In this screen you can see the content of your hard drive(s) and see the solutions the DrakX partitioning wizard found for where to install Mageia.
Erabilgarri dauden aukerak beheko zerrendatik bereziki zure disko gogor(rren) diseinua eta edukien arabera aldatzen da.
Aukera hori eskuragarri badago, orduan Linux partizioak bateragarria aurkitu egin dira eta instalazioa erabili ahal izango du.
Erabili gabeko espazio baduzu zure disko gogorrean orduan aukera hau erabiliko da zure Mageia instalazio berriarentzat.
Erabili Espazio Librea Windows-en Partizioan
Lehendik dauden Windows partiziotik erabili gabeko espazioa baduzu, instalatzaileak, erabili ahal izateko eskainiko dizu.
This can be a useful way of making room for your new Mageia installation, but is a risky operation so you should make sure you have backed up all important files!
Note that this involves shrinking the size of the Windows partition. The partition must be "clean", meaning that Windows must have closed down correctly the last time it was used. It must also have been defragmented, although this is not a guarantee that all files in the partition have been moved out of the area that is about to be used. It is highly recommended to back up your personal files.
Ezabatu eta erabili disko osoa.
Aukera honek disko osoa erabiliko du Mageia-rantzat.
Oharra! Aukeratutako disko gogorraren datu guztiak ezabatuko dira. Kontuz ibili!
If you intend to use part of the disk for something else, or you already have data on the drive that you are not prepared to lose, then do not use this option.
Some newer drives are now using 4096 byte logical sectors, instead of the previous standard of 512 byte logical sectors. Due to lack of available hardware, the partitioning tool used in the installer has not been tested with such a drive. Also some ssd drives now use an erase block size over 1 MB. We suggest to pre-partition the drive, using an alternative partitioning tool like gparted, if you own such a device, and to use the following settings: "lerrokatu" "MiB" "Aurreko espazio librea (MiB)" "2" Ziurtatzen partizio guztiak sortzen diturela megabyte kopuru batekin. |