Aukeratu eta erabili ISOa



We call a media here a ISO image file that allows to install and/or update Mageia and by extension any physical support where the ISO file is copied.

Aurki ditzakezu hemen.

Instalazioa Klasiko baliabidea

Ezaugarri komunak
  • DrakX izeneko instalatzaile tradizionalak erabiltzen dituzte.

  • Eskuragarri dago instalazio garbi bat egitea edo berritzea aurreko bertsio batetatik.

  • Baliabide ezberdinak 32 edo 64 biteko arkitekturentzat.

  • Some tools are available in the Welcome screen: Rescue System, Memory Test, Hardware Detection Tool.

  • DVD bakoitzak eskuragarri ditu edozein mahaigaineko ingurune eta hizkuntzak.

  • Emango zaizu aukera instalazioan zehar software ez librea gehitzea edo ez.

arkitektura bikoitzeko DVDa
  • Both architectures are present on the same media, the choice is made automatically according to the detected CPU.

  • Xfce mahaigaina soilik.

  • Hizkuntza batzuk soilik (be, bg, ca, de, en, es, fr, it, mk, pl, pt, ru, sv, uk) HAUTATU EGIN DIRA!

  • Software ez librea dauka.

Live baliabidea

Ezaugarri komunak
  • Can be used to preview the distribution without first installing it on a HDD, and optionally install Mageia on your HDD.

  • ISO mahaigaineko ingurune bakar bat du (KDE edo GNOME).

  • Baliabide ezberdinak 32 edo 64 biteko arkitekturentzat.

  • Live ISOs can only be used to create clean installations, they cannot be used to upgrade from previous releases.

  • Software ez librea dauka.

KDE-ren Live CDa
  • KDE mahaigaineko ingurunea soilik.

  • Ingelera hizkuntza soilik

  • 32 bite soilik.

GNOME-ren Live CD-a
  • GNOME mahaigaineko ingurunea soilik.

  • Ingelera hizkuntza soilik

  • 32 bite soilik.

KDE-ren Live DVD-a
  • KDE mahaigaineko ingurunea soilik.

  • Hizkuntza guztiak presente daude.

  • Baliabide ezberdinak 32 edo 64 biteko arkitekturentzat.

GNOME-ren Live DVD-a
  • GNOME mahaigaineko ingurunea soilik.

  • Hizkuntza guztiak presente daude.

  • Baliabide ezberdinak 32 edo 64 biteko arkitekturentzat.

Abioko CD baliabidea soilik

Ezaugarri komunak
  • Each one is a small image that contains no more than that which is needed to start the drakx installer and find the ISO file to continue and complete the install. These ISO files may be on the PC hard disk, on a local drive, on a local network or on the Internet.

  • These media are very light (less than 100 Mo) and are convenient when bandwidth is too low to download a full DVD, PC without DVD drive or PC that can't boot on a USB stick.

  • Baliabide ezberdinak 32 edo 64 biteko arkitekturentzat.

  • Ingelera hizkuntza soilik

  • Software librea soilik dauka, software ez librea uko egiten duen gendearentzat.

  • Software librea ez diren (batez ere, kontrolatzaileak, kodek...) ditu behar duten pertsonentzat.

Baliabidea deskargatzea eta egiaztatzea


Once you have chosen your ISO file, you can download it either using http or BitTorrent. In both cases, a window give you some information, like the used mirror and the possibility to change if the bandwidth is to low. If http is chosen, you can also see something like

md5sum and sha1sum are tools to check your ISO integrity. Use only one of them. Both hexadecimal numbers have been calculated by an algorithm from the file to be downloaded. If you ask this algorithm to calculate again this number from your downloaded file, either you have the same number and your downloaded file is correct, or the number is different and you met a failure. Then this window appears:

Egiaztatu Fitxategia Gorde botoia.

Deskargatutako baliabide osotasunaren egiaztapena

Ireki kontsola bat, ez da root izan beharrik, eta:

- md5sum erabiltzeko, idatzi: [sam@localhost]$ md5sum path/to/the/image/file.iso.

- sha1sum erabiltzeko, idatzi: [sam@localhost]$ sha1sum path/to/the/image/file.iso.

eta lortutako zenbakia zure ordenagailuan konparatu mageia emandako zenbakiarekin (pixka bat itxaron beharko duzu). Adibidea:

Grabatu edo irauli ISOa

The checked ISO can now be burned on a CD or DVD or dumped on a USB stick. These operations are not a simple copy and aim at make a boot-able media.

ISO-a CD/DVD baten grabatu

Use whatever burner you want but ensure the burning device is set correctly to burn an image, burn data or files is not correct. More information in the Mageia wiki.

Irauli ISOa USB makil baten

All Mageia ISOs are hybrid, which means you can 'dump' them on a USB stick and use it to boot and install the system.


"dumping" an image onto a flash device destroys any prior file-system in the partition; any data will be lost and partition capacity will be reduced to the image size.

Jatorrizko ahalmena berreskuratzeko, USB formateatu behar duzu.

Mageia erabiliz

You can use a graphical tool like IsoDumper

dd kontsola tresna bezala ere erabil dezakezu:

  1. Kontsola bat ireki

  2. Bihurtu root agindua su - (ez ahaztu azkenean -)

  3. Plug your USB stick (do not mount it, that means do not open any application or file manager that read it)

  4. Idatzi fdisk-l komandoa

  5. Find the device name for your USB stick (by its size), for example /dev/sdb in the screenshot above, it is a 8Go USB stick.

  6. Agindua sartu: # dd if=path/to/the/ISO/file of=/dev/sdX bs=1M

    (x)=zure gailu izena adib: /dev/sdc Adibidea: # dd if=/home/user/Downloads/Mageia-4-x86_64-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M

  7. Agindua sartu: # sync

  8. Deskonektatu zure USB, eginda dago

Windows erabiltzen

Proba dezakezu:

- Rufus

- Win32 Disk Imager

MAgeia Instalazioa

Urrats hori Mageia-ren dokumentazioan zehazten da.

Informazio gehiago, eskuragarri Mageia wiki-an.