#!/usr/bin/perl use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use strict; use diagnostics; use standalone; #- warning, standalone must be loaded very first, for 'explanations' use c; use common; use interactive; use detect_devices; use harddrake::data; use harddrake::autoconf; use harddrake::sound; use modules; use Storable qw(store retrieve); my $force = member('--force', @ARGV); my $mode = $ARGV[0] eq 'stop' && 'stop'; if ($mode eq 'stop') { append_to_file('/etc/modprobe.conf', "blacklist audio\nblacklist snd-usb-audio\n") if cat_('/etc/modprobe.conf') !~ /^blacklist snd-usb-audio/m; c::_exit(0); } my $invert_do_it = $ARGV[0] eq 'X11' ? 1 : 0; my ($hw_sysconfdir, $timeout) = ("/etc/sysconfig/harddrake2", $invert_do_it ? 600 : 25); my $last_boot_config = "$hw_sysconfdir/previous_hw"; $last_boot_config .= '_X11' if $invert_do_it; my $modules_conf = modules::any_conf->read; my $isLaptop = detect_devices::isLaptop(); my $curr_kernel = c::kernel_version(); $curr_kernel =~ s/(^\d+\.\d+).*/$1/; my %previous_kernel_config = getVarsFromSh("$hw_sysconfdir/kernel"); setVarsInSh("$hw_sysconfdir/kernel", { KERNEL => $curr_kernel, IS_LAPTOP => bool2text($isLaptop) }); my %cfg = getVarsFromSh("$hw_sysconfdir/service.conf"); # autoreconfigure laptop-dependent services when switching from laptop to desktop, and vice versa if (!exists $previous_kernel_config{IS_LAPTOP} || $force || $isLaptop != text2bool($previous_kernel_config{IS_LAPTOP})) { log::explanations("Autoconfiguring laptop tools since we switched between laptop and desktop systems"); harddrake::autoconf::laptop($isLaptop); } if (find { $_->{driver} =~ /Card:NVIDIA/ } detect_devices::probeall()) { if (find { -e join('', "/lib/modules/", c::kernel_version(), "/kernel/drivers/$_") } map { ("extra/$_", "video/$_", "char/$_", "char/drm/$_") } qw(NVdriver nvidia.o nvidia.o.gz), map { $_, "$_.gz" } qw(nvidia.ko nvidia71xx.ko nvidia96xx.ko nvidia97xx.ko)) { # do not automatically switch from nv to nvidia (in order to handle # cases where nvidia module crashes the system): # # substInFile { # log::explanations("switch XFree86 driver from nv to nvidia") if /Driver "nv"/; # s!Driver "nv.*"!Driver "nvidia"!g; # s!#*( Load.*glx)!\1!g; # } $_ foreach "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4", "/etc/X11/XF86Config"; } else { my $done; substInFile { $done ||= s!Driver "nv.*"!Driver "nv"!g } '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'; if ($done) { log::explanations("switch X.org driver from nvidia to nv"); require Xconfig::card; Xconfig::card::libgl_config_and_more({ Driver => 'nv' }); } } } if (find { $_->{driver} =~ /ATI Radeon/ } detect_devices::probeall()) { if (find { -e join('', "/lib/modules/", c::kernel_version(), "/kernel/drivers/$_") } map { ("extra/$_", "video/$_", "char/$_", "char/drm/$_") } map { $_, "$_.gz" } qw(fglrx.ko)) { # do not automatically switch from nv to nvidia (in order to handle # cases where nvidia module crashes the system): # # substInFile { # log::explanations("switch XFree86 driver from nv to nvidia") if /Driver "nv"/; # s!Driver "nv.*"!Driver "nvidia"!g; # s!#*( Load.*glx)!\1!g; # } $_ foreach "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4", "/etc/X11/XF86Config"; } else { require Xconfig::card; my @cards = Xconfig::card::probe(); my $driver = $cards[0]{Driver}; my $done; substInFile { $done ||= s!Driver "fglrx"!Driver "$driver"!g } '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'; if ($done) { log::explanations("switch X.org driver from fglrx to ati"); require Xconfig::card; Xconfig::card::libgl_config_and_more({ Driver => $driver }); } } } my $is_globetrotter = -f '/usr/sbin/mdkmove'; # first run ? if not read old hw config my $previous_config; if (-f $last_boot_config && -s $last_boot_config) { eval { $previous_config = Storable::retrieve($last_boot_config) }; log::explanations("resetting previous hardware file ($@)") if $@; } $previous_config ||= {}; $previous_config = $$previous_config if ref($previous_config) !~ /HASH/; my (%config, $wait); my $in; my $splash = -f '/proc/splash'; my $splash_was_silent = cat_('/proc/splash') =~ /, silent : on/; # For each hw, class, detect device, compare and offer to reconfigure if needed foreach my $hw_class (@harddrake::data::tree) { my ($Ident, $item, $configurator, $detector, $do_it) = @$hw_class{qw(class string configurator detector checked_on_boot)}; next if member($cfg{"DETECT_$Ident"}, qw(NO no)); $configurator ||= $hw_class->{configurator}; next unless $do_it ^ $invert_do_it; # No detector ? (should never happen but who know ?) ref($detector) eq 'CODE' or next; my %ID = map { my $i = $_; my $id = defined $i->{device} ? $i->{device} : join(':', map { $i->{$_} } qw(vendor id subvendor subid)); $id => $i; } eval { $detector->({}) }; $config{$Ident} = \%ID; next if !$is_globetrotter && !$force && is_empty_hash_ref($previous_config); # do not fsck on first run but if --force my $oldconfig = $force ? {} : $previous_config->{$Ident}; my $msg; my @was_removed = difference2([ keys %$oldconfig ], [ keys %ID ]); if (@was_removed) { $msg .= N("Some devices in the \"%s\" hardware class were removed:\n", $item) . join('', map { N("- %s was removed\n", harddrake::data::custom_id($oldconfig->{$_}, $item)) } @was_removed) . "\n"; } my @added = difference2([ keys %ID ], [ keys %$oldconfig ]); $msg .= N("Some devices were added: %s\n", $item) if @added; $msg .= N("- %s was added\n", harddrake::data::custom_id($ID{$_}, $item)) foreach @added; log::explanations("removed $Ident: " . harddrake::data::custom_id($oldconfig->{$_}, $item)) foreach @was_removed; log::explanations("added $Ident: " . harddrake::data::custom_id($ID{$_}, $item)) foreach @added; if ($Ident eq 'FIREWIRE_CONTROLLER' && any { $_->{driver} eq 'ohci1394' } @ID{@added}) { modules::load_and_configure($modules_conf, 'ohci1394'); $modules_conf->write; } @added || @was_removed or $cfg{"DETECT_$Ident"} ne 'force' and next; next if $Ident eq 'MOUSE' && $curr_kernel ne $previous_kernel_config{KERNEL} && $cfg{"DETECT_$Ident"} ne 'force'; my @configurator_pool; if (harddrake::data::is_removable($Ident)) { foreach my $device (@ID{@added}) { push @configurator_pool, harddrake::data::set_removable_auto_configurator($Ident, $device); } foreach my $device (@$oldconfig{@was_removed}) { push @configurator_pool, harddrake::data::set_removable_remover($Ident, $device); } } else { @configurator_pool = $configurator; } if ($Ident eq "AUDIO") { # automatic sound slots configuration rm_rf("/etc/asound.state") if -e "/etc/asound.state"; harddrake::sound::configure_sound_slots($modules_conf); next; } elsif ($Ident eq "ETHERNET") { $modules_conf->remove_alias_regexp('^(wlan|eth)[0-9]*$'); modules::load_category($modules_conf, 'network/main|gigabit|usb|wireless|firewire|pcmcia'); require network::connection::ethernet; network::connection::ethernet::configure_eth_aliases($modules_conf); require network::rfswitch; network::rfswitch::configure(); require network::shorewall; network::shorewall::update_interfaces_list(); $modules_conf->write; next; } elsif (member($Ident, qw(ATA_STORAGE CARD_READER RAID_STORAGE SATA_STORAGE SCSI_CONTROLLER))) { # set scsi_hostadapterr in modprobe.conf: modules::load_category($modules_conf, 'disk/' . { ATA_STORAGE => 'ide', SATA_STORAGE => 'sata', SCSI_CONTROLLER => 'scsi', RAID_STORAGE => 'hardware_raid', CARD_READER => 'card_reader' }->{$Ident}); $modules_conf->write; next; } elsif (member($Ident, qw(AGP DVB TV))) { my @old_drivers = uniq(map { $_->{driver} } values %$oldconfig); my @new_drivers = uniq(map { $_->{driver} } values %ID); # load DVB & TV drivers (eg: for One), not for AGP (done by X): modules::load_category($modules_conf, 'multimedia/' . lc($Ident)) if member($Ident, qw(DVB TV)); $modules_conf->remove_module(difference2(\@old_drivers, \@new_drivers)); # add agpgart and the like modules to modprobe.preload if needed: $modules_conf->write; modules::load(difference2(\@new_drivers, \@old_drivers)); next; } elsif ($Ident eq "BLUETOOTH") { harddrake::autoconf::bluetooth(scalar keys %ID); } elsif ($Ident eq "PCMCIA_CONTROLLER") { harddrake::autoconf::pcmcia(keys %ID ? first(values(%ID))->{driver} : ''); } elsif ($Ident eq "USB_CONTROLLER") { # nearly useless (only mkinitrd uses it): modules::load_category($modules_conf, 'bus/usb'); $modules_conf->write; } elsif ($Ident eq "VIDEO") { # explicitely NOT read the existing config (eg: new profile with globetrotter) harddrake::autoconf::xconf($modules_conf, {}); next; } elsif ($Ident eq "MOUSE") { harddrake::autoconf::mouse_conf($modules_conf); next; } elsif ($Ident eq "CPU") { harddrake::autoconf::cpufreq(); } next if $is_globetrotter && !$hw_class->{automatic}; next unless $configurator_pool[0]; if (ref($configurator) ne 'CODE' && !-x first(split /\s+/, $configurator_pool[0])) { log::explanations(qw(skip $Ident configuration since "$configurator" is not executable)); next; } my ($pid, $no, $res); $hw_class->{automatic} ||= ref($configurator) eq 'CODE'; if (!$hw_class->{automatic}) { $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $no = 1; kill 15, $pid }; unless ($pid = fork()) { $splash and eval { output('/proc/splash', 'verbose') } and $splash = 0; exec("/usr/share/harddrake/confirm", $Ident, $timeout, $msg); } alarm($timeout); wait(); $res = $?; alarm(0); } else { $res = 1; } if (ref($configurator) eq 'CODE') { eval { $configurator->() }; log::explanations(qw(cannot run "$configurator": $@)) if $@; } elsif (!$no && $res) { foreach my $program (@configurator_pool) { if (fork()) { wait(); } else { log::explanations(qq(run "$program")); exec("$program 2>/dev/null") or do { log::explanations(qq(cannot run "$program")); require POSIX; POSIX::_exit(); }; } } } if (!$hw_class->{automatic}) { require interactive; undef $wait; $in ||= interactive->vnew; $wait = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Hardware probing in progress")); } } # output new hw config log::explanations("created file $last_boot_config"); Storable::store(\%config, $last_boot_config); # restore bootsplash mode $splash_was_silent and eval { output('/proc/splash', 'silent') }; $in->exit(0) if $in;