package resize_fat::directory; use diagnostics; use strict; use common qw(:system); use resize_fat::dir_entry; use resize_fat::io; my $format = "a8 a3 C C C S7 I"; my @fields = ( 'name', 'extension', 'attributes', 'is_upper_case_name', 'creation_time_low', # milliseconds 'creation_time_high', 'creation_date', 'access_date', 'first_cluster_high', # for FAT32 'time', 'date', 'first_cluster', 'length', ); 1; sub entry_size { psizeof($format) } # call `f' for each entry of the directory # if f return true, then modification in the entry are taken back sub traverse($$$) { my ($fs, $directory, $f) = @_; for (my $i = 0;; $i++) { my $raw = \substr($directory, $i * psizeof($format), psizeof($format)); # empty entry means end of directory $$raw =~ /^\0*$/ and return $directory; my $entry; @{$entry}{@fields} = unpack $format, $$raw; &$f($entry) and $$raw = pack $format, @{$entry}{@fields}; } $directory; } sub traverse_all($$) { my ($fs, $f) = @_; my $traverse_all; $traverse_all = sub { my ($entry) = @_; &$f($entry); resize_fat::dir_entry::is_directory($entry) and traverse($fs, resize_fat::io::read_file($fs, resize_fat::dir_entry::get_cluster($entry)), $traverse_all); undef; # no need to write back (cf traverse) }; my $directory = $resize_fat::isFAT32 ? resize_fat::io::read_file($fs, $fs->{fat32_root_dir_cluster}) : resize_fat::io::read($fs, $fs->{root_dir_offset}, $fs->{root_dir_size}); traverse($fs, $directory, $traverse_all); } # function used by construct_dir_tree to translate the `cluster' fields in each # directory entry sub remap { my ($fs, $directory) = @_; traverse($fs->{fat_remap}, $directory, sub { resize_fat::dir_entry::remap($fs->{fat_remap}, $_[0]) }); }