
+ add_to_card__using_Cards($card, $card->{card_name});
+ if (!$card->{Driver}) {
+ log::l("bad card_name $card->{card_name}, using probe");
+ undef $card->{card_name};
+ }
+ }
+ my ($boot_xdriver) = cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /.*\bxdriver=(\S+)/;
+ $options->{freedriver} = 1 if $boot_xdriver eq 'free';
+ if (!$card->{Driver} && $boot_xdriver && !member($boot_xdriver, 'auto', 'free')) {
+ log::explanations("using driver $boot_xdriver from kernel command line");
+ $card = {
+ Driver => $boot_xdriver,
+ description => "Set by boot parameter",
+ VendorName => "Custom",
+ BoardName => "Set by boot parameter",
+ };
+ if ($boot_xdriver =~ /^(nvidia.|fglrx)/) {
+ $card->{Driver} = "vesa";
+ $card->{Driver2} = $boot_xdriver;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$card->{Driver}) {
+ my @cards = probe();
+ my ($choice) = multi_head_choices($old_X->{Xinerama}, @cards);
+ $card = $choice ? $choice->{code}() : do {
+ log::explanations('no graphic card probed, try providing one using $o->{card}{Driver} or $o->{card}{card_name}. Defaulting...');
+ { Driver => $options->{allowFB} ? 'fbdev' : 'vesa' };
+ };
+ }
+ install_server($card, $options, $do_pkgs, undef) or return;
+ $card = configure_Driver2($card, undef);
+ Xconfig::various::various_auto_install($raw_X, $card, $old_X);
+ set_glx_restrictions($card);
+ if ($card->{needVideoRam} && !$card->{VideoRam}) {
+ $card->{VideoRam} = $options->{VideoRam_probed} || 4096;
+ log::explanations("argh, I need to know VideoRam! Taking " . ($options->{probed_VideoRam} ? "the probed" : "a default") . " value: VideoRam = $card->{VideoRam}");
+ }
+ to_raw_X($card, $raw_X);
+ $card;
+sub configure {
+ my ($in, $raw_X, $do_pkgs, $auto, $options) = @_;
+ my @cards = probe();
+ @cards or @cards = {};
+ if (!$cards[0]{Driver}) {
+ if ($options->{allowFB}) {
+ $cards[0]{Driver} = 'fbdev';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$auto || !$cards[0]{Driver}) {
+ card_config__not_listed:
+ card_config__not_listed($in, $cards[0], $options) or return;
+ }
+ my $card = multi_head_choose($in, $auto, @cards) or return;
+ install_server($card, $options, $do_pkgs, $in) or goto card_config__not_listed;
+ $card = configure_Driver2($card, $in);
+ Xconfig::various::various($in, $raw_X, $card, $options, $auto);
+ set_glx_restrictions($card);
+ if ($card->{needVideoRam} && !$card->{VideoRam}) {
+ $card->{VideoRam} = (find { $_ <= $options->{VideoRam_probed} } reverse ikeys %VideoRams) || 4096;
+ $in->ask_from('', N("Select the memory size of your graphics card"),
+ [ { val => \$card->{VideoRam},
+ type => 'list',
+ list => [ ikeys %VideoRams ],
+ format => sub { translate($VideoRams{$_[0]}) },
+ not_edit => 0 } ]) or return;
+ }
+ to_raw_X($card, $raw_X);
+ $card;
+sub install_server {
+ my ($card, $options, $do_pkgs, $o_in) = @_;
+ my @packages;
+ my @must_have = "x11-driver-video-$card->{Driver}";
+ if ($options->{freedriver}) {
+ delete $card->{Driver2};
+ }
+ if ($card->{Driver2}) {
+ require Xconfig::proprietary;
+ Xconfig::proprietary::handle_DRIVER2_NO_SSE($card);
+ my @pkgs = Xconfig::proprietary::pkgs_for_Driver2($card->{Driver2}, $do_pkgs);
+ if (@pkgs && (!$o_in || $o_in->ask_yesorno('', formatAlaTeX(N("There is a proprietary driver available for your video card which may support additional features.
+Do you wish to use it?")), 1))) {
+ push @packages, @pkgs;
+ } else {
+ delete $card->{Driver2};
+ }
+ }
+ $do_pkgs->ensure_are_installed([ @must_have, @packages ], 1) or
+ @must_have == listlength($do_pkgs->are_installed(@must_have))
+ or return;
+ if ($card->{need_MATROX_HAL}) {
+ require Xconfig::proprietary;
+ Xconfig::proprietary::install_matrox_hal($::prefix);
+ }
+ 1;
+sub configure_Driver2 {
+ my ($card, $o_in) = @_;
+ if ($card->{Driver2}) {
+ require Xconfig::proprietary;
+ if (my $card2 = Xconfig::proprietary::may_use_Driver2($card)) {
+ $card = $card2;
+ } else {
+ $o_in and $o_in->ask_warn('', formatAlaTeX(N("The proprietary driver was not properly installed, defaulting to free software driver.")));
+ log::l("defaulting to free software driver");
+ }
+ }
+ libgl_config_and_more($card);
+ $card;
+#- configures which to use, using update-alternatives
+#- it also configures (using a slave alternative, cf "update-alternatives --display gl_conf")
+sub libgl_config_and_more {
+ my ($card) = @_;
+ if ($card->{Driver} eq 'nvidia') {
+ $card->{DriverVersion} or internal_error("DriverVersion should be set for driver nvidia!");
+ }
+ #- ensure old deprecated conf files are not there anymore
+ unlink("/etc/$_.conf") foreach 'nvidia', 'nvidia_legacy', 'ati';
+ my %files = (
+ fglrx => "/etc/$card->{DriverVersion}.conf",
+ nvidia => "/etc/nvidia$card->{DriverVersion}/",
+ psb => "/etc/",
+ );
+ my $wanted = $files{$card->{Driver}} || '/etc/';
+ my $link = "$::prefix/etc/alternatives/gl_conf";
+ my $need_run_ldconfig = readlink($link) ne $wanted;
+ -e "$::prefix$wanted" or log::l("ERROR: $wanted does not exist, linking $link to it anyway");
+ common::symlinkf_update_alternatives('gl_conf', $wanted);
+ if ($need_run_ldconfig) {
+ log::explanations("ldconfig will be run because the GL library was switched to $wanted");
+ run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'ldconfig', '-X');
+ }
+ if (member($card->{Driver}, 'fglrx', 'nvidia')) {
+ log::l("workaround buggy fglrx/nvidia driver: make dm restart xserver (#29550, #38297)");
+ eval { common::update_gnomekderc_no_create("$::prefix/etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc", 'X-:0-Core' => (
+ TerminateServer => "true",
+ )) };
+ eval { update_gnomekderc("$::prefix/etc/X11/gdm/custom.conf", daemon => (
+ AlwaysRestartServer => "true",
+ )) };
+ }
+sub multi_head_choices {
+ my ($want_Xinerama, @cards) = @_;
+ my @choices;
+ my $has_multi_head = @cards > 1 || @cards && $cards[0]{MULTI_HEAD} > 1;
+ my $disable_multi_head = any {
+ $_->{Driver} or log::explanations("found card $_->{description} not supported by XF4, disabling multi-head support");
+ !$_->{Driver};
+ } @cards;
+ if ($has_multi_head && !$disable_multi_head) {
+ my $configure_multi_head = sub {
+ #- special case for multi head card using only one BusID.
+ @cards = map {
+ map_index { { Screen => $::i, %$_ } } ($_) x ($_->{MULTI_HEAD} || 1);
+ } @cards;
+ my $card = shift @cards; #- assume good default.
+ $card->{cards} = \@cards;
+ $card->{Xinerama} = $_[0];
+ $card;
+ };
+ my $independent = { text => N("Configure all heads independently"), code => sub { $configure_multi_head->('') } };
+ my $xinerama = { text => N("Use Xinerama extension"), code => sub { $configure_multi_head->(1) } };
+ push @choices, $want_Xinerama ? ($xinerama, $independent) : ($independent, $xinerama);
+ }
+ foreach my $c (@cards) {
+ push @choices, { text => N("Configure only card \"%s\"%s", $c->{description}, $c->{BusID} && " ($c->{BusID})"),
+ code => sub { $c } };
+ }
+ @choices;
+sub set_glx_restrictions {
+ my ($card) = @_;
+ #- 3D acceleration configuration for XFree 4 using DRI, this is enabled by default
+ #- but for some there is a need to specify VideoRam (else it will not run).
+ if ($card->{use_DRI_GLX}) {
+ $card->{needVideoRam} = 1 if $card->{description} =~ /Matrox.* G[245][05]0/;
+ ($card->{needVideoRam}, $card->{VideoRam}) = (1, 16384)
+ if $card->{card_name} eq 'Intel 810 / 815';
+ #- hack for ATI Rage 128 card using a bttv or peripheral with PCI bus mastering exchange
+ #- AND using DRI at the same time.
+ if ($card->{card_name} eq 'ATI Rage 128 TV-out') {
+ $card->{Options}{UseCCEFor2D} = bool2text(detect_devices::probe_category('multimedia/tv'));
+ }
+ }
+sub add_to_card__using_Cards {
+ my ($card, $name) = @_;
+ my $cards = readCardsDB("$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/ldetect-lst/Cards+");
+ add2hash($card, $cards->{$name});
+ $card->{BoardName} = $card->{card_name};
+ $card;
+#- needed for bad cards not restoring cleanly framebuffer, according to which version of Xorg are used.
+sub check_bad_card {
+ my ($card) = @_;
+ my $bad_card = $card->{BAD_FB_RESTORE};
+ $bad_card ||= $card->{Driver} eq 'intel' || $card->{Driver} eq 'fbdev';
+ $bad_card ||= member($card->{Driver}, 'nvidia', 'vmware') if !$::isStandalone; #- avoid testing during install at any price.
+ log::explanations("the graphics card does not like X in framebuffer") if $bad_card;
+ !$bad_card;
+sub readCardsDB {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my ($card, %cards);
+ my $F = openFileMaybeCompressed($file);
+ my $lineno = 0;
+ my ($cmd, $val);
+ my $fs = {
+ NAME => sub {
+ $cards{$card->{card_name}} = $card if $card;
+ $card = { card_name => $val };
+ },
+ SEE => sub {
+ my $c = $cards{$val} or die "Error in database, invalid reference $val at line $lineno";
+ add2hash($card, $c);
+ },
+ LINE => sub { $val =~ s/^\s*//; $card->{raw_LINES} .= "$val\n" },
+ CHIPSET => sub { $card->{Chipset} = $val },
+ DRIVER => sub { $card->{Driver} = $val },
+ DRIVER2 => sub { $card->{Driver2} = $val },
+ DRIVER2_NO_SSE => sub { $card->{DRIVER2_NO_SSE} = $val },
+ NEEDVIDEORAM => sub { $card->{needVideoRam} = 1 },
+ DRI_GLX => sub { $card->{DRI_GLX} = 1 if $card->{Driver} },
+ DRI_GLX_EXPERIMENTAL => sub { $card->{DRI_GLX_EXPERIMENTAL} = 1 if $card->{Driver} },
+ MULTI_HEAD => sub { $card->{MULTI_HEAD} = $val if $card->{Driver} },
+ BAD_FB_RESTORE => sub { $card->{BAD_FB_RESTORE} = 1 },
+ FB_TVOUT => sub { $card->{FB_TVOUT} = 1 },
+ UNSUPPORTED => sub { delete $card->{Driver} },
+ COMMENT => sub {},
+ };
+ local $_;
+ while (<$F>) { $lineno++;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ /^#/ and next;
+ /^$/ and next;
+ /^END/ and do { $cards{$card->{card_name}} = $card if $card; last };
+ ($cmd, $val) = /(\S+)\s*(.*)/ or next;
+ my $f = $fs->{$cmd};
+ $f ? $f->() : log::l("unknown line $lineno ($_)");
+ }
+ \%cards;
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0826bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package Xconfig::default; # $Id: 266062 2010-02-09 18:55:05Z anssi $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use Xconfig::xfree;
+use keyboard;
+use common;
+use mouse;
+use modules::any_conf;
+sub configure {
+ my ($do_pkgs, $o_keyboard, $o_mouse) = @_;
+ my $keyboard = $o_keyboard || keyboard::read_or_default();
+ my $mouse = $o_mouse || do {
+ my $mouse = mouse::read();
+ add2hash($mouse, mouse::detect(modules::any_conf->read)) if !$::noauto;
+ $mouse;
+ };
+ my $raw_X = Xconfig::xfree->empty_config;
+ $raw_X->add_load_module('v4l');
+ config_mouse($raw_X, $do_pkgs, $mouse);
+ $raw_X;
+sub config_mouse {
+ my ($raw_X, $do_pkgs, $mouse) = @_;
+ mouse::set_xfree_conf($mouse, $raw_X);
+ mouse::various_xfree_conf($do_pkgs, $mouse);
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d92c27f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+package Xconfig::main; # $Id: 261482 2009-10-06 10:15:34Z cfergeau $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use Xconfig::monitor;
+use Xconfig::card;
+use Xconfig::plugins;
+use Xconfig::resolution_and_depth;
+use Xconfig::various;
+use Xconfig::screen;
+use Xconfig::test;
+use Xconfig::xfree;
+use common;
+sub configure_monitor {
+ my ($in) = @_;
+ my $raw_X = Xconfig::xfree->read;
+ Xconfig::monitor::configure($in, $raw_X, int($raw_X->get_devices)) or return;
+ if ($raw_X->is_modified) {
+ $raw_X->write;
+ 'need_restart';
+ } else {
+ '';
+ }
+sub configure_resolution {
+ my ($in) = @_;
+ my $raw_X = Xconfig::xfree->read;
+ my $X = {
+ card => Xconfig::card::from_raw_X($raw_X),
+ monitors => [ $raw_X->get_monitors ],
+ };
+ $X->{resolutions} = Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::configure($in, $raw_X, $X->{card}, $X->{monitors}) or return;
+ if ($raw_X->is_modified) {
+ &write($raw_X, $X);
+ } else {
+ '';
+ }
+sub configure_everything_auto_install {
+ my ($raw_X, $do_pkgs, $old_X, $options) = @_;
+ my $X = {};
+ $X->{monitors} = Xconfig::monitor::configure_auto_install($raw_X, $old_X) or return;
+ $options->{VideoRam_probed} = $X->{monitors}[0]{VideoRam_probed};
+ $X->{card} = Xconfig::card::configure_auto_install($raw_X, $do_pkgs, $old_X, $options);
+ my $configured = $X->{card} && Xconfig::screen::configure($raw_X);
+ #- still try to configure screen and resolution (to set default background)
+ #- if card configuration failed (for example if best driver is not available)
+ $X->{resolutions} = Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::configure_auto_install($raw_X, $X->{card} ||{}, $X->{monitors}, $old_X);
+ return if !$configured;
+ my $action = &write($raw_X, $X, $options->{skip_fb_setup});
+ $action;
+sub configure_everything {
+ my ($in, $raw_X, $do_pkgs, $auto, $options) = @_;
+ my $X = {};
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $probed_info = Xconfig::monitor::probe();
+ $options->{VideoRam_probed} = $probed_info->{VideoRam_probed};
+ $ok &&= $X->{card} = Xconfig::card::configure($in, $raw_X, $do_pkgs, $auto, $options);
+ $ok &&= $X->{monitors} = Xconfig::monitor::configure($in, $raw_X, int($raw_X->get_devices), $probed_info, $auto);
+ $ok &&= Xconfig::screen::configure($raw_X);
+ $ok &&= $X->{resolutions} = Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::configure($in, $raw_X, $X->{card}, $X->{monitors}, $auto, {});
+ $ok &&= Xconfig::test::test($in, $raw_X, $X->{card}, '', 'skip_badcard') if !$auto;
+ if (!$ok) {
+ return if $auto;
+ ($ok) = configure_chooser_raw($in, $raw_X, $do_pkgs, $options, $X, 1);
+ }
+ may_write($in, $raw_X, $X, $ok);
+sub configure_chooser_raw {
+ my ($in, $raw_X, $do_pkgs, $options, $X, $b_modified) = @_;
+ my %texts;
+ my $update_texts = sub {
+ $texts{card} = $X->{card} && $X->{card}{BoardName} || N("Custom");
+ $texts{monitors} = $X->{monitors} && $X->{monitors}[0]{ModelName} || N("Custom");
+ $texts{resolutions} = Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::to_string($X->{resolutions}[0]);
+ $texts{$_} =~ s/(.{20}).*/$1.../ foreach keys %texts; #- ensure not too long
+ };
+ $update_texts->();
+ my $may_set;
+ my $prompt_for_resolution = sub {
+ $may_set->('resolutions', Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::configure($in, $raw_X, $X->{card}, $X->{monitors}));
+ };
+ $may_set = sub {
+ my ($field, $val) = @_;
+ if ($val) {
+ $X->{$field} = $val;
+ $X->{"modified_$field"} = 1;
+ $b_modified = 1;
+ $update_texts->();
+ if (member($field, 'card', 'monitors')) {
+ my ($default_resolution, @other_resolutions) = Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::choices($raw_X, $X->{resolutions}[0], $X->{card}, $X->{monitors});
+ if (Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::to_string($default_resolution) ne
+ Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::to_string($X->{resolutions}[0])) {
+ $prompt_for_resolution->();
+ } else {
+ Xconfig::screen::configure($raw_X);
+ $may_set->('resolutions', Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::set_resolution($raw_X, $X->{card}, $X->{monitors}, $default_resolution, @other_resolutions));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ my $ok;
+ $in->ask_from_({ interactive_help_id => 'configureX_chooser',
+ title => N("Graphic Card & Monitor Configuration"),
+ if_($::isStandalone, ok => N("Quit")) },
+ [
+ { label => N("Graphic Card"), val => \$texts{card}, clicked => sub {
+ $may_set->('card', Xconfig::card::configure($in, $raw_X, $do_pkgs, 0, $options));
+ } },
+ { label => N("_: This is a display device\nMonitor"), val => \$texts{monitors}, clicked => sub {
+ $may_set->('monitors', Xconfig::monitor::configure($in, $raw_X, int($raw_X->get_devices)));
+ } },
+ { label => N("Resolution"), val => \$texts{resolutions}, disabled => sub { !$X->{card} || !$X->{monitors} },
+ clicked => $prompt_for_resolution },
+ if_(Xconfig::card::check_bad_card($X->{card}) || $::isStandalone,
+ { val => N("Test"), disabled => sub { !$X->{card} || !$X->{monitors} },
+ clicked => sub {
+ $ok = Xconfig::test::test($in, $raw_X, $X->{card}, 'auto', 0);
+ } },
+ ),
+ { val => N("Options"), clicked => sub {
+ Xconfig::various::various($in, $raw_X, $X->{card}, $options, 0, 'read_existing');
+ Xconfig::card::to_raw_X($X->{card}, $raw_X);
+ } },
+ if_(Xconfig::plugins::list(),
+ { val => N("Plugins"), clicked => sub {
+ Xconfig::plugins::choose($in, $raw_X);
+ } },
+ ),
+ ]);
+ $ok, $b_modified;
+sub configure_chooser {
+ my ($in, $raw_X, $do_pkgs, $options) = @_;
+ my $X = {
+ card => scalar eval { Xconfig::card::from_raw_X($raw_X) },
+ monitors => [ $raw_X->get_monitors ],
+ resolutions => [ eval { $raw_X->get_resolutions } ],
+ };
+ my ($ok) = configure_chooser_raw($in, $raw_X, $do_pkgs, $options, $X);
+ if ($raw_X->is_modified) {
+ may_write($in, $raw_X, $X, $ok);
+ } else {
+ '';
+ }
+sub configure_everything_or_configure_chooser {
+ my ($in, $options, $auto, $o_keyboard, $o_mouse) = @_;
+ my $raw_X = eval { Xconfig::xfree->read };
+ my $err = $@ && formatError($@);
+ $err ||= _check_valid($raw_X) if $raw_X; #- that's ok if config is empty
+ if ($err) {
+ log::l("ERROR: bad X config file (error: $err)");
+ $options->{ignore_bad_conf} or $in->ask_okcancel('',
+ N("Your Xorg configuration file is broken, we will ignore it.")) or return;
+ undef $raw_X;
+ }
+ my $rc = 'ok';
+ if (!$raw_X) {
+ $raw_X = Xconfig::default::configure($in->do_pkgs, $o_keyboard, $o_mouse);
+ $rc = configure_everything($in, $raw_X, $in->do_pkgs, $auto, $options);
+ } elsif (!$auto) {
+ $rc = configure_chooser($in, $raw_X, $in->do_pkgs, $options);
+ }
+ $rc && $raw_X, $rc;
+sub may_write {
+ my ($in, $raw_X, $X, $ok) = @_;
+ $ok ||= $in->ask_yesorno('', N("Keep the changes?
+The current configuration is:
+%s", Xconfig::various::info($raw_X, $X->{card})), 1);
+ $ok && &write($raw_X, $X);
+sub write {
+ my ($raw_X, $X, $o_skip_fb_setup) = @_;
+ export_to_install_X($X) if $::isInstall;
+ my $only_resolution = $raw_X->is_only_resolution_modified;
+ $raw_X->write;
+ Xconfig::various::check_xorg_conf_symlink();
+ Xconfig::various::setup_kms();
+ if ($X->{resolutions}[0]{bios}) {
+ Xconfig::various::setupFB($X->{resolutions}[0]{bios}) if !$o_skip_fb_setup;;
+ 'need_reboot';
+ } elsif (my $resolution = $only_resolution && eval { $raw_X->get_resolution }) {
+ 'need_xrandr' . sprintf(' --size %dx%d', @$resolution{'X', 'Y'});
+ } else {
+ # Always ask for reboot as the driver could've changed.
+ # TODO: Do 'need_restart' instead when no reboot needed, like no driver
+ # change.
+ 'need_reboot';
+ }
+sub export_to_install_X {
+ my ($X) = @_;
+ my $resolution = $X->{resolutions}[0];
+ $::o->{X}{resolution_wanted} = $resolution->{automatic} ? 'automatic' : $resolution->{X} . 'x' . $resolution->{Y};
+ $::o->{X}{default_depth} = $resolution->{Depth} if $resolution->{Depth};
+ $::o->{X}{bios_vga_mode} = $resolution->{bios} if $resolution->{bios};
+ $::o->{X}{monitors} = $X->{monitors} if $X->{monitors}[0]{manually_chosen} && $X->{monitors}[0]{vendor} ne "Plug'n Play";
+ $::o->{X}{card} = $X->{card} if $X->{card}{manually_chosen};
+ $::o->{X}{Xinerama} = 1 if $X->{card}{Xinerama};
+sub _check_valid {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my %_sections = map {
+ my @l = $raw_X->get_Sections($_) or return "missing section $_";
+ $_ => \@l;
+ } qw(Device Screen ServerLayout);
+ '';
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857ac01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+package Xconfig::monitor; #- $Id: 261588 2009-10-08 17:02:40Z blino $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use Xconfig::xfree;
+use detect_devices;
+use common;
+use any;
+use log;
+sub good_default_monitor() {
+ detect_devices::is_xbox() ? 'Generic|640x480 @ 60 Hz' :
+ arch() =~ /ppc/ ?
+ (detect_devices::get_mac_model() =~ /^iBook/ ? 'Apple|iBook 800x600' : 'Apple|iMac/PowerBook 1024x768') :
+ (detect_devices::isLaptop() ? 'Generic|Flat Panel 1024x768' : 'Generic|1024x768 @ 60 Hz');
+sub default_monitor {
+ my ($card_Driver) = @_;
+ if (detect_devices::is_virtualbox() || detect_devices::isLaptop() || ($card_Driver eq 'siliconmotion' && arch() =~ /mips/)) {
+ # HACK: since there is no way to get the EDID on gdium, the resolution is passed to the kernel
+ # so we can rely on it
+ # in vbox, we return Plug'n'Play because the vbox integration addons
+ # will take care of everything for us
+ # On laptops the X server should usually be able to autodetect everything.
+ { VendorName => "Plug'n Play" };
+ } else {
+ good_default_monitor() =~ /(.*)\|(.*)/ or internal_error("bad good_default_monitor");
+ { VendorName => $1, ModelName => $2 };
+ }
+my @VertRefresh_ranges = ("50-70", "50-90", "50-100", "40-150");
+my @HorizSync_ranges = (
+ "31.5",
+ "31.5-35.1",
+ "31.5-37.9",
+ "31.5-48.5",
+ "31.5-57.0",
+ "31.5-64.3",
+ "31.5-79.0",
+ "31.5-82.0",
+ "31.5-88.0",
+ "31.5-94.0",
+sub configure {
+ my ($in, $raw_X, $nb_monitors, $o_probed_info, $b_auto) = @_;
+ my $monitors = [ $raw_X->get_or_new_monitors($nb_monitors) ];
+ if ($o_probed_info) {
+ put_in_hash($monitors->[0], $o_probed_info);
+ }
+ my $head_nb = 1;
+ foreach my $monitor (@$monitors) {
+ choose($in, $raw_X, $monitor, @$monitors > 1 ? $head_nb++ : 0, $b_auto) or return;
+ }
+ $raw_X->set_monitors(@$monitors);
+ $monitors;
+sub configure_auto_install {
+ my ($raw_X, $old_X) = @_;
+ if ($old_X->{monitor}) {
+ #- keep compatibility
+ $old_X->{monitor}{VertRefresh} = $old_X->{monitor}{vsyncrange};
+ $old_X->{monitor}{HorizSync} = $old_X->{monitor}{hsyncrange};
+ #- new name
+ $old_X->{monitors} = [ delete $old_X->{monitor} ];
+ }
+ my $monitors = [ $raw_X->get_or_new_monitors($old_X->{monitors} ? int @{$old_X->{monitors}} : 1) ];
+ mapn {
+ my ($monitor, $auto_install_monitor) = @_;
+ put_in_hash($monitor, $auto_install_monitor);
+ configure_automatic($monitor);
+ } $monitors, $old_X->{monitors} if $old_X->{monitors};
+ my $card_Driver;
+ if (!is_valid($monitors->[0])) {
+ my ($first_card) = Xconfig::card::probe();
+ $card_Driver = $first_card->{Driver} if $first_card;
+ put_in_hash($monitors->[0], probe());
+ }
+ foreach my $monitor (@$monitors) {
+ if (!is_valid($monitor)) {
+ put_in_hash($monitor, default_monitor($card_Driver));
+ configure_automatic($monitor) or internal_error("good_default_monitor (" . good_default_monitor() . ") is unknown in MonitorsDB");
+ }
+ }
+ $raw_X->set_monitors(@$monitors);
+ $monitors;
+sub choose {
+ my ($in, $raw_X, $monitor, $head_nb, $b_auto) = @_;
+ my $ok = is_valid($monitor);
+ if ($b_auto && $ok) {
+ return $ok;
+ }
+ my (@l_monitors, %h_monitors);
+ foreach (monitors_db()) {
+ my $s = "$_->{VendorName}|$_->{ModelName}";
+ push @l_monitors, $s;
+ $h_monitors{$s} = $_;
+ }
+ $h_monitors{"Plug'n Play"} = {};
+ ask_monitor:
+ my $merge_name = sub {
+ my ($monitor) = @_;
+ $monitor->{ModelName} ? $monitor->{VendorName} . '|' . $monitor->{ModelName} : $monitor->{VendorName};
+ };
+ my $merged_name = do {
+ my $merged_name = $merge_name->($monitor);
+ if (!exists $h_monitors{$merged_name}) {
+ $merged_name = is_valid($monitor) ? 'Custom' :
+ $merge_name->(default_monitor($raw_X->get_Driver));
+ }
+ $merged_name;
+ };
+ $in->ask_from_({ title => N("_: This is a display device\nMonitor"),
+ messages => $head_nb ? N("Choose a monitor for head #%d", $head_nb) : N("Choose a monitor"),
+ interactive_help_id => 'configureX_monitor'
+ },
+ [ { val => \$merged_name, separator => '|',
+ list => ['Custom', "Plug'n Play", uniq(@l_monitors)],
+ format => sub { $_[0] eq 'Custom' ? N("Custom") :
+ $_[0] eq "Plug'n Play" ? N("Plug'n Play") . ($monitor->{VendorName} eq "Plug'n Play" ? " ($monitor->{ModelName})" : '') :
+ $_[0] =~ /^Generic\|(.*)/ ? N("Generic") . "|$1" :
+ N("Vendor") . "|$_[0]" },
+ sort => !$in->isa('interactive::gtk') } ]) or return;
+ if ($merged_name eq "Plug'n Play") {
+ local $::noauto = 0; #- hey, you asked for plug'n play, so i do probe!
+ delete @$monitor{'VendorName', 'ModelName', 'EISA_ID', 'HorizSync', 'VertRefresh'};
+ if ($head_nb <= 1) {
+ if (my $probed_info = probe()) {
+ put_in_hash($monitor, $probed_info);
+ } else {
+ log::l("Plug'n Play probing failed, but Xorg may do better");
+ $monitor->{VendorName} = "Plug'n Play";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $monitor->{VendorName} = "Plug'n Play";
+ }
+ } elsif ($merged_name eq 'Custom') {
+ $in->ask_from('',
+N("The two critical parameters are the vertical refresh rate, which is the rate
+at which the whole screen is refreshed, and most importantly the horizontal
+sync rate, which is the rate at which scanlines are displayed.
+It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not specify a monitor type with a sync range
+that is beyond the capabilities of your monitor: you may damage your monitor.
+ If in doubt, choose a conservative setting."),
+ [ { val => \$monitor->{HorizSync}, list => \@HorizSync_ranges, label => N("Horizontal refresh rate"), not_edit => 0 },
+ { val => \$monitor->{VertRefresh}, list => \@VertRefresh_ranges, label => N("Vertical refresh rate"), not_edit => 0 } ]) or goto &choose;
+ delete @$monitor{'VendorName', 'ModelName', 'EISA_ID'};
+ } else {
+ put_in_hash($monitor, $h_monitors{$merged_name});
+ }
+ $monitor->{manually_chosen} = 1;
+ 1;
+sub _configure_automatic_LCD {
+ my ($monitor) = @_;
+ $monitor->{HorizSync} && $monitor->{VertRefresh} and return;
+ $monitor->{preferred_resolution}
+ && Xconfig::xfree::resolution2ratio($monitor->{preferred_resolution}) eq '16/10' or return;
+ log::l("no HorizSync nor VertRefresh, using preferred resolution (hopefully this is a flat panel)");
+ add2hash($monitor, generic_flat_panel($monitor->{preferred_resolution}));
+ 1;
+sub configure_automatic {
+ my ($monitor) = @_;
+ if ($monitor->{EISA_ID}) {
+ log::l("EISA_ID: $monitor->{EISA_ID}");
+ if (my $mon = find { lc($_->{EISA_ID}) eq $monitor->{EISA_ID} } monitors_db()) {
+ add2hash($monitor, $mon);
+ log::l("EISA_ID corresponds to: $monitor->{ModelName}");
+ } elsif (!$monitor->{HorizSync} || !$monitor->{VertRefresh}) {
+ log::l("unknown EISA_ID and partial DDC probe, so unknown monitor");
+ delete @$monitor{'VendorName', 'ModelName', 'EISA_ID'};
+ }
+ } elsif ($monitor->{VendorName}) {
+ if (my $mon = find { $_->{VendorName} eq $monitor->{VendorName} && $_->{ModelName} eq $monitor->{ModelName} } monitors_db()) {
+ put_in_hash($monitor, $mon);
+ }
+ }
+ _configure_automatic_LCD($monitor);
+ is_valid($monitor);
+sub is_valid {
+ my ($monitor) = @_;
+ $monitor->{HorizSync} && $monitor->{VertRefresh} || $monitor->{VendorName} eq "Plug'n Play";
+sub probe {
+ probe_DDC() || probe_DMI();
+#- some EDID are much too strict:
+#- the HorizSync range is too small to allow smaller resolutions
+sub adjust_HorizSync_from_edid {
+ my ($monitor) = @_;
+ my ($hmin, $hmax) = $monitor->{HorizSync} =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)/ or return;
+ if ($hmin > 45) {
+ log::l("replacing HorizSync $hmin-$hmax with 28.8-$hmax (allow 800x480)");
+ $monitor->{HorizSync} = "28.8-$hmax";
+ }
+#- the VertRefresh range is too weird
+sub adjust_VertRefresh_from_edid {
+ my ($monitor) = @_;
+ my ($vmin, $vmax) = $monitor->{VertRefresh} =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)/ or return;
+ if ($vmin > 60) {
+ log::l("replacing VertRefresh $vmin-$vmax with 60-$vmax");
+ $monitor->{VertRefresh} = "60-$vmax";
+ }
+sub probe_DDC() {
+ my ($edid, $vbe) = any::monitor_full_edid() or return;
+ my $monitor = eval($edid);
+ if ($vbe =~ /Memory: (\d+)k/) {
+ $monitor->{VideoRam_probed} = $1;
+ }
+ use_EDID($monitor);
+sub use_EDID {
+ my ($monitor) = @_;
+ adjust_HorizSync_from_edid($monitor);
+ adjust_VertRefresh_from_edid($monitor);
+ $monitor->{ModeLine} = Xconfig::xfree::default_ModeLine();
+ my $detailed_timings = $monitor->{detailed_timings} || [];
+ my @different_timings = uniq_ { $_->{horizontal_active} . 'x' . $_->{vertical_active} } @$detailed_timings;
+ foreach (grep { !$_->{bad_ratio} } @$detailed_timings) {
+ if (Xconfig::xfree::xorg_builtin_resolution($_->{horizontal_active}, $_->{vertical_active})) {
+ #- we don't want the 4/3 modelines otherwise they conflict with the Xorg builtin vesamodes
+ } else {
+ unshift @{$monitor->{ModeLine}},
+ { val => $_->{ModeLine}, pre_comment => $_->{ModeLine_comment} . "\n" };
+ }
+ if (@different_timings == 1 && $_->{horizontal_active} >= 1024) {
+ #- we don't use detailed_timing when it is 640x480 or 800x600,
+ #- since 14" CRTs often give this even when they handle 1024x768 correctly (and desktop is no good in poor resolutions)
+ #- should we care about {has_preferred_timing} ?
+ $monitor->{preferred_resolution} = { X => $_->{horizontal_active}, Y => $_->{vertical_active} };
+ }
+ }
+ if ($monitor->{EISA_ID}) {
+ $monitor->{VendorName} = "Plug'n Play";
+ $monitor->{ModelName} = $monitor->{monitor_name};
+ $monitor->{ModelName} =~ s/"/''/g;
+ $monitor->{ModelName} =~ s/[\0-\x20]/ /g;
+ }
+ configure_automatic($monitor) or return;
+ $monitor;
+sub probe_DMI() {
+ my $res = detect_devices::probe_unique_name('Resolution');
+ $res && generic_flat_panel_txt($res);
+sub generic_flat_panel {
+ my ($resolution) = @_;
+ generic_flat_panel_($resolution->{X}, $resolution->{Y});
+sub generic_flat_panel_txt {
+ my ($resolution) = @_;
+ my ($X, $Y) = $resolution =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/ or log::l("bad resolution $resolution"), return;
+ generic_flat_panel_($X, $Y);
+sub generic_flat_panel_ {
+ my ($X, $Y) = @_;
+ {
+ VendorName => 'Generic',
+ ModelName => "Flat Panel ${X}x${Y}",
+ HorizSync => '28.8-' . ($X > 1920 ? '100' : '90'), VertRefresh => '60',
+ preferred_resolution => { X => $X, Y => $Y },
+ };
+my $monitors_db;
+sub monitors_db() {
+ $monitors_db ||= readMonitorsDB("$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/ldetect-lst/MonitorsDB");
+ @$monitors_db;
+sub readMonitorsDB {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my @monitors_db;
+ my $F = openFileMaybeCompressed($file);
+ local $_;
+ my $lineno = 0; while (<$F>) {
+ $lineno++;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ /^#/ and next;
+ /^$/ and next;
+ my @fields = qw(VendorName ModelName EISA_ID HorizSync VertRefresh dpms);
+ my %l; @l{@fields} = split /\s*;\s*/;
+ push @monitors_db, \%l;
+ }
+ \@monitors_db;
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae1f87a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+package Xconfig::parse; # $Id: 247269 2008-10-01 13:57:30Z pixel $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use common;
+sub read_XF86Config {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my $raw = _rraw_from_file($file);
+ _from_rraw(@$raw);
+ $raw;
+sub prepare_write_XF86Config {
+ my ($raw) = @_;
+ map { _raw_to_string(_before_to_string({ %$_ }, 0)) } @$raw;
+sub write_XF86Config {
+ my ($raw, $file) = @_;
+ my @blocks = prepare_write_XF86Config($raw);
+ @blocks ? output($file, @blocks) : unlink $file;
+sub read_XF86Config_from_string {
+ my ($s) = @_;
+ my $raw = _rraw_from_file('-', [ split "\n", $s ]);
+ _from_rraw(@$raw);
+ $raw;
+#- raw reading/saving
+sub _rraw_from_file {
+ my ($file, $o_lines) = @_;
+ my $rraw = [];
+ my $lines = $o_lines || [ cat_($file) ];
+ my $line;
+ my ($comment, $obj, @objs);
+ my $attach_comment = sub {
+ $obj || @objs or warn "$file:$line: can not attach comment\n";
+ if ($comment) {
+ $comment =~ s/\n+$/\n/;
+ ($obj || $objs[0])->{$_[0] . '_comment'} = $comment;
+ $comment = '';
+ }
+ };
+ foreach (@$lines) {
+ $line++;
+ s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//;
+ if (/^$/) {
+ $comment .= "\n" if $comment;
+ next;
+ } elsif (@objs ? m/^#\W/ || /^#$/ : /^#/) {
+ s/^#\s+/# /;
+ $comment .= "$_\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^Section\s+"(.*)"/i) {
+ die "$file:$line: missing EndSection\n" if @objs;
+ my $e = { name => $1, l => [], kind => 'Section' };
+ push @$rraw, $e;
+ unshift @objs, $e; $obj = '';
+ $attach_comment->('pre');
+ } elsif (/^Subsection\s+"(.*)"/i) {
+ die "$file:$line: missing EndSubsection\n" if @objs && $objs[0]{kind} eq 'Subsection';
+ die "$file:$line: not in Section\n" if !@objs || $objs[0]{kind} ne 'Section';
+ my $e = { name => $1, l => [], kind => 'Subsection' };
+ push @{$objs[0]{l}}, $e;
+ unshift @objs, $e; $obj = '';
+ $attach_comment->('pre');
+ } elsif (/^EndSection/i) {
+ die "$file:$line: not in Section\n" if !@objs || $objs[0]{kind} ne 'Section';
+ $attach_comment->('post');
+ shift @objs; $obj = '';
+ } elsif (/^EndSubsection/i) {
+ die "$file:$line: not in Subsection\n" if !@objs || $objs[0]{kind} ne 'Subsection';
+ $attach_comment->('post');
+ shift @objs; $obj = '';
+ } else {
+ die "$file:$line: not in Section\n" if !@objs;
+ my $commented = s/^#//;
+ my $comment_on_line;
+ s/(\s*#.*)/$comment_on_line = $1; ''/e;
+ if (/^$/) {
+ die "$file:$line: weird";
+ }
+ (my $name, my $Option, $_) =
+ /^Option\s*"(.*?)"(.*)/ ? ($1, 1, $2) : /^(\S+)(.*)/ ? ($1, 0, $2) : internal_error($_);
+ my ($val) = /(\S.*)/;
+ my %e = (Option => $Option, commented => $commented, comment_on_line => $comment_on_line, pre_comment => $comment);
+ $comment = '';
+ $obj = { name => $name, val => $val };
+ $e{$_} and $obj->{$_} = $e{$_} foreach keys %e;
+ push @{$objs[0]{l}}, $obj;
+ }
+ }
+ $rraw;
+sub _simple_val_to_string {
+ my ($name, $e) = @_;
+ my $key = $e->{Option} ? qq(Option "$name") : $name;
+ my $val = defined $e->{val} ? ($e->{Option} && $e->{val} !~ /^"/ ? qq( "$e->{val}") : qq( $e->{val})) : '';
+ ($e->{commented} ? '#' : '') . $key . $val;
+sub _raw_to_string {
+ my ($e, $b_want_spacing) = @_;
+ my $s = do {
+ if ($e->{l}) {
+ my $inside = join('', map_index { _raw_to_string($_, $::i) } @{$e->{l}});
+ $inside .= $e->{post_comment} || '';
+ $inside =~ s/^/ /mg;
+ qq(\n$e->{kind} "$e->{name}"\n) . $inside . "End$e->{kind}";
+ } else {
+ _simple_val_to_string($e->{name}, $e);
+ }
+ };
+ ($e->{pre_comment} ? ($b_want_spacing ? "\n" : '') . $e->{pre_comment} : '') . $s . ($e->{comment_on_line} || '') . "\n" . (!$e->{l} && $e->{post_comment} || '');
+#- refine the data structure for easier use
+my %kind_names = (
+ Pointer => [ qw(Protocol Device Emulate3Buttons Emulate3Timeout EmulateWheel EmulateWheelButton) ],
+ Mouse => [ qw(DeviceName Protocol Device AlwaysCore Emulate3Buttons Emulate3Timeout EmulateWheel EmulateWheelButton) ], # Subsection in XInput
+ Keyboard => [ qw(Protocol Driver XkbModel XkbLayout XkbDisable) ],
+ Monitor => [ qw(Identifier VendorName ModelName HorizSync VertRefresh PreferredMode) ],
+ Device => [ qw(Identifier VendorName BoardName Chipset Driver VideoRam Screen BusID DPMS power_saver AccelMethod MonitorLayout TwinViewOrientation BIOSHotkeys RenderAccel SWCursor XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps) ],
+ Display => [ qw(Depth Modes Virtual) ], # Subsection in Device
+ Screen => [ qw(Identifier Driver Device Monitor DefaultDepth DefaultColorDepth) ],
+ Extensions => [ qw(Composite) ],
+ InputDevice => [ qw(Identifier Driver Protocol Device Type Mode XkbModel XkbLayout XkbDisable Emulate3Buttons Emulate3Timeout EmulateWheel EmulateWheelButton) ],
+ WacomCursor => [ qw(Port) ], #-\
+ WacomStylus => [ qw(Port) ], #--> Port must be first
+ WacomEraser => [ qw(Port) ], #-/
+ ServerLayout => [ qw(Identifier) ],
+my @want_string = qw(Identifier DeviceName VendorName ModelName BoardName Driver Device Chipset Monitor Protocol XkbModel XkbLayout XkbOptions XkbCompat Load Disable ModulePath BusID PreferredMode);
+%kind_names = map_each { lc $::a => [ map { lc } @$::b ] } %kind_names;
+@want_string = map { lc } @want_string;
+sub _from_rraw {
+ sub _from_rraw__rec {
+ my ($current, $e) = @_;
+ if ($e->{l}) {
+ _from_rraw($e);
+ push @{$current->{l}{$e->{name}}}, $e;
+ } else {
+ if (member(lc $e->{name}, @want_string) || $e->{Option} && $e->{val}) {
+ $e->{val} =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/ or warn "$e->{name} $e->{val} has no quote\n";
+ }
+ if (member(lc $e->{name}, @{$kind_names{lc $current->{name}} || []})) {
+ if ($current->{l}{$e->{name}} && !$current->{l}{$e->{name}}{commented}) {
+ warn "skipping conflicting line for $e->{name} in $current->{name}\n" if !$e->{commented};
+ } else {
+ $current->{l}{$e->{name}} = $e;
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @{$current->{l}{$e->{name}}}, $e;
+ }
+ }
+ delete $e->{name};
+ }
+ foreach my $e (@_) {
+ ($e->{l}, my $l) = ({}, $e->{l});
+ _from_rraw__rec($e, $_) foreach @$l;
+ delete $e->{kind};
+ }
+sub _before_to_string {
+ my ($e, $depth) = @_;
+ if ($e->{l}) {
+ $e->{kind} = $depth ? 'Subsection' : 'Section';
+ my %rated = map_index { $_ => $::i + 1 } @{$kind_names{lc $e->{name}} || []};
+ my @sorted = sort { ($rated{lc $a} || 99) <=> ($rated{lc $b} || 99) } keys %{$e->{l}};
+ $e->{l} = [ map {
+ my $name = $_;
+ map {
+ _before_to_string({ name => $name, %$_ }, $depth+1);
+ } deref_array($e->{l}{$name});
+ } @sorted ];
+ } elsif (member(lc $e->{name}, @want_string)) {
+ $e->{val} = qq("$e->{val}");
+ }
+ $e;
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..620c2fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+package Xconfig::plugins; # $Id: 110085 2007-01-18 08:45:14Z pixel $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use Xconfig::parse;
+use Xconfig::xfree;
+use common;
+my $dir = '/usr/share/libDrakX/x11-plugins';
+sub list() {
+ glob_("$dir/*.pl");
+sub _load {
+ my ($plugin_pl_file) = @_;
+ my $plugin = eval cat_($plugin_pl_file);
+ $@ and die "bad $plugin_pl_file. error: $@\n";
+ #- ensure only one line
+ $plugin->{summary} =~ s/\n/ /g;
+ eval { $plugin->{raw} = Xconfig::parse::read_XF86Config_from_string($plugin->{conf}) };
+ $@ and die "bad $plugin_pl_file conf. error: $@\n";
+ $plugin;
+my $mark = '# Using plugin';
+sub parse_active_plugin {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ $raw_X->{plugins} and internal_error("parse_active_plugin must be done before doing anything with plugins");
+ my $first = $raw_X->{raw}[0];
+ if (my @l = $first->{pre_comment} =~ /^\Q$mark\E (.*)/gm) {
+ $raw_X->{plugins} = [ map { { active => 1, summary => $_ } } @l ];
+ }
+sub _mark_active_in_header {
+ my ($raw_X, $summary) = @_;
+ my $first = $raw_X->{raw}[0];
+ $first->{pre_comment} =~ s/\n/\n$mark $summary\n/;
+sub _remove_active_in_header {
+ my ($raw_X, $summary) = @_;
+ my $first = $raw_X->{raw}[0];
+ $first->{pre_comment} =~ s/\Q$mark $summary\E\n//;
+sub load {
+ my ($raw_X, $plugin_pl_file) = @_;
+ my $plugin = eval { _load($plugin_pl_file) };
+ $@ and log::l("bad plugin $plugin_pl_file: $@"), return;
+ if (my $existing = find { $_->{summary} eq $plugin->{summary} } @{$raw_X->{plugins}}) {
+ put_in_hash($existing, $plugin);
+ $existing->{updated} = 1;
+ } else {
+ push @{$raw_X->{plugins}}, $plugin;
+ }
+sub val { &Xconfig::xfree::val }
+sub apply_plugin {
+ my ($raw_X, $plugin) = @_;
+ if ($plugin->{active}) {
+ $plugin->{updated} or return;
+ #- removing before re-applying again
+ remove_plugin($raw_X, $plugin);
+ }
+ log::l("applying plugin $plugin->{summary}");
+ foreach my $e (@{$plugin->{raw}}) {
+ _mark_lines_with_name($plugin->{summary}, $e);
+ if (my @sections = _select_sections_to_modify($raw_X, $e)) {
+ #- modifying existing sections
+ #- if there is more than one, modify all of them!
+ _merge_in_section($_, $e->{l}) foreach @sections;
+ } else {
+ #- adding the section
+ $raw_X->add_Section($e->{name}, $e->{l});
+ }
+ }
+ _mark_active_in_header($raw_X, $plugin->{summary});
+ $plugin->{active} = 1;
+sub _select_sections_to_modify {
+ my ($raw_X, $e) = @_;
+ my @sections = $raw_X->get_Sections($e->{name}) or return;
+ if ($e->{l}{Identifier}) {
+ if (my @l = grep { val($_->{Identifier}) eq $e->{l}{Identifier}{val} } @sections) {
+ #- only modifying the section(s) matching the Driver (useful for InputDevice)
+ delete $e->{l}{Identifier}; #- do not tag-with-comment this line used only to select the section
+ @l;
+ } else {
+ #- if no matching section, we will create it
+ ();
+ }
+ } elsif ($e->{l}{Driver}) {
+ if (my @l = grep { val($_->{Driver}) eq $e->{l}{Driver}{val} } @sections) {
+ #- only modifying the section(s) matching the Driver (useful for InputDevice)
+ delete $e->{l}{Driver}; #- do not tag-with-comment this line used only to select the section
+ @l;
+ } else {
+ #- hum, modifying existing sections, is that good? :-/
+ @sections;
+ }
+ } else {
+ #- modifying existing sections
+ @sections;
+ }
+sub _merge_in_section {
+ my ($h, $h_to_add) = @_;
+ foreach my $name (keys %$h_to_add) {
+ if (exists $h->{$name}) {
+ my $pre_comment = join('', map { "#HIDDEN $_->{val}\n" } deref_array($h->{$name}));
+ my ($first, @other) = deref_array($h_to_add->{$name});
+ $first = { pre_comment => $pre_comment, %$first };
+ $h->{$name} = ref($h->{$name}) eq 'ARRAY' ? [ $first, @other ] : $first;
+ } else {
+ $h->{$name} = $h_to_add->{$name};
+ }
+ }
+sub _mark_lines_with_name {
+ my ($summary, $e) = @_;
+ if ($e->{l}) {
+ _mark_lines_with_name($summary, $_) foreach map { deref_array($_) } values %{$e->{l}};
+ } else {
+ $e->{comment_on_line} = " # $summary";
+ }
+sub remove_plugin {
+ my ($raw_X, $plugin) = @_;
+ $plugin->{active} or return;
+ log::l("removing plugin $plugin->{summary}");
+ @{$raw_X->{raw}} = map {
+ _remove_plugin($plugin->{summary}, $_);
+ } @{$raw_X->{raw}};
+ _remove_active_in_header($raw_X, $plugin->{summary});
+ $plugin->{active} = 0;
+sub _remove_plugin {
+ my ($summary, $e) = @_;
+ if ($e->{l}) {
+ my $removed;
+ foreach my $k (keys %{$e->{l}}) {
+ my $v = $e->{l}{$k};
+ my @v = map { _remove_plugin($summary, $_) } deref_array($v);
+ if (@v) {
+ if (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @$v = @v;
+ } else {
+ $e->{l}{$k} = $v[0];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $removed = 1;
+ delete $e->{l}{$k};
+ }
+ }
+ if_(!$removed || %{$e->{l}}, $e);
+ } elsif ($e->{comment_on_line} eq " # $summary") {
+ if (my @hidden = $e->{pre_comment} =~ /^#HIDDEN (.*)/gm) {
+ delete $e->{comment_on_line};
+ delete $e->{pre_comment};
+ map { { %$e, val => $_ } } @hidden;
+ } else {
+ ();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $e;
+ }
+sub apply_or_remove_plugin {
+ my ($raw_X, $plugin, $apply) = @_;
+ if ($apply) {
+ apply_plugin($raw_X, $plugin);
+ } else {
+ remove_plugin($raw_X, $plugin);
+ }
+sub choose {
+ my ($in, $raw_X) = @_;
+ parse_active_plugin($raw_X) if !$raw_X->{plugins};
+ load($raw_X, $_) foreach list();
+ my $plugins = $raw_X->{plugins};
+ $_->{want_active} = $_->{active} foreach @$plugins;
+ $in->ask_from_({},
+ [ { title => 1, label => N("Choose plugins") },
+ map {
+ { type => 'bool', val => \$_->{want_active}, text => $_->{summary} },
+ { val => formatAlaTeX($_->{description}) };
+ } @$plugins ]) or return;
+ foreach (@$plugins) {
+ apply_or_remove_plugin($raw_X, $_, $_->{want_active})
+ if $_->{want_active} != $_->{active};
+ }
+ 1;
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86b8a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+package Xconfig::proprietary; # $Id: 269741 2010-06-02 09:25:33Z cfergeau $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use common;
+use Xconfig::card;
+my $lib = arch() =~ /x86_64/ ? "lib64" : "lib";
+sub install_matrox_hal {
+ my ($prefix) = @_;
+ my $tmpdir = "$prefix/root/tmp";
+ my $tar = "mgadrivers-2.0.tgz";
+ my $dir_in_tar = "mgadrivers";
+ my $dest_dir = "$prefix/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers";
+ #- already installed
+ return if -e "$dest_dir/mga_hal_drv.o" || $::testing;
+ system("wget -O $tmpdir/$tar$tar") if !-e "$tmpdir/$tar";
+ system("tar xzC $tmpdir -f $tmpdir/$tar");
+ my $src_dir = "$tmpdir/$dir_in_tar/xfree86/4.2.1/drivers";
+ foreach (all($src_dir)) {
+ my $src = "$src_dir/$_";
+ my $dest = "$dest_dir/$_";
+ rename $dest, "$dest.non_hal";
+ cp_af($src, $dest_dir);
+ }
+ rm_rf("$tmpdir/$tar");
+ rm_rf("$tmpdir/$dir_in_tar");
+sub handle_DRIVER2_NO_SSE {
+ my ($card) = @_;
+ $card->{DRIVER2_NO_SSE} or return;
+ require detect_devices;
+ if (!detect_devices::has_cpu_flag('sse')) {
+ log::l("$card->{Driver2} need a processor featuring SSE, switching back to $card->{DRIVER2_NO_SSE}");
+ $card->{Driver2} = $card->{DRIVER2_NO_SSE};
+ }
+sub pkgs_for_Driver2 {
+ my ($Driver2, $do_pkgs) = @_;
+ my ($pkg, $base_name) = ($Driver2 =~ /^fglrx/ || $Driver2 =~ /^nvidia/) ?
+ ("x11-driver-video-$Driver2", $Driver2) : () or return;
+ $do_pkgs->is_installed($pkg) || $do_pkgs->is_available($pkg) or
+ log::l("proprietary package $pkg not available"), return;
+ my $module_pkgs = $do_pkgs->check_kernel_module_packages($base_name) or
+ log::l("$pkg available, but no kernel module package (for installed kernels, and no dkms)"), return;
+ ($pkg, @$module_pkgs);
+sub may_use_Driver2 {
+ my ($card) = @_;
+ my $modules_dir = Xconfig::card::modules_dir();
+ #- make sure everything is correct at this point, packages have really been installed
+ #- and driver and GLX extension is present.
+ my $check_drv = sub {
+ my ($drv, $o_subdir) = @_;
+ my @l = (if_($o_subdir, "$modules_dir/drivers/$o_subdir/$",
+ "/usr/$lib/$o_subdir/xorg/$"),
+ "$modules_dir/drivers/$",
+ "$modules_dir/drivers/$drv.o");
+ my $has = find { -e "$::prefix$_" } @l;
+ $has or log::l("proprietary $drv driver missing (we searched for: @l)");
+ $has;
+ };
+ my $card2 = {
+ %$card,
+ $card->{Driver2} =~ /^nvidia(.*)/ ?
+ (Driver => 'nvidia', DriverVersion => $1) :
+ $card->{Driver2} =~ /^fglrx(.*)/ ?
+ (Driver => 'fglrx', DriverVersion => $1) :
+ (Driver => $card->{Driver2}),
+ };
+ if ($card2->{Driver} eq 'nvidia') {
+ $check_drv->('nvidia_drv', "nvidia$card2->{DriverVersion}") or return;
+ my $libglx_path = "/usr/$lib/nvidia$card2->{DriverVersion}/xorg";
+ -e "$::prefix$libglx_path/" or log::l("special NVIDIA libglx missing"), return;
+ log::explanations("Using specific NVIDIA driver and GLX extensions");
+ $card2->{DRI_GLX_SPECIAL} = 1;
+ $card2->{Options}{IgnoreEDID} = 1 if ($card2->{DriverVersion} eq "71xx");
+ $card2->{Options}{UseEDID} = 0 if ($card2->{DriverVersion} eq "96xx");
+ $card2;
+ } elsif ($card2->{Driver} eq 'fglrx') {
+ $check_drv->('fglrx_drv', "fglrx$card2->{DriverVersion}") or return;
+ -e "$::prefix/usr/$lib/fglrx$card2->{DriverVersion}/dri/" ||
+ -e "$::prefix$modules_dir/dri/" ||
+ -e "$::prefix/usr/$lib/dri/" or
+ log::l("proprietary missing"), return;
+ log::explanations("Using specific ATI fglrx and DRI drivers");
+ $card2->{DRI_GLX} = 1;
+ $card2;
+ } else {
+ undef;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..942e50d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+package Xconfig::resolution_and_depth; # $Id: 250289 2008-12-08 09:59:02Z pixel $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use common;
+our %depth2text = (
+ 8 => N_("256 colors (8 bits)"),
+ 15 => N_("32 thousand colors (15 bits)"),
+ 16 => N_("65 thousand colors (16 bits)"),
+ 24 => N_("16 million colors (24 bits)"),
+our @depths_available = ikeys(%depth2text);
+my @bios_vga_modes = (
+ { bios => 769, X => 640, Y => 480, Depth => 8 },
+ { bios => 771, X => 800, Y => 600, Depth => 8 },
+ { bios => 773, X => 1024, Y => 768, Depth => 8 },
+ { bios => 775, X => 1280, Y => 1024, Depth => 8 },
+ { bios => 777, X => 1600, Y => 1200, Depth => 8 },
+ { bios => 784, X => 640, Y => 480, Depth => 15 },
+ { bios => 787, X => 800, Y => 600, Depth => 15 },
+ { bios => 790, X => 1024, Y => 768, Depth => 15 },
+ { bios => 793, X => 1280, Y => 1024, Depth => 15 },
+ { bios => 796, X => 1600, Y => 1200, Depth => 15 },
+ { bios => 785, X => 640, Y => 480, Depth => 16 },
+ { bios => 788, X => 800, Y => 600, Depth => 16 },
+ { bios => 791, X => 1024, Y => 768, Depth => 16 },
+ { bios => 794, X => 1280, Y => 1024, Depth => 16 },
+ { bios => 797, X => 1600, Y => 1200, Depth => 16 },
+sub from_bios {
+ my ($bios) = @_;
+ my $bios_int = $bios =~ /^0x(.*)/ ? hex($1) : $bios;
+ find { $_->{bios} == $bios_int } @bios_vga_modes;
+sub bios_vga_modes() { @bios_vga_modes }
+sub size2default_resolution {
+ my ($size) = @_; #- size in inch
+ require detect_devices;
+ if (arch() =~ /ppc/) {
+ return "1024x768" if detect_devices::get_mac_model() =~ /^PowerBook|^iMac/;
+ } elsif (detect_devices::is_xbox()) {
+ return "640x480";
+ }
+ my %monitorSize2resolution = (
+ 13 => "640x480",
+ 14 => "800x600",
+ 15 => "800x600",
+ 16 => "1024x768",
+ 17 => "1024x768",
+ 18 => "1024x768",
+ 19 => "1280x1024",
+ 20 => "1280x1024",
+ 21 => "1600x1200",
+ 22 => "1600x1200",
+ );
+ $monitorSize2resolution{round($size)} || ($size < 13 ? "640x480" : "1600x1200");
+sub XxY { &Xconfig::xfree::XxY }
+sub to_string {
+ my ($resolution) = @_;
+ $resolution or return '';
+ $resolution->{automatic}
+ ? N("Automatic") . ($resolution->{Depth} ? sprintf(" (%dbpp)", $resolution->{Depth}) : '')
+ : $resolution->{X} ? sprintf("%sx%s %dbpp", @$resolution{'X', 'Y', 'Depth'}) : 'frame-buffer';
+sub allowed {
+ my ($card) = @_;
+ my ($prefered_depth, @resolution_and_depth);
+ if ($card->{Driver} eq 'fbdev') {
+ @resolution_and_depth = grep { $_->{Depth} == 16 } @bios_vga_modes;
+ } else {
+ my @depths;
+ if ($card->{Driver} eq 'fglrx' || $card->{Driver} eq 'savage') {
+ @depths = 24;
+ } elsif ($card->{BoardName} eq 'NVIDIA RIVA 128') {
+ @depths = qw(8 15 24);
+ } elsif ($card->{use_DRI_GLX}) {
+ $prefered_depth = 24;
+ @depths = (16, 24);
+ } else {
+ @depths = our @depths_available;
+ }
+ my @resolutions = @Xconfig::xfree::resolutions;
+ push @resolution_and_depth,
+ map {
+ my $Depth = $_;
+ map { m/(\d+)x(\d+)/ && { X => $1, Y => $2, Depth => $Depth } } @resolutions;
+ } @depths;
+ }
+ $prefered_depth, @resolution_and_depth;
+# ($card->{VideoRam} || ($card->{server} eq 'FBDev' ? 2048 : 32768))
+sub filter_using_VideoRam {
+ my ($VideoRam, @resolutions) = @_;
+ my $mem = 1024 * $VideoRam;
+ grep { $_->{X} * $_->{Y} * $_->{Depth}/8 <= $mem } @resolutions;
+sub filter_using_HorizSync_VertRefresh {
+ my ($HorizSync, $VertRefresh, @resolutions) = @_;
+ my $max_hsync = 1000 * max(split(/[,-]/, $HorizSync));
+ my ($min_vsync, $max_vsync) = (min(split(/[,-]/, $VertRefresh)), max(split(/[,-]/, $VertRefresh)));
+ #- enforce at least 60Hz, if max_vsync > 100 (ie don't do it on LCDs which are ok with low vsync)
+ $min_vsync = max(60, $min_vsync) if $max_vsync > 100;
+ #- computing with {Y} which is active sync instead of total sync, but that's ok
+ grep { $max_hsync / $_->{Y} > $min_vsync } @resolutions;
+sub choose {
+ my ($in, $default_resolution, @resolutions) = @_;
+ my @Depths = uniq(reverse map { $_->{Depth} } @resolutions);
+ my $resolution = $default_resolution || {};
+ $in->ask_from(N("Resolutions"), "",
+ [ {
+ val => \$resolution, type => 'list', sort => 0,
+ list => [ (sort { $a->{X} <=> $b->{X} } @resolutions),
+ (map { { automatic => 1, Depth => $_ } } @Depths) ],
+ format => \&to_string,
+ } ]) or return;
+ $resolution;
+sub choices {
+ my ($_raw_X, $resolution_wanted, $card, $monitors) = @_;
+ $resolution_wanted ||= {};
+ my ($prefered_depth, @resolutions) = allowed($card);
+ @resolutions = filter_using_HorizSync_VertRefresh($monitors->[0]{HorizSync}, $monitors->[0]{VertRefresh}, @resolutions) if $monitors->[0]{HorizSync};
+ @resolutions = filter_using_VideoRam($card->{VideoRam}, @resolutions) if $card->{VideoRam};
+ #- sort it, so we can take the first one when we want the "best"
+ @resolutions = sort { $b->{X} <=> $a->{X} || $b->{Y} <=> $a->{Y} || $b->{Depth} <=> $a->{Depth} } @resolutions;
+ $_->{ratio} ||= Xconfig::xfree::resolution2ratio($_) foreach @resolutions;
+ if ($resolution_wanted->{automatic} || !$resolution_wanted->{X} && !$monitors->[0]{HorizSync}) {
+ return { automatic => 1, Depth => $resolution_wanted->{Depth} }, @resolutions;
+ }
+ if ($resolution_wanted->{X} && !$resolution_wanted->{Y}) {
+ #- assuming ratio 4/3
+ $resolution_wanted->{Y} = round($resolution_wanted->{X} * 3 / 4);
+ } elsif (!$resolution_wanted->{X}) {
+ if ($monitors->[0]{preferred_resolution}) {
+ put_in_hash($resolution_wanted, $monitors->[0]{preferred_resolution});
+ } elsif ($monitors->[0]{ModelName} =~ /^Flat Panel (\d+)x(\d+)$/) {
+ put_in_hash($resolution_wanted, { X => $1, Y => $2 });
+ } elsif ($monitors->[0]{diagonal_size}) {
+ my ($X, $Y) = split('x', size2default_resolution($monitors->[0]{diagonal_size} * 1.08));
+ put_in_hash($resolution_wanted, { X => $X, Y => $Y });
+ } else {
+ put_in_hash($resolution_wanted, { X => 1024, Y => 768 });
+ }
+ }
+ my @matching = grep { $_->{X} eq $resolution_wanted->{X} && $_->{Y} eq $resolution_wanted->{Y} } @resolutions;
+ if (!@matching) {
+ #- hard choice :-(
+ #- first trying the greater resolution with same ratio
+ my $ratio = $resolution_wanted->{X} / $resolution_wanted->{Y};
+ @matching = grep { abs($ratio - $_->{X} / $_->{Y}) < 0.01 } @resolutions;
+ }
+ if (!@matching) {
+ #- really hard choice :'-(
+ #- take the first available resolution <= the wanted resolution
+ @matching = grep { $_->{X} < $resolution_wanted->{X} } @resolutions;
+ }
+ if (!@matching) {
+ @matching = @resolutions;
+ }
+ my $default_resolution;
+ foreach my $Depth ($resolution_wanted->{Depth}, $prefered_depth) {
+ $Depth and $default_resolution ||= find { $_->{Depth} eq $Depth } @matching;
+ }
+ $default_resolution ||= $matching[0];
+ $default_resolution, @resolutions;
+sub configure {
+ my ($in, $raw_X, $card, $monitors, $b_auto, $o_resolution) = @_;
+ my ($default_resolution, @resolutions) = choices($raw_X, $o_resolution || $raw_X->get_resolution, $card, $monitors);
+ my $resolution;
+ if ($b_auto) {
+ #- use $default_resolution
+ if ($card->{Driver} eq 'fglrx' && !$default_resolution->{automatic}) {
+ $resolution = first(find { $default_resolution->{Y} eq $_->{Y} && $_->{Depth} == 24 }
+ $default_resolution, @resolutions);
+ $resolution ||= first(find { $_->{Depth} == 24 } $resolution, @resolutions);
+ }
+ } elsif ($in->isa('interactive::gtk')) {
+ $resolution = choose_gtk($in, $card, $default_resolution, @resolutions) or return;
+ } else {
+ $resolution = choose($in, $default_resolution, @resolutions) or return;
+ }
+ set_resolution_($raw_X, $card, $monitors, $default_resolution, $resolution, @resolutions);
+sub configure_auto_install {
+ my ($raw_X, $card, $monitors, $old_X) = @_;
+ my ($default_resolution, @resolutions);
+ if ($old_X->{resolution_wanted} eq 'automatic') {
+ $default_resolution = { automatic => 1 };
+ } else {
+ my $resolution_wanted = $old_X->{resolution_wanted} && do {
+ my ($X, $Y) = split('x', $old_X->{resolution_wanted});
+ { X => $X, Y => $Y, Depth => $old_X->{default_depth} };
+ };
+ ($default_resolution, @resolutions) = choices($raw_X, $resolution_wanted, $card, $monitors);
+ $default_resolution or die "you selected an unusable depth";
+ }
+ set_resolution($raw_X, $card, $monitors, $default_resolution, @resolutions);
+sub set_resolution {
+ my ($raw_X, $card, $monitors, $resolution, @other) = @_;
+ set_resolution_($raw_X, $card, $monitors, $resolution, $resolution, @other);
+sub set_resolution_ {
+ my ($raw_X, $card, $monitors, $default_resolution, $resolution, @other) = @_;
+ my $PreferredMode;
+ if (!$resolution->{automatic}) {
+ my $ratio = Xconfig::xfree::resolution2ratio($resolution, 'non-strict');
+ @other = uniq_ { XxY($_) } @other;
+ @other = grep { $_->{X} < $resolution->{X} } @other;
+ @other = filter_on_ratio($ratio, @other);
+ set_915resolution($resolution) if is_915resolution_configured();
+ if (XxY($default_resolution) ne XxY($resolution)) {
+ log::l("setting PreferredMode since wanted resolution (" . XxY($resolution) . ") differs from the default one (" . XxY($default_resolution) . ")");
+ $PreferredMode = XxY($resolution);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($monitors->[0]{PreferredMode} ne $PreferredMode) {
+ if ($PreferredMode) {
+ $monitors->[0]{PreferredMode} = $PreferredMode;
+ } else {
+ delete $monitors->[0]{PreferredMode};
+ }
+ $raw_X->set_monitors(@$monitors);
+ }
+ if ($card->{Driver} eq 'geode') {
+ $card->{Options}{PanelGeometry} = XxY($resolution);
+ Xconfig::card::to_raw_X($card, $raw_X);
+ }
+ set_default_background($resolution);
+ my $resolutions = [ $resolution, @other ];
+ $raw_X->set_resolutions($resolutions);
+ $resolutions;
+sub set_default_background {
+ my ($resolution) = @_;
+ $resolution->{X} && $resolution->{Y} or do {
+ $resolution = { X => 1024, Y => 768 };
+ log::l("defaulting background resolution to $resolution->{X}x$resolution->{Y}");
+ };
+ my $ratio = $resolution->{X} / $resolution->{Y};
+ my $dir = "$::prefix/usr/share/mga/backgrounds";
+ my %theme = getVarsFromSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/bootsplash");
+ my @l = map {
+ if (my ($X, $Y, undef, $hour) = /^\Q$theme{THEME}\E-(\d+)x(\d+)(-(.*))?.jpg$/) {
+ { file => $_, X => $X, Y => $Y, hour => $hour };
+ } else { () }
+ } all($dir);
+ my ($best, $_other) =
+ sort {
+ $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] || $b->[3] <=> $a->[3] || $a->[4] <=> $b->[4];
+ } map {
+ [
+ $_->{X}, $_->{Y},
+ int(abs($ratio - $_->{X} / $_->{Y}) * 100), #- we want the nearest ratio (precision .01)
+ $_->{X} >= $resolution->{X}, #- then we don't want a resolution smaller
+ abs($_->{X} - $resolution->{X}), #- the nearest resolution
+ ];
+ } @l;
+ my @wanted = grep { $best->[0] == $_->{X} && $best->[1] == $_->{Y} } @l;
+ if (-e "$dir/$theme{THEME}.xml") {
+ symlinkf "$theme{THEME}.xml", "$dir/Mageia.xml";
+ }
+ foreach (@wanted) {
+ if ($_->{hour}) {
+ symlinkf $_->{file}, "$dir/$theme{THEME}-$_->{hour}.jpg";
+ } else {
+ symlinkf $_->{file}, "$dir/default.jpg";
+ }
+ }
+sub is_915resolution_configured() {
+ my $f = "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/915resolution";
+ -e $f && { getVarsFromSh($f) }->{XRESO};
+sub set_915resolution {
+ my ($resolution) = @_;
+ my $f = "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/915resolution";
+ setVarsInSh($f, {
+ MODE => 'best',
+ XRESO => $resolution->{X},
+ YRESO => $resolution->{Y},
+ });
+ run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'service', '915resolution', 'start');
+sub filter_on_ratio {
+ my ($ratio, @l) = @_;
+ grep {
+ !$ratio
+ || $_->{ratio} eq $ratio
+ || $ratio eq '4/3' && "$_->{X}x$_->{Y}" eq '1280x1024';
+ } @l;
+sub choose_gtk {
+ my ($in, $card, $default_resolution, @resolutions) = @_;
+ my $chosen_Depth = $default_resolution->{Depth};
+ my $chosen_res = { X => $default_resolution->{X} || 1024, Y => $default_resolution->{Y} };
+ my $chosen_ratio = Xconfig::xfree::resolution2ratio($chosen_res, 'non-strict') || '4/3';
+ my $filter_on_Depth = sub {
+ grep { $_->{Depth} == $chosen_Depth } @_;
+ };
+ my $filter_on_res = sub {
+ grep { $_->{X} == $chosen_res->{X} && $_->{Y} == $chosen_res->{Y} } @_;
+ };
+ my $automatic_resolution = { automatic => 1, text => N_("Automatic") };
+ $chosen_res =
+ $default_resolution->{automatic} ? $automatic_resolution :
+ #- $chosen_res must be one of @resolutions, so that it has a correct {ratio} field
+ first($filter_on_res->(@resolutions)) || $resolutions[0];
+ require ugtk2;
+ mygtk2->import;
+ ugtk2->import(qw(:create :helpers :wrappers));
+ my $W = ugtk2->new(N("Resolution"), modal => 1);
+ my %monitor_images_x_res = do {
+ my @l = qw(640 800 1024 1152 1280 1400 1600 1920 2048);
+ my %h = map { $_ => ugtk2::_find_imgfile("monitor-$_.png") } @l;
+ #- for the other, use the biggest smaller
+ foreach my $x_res (uniq map { $_->{X} } @resolutions) {
+ my $x_res_ = max(grep { $_ <= $x_res } @l);
+ $h{$x_res} ||= $h{$x_res_} || $h{640};
+ }
+ %h;
+ };
+ my $res2text = sub { "$_[0]{X}x$_[0]{Y}" . ($chosen_ratio || $_[0]{ratio} =~ /other/ ? '' : " ($_[0]{ratio})") };
+ my @matching_ratio;
+ my $proposed_resolutions = [];
+ my $set_proposed_resolutions = sub {
+ my ($suggested_res) = @_;
+ @matching_ratio = filter_on_ratio($chosen_ratio, @resolutions);
+ gtkval_modify(\$proposed_resolutions, [
+ (reverse uniq_ { $res2text->($_) } @matching_ratio),
+ $automatic_resolution,
+ if_($chosen_ratio, { text => N_("Other") }),
+ ]);
+ if ($suggested_res->{automatic}) {
+ gtkval_modify(\$chosen_res, $automatic_resolution);
+ } elsif (!$filter_on_res->(@matching_ratio)) {
+ my $res = $suggested_res || find { $_->{X} == $chosen_res->{X} } @matching_ratio;
+ gtkval_modify(\$chosen_res, $res || $matching_ratio[0]);
+ }
+ };
+ $set_proposed_resolutions->($chosen_res);
+ my $depth_combo = gtknew('ComboBox', width => 220,
+ text_ref => \$chosen_Depth,
+ format => sub { translate($depth2text{$_[0]}) },
+ list => [ uniq(reverse map { $_->{Depth} } @resolutions) ],
+ changed => sub {
+ my @matching_Depth = $filter_on_Depth->(@matching_ratio);
+ if (!$filter_on_res->(@matching_Depth) && !$chosen_res->{automatic}) {
+ gtkval_modify(\$chosen_res, $matching_Depth[0]);
+ }
+ });
+ my $pix_colors = gtknew('Image',
+ file_ref => \$chosen_Depth,
+ format => sub {
+ $_[0] >= 24 ? "colors.png" : $_[0] >= 15 ? "colors16.png" : "colors8.png";
+ });
+ my $previous_res = $chosen_res;
+ my $res_combo = gtknew('ComboBox',
+ text_ref => \$chosen_res,
+ format => sub { $_[0]{text} ? translate($_[0]{text}) : &$res2text },
+ list_ref => \$proposed_resolutions,
+ changed => sub {
+ if ($chosen_res->{text} eq 'Other') {
+ undef $chosen_ratio;
+ $set_proposed_resolutions->($previous_res);
+ } elsif (!$chosen_res->{automatic}) {
+ my @matching_res = $filter_on_res->(@matching_ratio);
+ if (!$filter_on_Depth->(@matching_res)) {
+ gtkval_modify(\$chosen_Depth, $matching_res[0]{Depth});
+ }
+ }
+ $previous_res = $chosen_res;
+ });
+ my $pixmap_mo = gtknew('Image',
+ file_ref => \$chosen_res,
+ format => sub {
+ my $X = $_[0]{X} || '1024';
+ $monitor_images_x_res{$X} or internal_error("no image for resolution $X");
+ });
+ my $help_sub = $in->interactive_help_sub_display_id('configureX_resolution');
+ gtkadd($W->{window},
+ gtkpack_($W->create_box_with_title(N("Choose the resolution and the color depth"),
+ if_($card->{BoardName}, "(" . N("Graphics card: %s", $card->{BoardName}) . ")"),
+ ),
+ 1, '',
+ 0, $pixmap_mo,
+ 0, gtknew('HBox', children => [
+ 1, '',
+ 0, gtknew('Table', col_spacings => 5, row_spacings => 5,
+ children => [
+ [ $res_combo, gtknew('Label', text => "") ],
+ [ $depth_combo, gtknew('Frame', shadow_type => 'etched_out', child => $pix_colors) ],
+ ]),
+ 1, '',
+ ]),
+ 1, '',
+ 0, gtkadd($W->create_okcancel(N("Ok"), N("Cancel"), '', if_($help_sub, [ N("Help"), $help_sub, 1 ]))),
+ ));
+ $W->{ok}->grab_focus;
+ $W->main or return;
+ if ($chosen_res->{automatic}) {
+ $chosen_res->{Depth} = $chosen_Depth;
+ $chosen_res;
+ } else {
+ find { $_->{X} == $chosen_res->{X} &&
+ $_->{Y} == $chosen_res->{Y} &&
+ $_->{Depth} == $chosen_Depth } @resolutions;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad835fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package Xconfig::screen; # $Id: 210131 2004-11-18 13:25:45Z prigaux $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use common;
+sub configure {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my @devices = $raw_X->get_devices;
+ my @monitors = $raw_X->get_monitors;
+ if (@monitors < @devices) {
+ $raw_X->set_monitors(@monitors, ({}) x (@devices - @monitors));
+ @monitors = $raw_X->get_monitors;
+ }
+ my @sections = mapn {
+ my ($device, $monitor) = @_;
+ { Device => $device->{Identifier}, Monitor => $monitor->{Identifier} };
+ } \@devices, \@monitors;
+ $raw_X->set_screens(@sections);
+ 1;
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f29a07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+package Xconfig::test; # $Id: 252243 2009-01-29 17:57:45Z pixel $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use Xconfig::card;
+use run_program;
+use common;
+use log;
+my $tmpconfig = "/tmp/Xconfig";
+sub xtest {
+ my ($display) = @_;
+ eval {
+ require xf86misc::main;
+ xf86misc::main::Xtest($display);
+ };
+sub test {
+ my ($in, $raw_X, $card, $auto, $skip_badcard) = @_;
+ my $bad_card = !Xconfig::card::check_bad_card($card);
+ return 1 if $skip_badcard && $bad_card;
+ if ($bad_card || !$auto) {
+ $in->ask_yesorno(N("Test of the configuration"),
+ N("Do you want to test the configuration?") . ($bad_card ? "\n" . N("Warning: testing this graphic card may freeze your computer") : ''),
+ !$bad_card) or return 1;
+ }
+ unlink "$::prefix/tmp/.X9-lock";
+ #- create a link from the non-prefixed /tmp/.X11-unix/X9 to the prefixed one
+ #- that way, you can talk to :9 without doing a chroot
+ #- but take care of non X11 install :-)
+ if (-d "/tmp/.X11-unix") {
+ symlinkf "$::prefix/tmp/.X11-unix/X9", "/tmp/.X11-unix/X9" if $::prefix;
+ } else {
+ symlinkf "$::prefix/tmp/.X11-unix", "/tmp/.X11-unix" if $::prefix;
+ }
+ my $f = $::testing ? $tmpconfig : "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.test";
+ $raw_X->write("$::prefix/$f");
+ my $f_err = common::secured_file($::prefix . ($ENV{TMPDIR} || "$ENV{HOME}/tmp") . '/.drakx.Xoutput');
+ my $pid;
+ unless ($pid = fork()) {
+ system("xauth add :9 . `mcookie`");
+ open STDERR, ">$f_err";
+ chroot $::prefix if $::prefix;
+ exec 'Xorg', '-noAutoAddDevices', '-xf86config', $f, ":9" or c::_exit(0);
+ }
+ do { sleep 1 } until xtest(":9") || waitpid($pid, c::WNOHANG());
+ my $_b = before_leaving { unlink $f_err };
+ my $warn_error = sub {
+ my ($error_msg) = @_;
+ $in->ask_warn('', [ N("An error occurred:\n%s\nTry to change some parameters", $error_msg) ]);
+ };
+ if (!xtest(":9")) {
+ open(my $F, $f_err);
+ local $_;
+ i: while (<$F>) {
+ if (/^\(EE\)/ && !/Disabling/ || /^Fatal\b/) {
+ my @msg = !/error/ && $_;
+ local $_;
+ while (<$F>) {
+ /reporting a problem/ and last;
+ $warn_error->(join('', @msg, $_));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ open(my $F, "|perl 2>/dev/null");
+ printf $F q(
+ use lib qw(%s);
+ BEGIN { $::no_ugtk_init = 1 }
+ BEGIN { unshift @::textdomains, 'drakx-kbd-mouse-x11' }
+ require lang;
+ require ugtk2; #- help perl_checker
+ ugtk2->import(qw(:wrappers :helpers)); #- help perl_checker
+ use interactive::gtk;
+ use run_program;
+ use common;
+ $::prefix = "%s";
+ lang::bindtextdomain();
+ $ENV{DISPLAY} = ":9";
+ Gtk2->init;
+ gtkset_background(200 * 257, 210 * 257, 210 * 257);
+ my $text = Gtk2::Label->new;
+ my $time = 12;
+ Glib::Timeout->add(1000, sub {
+ $text->set(sprintf(translate("%s"), $time));
+ $time-- or Gtk2->main_quit;
+ 1;
+ });
+ eval { #- eval it so that missing pixmap will not break the test completely
+ my $root = gtkroot();
+ my $gc = Gtk2::Gdk::GC->new($root);
+ my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file("$::prefix/usr/share/mdk/xfdrake/xfdrake-test-card.png");
+ my ($w, $h) = ($pixbuf->get_width, $pixbuf->get_height);
+ my $pixmap = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixmap->new($root, $w, $h, $root->get_depth);
+ $pixbuf->render_to_drawable($pixmap, $gc, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, 'none', 0, 0);
+ $root->set_back_pixmap($pixmap, 0);
+ $root->clear;
+ };
+ my $in = interactive::gtk->new;
+ $in->exit($in->ask_yesorno('', [ translate("%s"), $text ], 0) ? 0 : 222);
+ ), join(' ', @INC), $::prefix, N_("Leaving in %d seconds"), N_("Is this the correct setting?");
+ my $rc = close $F;
+ my $err = $?;
+ $rc || $err == 222 << 8 or $warn_error->('');
+ unlink "$::prefix/$f", "$::prefix/$f-4";
+ unlink "/tmp/.X11-unix/X9" if $::prefix;
+ kill 2, $pid;
+ $rc;
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab077f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+package Xconfig::various; # $Id: 269742 2010-06-02 09:25:35Z cfergeau $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use Xconfig::card;
+use Xconfig::default;
+use Xconfig::resolution_and_depth;
+use common;
+sub to_string {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ $raw_X->is_fbdev ? 'frame-buffer' : Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::to_string($raw_X->get_resolution);
+sub info {
+ my ($raw_X, $card) = @_;
+ my $info;
+ my $keyboard = eval { $raw_X->get_keyboard } || {};
+ my @monitors = eval { $raw_X->get_monitors };
+ my $device = eval { $raw_X->get_device } || {};
+ my $mouse = eval { first($raw_X->get_mice) } || {};
+ $info .= N("Disable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace: %s\n", configure_ServerFlag($raw_X, 'DontZap') eq 'False' ? N("no") : N("yes"));
+ $info .= N("3D hardware acceleration: %s\n", translate(bool2yesno($card->{use_DRI_GLX} || $card->{DRI_GLX_SPECIAL})));
+ $info .= N("Keyboard layout: %s\n", $keyboard->{XkbLayout});
+ $info .= N("Mouse type: %s\n", $mouse->{Protocol});
+ foreach my $monitor (@monitors) {
+ $info .= N("Monitor: %s\n", $monitor->{ModelName});
+ $info .= N("Monitor HorizSync: %s\n", $monitor->{HorizSync});
+ $info .= N("Monitor VertRefresh: %s\n", $monitor->{VertRefresh});
+ }
+ $info .= N("Graphics card: %s\n", $device->{VendorName} . ' ' . $device->{BoardName});
+ $info .= N("Graphics memory: %s kB\n", $device->{VideoRam}) if $device->{VideoRam};
+ if (my $resolution = eval { $raw_X->get_resolution }) {
+ $info .= N("Color depth: %s\n", translate($Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::depth2text{$resolution->{Depth}})) if $resolution->{Depth};
+ $info .= N("Resolution: %s\n", Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::to_string($resolution));
+ }
+ $info .= N("Xorg driver: %s\n", $device->{Driver}) if $device->{Driver};
+ $info;
+sub default {
+ my ($card, $various) = @_;
+ my $isLaptop = detect_devices::isLaptop();
+ add2hash_($various, {
+ isLaptop => $isLaptop,
+ xdm => 1,
+ DontZap => 0,
+ Composite => !($card->{Driver} eq 'nvidia' && $card->{DriverVersion} eq '71xx'),
+ if_($card->{Driver} eq 'nvidia', RenderAccel => !member($card->{DriverVersion}, qw(71xx 96xx)),
+ Clone => 0, ForceModeDVI => 0),
+ if_($card->{Driver} eq 'savage', HWCursor => 1),
+ if_($card->{Driver} eq 'intel' && $isLaptop, Clone => 0),
+ if_($card->{Driver} eq 'ati' && $isLaptop, Clone => 1, BIOSHotkeys => 0),
+ if_(exists $card->{DRI_GLX}, use_DRI_GLX => $card->{DRI_GLX} && !$card->{Xinerama}),
+ if_(member($card->{Driver}, qw(i128 ati sis trident via savage)), EXA => 0), #- list taken from
+ });
+sub various {
+ my ($in, $raw_X, $card, $options, $b_auto, $b_read_existing) = @_;
+ tvout($in, $card, $options) if !$b_auto;
+ my $use_DRI_GLX = member('dri', $raw_X->get_modules);
+ my $various = {
+ if_($::isStandalone, xdm => runlevel() == 5),
+ if_($b_read_existing,
+ Composite => $raw_X->get_extension('Composite') ne 'Disable',
+ if_($card->{Options}{MonitorLayout} eq 'NONE,CRT+LFP' ||
+ $card->{Options}{TwinViewOrientation} eq 'Clone',
+ Clone => 1),
+ if_($card->{Options}{MonitorLayout} eq 'LVDS,NONE',
+ Clone => 0),
+ if_($card->{Options}{BIOSHotkeys},
+ BIOSHotkeys => 1),
+ if_($card->{Options}{AccelMethod},
+ EXA => $card->{Options}{AccelMethod} eq 'EXA'),
+ if_($card->{Options}{ModeValidation},
+ ForceModeDVI => 1),
+ if_($card->{Driver} eq 'nvidia',
+ RenderAccel => !$card->{Options}{RenderAccel},
+ ),
+ HWCursor => !$card->{Options}{SWCursor},
+ DontZap => (configure_ServerFlag($raw_X, 'DontZap') eq 'False' ? 0 : 1),
+ if_($card->{DRI_GLX} || $use_DRI_GLX, use_DRI_GLX => $use_DRI_GLX),
+ ),
+ };
+ default($card, $various);
+ if (!$b_auto) {
+ choose($in, $various) or return;
+ }
+ config($raw_X, $card, $various) && $various;
+sub various_auto_install {
+ my ($raw_X, $card, $old_X) = @_;
+ my $various = { %$old_X };
+ default($card, $various);
+ config($raw_X, $card, $various);
+ 1;
+sub config {
+ my ($raw_X, $card, $various) = @_;
+ if (exists $various->{DontZap}) {
+ configure_ServerFlag($raw_X, 'DontZap', $various->{DontZap} eq 1 ? 'True' : 'False');
+ }
+ if ($various->{Composite}) {
+ $raw_X->remove_extension('Composite');
+ if ($card->{Driver} eq 'nvidia') {
+ $card->{Options}{AddARGBGLXVisuals} = undef;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $raw_X->set_extension('Composite', 'Disable');
+ if ($card->{Driver} eq 'nvidia') {
+ delete $card->{Options}{AddARGBGLXVisuals};
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $various->{use_DRI_GLX}) {
+ $card->{use_DRI_GLX} = $various->{use_DRI_GLX};
+ }
+ if (exists $various->{RenderAccel}) {
+ if ($various->{RenderAccel}) {
+ delete $card->{Options}{RenderAccel};
+ } else {
+ $card->{Options}{RenderAccel} = 'false';
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $various->{HWCursor}) {
+ if ($various->{HWCursor}) {
+ delete $card->{Options}{SWCursor};
+ } else {
+ $card->{Options}{SWCursor} = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $various->{BIOSHotkeys}) {
+ if ($various->{BIOSHotkeys}) {
+ $card->{Options}{BIOSHotkeys} = undef;
+ } else {
+ delete $card->{Options}{BIOSHotkeys};
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $various->{EXA}) {
+ if ($card->{Driver} eq 'intel') {
+ # the intel driver is able to automatically pick UXA/EXA
+ # when xorg.conf has no accel method defined, but XAA
+ # has to be explicitly selected, that's why the logic
+ # is reversed compared to the other drivers
+ if ($various->{EXA}) {
+ delete $card->{Options}{AccelMethod};
+ } else {
+ $card->{Options}{AccelMethod} = 'XAA';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($various->{EXA}) {
+ $card->{Options}{AccelMethod} = 'EXA';
+ } else {
+ delete $card->{Options}{AccelMethod};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $various->{ForceModeDVI}) {
+ if ($card->{Driver} eq 'nvidia') {
+ if ($various->{ForceModeDVI}) {
+ $card->{Options}{ExactModeTimingsDVI} = undef;
+ $card->{Options}{ModeValidation} = 'NoWidthAlignmentCheck, NoDFPNativeResolutionCheck';
+ } else {
+ delete $card->{Options}{ExactModeTimingsDVI};
+ delete $card->{Options}{ModeValidation};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $various->{Clone}) {
+ if ($card->{Driver} eq 'nvidia') {
+ if ($various->{Clone}) {
+ $card->{Options}{TwinView} = undef;
+ $card->{Options}{TwinViewOrientation} = 'Clone';
+ delete $card->{Options}{DynamicTwinView};
+ } else {
+ delete $card->{Options}{TwinView};
+ delete $card->{Options}{TwinViewOrientation};
+ #- below disables runtime setting of TwinView via nvidia-settings
+ #- it helps on Compiz (#39171)
+ $card->{Options}{DynamicTwinView} = 'false';
+ }
+ } elsif ($card->{Driver} eq 'intel') {
+ if ($various->{Clone}) {
+ $card->{Options}{MonitorLayout} = 'NONE,CRT+LFP';
+ } else {
+ delete $card->{Options}{MonitorLayout};
+ }
+ } elsif ($card->{Driver} eq 'ati') {
+ if ($various->{Clone}) {
+ #- the default is Clone
+ delete $card->{Options}{MonitorLayout};
+ } else {
+ #- forcing no display on CRT
+ $card->{Options}{MonitorLayout} = 'LVDS,NONE';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Xconfig::various::runlevel($various->{xdm} ? 5 : 3);
+sub runlevel {
+ my ($o_runlevel) = @_;
+ my $f = "$::prefix/etc/inittab";
+ -r $f or log::l("missing inittab!!!"), return;
+ if ($o_runlevel) {
+ substInFile { s/^id:\d:initdefault:\s*$/id:$o_runlevel:initdefault:\n/ } $f if !$::testing;
+ } else {
+ cat_($f) =~ /^id:(\d):initdefault:\s*$/m && $1;
+ }
+sub choose {
+ my ($in, $various) = @_;
+ $in->ask_from_({ title => N("Xorg configuration") }, [
+ { label => N("Global options"), title => 1 },
+ { text => N("Disable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace"),
+ type => 'bool', val => \$various->{DontZap} },
+ { label => N("Graphic card options"), title => 1 },
+ { text => N("Enable Translucency (Composite extension)"),
+ type => 'bool', val => \$various->{Composite} },
+ exists $various->{HWCursor} ?
+ { text => N("Use hardware accelerated mouse pointer"),
+ type => 'bool', val => \$various->{HWCursor} } : (),
+ exists $various->{RenderAccel} ?
+ { text => N("Enable RENDER Acceleration (this may cause bugs displaying text)"),
+ type => 'bool', val => \$various->{RenderAccel} } : (),
+ exists $various->{Clone} ?
+ { text => $various->{isLaptop} ?
+ N("Enable duplicate display on the external monitor") :
+ N("Enable duplicate display on the second display"),
+ type => 'bool', val => \$various->{Clone} } : (),
+ exists $various->{ForceModeDVI} ?
+ { text => N("Force display mode of DVI"),
+ type => 'bool', val => \$various->{ForceModeDVI} } : (),
+ exists $various->{BIOSHotkeys} ?
+ { text => N("Enable BIOS hotkey for external monitor switching"),
+ type => 'bool', val => \$various->{BIOSHotkeys} } : (),
+ exists $various->{EXA} ?
+ { text => N("Use EXA instead of XAA (better performance for Render and Composite)"),
+ type => 'bool', val => \$various->{EXA} } : (),
+ { label => N("Graphical interface at startup"), title => 1 },
+ { text => N("Automatically start the graphical interface (Xorg) upon booting"),
+ type => 'bool', val => \$various->{xdm} },
+ ]) or return;
+ 1;
+sub tvout {
+ my ($in, $card, $options) = @_;
+ $card->{FB_TVOUT} && $options->{allowFB} or return;
+ $in->ask_yesorno('', N("Your graphic card seems to have a TV-OUT connector.
+It can be configured to work using frame-buffer.
+For this you have to plug your graphic card to your TV before booting your computer.
+Then choose the \"TVout\" entry in the bootloader
+Do you have this feature?")) or return;
+ #- rough default value (rationale:
+ require timezone;
+ my $norm = timezone::read()->{timezone} =~ /America/ ? 'NTSC' : 'PAL';
+ $norm = $in->ask_from_list('', N("What norm is your TV using?"), [ 'NTSC', 'PAL' ], $norm) or return;
+ configure_FB_TVOUT($in->do_pkgs, { norm => $norm });
+sub configure_FB_TVOUT {
+ my ($do_pkgs, $use_FB_TVOUT) = @_;
+ my $raw_X = Xconfig::default::configure($do_pkgs);
+ return if is_empty_array_ref($raw_X);
+ $raw_X->set_monitors({ HorizSync => '30-50', VertRefresh => ($use_FB_TVOUT->{norm} eq 'NTSC' ? 60 : 50),
+ ModeLine => [
+ { val => '"640x480" 29.50 640 675 678 944 480 530 535 625', pre_comment => "# PAL\n" },
+ { val => '"800x600" 36.00 800 818 820 960 600 653 655 750' },
+ { val => '"640x480" 28.195793 640 656 658 784 480 520 525 600', pre_comment => "# NTSC\n" },
+ { val => '"800x600" 38.769241 800 812 814 880 600 646 649 735' },
+ ] });
+ $raw_X->set_devices({ Driver => 'fbdev' });
+ my ($device) = $raw_X->get_devices;
+ my ($monitor) = $raw_X->get_monitors;
+ $raw_X->set_screens({ Device => $device->{Identifier}, Monitor => $monitor->{Identifier} });
+ my $Screen = $raw_X->get_default_screen;
+ $Screen->{Display} = [ map { { l => { Depth => { val => $_ } } } } 8, 16 ];
+ $raw_X->write("$::prefix/etc/X11/xorg.conf.tvout");
+ check_xorg_conf_symlink();
+ {
+ require bootloader;
+ require fsedit;
+ require detect_devices;
+ my $all_hds = $::isInstall ? $::o->{all_hds} : fsedit::get_hds();
+ my $bootloader = $::isInstall ? $::o->{bootloader} : bootloader::read($all_hds);
+ if (my $tvout = bootloader::duplicate_kernel_entry($bootloader, 'TVout')) {
+ $tvout->{append} .= " XFree=tvout";
+ bootloader::install($bootloader, $all_hds);
+ }
+ }
+sub configure_ServerFlag {
+ my ($raw_X, $option, $value) = @_;
+ my $ServerFlags = $raw_X->get_Section('ServerFlags');
+ my $option_ref = $ServerFlags->{$option}->[0];
+ if ($value) {
+ $option_ref->{val} = $value;
+ $option_ref->{commented} = 0;
+ $option_ref->{Option} = 1;
+ }
+ return undef if $option_ref->{commented} eq 1;
+ $option_ref->{val};
+sub check_xorg_conf_symlink() {
+ my $f = "$::prefix/etc/X11/xorg.conf";
+ if (!-l $f && -e "$f.tvout") {
+ rename $f, "$f.standard";
+ symlink "xorg.conf.standard", $f;
+ }
+sub change_bootloader_config {
+ my ($do, @do_params) = @_;
+ require bootloader;
+ my ($bootloader, $all_hds);
+ if ($::isInstall && !$::globetrotter) {
+ ($bootloader, $all_hds) = ($::o->{bootloader}, $::o->{all_hds});
+ $bootloader && $bootloader->{method} or return;
+ } else {
+ require fsedit;
+ require fs;
+ require bootloader;
+ $all_hds = fsedit::get_hds();
+ fs::get_info_from_fstab($all_hds);
+ $bootloader = bootloader::read($all_hds) or return;
+ }
+ $do->($bootloader, @do_params) or return;
+ bootloader::action($bootloader, 'write', $all_hds);
+ bootloader::action($bootloader, 'when_config_changed');
+ 1;
+sub setupFB {
+ my ($bios_vga_mode) = @_;
+ change_bootloader_config(
+ sub {
+ my ($bootloader, $bios_vga_mode) = @_;
+ foreach (@{$bootloader->{entries}}) {
+ $_->{vga} = $bios_vga_mode if $_->{vga}; #- replace existing vga= with
+ }
+ bootloader::update_splash($bootloader);
+ 1;
+ }, $bios_vga_mode);
+sub setup_kms {
+ change_bootloader_config(
+ sub {
+ my ($bootloader) = @_;
+ my $kms_ok = run_program::rooted($::prefix, "/sbin/display_driver_helper", "--is-kms-allowed") || 0;
+ return if $kms_ok != bootloader::get_append_simple($bootloader, "nokmsboot");
+ if ($kms_ok) {
+ bootloader::remove_append_simple($bootloader, "nokmsboot");
+ } else {
+ bootloader::set_append_simple($bootloader, "nokmsboot");
+ }
+ 1;
+ });
diff --git a/lib/Xconfig/ b/lib/Xconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b284aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Xconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+package Xconfig::xfree; # $Id: 262502 2009-10-21 13:46:52Z cfergeau $
+my ($Revision) = '$Revision: 262502 $' =~ /(\d+)/;
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use common;
+use Xconfig::parse;
+#- mostly internal only
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $raw) = @_;
+ @$raw && bless { raw => $raw }, $class;
+sub _conf_file() {
+ "$::prefix/etc/X11/xorg.conf";
+# I/O ##########################################################################
+sub read {
+ my ($class) = @_;
+ my $raw_X = $class->new(Xconfig::parse::read_XF86Config(_conf_file())) or return;
+ $raw_X->{before} = $raw_X->prepare_write;
+ if (my ($keyboard) = $raw_X->get_InputDevices('keyboard')) {
+ $keyboard->{Driver}{val} = 'kbd';
+ }
+ if (my ($keyboard) = $raw_X->get_InputDevices('Keyboard')) {
+ $keyboard->{Driver}{val} = 'kbd';
+ }
+ #- ugly hack to fix empty ModeLine lines, XFdrake seems to generate some, but where???
+ #- at least this allows fixing the pb by re-running XFdrake
+ foreach ($raw_X->get_Sections('Monitor')) {
+ my $l = $_->{ModeLine} or next;
+ @$l = grep { $_->{val} } @$l;
+ }
+ foreach ($raw_X->get_Sections('Device')) {
+ $_->{Driver} && $_->{Driver}{val} eq 'i810' and $_->{Driver}{val} = 'intel';
+ }
+ $raw_X;
+sub write {
+ my ($raw_X, $o_file) = @_;
+ my $file = $o_file || _conf_file();
+ if (!$o_file) {
+ renamef($file, "$file.old");
+ }
+ no_ModeLine_on_fglrx($raw_X); #- HACK
+ set_Revision($raw_X);
+ Xconfig::parse::write_XF86Config($raw_X->{raw}, $file);
+sub prepare_write {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ set_Revision($raw_X);
+ join('', Xconfig::parse::prepare_write_XF86Config($raw_X->{raw}));
+sub is_modified {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ $raw_X->{before} ne $raw_X->prepare_write;
+sub is_only_resolution_modified {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ ($raw_X->{after_set_resolutions} || $raw_X->{before}) eq $raw_X->prepare_write;
+sub empty_config {
+ my ($class) = @_;
+ $class->new(Xconfig::parse::read_XF86Config_from_string(our $default_header));
+my $mark = '# File generated by XFdrake';
+sub get_Revision {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my $first = $raw_X->{raw}[0];
+ $first->{pre_comment} =~ /^\Q$mark\E \(rev (\d+)\)/ && $1;
+sub set_Revision {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my $first = $raw_X->{raw}[0];
+ my $first_comment = $first->{pre_comment};
+ my $was_there = $first_comment =~ s/^\Q$mark\E.*\n//;
+ $first->{pre_comment} = "$mark (rev $Revision)\n" . ($was_there ? '' : "\n") . $first_comment;
+# keyboard #####################################################################
+my @keyboard_fields = qw(XkbLayout XkbModel XkbDisable XkbOptions XkbCompat);
+sub get_keyboard {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my $raw_kbd = _raw_get_keyboard($raw_X) or die "no keyboard section";
+ raw_export_section($raw_kbd, \@keyboard_fields);
+sub _raw_get_keyboard {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ first($raw_X->get_Sections('InputDevice', sub {
+ my ($entry) = @_;
+ my $Driver = val($entry->{Driver});
+ $Driver eq 'kbd' || $Driver eq 'evdev' && val($entry->{XkbLayout});
+ }));
+# mouse ########################################################################
+#- example mouse: { Protocol => 'IMPS/2', Device => '/dev/psaux', Emulate3Buttons => undef, Emulate3Timeout => 50, ZAxisMapping => [ '4 5', '6 7' ] }
+#- example evdev: { bustype => '0x0003', vendor => '0x045e', product => '0x008c' }
+my @mouse_fields = qw(Protocol Device ZAxisMapping Emulate3Buttons Emulate3Timeout bustype vendor product); #-);
+sub get_mice {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my @raw_mice = $raw_X->get_Sections('InputDevice', \&_is_mouse);
+ map { raw_export_section($_, \@mouse_fields) } @raw_mice;
+sub set_mice {
+ my ($raw_X, @mice) = @_;
+ @mice = grep { $_->{Driver} && $_->{Driver} ne 'evdev' } @mice;
+ my @raw_mice = _new_mouse_sections($raw_X, map { delete $_->{Driver} } @mice);
+ mapn {
+ my ($raw_mouse, $mouse) = @_;
+ raw_import_section($raw_mouse, $mouse);
+ _set_Option('mouse', $raw_mouse, keys %$mouse);
+ } \@raw_mice, \@mice;
+sub _is_mouse {
+ my ($entry) = @_;
+ my $Driver = val($entry->{Driver});
+ member($Driver, qw(mouse vboxmouse vmmouse)) || $Driver eq 'evdev' && !val($entry->{XkbLayout});
+sub _new_mouse_sections {
+ my ($raw_X, @Drivers) = @_;
+ $raw_X->remove_InputDevices_when(\&_is_mouse);
+ @Drivers or return;
+ my @l = map_index {
+ my $h = { Identifier => { val => 'Mouse' . ($::i + 1) }, Driver => { val => $_ } };
+ $raw_X->add_Section('InputDevice', $h);
+ } @Drivers;
+ my $layout = get_ServerLayout($raw_X)->{InputDevice} ||= [];
+ push @$layout, { val => qq("Mouse1" "CorePointer") };
+ push @$layout, { val => qq("Mouse$_" "SendCoreEvents") } foreach 2 .. @Drivers;
+ @l;
+# resolution ###################################################################
+sub get_resolution {
+ my ($raw_X, $o_Screen) = @_;
+ first(get_resolutions($raw_X, $o_Screen));
+sub get_resolutions {
+ my ($raw_X, $o_Screen) = @_;
+ my $Screen = $o_Screen || $raw_X->get_default_screen or return {};
+ my $depth = val($Screen->{DefaultColorDepth} || $Screen->{DefaultDepth});
+ my $Display = find { !$depth || val($_->{l}{Depth}) eq $depth } @{$Screen->{Display} || []} or return { automatic => 1, Depth => $depth };
+ my $s = val($Display->{l}{Virtual} || $Display->{l}{Modes});
+ my @l;
+ while ($s =~ /(\d+)(x|\s+)(\d+)/g) {
+ push @l, { X => $1, Y => $3, Depth => val($Display->{l}{Depth}) };
+ }
+ @l ? @l : { automatic => 1, Depth => $depth };
+sub set_resolutions {
+ my ($raw_X, $resolutions, $o_Screen) = @_;
+ my $Depth = $resolutions->[0]{Depth} eq '32' ? 24 : $resolutions->[0]{Depth};
+ my $only_resolution = $raw_X->is_only_resolution_modified;
+ foreach my $Screen ($o_Screen ? $o_Screen : $raw_X->get_Sections('Screen')) {
+ $Screen ||= $raw_X->get_default_screen or internal_error('no screen');
+ delete $Screen->{DefaultDepth};
+ $only_resolution &&= $Screen->{DefaultColorDepth} && $Screen->{DefaultColorDepth}{val} eq $Depth;
+ if ($resolutions->[0]{X}) {
+ #- if the existing config is using Virtual, keep Virtual, otherwise default to Modes
+ my $Mode_name = (any { $_->{l}{Virtual} } @{$Screen->{Display} || []}) ? 'Virtual' : 'Modes';
+ my @l = $Mode_name eq 'Modes' ? @$resolutions : first(@$resolutions);
+ my @Modes = map { sprintf($Mode_name eq 'Modes' ? '"%dx%d"' : '%d %d', @$_{'X', 'Y'}) } @l;
+ $Screen->{Display} = [ map {
+ { l => { Depth => { val => $_ }, $Mode_name => { val => join(' ', @Modes) } } };
+ } 8, 15, 16, 24 ];
+ } else {
+ delete $Screen->{Display};
+ }
+ if ($Depth) {
+ $Screen->{DefaultColorDepth} = { val => $Depth };
+ } else {
+ delete $Screen->{DefaultColorDepth};
+ }
+ }
+ add_gtf_ModeLines($raw_X, $resolutions) if $resolutions->[0]{X};
+ $raw_X->{after_set_resolutions} = $only_resolution ? $raw_X->prepare_write : '';
+# device #######################################################################
+my @device_fields = qw(VendorName BoardName Driver VideoRam Screen BusID); #-);
+sub get_device {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ first(get_devices($raw_X));
+sub get_devices {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my @raw_devices = $raw_X->get_Sections('Device');
+ map {
+ my $raw_device = $_;
+ my $device = raw_export_section($raw_device, [ 'Identifier', @device_fields ]);
+ $device->{Options} = raw_export_section($raw_device, [ grep { (deref_array($raw_device->{$_}))[0]->{Option} } keys %$raw_device ]);
+ $device;
+ } @raw_devices;
+sub set_devices {
+ my ($raw_X, @devices) = @_;
+ my @raw_devices = _new_device_sections($raw_X, int @devices);
+ mapn {
+ my ($raw_device, $device) = @_;
+ my %Options = %{$device->{Options} || {}};
+ raw_import_section($raw_device, $device, \@device_fields);
+ raw_import_section($raw_device, \%Options);
+ $_->{Option} = 1 foreach map { deref_array($raw_device->{$_}) } keys %Options;
+ $raw_device->{''} = [ { post_comment => $device->{raw_LINES} } ] if $device->{raw_LINES};
+ } \@raw_devices, \@devices;
+sub _new_device_sections {
+ my ($raw_X, $nb_new) = @_;
+ $raw_X->remove_Section('Device');
+ map { $raw_X->add_Section('Device', { Identifier => { val => "device$_" }, DPMS => { Option => 1 } }) } (1 .. $nb_new);
+sub get_Driver {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my $card = eval { $raw_X->get_device };
+ $card && $card->{Driver};
+# wacoms #######################################################################
+sub set_wacoms {
+ my ($raw_X, @wacoms) = @_;
+ $raw_X->remove_InputDevices('wacom');
+ @wacoms or return;
+ my @Modes = ('Stylus', 'Eraser', 'Cursor', 'Pad');
+ my $layout = get_ServerLayout($raw_X)->{InputDevice} ||= [];
+ each_index {
+ my $wacom = $_;
+ foreach (@Modes) {
+ next if $wacom->{USB};
+ my $identifier = $_ . ($::i + 1);
+ my $h = { Identifier => { val => $identifier },
+ Driver => { val => 'wacom' },
+ Type => { val => lc $_, Option => 1 },
+ Device => { val => $wacom->{Device}, Option => 1 }
+ };
+ $raw_X->add_Section('InputDevice', $h);
+ push @$layout, { val => qq("$identifier" "SendCoreEvents") };
+ }
+ } @wacoms;
+# monitor ######################################################################
+my @monitor_fields = qw(VendorName ModelName HorizSync VertRefresh PreferredMode);
+sub get_monitors {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my @raw_monitors = $raw_X->get_Sections('Monitor');
+ map {
+ my $h = raw_export_section($_, [ 'Identifier', @monitor_fields ]);
+ $h->{ModeLine} = $_->{ModeLine} if $_->{ModeLine};
+ $h;
+ } @raw_monitors;
+sub set_monitors {
+ my ($raw_X, @monitors) = @_;
+ my @raw_monitors = _new_monitor_sections($raw_X, int @monitors);
+ mapn {
+ my ($raw_monitor, $monitor) = @_;
+ raw_import_section($raw_monitor, $monitor, \@monitor_fields);
+ $raw_monitor->{PreferredMode}{Option} = 1 if $raw_monitor->{PreferredMode};
+ $raw_monitor->{ModeLine} = $monitor->{ModeLine} if $monitor->{ModeLine};
+ } \@raw_monitors, \@monitors;
+sub get_or_new_monitors {
+ my ($raw_X, $nb_new) = @_;
+ my @monitors = $raw_X->get_monitors;
+ #- ensure we have exactly $nb_new monitors;
+ if ($nb_new > @monitors) {
+ @monitors, ({}) x ($nb_new - @monitors);
+ } else {
+ splice(@monitors, 0, $nb_new);
+ }
+sub _new_monitor_sections {
+ my ($raw_X, $nb_new) = @_;
+ $raw_X->remove_Section('Monitor');
+ map { $raw_X->add_Section('Monitor', { Identifier => { val => "monitor$_" }, ModeLine => default_ModeLine() }) } (1 .. $nb_new);
+sub default_ModeLine() {
+ ModeLine_from_string(qq(Section "Monitor"\n) . (our $default_ModeLine) . qq(EndSection\n));
+sub XxY {
+ my ($resolution) = @_;
+ $resolution && $resolution->{X} && $resolution->{Y} &&
+ $resolution->{X} . 'x' . $resolution->{Y};
+sub xorg_builtin_resolution {
+ my ($X, $Y) = @_;
+ my $res = $X . 'x' . $Y;
+ $res eq '1280x1024' ||
+ $res ne '1400x1050' && $res ne '1152x864' && $Xconfig::xfree::resolution2ratio{$res} eq '4/3';
+sub resolution2ratio {
+ my ($resolution, $b_non_strict) = @_;
+ my $res = XxY($resolution);
+ $res eq '1280x1024' && $b_non_strict ? '4/3' : $Xconfig::xfree::resolution2ratio{$res};
+sub add_gtf_ModeLines {
+ my ($raw_X, $resolutions) = @_;
+ my $banner = 'modeline generated by gtf(1) [handled by XFdrake]';
+ my @to_add;
+ if (!xorg_builtin_resolution($resolutions->[0]{X}, $resolutions->[0]{Y})) {
+ @to_add = map {
+ my $resolution = $_;
+ map {
+ my $s = run_program::rooted_get_stdout($::prefix, 'gtf', $resolution->{X}, $resolution->{Y}, $_);
+ if (my ($name, $val) = $s =~ /ModeLine\s*"(.*)"(.*)/i) {
+ chomp $val;
+ $name =~ s/\.00//; #- nicer that way
+ { val => qq("${name}"$val), pre_comment => "# $banner\n" };
+ } else { () }
+ } reverse(sort_numbers(@Xconfig::xfree::vfreqs));
+ } @$resolutions;
+ }
+ $raw_X->set_monitors(map {
+ @{$_->{ModeLine}} = (
+ (grep { index($_->{pre_comment}, $banner) == -1 } @{$_->{ModeLine}}),
+ @to_add,
+ );
+ $_;
+ } $raw_X->get_monitors);
+ 1;
+#- HACK for fglrx (#30934)
+sub no_ModeLine_on_fglrx {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ if (get_Driver($raw_X) eq 'fglrx') {
+ delete $_->{ModeLine} foreach $raw_X->get_Sections('Monitor');
+ }
+# screens ######################################################################
+sub get_default_screen {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my @l = $raw_X->get_Sections('Screen');
+ (find { $_->{Identifier} && val($_->{Identifier}) eq 'screen1' ||
+ $_->{Driver} && val($_->{Driver}) =~ /svga|accel/ } @l) || $l[0];
+sub set_screens {
+ my ($raw_X, @screens) = @_;
+ my @raw_screens = _new_screen_sections($raw_X, int @screens);
+ mapn {
+ my ($raw_screen, $screen) = @_;
+ raw_import_section($raw_screen, $screen);
+ } \@raw_screens, \@screens;
+sub _new_screen_sections {
+ my ($raw_X, $nb_new) = @_;
+ $raw_X->remove_Section('Screen');
+ my @l = map { $raw_X->add_Section('Screen', { Identifier => { val => "screen$_" } }) } (1 .. $nb_new);
+ get_ServerLayout($raw_X)->{Screen} = [
+ { val => qq("screen1") },
+ map { { val => sprintf('"screen%d" RightOf "screen%d"', $_, $_ - 1) } } (2 .. $nb_new)
+ ];
+ @l;
+sub is_fbdev {
+ my ($raw_X, $o_Screen) = @_;
+ my $Screen = $o_Screen || $raw_X->get_default_screen or return;
+ my $Device = $raw_X->get_Section_by_Identifier('Device', val($Screen->{Device})) or internal_error("no device named $Screen->{Device}");
+ val($Device->{Driver}) eq 'fbdev';
+# modules ######################################################################
+sub get_modules {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my $raw_Module = $raw_X->get_Section('Module') or return;
+ my $Module = raw_export_section($raw_Module, ['Load']);
+ @{$Module->{Load} || []};
+sub get_disabled_modules {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my $raw_Module = $raw_X->get_Section('Module') or return;
+ my $Module = raw_export_section($raw_Module, ['Disable']);
+ @{$Module->{Disable} || []};
+sub add_load_module {
+ my ($raw_X, $module) = @_;
+ my $raw_Module = $raw_X->get_Section('Module') || $raw_X->add_Section('Module', {});
+ my %load_modules_comment = (
+ dbe => 'Double-Buffering Extension',
+ v4l => 'Video for Linux',
+ dri => 'direct rendering',
+ glx => '3D layer',
+ '' => '3D layer',
+ );
+ my $comment = $load_modules_comment{$module};
+ push @{$raw_Module->{Load}}, { val => $module,
+ comment_on_line => $comment && " # $comment",
+ } if !member($module, $raw_X->get_modules);
+sub add_disable_module {
+ my ($raw_X, $module) = @_;
+ my $raw_Module = $raw_X->get_Section('Module') || $raw_X->add_Section('Module', {});
+ push @{$raw_Module->{Disable}}, { val => $module } if !member($module, $raw_X->get_disabled_modules);
+sub remove_load_module {
+ my ($raw_X, $module) = @_;
+ my $raw_Module = $raw_X->get_Section('Module') or return;
+ if (my @l = grep { $_->{val} ne $module } @{$raw_Module->{Load}}) {
+ $raw_Module->{Load} = \@l;
+ } else {
+ delete $raw_Module->{Load};
+ }
+sub remove_disable_module {
+ my ($raw_X, $module) = @_;
+ my $raw_Module = $raw_X->get_Section('Module') or return;
+ if (my @l = grep { $_->{val} ne $module } @{$raw_Module->{Disable}}) {
+ $raw_Module->{Disable} = \@l;
+ } else {
+ delete $raw_Module->{Disable};
+ }
+sub set_load_module {
+ my ($raw_X, $module, $bool) = @_;
+ if ($bool) {
+ remove_disable_module($raw_X, $module);
+ add_load_module($raw_X, $module);
+ } else {
+ remove_load_module($raw_X, $module);
+ add_disable_module($raw_X, $module);
+ }
+# modules ######################################################################
+sub remove_extension {
+ my ($raw_X, $extension) = @_;
+ my $raw = $raw_X->get_Section('Extensions') or return;
+ delete $raw->{$extension};
+ %$raw or $raw_X->remove_Section('Extensions');
+sub get_extension {
+ my ($raw_X, $extension) = @_;
+ my $raw = $raw_X->get_Section('Extensions');
+ $raw && $raw->{$extension} && $raw->{$extension}{val};
+sub set_extension {
+ my ($raw_X, $extension, $val) = @_;
+ my $raw = $raw_X->get_Section('Extensions') || $raw_X->add_Section('Extensions', {});
+ $raw->{$extension} = { 'Option' => 1, val => $val };
+# ModulePath ###################################################################
+sub get_ModulePaths {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ my $raw_Files = $raw_X->get_Section('Files') or return;
+ my $Files = raw_export_section($raw_Files, ['ModulePath']);
+ @{$Files->{ModulePath} || []};
+sub add_ModulePath {
+ my ($raw_X, $ModulePath) = @_;
+ my $raw_Files = $raw_X->get_Section('Files') || $raw_X->add_Section('Files', {});
+ push @{$raw_Files->{ModulePath}}, { val => $ModulePath } if !member($ModulePath, $raw_X->get_ModulePaths);
+sub remove_ModulePath {
+ my ($raw_X, $ModulePath) = @_;
+ my $raw_Files = $raw_X->get_Section('Files') or return;
+ my @l = grep { $_->{val} ne $ModulePath && $_->{val} ne "$ModulePath/" } @{$raw_Files->{ModulePath}};
+ $raw_Files->{ModulePath} = \@l;
+#- helpers
+sub _set_Option {
+ my ($category, $node, @names) = @_;
+ if (member($category, 'keyboard', 'mouse')) {
+ #- everything we export is an Option
+ $_->{Option} = 1 foreach map { deref_array($node->{$_}) } @names;
+ }
+sub get_InputDevices {
+ my ($raw_X, $Driver) = @_;
+ $raw_X->get_Sections('InputDevice', sub { val($_[0]{Driver}) eq $Driver });
+sub remove_InputDevices {
+ my ($raw_X, $Driver) = @_;
+ $raw_X->remove_InputDevices_when(sub { val($_[0]{Driver}) eq $Driver });
+sub remove_InputDevices_when {
+ my ($raw_X, $when) = @_;
+ my @removed = $raw_X->remove_Section('InputDevice', $when);
+ my $Identifier_regexp = join('|', map { val($_->{l}{Identifier}) } @removed);
+ my $layout = get_ServerLayout($raw_X)->{InputDevice} ||= [];
+ @$layout = grep { $_->{val} !~ /^"$Identifier_regexp"/ } @$layout;
+sub get_ServerLayout {
+ my ($raw_X) = @_;
+ $raw_X->get_Section('ServerLayout') ||
+ $raw_X->add_Section('ServerLayout', { Identifier => { val => 'layout1' } });
+#- helpers
+sub raw_export_section {
+ my ($section, $fields) = @_;
+ my $export_name = sub {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my $h = $section->{$name} or return;
+ my @l = map { if_(!$_->{commented}, $_->{val}) } deref_array($h) or return;
+ $name => (ref($h) eq 'ARRAY' ? \@l : $l[0]);
+ };
+ my %h = map { $export_name->($_) } @$fields;
+ \%h;
+sub raw_import_section {
+ my ($section, $h, $o_fields) = @_;
+ foreach ($o_fields ? grep { exists $h->{$_} } @$o_fields : sort keys %$h) {
+ my @l = map { ref($_) eq 'HASH' ? $_ : { val => $_ } } deref_array($h->{$_});
+ $section->{$_} = (ref($h->{$_}) eq 'ARRAY' ? \@l : $l[0]);
+ }
+sub add_Section {
+ my ($raw_X, $Section, $h) = @_;
+ my @suggested_ordering = qw(Extensions Files ServerFlags Module DRI Keyboard Pointer XInput InputDevice Monitor Device Screen ServerLayout);
+ my %order = map_index { { lc($_) => $::i } } @suggested_ordering;
+ my $e = { name => $Section, l => $h };
+ my $added;
+ my $raw = $raw_X->{raw};
+ @$raw = map {
+ if ($order{lc $_->{name}} > $order{lc $Section} && !$added) {
+ $added = 1;
+ ($e, $_);
+ } else { $_ }
+ } @$raw;
+ push @$raw, $e if !$added;
+ $h;
+sub remove_Section {
+ my ($raw_X, $Section, $o_when) = @_;
+ my $raw = $raw_X->{raw};
+ my ($keep, $remove) = partition { $_->{name} ne $Section || $o_when && !$o_when->($_->{l}) } @$raw;
+ @$raw = @$keep;
+ @$remove;
+sub get_Sections {
+ my ($raw_X, $Section, $o_when) = @_;
+ map { if_(lc($_->{name}) eq lc($Section) && (!$o_when || $o_when->($_->{l})), $_->{l}) } @{$raw_X->{raw}};
+sub get_Section {
+ my ($raw_X, $Section, $o_when) = @_;
+ my @l = get_Sections($raw_X, $Section, $o_when);
+ @l > 1 and log::l("Xconfig: found more than one Section $Section");
+ $l[0];
+sub get_Section_by_Identifier {
+ my ($raw_X, $Section, $Identifier) = @_;
+ my @l = get_Sections($raw_X, $Section, sub { val($_[0]{Identifier}) eq $Identifier });
+ @l > 1 and die "more than one Section $Section has Identifier $Identifier";
+ $l[0];
+sub val {
+ my ($ref) = @_;
+ $ref && $ref->{val};
+sub ModeLine_from_string {
+ my ($s) = @_;
+ my $raw_X_for_ModeLine = Xconfig::parse::read_XF86Config_from_string($s);
+ get_Section(Xconfig::xfree->new($raw_X_for_ModeLine), 'Monitor')->{ModeLine};
+# movies
+# esp for 1360x768
+# file vesamodes in Xorg is DMT Standard Display Modes
+our @CVT_ratios = qw(4/3 16/9 16/10 5/4 15/9 3/2);
+our @CVT_vfreqs = qw(50 60 75 85); # and also 60Hz "reduced blanking" in CVT
+our @vfreqs = (@CVT_vfreqs, qw(100 120));
+our %ratio2resolutions = (
+ # first all the CVT_ratios
+ # 1.25
+ '5/4' => [ '640x512',
+ '720x576',
+ '1280x1024', # SXGA
+ '1800x1440',
+ #'2560x2048', # QSXGA
+ #'5120x4096', # HSXGA
+ ],
+ # 1.33
+ '4/3' => [ '320x240', # QVGA
+ '480x360',
+ '640x480', # VGA
+ #'768x576', # PAL
+ '800x600', # SVGA
+ '832x624',
+ '1024x768', # XGA
+ '1152x864',
+ '1280x960',
+ '1400x1050', # SXGA+
+ '1600x1200', # UXGA
+ #'1792x1344',
+ #'1800x1350',
+ #'1856x1392',
+ '1920x1440',
+ '2048x1536', # QXGA
+ '2800x2100', # QSXGA+
+ '3200x2400', # QUXGA
+ '4096x3072', # HXGA
+ '6400x4800', # HUXGA
+ # DBLSCAN: 400x300 416x312 512x384 576x432 700x525 896x672 928x696 960x720
+ ],
+ # 1.5
+ '3/2' => [ '360x240',
+ '720x480', # NTSC
+ '1152x768',
+ #'1280x854',
+ #'1440x960',
+ ], # 576x384 (DBLSCAN of 1152x768)
+ # 1.6
+ '16/10' => [ #'320x200', # CGA
+ #'640x400',
+ #'960x600',
+ '1280x800',
+ '1440x900',
+ '1600x1000',
+ '1680x1050', # WSXGA+
+ '1920x1200', # WUXGA
+ '2560x1600', # WQXGA
+ '3840x2400', # WQUXGA
+ '5120x3200', # WHXGA
+ '7680x4800', # WHUXGA
+ ],
+ # 1.67
+ '15/9' => [ '800x480',
+ '1280x768', # WXGA ?? should be 1366x768 ??
+ ],
+ # 1.78
+ '16/9' => [ #'854x480', # WVGA
+ #'960x540',
+ #'1024x576',
+ '1280x720', # HD 720
+ '1360x765', # one kind of WXGA (rounded down)
+ '1366x768', # HDTV
+ '1600x900', # WSXGA?
+ '1920x1080', # HD 1080
+ '7680x4320', # UHDTV
+ ],
+ # now more weird things
+ # 1.32
+ # '192/145' => [ '1152x870' ],
+ # 1.328
+ # '85/64' => [ '1360x1024' ],
+ # 1.42
+ # '17/12' => [ '544x384' ] ,
+ # 1.56
+ #'25/16' => [ '1600x1024', # WSXGA
+ # '3200x2048', # WQSXGA
+ # '6400x4096', # WHSXGA
+ # ], # (DBLSCAN 800x512)
+ # 1.767
+ # '53/30' => [ '848x480' ],
+ # 1.775
+ # '71/40' => [ '852x480' ],
+ # 1.783
+ # '107/60' => [ '856x480' ],
+ N_("_:weird aspect ratio\nother") => [
+ # 1.707 = 128/75
+ '1024x600',
+ # 1.771 = 85/48
+ '1360x768',
+ # 2.13 = 32/15
+ '1024x480', '1280x600', # VAIO
+ # 2.67 = 8/3
+ '2048x768', '2560x960', '3200x1200',
+ # 4.0 = 4/1
+ '3072x768', '3456x864', '3840x960', '4800x1200',
+ # ?? 352x288 640x350 (DBLSCAN 320x175) 720x400 (DBLSCAN 360x200)
+ ],
+our %resolution2ratio = map_each { map { $_ => $::a } @$::b } %ratio2resolutions;
+our @resolutions = map_each { @$::b } %ratio2resolutions;
+foreach my $ratio (keys %ratio2resolutions) {
+ if ($ratio =~ m!^(\d+)/(\d+)$!) {
+ my $eval = $2 / $1;
+ foreach (@{$ratio2resolutions{$ratio}}) {
+ my ($x, $y) = /(\d+)x(\d+)/;
+ my $y2 = round($x * $eval);
+ $y == $y2 or do {
+ my $good_ratio = (find { m!^(\d+)/(\d+)$! && $y == round($x * $2 / $1) } keys %ratio2resolutions) || '??';
+ die "bad ratio $ratio for resolution $_, it should be $good_ratio\n";
+ };
+ }
+ }
+our $default_header = <<'END';
+# **********************************************************************
+# Refer to the xorg.conf man page for details about the format of
+# this file.
+# **********************************************************************
+Section "ServerFlags"
+ Option "DontZap" "False" # disable <Ctrl><Alt><BS> (server abort)
+ #DontZoom # disable <Ctrl><Alt><KP_+>/<KP_-> (resolution switching)
+ AllowMouseOpenFail # allows the server to start up even if the mouse does not work
+require detect_devices;
+$default_header .= <<'END_XBOX' if detect_devices::is_xbox();
+ Option "PciProbe1" "false"
+ Option "PciProbe2" "false"
+ Option "PciForceConfig1" "false"
+ Option "PciForceConfig2" "false"
+ Option "PciOsConfig" "true"
+$default_header .= <<'END';
+our $default_ModeLine = arch() =~ /ppc/ ? <<'END_PPC' : <<'END';
+ # Apple iMac modes
+ ModeLine "1024x768" 78.525 1024 1049 1145 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync
+ ModeLine "800x600" 62.357 800 821 901 1040 600 601 604 632 +hsync +vsync
+ ModeLine "640x480" 49.886 640 661 725 832 480 481 484 514 +hsync +vsync
+ # Apple monitors tend to do 832x624
+ ModeLine "832x624" 57 832 876 940 1152 624 625 628 667 -hsync -vsync
+ # Apple PowerBook G3
+ ModeLine "800x600" 100 800 816 824 840 600 616 624 640 -hsync -vsync
+ # Apple TI Powerbook
+ ModeLine "1152x768" 78.741 1152 1173 1269 1440 768 769 772 800 +vsync +vsync
+ # Pismo Firewire G3
+ ModeLine "1024x768" 65 1024 1032 1176 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync
+ # iBook2
+ ModeLine "1024x768" 65 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync
+ # 17" Apple Studio Display
+ ModeLine "1024x768" 112.62 1024 1076 1248 1420 768 768 780 808 +hsync +vsync
+ # HiRes Apple Studio Display
+ ModeLine "1280x1024" 135 1280 1288 1392 1664 1024 1027 1030 1064
+ # Another variation
+ ModeLine "1280x1024" 134.989 1280 1317 1429 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
+ # TV fullscreen mode or DVD fullscreen output.
+ # 768x576 @ 79 Hz, 50 kHz hsync
+ ModeLine "768x576" 50.00 768 832 846 1000 576 590 595 630
+ # 768x576 @ 100 Hz, 61.6 kHz hsync
+ ModeLine "768x576" 63.07 768 800 960 1024 576 578 590 616
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3355f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+package keyboard; # $Id: 263727 2009-11-27 09:26:40Z cfergeau $
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+#- misc imports
+use common;
+use detect_devices;
+use run_program;
+use lang;
+use log;
+use c;
+#- Globals
+my $KMAP_MAGIC = 0x8B39C07F;
+#- a best guess of the keyboard layout, based on the choosen locale
+#- beware only the first 5 characters of the locale are used
+our %lang2keyboard =
+ 'af' => 'us_intl',
+ 'am' => 'us:90',
+ 'ar' => 'ara:90',
+ 'as' => 'ben:90 ben2:80 us_intl:5',
+ 'ast' => 'es:85 lat:80 us_intl:50',
+ 'az' => 'az:90 tr_q:10 us_intl:5',
+'az_IR' => 'ir:90',
+ 'be' => 'by:90 ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
+ 'ber' => 'tifinagh:80 tifinagh_p:70',
+ 'bg' => 'bg_phonetic:60 bg:50',
+ 'bn' => 'ben:90 ben2:80 dev:20 us_intl:5',
+ 'bo' => 'bt',
+ 'br' => 'fr:90',
+ 'bs' => 'bs:90',
+ 'ca' => 'es:90 fr:15',
+ 'ca@valencian' => 'es',
+ 'chr' => 'chr:80 us:60 us_intl:60',
+ 'cs' => 'cz_qwerty:70 cz:50',
+ 'cy' => 'gb:90',
+ 'da' => 'dk:90',
+ 'de' => 'de_nodeadkeys:70 de:50 be:50 ch_de:50',
+ 'dz' => 'bt',
+ 'el' => 'gr:90',
+ 'en' => 'us:89 us3:80 us_intl:50 qc:50 gb:50 dvorak:10',
+'en_AU' => 'us:80 us3:70 us_intl:50 gb:40 dvorak:10 dvorak_gb:5',
+'en_CA' => 'us:80 us3:70 us_intl:50 qc:50 gb:40 dvorak:10',
+'en_GB' => 'gb:89 us:60 us_intl:50 dvorak_gb:10',
+'en_IE' => 'ie:80 gb:70 dvorak_gb:10',
+'en_NG' => 'ng:80 us:60',
+'en_NZ' => 'us:80 us3:70 us_intl:50 gb:40 dvorak:10 dvorak_gb:5',
+'en_US' => 'us:89 us3:80 us_intl:50 dvorak:10',
+ 'eo' => 'us_intl:89 dvorak_eo:30 dvorak:10',
+ 'es' => 'es:85 lat:80 us_intl:50',
+ 'et' => 'ee:90',
+ 'eu' => 'es:90 fr:15',
+ 'fa' => 'ir:90',
+ 'fi' => 'fi:90',
+ 'fo' => 'fo:80 is:70 dk:60',
+ 'fr' => 'fr:89 qc:85 be:85 ch_fr:70 dvorak_fr:20',
+'fr_CA' => 'qc:89',
+'fr_CH' => 'ch_fr:89',
+'fr_BE' => 'be:89',
+ 'fur' => 'it:90',
+ 'ga' => 'ie:80 gb:70 dvorak_gb:10',
+ 'gd' => 'gb:80 ie:70 dvorak_gb:10',
+ 'gl' => 'es:90',
+ 'gn' => 'lat:85 es:80 us_intl:50',
+ 'gu' => 'guj:90',
+ 'gv' => 'gb:80 ie:70',
+ 'ha' => 'ng',
+ 'he' => 'il:90 il_phonetic:10',
+ 'hi' => 'dev:90',
+ 'hr' => 'hr:90 si:50',
+ 'hu' => 'hu:90',
+ 'hy' => 'am:90 am_old:10 am_phonetic:5',
+ 'ia' => 'us:90 us_intl:20',
+ 'id' => 'us:90 us_intl:20',
+ 'ig' => 'ng',
+ 'is' => 'is:90',
+ 'it' => 'it:90 ch_fr:50 ch_de:50',
+ 'iu' => 'iku:90',
+ 'ja' => 'jp:90',
+ 'ka' => 'ge_la:90 ge_ru:50',
+ 'kl' => 'dk:80 us_intl:30',
+ 'kn' => 'kan:90',
+ 'ko' => 'kr:90 us:60',
+ 'ku' => 'tr_q:90 tr_f:30',
+'ku_IQ' => 'kur:90',
+ 'kw' => 'gb:80 ie:70',
+ 'ky' => 'kg:90 ru_yawerty:40',
+ 'lb' => 'ch_fr:89 be:85 us_intl:70 fr:60 dvorak_fr:20',
+ 'li' => 'us_intl:80 be:70 nl:10 us:5',
+ 'lo' => 'lao:90',
+ 'lt' => 'lt:80',
+ 'ltg' => 'lv:90 lt:40 ee:5',
+ 'lv' => 'lv:90 lt:40 ee:5',
+ 'mi' => 'mao:90 gb:30 us_intl:20',
+ 'mk' => 'mk:90',
+ 'ml' => 'mal:90',
+ 'mn' => 'mn:90 ru:20 ru_yawerty:5',
+ 'mr' => 'dev:90',
+ 'ms' => 'us:90 us_intl:20',
+ 'mt' => 'mt:90 mt_us:35 us_intl:10',
+ 'my' => 'mm:90',
+ 'nb' => 'no:90 dvorak_no:10',
+ 'nds' => 'de_nodeadkeys:70 de:50 us_intl:40 nl:10 us:5',
+ 'ne' => 'dev:90',
+ 'nl' => 'us_intl:80 be:70 nl:10 us:5',
+ 'nn' => 'no:90 dvorak_no:10',
+ 'no' => 'no:90 dvorak_no:10', # for compatiblity only
+ 'oc' => 'fr:90',
+ 'or' => 'ori:90',
+ 'pa' => 'gur:90',
+ 'ph' => 'us:90 us_intl:20',
+ 'pl' => 'pl:90 pl2:60 dvorak_pl:10',
+ 'pp' => 'br:80 lat:20 pt:10 us_intl:30',
+ 'ps' => 'pus:80 snd:60',
+'pt_BR' => 'br:90 lat:20 pt:10 us_intl:30',
+ 'pt' => 'pt:90',
+ 'ro' => 'ro:80 ro_qwertz:40 us_intl:10',
+ 'ru' => 'ru:85 ru_yawerty:80 ua:50',
+ 'sc' => 'it:90',
+ 'sd' => 'snd:80 ara:20',
+ 'se' => 'smi:70 smi_sefi:50',
+ 'sh' => 'yu:80',
+ 'si' => 'sin',
+ 'sk' => 'sk_qwerty:80 sk:70',
+ 'sl' => 'si:90 hr:50',
+ 'sq' => 'al:90',
+ 'sr' => 'srp:80',
+ 'ss' => 'us_intl',
+ 'st' => 'us_intl',
+ 'sv' => 'se:90 fi:30 dvorak_se:10',
+ 'ta' => 'tscii:80 tml:20',
+ 'te' => 'tel:90',
+ 'tg' => 'tj:90 ru_yawerty:40',
+ 'th' => 'th:80 th_pat:50 th_tis:60',
+ 'tk' => 'tm:80 tr_q:50 tr_f:40',
+ 'tl' => 'us:90 us_intl:20',
+ 'tr' => 'tr_q:90 tr_f:30',
+ 'tt' => 'ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
+ 'uk' => 'ua:90 ru:50 ru_yawerty:40',
+ 'ur' => 'urd:80 snd:60 ara:20',
+ 'uz' => 'uz:80 ru_yawerty:40',
+ 'uz\@Cyrl' => 'uz:80 ru_yawerty:40',
+ 'uz\@Latn' => 'us:80 uz:80',
+ 've' => 'us_intl',
+ 'vi' => 'vn:80 us:70 us_intl:60',
+ 'wa' => 'be:90 fr:5',
+ 'xh' => 'us_intl',
+ 'yi' => 'il_phonetic:90 il:10 us_intl:10',
+ 'yo' => 'ng',
+'zh_CN' => 'us:90',
+'zh_TW' => 'us:90',
+ 'zu' => 'us_intl',
+# USB kbd table
+# The numeric values are the bCountryCode field (5th byte) of HID descriptor
+# NOTE: we do not trust when the layout is declared as US layout (0x21)
+# as most manufacturers just use that value when selling physical devices
+# with different layouts printed on the keys.
+my @usb2keyboard =
+ qw(SKIP ara_SKIP be ca_SKIP qc cz dk fi fr de gr il hu us_intl it jp),
+#- 0x10
+ qw(kr lat nl no ir pl pt ru sk es se ch_fr ch_de ch_de tw_SKIP tr_q),
+#- 0x20
+ qw(gb us_SKIP yu tr_f),
+#- higher codes not attribued as of 2002-02
+#- key = extension for Xmodmap file, [0] = description of the keyboard,
+#- [1] = name for loadkeys, [2] = name for XKB, [3] = "1" if it is
+#- a multigroup layout (eg: one with latin/non-latin letters)
+#- note: there seems to be a limit of 4 stackable xkb layouts
+my %keyboards = (
+arch() =~ /^sparc/ ? (
+#- do we still support those? all but "se" and "us" have dissapeared from
+#- symbols/sun/ directory in Xorg package.
+ "cz" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nCzech (QWERTZ)"), "sunt5-cz-us", "cz", 0 ],
+ "de" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nGerman"), "sunt5-de-latin1", "de", 0 ],
+ "dvorak" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDvorak"), "sundvorak", "dvorak",0 ],
+ "es" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSpanish"), "sunt5-es", "es", 0 ],
+ "fi" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nFinnish"), "sunt5-fi-latin1", "fi", 0 ],
+ "fr" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nFrench"), "sunt5-fr-latin1", "fr", 0 ],
+ "gb" => [ N_("UK keyboard"), "sunt5-uk", "gb", 0 ],
+ "no" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nNorwegian"), "sunt4-no-latin1", "no", 0 ],
+ "pl" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nPolish"), "sun-pl-altgraph", "pl", 0 ],
+ "ru" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nRussian"), "sunt5-ru", "ru", 1 ],
+ "se" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSwedish"), "sunt5-fi-latin1", "se", 0 ],
+ "us" => [ N_("US keyboard"), "sunkeymap", "us", 0 ],
+) : (
+ "al" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nAlbanian"), "al", "al", 0 ],
+ "am_old" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nArmenian (old)"), "am_old", "am(old)", 1 ],
+ "am" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nArmenian (typewriter)"), "am-armscii8", "am", 1 ],
+ "am_phonetic" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nArmenian (phonetic)"), "am_phonetic", "am(phonetic)",1 ],
+ "ara" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nArabic"), "us", "ara(digits)", 1 ],
+ "ast" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nAsturian"), "es", "es(ast)", 0 ],
+ "az" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nAzerbaidjani (latin)"), "az", "az", 0 ],
+ "be" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nBelgian"), "be2-latin1", "be", 0 ],
+ "ben" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nBengali (Inscript-layout)"), "us", "in(ben)", 1 ],
+ "ben2" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nBengali (Probhat)"), "us", "in(ben_probhat)", 1 ],
+"bg_phonetic" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nBulgarian (phonetic)"), "bg", "bg(phonetic)", 1 ],
+ "bg" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nBulgarian (BDS)"), "bg_bds", "bg", 1 ],
+ "br" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nBrazilian (ABNT-2)"), "br-abnt2", "br", 0 ],
+ "bs" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nBosnian"), "croat", "ba", 0 ],
+ "bt" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDzongkha/Tibetan"), "us", "bt", 1 ],
+ "by" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nBelarusian"), "by-cp1251", "by", 1 ],
+ "ch_de" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSwiss (German layout)"), "sg-latin1", "ch(de)", 0 ],
+ "ch_fr" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSwiss (French layout)"), "fr_CH-latin1", "ch(fr)", 0 ],
+# TODO: console map
+ "chr" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nCherokee syllabics"), "us", "chr", 1 ],
+ "cz" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nCzech (QWERTZ)"), "cz", "cz", 0 ],
+ "cz_qwerty" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nCzech (QWERTY)"), "cz-lat2", "cz(qwerty)", 0 ],
+ "de" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nGerman"), "de-latin1", "de", 0 ],
+ "de_nodeadkeys" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nGerman (no dead keys)"), "de-latin1-nodeadkeys", "de(nodeadkeys)", 0 ],
+ "dev" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDevanagari"), "us", "in(deva)", 1 ],
+ "dk" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDanish"), "dk-latin1", "dk", 0 ],
+ "dvorak" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDvorak (US)"), "pc-dvorak-latin1", "us(dvorak)", 0 ],
+ "dvorak_eo" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDvorak (Esperanto)"), "eo-dvorak", "dvorak(eo)", 0 ],
+ "dvorak_fr" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDvorak (French)"), "fr-dvorak", "fr(dvorak)", 0 ],
+ "dvorak_gb" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDvorak (UK)"), "pc-dvorak-latin1", "gb(dvorak)", 0 ],
+ "dvorak_no" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDvorak (Norwegian)"), "no-dvorak", "no(dvorak)", 0 ],
+ "dvorak_pl" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDvorak (Polish)"), "pl-dvorak", "pl(dvorak)", 0 ],
+ "dvorak_se" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDvorak (Swedish)"), "se-dvorak", "se(dvorak)", 0 ],
+ "ee" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nEstonian"), "ee-latin9", "ee", 0 ],
+ "es" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSpanish"), "es-latin1", "es", 0 ],
+ "fi" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nFinnish"), "fi-latin1", "fi", 0 ],
+ "fo" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nFaroese"), "is-latin1", "fo", 0 ],
+ "fr" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nFrench"), "fr-latin1", "fr", 0 ],
+ "gb" => [ N_("UK keyboard"), "uk-latin1", "gb", 0 ],
+ "ge_ru" => [N_("_: keyboard\nGeorgian (\"Russian\" layout)"), "ge_ru-georgian_academy", "ge(ru)",1],
+ "ge_la" => [N_("_: keyboard\nGeorgian (\"Latin\" layout)"), "ge_la-georgian_academy", "ge(la)",1],
+ "gr" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nGreek"), "gr-8859_7", "gr(extended)", 1 ],
+ "gr_pl" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nGreek (polytonic)"), "gr-8859_7", "gr(polytonic)", 1 ],
+ "guj" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nGujarati"), "us", "in(guj)", 1 ],
+ "gur" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nGurmukhi"), "us", "in(guru)", 1 ],
+ "hr" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nCroatian"), "croat", "hr", 0 ],
+ "hu" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nHungarian"), "hu-latin2", "hu", 0 ],
+ "ie" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nIrish"), "uk-latin1", "ie", 0 ],
+ "iku" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nInuktitut"), "us", "ca(ike)", 1 ],
+ "il" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nIsraeli"), "il-8859_8", "il", 1 ],
+ "il_phonetic" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nIsraeli (phonetic)"), "hebrew", "il(phonetic)", 1 ],
+ "ir" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nIranian"), "ir-isiri_3342", "ir", 1 ],
+ "is" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nIcelandic"), "is-latin1", "is", 0 ],
+ "it" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nItalian"), "it-latin1", "it", 0 ],
+# Japanese keyboard is dual latin/kana; but telling it here shows a
+# message to choose the switching key that is misleading, as input methods
+# are not automatically enabled when typing in kana
+ "jp" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nJapanese 106 keys"), "jp106", "jp", 0 ],
+ "kan" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nKannada"), "us", "in(kan)", 1 ],
+ "kg" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nKyrgyz"), "ky", "kg(direct)", 1 ],
+ "kr" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nKorean"), "us", "kr(kr104)", 0 ],
+# TODO: console map
+ "kur" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nKurdish (arabic script)"), "us", "kur", 1 ],
+ "lat" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nLatin American"), "la-latin1", "latam", 0 ],
+# TODO: console map
+ "lao" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nLaotian"), "us", "la", 1 ],
+ "lt" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nLithuanian"), "lt-latin7", "lt,us", 1 ],
+ "lv" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nLatvian"), "lv-latin7", "lv", 0 ],
+ "mal" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nMalayalam"), "us", "in(mal)", 1 ],
+ "mao" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nMaori"), "us", "mao", 0 ],
+ "mk" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nMacedonian"), "mk", "mkd", 1 ],
+ "mm" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nMyanmar (Burmese)"), "us", "mm", 1 ],
+ "mn" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nMongolian (cyrillic)"), "us", "mn", 1 ],
+ "mt" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nMaltese (UK)"), "mt", "mt", 0 ],
+ "mt_us" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nMaltese (US)"), "mt_us", "mt(us)", 0 ],
+ "ng" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nNigerian"), "us", "ng", 0 ],
+ "nl" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nDutch"), "nl-latin1", "nl", 0 ],
+ "no" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nNorwegian"), "no-latin1", "no", 0 ],
+ "ori" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nOriya"), "us", "in(ori)", 1 ],
+ "pl" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nPolish (qwerty layout)"), "pl", "pl", 0 ],
+ "pl2" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nPolish (qwertz layout)"), "pl-latin2", "pl(qwertz)", 0 ],
+# TODO: console map
+ "pus" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nPashto"), "us", "pus", 1 ],
+ "pt" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nPortuguese"), "pt-latin1", "pt", 0 ],
+ "qc" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nCanadian (Quebec)"), "qc-latin1", "ca", 0 ],
+ "ro_qwertz" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nRomanian (qwertz)"), "ro2", "ro(winkeys)", 0 ],
+ "ro" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nRomanian (qwerty)"), "ro", "ro(std_cedilla)", 0 ],
+ "ru" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nRussian"), "ru4", "ru(winkeys)", 1 ],
+ "ru_yawerty" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nRussian (phonetic)"), "ru-yawerty", "ru(phonetic)", 1 ],
+ "se" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSwedish"), "se-latin1", "se", 0 ],
+ "si" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSlovenian"), "slovene", "si", 0 ],
+# TODO: console map
+ "sin" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSinhala"), "us", "lk", 1 ],
+ "sk" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSlovakian (QWERTZ)"), "sk-qwertz", "sk", 0 ],
+ "sk_qwerty" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSlovakian (QWERTY)"), "sk-qwerty", "sk(qwerty)", 0 ],
+ "smi" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSaami (norwegian)"), "no-latin1", "no(smi)", 0 ],
+ "smi_sefi" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSaami (swedish/finnish)"), "se-latin1", "se(smi)", 0 ],
+# TODO: console map
+ "snd" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSindhi"), "us", "snd(digits)", 1 ],
+# TODO: console map
+ "srp" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSerbian (cyrillic)"), "sr", "srp(basic),srp(latin)", 1 ],
+ "syr" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSyriac"), "us", "sy(syc)", 1 ],
+ "syr_p" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nSyriac (phonetic)"), "us", "sy(syc_phonetic)", 1 ],
+ "tel" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nTelugu"), "us", "in(tel)", 1 ],
+# no console kbd that I'm aware of
+ "tml" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nTamil (ISCII-layout)"), "us", "in(tam)", 1 ],
+ "tscii" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nTamil (Typewriter-layout)"), "us", "in(tam_unicode)", 1 ],
+ "th" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nThai (Kedmanee)"), "th", "th", 1 ],
+ "th_tis" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nThai (TIS-820)"), "th", "th(tis)", 1 ],
+# TODO: console map
+ "th_pat" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nThai (Pattachote)"), "us", "th(pat)", 1 ],
+# NOTE: we define a triple layout here
+ "tifinagh" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nTifinagh (moroccan layout) (+latin/arabic)"), "fr-tifinagh", "fr,tifinagh(basic),ara(azerty)", 1 ],
+ "tifinagh_p" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nTifinagh (phonetic) (+latin/arabic)"), "fr-tifinaghp", "fr,tifinagh(phonetic),ara(azerty)", 1 ],
+# TODO: console map
+ "tj" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nTajik"), "ru4", "tj", 1 ],
+# TODO: console map
+ "tm" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nTurkmen"), "us", "tm", 0 ],
+ "tr_f" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nTurkish (traditional \"F\" model)"), "trf", "tr(f)", 0 ],
+ "tr_q" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nTurkish (modern \"Q\" model)"), "tr_q-latin5", "tr", 0 ],
+#-"tw => [ N_("_: keyboard\nChineses bopomofo"), "tw", "tw", 1 ],
+ "ua" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nUkrainian"), "ua", "ua", 1 ],
+# TODO: console map
+ "urd" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nUrdu keyboard"), "us", "urd", 1 ],
+ "us" => [ N_("US keyboard"), "us", "us", 0 ],
+ "us_intl" => [ N_("US keyboard (international)"), "us-intl", "us(alt-intl)", 0 ],
+ "us3" => [ N_("ISO9995-3 (US keyboard with 3 levels per key)"), "us", "latin+level3(ralt_switch)", 0 ],
+ "uz" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nUzbek (cyrillic)"), "uz", "uz", 1 ],
+# old XKB layout
+ "vn" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nVietnamese \"numeric row\" QWERTY"), "vn-tcvn", "vn", 0 ],
+ "yu" => [ N_("_: keyboard\nYugoslavian (latin)"), "sr", "srp(latin)", 0 ],
+#- list of possible choices for the key combinations to toggle XKB groups
+#- (eg in X86Config file: XkbOptions "grp:toggle")
+my %grp_toggles = (
+ toggle => N_("Right Alt key"),
+ shifts_toggle => N_("Both Shift keys simultaneously"),
+ ctrl_shift_toggle => N_("Control and Shift keys simultaneously"),
+ caps_toggle => N_("CapsLock key"),
+ shift_caps_toggle => N_("Shift and CapsLock keys simultaneously"),
+ ctrl_alt_toggle => N_("Ctrl and Alt keys simultaneously"),
+ alt_shift_toggle => N_("Alt and Shift keys simultaneously"),
+ menu_toggle => N_("\"Menu\" key"),
+ lwin_toggle => N_("Left \"Windows\" key"),
+ rwin_toggle => N_("Right \"Windows\" key"),
+ ctrls_toggle => N_("Both Control keys simultaneously"),
+ alts_toggle => N_("Both Alt keys simultaneously"),
+ lshift_toggle => N_("Left Shift key"),
+ rshift_toggle => N_("Right Shift key"),
+ lalt_toggle => N_("Left Alt key"),
+ lctrl_toggle => N_("Left Control key"),
+ rctrl_toggle => N_("Right Control key"),
+#- Functions
+sub KEYBOARDs() { keys %keyboards }
+sub KEYBOARD2text { $keyboards{$_[0]} && $keyboards{$_[0]}[0] }
+sub _keyboards() { map { { KEYBOARD => $_ } } keys %keyboards }
+sub _keyboard2one {
+ my ($keyboard, $nb) = @_;
+ ref $keyboard or (detect_devices::is_xbox() ? return undef : internal_error());
+ my $l = $keyboards{$keyboard->{KEYBOARD}} or return;
+ $l->[$nb];
+sub keyboard2text { _keyboard2one($_[0], 0) }
+sub keyboard2kmap { _keyboard2one($_[0], 1) }
+sub _keyboard2xkb { _keyboard2one($_[0], 2) }
+sub xkb_models() {
+ my $models = _parse_xkb_rules()->{model};
+ [ map { $_->[0] } @$models ], { map { @$_ } @$models };
+sub _grp_toggles {
+ my ($keyboard) = @_;
+ _keyboard2one($keyboard, 3) or return;
+ \%grp_toggles;
+sub group_toggle_choose {
+ my ($in, $keyboard) = @_;
+ if (my $grp_toggles = _grp_toggles($keyboard)) {
+ my $GRP_TOGGLE = $keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE} || 'caps_toggle';
+ $GRP_TOGGLE = $in->ask_from_listf('', N("Here you can choose the key or key combination that will
+allow switching between the different keyboard layouts
+(eg: latin and non latin)"), sub { translate($grp_toggles->{$_[0]}) }, [ sort keys %$grp_toggles ], $GRP_TOGGLE) or return;
+ if ($::isInstall && $GRP_TOGGLE ne 'rctrl_toggle') {
+ $in->ask_warn(N("Warning"), formatAlaTeX(
+N("This setting will be activated after the installation.
+During installation, you will need to use the Right Control
+key to switch between the different keyboard layouts.")));
+ }
+ log::l("GRP_TOGGLE: $GRP_TOGGLE");
+ $keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE} = $GRP_TOGGLE;
+ } else {
+ $keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE} = '';
+ }
+ 1;
+sub loadkeys_files {
+ my ($err) = @_;
+ my $archkbd = arch() =~ /^sparc/ ? "sun" : arch() =~ /i.86|x86_64/ ? "i386" : arch() =~ /ppc/ ? "mac" : arch();
+ my $p = "/usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/$archkbd";
+ my $post = ".map.gz";
+ my %trans = ("cz-latin2" => "cz-lat2");
+ my %find_file;
+ foreach my $dir (all($p)) {
+ $find_file{$dir} = '';
+ foreach (all("$p/$dir")) {
+ $find_file{$_} and $err->("file $_ is both in $find_file{$_} and $dir") if $err;
+ $find_file{$_} = "$p/$dir/$_";
+ }
+ }
+ my (@l, %l);
+ foreach (values %keyboards) {
+ local $_ = $trans{$_->[1]} || $_->[1];
+ my $l = $find_file{"$_$post"} || $find_file{first(/(..)/) . $post};
+ if ($l) {
+ push @l, $l;
+ foreach (`zgrep include $l | grep "^include"`) {
+ /include\s+"(.*)"/ or die "bad line $_";
+ @l{grep { -e $_ } ("$p/$")} = ();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $err->("invalid loadkeys keytable $_") if $err;
+ }
+ }
+ uniq(@l, keys %l, grep { -e $_ } map { "$p/$" } qw(compose euro windowkeys linux-keys-bare));
+sub _unpack_keyboards {
+ my ($k) = @_; $k or return;
+ [ grep {
+ my $b = $keyboards{$_->[0]};
+ $b or log::l("bad keyboard $_->[0] in %keyboard::lang2keyboard");
+ $b;
+ } map { [ split ':' ] } split ' ', $k ];
+sub lang2keyboards {
+ my @li = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } map { @$_ } map {
+ my $h = lang::analyse_locale_name($_);
+ #- example: pt_BR and pt
+ my @l = (if_($h->{country}, $h->{main} . '_' . $h->{country}), $h->{main}, 'en');
+ my $k = find { $_ } map { $lang2keyboard{$_} } @l;
+ _unpack_keyboards($k) || internal_error();
+ } @_;
+ \@li;
+sub lang2keyboard {
+ my ($l) = @_;
+ my $kb = lang2keyboards($l)->[0][0];
+ { KEYBOARD => $keyboards{$kb} ? $kb : 'us' }; #- handle incorrect keyboard mapping to us.
+sub default {
+ my ($o_locale) = @_;
+ my $keyboard = from_usb() || lang2keyboard(($o_locale || lang::read())->{lang});
+ add2hash($keyboard, from_DMI());
+ $keyboard;
+sub from_usb() {
+ return if $::noauto;
+ my ($usb_kbd) = detect_devices::usbKeyboards() or return;
+ my $country_code = detect_devices::usbKeyboard2country_code($usb_kbd) or return;
+ my $keyboard = $usb2keyboard[$country_code];
+ $keyboard !~ /SKIP/ && { KEYBOARD => $keyboard };
+sub from_DMI() {
+ my $XkbModel = detect_devices::probe_unique_name('XkbModel');
+ $XkbModel && { XkbModel => $XkbModel };
+sub _builtin_loadkeys {
+ my ($keymap) = @_;
+ return if $::testing;
+ my ($magic, $tables_given, @tables) = common::unpack_with_refs('I' .
+ 'i' . c::MAX_NR_KEYMAPS() .
+ 's' . c::NR_KEYS() . '*',
+ $keymap);
+ $magic != $KMAP_MAGIC and die "failed to read kmap magic";
+ sysopen(my $F, "/dev/console", 2) or die "failed to open /dev/console: $!";
+ my $i_tables = 0;
+ each_index {
+ my $table_index = $::i;
+ if (!$_) {
+ #- deallocate table
+ ioctl($F, c::KDSKBENT(), pack("CCS", $table_index, 0, c::K_NOSUCHMAP())) or log::l("removing table $table_index failed: $!");
+ } else {
+ each_index {
+ ioctl($F, c::KDSKBENT(), pack("CCS", $table_index, $::i, $_)) or log::l("keymap ioctl failed ($table_index $::i $_): $!");
+ } @{$tables[$i_tables++]};
+ }
+ } @$tables_given;
+sub _parse_xkb_rules() {
+ my $cat;
+ my %l;
+ my $lst_file = "$::prefix/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst";
+ foreach (cat_($lst_file)) {
+ next if m!^\s*//! || m!^\s*$!;
+ chomp;
+ if (/^!\s*(\S+)$/) {
+ $cat = $1;
+ } elsif (/^\s*(\w\S*)\s+(.*)/) {
+ push @{$l{$cat}}, [ $1, $2 ];
+ } else {
+ log::l("_parse_xkb_rules:$lst_file: bad line $_");
+ }
+ }
+ \%l;
+sub default_XkbModel {
+ my ($keyboard) = @_;
+ my $Layout = _keyboard2xkb($keyboard);
+ (arch() =~ /sparc/ ? 'sun' :
+ $Layout eq 'jp' ? 'jp106' :
+ $Layout eq 'br' ? 'abnt2' : 'pc105');
+sub keyboard2full_xkb {
+ my ($keyboard) = @_;
+ my $Layout = _keyboard2xkb($keyboard) or return { XkbDisable => '' };
+ if ($keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE} && $Layout !~ /,/) {
+ $Layout = join(',', 'us', $Layout);
+ }
+ my $Model = $keyboard->{XkbModel} || default_XkbModel($keyboard);
+ my $Options = join(',',
+ if_($keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE}, "grp:$keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE}", 'grp_led:scroll'),
+ if_($keyboard->{GRP_TOGGLE} ne 'rwin_toggle', 'compose:rwin'),
+ );
+ { XkbModel => $Model, XkbLayout => $Layout, XkbOptions => $Options };
+sub _xmodmap_file {
+ my ($keyboard) = @_;
+ my $f = "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/xmodmap/xmodmap.$keyboard->{KEYBOARD}";
+ -e $f && $f;
+sub _setxkbmap {
+ my ($keyboard) = @_;
+ my $xkb = keyboard2full_xkb($keyboard) or return;
+ run_program::run('setxkbmap', '-option', '') if $xkb->{XkbOptions}; #- need re-initialised other toggles are cumulated
+ run_program::run('setxkbmap', $xkb->{XkbLayout}, '-model' => $xkb->{XkbModel}, '-option' => $xkb->{XkbOptions} || '', '-compat' => $xkb->{XkbCompat} || '');
+sub setup_install {
+ my ($keyboard) = @_;
+ return if arch() =~ /^sparc/ || $::local_install;
+ #- Xpmac does not map keys quite right
+ if (arch() =~ /ppc/ && !$::testing && $ENV{DISPLAY}) {
+ log::l("Fixing Mac keyboard");
+ run_program::run('xmodmap', "-e", "keycode 59 = BackSpace");
+ run_program::run('xmodmap', "-e", "keycode 131 = Shift_R");
+ run_program::run('xmodmap', "-e", "add shift = Shift_R");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $kmap = keyboard2kmap($keyboard) or return;
+ log::l("loading keymap $kmap");
+ if (-e (my $f = "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/keymaps/$kmap.bkmap")) {
+ _builtin_loadkeys(scalar cat_($f));
+ } elsif (-x '/bin/loadkeys') {
+ run_program::run('loadkeys', $kmap);
+ } else {
+ log::l("ERROR: can not load keymap");
+ }
+ if (-x "/usr/bin/setxkbmap") {
+ _setxkbmap($keyboard) or log::l("setxkbmap failed");
+ } else {
+ my $f = _xmodmap_file($keyboard);
+ #- timeout is needed for drakx-in-chroot to kill xmodmap when it gets crazy with:
+ #- please release the following keys within 2 seconds: Alt_L (keysym 0xffe9, keycode 64)
+ eval { run_program::raw({ timeout => 3 }, 'xmodmap', $f) } if $f && !$::testing && $ENV{DISPLAY};
+ }
+sub write {
+ my ($keyboard) = @_;
+ log::l("keyboard::write $keyboard->{KEYBOARD}");
+ $keyboard = { %$keyboard };
+ put_in_hash($keyboard, keyboard2full_xkb($keyboard));
+ delete $keyboard->{unsafe};
+ $keyboard->{KEYTABLE} = keyboard2kmap($keyboard);
+ setVarsInSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/keyboard", $keyboard);
+ if (arch() =~ /ppc/) {
+ my $s = "dev.mac_hid.keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes = 1\n";
+ substInFile {
+ $_ = '' if /^\Qdev.mac_hid.keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes/;
+ $_ .= $s if eof;
+ } "$::prefix/etc/sysctl.conf";
+ } else {
+ run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'dumpkeys', '>', '/etc/sysconfig/console/default.kmap') or log::l("dumpkeys failed");
+ }
+ run_program::run('mageia-setup-keyboard');
+sub configure_and_set_standalone {
+ my ($keyboard) = @_;
+ _setxkbmap($keyboard);
+ run_program::run('loadkeys', keyboard2kmap($keyboard));
+ &write($keyboard);
+sub read() {
+ my %keyboard = getVarsFromSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/keyboard") or return;
+ if (!$keyboard{KEYBOARD}) {
+ add2hash(\%keyboard, grep { keyboard2kmap($_) eq $keyboard{KEYTABLE} } _keyboards());
+ }
+ keyboard2text(\%keyboard) && \%keyboard;
+sub read_or_default() { &read() || default() }
+sub check() {
+ $^W = 0;
+ my $not_ok = 0;
+ my $warn = sub {
+ print STDERR "$_[0]\n";
+ };
+ my $err = sub {
+ &$warn;
+ $not_ok = 1;
+ };
+ if (my @l = grep { is_empty_array_ref(lang2keyboards($_)) } lang::list_langs()) {
+ $warn->("no keyboard for langs " . join(" ", @l));
+ }
+ foreach my $lang (lang::list_langs()) {
+ my $l = lang2keyboards($lang);
+ foreach (@$l) {
+ 0 <= $_->[1] && $_->[1] <= 100 or $err->("invalid value $_->[1] in $lang2keyboard{$lang} for $lang in \%lang2keyboard");
+ $keyboards{$_->[0]} or $err->("invalid keyboard $_->[0] in $lang2keyboard{$lang} for $lang in \%lang2keyboard");
+ }
+ }
+ /SKIP/ || $keyboards{$_} or $err->("invalid keyboard $_ in \@usb2keyboard") foreach @usb2keyboard;
+ $usb2keyboard[0x21] eq 'us_SKIP' or $err->('@usb2keyboard is badly modified, 0x21 is not us keyboard');
+ my @xkb_groups = map { if_(/grp:(\S+)/, $1) } cat_('/usr/lib/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86.lst');
+ $err->("invalid xkb group toggle '$_' in \%grp_toggles") foreach difference2([ keys %grp_toggles ], \@xkb_groups);
+ $warn->("unused xkb group toggle '$_'") foreach grep { !/switch/ } difference2(\@xkb_groups, [ keys %grp_toggles ]);
+ my @xkb_layouts = (#- (map { (split)[0] } grep { /^! layout/ .. /^\s*$/ } cat_('/usr/lib/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86.lst')),
+ all('/usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols'),
+ (map { (split)[2] } cat_('/usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols.dir')));
+ $err->("invalid xkb layout $_") foreach difference2([ map { _keyboard2xkb($_) } _keyboards() ], \@xkb_layouts);
+ my @kmaps_available = map { if_(m|.*/(.*)\.bkmap|, $1) } `tar tfj share/keymaps.tar.bz2`;
+ my @kmaps_wanted = map { keyboard2kmap($_) } _keyboards();
+ $err->("missing KEYTABLE $_ (either share/keymaps.tar.bz2 need updating or $_ is bad)") foreach difference2(\@kmaps_wanted, \@kmaps_available);
+ $err->("unused KEYTABLE $_ (update share/keymaps.tar.bz2 using share/keymaps_generate)") foreach difference2(\@kmaps_available, \@kmaps_wanted);
+ loadkeys_files($err);
+ exit($not_ok);
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..307a5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+package mouse; # $Id: 267529 2010-04-13 13:48:09Z pzanoni $
+#use diagnostics;
+#use strict;
+#- misc imports
+use common;
+use modules;
+use detect_devices;
+use run_program;
+use devices;
+use modules;
+use any;
+use log;
+sub _all_mice() {
+ arch() =~ /^sparc/ ?
+ 'sunmouse' =>
+ [ [ 'sunmouse' ],
+ [ [ 3, 'sun', 'sun', N_("Sun - Mouse") ]
+ ] ]
+) :
+ 'PS/2' =>
+ [ [ 'psaux' ],
+ [ [ 2, 'ps/2', 'PS/2', N_("Standard") ],
+ [ 5, 'ps/2', 'MouseManPlusPS/2', N_("Logitech MouseMan+") ],
+ [ 5, 'imps2', 'IMPS/2', N_("Generic PS2 Wheel Mouse") ],
+ [ 5, 'ps/2', 'GlidePointPS/2', N_("GlidePoint") ],
+ [ 5, 'imps2', 'auto', N_("Automatic") ],
+ '',
+ [ 5, 'ps/2', 'ThinkingMousePS/2', N_("Kensington Thinking Mouse") ],
+ [ 5, 'netmouse', 'NetMousePS/2', N_("Genius NetMouse") ],
+ [ 5, 'netmouse', 'NetScrollPS/2', N_("Genius NetScroll") ],
+ [ 7, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("Microsoft Explorer") ],
+ ] ],
+ 'USB' =>
+ [ [ 'input/mice' ],
+ [ [ 1, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("1 button") ],
+ [ 2, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("Generic 2 Button Mouse") ],
+ [ 3, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("Generic") ],
+ [ 3, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("Generic 3 Button Mouse with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
+ [ 5, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("Wheel") ],
+ [ 7, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("Microsoft Explorer") ],
+ ] ],
+ N_("serial") =>
+ [ [ map { "ttyS$_" } 0..3 ],
+ [ [ 2, 'Microsoft', 'Microsoft', N_("Generic 2 Button Mouse") ],
+ [ 3, 'Microsoft', 'Microsoft', N_("Generic 3 Button Mouse") ],
+ [ 3, 'Microsoft', 'Microsoft', N_("Generic 3 Button Mouse with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
+ [ 5, 'ms3', 'IntelliMouse', N_("Microsoft IntelliMouse") ],
+ [ 3, 'MouseMan', 'MouseMan', N_("Logitech MouseMan") ],
+ [ 3, 'MouseMan', 'MouseMan', N_("Logitech MouseMan with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
+ [ 2, 'MouseSystems', 'MouseSystems', N_("Mouse Systems") ],
+ '',
+ [ 3, 'logim', 'MouseMan', N_("Logitech CC Series") ],
+ [ 3, 'logim', 'MouseMan', N_("Logitech CC Series with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
+ [ 5, 'pnp', 'IntelliMouse', N_("Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+") ],
+ [ 5, 'ms3', 'IntelliMouse', N_("Genius NetMouse") ],
+ [ 2, 'MMSeries', 'MMSeries', N_("MM Series") ],
+ [ 2, 'MMHitTab', 'MMHittab', N_("MM HitTablet") ],
+ [ 3, 'Logitech', 'Logitech', N_("Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)") ],
+ [ 3, 'Logitech', 'Logitech', N_("Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type) with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
+ [ 3, 'Microsoft', 'ThinkingMouse', N_("Kensington Thinking Mouse") ],
+ [ 3, 'Microsoft', 'ThinkingMouse', N_("Kensington Thinking Mouse with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
+ ] ],
+ N_("busmouse") =>
+ [ [ arch() eq 'ppc' ? 'adbmouse' : ('atibm', 'inportbm', 'logibm') ],
+ [ if_(arch() eq 'ppc', [ 1, 'Busmouse', 'BusMouse', N_("1 button") ]),
+ [ 2, 'Busmouse', 'BusMouse', N_("2 buttons") ],
+ [ 3, 'Busmouse', 'BusMouse', N_("3 buttons") ],
+ [ 3, 'Busmouse', 'BusMouse', N_("3 buttons with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
+ ] ],
+ N_("Universal") =>
+ [ [ 'input/mice' ],
+ [ [ 7, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("Any PS/2 & USB mice") ],
+ [ 7, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("Force evdev") ], #- evdev is magically handled in mouse::select()
+ if_(detect_devices::is_xbox(), [ 5, 'ps/2', 'IMPS/2', N_("Microsoft Xbox Controller S") ]),
+ if_(detect_devices::is_virtualbox(), [ 7, 'ps/2', 'vboxmouse', N_("VirtualBox mouse") ]),
+ if_(detect_devices::is_vmware(), [ 7, 'ps/2', 'vmmouse', N_("VMware mouse") ]),
+ ] ],
+ N_("none") =>
+ [ [ 'none' ],
+ [ [ 0, 'none', 'Microsoft', N_("No mouse") ],
+ ] ],
+#- Logitech MX700
+#- I: Bus=0003 Vendor=046d Product=c506 Version=1600
+#- N: Name="Logitech USB Receiver"
+#- P: Phys=usb-0000:00:11.3-2/input0
+#- S: Sysfs=/class/input/input5
+#- H: Handlers=mouse2 ts2 event3
+#- B: EV=7
+#- B: KEY=ffff0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+#- B: REL=103
+#- T: Bus=05 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=01 Cnt=02 Dev#= 4 Spd=1.5 MxCh= 0
+#- D: Ver= 1.10 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs= 1
+#- P: Vendor=046d ProdID=c506 Rev=16.00
+#- S: Manufacturer=Logitech
+#- S: Product=USB Receiver
+#- C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=a0 MxPwr= 50mA
+#- I: If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID ) Sub=01 Prot=02 Driver=usbhid
+#- E: Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS= 8 Ivl=10ms
+my %mouse_btn_keymap = (
+ 0 => "NONE",
+ 67 => "F9",
+ 68 => "F10",
+ 87 => "F11",
+ 88 => "F12",
+ 85 => "F13",
+ 89 => "F14",
+ 90 => "F15",
+ 56 => "L-Option/Alt",
+ 125 => "L-Command (Apple)",
+ 98 => "Num: /",
+ 55 => "Num: *",
+ 117 => "Num: =",
+ 96 => "Enter",
+sub _ppc_one_button_keys() { keys %mouse_btn_keymap }
+sub _ppc_one_button_key2text { $mouse_btn_keymap{$_[0]} }
+my @mouses_fields = qw(nbuttons MOUSETYPE Protocol name EmulateWheel);
+sub _raw2mouse {
+ my ($type, $raw) = @_;
+ $raw or return;
+ my %l; @l{@mouses_fields} = @$raw;
+ +{ %l, type => $type, if_($l{nbuttons} < 3, Emulate3Buttons => 1) };
+sub fullname2mouse {
+ my ($fname, %opts) = @_;
+ my ($type, @l) = split '\|', $fname;
+ my $name = pop @l; #- ensure we get rid of "[Other]"
+ my %mice = _all_mice();
+ if (my @devices = @{$mice{$type}[0]}) {
+ member($opts{device}, @devices) or delete $opts{device};
+ $opts{device} ||= $devices[0];
+ }
+ foreach (@{$mice{$type}[1]}) {
+ my $l = _raw2mouse($type, $_);
+ $name eq $l->{name} and return { %$l, %opts };
+ }
+ die "$fname not found ($type, $name)";
+sub read() {
+ my %mouse = getVarsFromSh "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/mouse";
+ eval { fullname2mouse($mouse{FULLNAME}, device => $mouse{device}) } || \%mouse;
+sub write {
+ my ($do_pkgs, $mouse) = @_;
+ setVarsInSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/mouse", {
+ device => $mouse->{device},
+ FULLNAME => qq($mouse->{type}|$mouse->{name}),
+ });
+ various_xfree_conf($do_pkgs, $mouse);
+ if (arch() =~ /ppc/) {
+ my $s = join('',
+ "dev.mac_hid.mouse_button_emulation = " . to_bool($mouse->{button2_key} || $mouse->{button3_key}) . "\n",
+ if_($mouse->{button2_key}, "dev.mac_hid.mouse_button2_keycode = $mouse->{button2_key}\n"),
+ if_($mouse->{button3_key}, "dev.mac_hid.mouse_button3_keycode = $mouse->{button3_key}\n"),
+ );
+ substInFile {
+ $_ = '' if /^\Qdev.mac_hid.mouse_button/;
+ $_ .= $s if eof;
+ } "$::prefix/etc/sysctl.conf";
+ }
+sub _input_entry_to_device_by_id {
+ my ($input) = @_;
+ my $ID_SERIAL = chomp_(run_program::get_stdout('usb_id', $input->{sysfs_path}));
+ $ID_SERIAL =~ s/[^\w#+\-.:=@_]/_/g; #- udev do a further cleanup, eg: "Wacom_Co.,Ltd._MTE-450" => "Wacom_Co._Ltd._MTE-450". cf ALLOWED_CHARS udev.h
+ my $sysfs_device = "input/by-id/usb-$ID_SERIAL-event-mouse"; #- from /etc/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-input.rules
+ if ($::isInstall || -e "/dev/$sysfs_device") {
+ $sysfs_device;
+ } else {
+ log::l("$sysfs_device missing");
+ ();
+ }
+sub _probe_usb_wacom_devices() {
+ detect_devices::hasWacom() or return;
+ eval { modules::load("wacom", "evdev") };
+ map { _input_entry_to_device_by_id($_) } detect_devices::usbWacom();
+sub _detect_serial() {
+ my ($t, $mouse, @wacom);
+ #- Whouah! probing all devices from ttyS0 to ttyS3 once a time!
+ detect_devices::probeSerialDevices();
+ #- check new probing methods keep everything used here intact!
+ foreach (0..3) {
+ $t = detect_devices::probeSerial("/dev/ttyS$_") or next;
+ if ($t->{CLASS} eq 'MOUSE') {
+ $t->{MFG} ||= $t->{MANUFACTURER};
+ my $name = 'Generic 2 Button Mouse';
+ $name = 'Microsoft IntelliMouse' if $t->{MFG} eq 'MSH' && $t->{MODEL} eq '0001';
+ $name = 'Logitech MouseMan' if $t->{MFG} eq 'LGI' && $t->{MODEL} =~ /^80/;
+ $name = 'Genius NetMouse' if $t->{MFG} eq 'KYE' && $t->{MODEL} eq '0003';
+ $mouse ||= fullname2mouse("serial|$name", device => "ttyS$_");
+ last;
+ } elsif ($t->{CLASS} eq "PEN" || $t->{MANUFACTURER} eq "WAC") {
+ push @wacom, "ttyS$_";
+ }
+ }
+ $mouse, @wacom;
+sub _mice2evdev {
+ my (@mice) = @_;
+ [ map {
+ #- we always use HWheelRelativeAxisButtons for evdev, it tells mice with no horizontal wheel to skip those buttons
+ #- that way we ensure 6 & 7 is always horizontal wheel
+ #- (cf patch skip-HWheelRelativeAxisButtons-even-if-unused in x11-driver-input-evdev)
+ { device => "/dev/$_", HWheelRelativeAxisButtons => "7 6" };
+ } map { _input_entry_to_device_by_id($_) } @mice ];
+sub _detect_evdev_mice {
+ my (@mice) = @_;
+ foreach (@mice) {
+ my @l = $_->{usb} && $_->{usb}{driver} =~ /^Mouse:(.*)/ ? split('\|', $1) : ();
+ foreach my $opt (@l) {
+ if ($opt eq 'evdev') {
+ $_->{want_evdev} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($_->{HWHEEL}) {
+ $_->{want_evdev} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ my @evdev_mice = grep { $_->{want_evdev} } @mice;
+ log::l("configuring mice for evdev (" . join(' ', map { "$_->{vendor}:$_->{product}" } @evdev_mice) . ")") if @evdev_mice;
+ { evdev_mice_all => _mice2evdev(@mice),
+ if_(@evdev_mice, evdev_mice => _mice2evdev(@evdev_mice)) };
+sub detect {
+ my ($modules_conf) = @_;
+ # let more USB tablets and touchscreens magically work at install time
+ # through /dev/input/mice multiplexing:
+ detect_devices::probe_category('input/tablet');
+ detect_devices::probe_category('input/touchscreen');
+ my @wacom = _probe_usb_wacom_devices();
+ $modules_conf->get_probeall("usb-interface") and eval { modules::load('usbhid') };
+ if (detect_devices::is_virtualbox()) {
+ fullname2mouse("Universal|VirtualBox mouse");
+ } elsif (detect_devices::is_vmware()) {
+ fullname2mouse("Universal|VMware mouse");
+ } elsif (my @mice = grep { $_->{Handlers}{mouse} } detect_devices::getInputDevices_and_usb()) {
+ my @synaptics = map {
+ { ALPS => $_->{ALPS} };
+ } grep { $_->{Synaptics} || $_->{ALPS} } @mice;
+ my $evdev_opts = _detect_evdev_mice(@mice);
+ my $fullname = detect_devices::is_xbox() ?
+ 'Universal|Microsoft Xbox Controller S' :
+ arch() eq "ppc" ?
+ 'USB|1 button' :
+ 'Universal|Any PS/2 & USB mice';
+ fullname2mouse($fullname, wacom => \@wacom,
+ synaptics => $synaptics[0],
+ if_($evdev_opts, %$evdev_opts));
+ } elsif (arch() eq 'ppc') {
+ # No need to search for an ADB mouse. If I did, the PPC kernel would
+ # find one whether or not I had one installed! So.. default to it.
+ fullname2mouse("busmouse|1 button");
+ } elsif (arch() =~ /^sparc/) {
+ fullname2mouse("sunmouse|Sun - Mouse");
+ } else {
+ #- probe serial device to make sure a wacom has been detected.
+ eval { modules::load("serial") };
+ my ($serial_mouse, @serial_wacom) = _detect_serial();
+ push @wacom, @serial_wacom;
+ if ($serial_mouse) {
+ { wacom => \@wacom, %$serial_mouse };
+ } elsif (@wacom) {
+ #- in case only a wacom has been found, assume an inexistant mouse (necessary).
+ fullname2mouse('none|No mouse', wacom => \@wacom);
+ } else {
+ fullname2mouse('Universal|Any PS/2 & USB mice', unsafe => 1);
+ }
+ }
+sub load_modules {
+ my ($mouse) = @_;
+ my @l;
+ push @l, qw(hid mousedev usbmouse) if $mouse->{type} =~ /USB/;
+ push @l, qw(serial) if $mouse->{type} =~ /serial/ || any { /ttyS/ } @{$mouse->{wacom}};
+ push @l, qw(wacom evdev) if any { /event/ } @{$mouse->{wacom}};
+ push @l, qw(evdev) if $mouse->{synaptics} || $mouse->{evdev_mice};
+ eval { modules::load(@l) };
+sub set_xfree_conf {
+ my ($mouse, $xfree_conf, $b_keep_auxmouse_unchanged) = @_;
+ my @mice = map {
+ {
+ (member($_->{Protocol}, qw(vboxmouse vmmouse)) ? "Driver" : "Protocol") => $_->{Protocol},
+ Device => devices::make($_->{device}),
+ if_($_->{Emulate3Buttons} || $_->{EmulateWheel}, Emulate3Buttons => undef, Emulate3Timeout => 50),
+ if_($_->{EmulateWheel}, EmulateWheel => undef, EmulateWheelButton => 2),
+ };
+ } $mouse;
+ if ($mouse->{evdev_mice}) {
+ push @mice, @{$mouse->{evdev_mice}};
+ } elsif (!$mouse->{synaptics} && $b_keep_auxmouse_unchanged) {
+ my (undef, @l) = $xfree_conf->get_mice;
+ push @mice, @l;
+ }
+ $xfree_conf->set_mice(@mice);
+ if (my @wacoms = @{$mouse->{wacom} || []}) {
+ $xfree_conf->set_wacoms(map { { Device => "/dev/$_", USB => to_bool(m|input/by-path/event|) } } @wacoms);
+ }
+sub various_xfree_conf {
+ my ($do_pkgs, $mouse) = @_;
+ -e "/usr/bin/X" or return;
+ #- we don't need this anymore. Remove it for upgrades
+ unlink("$::prefix/etc/X11/xinit.d/mouse_buttons");
+ {
+ my $f = "$::prefix/etc/X11/xinit.d/xpad";
+ if ($mouse->{name} !~ /^Microsoft Xbox Controller/) {
+ unlink($f);
+ } else {
+ output_with_perm($f, 0755, "xset m 1/8 1\n");
+ }
+ }
+ require Xconfig::card;
+ my $inputdrvpath = Xconfig::card::modules_dir() . '/input';
+ my $pkgs = [
+ if_($mouse->{synaptics}, ['x11-driver-input-synaptics', "$inputdrvpath/"]),
+ if_($mouse->{evdev_mice}, ['x11-driver-input-evdev', "$inputdrvpath/"]),
+ if_($mouse->{Protocol} eq 'vboxmouse', ['x11-driver-input-vboxmouse', "$inputdrvpath/"]),
+ if_(@{$mouse->{wacom}}, ['x11-driver-input-wacom', "$inputdrvpath/"]),
+ if_($mouse->{name} =~ /VMware/i, ['x11-driver-input-vmmouse', "$inputdrvpath/"]),
+ ];
+ $do_pkgs->ensure_files_are_installed($pkgs, 1);
+#- write_conf : write the mouse infos into the Xconfig files.
+#- input :
+#- $mouse : the hashtable containing the informations
+#- $mouse input
+#- $mouse->{nbuttons} : number of buttons : integer
+#- $mouse->{device} : device of the mouse : string : ex 'psaux'
+#- $mouse->{Protocol} : type of the mouse for X : string (eg 'PS/2')
+#- $mouse->{type} : type (generic ?) of the mouse : string : ex 'PS/2'
+#- $mouse->{name} : name of the mouse : string : ex 'Standard'
+#- $mouse->{MOUSETYPE} : type of the mouse : string : ex "ps/2"
+sub write_conf {
+ my ($do_pkgs, $modules_conf, $mouse, $b_keep_auxmouse_unchanged) = @_;
+ &write($do_pkgs, $mouse);
+ $modules_conf->write if $mouse->{device} eq "input/mice" && !$::testing;
+ eval {
+ require Xconfig::xfree;
+ my $xfree_conf = Xconfig::xfree->read;
+ set_xfree_conf($mouse, $xfree_conf, $b_keep_auxmouse_unchanged);
+ $xfree_conf->write;
+ };
+sub _xmouse2xId {
+ #- xmousetypes must be sorted as found in /usr/include/X11/extensions/xf86misc.h
+ #- so that first mean "0", etc
+ my @xmousetypes = (
+ "Microsoft",
+ "MouseSystems",
+ "MMSeries",
+ "Logitech",
+ "BusMouse", #MouseMan,
+ "Logitech",
+ "PS/2",
+ "MMHittab",
+ "GlidePoint",
+ "IntelliMouse",
+ "ThinkingMouse",
+ "IMPS/2",
+ "ThinkingMousePS/2",
+ "MouseManPlusPS/2",
+ "GlidePointPS/2",
+ "NetMousePS/2",
+ "NetScrollPS/2",
+ "SysMouse",
+ "Auto",
+ "AceCad",
+ "ExplorerPS/2",
+ "USB",
+ );
+ my ($id) = @_;
+ $id = 'BusMouse' if $id eq 'MouseMan';
+ $id = 'IMPS/2' if $id eq 'ExplorerPS/2' && $::isInstall;
+ eval { find_index { $_ eq $id } @xmousetypes } || 0;
+sub change_mouse_live {
+ my ($mouse, $old) = @_;
+ my $xId = _xmouse2xId($mouse->{Protocol});
+ $old->{device} ne $mouse->{device} || $xId != _xmouse2xId($old->{Protocol}) or return;
+ log::l("telling X server to use another mouse ($mouse->{Protocol}, $xId)");
+ eval { modules::load('serial') } if $mouse->{device} =~ /ttyS/;
+ if (!$::testing) {
+ devices::make($mouse->{device});
+ symlinkf($mouse->{device}, "/dev/mouse");
+ eval {
+ require xf86misc::main;
+ xf86misc::main::setMouseLive($ENV{DISPLAY}, $xId, $mouse->{Emulate3Buttons});
+ };
+ }
+ 1;
+sub test_mouse_install {
+ my ($mouse, $x_protocol_changed) = @_;
+ require ugtk2;
+ ugtk2->import(qw(:wrappers :create));
+ my $w = ugtk2->new(N("Testing the mouse"), disallow_big_help => 1);
+ my $darea = Gtk2::DrawingArea->new;
+ $darea->set_events([ 'button_press_mask', 'button_release_mask' ]); #$darea must be unrealized.
+ gtkadd($w->{window},
+ gtkpack(my $vbox_grab = Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0),
+ $darea,
+ gtkset_sensitive(create_okcancel($w, undef, '', 'edge'), 1)
+ ),
+ );
+ test_mouse($mouse, $darea, $x_protocol_changed);
+ $w->sync; # HACK
+ Gtk2::Gdk->pointer_grab($vbox_grab->window, 1, 'pointer_motion_mask', $vbox_grab->window, undef, 0);
+ my $r = $w->main;
+ Gtk2::Gdk->pointer_ungrab(0);
+ $r;
+sub _fullnames() {
+ map_each {
+ my $type = $::a;
+ grep { $_ } map {
+ if ($_) {
+ my $l = _raw2mouse($type, $_);
+ "$type|$l->{name}";
+ } else {
+ $type .= "|[" . N("Other") . "]";
+ '';
+ }
+ } @{$::b->[1]};
+ } _all_mice();
+sub select {
+ my ($in, $mouse) = @_;
+ my $prev = my $fullname = $mouse->{type} . '|' . $mouse->{name};
+ $in->ask_from_({ messages => N("Please choose your type of mouse."),
+ title => N("Mouse choice"),
+ interactive_help_id => 'selectMouse',
+ if_($mouse->{unsafe}, cancel => ''),
+ },
+ [ { list => [ _fullnames() ], separator => '|', val => \$fullname,
+ format => sub { join('|', map { translate($_) } split('\|', $_[0])) } } ]) or return;
+ if ($fullname ne $prev) {
+ my $mouse_ = fullname2mouse($fullname, device => $mouse->{device});
+ if ($fullname =~ /evdev/) {
+ $mouse_->{evdev_mice} = $mouse_->{evdev_mice_all} = $mouse->{evdev_mice_all};
+ }
+ %$mouse = %$mouse_;
+ }
+ if ($mouse->{nbuttons} < 3 && $::isStandalone) {
+ $mouse->{Emulate3Buttons} = $in->ask_yesorno('', N("Emulate third button?"), 1);
+ }
+ if ($mouse->{type} eq 'serial') {
+ $in->ask_from_({ title => N("Mouse Port"),
+ messages => N("Please choose which serial port your mouse is connected to."),
+ interactive_help_id => 'selectSerialPort',
+ }, [ { list => [ detect_devices::serialPorts() ], format => \&detect_devices::serialPort2text, val => \$mouse->{device} } ]) or return &select;
+ }
+ if (arch() =~ /ppc/ && $mouse->{nbuttons} == 1) {
+ #- set a sane default F11/F12
+ $mouse->{button2_key} = 87;
+ $mouse->{button3_key} = 88;
+ $in->ask_from('', N("Buttons emulation"),
+ [
+ { label => N("Button 2 Emulation"), val => \$mouse->{button2_key}, list => [ _ppc_one_button_keys() ], format => \&_ppc_one_button_key2text },
+ { label => N("Button 3 Emulation"), val => \$mouse->{button3_key}, list => [ _ppc_one_button_keys() ], format => \&_ppc_one_button_key2text },
+ ]) or return;
+ }
+ 1;
+sub test_mouse {
+ my ($mouse, $darea, $b_x_protocol_changed) = @_;
+ require ugtk2;
+ ugtk2->import(qw(:wrappers));
+ my $suffix = $mouse->{nbuttons} <= 2 ? '2b' : $mouse->{nbuttons} == 3 ? '3b' : '3b+';
+ my %offsets = (mouse_2b_right => [ 93, 0 ], mouse_3b_right => [ 117, 0 ],
+ mouse_2b_middle => [ 82, 80 ], mouse_3b_middle => [ 68, 0 ], 'mouse_3b+_middle' => [ 85, 67 ]);
+ my %image_files = (
+ mouse => "mouse_$suffix",
+ left => 'mouse_' . ($suffix eq '3b+' ? '3b' : $suffix) . '_left',
+ right => 'mouse_' . ($suffix eq '3b+' ? '3b' : $suffix) . '_right',
+ if_($mouse->{nbuttons} > 2, middle => 'mouse_' . $suffix . '_middle'),
+ up => 'arrow_up',
+ down => 'arrow_down');
+ my %images = map { $_ => ugtk2::gtkcreate_pixbuf("$image_files{$_}.png") } keys %image_files;
+ my $width = $images{mouse}->get_width;
+ my $height = round_up($images{mouse}->get_height, 6);
+ my $draw_text = sub {
+ my ($t, $y) = @_;
+ my $layout = $darea->create_pango_layout($t);
+ my ($w) = $layout->get_pixel_size;
+ $darea->window->draw_layout($darea->style->black_gc,
+ ($darea->allocation->width-$w)/2,
+ ($darea->allocation->height-$height)/2 + $y,
+ $layout);
+ };
+ my $draw_pixbuf = sub {
+ my ($p, $x, $y, $w, $h) = @_;
+ $w = $p->get_width;
+ $h = $p->get_height;
+ $p->render_to_drawable($darea->window, $darea->style->bg_gc('normal'), 0, 0,
+ ($darea->allocation->width-$width)/2 + $x, ($darea->allocation->height-$height)/2 + $y,
+ $w, $h, 'none', 0, 0);
+ };
+ my $draw_by_name = sub {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my $file = $image_files{$name};
+ my ($x, $y) = @{$offsets{$file} || [ 0, 0 ]};
+ $draw_pixbuf->($images{$name}, $x, $y);
+ };
+ my $drawarea = sub {
+ $draw_by_name->('mouse');
+ if ($::isInstall || 1) {
+ $draw_text->(N("Please test the mouse"), 200);
+ if ($b_x_protocol_changed && $mouse->{nbuttons} > 3 && $mouse->{device} eq 'psaux' && member($mouse->{Protocol}, 'IMPS/2', 'ExplorerPS/2')) {
+ $draw_text->(N("To activate the mouse,"), 240);
+ $draw_text->(N("MOVE YOUR WHEEL!"), 260);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ my $timeout;
+ my $paintButton = sub {
+ my ($nb) = @_;
+ $timeout or $drawarea->();
+ if ($nb == 0) {
+ $draw_by_name->('left');
+ } elsif ($nb == 2) {
+ $draw_by_name->('right');
+ } elsif ($nb == 1) {
+ if ($mouse->{nbuttons} >= 3) {
+ $draw_by_name->('middle');
+ } else {
+ my ($x, $y) = @{$offsets{mouse_2b_middle}};
+ $darea->window->draw_arc($darea->style->black_gc,
+ 1, ($darea->allocation->width-$width)/2 + $x, ($darea->allocation->height-$height)/2 + $y, 20, 25,
+ 0, 360 * 64);
+ }
+ } elsif ($mouse->{nbuttons} > 3) {
+ my ($x, $y) = @{$offsets{$image_files{middle}}};
+ if ($nb == 3) {
+ $draw_pixbuf->($images{up}, $x+6, $y-10);
+ } elsif ($nb == 4) {
+ $draw_pixbuf->($images{down}, $x+6, $y + $images{middle}->get_height + 2);
+ }
+ $draw_by_name->('middle');
+ $timeout and Glib::Source->remove($timeout);
+ $timeout = Glib::Timeout->add(100, sub { $drawarea->(); $timeout = 0; 0 });
+ }
+ };
+ $darea->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { $paintButton->($_[1]->button - 1) });
+ $darea->signal_connect(scroll_event => sub { $paintButton->($_[1]->direction eq 'up' ? 3 : 4) });
+ $darea->signal_connect(button_release_event => $drawarea);
+ $darea->signal_connect(expose_event => $drawarea);
+ $darea->set_size_request($width, $height);
+=head1 NAME
+mouse - Perl functions to handle mice
+=head1 SYNOPSYS
+ require modules;
+ require mouse;
+ mouse::detect(modules::any_conf->read);
+C<mouse> is a perl module used by mousedrake to detect and configure the mouse.
+Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Mandriva <>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
diff --git a/lib/xf86misc/Makefile b/lib/xf86misc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a645f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/xf86misc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+.PHONY: clean
+main: %: %.xs
+ test -e Makefile_c || perl Makefile.PL
+ $(MAKE) -f Makefile_c LD_RUN_PATH= || $(MAKE) -f Makefile_c LD_RUN_PATH=
+ rm -f ../../auto/xf86misc ; ln -s ../lib/xf86misc/blib/arch/auto ../../auto/xf86misc
+ test ! -e Makefile_c || $(MAKE) -f Makefile_c clean
+ rm -f *~ *.o
diff --git a/lib/xf86misc/Makefile.PL b/lib/xf86misc/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0103325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/xf86misc/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+ 'NAME' => 'main',
+ 'MAKEFILE' => 'Makefile_c',
+ 'OPTIMIZE' => '-Os',
+ 'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION
+ 'LIBS' => ["-lX11 -lXext -lXxf86misc"],
+ 'DEFINE' => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
diff --git a/lib/xf86misc/ b/lib/xf86misc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32cd612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/xf86misc/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package xf86misc::main; # $Id: 206196 2004-02-08 17:50:15Z prigaux $
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use DynaLoader;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+@ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
diff --git a/lib/xf86misc/main.xs b/lib/xf86misc/main.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..696f8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/xf86misc/main.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/xf86misc.h>
+#include <term.h>
+#undef max_colors
+void initIMPS2() {
+ unsigned char imps2_s1[] = { 243, 200, 243, 100, 243, 80, };
+ unsigned char imps2_s2[] = { 246, 230, 244, 243, 100, 232, 3, };
+ int fd = open("/dev/mouse", O_WRONLY);
+ if (fd < 0) return;
+ write (fd, imps2_s1, sizeof (imps2_s1));
+ usleep (30000);
+ write (fd, imps2_s2, sizeof (imps2_s2));
+ usleep (30000);
+ tcflush (fd, TCIFLUSH);
+ tcdrain(fd);
+MODULE = xf86misc::main PACKAGE = xf86misc::main
+ char *display
+ int pid;
+ if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
+ Display *d = XOpenDisplay(display);
+ if (d) {
+ int child;
+ /* keep a client until some window is created, otherwise X server blinks to hell */
+ if ((child = fork()) == 0) {
+ XEvent event;
+ XSelectInput(d, DefaultRootWindow(d), SubstructureNotifyMask);
+ do {
+ XNextEvent(d, &event);
+ } while (event.type != CreateNotify);
+ XCloseDisplay(d);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ _exit(d != NULL);
+ }
+ waitpid(pid, &RETVAL, 0);
+setMouseLive(display, type, emulate3buttons)
+ char *display
+ int type
+ int emulate3buttons
+ {
+ XF86MiscMouseSettings mseinfo;
+ Display *d = XOpenDisplay(display);
+ if (d) {
+ if (XF86MiscGetMouseSettings(d, &mseinfo) == True) {
+ mseinfo.type = type;
+ mseinfo.flags |= MF_REOPEN;
+ mseinfo.emulate3buttons = emulate3buttons;
+ XF86MiscSetMouseSettings(d, &mseinfo);
+ XFlush(d);
+ if (type == MTYPE_IMPS2) initIMPS2();
+ }
+ }
+ }