if (shift(@ARGV) ne '-f') {
print "Call it with option -f, but don't fear loosing all your data, this command is dangerous!";
print "
usage: /etc/oem -f [options]
where [options] are:
server : allow server installalation
boot_entries=entry1,...,entryN : set boot entries to use,
the first one is the default one
no : disable options
exit 1;
my (%options, $yes, $hd, $cd);
#- avoid globing as it is not available in rescue ramdisk.
foreach my $device (split ' ', `/bin/ls -d /proc/ide/hd*`) {
open F, "$device/media" or next;
foreach () {
/disk/ and do { $hd ||= $device; $hd =~ s,/proc/ide/,,; };
/cdrom/ and do { $cd ||= $device; $cd =~ s,/proc/ide/,,; };
close F;
#- examine available SCSI devices (avoid SCSI floppies like LS-120 or ZIP disk or generic floppies).
eval {
system "/usr/bin/drvinst"; #- load scsi drivers else it wont do anything.
my ($driveNum, $cdromNum) = (0, 0);
open F, "/proc/scsi/scsi" or die "no scsi available";
local $_ = ; /^Attached devices:/ or die "to attached devices found";
while ($_ = ) {
my ($id) = /^Host:.*?Id: (\d+)/ or die "no host found";
$_ = ; my ($vendor, $model) = /^\s*Vendor:\s*(.*?)\s+Model:\s*(.*?)\s+Rev:/ or die "no vendor nor model found";
$_ = ; my ($type) = /^\s*Type:\s*(.*)/;
if ($type =~ /Direct-Access/ && $model !~ /ZIP\s+\d+|LS-?120|144MB|[Ff]loppy/) {
$hd ||= "sd" . chr($driveNum++ + ord('a'));
} elsif ($type =~ /CD-ROM/) {
$cd ||= "scd" . $cdromNum++;
-e "/dev/$hd" or die "unable to access hard disk";
print "hd: $hd\ncd: $cd\n";
#- find a cdrom (like) image, normally a true cdrom but if nfs install is running, use it instead.
mkdir "/cdrom";
open F, "/proc/cmdline";
while () {
and system "mount", "-r", "-t", "nfs", "$1:$2", "/cdrom", "-o", "nolock";
close F;
unless (-e "/cdrom/VERSION") {
-e "/dev/$cd" or die "unable to access local cdrom";
system "mount", "-r", "-t", "iso9660", "/dev/$cd", "/cdrom";
#- detect language used and default options.
my ($lang, $flang);
open F, "/cdrom/VERSION" or die "no installation cdrom found on $cd";
while () {
/[\s-]fr/ and ($lang, $flang) = ("fr", "fr_FR");
/\[server\]/ and $options{server} = '';
/\[boot_entries[=:]([^]]*)\]/ and $options{boot_entries} = $1;
close F;
foreach (@ARGV) { /^([^=:]*)[=:]?(.*)/ and $options{$1} = $2; /^no([^=:]*)/ and delete $options{$1} }
#- default language fall to english ?
$lang or ($lang, $flang) = ("en", "en_US");
print "Found lang $lang\n";
foreach (keys %options) {
print "Using option [$_" . ($options{$_} && "=$options{$_}") . "]\n";
#- check for already existing partition table, if none are found
#- create 3 partitions (one for install, one for swap and one for root).
#- if only a fat partition is found, resize it do include the above partition.
#- other combination are really dangerous and are not supported, ask
#- the user that all data on the disk will be erased and go on.
my ($heads, $sectors, $cylinders, $hd_size, @hd_parts);
sub correct_start_end {
my ($rstart, $end, $keep_start) = @_;
my ($cylinder_size, $c_start, $c_end) = ($sectors*$heads*512/1024/1024, undef, undef);
if (abs($cylinder_size*$cylinders-$hd_size)/$hd_size < 0.01) {
$c_start = $$rstart+($keep_start ? 0 : $cylinder_size/$heads);
$c_end = $cylinder_size*int(1/2+$end/$cylinder_size);
$c_end > $hd_size and $c_end = $hd_size;
$$rstart = $c_end;
} else {
$c_start = $$rstart;
$c_end = $end;
$c_end > $hd_size and $c_end = $hd_size;
$$rstart = $c_end+5; #- fall back to use a problable safe method.
$c_start >= $c_end and die "no space left for partitionning\n";
($c_start, $c_end);
open F, "fdisk -l /dev/$hd |";
while () {
/(\d+)\s*heads/ and $heads = $1;
/(\d+)\s*sectors/ and $sectors = $1;
/(\d+)\s*cylinders/ and $cylinders = $1;
close F;
for (1..2) {
open F, "parted /dev/$hd -s print |";
while () {
/^Disk geometry [^:]*:\s*([\d\.]+)-([\d\.]+)/ and do { $hd_size = $2 - $1 };
#/^Disk label type:\s*msdos/ and do { $hd_type = 'msdos' };
/^(\d+)\s+([\d\.]+)\s+([\d\.]+)\s+(primary|logical|extended)\s*(\S*)/ and do {
#- this automatically drops extended partition here!
push @hd_parts, { minor => $1, start => $2, end => $3, type => $4, fstype => $5 };
close F;
$hd_size and last;
print "Unable to detect partition on disk, trying with new label\n";
do {
print "
I'm going to install the OEM version on your hard drive
[1;31;40m!!ALL DATA WILL BE LOST!![0m
Type \`\`yes'' and [enter] to go on\n"
} while (($yes = ) !~ /^\s*yes\s*$/i);
system "parted", "/dev/$hd", "mklabel", "msdos";
my ($min_size, $def_size, $trigger_size, $inst_size, $swap_size) = (2100, 2700, 4000, 200, 128);
$hd_size > $min_size or die "hard disk is too small to contain oem install (${hd_size}MB found, need $min_size at least)";
my ($fat_pos, $resize_fat_size, $root_size);
if (@hd_parts == 1 && $hd_parts[$fat_pos = 0]{fstype} eq 'FAT' ||
@hd_parts == 2 && $hd_parts[0]{type} eq 'primary' && $hd_parts[$fat_pos = 1]{fstype} eq 'FAT' ||
@hd_parts == 3 && $hd_parts[0]{type} eq 'primary' && $hd_parts[1]{type} eq 'primary' && $hd_parts[$fat_pos = 2]{fstype} eq 'FAT' ||
@hd_parts == 2 && $hd_parts[0]{type} eq 'extended' && $hd_parts[$fat_pos = 1]{fstype} eq 'FAT' ||
@hd_parts == 3 && $hd_parts[0]{type} eq 'extended' && $hd_parts[1]{type} eq 'primary' && $hd_parts[$fat_pos = 5]{fstype} eq 'FAT') {
if ($hd_size - $hd_parts[$fat_pos]{end} > $min_size) {
#- check first if there are some available space left on the disk.
#- so we are using it, root_size is fixed to match hard disk size.
$resize_fat_size = 0;
$root_size = $hd_size - $hd_parts[$fat_pos]{end} - $inst_size - $swap_size;
$root_size > $trigger_size and $root_size = $def_size;
} elsif ($hd_size > 2*$min_size) {
#- resize this fat partition.
$resize_fat_size = 0.5 * $hd_size;
$root_size = $hd_size - $resize_fat_size - $inst_size - $swap_size;
$root_size > $trigger_size and $root_size = $def_size;
unless ($root_size) {
#- there have not been defined above, so remove everything and start from
#- a blank partition.
$resize_fat_size = undef;
$root_size = $hd_size - $resize_fat_size - $inst_size - $swap_size;
$root_size > $trigger_size and $root_size = $def_size;
#- launch parted to edit partition table, start at minor.
#- point define where we start.
my $minor = defined $resize_fat_size && $hd_parts[0]{type} eq 'extended' ? 6 : 5;
my $point = 0.0;
if (defined $resize_fat_size) {
do {
print "
[1;31;40m!!An existing Windows partition has been found and will be kept.
Additional Linux partitions will be created!![0m
Type \`\`yes'' and [enter] to go on\n"
} while (($yes = ) !~ /^\s*yes\s*$/i);
#- keep the current partition table, and try to resize the fat partition
#- if the size is not 0.
#- KEEP IN MIND there is only one partition defined.
open F, "| parted -s /dev/$hd";
if ($resize_fat_size) {
$point = $hd_parts[$fat_pos]{start};
printf F "resize %d %s %s\n", $hd_parts[$fat_pos]{minor}, correct_start_end(\$point, $point+$resize_fat_size, 'keepstart');
} else {
$point = $hd_parts[$fat_pos]{end};
$point+=9; #- keep blank space between partitions if parted cannot handle partition table correctly.
} else {
unless (defined $yes) {
do {
print "
I'm going to install the OEM version on your hard drive
[1;31;40m!!ALL DATA WILL BE LOST!![0m
Type \`\`yes'' and [enter] to go on\n"
} while (($yes = ) !~ /^\s*yes\s*$/i);
#- build a new disk label here.
open F, "| parted -s /dev/$hd";
print F "mklabel msdos\n";
#- at this point, the partition are created.
my ($instz, $inst, $swap, $root, $var, $home) = ($minor-1, $minor, $minor+1, $minor+2, undef, undef);
#- all linux partition are stored inside an extended partition, this is easier to manipulate after.
if ($minor == 5) {
print F "mkpart extended $point $hd_size\n";
} else {
$hd_parts[0]{type} eq 'extended' or die "first partition assumed to be extended";
$point = $hd_parts[0]{start};
print F "resize $hd_parts[0]{minor} $point $hd_size\n";
printf F "mkpart logical ext2 %s %s\n", correct_start_end(\$point, $point+$inst_size);
printf F "mkpart logical linux-swap %s %s\n", correct_start_end(\$point, $point+$swap_size);
printf F "mkpart logical ext2 %s %s\n", correct_start_end(\$point, $point+$root_size);
if (exists $options{server}) {
my $var_size = ($hd_size - $point) / 2;
if ($var_size > 1500) {
$var = $root+1;
printf F "mkpart logical ext2 %s %s\n", correct_start_end(\$point, $point+$var_size);
if ($hd_size - $point > 100) {
$home = ($var || $root) + 1;
printf F "mkpart logical ext2 %s %s\n", correct_start_end(\$point, $hd_size);
print F "quit\n";
close F or die "unable to partition the disk $hd";
#- we have to build swap and mount it.
print "Setting swap\n";
system "mkswap", "/dev/$hd$swap";
system "swapon", "/dev/$hd$swap";
#- we have
print "Formatting /dev/$hd$inst partition\n";
system "mkfs.ext2", "/dev/$hd$inst";
print "Formatting /dev/$hd$root partition\n";
system "mkfs.ext2", "/dev/$hd$root";
if ($var) {
print "Formatting /dev/$hd$var partition\n";
system "mkfs.ext2", "/dev/$hd$var";
if ($home) {
print "Formatting /dev/$hd$home partition\n";
system "mkfs.ext2", "/dev/$hd$home";
print "Mounting partitions\n";
mkdir "/hd";
system "mount", "-t", "ext2", "/dev/$hd$inst", "/hd";
mkdir "/mnt";
system "mount", "-t", "ext2", "/dev/$hd$root", "/mnt";
if ($var) {
mkdir "/mnt/var";
system "mount", "-t", "ext2", "/dev/$hd$var", "/mnt/var";
if ($home) {
mkdir "/mnt/home";
system "mount", "-t", "ext2", "/dev/$hd$home", "/mnt/home";
print "Copying installation on hard drive\n";
if (-e "/boot/vmlinuz" && -e "/boot/hd.rdz" || -e "/cdrom/boot/vmlinuz" && -e "/cdrom/boot/hd.rdz") {
system "cp", "-a", "/boot", "/cdrom/boot", "/hd";
} else {
mkdir "/hd/boot";
unless (-e "/tmp/hd/vmlinuz" && -e "/tmp/hd/hd.rdz") {
system "cp", "/cdrom/images/hd.img", "/hd/hd.img";
mkdir "/tmp/hd";
system "modprobe", "loop";
system "mount", "/hd/hd.img", "/tmp/hd", "-o", "loop";
system "cp", "-a", "/tmp/hd/vmlinuz", "/tmp/hd/hd.rdz", "/hd/boot";
mkdir "/hd/Mandrake";
mkdir "/hd/Mandrake/RPMS";
system "cp", "-a", "/cdrom/VERSION", "/hd";
system "cp", "-a", "/cdrom/Mandrake/base", "/cdrom/Mandrake/mdkinst", "/hd/Mandrake";
if (open F, ">/hd/Mandrake/oem_patch.pl") {
print "Setting OEM specific extension to DrakX\n";
if (exists $options{server}) {
print F q{
use install_steps;
package install_steps;
undef *choosePackages;
*choosePackages = sub {
my ($o, $packages, $compssUsers, $first_time) = @_;
#- make sure we kept some space left for available else the system may
#- not be able to start (xfs at least).
my $available = install_any::getAvailableSpace($o);
my $availableCorrected = pkgs::invCorrectSize($available / sqr(1024)) * sqr(1024);
#- avoid destroying user selection of packages but only
#- for expert, as they may have done individual selection before.
#- use specific OEM packages selection, go to level 4.
#- and select at least GAMES group, everything else has
#- already be selected during master preparation.
$o->{compssUsersChoice}{$_} = 0 foreach 'GNOME';
$o->{compssUsersChoice}{$_} = 0
foreach map { @{$o->{compssUsers}{$_}{flags}} } 'Workstation|Office Workstation', 'Workstation|Internet station';
$o->{compssListLevel} = 5;
pkgs::setSelectedFromCompssList($packages, $o->{compssUsersChoice}, $o->{compssListLevel}, $availableCorrected);
} else {
print F q{
use install_steps;
package install_steps;
undef *choosePackages;
*choosePackages = sub {
my ($o, $packages, $compssUsers, $first_time) = @_;
#- make sure we kept some space left for available else the system may
#- not be able to start (xfs at least).
my $available = install_any::getAvailableSpace($o);
my $availableCorrected = pkgs::invCorrectSize($available / sqr(1024)) * sqr(1024);
#- avoid destroying user selection of packages but only
#- for expert, as they may have done individual selection before.
#- use specific OEM packages selection, go to level 4.
#- and select at least GAMES group, everything else has
#- already be selected during master preparation.
$o->{compssListLevel} = 4;
$o->{compssUsersChoice}{GAMES} = 1;
pkgs::setSelectedFromCompssList($packages, $o->{compssUsersChoice}, $o->{compssListLevel}, $availableCorrected);
if ($options{boot_entries}) {
print "Setting OEM specific extension for boot entries\n";
print F q{
my $sorted_entries = q(} . $options{boot_entries} . q{); #- insert boot_entries options here as string q(...).
my $old_setupBootloaderBefore = \&setupBootloaderBefore;
undef *setupBootloaderBefore;
*setupBootloaderBefore = sub {
my @entries = split ',', $sorted_entries;
my @result_entries;
foreach my $p (@entries) {
foreach (@{$_[0]{bootloader}{entries}}) {
$_->{label} eq $p and push @result_entries, $_;
if (@result_entries) {
$_[0]{bootloader}{entries} = \@result_entries;
$_[0]{bootloader}{default} = $result_entries[0]{label}; #- first image is default.
close F;
print "Setting bootloader\n";
mkdir "/hd/boot/grub";
foreach (1..2) {
-e "/hd/boot/grub/stage$_" or system "cp", "-a", "/boot/grub/stage$_", "/hd/boot/grub";
open F, ">/hd/boot/grub/menu.lst";
if (defined $resize_fat_size) {
print F "timeout 5\n";
print F "color black/cyan yellow/cyan\n\n";
print F "title linux\n";
} else {
print F "timeout 0\n\n";
print F "title oem\n";
print F "kernel (hd0,$instz)/boot/vmlinuz ramdisk_size=32000 automatic=method:disk,disk:$hd,partition:$hd$inst,directory:/ hd vga=788 fbeginner flang=$flang oem defcfg=/tmp/hdimage/Mandrake/oem_patch.pl\n";
print F "initrd (hd0,$instz)/boot/hd.rdz\n";
#- if a windows partition is available, add an entrie for it.
if (defined $resize_fat_size) {
print F "\ntitle windows\n";
printf F "rootnoverify (hd0,%s)\n", $hd_parts[$fat_pos]{minor}-1;
print F "makeactive\n";
print F "chainloader +1\n";
close F;
open F, "| grub --device-map=/hd/boot/grub/device.map --batch";
print F "install (hd0,$instz)/boot/grub/stage1 d (hd0) (hd0,$instz)/boot/grub/stage2 p (hd0,$instz)/boot/grub/menu.lst\n";
print F "quit\n";
close F or die "error while executing grub";
my $packages = select_packages("/cdrom", $lang);
my @media;
open F, "/cdrom/Mandrake/base/hdlists";
foreach () {
/^\s*$/ and next;
m/^\s*(hdlist\S*\.cz2?)\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)$/ or die "invalid hdlist description \"$_\" in hdlists file";
push @media, { rpmsdir => $2, descr => $3 };
close F;
#- initialize installation.
$ENV{RPM_INSTALL_LANG} = "$flang:$lang";
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = "/usr/X11R6/lib";
foreach (qw(/etc /etc/sysconfig /etc/rpm /var /var/lib /var/lib/rpm /proc)) {
mkdir "/mnt/$_";
system "mount", "-t", "proc", "proc", "/mnt/proc";
open F, ">/mnt/etc/fstab";
print F "/dev/$hd$root / ext2 defaults 1 1\n";
if ($var) {
print F "/dev/$hd$var /var ext2 defaults 1 2\n";
if ($home) {
print F "/dev/$hd$home /home ext2 defaults 1 2\n";
close F;
open F, ">/mnt/etc/sysconfig/i18n";
print F "LANG=$lang\n";
print F "LANGUAGE=$flang:$lang\n";
print F "LC_MESSAGES=$flang\n";
close F;
open F, ">/mnt/etc/rpm/macros";
print F "%_install_langs $flang:$lang\n";
close F;
system "rpm", "--root", "/mnt", "--initdb";
#- copy and install from each cd image.
foreach my $medium (@media) {
while (! -d "/cdrom/$medium->{rpmsdir}") {
system "unmount", "/dev/$cd";
system "eject", "/dev/$cd";
print "Please insert the cdrom labeled \"$medium->{descr}\"\n and press [enter] when done\n";
$yes = ;
system "mount", "-r", "-t", "iso9660", "/dev/$cd", "/cdrom";
print "Copying packages from medium labeled \"$medium->{descr}\" to hard disk\n";
system "mkdir", "-p", "/hd/$medium->{rpmsdir}";
foreach my $pkg (@{$packages->{depslist}}) {
$pkg->{closure} && !$pkg->{selected} or next;
foreach (qw(i586 i486 i386 noarch)) {
my $file = "/cdrom/$medium->{rpmsdir}/$pkg->{name}.$_.rpm";
-e $file or next;
print " copying $pkg->{name}.$_.rpm\n";
system "cp", "-a", $file, "/hd/$medium->{rpmsdir}";
delete $pkg->{closure};
print "Installing packages from medium labeled \"$medium->{descr}\"\n";
if (my $pkg = pkgs::packageByName($packages, 'glibc')) { #- HACK FOR GLIBC
if (delete $pkg->{selected}) {
foreach (qw(i586 i486 i386 noarch)) {
my $file = "/cdrom/$medium->{rpmsdir}/$pkg->{name}.$_.rpm";
-e $file or next;
system "rpm", "--root", "/mnt", "--nodeps", "--force", "--noscripts", "-ivh", $file;
last; #- update glibc twice, in case.
} else {
die "no glibc package found";
my @files;
foreach my $pkg (@{$packages->{depslist}}) {
$pkg->{selected} or next;
foreach (qw(i586 i486 i386 noarch)) {
my $file = "/cdrom/$medium->{rpmsdir}/$pkg->{name}.$_.rpm";
-e $file or next;
push @files, $file;
delete $pkg->{selected};
system "rpm", "--root", "/mnt", "--nodeps", "--force", "-ivh", @files;
print "Installed " . scalar(@files) . " packages\n";
scalar(grep { $_->{selected} || $_->{closure} } @{$packages->{depslist}}) == 0 and last;
#- try to figure out if a oem-message-graphic already exists.
#- if this is the case, rename it to /mnt/boot/message-graphic
if (-e "/cdrom/Mandrake/base/oem-message-graphic") {
print "Using specific oem graphic image\n";
if (-e "/mnt/boot/message-graphic") {
rename "/mnt/boot/message-graphic", "/mnt/boot/message-graphic.old";
system "cp", "-a", "/cdrom/Mandrake/base/oem-message-graphic", "/mnt/boot/message-graphic";
} elsif (-e "/mnt/boot/lilo-graphic/message") {
rename "/mnt/boot/lilo-graphic/message", "/mnt/boot/lilo-graphic/message.old";
system "cp", "-a", "/cdrom/Mandrake/base/oem-message-graphic", "/mnt/boot/lilo-graphic/message";
system "umount", "/mnt/proc";
system "umount", "-a", "-f", "-t", "noproc";
system "eject", "/dev/$cd";
print "
Done. OEM hard drive ready!
The hard drive is now ready for a customer.
System is now halted.\n\n";
system "halt";
#- provide package fullname that have to be installed and copied.
sub select_packages {
my ($dir, $lang) = @_;
my $o = { packages => read_depslist("$dir/Mandrake/base/depslist.ordered") };
#- DO NOT FORGET TO UPDATE HERE ACCORDING TO gi/perl-install/install_any.pm
my @pkgs = qw(XFree86 XFree86-glide-module Device3Dfx Glide_V3-DRI Glide_V5 Mesa
dhcpcd pump dhcpxd dhcp-client isdn4net isdn4k-utils dev pptp-adsl-fr rp-pppoe ppp ypbind
rhs-printfilters lpr cups cups-drivers samba ncpfs ghostscript-utils autologin
kernel-pcmcia-cs apmd cdrecord rio500
push @pkgs, "XFree86-$_" foreach qw(3DLabs 3dfx 8514 AGX FBDev I128 Mach8 Mach32 Mach64 Mono P9000 Rage128 S3 S3V SVGA VGA16 W32);
foreach (@pkgs) {
my $pkg = pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, $_);
$pkg and pkgs::selectPackage($o->{packages}, $pkg);
foreach my $pkg (@{$o->{packages}{depslist}}) {
$pkg->{name} =~ /NVIDIA/ and pkgs::selectPackage($o->{packages}, $pkg);
foreach my $pkg (@{$o->{packages}{depslist}}) {
delete $pkg->{selected} and $pkg->{closure} = 1;
foreach (qw(Mesa-common xpp libqtcups2 qtcups kups)) {
my $pkg = pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, $_);
$pkg and $pkg->{closure} = 1;
#- act as DrakX will do to select packages.
pkgs::selectPackage($o->{packages}, pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'basesystem') || die "no basesystem package found");
pkgs::read_rpmsrate($o->{packages}, install_any::getFile("Mandrake/base/rpmsrate") || die "unable to read rpmsrate");
($o->{compssUsers}, $o->{compssUsersSorted}, $o->{compssUsersIcons}, $o->{compssUsersDescr}) =
pkgs::readCompssUsers($o->{packages}, $o->{meta_class});
eval { install_any::getFile("XXX") }; #- close out any still opened filehandle..
if (exists $options{server}) {
$o->{compssUsersChoice}{$_} = 1;
#- additional packages to be selected for server, databases with MySQL (avoid rpmsrate modifications).
foreach (qw(MySQL-client MySQL-shared MySQL perl-Mysql)) {
my $pkg = pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, $_);
$pkg and pkgs::selectPackage($o->{packages}, $pkg);
} else {
$o->{compssUsersChoice}{$_} = 1 foreach map { @{$o->{compssUsers}{$_}} } @{$o->{compssUsersSorted}};
$o->{compssUsersChoice}{SYSTEM} = 1;
@{$o->{compssUsersChoice}}{grep { /SERVER|DATABASES/ } keys %{$o->{compssUsersChoice}}} = ();
my $lang_pkg = $lang && pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, "locales-$lang");
if ($lang_pkg) {
pkgs::selectPackage($o->{packages}, $lang_pkg);
$o->{compssUsersChoice}{qq(LOCALES"$lang")} = 1;
$o->{compssUsersChoice}{qq(LOCALES"$flang")} = 1;
pkgs::setSelectedFromCompssList($o->{packages}, $o->{compssUsersChoice}, 4, 0);
#- package that have to selected here as a bonus for oem install.
foreach (qw(cups cups-drivers drakprofile draksync numlock raidtools reiserfsprogs xfsprogs jfsprogs icewm-light
Mesa Mesa-demos alsa alsa-utils
xawtv kwintv xscreensaver-gl Mesa-demos xmms-mesa bzflag csmash gltron spacecup chromium tuxracer
glibc vim-minimal kernel kernel22
sox aumix xawtv gatos kwintv sane-frontends gphoto gnome-toaster gcombust xcdroast apmd cdlabelgen
)) {
my $pkg = pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, $_);
$pkg and pkgs::selectPackage($o->{packages}, $pkg);
#- special packages that are to be move to closure always ...
foreach (qw(kernel-smp kernel-linus kernel-secure hackkernel-smp hackkernel-linus hackkernel-secure
xawtv kwintv xscreensaver-gl xmms-mesa bzflag csmash gltron spacecup chromium tuxracer
kernel22-smp kernel22-secure alsa imwheel nfs-utils-clients lvm usbd reiserfsprogs
sox aumix xawtv gatos kwintv sane-frontends gphoto gnome-toaster gcombust xcdroast apmd cdlabelgen
), exists $options{server} ? qw(Aurora Aurora-Monitor-NewStyle-Categorizing-WsLib) : ()) {
my $pkg = pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, $_);
$pkg and $pkg->{closure} = 1, delete $pkg->{selected};
sub chop_version($) {
($_[0] =~ /(.*)-[^-]+-[^-]+/)[0] || $_[0];
sub read_depslist {
my ($file) = @_;
my $packages = { depslist => [], names => {} };
#- read depslist.oredered file.
my $id = 0;
open F, "$file" or die "unable to open ordered dependencies list file";
while () {
my ($name, $size, @deps) = split;
push @{$packages->{depslist}}, { id => $id++, name => $name, size => $size, deps => \@deps };
close F;
foreach (@{$packages->{depslist}}) {
$packages->{names}{chop_version($_->{name})} = $_;
print STDERR "read " . scalar(@{$packages->{depslist}}) . " package dependancies\n";
#- compability method for the below ones, wrap DrakX code extracted.
package log;
sub l {}
package detect_devices;
sub matching_desc { 0 }
package install_any;
sub getFile { open FILE, "/cdrom/$_[0]" or return; \*FILE }
package pkgs;
sub formatXiB { $_[0] } #- NOP
sub packageName { ::chop_version($_[0]{name}) }
sub packageSize { $_[0]{size} }
sub packageDepsId { @{$_[0]{deps}} }
sub packageRate { $_[0]{values}[0] }
sub packageRateRFlags { @{$_[0]{values}} }
sub packageSetRateRFlags {
my ($pkg, @rate_rflags) = @_;
$pkg->{values} = [ @rate_rflags ];
sub packageByName {
my ($packages, $name) = @_;
sub packageById {
my ($packages, $id) = @_;
sub selectedSize {
my ($packages) = @_;
my $size = 0;
foreach (@{$packages->{depslist}}) {
$_->{selected} and $size += $_->{size};
my @preferred = qw(perl-GTK postfix wu-ftpd ghostscript-X vim-minimal kernel ispell-en);
sub selectPackage {
my ($packages, $pkg, $base, $otherOnly, $check_recursion) = @_;
#- avoid infinite recursion (mainly against badly generated depslist.ordered).
$check_recursion ||= {}; exists $check_recursion->{$pkg->{name}} and return; $check_recursion->{$pkg->{name}} = undef;
#- make sure base package are set even if already selected.
$base and $pkg->{base} = 1;
#- select package and dependancies, otherOnly may be a reference
#- to a hash to indicate package that will strictly be selected
#- when value is true, may be selected when value is false (this
#- is only used for unselection, not selection)
unless ($pkg->{selected}) {
foreach (@{$pkg->{deps}}) {
my $preferred;
if (/\|/) {
#- choice deps should be reselected recursively as no
#- closure on them is computed, this code is exactly the
#- same as pixel's one.
my %preferred; @preferred{@preferred} = ();
foreach (split '\|') {
my $dep = $packages->{depslist}[$_] or next;
$preferred ||= $dep;
$dep->{selected} and $preferred = $dep, last;
exists $preferred{::chop_version($dep->{name})} and $preferred = $dep;
selectPackage($packages, $preferred, $base, $otherOnly, $check_recursion) if $preferred;
} else {
#- deps have been closed except for choices, so no need to
#- recursively apply selection, expand base on it.
my $dep = $packages->{depslist}[$_];
$base and $dep->{base} = 1;
$otherOnly and !$dep->{selected} and $otherOnly->{::chop_version($dep->{name})} = 1;
$otherOnly or $dep->{selected} += 1;
$otherOnly and !$pkg->{selected} and $otherOnly->{::chop_version($pkg->{name})} = 1;
$otherOnly or $pkg->{selected} += 1;
#- this code is extracted from DrakX and SHOULD NOT BE MODIFIED, wrapper method exists above to provide a good choice.
sub read_rpmsrate {
my ($packages, $f) = @_;
my $line_nb = 0;
my (@l);
while (<$f>) {
/\t/ and die "tabulations not allowed at line $line_nb\n";
s/#.*//; # comments
my ($indent, $data) = /(\s*)(.*)/;
next if !$data; # skip empty lines
@l = grep { $_->[0] < length $indent } @l;
my @m = @l ? @{$l[$#l][1]} : ();
my ($t, $flag, @l2);
while ($data =~
(?: (?: !\s*)? [0-9A-Z_]+(?:".*?")?)
(?: \s*\|\|\s* (?: !\s*)? [0-9A-Z_]+(?:".*?")?)*
)(.*)/x) {
($t, $flag, $data) = ($1,$2,$3);
while ($flag =~ s,^\s*(("[^"]*"|[^"\s]*)*)\s+,$1,) {
my $ok = 0;
$flag = join('||', grep {
if (my ($inv, $p) = /^(!)?HW"(.*)"/) {
($inv xor detect_devices::matching_desc($p)) and $ok = 1;
} else {
} split '\|\|', $flag);
push @m, $ok ? 'TRUE' : $flag || 'FALSE';
push @l2, [ length $indent, [ @m ] ];
$indent .= $t;
if ($data) {
# has packages on same line
my ($rate) = grep { /^\d$/ } @m or die sprintf qq(missing rate for "%s" at line %d (flags are %s)\n), $data, $line_nb, join('&&', @m);
foreach (split ' ', $data) {
if ($packages) {
my $p = packageByName($packages, $_) or next;
my @m2 = map { packageName(packageById($packages, $_)) =~ /locales-(.*)/ ? qq(LOCALES"$1") : () } packageDepsId($p);
packageSetRateRFlags($p, $rate, (grep { !/^\d$/ } @m), @m2);
} else {
print "$_ = ", join(" && ", @m), "\n";
push @l, @l2;
} else {
push @l, [ $l2[0][0], $l2[$#l2][1] ];
$line_nb > 0 or die "nothing read in rpmsrate";
sub readCompssUsers {
my ($packages, $meta_class) = @_;
my (%compssUsers, %compssUsersIcons, , %compssUsersDescr, @sorted, $l);
my (%compss);
my $file = 'Mandrake/base/compssUsers';
my $f = $meta_class && install_any::getFile("$file.$meta_class") || install_any::getFile($file) or die "can't find $file";
local $_;
while (<$f>) {
/^\s*$/ || /^#/ and next;
if (/^(\S.*)/) {
my ($icon, $descr);
/^(.*?)\s*\[icon=(.*?)\](.*)/ and $_ = "$1$3", $icon = $2;
/^(.*?)\s*\[descr=(.*?)\](.*)/ and $_ = "$1$3", $descr = $2;
$compssUsersIcons{$_} = $icon;
$compssUsersDescr{$_} = $descr;
push @sorted, $_;
$compssUsers{$_} = $l = [];
} elsif (/^\s+(.*?)\s*$/) {
push @$l, $1;
\%compssUsers, \@sorted, \%compssUsersIcons, \%compssUsersDescr;
sub setSelectedFromCompssList {
my ($packages, $compssUsersChoice, $min_level, $max_size, $install_class) = @_;
$compssUsersChoice->{TRUE} = 1; #- ensure TRUE is set
my $nb = selectedSize($packages);
# foreach my $p (sort { substr($a,0,1) <=> substr($b,0,1) } values %{$packages->{names}}) {
foreach my $p (sort { $b->{values}[0] <=> $a->{values}[0] } @{$packages->{depslist}}) { #- LOCALLY MODIFIED FOR OEM
# my ($rate, @flags) = split "\t", $p->[$VALUES];
my ($rate, @flags) = packageRateRFlags($p);
next if !$rate || $rate < $min_level || grep { !grep { /^!(.*)/ ? !$compssUsersChoice->{$1} : $compssUsersChoice->{$_} } split('\|\|') } @flags;
#- determine the packages that will be selected when
#- selecting $p. the packages are not selected.
my %newSelection;
selectPackage($packages, $p, 0, \%newSelection);
#- this enable an incremental total size.
my $old_nb = $nb;
foreach (grep { $newSelection{$_} } keys %newSelection) {
$nb += packageSize($packages->{names}{$_});
if ($max_size && $nb > $max_size) {
$nb = $old_nb;
$min_level = packageRate($p);
#- at this point the package can safely be selected.
selectPackage($packages, $p);
log::l("setSelectedFromCompssList: reached size ", formatXiB($nb), ", up to indice $min_level (less than ", formatXiB($max_size), ")");