From d144c7cbfeaa23474ff1e9d0369ee9d80575d627 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Papoteur Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2021 15:58:51 +0100 Subject: Update Euskarian --- eu/misc-params.html | 182 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-) (limited to 'eu/misc-params.html') diff --git a/eu/misc-params.html b/eu/misc-params.html index e4bc301..b3568b1 100644 --- a/eu/misc-params.html +++ b/eu/misc-params.html @@ -2,22 +2,22 @@ - Hainbat parametroen laburpena + Configuration Summary - - -

Hainbat parametroen laburpena +

Configuration Summary

@@ -29,9 +29,20 @@ -

DrakX adimentasunez hautatzen ditu ezarpenak zure sistemaren detektatutako - hardwarearen arabera. Ezarpenak egiaztatu ahal izango dituzu hemen eta - Ezarri sakatu aldatu nahi baduzu. + + + + + + + + + + +

DrakX presents a proposal for the configuration of your system depending on + the choices you made and on the hardware detected. You can check the + settings here and change them if you want by pressing + Configure.

@@ -44,24 +55,24 @@ -

As a general rule, default settings are recommended and you can keep them - with 3 exceptions: +

As a general rule, it is recommended that you accept the default settings + unless:

  • -

    there are known issues with a default setting


    Badago arazo ezagun bat ezarpen lehenetsiarekin

  • -

    the default setting has already been tried and it fails


    Dagoeneko ezarpen lehenetsia probatu dae eta porrot egin du

  • -

    something else is said in the detailed sections below


    some other factor mentioned in the detailed sections below is an issue

@@ -89,66 +100,61 @@
  • -





    DrakX ordu eremua hautatutako hizkuntzaren arabera aukeratzen du. Aldatu - nahi baduzu, behar izanez gero, Ikusi ere honela deritzon atala “Konfiguratu zure Denbora-Eremua”


    DrakX selects a timezone for you, depending on your preferred language. You + can change it if needed. See also Configure Timezone

  • -



    Country / Region


    Aukeratutako herrian ez bazaude, zuk hura zuzentzea garrantzitsua da. Ikus - honela deritzon atala “Aukeratu zure Herrialdea / Eskualdea”


    If the selected country is wrong, it is very important that you correct the + setting. See Select Country

  • -

    Abio kargatzailea




    DrakX aukera onak egin ditu abio kargatzailearen ezarpenekin. +

    DrakX proposal for the bootloader setting


    Do not change anything, unless you know how to configure Grub2 -


    Do not change anything, unless you know how to configure GRUB2. For more + information, see Bootloader


    Informazio gehiagorako, ikus honela deritzon atala “Abio kargatzailearen aukera nagusiak”

  • -

    Erabiltzaile kudeaketa


    User management


    Erabiltzaile extrak hemen gehi dezakezu. Bakoitzak bere - /home direktorioa izango du. +

    You can add extra users here. They will each be allocated their own + /home directories.

  • -

    Zerbitzuak: -

    - - -

    Sistema Zerbitzuak atzeko aldean abian dauden programa txikiak aipatzeko - (deabru) bezala ezagutzen da. Tresna honek horietako batzuk gaitu edo - desgaitzeko aukera ematen dizu. -




    Arretaz pentsatu behar duzu hemen ezer aldatu aurretik, hutsegite batek - ordenagailuak gaizki funtzionatzea eragin dezake. +

    System services refer to those small programs which run in the background + (daemons). This tool allows you to enable or disable certain processes.


    For more information, see honela deritzon atala “Konfiguratu zure Zerbitzuak”


    You should check carefully before changing anything here - a mistake may + prevent your computer from operating correctly. For more information, see + Configure Services

@@ -173,12 +179,11 @@
  • -

    Teklatua: -




    Hemen da non teklatuaren antolamendua ezarri edo aldatu ditzakezun zure - kokapen, hizkuntza edo teklatu motaren arabera. +

    Configure your keyboard layout according to your location, language and type + of keyboard.

    @@ -191,8 +196,8 @@ -

    If you notice a wrong keyboard layout and want to change it, keep in mind - that your passwords are going to change too. +

    Teklatuaren diseinu oker bat nabaritzen baduzu eta aldatu nahi baduzu, + kontuan izan zure pasahitzak ere aldatu egingo direla.

    @@ -203,8 +208,7 @@
  • -

    Sagua: -



    Hemen gehitu edo konfiguratu dezakezu beste gailu batzuk, tabletak, @@ -214,30 +218,31 @@

  • -

    Soinu txartela: +

    Sound card

    + + +

    The installer will use the default driver if one is available.


    Instalatzaileak gidari lehenetsia erabiltzen du, baldin badago. Gidari bat - baino gehiago dagoenean agertzen da beste bat aukeratzeko aukera soilik, - baina bat ere ez dator lehenetsita. +

    If there is no actual default driver for your sound card, there may be other + possible alternative drivers available to choose from. If this is the case, + but you think the installer has not made the most appropriate choice, you + can click on Advanced to manually specify a driver.

  • -

    Interfaze grafikoa: -


    Graphical interface


    Atal honen bitartez, zure txartel grafikoa(k) eta pantaila konfigura - dezakezu. -


    This section allows you to configure your graphics card(s) and displays. For + more information, see honela deritzon atala “Txartel Grafikoa eta Pantaila Konfigurazioa”


    Informazio gehiagorako, ikus honela deritzon atala “Txartel Grafikoa eta Pantaila Konfigurazioa”. -

@@ -263,13 +268,13 @@
  • -

    Sarea: -




    Zure sarea hemen ezarri ditzakezu, baina gidari libre gabeko txartelentzat - (nonfree), berrabiarazi ostean egite hobea da, Mageiaren - Kontrol Gunean, non-free biltegiak gaituta eduki ondoren. +

    You can configure your network here, but for network cards with non-free + drivers it is better to do that after reboot, using the Mageia Control + Center, if you have not yet enabled the Nonfree media + repositories.

    @@ -282,8 +287,8 @@ -

    Sare txartel bat gehitzen duzunean, ez ahaztu zure suebakia interfazena - ezartzen, ikusteko ere. +

    When you add a network card, do not forget to set your firewall to monitor + that interface as well.

    @@ -294,18 +299,17 @@
  • -

    Proxiak: -




    Proxy-zerbitzari batek zure ordenagailuaren eta Interneten arteko - bitartekari bat bezala jokatzen du. Sail honek proxy-zerbitzua zure - ordenagailuak erabiltzeko ezarpenak jartzeko baimentzen dizu. +

    A Proxy Server acts as an intermediary between your computer and the wider + Internet. This section allows you to configure your computer to utilize a + proxy service.


    Zure sistema administratzaileari kontsultatu beharko diozu eskuratzeko hemen - sartu beharreko parametroak +

    You may need to consult your systems administrator to obtain the parameters + you need to enter here.

  • @@ -331,35 +335,35 @@
    • -

      Segurtasun Maila: -

      - - -

      Hemen ezarri daiteke zure ordenagailurako desiratzen duzun segurtasun maila, - gehienetan, lehenetsitako ezarpena (Estandarra) egokitzen du erabilera - orokorrerako. -


      Security Level


      Begiratu zure erabilerara hoberen egokitzen den aukera. +

      The Security level for your computer, in most cases the default setting + (Standard) is adequate for general use. Select the option which best suits + your usage.

    • -

      Suebakia: +


      + + +

      The firewall allows you to manage which network connections are allowed on + your computer. The safe and secure default is to allow ZERO inbound + connections. This does not stop you connecting outbound and using your + computer normally.


      Suebaki baten asmoa, zure artxibo garrantzitsuen eta Internetetik dabiltzan - asmo txarreko jende ugariren, lapurtzen saia daitezkeen edo zure artxiboak - arriskuan jarri dezaketenen artean hesi bat jartzea da. +

      Please be aware that the Internet is a high risk network where there are + continuous attempts to probe and attack systems. Even seemingly + safe connections such as ICMP (for ping) have been used as + covert data channels for exfiltrating data by malicious persons.


      Select the services that you wish to have access to your system. Your - selections will depend on what you use your computer for. For more - information, see ???. +

      For more information, see Firewall.

      @@ -372,8 +376,8 @@ -

      Kontuan izan dena ahalbidetzea (suebaki gabe) oso arriskutsua izan - daitekeela. +

      Bear in mind that allowing everything (no firewall) may + be very risky.

      -- cgit v1.2.1