path: root/exitInstall.html
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+++ b/exitInstall.html
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+ <div lang="" class="section" title="21.&nbsp;It's Done!">
+ <div class="titlepage">
+ <div>
+ <div>
+ <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="drakxid-exitInstall"></a>21.&nbsp;It's Done!
+ </h2>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="mediaobject" align="center"><img src="images/dx-exitInstall.png" align="middle"></div>
+ <p><a name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa1"></a><a class="indexterm" name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-it1"></a>There you are. The
+ installation is now complete and your <span class="application">GNU/Linux</span> system is ready to
+ be used. Just click on <span class="guibutton">Reboot</span> to restart the
+ system. Don't forget to remove the installation media (<acronym class="acronym">CD-ROM</acronym> or
+ floppy). The first thing you should see after your computer has
+ finished doing its hardware tests is the bootloader menu, which
+ allows you to choose between the <acronym class="acronym">OS</acronym>es your
+ system can boot.
+ </p>
+ <div class="section" title="21.1.&nbsp;Advanced Options">
+ <div class="titlepage">
+ <div>
+ <div>
+ <h3 class="title"><a name="d5e952"></a>21.1.&nbsp;Advanced Options
+ </h3>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <p><a name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa2"></a>The
+ <span class="guibutton">Advanced</span> button shows more buttons
+ to:
+ </p>
+ <div class="orderedlist">
+ <ol class="orderedlist" type="1">
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><a name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa3"></a><a class="indexterm" name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-it2"></a><span class="guibutton">Generate auto-install floppy</span>:
+ enables you to create an installation floppy disk which will
+ automatically perform a whole installation, similar to the one
+ just finished, without the help of an operator.
+ </p>
+ <p><a name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa4"></a>Note that two different
+ options are available after clicking on that button:
+ </p>
+ <div class="itemizedlist">
+ <ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><a name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa5"></a><a class="indexterm" name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-it3"></a><span class="guibutton">Replay</span>. This is a partially
+ automated installation. The partitioning step is the only
+ interactive procedure.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><a name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa6"></a><a class="indexterm" name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-it4"></a><span class="guibutton">Automated</span>. Fully automated
+ installation: <span class="emphasis"><em>the hard disk is completely rewritten,
+ all data is lost</em></span>.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <p><a name="BIdNEW-drakxid-exitInstall-pa9"></a>This feature is very
+ handy when installing on a number of similar machines. See the
+ <a class="ulink" href="http://www.mandrakelinux.com/drakx/auto_inst.html" target="_top">Auto
+ install</a> section on our web site for more
+ information.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li class="listitem">
+ <p><a name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-pa7"></a><a class="indexterm" name="BId-drakxid-exitInstall-it5"></a><span class="guibutton">Save package
+ selection</span><sup>[<a name="d5e988" href="#ftn.d5e988" class="footnote">1</a>]</sup>: saves
+ a list of the packages selected in this installation. The
+ following screen shows you the possible media to use to save the
+ package list onto: you might need to fill some parameters when
+ you click on the <span class="guilabel">Next</span> button.
+ </p>
+ <p><a name="BIdNEW-drakxid-exitInstall-pa10"></a>To use this selection
+ of packages with another installation, perform the installation
+ as usual up to the point of the package selection, and choose to
+ select individual packages, without worrying about the current
+ package selection. Use the floppy icon and select the
+ <span class="guilabel">Load</span> option. Then choose the medium which
+ contains the package list. Finally click
+ <span class="guibutton">OK</span>: the list of packages you loaded will
+ be selected and be installed.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="footnotes"><br><hr width="100" align="left">
+ <div class="footnote">
+ <p><sup>[<a name="ftn.d5e988" href="#d5e988" class="para">1</a>] </sup>If you chose to
+ save on a floppy, you will need a <acronym class="acronym">FAT</acronym>-formatted floppy. To
+ create one under <span class="application">GNU/Linux</span>, type <span class="command"><strong>mformat a:</strong></span>
+ or, as root, <span class="command"><strong>fdformat /dev/fd0</strong></span> followed by
+ <span class="command"><strong>mkfs.vfat /dev/fd0</strong></span>.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
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+ <td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;22.&nbsp;How to Uninstall Linux</td>
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