
# $o->{hints}->{component} *was* 'Workstation' or 'Server' or NULL

use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars qw($testing $INSTALL_VERSION $o);

use lib qw(/usr/bin/perl-install . c c/blib/arch);
use common qw(:common :file :system);
use install_any qw(:all);
use log;
use net;
use keyboard;
use fs;
use fsedit;
use install_steps_graphical;
use install_methods;
use modules;
use partition_table qw(:types);
use detect_devices;
use smp;


my @installStepsFields = qw(text skipOnCancel skipOnLocal prev next);
my @installSteps = (
  selectInstallClass => [ "Select installation class", 0, 0 ],
  setupSCSI => [ "Setup SCSI", 0, 1 ],	
  partitionDisks => [ "Setup filesystems", 0, 1 ],
  findInstallFiles => [ "Find installation files", 1, 0 ],
  choosePackages => [ "Choose packages to install", 0, 0 ],
  doInstallStep => [ "Install system", 0, 0 ],
#  configureMouse => [ "Configure mouse", 0, 0 ],
  finishNetworking => [ "Configure networking", 0, 0 ],
#  configureTimezone => [ "Configure timezone", 0, 0 ],
#  configureServices => [ "Configure services", 0, 0 ],
#  configurePrinter => [ "Configure printer", 0, 0 ],
  setRootPassword => [ "Set root password", 0, 0 ],
  addUser => [ "Add a user", 0, 0 ],
  createBootdisk => [ "Create bootdisk", 0, 1 ],
  setupBootloader => [ "Install bootloader", 0, 1 ],
#  configureX => [ "Configure X", 0, 0 ],
  exitInstall => [ "Exit install", 0, 0, undef, 'done' ],

# this table is translated at run time
my @upgradeSteps = (
  setupSCSI => [ "Setup SCSI", 0, 0 ],
  upgrFindInstall => [ "Find current installation", 0, 0 ],
  findInstallFiles => [ "Find installation files", 1, 0 ],
  upgrChoosePackages => [ "Choose packages to upgrade", 0, 0 ],
  doInstallStep => [ "Upgrade system", 0, 0 ],
  createBootdisk => [ "Create bootdisk", 0, 0 , 'none' ],
  setupBootloader => [ "Install bootloader", 0, 0 ],
  exitInstall => [ "Exit install", 0, 0 , undef, 'done' ],
my (%installSteps, %upgradeSteps);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @installSteps; $i += 2) {
    my %h; @h{@installStepsFields} = @{ $installSteps[$i + 1] };
    $h{prev} ||= $installSteps[$i - 2];
    $h{next} ||= $installSteps[$i + 2];
    $installSteps{ $installSteps[$i] } = \%h;
$installSteps{first} = $installSteps[0];
for (my $i = 0; $i < @upgradeSteps; $i += 2) {
    my %h; @h{@installStepsFields} = @{ $upgradeSteps[$i + 1] };
    $h{prev} ||= $upgradeSteps[$i - 2];
    $h{next} ||= $upgradeSteps[$i + 2];
    $upgradeSteps{ $upgradeSteps[$i] } = \%h;
$upgradeSteps{first} = $upgradeSteps[0];

# partition layout for a server
my @serverPartitioning = (
		     { mntpoint => "/boot", size =>  16 << 11, type => 0x83 }, 
		     { mntpoint => "/",     size => 256 << 11, type => 0x83 }, 
		     { mntpoint => "/usr",  size => 512 << 11, type => 0x83, growable => 1 }, 
		     { mntpoint => "/var",  size => 256 << 11, type => 0x83 }, 
		     { mntpoint => "/home", size => 512 << 11, type => 0x83, growable => 1 }, 
		     { mntpoint => "swap",  size =>  64 << 11, type => 0x82 }

my $default = {
#    display => "",
    user => { name => 'foo', password => 'foo', shell => '/bin/bash', realname => 'really, it is foo' },
    rootPassword => 'toto',
    lang => 'us',
    isUpgrade => 0,
    installClass => 'Server',
    bootloader => { onmbr => 1, linear => 0 },
    mkbootdisk => 0,
    comps => [ qw() ],
    packages => [ qw() ],
    partitionning => { clearall => 1, eraseBadPartitions => 1, autoformat => 1 },
    partitions => [
		   { mntpoint => "/boot", size =>  16 << 11, type => 0x83 }, 
		   { mntpoint => "/",     size => 300 << 11, type => 0x83 }, 
		   { mntpoint => "swap",  size =>  64 << 11, type => 0x82 },
#		   { mntpoint => "/usr",  size => 400 << 11, type => 0x83, growable => 1 }, 
$o = { default => $default };

sub selectPath {
    $o->{isUpgrade} = $o->selectInstallOrUpgrade;
    $o->{steps} = $o->{isUpgrade} ? \%upgradeSteps : \%installSteps;

sub selectInstallClass {
    $o->{installClass} = $o->selectInstallClass;

    if ($o->{installClass} eq 'Server') {

sub setupSCSI {
    $o->{direction} < 0 && detect_devices::hasSCSI() and return;

    # If we have any scsi adapters configured from earlier, then don't bother asking again
    while (my ($k, $v) = each %modules::loaded) {
	$v->{type} eq 'scsi' and return;
#    $o->setupSCSIInterfaces(0, \%modules::loaded, $o->{hints}->{flags}->{autoscsi}, $o->{direction});

sub partitionDisks {
    $o->{drives} = [ detect_devices::hds() ];
    $o->{hds} = fsedit::hds($o->{drives}, $o->{default}->{partitionning});
    @{$o->{hds}} > 0 or die "An error has occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new filesystems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problem";

    unless ($o->{isUpgrade}) {

	unless ($testing) {
	    # Write partitions to disk 
	    foreach (@{$o->{hds}}) { partition_table::write($_); }

    $o->{fstab} = [ fsedit::get_fstab(@{$o->{hds}}) ];

    my $root_fs; map { $_->{mntpoint} eq '/' and $root_fs = $_ } @{$o->{fstab}};
    $root_fs or die "partitionning failed: no root filesystem";


    $testing and return;

    foreach (@{$o->{fstab}}) {
	fs::format_part($_) if $_->{toFormat};
    fs::mount_all([ grep { isExt2($_) || isSwap($_) } @{$o->{fstab}} ], $o->{prefix});

sub findInstallFiles {
    $o->{packages} = $o->{method}->getPackageSet;
    $o->{comps} = $o->{method}->getComponentSet($o->{packages});
sub choosePackages { 
    $o->choosePackages($o->{packages}, $o->{comps}); 
    smp::detect() and $o->{packages}->{"kernel-smp"}->{selected} = 1;

sub doInstallStep {

sub configureMouse { $o->mouseConfig }
sub finishNetworking { $o->finishNetworking }
sub configureTimezone { $o->timeConfig }
sub configureServices { $o->servicesConfig }
sub setRootPassword { $o->setRootPassword }
sub addUser { $o->addUser }

sub createBootdisk {
    $testing and return;
    $o->{isUpgrade} or fs::write($o->{prefix}, $o->{fstab});
    modules::write_conf("$o->{prefix}/etc/conf.modules", 'append');

sub setupBootloader {
    $o->{isUpgrade} or modules::read_conf("$o->{prefix}/etc/conf.modules");

sub configureX { $o->setupXfree; }

sub exitInstall { $o->exitInstall }

sub main {
    $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { chomp $_[0]; log::l("ERROR: $_[0]") };

    #  if this fails, it's okay -- it might help with free space though 
    unlink "/sbin/install";
    symlink '/tmp/rhimage/usr/X11R6', '/usr/X11R6';

    print STDERR "in second stage install\n";
    log::openLog(($testing || $o->{localInstall}) && 'debug.log');
    log::l("second stage install running (version $INSTALL_VERSION)");
    log::ld("extra log messages are enabled");

    #  make sure we don't pick up any gunk from the outside world 
    $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:$o->{prefix}/sbin:$o->{prefix}/bin:$o->{prefix}/usr/sbin:$o->{prefix}/usr/bin:$o->{prefix}/usr/X11R6/bin";

    eval { spawnShell() };

    $o->{prefix} = $testing ? "/tmp/test-perl-install" : "/mnt";
    mkdir $o->{prefix}, 0755;
    $o->{method} = install_methods->new('cdrom');

    $o = install_steps_graphical->new($o);

    $o->{lang} = $o->chooseLanguage;

    $o->{netc} = net::readNetConfig("/tmp");
    if (my ($file) = glob_('/tmp/ifcfg-*')) {
	log::l("found network config file $file");
	$o->{intf} = net::readNetInterfaceConfig($file);

    log::l("reading /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc");
    c::rpmReadConfigFiles() or die "can't read rpm config files";


    $o->{keyboard} = eval { keyboard::read("/tmp/keyboard") } || $default->{keyboard};


    for (my $step = $o->{steps}->{first}; $step ne 'done'; $step = getNextStep($step)) {
	log::l("entering step $step");
	&{$main::{$step}}() and $o->{steps}->{completed} = 1;
	log::l("step $step finished");

    log::l("installation complete, leaving");

    <STDIN> unless $testing;

sub killCardServices { 
    my $pid = cat_("/tmp/cardmgr.pid");
    $pid and kill(15, chop_($pid)); # send SIGTERM
