path: root/pl/selectInstallClass.html
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diff --git a/pl/selectInstallClass.html b/pl/selectInstallClass.html
index aa80e09..f3ecb39 100644
--- a/pl/selectInstallClass.html
+++ b/pl/selectInstallClass.html
@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- <title>Install or Upgrade</title>
+ <title>Instalacja czy uaktualnienie</title>
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<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF">
- <div lang="pl" class="section" title="Install or Upgrade">
+ <div lang="pl" class="section" title="Instalacja czy uaktualnienie">
<div class="titlepage">
- <h2 class="title"><a name="selectInstallClass"></a>Install or Upgrade
+ <h2 class="title"><a name="selectInstallClass"></a>Instalacja czy uaktualnienie
@@ -44,18 +44,18 @@
- <p>Use this option for a fresh <span class="application">Mageia</span> installation.
+ <p>U&#380;yj tej opcji dla &#347;wie&#380;ej instalacji <span class="application">Mageia</span>.
<li class="listitem">
- <p>Upgrade</p>
+ <p>Uaktualnienie</p>
- <p>If you have one or more <span class="application">Mageia</span> installations on
- your system, the installer will allow you to upgrade one of them to the
- latest release.
+ <p>Je&#347;li masz jedn&#261; lub wi&#281;cej instalacji <span class="application">Magei</span> w
+ swoim komputerze, instalator pozwala na uaktualnienie jednej z nich do
+ najnowszej wersji.
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>Only upgrading from a previous Mageia version that was <span class="emphasis"><em>still
- supported</em></span> when this installer's version was released, has been
- thoroughly tested. If you want to upgrade a Mageia version that had already
- reached its End Of Life when this one was released, then it is better to do
- a clean install while preserving your <code class="literal">/home</code> partition.
+ <p>Tylko uaktualnienie z poprzedniej wersji Magei, kt&oacute;ra by&#322;a <span class="emphasis"><em>nadal
+ wspierana</em></span>, w momencie ukazania si&#281; wersji kt&oacute;r&#261; chcesz
+ instalowa&#263;, zosta&#322;a gruntownie przetestowana. Je&#347;li chcesz aktualizowa&#263;
+ starsz&#261; wersj&#281; Magei, zalecamy przeprowadzenie &#347;wie&#380;ej instalacji bez
+ formatowania partycji <code class="literal">/home</code>.
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>If during install you decide to stop the installation, it is possible to
- reboot, but please think twice before you do this. Once a partition has been
- formatted or updates have started to be installed, your computer isn't in
- the same state anymore and rebooting it could very well leave you with an
- unusable system. If in spite of that you are very sure rebooting is what you
- want, go to a text terminal by pressing the three keys <span class="guilabel">Alt Ctrl
- F2</span> at the same time. After that, press <span class="guilabel">Alt Ctrl
- Delete</span> simultaneously to reboot.
+ <p>Je&#347;li podczas instalacji zdecydujesz si&#281; j&#261; przerwa&#263;, jest taka mo&#380;liwo&#347;&#263;,
+ nale&#380;y to jednak dobrze przemy&#347;le&#263;. Gdy s&#261; ju&#380; sformatowane partycje lub gdy
+ zacz&#281;&#322;y ju&#380; si&#281; instalowa&#263; pakiety, tw&oacute;j komputer nie jest ju&#380; w takim samym
+ stanie jak przed instalacj&#261;, ponowne uruchomienie go w tej chwili mo&#380;e
+ spowodowa&#263;, &#380;e system b&#281;dzie nieu&#380;ywalny. Je&#347;li jeste&#347; pewien, &#380;e przerwanie
+ instalacji to dobry pomys&#322;, przejd&#378; do terminala za pomoc&#261; <span class="guilabel">Alt
+ Ctrl F2</span>. Nast&#281;pnie wci&#347;nij <span class="guilabel">Alt Ctrl Delete</span>,
+ aby zrestartowa&#263; komputer.
@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p>If you have discovered that you forgot to select an additional language, you
- can return from the "Install or Upgrade" screen to the language choice
- screen by pressing <span class="guilabel">Alt Ctrl Home</span>. Do
- <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> do this later in the install.
+ <p>Je&#347;li zorientujesz si&#281;, &#380;e zapomnia&#322;e&#347; wybra&#263; dodatkowy j&#281;zyk, mo&#380;esz cofn&#261;&#263;
+ si&#281; z ekranu "Instalacja/Uaktualnienie do ekranu wyboru j&#281;zyka za pomoc&#261;
+ <span class="guilabel">Alt Ctrl Home</span>. <span class="emphasis"><em>Nie </em></span> pr&oacute;buj tego
+ podczas dalszych etap&oacute;w instalacji.