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      <div lang="hu" class="section" title="Software">
         <div class="titlepage">
                  <h2 class="title"><a name="software"></a>Software
         <div class="section" title="Media Selection">
            <div class="titlepage">
                     <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e703"></a>Media Selection
            <div lang="hu" class="section" title="Supplemental Installation Media">
               <div class="titlepage">
                        <h4 class="title"><a name="add_supplemental_media"></a>Supplemental Installation Media
               <p>This screen shows you the list of already recognised repositories. You can
                  add other sources for packages, like an optical-disc or a remote source.
                  The source selection determines which packages will be available during the
                  subsequent steps.
               <p>H&aacute;l&oacute;zati forr&aacute;s eset&eacute;n k&eacute;t l&eacute;p&eacute;sre lesz sz&uuml;ks&eacute;g.</p>
               <div class="orderedlist">
                  <ol class="orderedlist" type="1">
                     <li class="listitem">
                        <p>Choosing and activating the network, if not already up.</p>
                     <li class="listitem">
                        <p>Selecting a mirror or specifying a URL (very first entry). By selecting a
                           mirror, you have access to the selection of all repositories managed by
                           Mageia, like the <span class="emphasis"><em>Nonfree</em></span>, the
                           <span class="emphasis"><em>Tainted</em></span> repositories and the
                           <span class="emphasis"><em>Updates</em></span>. With the URL, you can designate a specific
                           repository or your own NFS installation.
               <div class="note" title="Megjegyz&eacute;s" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
                  <table border="0" summary="Note">
                        <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Megjegyz&eacute;s]" src="note.png"></td>
                        <th align="left"></th>
                        <td align="left" valign="top">
                           <p>If you are updating a 64-bit installation which may contain some 32-bit
                              packages, it is advised to use this screen to add an online mirror by
                              selecting one of the Network protocols here. The 64-bit DVD ISO only
                              contains 64-bit and <span class="emphasis"><em>noarch</em></span> packages, it will not be
                              able to update the 32-bit packages. However, after adding an online mirror,
                              the installer will find the needed 32-bit packages there.
            <div lang="hu" class="section" title="Available Media">
               <div class="titlepage">
                        <h4 class="title"><a name="media_selection"></a>Available Media
               <p>Here you have the list of available repositories. Not all repositories are
                  available, according to which media you use for installing. The repositories
                  selection determines which packages will be available for selection during
                  the next steps.
               <div class="itemizedlist">
                  <ul class="itemizedlist">
                     <li class="listitem">
                        <p>The <span class="emphasis"><em>Core</em></span> repository cannot be disabled as it contains
                           the base of the distribution.
                     <li class="listitem">
                        <p>The <span class="emphasis"><em>Nonfree</em></span> repository includes packages that are
                           free-of-charge, i.e. Mageia may redistribute them, but they contain
                           closed-source software (hence the name - Nonfree). For example this
                           repository includes nVidia and AMD graphics card proprietary drivers,
                           firmware for various WiFi cards, etc.
                     <li class="listitem">
                        <p>The <span class="emphasis"><em>Tainted</em></span> repository includes packages released under
                           a free license. The main criteria for placing packages in this repository is
                           that they may infringe patents and copyright laws in some countries,
                           e.g. multimedia codecs needed to play various audio/video files; packages
                           needed to play commercial video DVD's, etc.
         <div lang="hu" class="section" title="Munkaasztal kiv&aacute;laszt&aacute;sa">
            <div class="titlepage">
                     <h3 class="title"><a name="chooseDesktop"></a>Munkaasztal kiv&aacute;laszt&aacute;sa
            <p>Some choices made here will open other screens with related options.</p>
            <p>After the selection step(s), you will see a slideshow during the
               installation of required packages. The slideshow can be disabled by pressing
               the <span class="emphasis"><em>Details</em></span> button.
            <div class="itemizedlist">
               <ul class="itemizedlist">
                  <li class="listitem">
                     <p>Choose whether you prefer to use the KDE Plasma or GNOME desktop
                        environment. Both come with a full set of useful applications and tools.
                  <li class="listitem">
                     <p>Select <span class="emphasis"><em>Custom</em></span> if you do not wish to use either (or,
                        actually use both) of these, or if you want to modify the default software
                        choices for these desktop environments. The LXDE desktop, for instance, is
                        lighter than the previous two, sporting less eye candy and having fewer
                        packages installed by default.
         <div lang="hu" class="section" title="Csomagcsoportok kiv&aacute;laszt&aacute;sa">
            <div class="titlepage">
                     <h3 class="title"><a name="choosePackageGroups"></a>Csomagcsoportok kiv&aacute;laszt&aacute;sa
            <p>Packages are arranged into common groups, to make choosing what you need on
               your system a lot easier. The groups are fairly self explanatory, however
               more information about the content of each is available in tool-tips which
               become visible as the mouse is hovered over them.
            <div class="itemizedlist">
               <ul class="itemizedlist">
                  <li class="listitem">
                     <p><span class="bold"><strong>Workstation</strong></span></p>
                  <li class="listitem">
                     <p><span class="bold"><strong>Server</strong></span></p>
                  <li class="listitem">
                     <p><span class="bold"><strong>Graphical Environment</strong></span></p>
                  <li class="listitem">
                     <p><span class="bold"><strong>Individual Package Selection</strong></span>: you can use
                        this option to manually add or remove packages
            <p>See <a class="xref" href="software.html#minimal-install" title="Minim&aacute;lis telep&iacute;t&#337;">Minimal Install</a> for instructions on how to do a
               minimal install (without or with X &amp; IceWM).
         <div lang="hu" class="section" title="Minim&aacute;lis telep&iacute;t&#337;">
            <div class="titlepage">
                     <h3 class="title"><a name="minimal-install"></a>Minim&aacute;lis telep&iacute;t&#337;
            <p>Minimal Installation is intended for those with specific uses in mind for
               Mageia, such as a server or a specialised workstation. You will probably use
               this option combined with the <span class="emphasis"><em>Individual package
                     selection</em></span> option to fine-tune your installation. See <a class="xref" href="software.html#choosePackagesTree" title="V&aacute;lasszon ki egy egyedi csomagot">Choose Packages Tree</a>.
            <div class="itemizedlist">
               <ul class="itemizedlist">
                  <li class="listitem">
                     <p>You can choose a <span class="emphasis"><em>Minimal Installation</em></span> by de-selecting
                        everything in the <span class="emphasis"><em>Package Group Selection</em></span> screen, see
                        <a class="xref" href="software.html#choosePackageGroups" title="Csomagcsoportok kiv&aacute;laszt&aacute;sa">Choose Package Groups</a>.
                     <p>If desired, you can additionally tick the <span class="emphasis"><em>Individual package
                              selection</em></span> option in the same screen.
                  <li class="listitem">
                     <p>If you choose this installation method, then the relevant screen (see
                        screenshot below) will offer you a few useful extras to install, such as
                        documentation and <span class="quote">&#8222;<span class="quote">X</span>&#8221;</span>.
                     <p>If the <span class="emphasis"><em>With X</em></span> option is selected, then IceWM (a
                        lightweight desktop environment) will also be included.
            <p>The basic documentation is provided in the form of <span class="quote">&#8222;<span class="quote">man</span>&#8221;</span> and
               <span class="quote">&#8222;<span class="quote">info</span>&#8221;</span> pages. It contains the man pages from the <a class="ulink" href="http://www.tldp.org/manpages/man.html" target="_top">Linux Documentation
                  Project</a> and the <a class="ulink" href="http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/" target="_top">GNU
                  coreutils</a> info pages.
         <div lang="hu" class="section" title="V&aacute;lasszon ki egy egyedi csomagot">
            <div class="titlepage">
                     <h3 class="title"><a name="choosePackagesTree"></a>V&aacute;lasszon ki egy egyedi csomagot
            <p>Here you can add or remove any extra packages to customize your
            <p>After having made your choice, you can click on the
               <span class="emphasis"><em>floppy</em></span> icon at the bottom of the page to save your
               choice of packages (saving to a USB key works, too). You can then use this
               file to install the same packages on another system, by pressing the same
               button during install and choosing to load it.