#!/usr/bin/perl use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use strict; use diagnostics; use standalone; #- warning, standalone must be loaded very first, for 'explanations' use common; use interactive; use harddrake::data; use harddrake::sound; use modules; use Storable qw(store retrieve); my $invert_do_it = $ARGV[0] eq 'X11' ? 1 : 0; my ($hw_sysconfdir, $timeout) = ("/etc/sysconfig/harddrake2", $invert_do_it ? 600 : 5); my $last_boot_config = $hw_sysconfdir."/previous_hw"; $last_boot_config .= '_X11' if $invert_do_it; modules::mergein_conf('/etc/modules.conf'); # first run ? if not read old hw config my $previous_config = -f $last_boot_config && -s $last_boot_config ? Storable::retrieve($last_boot_config) : {}; $previous_config = $$previous_config if ref($previous_config) !~ /HASH/; my (%config, $wait); my $in; # For each hw, class, detect device, compare and offer to reconfigure if needed foreach (@harddrake::data::tree) { my ($Ident, $item, undef, $configurator, $detector, $do_it) = @$_; next unless $do_it ^ $invert_do_it; # No detector ? (should never happen but who know ?) ref($detector) eq 'CODE' or next; my %ID = map { my $i = $_; my $id = defined $i->{device} ? $i->{device} : join(':', map { $i->{$_} } qw(vendor id subvendor subid)); $id => $i; } &$detector; $config{$Ident} = \%ID; next if is_empty_hash_ref $previous_config; # don't fsck on first run my $oldconfig = $previous_config->{$Ident}; my $msg; my @was_removed = difference2([ keys %$oldconfig ], [ keys %ID ]); if (@was_removed) { $msg .= N("Some devices in the \"%s\" hardware class were removed:\n", $item) . "- " . harddrake::data::custom_id($oldconfig->{$_}, $item) . " was removed\n" foreach @was_removed . "\n"; } my @added = difference2([ keys %ID ], [ keys %$oldconfig ]); $msg .= N("Some devices were added:\n", $item) if @added; $msg .= "- " . harddrake::data::custom_id($ID{$_}, $item) . " was added\n" foreach @added; modules::load('ohci1394') if $Ident eq 'FIREWIRE_CONTROLLER' && any { $_->{driver} eq 'ohci1394' } @added; @added || @was_removed or next; my @configurator_pool; if (harddrake::data::is_removable($Ident)) { foreach my $device (@ID{@added}) { push @configurator_pool, harddrake::data::set_removable_configurator($Ident, $device); }; foreach my $device (@{%$oldconfig}{@was_removed}) { push @configurator_pool, harddrake::data::set_removable_remover($Ident, $device); } } else { @configurator_pool = $configurator; } next unless -x first(split /\s+/, $configurator_pool[0]); foreach my $configurator (@configurator_pool) { my ($pid, $no); $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $no = 1; kill 15, $pid }; unless ($pid = fork()) { exec("/usr/share/harddrake/confirm 'Hardware changes in $Ident class ($timeout seconds to answer)' '" . $msg . "Do you want to run the appropriate config tool ?'"); } alarm($timeout); wait(); my $res = $?; alarm(0); if ($no) { require interactive; undef $wait; $in ||= interactive->vnew; $wait = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Hardware probing in progress")); } elsif ($res) { if (fork()) { wait(); } else { exec("$configurator 2>/dev/null") or die "$configurator missing\n" } } } } # output new hw config log::explanations("created file $last_boot_config"); Storable::store(\%config, $last_boot_config); # automatic sound slots configuration harddrake::sound::configure_sound_slots(); modules::write_conf(); $in->exit(0) if $in;