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index 96899e0..7875967 100644
--- a/tr/installer.html
+++ b/tr/installer.html
@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- <title>DrakX, the Mageia Installer</title>
+ <title>DrakX, Mageia Kurulum Arac&#305;</title>
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<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF">
- <div lang="tr" class="section" title="DrakX, the Mageia Installer">
+ <div lang="tr" class="section" title="DrakX, Mageia Kurulum Arac&#305;">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h2 class="title"><a name="installer"></a>DrakX, the Mageia Installer
+ <h2 class="title"><a name="installer"></a>DrakX, Mageia Kurulum Arac&#305;
@@ -38,32 +38,32 @@
- <p>Whether you are new to GNU-Linux or an experienced user, the Mageia
- Installer is designed to help make your installation or upgrade as easy as
- possible.
+ <p>&#304;ster GNU/Linux ile yeni tan&#305;&#351;an isterse deneyimle bir kullan&#305;c&#305; olun,
+ Mageia kurulum arac&#305; kurulumu veya y&uuml;kseltmeyi m&uuml;mk&uuml;n olan en kolay &#351;ekilde
+ yapman&#305;za yard&#305;mc&#305; olmak i&ccedil;in tasarlanm&#305;&#351;t&#305;r.
- <p>The initial menu screen has various options, however the default one will
- start the installer, which will normally be all that you will need.
+ <p>&#304;lk men&uuml; ekran&#305; bir &ccedil;ok se&ccedil;ene&#287;e sahiptir; fakat &ouml;ntan&#305;ml&#305; olan, normalde
+ t&uuml;m ihtiyac&#305;n&#305;z&#305; kar&#351;&#305;layacak, kurulum arac&#305;n&#305; ba&#351;latacakt&#305;r.
- <p>If there are problems during install, then it may be necessary to use
- special installation options, see <a class="xref" href="installer.html#installationOptions" title="Installation options"> &#8220;Installation options&#8221;</a>.
+ <p>Kurulum s&#305;ras&#305;nda sorun ya&#351;arsan&#305;z, &ouml;zel kurulum se&ccedil;eneklerini kullanman&#305;z
+ gerekebilir. Bkz: <a class="xref" href="installer.html#installationOptions" title="Kurulum se&ccedil;enekleri"> &#8220;Kurulum se&ccedil;enekleri&#8221;</a>.
- <div class="section" title="The installation steps">
+ <div class="section" title="Kurulum ad&#305;mlar&#305;">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h3 class="title"><a name="installationSteps"></a>The installation steps
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="installationSteps"></a>Kurulum ad&#305;mlar&#305;
@@ -71,19 +71,18 @@
- <p>The install process is divided into a number of steps, which can be followed
- on the side panel of the screen.
+ <p>Kurulum i&#351;lemi, ekran&#305;n yan&#305;ndaki panelden takip edilebilen bir ka&ccedil; ad&#305;ma
+ b&ouml;l&uuml;nm&uuml;&#351;t&uuml;r.
- <p>Each step has one or more screens which may also have
- <span class="guibutton">Advanced</span> buttons with extra, less commonly required,
- options.
+ <p>Her ad&#305;m, az gerek duyulan se&ccedil;enekler i&ccedil;in <span class="guibutton">Geli&#351;mi&#351;</span>
+ d&uuml;&#287;mesini i&ccedil;erebilen bir veya bir ka&ccedil; ekrana sahiptir.
- <p>Most screens have <span class="guibutton">Help</span> buttons which give further
- explanations about the current step.
+ <p>&Ccedil;o&#287;u ekran, ge&ccedil;erli ad&#305;m i&ccedil;in a&ccedil;&#305;klamalar i&ccedil;eren
+ <span class="guibutton">Yard&#305;m</span> d&uuml;&#287;mesine sahiptir.
@@ -96,14 +95,15 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>If somewhere during install you decide to stop the installation, it is
- possible to reboot, but please think twice before you do this. Once a
- partition has been formatted or updates have started to be installed, your
- computer is no longer in the same state and rebooting it could very well
- leave you with an unusable system. If in spite of this you are very sure
- rebooting is what you want, go to a text terminal by pressing the three keys
- <span class="guibutton">Alt Ctrl F2</span> at the same time. After that, press
- <span class="guibutton">Alt Ctrl Delete</span> simultaneously to reboot.
+ <p>Kurulum s&#305;ras&#305;nda kurulumu durdurmak isterseniz, bilgisayar&#305; yeniden
+ ba&#351;latmak m&uuml;mk&uuml;nd&uuml;r; ancak bunu yapmadan &ouml;nce iki kez d&uuml;&#351;&uuml;n&uuml;n. Bir disk
+ b&ouml;l&uuml;m&uuml; bi&ccedil;imlendirilmi&#351;se veya g&uuml;ncellemeler kurulmaya ba&#351;lanm&#305;&#351;sa,
+ bilgisayar&#305;n&#305;z ayn&#305; durumda olmayacakt&#305;r ve yeniden ba&#351;latmak sizi
+ kullan&#305;lamaz durumda bir sistemle ba&#351; ba&#351;a b&#305;rakabilir. Buna ra&#287;men
+ bilgisayar&#305; yeniden ba&#351;latmak konusunda eminseniz; <span class="guibutton">Alt Ctrl
+ F2</span> tu&#351;lar&#305;na birlikte basarak bir metin u&ccedil;birimine gidin. Bundan
+ sonra yeniden ba&#351;latmak i&ccedil;in <span class="guibutton">Alt Ctrl Delete</span>
+ tu&#351;lar&#305;na ayn&#305; anda bas&#305;n.
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@
- <div class="section" title="Installation options">
+ <div class="section" title="Kurulum se&ccedil;enekleri">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h3 class="title"><a name="installationOptions"></a>Installation options
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="installationOptions"></a>Kurulum se&ccedil;enekleri
@@ -126,21 +126,21 @@
- <p>If the installation fails then it may be necessary to try again by using one
- of the extra options available by hitting the <span class="guibutton">F1
- (Help)</span> key see <a class="xref" href="installer.html#dx-welcome" title="&#350;ekil 1. Installation Welcome Screen">&#350;ekil&nbsp;1, &#8220;Installation Welcome Screen&#8221;</a></p>
+ <p>Kurulum ba&#351;ar&#305;s&#305;z olursa, <span class="guibutton">F1 (Yard&#305;m- Help)</span> d&uuml;&#287;mesine
+ basarak eri&#351;ebilece&#287;iniz ek se&ccedil;enekleri kullanarak yeniden denemeniz
+ gerekebilir. Bkz: <a class="xref" href="installer.html#dx-welcome" title="&#350;ekil 1. Kurulum Kar&#351;&#305;lama Ekran&#305;">&#350;ekil&nbsp;1, &#8220;Kurulum Kar&#351;&#305;lama Ekran&#305;&#8221;</a></p>
- <p>This will open the following text based help.</p>
+ <p>B&ouml;ylece yard&#305;m temelli a&#351;a&#287;&#305;daki metin a&ccedil;&#305;lacakt&#305;r.</p>
- <div class="section" title="Installation Problems and Possible Solutions">
+ <div class="section" title="Kurulum Sorunlar&#305; ve Muhtemel &Ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;mleri">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h4 class="title"><a name="installationProblems"></a>Installation Problems and Possible Solutions
+ <h4 class="title"><a name="installationProblems"></a>Kurulum Sorunlar&#305; ve Muhtemel &Ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;mleri
@@ -148,11 +148,11 @@
- <div class="section" title="No Graphical Interface">
+ <div class="section" title="Grafiksel Arabirim Yok">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="noX"></a>No Graphical Interface
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="noX"></a>Grafiksel Arabirim Yok
@@ -164,19 +164,19 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p>After the initial screen you did not reach the language selection
- screen. This can happen with some graphic cards and older systems. Try using
- low resolution by typing <code class="code">vgalo</code> at the prompt.
+ <p>&#304;lk ekrandan sonra dil se&ccedil;imi ekran&#305;na eri&#351;emediniz. Bu durum baz&#305; ekran
+ kartlar&#305;nda ve eski sistemlerde ortaya &ccedil;&#305;kabilir. Komut sat&#305;r&#305;nda
+ <code class="code">vgalo</code> yazarak d&uuml;&#351;&uuml;k &ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;n&uuml;l&uuml;k kullanmay&#305; deneyin.
<li class="listitem">
- <p>If the hardware is very old, a graphical installation may not be
- possible. In this case it is worth trying a text mode installation. To use
- this hit ESC at the first welcome screen and confirm with ENTER. You will be
- presented with a black screen with the word "boot:". Type "text" and hit
- ENTER. Now continue with the installation in text mode.<span class="emphasis"><em></em></span></p>
+ <p>Donan&#305;m &ccedil;ok eskiyse, grafiksel bir kurulum m&uuml;mk&uuml;n olmayabilir. Bu durumda
+ metin tabanl&#305; kurulumu denemelisiniz. Bunu kullanmak i&ccedil;in, ilk kar&#351;&#305;lama
+ ekran&#305;nda ESC tu&#351;una bas&#305;n ve ENTER tu&#351;una basarak eylemi onaylay&#305;n. "boot:"
+ kelimesini i&ccedil;eren siyah bir ekranla kar&#351;&#305;la&#351;acaks&#305;n&#305;z. "text" yaz&#305;n ve ENTER
+ tu&#351;una bas&#305;n. &#350;imdi kuruluma metin kipinde devam edin.<span class="emphasis"><em></em></span></p>
@@ -185,11 +185,11 @@
- <div class="section" title="The Install Freezes">
+ <div class="section" title="Kurulum Donuyor">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="installFreezes"></a>The Install Freezes
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="installFreezes"></a>Kurulum Donuyor
@@ -197,21 +197,21 @@
- <p>If the system appeared to freeze during the installation, this may be a
- problem with hardware detection. In this case the automatic detection of
- hardware may be bypassed and dealt with later. To try this, type
- <code class="code">noauto</code> at the prompt. This option may also be combined with
- other options as necessary.
+ <p>Kurulum s&#305;ras&#305;nda sistem donmu&#351; ise donan&#305;m alg&#305;lamas&#305; i&#351;leminde bir
+ sorundan kaynaklanabilir. Bu durumda donan&#305;m&#305;n kendili&#287;inden alg&#305;lanmas&#305;
+ i&#351;lemi atlanabilir ve sonraya b&#305;rak&#305;labilir. Bunu denemek i&ccedil;in komut
+ sat&#305;r&#305;nda <code class="code">noauto</code> yaz&#305;n. Bu se&ccedil;enek gerekli oldu&#287;unda di&#287;er
+ se&ccedil;eneklerle birlikte kullan&#305;labilir.
- <div class="section" title="Kernel Options">
+ <div class="section" title="&Ccedil;ekirdek Se&ccedil;enekleri">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h5 class="title"><a name="kernelOptions"></a>Kernel Options
+ <h5 class="title"><a name="kernelOptions"></a>&Ccedil;ekirdek Se&ccedil;enekleri
@@ -219,10 +219,10 @@
- <p>These will rarely be needed, but in some cases the hardware may report the
- available RAM incorrectly. To specify this manually, you can use the
- <code class="code">mem=xxxM</code> parameter, where xxx is the correct amount of
- RAM. e.g. <code class="code">mem=256M</code> would specify 256MB of RAM.
+ <p>Bunlara nadir gereksinim olur; ama baz&#305; durumlarda donan&#305;m eri&#351;ilebilir RAM'
+ &#304; yanl&#305;&#351; bildirebilir. Bunu elle ayarlamak i&ccedil;in <code class="code">mem=xxxM</code>
+ parametresini kullanabilirsiniz. Buradaki xxx RAM' in do&#287;ru boyutunu ifade
+ etmelidir. Mesela <code class="code">mem=256M</code> 256MB RAM' i ifade eder.