package proxy; use diagnostics; use strict; use run_program; use common; use log; use c; sub main { my ($prefix, $in) = @_; my $proxy_cfg = {}; my $config_file = "$prefix/usr/lib/wgetrc"; # grab current config foreach (cat_($config_file)) { /http_proxy = (http:.*):(\d+)/ and ($proxy_cfg->{http_url}, $proxy_cfg->{http_port}) = ($1, $2); /ftp_proxy = (ftp:.*):(\d+)/ and ($proxy_cfg->{ftp_url}, $proxy_cfg->{ftp_port}) = ($1, $2); /http_user = (.*)/ and ($proxy_cfg->{login}) = $1; if (/http_passwd = (.*)/) { ($proxy_cfg->{passwd}) = $1; ($proxy_cfg->{passwd2}) = $1; } } begin: $::isWizard = 1; $::Wizard_no_previous = 1; $in->ask_okcancel(_("Proxy configuration"), _("Welcome to the proxy configuration utility.\n\nHere, you'll be able to set up your http and ftp proxies\nwith or without login and password\n" ), 1); # http proxy step_http_proxy: undef $::Wizard_no_previous; $proxy_cfg->{http_url} ||= ""; $in->ask_from(_("Proxy configuration"), _("Please fill in the http proxy informations\nLeave it blank if you don't want an http proxy"), [ { label => _("URL"), val => \$proxy_cfg->{http_url} }, { label => _("port"), val => \$proxy_cfg->{http_port} } ], complete => sub { if ($proxy_cfg->{http_url} && $proxy_cfg->{http_url} !~ /^http:/) { $in->ask_warn('', _("Url should begin with 'http:'")); return (1,0); } if ($proxy_cfg->{http_port} && $proxy_cfg->{http_port} !~ /^\d+$/) { $in->ask_warn('', _("The port part should be numeric")); return (1,1); } 0; } ) or goto begin; # ftp proxy step_ftp_proxy: $proxy_cfg->{ftp_url} ||= ""; $in->ask_from(_("Proxy configuration"), _("Please fill in the ftp proxy informations\nLeave it blank if you don't want an ftp proxy"), [ { label => _("URL"), val => \$proxy_cfg->{ftp_url} }, { label => _("port"), val => \$proxy_cfg->{ftp_port} } ], complete => sub { if ($proxy_cfg->{ftp_url} && $proxy_cfg->{ftp_url} !~ /^ftp:/) { $in->ask_warn('', _("Url should begin with 'ftp:'")); return (1,0); } if ($proxy_cfg->{ftp_port} && $proxy_cfg->{ftp_port} !~ /^\d+$/) { $in->ask_warn('', _("The port part should be numeric")); return (1,1); } 0; } ) or goto step_http_proxy; # proxy login/passwd step_login: $in->ask_from(_("Proxy configuration"), _("Please enter proxy login and password, if any.\nLeave it blank if you don't want login/passwd"), [ { label => _("login"), val => \$proxy_cfg->{login} }, { label => _("password"), val => \$proxy_cfg->{passwd}, hidden => 1 }, { label => _("re-type password"), val => \$proxy_cfg->{passwd2}, hidden => 1 } ], complete => sub { if ($proxy_cfg->{passwd} ne $proxy_cfg->{passwd2}) { $in->ask_warn('', _("The passwords don't match. Try again!")); return(1,1); } 0; } ) or goto step_ftp_proxy; # save config substInFile { s/^(http|ftp)_proxy.*\n//; eof and $_ .= "http_proxy = $proxy_cfg->{http_url}:$proxy_cfg->{http_port} ftp_proxy = $proxy_cfg->{ftp_url}:$proxy_cfg->{ftp_port}\n"; } $config_file; $proxy_cfg->{login} and substInFile { s/^http_(user|passwd).*\n//; eof and $_ .= "http_user = $proxy_cfg->{login} http_passwd = $proxy_cfg->{passwd}\n" } $config_file; log::l("[drakproxy] Installation complete, exiting\n"); } #--------------------------------------------- # WONDERFULL pad #--------------------------------------------- 1; 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191
* @package auth
* @copyright (c) 2013 phpBB Group
* @license GNU General Public License v2

namespace phpbb\auth\provider;

 * The interface authentication provider classes have to implement.
 * @package auth
interface provider_interface
	 * Checks whether the user is currently identified to the authentication
	 * provider.
	 * Called in acp_board while setting authentication plugins.
	 * Changing to an authentication provider will not be permitted in acp_board
	 * if there is an error.
	 * @return 	boolean|string 	False if the user is identified, otherwise an
	 *							error message, or null if not implemented.
	public function init();

	 * Performs login.
	 * @param	string	$username 	The name of the user being authenticated.
	 * @param	string	$password	The password of the user.
	 * @return	array	An associative array of the format:
	 *						array(
	 *							'status' => status constant
	 *							'error_msg' => string
	 *							'user_row' => array
	 *						)
	 *					A fourth key of the array may be present:
	 *					'redirect_data'	This key is only used when 'status' is
	 *					equal to LOGIN_SUCCESS_LINK_PROFILE and its value is an
	 *					associative array that is turned into GET variables on
	 *					the redirect url.
	public function login($username, $password);

	 * Autologin function
	 * @return 	array|null	containing the user row, empty if no auto login
	 * 						should take place, or null if not impletmented.
	public function autologin();

	 * This function is used to output any required fields in the authentication
	 * admin panel. It also defines any required configuration table fields.
	 * @return	array|null	Returns null if not implemented or an array of the
	 *						configuration fields of the provider.
	public function acp();

	 * This function updates the template with variables related to the acp
	 * options with whatever configuraton values are passed to it as an array.
	 * It then returns the name of the acp file related to this authentication
	 * provider.
	 * @param	array	$new_config Contains the new configuration values that
	 *								have been set in acp_board.
	 * @return	array|null		Returns null if not implemented or an array with
	 *							the template file name and an array of the vars
	 *							that the template needs that must conform to the
	 *							following example:
	 *							array(
	 *								'TEMPLATE_FILE'	=> string,
	 *								'TEMPLATE_VARS'	=> array(...),
	 *							)
	 *							An optional third element may be added to this
	 *							array: 'BLOCK_VAR_NAME'. If this is present,
	 *							then its value should be a string that is used
	 *							to designate the name of the loop used in the
	 *							ACP template file. When this is present, an
	 *							additional key named 'BLOCK_VARS' is required.
	 *							This must be an array containing at least one
	 *							array of variables that will be assigned during
	 *							the loop in the template. An example of this is
	 *							presented below:
	 *							array(
	 *								'BLOCK_VAR_NAME'	=> string,
	 *								'BLOCK_VARS'		=> array(
	 *									'KEY IS UNIMPORTANT' => array(...),
	 *								),
	 *								'TEMPLATE_FILE'	=> string,
	 *								'TEMPLATE_VARS'	=> array(...),
	 *							)
	public function get_acp_template($new_config);

	* Returns an array of data necessary to build custom elements on the login
	* form.
	* @return	array|null	If this function is not implemented on an auth
	*						provider then it returns null. If it is implemented
	*						it will return an array of up to four elements of
	*						which only 'TEMPLATE_FILE'. If 'BLOCK_VAR_NAME' is
	*						present then 'BLOCK_VARS' must also be present in
	*						the array. The fourth element 'VARS' is also
	*						optional. The array, with all four elements present
	*						looks like the following:
	*						array(
	*							'TEMPLATE_FILE'		=> string,
	*							'BLOCK_VAR_NAME'	=> string,
	*							'BLOCK_VARS'		=> array(...),
	*							'VARS'				=> array(...),
	*						)
	public function get_login_data();

	 * Performs additional actions during logout.
	 * @param 	array	$data			An array corresponding to
	 *									\phpbb\session::data
	 * @param 	boolean	$new_session	True for a new session, false for no new
	 *									session.
	public function logout($data, $new_session);

	 * The session validation function checks whether the user is still logged
	 * into phpBB.
	 * @param 	array 	$user
	 * @return 	boolean	true if the given user is authenticated, false if the
	 * 					session should be closed, or null if not implemented.
	public function validate_session($user);

	* Checks to see if $login_link_data contains all information except for the
	* user_id of an account needed to successfully link an external account to
	* a forum account.
	* @param	array	$link_data	Any data needed to link a phpBB account to
	*								an external account.
	* @return	string|null	Returns a string with a language constant if there
	*						is data missing or null if there is no error.
	public function login_link_has_necessary_data($login_link_data);

	* Links an external account to a phpBB account.
	* @param	array	$link_data	Any data needed to link a phpBB account to
	*								an external account.
	public function link_account(array $link_data);

	* Returns an array of data necessary to build the ucp_auth_link page
	* @return	array|null	If this function is not implemented on an auth
	*						provider then it returns null. If it is implemented
	*						it will return an array of up to four elements of
	*						which only 'TEMPLATE_FILE'. If 'BLOCK_VAR_NAME' is
	*						present then 'BLOCK_VARS' must also be present in
	*						the array. The fourth element 'VARS' is also
	*						optional. The array, with all four elements present
	*						looks like the following:
	*						array(
	*							'TEMPLATE_FILE'		=> string,
	*							'BLOCK_VAR_NAME'	=> string,
	*							'BLOCK_VARS'		=> array(...),
	*							'VARS'				=> array(...),
	*						)
	public function get_auth_link_data();

	* Unlinks an external account from a phpBB account.
	* @param	array	$link_data	Any data needed to unlink a phpBB account
	*								from a phpbb account.
	public function unlink_account(array $link_data);