#!/usr/bin/perl # DrakConnect $Id$ # Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Mandrakesoft # Damien "Dam's" Krotkine # Damien "poulpy" Chaumette # Thierry Vignaud # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. use strict; use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX); use standalone; #- warning, standalone must be loaded very first, for 'explanations' use interactive; use common; use network::netconnect; use network::ethernet; use network::tools; use network::modem; use network::network; use c; use modules; use network::isdn; use network::adsl; use network::tools; use MDK::Common::Globals "network", qw($in); use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; my ($netcnx, $netc, $intf) = ({}, {}, {}); #my @conx_type = ('modem', 'isdn_internal', 'isdn_external', 'adsl', 'cable', 'lan'); $ugtk2::wm_icon = "drakconnect"; my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su'); if ($in->isa('interactive::gtk')) { require ugtk2; ugtk2->import(qw(:create :dialogs :helpers :wrappers)); } network::tools::reread_net_conf($netcnx, $netc, $intf); $::Wizard_title = N("Network & Internet Configuration"); $::Wizard_pix_up = "drakconnect.png"; MDK::Common::Globals::init(in => $in); local $_ = join '', @ARGV; /--skip-wizard/ and manage($netc, $intf); /--add/ and add_intf(); /--del/ and del_intf(); /--old/ and goto old; if (/--install/) { $::isInstall = 1; add_intf() } /--internet/ and configure_net($netcnx, $netc, $intf); # default is to run wizard add_intf(); old: my @all_cards; my $window1 = ugtk2->new('drakconnect'); $window1->{rwindow}->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { ugtk2->exit(0) }); unless ($::isEmbedded) { $window1->{rwindow}->set_position('center'); $window1->{rwindow}->set_title(N("Network configuration (%d adapters)", scalar @all_cards)); $window1->{rwindow}->set_size_request(-1, -1); } $window1->{rwindow}->set_border_width(10); my $warning_label1; my ($lan_button, $host_button, $button_apply); my $hostname = chomp_(`hostname`); my $int_label = Gtk2::Label->new($netcnx->{type} eq 'lan' ? N("Gateway:") : N("Interface:")); my $interface_name = Gtk2::Label->new($netcnx->{type} eq 'lan' ? $netc->{GATEWAY} : $netcnx->{NET_INTERFACE}); my $isconnected = -1; my $int_connect = Gtk2::Button->new(N("Wait please")); $int_connect->set_sensitive(0); $int_connect->signal_connect(clicked => sub { if (!$isconnected) { if (cat_($network::tools::connect_prog) =~ m|/usr/bin/kppp| && -e '/usr/bin/kppp') { run_program::run("/usr/bin/kppp &"); } else { connect_backend(); } } else { disconnect_backend(); } }); my $tree_model = Gtk2::TreeStore->new("Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf", map { "Glib::String" } 2..6); my $list = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($tree_model); $list->append_column(Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf->new, 'pixbuf' => 0)); each_index { $list->append_column(my $col = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes($_, Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 'text' => $::i + 1)); $col->set_sort_column_id($::i); } (N("Interface"), N("IP address"), N("Protocol"), N("Driver"), N("State")); $list->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { my (undef, $event) = @_; my (undef, $iter) = $list->get_selection->get_selected; return unless $iter; configure_lan() if $event->type eq '2button-press'; }); update_list(); my ($label_host, $int_state); $window1->{window}->add( gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,10), 0, gtkpack(Gtk2::HBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Hostname: ")), $label_host = Gtk2::Label->new($hostname), $host_button = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Configure hostname...")), clicked => sub { local ($::isWizard, $::Wizard_finished) = (1, 1); eval { # For wizcancel configureNetworkNet($in, $netc, $intf, map { $_->[0] } @all_cards); $button_apply->set_sensitive(1); update(); }; if ($@ =~ /wizcancel/) {} $::WizardWindow->destroy; undef $::WizardWindow; } ), ), 1, gtkadd(gtkcreate_frame(N("LAN configuration")), gtkpack_(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 5), 0, $list, 0, Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), 0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0, 0), 0, $lan_button = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Configure Local Area Network...")), clicked => \&configure_lan), ), ) ), 0, gtkpack(Gtk2::HButtonBox->new, gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Help")), clicked => sub { exec("drakhelp --id internet-connection") unless fork() }), $button_apply = gtksignal_connect(gtkset_sensitive(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Apply")), 0), clicked => \&apply), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Cancel")), clicked => \&quit_global), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")), clicked => sub { if ($button_apply->get('sensitive')) { my $dialog = _create_dialog(N("Please wait")); gtkpack($dialog->vbox, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Please Wait... Applying the configuration"))); $dialog->show_all; gtkflush(); apply(); $dialog->destroy; } update(); quit_global(); }), ), ), ); $window1->{rwindow}->show_all; gtkflush(); $window1->main; ugtk2->exit(0); sub manage { my ($netc, $intf) = @_; my $p = {}; my ($interface_menu, $selected, $apply_button); my $window = ugtk2->new('Manage Connection'); unless ($::isEmbedded) { $window->{rwindow}->set_position('center'); $window->{rwindow}->set_title(N("Manage connections")); # translation availlable in mcc domain => we need merging } my $notebook = Gtk2::Notebook->new; $notebook->set_property('show-tabs', 0); $notebook->set_property('show-border', 0); eval(cat_('/etc/sysconfig/drakconnect')); @all_cards = network::ethernet::get_eth_cards(); my %name = network::ethernet::get_eth_cards_names(@all_cards); foreach (keys %name) { $p->{/eth|ath|wlan/ ? $name{$_} : $_} = { kind => $_ }; } foreach (keys %$intf) { /^ippp/ and $p->{isdn} = { kind => $_ }; /^ppp0/ and $p->{modem} = { kind => $_ }; } $window->{rwindow}->add(gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new, 0, gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Device selected")), $interface_menu = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text, changed => sub { $selected = $interface_menu->get_text; $notebook->set_current_page($p->{$selected}{gui}{index}); }, ), ), 1, $notebook, 0, create_okcancel(my $oc = { cancel_clicked => sub { $window->destroy; Gtk2->main_quit }, ok_clicked => sub { if ($apply_button->get_property('sensitive')) { save($netc, $p, $apply_button); } $window->destroy; Gtk2->main_quit; }, }, undef, undef, '', [ N("Help"), sub { exec("drakhelp --id internet-connection") unless fork() } ], [ N("Apply"), sub { save($netc, $p, $apply_button) }, 0, 1 ], ), ), ); $apply_button = $oc->{buttons}{N("Apply")}; each_index { my ($name, $interface, $protocol) = ($_, $p->{$_}{kind}, $p->{$_}{protocol}); $p->{$name}{gui}{index} = $::i; build_tree($netc, $p->{$name}{intf} = $intf->{$name =~ /eth|ath|wlan/ ? $interface : $name} || {}, $name, $interface, $protocol); build_notebook($netc, $p->{$name}{intf}, $p->{$name}{gui}, $apply_button, $name, $interface); $notebook->append_page(gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), $p->{$name}{gui}{notebook})); } (sort keys %$p); $interface_menu->set_popdown_strings(sort keys %$p); $interface_menu->set_active(0); $apply_button->set_sensitive(0); $window->{rwindow}->show_all; $window->main; ugtk2->exit(0); } sub build_tree { my ($netc, $intf, $interface, $interface_kind, $protocol) = @_; if ($interface eq 'adsl') { $intf->{pages} = { 'TCP/IP' => 1, 'Account' => 1, 'Options' => 1, 'Information' => 1 }; network::adsl::adsl_probe_info($intf, $netc, $protocol, $interface_kind); $intf->{save} = sub { $netc->{internet_cnx_choice} = 'adsl'; $netc->{at_boot} = $intf->{ONBOOT} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0; network::adsl::adsl_conf_backend($in, $intf, $netc, $interface_kind, $protocol) }; } elsif ($interface eq 'modem') { $intf->{pages} = { 'TCP/IP' => 1, 'Account' => 1, 'Modem' => 1, 'Options' => 1 }; # FIXME: code duplication, should be in network::modem::read_config $intf->{device} = $netc->{autodetect}{modem}; my %l = getVarsFromSh("/usr/share/config/kppprc"); $intf->{kppprc} = "/root/.kde/share/config/kppprc"; my %m = getVarsFromSh($intf->{kppprc}); $l{$_} = $m{$_} foreach keys %m; ($intf->{dns1}, $intf->{dns2}) = split(',', $l{DNS}); $intf->{$_->[0]} = $l{$_->[1]} foreach [ 'connection' , 'Name' ], [ 'domain', 'Domain' ], [ 'login', 'Username' ], [ 'Timeout', 'Timeout' ], [ 'UseLockFile', 'UseLockFile' ], [ 'Enter', 'Enter' ], [ 'BusyWait', 'BusyWait' ], [ 'FlowControl', 'FlowControl' ], [ 'Speed', 'Speed' ], [ 'DialTone', 'DialTone' ], [ 'Volume', 'Volume' ]; /.*ATDT(\d*)/ and $intf->{phone} = $1 foreach cat_("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-ppp0"); /NAME=(['"]?)(.*)\1/ and $intf->{login} ||= $2 foreach cat_("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0"); $_->{login} eq $intf->{login} and $intf->{passwd} = $_->{passwd} foreach @{network::tools::read_secret_backend()}; $intf->{save} = sub { network::modem::ppp_configure($in, $intf) }; } elsif ($interface eq 'isdn') { $intf->{pages} = { 'TCP/IP' => 1, 'Account' => 1, 'Modem' => 1, 'Options' => 1 }; network::isdn::read_config($intf); $intf->{save} = sub { network::isdn::write_config($intf, $netc) }; } else { #- ethernet is default $intf->{pages} = { 'TCP/IP' => 1, if_($intf->{WIRELESS_MODE}, 'Wireless' => 1), 'Options' => 1, 'Information' => 1 }; } } sub build_notebook { my ($netc, $intf, $gui, $apply_button, $interface, $interface_kind) = @_; my $apply = sub { $apply_button->set_sensitive(1) }; my $is_ethernet = $interface =~ /eth|ath|wlan/; if ($intf->{pages}{'TCP/IP'}) { gtkpack($gui->{sheet}{'TCP/IP'} = Gtk2::HBox->new, gtkadd(gtkcreate_frame(N("IP configuration")), gtkpack_(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,10), 5), if_($is_ethernet, 0, gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Protocol")), $gui->{intf}{BOOTPROTO} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text, changed => sub { return if !$_[0]->realized; my $proto = $gui->{intf}{BOOTPROTO}; my $protocol = $intf->{BOOTPROTO} = { reverse %{$proto->{protocols}} }->{$proto->get_text}; foreach ($gui->{intf}{IPADDR}, $gui->{intf}{NETMASK}, $gui->{netc}{GATEWAY}) { $_->set_sensitive($protocol eq "static" ? 1 : 0) }; $apply->() }, ), ), ), 0, gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(1,0), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new(N("IP address"))), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf}{IPADDR} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply)), ), 0, gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(1,0), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Netmask"))), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf}{NETMASK} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply)), ), if_($is_ethernet, 0, gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(1,0), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Gateway"))), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, gtksignal_connect($gui->{netc}{GATEWAY} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply)), ), ), ), ), gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new, 1, gtkadd(gtkcreate_frame(N("DNS servers")), gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), Gtk2::Label->new($intf->{dns1} || $netc->{dnsServer}), if_($intf->{dns2} || $netc->{dnsServer2}, Gtk2::Label->new($intf->{dns2} || $netc->{dnsServer2})), if_($intf->{dns3} || $netc->{dnsServer3}, Gtk2::Label->new($intf->{dns3} || $netc->{dnsServer3}))), ), 1, gtkadd(gtkcreate_frame(N("Search Domain")), Gtk2::Label->new($intf->{domain} || $netc->{DOMAINNAME} || 'none'), ), ), ); if ($is_ethernet) { my $proto = $gui->{intf}{BOOTPROTO}; $proto->{protocols} = { static => N("static"), dhcp => N("DHCP") }; $proto->set_popdown_strings(values %{$proto->{protocols}}); $proto->set_text($proto->{protocols}{$intf->{BOOTPROTO}}); foreach ($gui->{intf}{IPADDR}, $gui->{intf}{NETMASK}, $gui->{netc}{GATEWAY}) { $_->set_sensitive($intf->{BOOTPROTO} eq 'static' ? 1 : 0) }; } else { $_->set_sensitive(0) foreach $gui->{intf}{IPADDR}, $gui->{intf}{NETMASK}; delete $gui->{intf}{BOOTPROTO}; } !$intf->{IPADDR} and ($intf->{IPADDR}, $gui->{active}, $intf->{NETMASK}) = get_intf_ip($interface_kind); $gui->{netc}{$_}->set_text($netc->{$_}) foreach keys %{$gui->{netc}}; } if ($intf->{pages}{Wireless}) { gtkpack(gtkset_border_width($gui->{sheet}{Wireless} = Gtk2::HBox->new(0,10), 5), gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), map { (0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::Label->new($_->[0]), 0, gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf}{$_->[1]} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply), )); } ([ N("Operating Mode"), "WIRELESS_MODE" ], [ N("Network name (ESSID)"), "WIRELESS_ESSID" ], [ N("Network ID"), "WIRELESS_NWID" ], [ N("Operating frequency"), "WIRELESS_FREQ" ], [ N("Sensitivity threshold"), "WIRELESS_SENS" ], [ N("Bitrate (in b/s)"), "WIRELESS_RATE" ] ), ), Gtk2::VSeparator->new, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), map { (0, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), 1, Gtk2::Label->new($_->[0]), 0, gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf}{$_->[1]} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply), )); } ([ N("Encryption key"), 'WIRELESS_ENC_KEY' ], [ N("RTS/CTS"), 'WIRELESS_RTS' ], [ N("Fragmentation"), 'WIRELESS_FRAG' ], [ N("Iwconfig command extra arguments"), 'WIRELESS_IWCONFIG' ], [ N("Iwspy command extra arguments"), 'WIRELESS_IWSPY' ], [ N("Iwpriv command extra arguments"), 'WIRELESS_IWPRIV' ], ), ), ); } if ($intf->{pages}{Options}) { gtkpack__(gtkset_border_width($gui->{sheet}{Options} = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,10), 5), $gui->{intf_bool}{ONBOOT} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Start at boot")), toggled => $apply), if_($is_ethernet, map { ($gui->{intf_bool}{$_->[0]} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::CheckButton->new($_->[1]), toggled => $apply)) } ([ "HWADDR", N("Track network card id (useful for laptops)") ], [ "MII_NOT_SUPPORTED", N("Network Hotplugging") ], ), ), if_($interface eq 'isdn', gtkpack(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), gtkpack__(new Gtk2::VBox(0,0), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Dialing mode")), my @dialing_mode_radio = gtkradio(("auto") x 2, "manual"), ), Gtk2::VSeparator->new, gtkpack__(new Gtk2::VBox(0,0), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Connection speed")), my @speed_radio = gtkradio(("64 Kb/s") x 2, "128 Kb/s"), ), ), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,5), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Connection timeout (in sec)")), gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf}{huptimeout} = Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply), ), ), ); $dialing_mode_radio[0]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{dialing_mode} = 'auto'; $apply->() }); $dialing_mode_radio[1]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{dialing_mode} = 'static'; $apply->() }); $speed_radio[0]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{speed} = '64'; $apply->() }); $speed_radio[1]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{speed} = '128'; $apply->() }); $gui->{intf_bool}{ONBOOT}->set_active($interface eq 'adsl' ? adsl_atboot() : ($intf->{ONBOOT} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0)); $gui->{intf_bool}{MII_NOT_SUPPORTED}->set_active($intf->{MII_NOT_SUPPORTED} eq 'no' ? 1 : 0); $gui->{intf_bool}{HWADDR}->set_active($intf->{HWADDR}); } if ($intf->{pages}{Account}) { if ($interface_kind =~ /^speedtouch|sagem$/) { $gui->{description} = $interface_kind eq 'speedtouch' ? 'Alcatel|USB ADSL Modem (Speed Touch)' : 'Analog Devices Inc.|USB ADSL modem'; } gtkpack_(gtkset_border_width($gui->{sheet}{Account} = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,10), 5), if_($interface eq 'modem', 0, gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(1,0), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Authentication"))), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, $gui->{intf}{auth} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text, changed => $apply)), )), map { (0, gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(1,0), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new($_->[0])), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, $gui->{intf}{$_->[1]} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply)), ), ); } ([ N("Account Login (user name)"), 'login' ], [ N("Account Password"), 'passwd' ], if_($interface =~ /^(isdn|modem)$/, [ N("Provider phone number"), $1 eq 'modem' ? 'phone' : 'phone_out' ]), ), ); my %auth_methods = map_index { $::i => $_ } N("PAP"), N("Terminal-based"), N("Script-based"), N("CHAP"), N("PAP/CHAP"); $gui->{intf}{auth}->set_popdown_strings(sort values %auth_methods); $gui->{intf}{auth}->set_text($auth_methods{$intf->{Authentication}}); $gui->{intf}{passwd}->set_visibility(0); } if ($intf->{pages}{Modem}) { gtkpack(gtkset_border_width($gui->{sheet}{Modem} = Gtk2::HBox->new(0,10), 5), if_($interface eq 'modem', gtkpack__(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,5), (map { (gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(1,0), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new($_->[0])), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, $gui->{intf}{$_->[1]} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text, changed => $apply)), ), ), } ([ N("Flow control"), 'FlowControl' ], [ N("Line termination"), 'Enter' ], [ N("Connection speed"), 'Speed' ], )), # gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), # no relative kppp option found :-( # Gtk2::Label->new(N("Dialing mode")), # gtkradio('', N("Tone dialing"), N("Pulse dialing")), # ), ), Gtk2::VSeparator->new, gtkpack__(new Gtk2::VBox(0,10), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,5), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Modem timeout")), $gui->{intf}{Timeout} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::SpinButton->new(Gtk2::Adjustment->new($intf->{Timeout}, 0, 120, 1, 5, 0), 0, 0), value_changed => $apply), ), gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf_bool}{UseLockFile} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Use lock file")), toggled => $apply), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, gtksignal_connect($gui->{intf_bool}{WaitForDialTone} = Gtk2::CheckButton->new(N("Wait for dialup tone before dialing")), toggled => $apply)), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,5), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Busy wait")), $gui->{intf}{BusyWait} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::SpinButton->new(Gtk2::Adjustment->new($intf->{BusyWait}, 0, 120, 1, 5, 0), 0, 0), value_changed => $apply), ), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,5), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Modem sound")), gtkpack__(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,5), my @volume_radio = gtkradio('', N("Enable"), N("Disable"))), ), ), ), if_($interface eq 'isdn', gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), map { (0, gtkpack(Gtk2::VBox->new(1,0), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, Gtk2::Label->new($_->[0])), gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new, $gui->{intf}{$_->[1]} = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Entry->new, key_press_event => $apply)), ), ); } ([ N("Card IRQ"), 'irq' ], [ N("Card mem (DMA)"), 'mem' ], [ N("Card IO"), 'io' ], [ N("Card IO_0"), 'io0' ], ), ), Gtk2::VSeparator->new, gtkpack__(new Gtk2::VBox(0,0), Gtk2::Label->new(N("Protocol")), my @protocol_radio = gtkradio('', N("European protocol (EDSS1)"), N("Protocol for the rest of the world\nNo D-Channel (leased lines)")), ), ), ); $protocol_radio[0]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{protocol} = 2; $apply->() }); $protocol_radio[1]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{protocol} = 3; $apply->() }); $volume_radio[0]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{Volume} = 1; $apply->() }); $volume_radio[1]->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $gui->{intf_radio}{Volume} = 0; $apply->() }); $gui->{intf}{FlowControl}->set_popdown_strings('Hardware [CRTSCTS]', 'Software [XON/XOFF]', 'None'); $gui->{intf}{Enter}->set_popdown_strings('CR', 'CF', 'CR/LF'); $gui->{intf}{Speed}->set_popdown_strings('2400', '9600', '19200', '38400', '57600', '115200'); } if ($intf->{pages}{Information}) { my ($info) = $gui->{description} ? find { $_->{description} eq $gui->{description} } detect_devices::probeall : network::ethernet::mapIntfToDevice($interface_kind); if (is_empty_hash_ref($info) and my @intfs = grep { $interface_kind eq $_->[0] } @all_cards) { my $driver; if ($#intfs == 0 and $driver = $intfs[0][1] and my @cards = grep { $_->{driver} eq $driver } detect_devices::probeall()) { $info = $cards[0] if $#cards == 0; } } gtkpack(gtkset_border_width($gui->{sheet}{Information} = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,10), 5), gtktext_insert(Gtk2::TextView->new, join('', map { $_->[0] . ": \x{200e}" . $_->[1] . "\n" } ( [ N("Vendor"), split('\|', $info->{description}) ], [ N("Description"), reverse split('\|', $info->{description}) ], [ N("Media class"), $info->{media_type} || '-' ], [ N("Module name"), $info->{driver} || '-' ], [ N("Mac Address"), c::get_hw_address($interface_kind) || '-' ], [ N("Bus"), $info->{bus} || '-' ], [ N("Location on the bus"), $info->{pci_bus} || '-' ], ) ) ), ); } $gui->{intf}{$_}->set_text($intf->{$_}) foreach keys %{$gui->{intf}}; $gui->{notebook} = Gtk2::Notebook->new; populate_notebook($gui->{notebook}, $gui); } sub populate_notebook { my ($notebook, $gui) = @_; foreach ('TCP/IP', 'Account', 'Wireless', 'Modem', 'Options', 'Information') { !$gui->{sheet}{$_} and next; $notebook->append_page($gui->{sheet}{$_}, Gtk2::Label->new(translate($_))); } } sub save { my ($netc, $p, $apply_button) = @_; foreach (keys %$p) { save_notebook($netc, $p->{$_}{intf}, $p->{$_}{gui}) or return; $p->{$_}{intf}{save} ? $p->{$_}{intf}{save}->() : apply($netc, $p->{$_}{intf}); } system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart"); $apply_button->set_sensitive(0); } sub save_notebook { my ($netc, $intf, $gui) = @_; $netc->{$_} = $gui->{netc}{$_}->get_text foreach keys %{$gui->{netc}}; $gui->{intf}{$_} and $intf->{$_} = $gui->{intf}{$_}->get_text foreach keys %{$gui->{intf}}; $gui->{intf_radio}{$_} and $intf->{$_} = $gui->{intf_radio}{$_} foreach keys %{$gui->{intf_radio}}; $intf->{$_} = bool2yesno($gui->{intf_bool}{$_}->get_active) foreach keys %{$gui->{intf_bool}}; $gui->{intf_bool}{MII_NOT_SUPPORTED} and $intf->{MII_NOT_SUPPORTED} = bool2yesno(!$gui->{intf_bool}{MII_NOT_SUPPORTED}->get_active); $gui->{intf_bool}{HWADDR} and (bool2yesno($gui->{intf_bool}{HWADDR}->get_active) eq 'yes' ? ($intf->{HWADDR} = 'yes') : delete $intf->{HWADDR}); if (my $proto = $gui->{intf}{BOOTPROTO}) { $intf->{BOOTPROTO} = { reverse %{$proto->{protocols}} }->{$proto->get_text}; } if ($intf->{BOOTPROTO} eq 'static') { check_field($intf, 'IPADDR', 'NETMASK') or $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("IP address should be in format")) and return 0; } if ($netc->{GATEWAY}) { check_field($netc, 'GATEWAY') or $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Gateway address should be in format")) and return 0; } 1; } sub check_field { my ($field, @ip) = @_; (map { if_(!is_ip($field->{$_}), 1) } @ip) ? 0 : 1; } sub add_intf() { $::isWizard = 1; network::netconnect::read_net_conf($netcnx, $netc, $intf); # network::netconnect::add_interface($in, $netcnx); network::netconnect::main('', $netcnx, $in, $netc, undef, $intf); $in->exit(0); } sub del_intf() { my ($intf2delete, $faillure); if (!keys %$intf) { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system. Please run the hardware configuration tool.")); $in->exit(0); } my $wiz = { defaultimage => "drakconnect.png", name => N("Remove a network interface"), pages => { welcome => { no_back => 1, name => N("Select the network interface to remove:"), data => [ { label => N("Net Device"), val => \$intf2delete, allow_empty_list => 1, list => [ keys %$intf, grep { -f "/etc/ppp/peers/$_" } qw(adsl isdn) ], } ], post => sub { !$::testing and eval { if (member($intf2delete, qw(adsl isdn))) { system("service internet stop"); # system("ifdown " . $intf2delete eq "isdn" : "ippp0" : "ppp0"); rm_rf("/etc/ppp/peers/$intf2delete"); if (any { /$intf2delete/ } cat_("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/net_cnx_up")) { unlink "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/net_cnx_$_" foreach qw(up down); } } else { system("ifdown $intf2delete"); rm_rf("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$intf2delete"); } }; $faillure = $@; return "end"; }, }, end => { name => sub { ($faillure ? N("An error occured while deleting the \"%s\" network interface:\n\n%s", $intf2delete, $faillure) : N("Congratulations, the \"%s\" network interface has been succesfully deleted", $intf2delete) ) }, end => 1, }, }, }; require wizards; wizards->new->safe_process($wiz, $in); $in->exit(0); } sub get_intf_ip { my ($interface) = @_; my ($ip, $state, $mask); if (-x "/sbin/ifconfig") { local $_ = `LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=C /sbin/ifconfig $interface`; $ip = /inet addr:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/mso ? $1 : N("No Ip"); $mask = /Mask:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/mso ? $1 : N("No Mask"); $state = /inet/ ? N("up") : N("down"); } else { $ip = $intf->{$interface}{IPADDR}; $state = "n/a"; } ($ip, $state, $mask); } my %intf; sub update_list() { @all_cards = network::ethernet::get_eth_cards(); my %new_intf = map { @$_ } @all_cards; my @new_intf = sort keys %new_intf; foreach my $interface (difference2(\@new_intf, [ keys %intf ])) { $intf{$interface} = $tree_model->append(undef); } foreach my $interface (@new_intf) { my ($ip, $state) = get_intf_ip($interface); $tree_model->set($intf{$interface}, map_index { $::i => $_ } (gtkcreate_pixbuf("eth_card_mini2.png"), $interface, $ip , $intf->{$interface}{BOOTPROTO}, $new_intf{$interface}, $state)); } foreach my $i (difference2([ keys %intf ], \@new_intf)) { $tree_model->remove($intf{$i}); delete $intf{$i}; } } sub apply { my ($netc, $intf) = @_; my $dyn = $intf->{BOOTPROTO} ne 'static'; my $lintf = $intf; $dyn and $lintf->{$_} = undef foreach qw(NETMASK NETWORK IPADDR); network::network::sethostname($netc) if $dyn; network::network::configureNetwork2($in, '', $netc, { $lintf->{DEVICE} => $lintf }); } sub ethisup { `LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=C /sbin/ifconfig $_[0]` =~ /inet/ } sub chk_internet() { `LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=C /sbin/chkconfig --list | grep internet` =~ /:on/ ? 1 : 0 }; sub adsl_atboot() { (any { /x--boot_time/ } cat_($network::tools::connect_file)) ? 0 : 1 }; sub update_intbutt() { $int_state->set($isconnected ? N("Connected") : N("Not connected")); return if !$int_connect; $int_connect->child->set($isconnected ? N("Disconnect...") : N("Connect...")); $int_connect->set_sensitive(1); } my $to_update; sub update() { my $h = chomp_(`hostname`); $label_host->set_label($h); $int_label->set($netcnx->{type} eq 'lan' ? N("Gateway:") : N("Interface:")); $interface_name->set($netcnx->{type} eq 'lan' ? $netc->{GATEWAY} : $netcnx->{NET_INTERFACE}); update_list(); update_intbutt() if $isconnected != -1; 1; } sub in_ifconfig { my ($intf) = @_; -e '/sbin/ifconfig' or return 1; $intf eq '' and return 1; `/sbin/ifconfig` =~ /$intf/; } sub update2() { undef $to_update; connected_bg(\$to_update); if (defined $to_update) { $isconnected = $to_update; if ($isconnected != -1) { if ($isconnected && !in_ifconfig($netcnx->{NET_INTERFACE})) { $warning_label1->set(N("Warning, another Internet connection has been detected, maybe using your network")); $isconnected = 0; } else { $warning_label1->set("") } update_intbutt(); } } update(); 1; } sub quit_global() { ugtk2->exit(0); } sub get_intf_status { my ($c) = @_; ethisup($c) ? N("Deactivate now") : N("Activate now") } sub configure_lan() { my $window = _create_dialog(N("LAN configuration")); my @card_tab; if (@all_cards < 1) { $window->vbox->add(Gtk2::Label->new(N("You don't have any configured interface. Configure them first by clicking on 'Configure'"))); gtkpack(gtkset_layout($window->action_area, 'end'), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")), clicked => sub { Gtk2->main_quit }) ); $window->show_all; $window->run; $window->destroy; return; } $window->set_border_width(10); gtkpack($window->vbox, Gtk2::Label->new(N("LAN Configuration")), my $notebook = Gtk2::Notebook->new, ); foreach (0..$#all_cards) { my @infos; my @conf_data; $card_tab[2*$_] = \@infos; $card_tab[2*$_+1] = \@conf_data; my $vbox_local = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0); $vbox_local->set_border_width(10); $vbox_local->pack_start(Gtk2::Label->new(N("Adapter %s: %s", $_+1 , $all_cards[$_][0])),1,1,0); # Eth${_}Hostname = $netc->{HOSTNAME} # Eth${_}HostAlias = " . do { $netc->{HOSTNAME} =~ /([^\.]*)\./; $1 } . " # Eth${_}Driver = $all_cards[$_]->[1] my $interface = $all_cards[$_][0]; my ($ip, undef, $mask) = get_intf_ip($interface); $mask ||= $intf->{$interface}{NETMASK}; @conf_data = ([ N("IP address"), \$ip ], [ N("Netmask"), \$mask ], [ N("Boot Protocol"), \$intf->{$interface}{BOOTPROTO}, ["static", "dhcp", "bootp"] ], [ N("Started on boot"), \$intf->{$interface}{ONBOOT} , ["yes", "no"] ], [ N("DHCP client"), \$netcnx->{dhcp_client} ] ); my $i = 0; my $size_group = Gtk2::SizeGroup->new('horizontal'); foreach my $j (@conf_data) { my $l = Gtk2::Label->new($j->[0]); $l->set_justify('left'); $infos[2*$i] = gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new, 1, $l); $vbox_local->pack_start($infos[2*$i], 1, 1, 0); my $c; if (defined $j->[2]) { $c = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text; $c->set_popdown_strings(@{$j->[2]}); $infos[2*$i+1] = $c->entry; $infos[2*$i]->pack_start($c,0,0,0); } else { $infos[2*$i+1] = ($c = Gtk2::Entry->new); $infos[2*$i]->pack_start($infos[2*$i+1],0,0,0); } $size_group->add_widget($c); $infos[2*$i+1]->set_text(${$j->[1]}); $i++; } my $widget_temp; if (-e "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$interface") { $widget_temp = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(get_intf_status($interface)), clicked => sub { system("/sbin/if" . (ethisup($interface) ? N("down") : N("up")) . " $interface"); $_[0]->set_label(get_intf_status($interface)); update(); }); } else { $widget_temp = N("This interface has not been configured yet.\nRun the \"Add an interface\" assistant from the Mandrake Control Center"); } $vbox_local->pack_start(gtkpack__(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), $widget_temp ),0,0,0); # $list->append($_+1, $interface, $intf->{$interface}{IPADDR}, $intf->{$interface}{BOOTPROTO}, $all_cards[$_]->[1]); # $list->set_selectable($_, 0); $notebook->append_page($vbox_local, Gtk2::Label->new($interface)); } my $exit_dialogsub = sub { $window->destroy; Gtk2->main_quit; }; gtkpack($window->action_area, gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Cancel")), clicked => $exit_dialogsub), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")), clicked => sub { foreach (0..$#all_cards) { my @infos = @{$card_tab[2*$_]}; each_index { ${$_->[1]} = $infos[2*$::i+1]->get_text } @{$card_tab[2*$_+1]}; my $interface = $all_cards[$_][0]; if ($intf->{$interface}{BOOTPROTO} ne "static") { delete @{$intf->{$interface}}{qw(IPADDR NETWORK NETMASK BROADCAST)}; } else { if ($infos[1]->get_text ne "No ip") { $intf->{$interface}{IPADDR} = $infos[1]->get_text; $intf->{$interface}{NETMASK} = $infos[3]->get_text; } } } update(); $button_apply->set_sensitive(1); $exit_dialogsub->(); }), ); $window->show_all; foreach (0..$#all_cards) { my @infos = @{$card_tab[2*$_]}; $intf->{$all_cards[$_][0]}{BOOTPROTO} eq "dhcp" or $infos[8]->hide; } $window->run; } sub configure_net { my ($netcnx, $netc, $_intf) = @_; my $dialog = ugtk2->new('drakconnect'); my $exit_dialogsub = sub { Gtk2->main_quit }; if (!$netcnx->{type}) { $in->ask_warn( N("Warning"), #-PO: here "Internet access" should be translated the same was as in control-center N("You don't have any configured Internet connection. Please run \"Internet access\" in control center.")); $in->exit; } my $cnx = {}; $cnx = $netcnx->{$netcnx->{type}}; unless ($::isEmbedded) { $dialog->{rwindow}->set_position('center'); $dialog->{rwindow}->set_title(N("Internet connection configuration")); $dialog->{rwindow}->set_size_request(-1, -1); $dialog->{rwindow}->set_icon(gtkcreate_pixbuf("drakconnect")); } $dialog->{rwindow}->signal_connect(delete_event => $exit_dialogsub); my $param_vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0); my $i = 0; #- duplicated code (waiting for 9.1 to be out to merge everything correctly, avoid bug elsewhere). if ($netcnx->{type} =~ /adsl/) { require network::adsl; network::adsl::adsl_probe_info($cnx, $netc, $intf); } my @conf_data = ( [ N("Host name (optional)"), \$netc->{HOSTNAME} ], [ N("First DNS Server (optional)"), \$netc->{dnsServer} ], # \$cnx->{dns1} [ N("Second DNS Server (optional)"), \$netc->{dnsServer2} ], #\$cnx->{dns2} [ N("Third DNS server (optional)"), \$netc->{dnsServer3} ], ); my @infos; gtkpack($param_vbox, create_packtable({}, map { my $c; if (defined $_->[2]) { $c = Gtk2::Combo->new; $c->set_popdown_strings(@{$_->[2]}); $infos[2*$i+1] = $c->entry; } else { $c = $infos[2*$i+1] = Gtk2::Entry->new; } $infos[2*$i+1]->set_text(${$_->[1]}); $i++; [ $_->[0], $c ]; } @conf_data ) ); $dialog->{rwindow}->add(gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new, 0, Gtk2::Label->new(N("Internet Connection Configuration")), 1, gtkadd(gtkcreate_frame(N("Internet access")), gtkset_border_width(create_packtable({ col_spacings => 5, row_spacings => 5, homogenous => 1 }, [ Gtk2::Label->new(N("Connection type: ")), Gtk2::Label->new(translate($netcnx->{type})) ], [ $int_label, $interface_name ], [ Gtk2::Label->new(N("Status:")), $int_state = Gtk2::Label->new(N("Testing your connection...")) ] ), 5), ), 1, gtkadd(gtkcreate_frame(N("Parameters")), gtkset_border_width($param_vbox, 5)), 0, gtkpack(create_hbox('edge'), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Cancel")), clicked => $exit_dialogsub), gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new(N("Ok")), clicked => sub { foreach my $i (0..$#conf_data) { ${$conf_data[$i][1]} = $infos[2*$i+1]->get_text; }; # called from old GUI? if ($label_host) { update(); $button_apply->set_sensitive(1); } else { configureNetwork2($in, '', $netc, $intf); write_resolv_conf("/etc/resolv.conf", $netc); } $exit_dialogsub->(); }), ), ), ); $dialog->{rwindow}->show_all; Glib::Timeout->add(200, \&update_intbutt); $dialog->main; ugtk2->exit(0); }