package install_interactive;

use diagnostics;
use strict;

use vars;

use common qw(:common :functional);
use fs;
use fsedit;
use log;
use partition_table qw(:types);
use partition_table_raw;
use detect_devices;
use install_steps;
use devices;
use modules;

sub partition_with_diskdrake {
    my ($o, $hds, $nowizard) = @_;
    my $ok = 1;
    do {
	diskdrake::main($hds, $o->{raid}, interactive_gtk->new, $o->{partitions}, $nowizard);
	log::l("diskdrake done");
	delete $o->{wizard} and return partitionWizard($o, 'nodiskdrake');
	my @fstab = fsedit::get_fstab(@$hds);
	unless (fsedit::get_root(\@fstab)) {
	    $ok = 0;
	    $o->ask_okcancel('', _("You must have a root partition.
For this, create a partition (or click on an existing one).
Then choose action ``Mount point'' and set it to `/'"), 1) or return;
	if (!grep { isSwap($_) } @fstab) {
	    $o->ask_warn('', _("You must have a swap partition")), $ok=0 if $::beginner;
	    $ok &&= $::expert || $o->ask_okcancel('', _("You don't have a swap partition\n\nContinue anyway?"));
    } until $ok;

sub partitionWizardSolutions {
    my ($o, $hds, $fstab, $readonly) = @_;
    my @wizlog;
    my (@solutions, %solutions);

    my $min_linux = 500 << 11;
    my $max_linux = 2500 << 11;
    my $min_swap = 50 << 11;
    my $max_swap = 300 << 11;
    my $min_freewin = 100 << 11;

    # each solution is a [ score, text, function ], where the function retunrs true if succeeded

    my @good_hds = grep { partition_table::can_raw_add($_) } @$hds;
    if (fsedit::free_space(@good_hds) > $min_linux and !$readonly) {
	$solutions{free_space} = [ 20, _("Use free space"), sub { fsedit::auto_allocate($hds, $o->{partitions}); 1 } ]
    } else { 
	push @wizlog, _("Not enough free space to allocate new partitions") . ": " .
	  (@good_hds ? 
	   fsedit::free_space(@good_hds) . " < $min_linux" :
	   "no harddrive on which partitions can be added") if !$readonly;

    if (@$fstab) {
	my $truefs = grep { isTrueFS($_) } @$fstab;
	#- value twice the ext2 partitions
	$solutions{existing_part} = [ 6 + $truefs + @$fstab, _("Use existing partition"), sub { $o->ask_mntpoint_s($fstab) } ]
    } else {
	push @wizlog, _("There is no existing partition to use");

    my @fats = grep { isFat($_) } @$fstab;
    fs::df($_) foreach @fats;
    if (my @ok_forloopback = sort { $b->{free} <=> $a->{free} } grep { $_->{free} > $min_linux + $min_freewin } @fats) {
	$solutions{loopback} = 
	  [ -10 - @fats, _("Use the FAT partition for loopback"), 
	    sub { 
		my ($s_root, $s_swap);
		my $part = $o->ask_from_listf('', _("Which partition do you want to use to put Linux4Win?"), \&partition_table_raw::description, \@ok_forloopback) or return;
		$o->ask_from_entries_refH('', _("Choose the sizes"), [ 
		   _("Root partition size in MB: ") => { val => \$s_root, min => 1 + ($min_linux >> 11), max => min($part->{free} - 2 * $max_swap - $min_freewin, $max_linux) >> 11, type => 'range' },
		   _("Swap partition size in MB: ") => { val => \$s_swap, min => 1 + ($min_swap >> 11),  max => 2 * $max_swap >> 11, type => 'range' },
		]) or return;
		push @{$part->{loopback}}, 
		  { type => 0x83, loopback_file => '/lnx4win/linuxsys.img', mntpoint => '/',    size => $s_root << 11, device => $part, notFormatted => 1 },
		  { type => 0x82, loopback_file => '/lnx4win/swapfile',     mntpoint => 'swap', size => $s_swap << 11, device => $part, notFormatted => 1 };
	    } ];
	$solutions{resize_fat} = 
	  [ 6 - @fats, _("Use the free space on the Windows partition"),
	    sub {
		my $part = $o->ask_from_listf('', _("Which partition do you want to resize?"), \&partition_table_raw::description, \@ok_forloopback) or return;
		my $w = $o->wait_message(_("Resizing"), _("Computing Windows filesystem bounds"));
		my $resize_fat = eval { resize_fat::main->new($part->{device}, devices::make($part->{device})) };
		$@ and die _("The FAT resizer is unable to handle your partition, 
the following error occured: %s", $@);
		my $min_win = $resize_fat->min_size;
		$part->{size} > $min_linux + $min_freewin + $min_win or die _("Your Windows partition is too fragmented, please run ``defrag'' first");
		$o->ask_okcancel('', _("WARNING!

DrakX will now resize your Windows partition. Be careful: this operation is
dangerous. If you have not already done so, you should first exit the
installation, run scandisk under Windows (and optionally run defrag), then
restart the installation. You should also backup your data.
When sure, press Ok.")) or return;

		my $size = $part->{size};
		$o->ask_from_entries_refH('', _("Which size do you want to keep for windows on"), [
                   _("partition %s", partition_table_raw::description($part)) => { val => \$size, min => 1 + ($min_win >> 11), max => ($part->{size} - $min_linux) >> 11, type => 'range' },
                ]) or return;
		$size <<= 11;

		local *log::l = sub { $w->set(join(' ', @_)) };
		eval { $resize_fat->resize($size) };
		$@ and die _("FAT resizing failed: %s", $@);

		$part->{size} = $size;
		$part->{isFormatted} = 1;
		my ($hd) = grep { $_->{device} eq $part->{rootDevice} } @$hds;
		$hd->{isDirty} = $hd->{needKernelReread} = 1;
		partition_table::adjust_local_extended($hd, $part);

		fsedit::auto_allocate($hds, $o->{partitions});
	    } ] if !$readonly;
    } else {
	push @wizlog, _("There is no FAT partitions to resize or to use as loopback (or not enough space left)");

    if (@$fstab && !$readonly) {
	$solutions{wipe_drive} =
	  [ 10, fsedit::is_one_big_fat($hds) ? _("Remove Windows(TM)") : _("Erase entire disk"), 
	    sub {
		my $hd = $o->ask_from_listf('', _("You have more than one hard drive, which one do you install linux on?"),
					    \&partition_table_raw::description, $hds) or return;
		$o->ask_okcancel('', _("ALL existing partitions and their data will be lost on drive %s", partition_table_raw::description($hd))) or return;
		fsedit::auto_allocate($hds, $o->{partitions});
	    } ];

    if (!$readonly && ref($o) =~ /gtk/) { #- diskdrake only available in gtk for now
	require diskdrake;
	$solutions{diskdrake} = [ 0, ($::beginner ? _("Expert mode") : _("Use diskdrake")), sub { partition_with_diskdrake($o, $hds, 'nowizard') } ];

    $solutions{fdisk} =
      [ -10, _("Use fdisk"), sub { 
	    foreach (@$hds) {
		print "\n" x 10, _("You can now partition %s.
When you are done, don't forget to save using `w'", partition_table_raw::description($_));
		print "\n\n";
		my $pid = fork or exec "fdisk", devices::make($_->{device});
		waitpid($pid, 0);
	} ] if $o->{partitioning}{fdisk};

    log::l("partitioning wizard log:\n", (map { ">>wizlog>>$_\n" } @wizlog));

sub partitionWizard {
    my ($o, $nodiskdrake) = @_;

    my %solutions = partitionWizardSolutions($o, $o->{hds}, $o->{fstab}, $o->{partitioning}{readonly});
    delete $solutions{diskdrake} if $nodiskdrake;

    my @solutions = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } values %solutions;

    my $level = $::beginner ? 0 : $::expert ? -9999 : -10;
    my @sol = grep { $_->[0] >= $level } @solutions;
    @solutions = @sol if @sol > 1;

    my $ok; while (!$ok) {
	my $sol = $o->ask_from_listf('', _("The DrakX Partitioning wizard found the following solutions:"), sub { $_->[1] }, \@solutions) or redo;
	eval { $ok = $sol->[2]->() };
	die if $@ =~ /setstep/;
	$ok &&= !$@;
	$@ and $o->ask_warn('', _("Partitioning failed: %s", $@));

#- wait_load_module moved to
#- load_module moved to
#-load_thiskind moved to
#-setup_thiskind moved to

sub upNetwork {
    my ($o, $pppAvoided) = @_;
    my $w = $o->wait_message('', _("Bringing up the network"));
    install_steps::upNetwork($o, $pppAvoided);
sub downNetwork {
    my ($o, $pppOnly) = @_;
    my $w = $o->wait_message('', _("Bringing down the network"));
    install_steps::downNetwork($o, $pppOnly);
