package install2; use diagnostics; use strict; use vars qw($o); use common qw(:common :file :system :functional); use install_any qw(:all); use log; use network; use keyboard; use fs; use fsedit; use modules; use partition_table qw(:types); use detect_devices; use pkgs; use smp; use lang; use printer; use run_program; use install_steps_graphical; use Data::Dumper; my %stepsHelp = ( selectLanguage => __("Choose preferred language for install and system usage."), selectKeyboard => __("Choose on the list of keyboards, the one corresponding to yours"), selectPath => __("Choose \"Installation\" if there are no previous versions of Linux installed, or if you wish use to multiple distributions or versions. Choose \"Update\" if you wish to update a previous version of Mandrake Linux: 5.1 (Venice), 5.2 (Leeloo), 5.3 (Festen) or 6.0 (Venus)."), selectInstallClass => __("Select: - Beginner: If you have not installed Linux before, or wish to install the distribution elected \"Product of the year\" for 1999, click here. - Developer: If you are familiar with Linux and will be using the computer primarily for software development, you will find happiness here. - Server: If you wish to install a general purpose server, or the Linux distribution elected \"Distribution/Server\" for 1999, select this. - Expert: If you know GNU/Linux and want to perform a highly customized installation, this Install Class is for you."), setupSCSI => __("The system did not detect a SCSI card. If you have one (or several) click on \"Yes\" and choose the module\(s) to be tested. Otherwise, select \"No\". If you don't know if your computer has SCSI interfaces, consult the original documentation delivered with the computer, or if you use Microsoft Windows 95/98, inspect the information available via the \"Control panel\", \"System's icon, \"Device Manager\" tab."), partitionDisks => __("At this point, hard drive partitions must be defined. (Unless you are overwriting a previous install of Linux and have already defined your hard drives partitions as desired.) This operation consists of logically dividing the computer's hard drive capacity into separate areas for use. Two common partition are: \"root\" which is the point at which the filesystem's directory structure starts, and \"boot\", which contains those files necessary to start the operating system when the computer is first turned on. Because the effects of this process are usually irreversible, partitioning can be intimidating and stressful to the inexperienced. DiskDrake simplifies the process so that it need not be. Consult the documentation and take your time before proceeding."), formatPartitions => __("Any partitions that have been newly defined must be formatted for use. At this time, you may wish to re-format some pre-existing partitions to erase the data they contain. Note: it is not necessary to re-format pre-existing partitions, particularly if they contain files or data you wish to keep. Typically retained are: /home and /usr/local."), choosePackages => __("You may now select the packages you wish to install. Please note that some packages require the installation of others. These are referred to as package dependencies. The packages you select, and the packages they require will automatically be added to the installation configuration. It is impossible to install a package without installing all of its dependencies. Information on each category and specific package is available in the area titled \"Info\". This is located above the buttons: [confirmation] [selection] [unselection]."), doInstallStep => __("The packages selected are now being installed. This operation should only take a few minutes."), configureMouse => __("Help"), configureNetwork => __("Help"), configureTimezone => __("Help"), configureServices => __("Help"), configurePrinter => __("Help"), setRootPassword => __("An administrator password for your Linux system must now be assigned. The password must be entered twice to verify that both password entries are identical. Choose this password carefully. Only persons with access to an administrator account can maintain and administer the system. Alternatively, unauthorized use of an administrator account can be extremely dangerous to the integrity of the system, the data upon it, and other systems with which it is interfaced. The password should be a mixture of alphanumeric characters and a least 8 characters long. It should never be written down. Do not make the password too long or complicated that it will be difficult to remember. When you login as Administrator, at \"login\" type \"root\" and at \"password\", type the password that was created here."), addUser => __("You can now authorize one or more people to use your Linux system. Each user account will have their own customizable environment. It is very important that you create a regular user account, even if there will only be one principle user of the system. The administrative \"root\" account should not be used for day to day operation of the computer. It is a security risk. The use of a regular user account protects you and the system from yourself. The root account should only be used for administrative and maintenance tasks that can not be accomplished from a regular user account."), createBootdisk => __("Help"), setupBootloader => __("You need to indicate where you wish to place the information required to boot to Linux. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, choose \"First sector of drive\"."), configureX => __("It is now time to configure the video card and monitor configuration for the X windows Graphic User Interface (GUI). First select your monitor. Next, you may test the configuration and change your selections if necessary."), exitInstall => __("Help"), ); my @installStepsFields = qw(text redoable onError needs entered reachable toBeDone help next done); my @installSteps = ( selectLanguage => [ __("Choose your language"), 1, 1 ], selectPath => [ __("Choose install or upgrade"), 0, 0 ], selectInstallClass => [ __("Select installation class"), 1, 1, "selectPath" ], selectKeyboard => [ __("Choose your keyboard"), 1, 1 ], setupSCSI => [ __("Setup SCSI"), 1, 0 ], partitionDisks => [ __("Setup filesystems"), 1, 0 ], formatPartitions => [ __("Format partitions"), 1, -1, "partitionDisks" ], choosePackages => [ __("Choose packages to install"), 1, 1, "selectInstallClass" ], doInstallStep => [ __("Install system"), 1, -1, ["formatPartitions", "selectPath"] ], configureMouse => [ __("Configure mouse"), 1, 1, "formatPartitions" ], configureNetwork => [ __("Configure networking"), 1, 1, "formatPartitions" ], configureTimezone => [ __("Configure timezone"), 1, 1, "doInstallStep" ], # configureServices => [ __("Configure services"), 0, 0 ], configurePrinter => [ __("Configure printer"), 1, 0, ], setRootPassword => [ __("Set root password"), 1, 1, "formatPartitions" ], addUser => [ __("Add a user"), 1, 1, "doInstallStep" ], createBootdisk => [ __("Create bootdisk"), 1, 0, "doInstallStep" ], setupBootloader => [ __("Install bootloader"), 1, 1, "doInstallStep" ], configureX => [ __("Configure X"), 1, 0, "doInstallStep" ], exitInstall => [ __("Exit install"), 0, 0, "alldone" ], ); my (%installSteps, %upgradeSteps, @orderedInstallSteps, @orderedUpgradeSteps); for (my $i = 0; $i < @installSteps; $i += 2) { my %h; @h{@installStepsFields} = @{ $installSteps[$i + 1] }; $h{help} = $stepsHelp{$installSteps[$i]} || __("Help"); $h{next} = $installSteps[$i + 2]; $h{onError} = $installSteps[$i + 2 * $h{onError}]; $installSteps{ $installSteps[$i] } = \%h; push @orderedInstallSteps, $installSteps[$i]; } #TOSEE bug avec #%installSteps = # map_tab_hash { # my ($i, $h) = @_; # $h->{help} = $stepsHelp{$installSteps[$i]} || __("Help"); # $h->{next} = $installSteps[$i + 2]; # $h->{onError} = $installSteps[$i + 2 * $h->{onError}]; ## $h->{toBeDone} = []; SEMBLE FIXE les PBS ## $h->{entered} = 0; # push @orderedInstallSteps, $installSteps[$i]; # } \@installStepsFields, @installSteps; #print Dumper(\%installSteps); $installSteps{first} = $installSteps[0]; my @install_classes = (__("beginner"), __("developer"), __("server"), __("expert")); # partition layout for a server #NOT YET USED my @serverPartitioning = ( { mntpoint => "/boot", size => 16 << 11, type => 0x83 }, { mntpoint => "/", size => 256 << 11, type => 0x83 }, { mntpoint => "/usr", size => 512 << 11, type => 0x83, growable => 1 }, { mntpoint => "/var", size => 256 << 11, type => 0x83 }, { mntpoint => "/home", size => 512 << 11, type => 0x83, growable => 1 }, { mntpoint => "swap", size => 64 << 11, type => 0x82 } ); #all the fields can be also present in $o, (in that case it overides) my $default = { bootloader => { onmbr => 1, linear => 0 }, autoSCSI => 0, mkbootdisk => "fd0", # no mkbootdisk if 0 or undef, find a floppy with 1 packages => [ qw() ], partitioning => { clearall => $::testing, eraseBadPartitions => 0, auto_allocate => 0, autoformat => 0 }, partitions => [ { mntpoint => "/boot", size => 16 << 11, type => 0x83 }, { mntpoint => "/", size => 300 << 11, type => 0x83 }, { mntpoint => "swap", size => 64 << 11, type => 0x82 }, # { mntpoint => "/usr", size => 400 << 11, type => 0x83, growable => 1 }, ], shells => [ map { "/bin/$_" } qw(bash tcsh zsh ash ksh) ], lang => 'us', isUpgrade => 0, installClass => 'beginner', printer => { str_type => $printer::printer_type[0], QUEUE => "lp", SPOOLDIR => "/var/spool/lpd/lp", }, # keyboard => 'de', # display => "", }; #the big struct which contain, well everything (globals + the interactive methods ...) #if you want to do a kickstart file, you just have to add all the required fields (see for example #the variable $default) $o = $::o = { default => $default, steps => \%installSteps, orderedSteps => \@orderedInstallSteps, installClass => "beginner", base => [ qw(basesystem initscripts console-tools mkbootdisk linuxconf anacron linux_logo rhs-hwdiag utempter ldconfig chkconfig ntsysv mktemp setup setuptool filesystem MAKEDEV SysVinit ash at authconfig bash bdflush binutils console-tools crontabs dev e2fsprogs ed etcskel file fileutils findutils getty_ps gpm grep groff gzip hdparm info initscripts isapnptools kbdconfig kernel less ldconfig lilo logrotate losetup man mkinitrd mingetty modutils mount net-tools passwd procmail procps psmisc mandrake-release rootfiles rpm sash sed setconsole setserial shadow-utils sh-utils slocate stat sysklogd tar termcap textutils time timeconfig tmpwatch util-linux vim-minimal vixie-cron which cpio) ], # for the list of fields available for user and superuser, see @etc_pass_fields in # user => { name => 'foo', password => 'bar', home => '/home/foo', shell => '/bin/bash', realname => 'really, it is foo' }, # superuser => { password => 'a', shell => '/bin/bash', realname => 'God' }, # intf => [ { DEVICE => "eth0", IPADDR => '', NETMASK => '' } ], #step : the current one #prefix #mouse #keyboard #netc #autoSCSI drives hds fstab #methods #packages compss #printer haveone entry(cf }; # each step function are called with two arguments : clicked(because if you are a beginner you can force the # the step) and the entered number sub selectLanguage { lang::set($o->{lang} = $o->chooseLanguage); $o->{keyboard} = $o->default("keyboard") || keyboard::lang2keyboard($o->{lang}); keyboard::setup($o->{keyboard}); addToBeDone { unless ($o->{isUpgrade}) { lang::write($o->{prefix}); keyboard::write($o->{prefix}, $o->{keyboard}); } } 'doInstallStep'; } sub selectKeyboard { my ($clicked) = $_[0]; return if $o->{installClass} eq "beginner" && !$clicked; $o->{keyboard} = $o->chooseKeyboard; keyboard::setup($o->{keyboard}); #if we go back to the selectKeyboard, you must rewrite addToBeDone { keyboard::write($o->{prefix}, $o->{keyboard}) unless $o->{isUpgrade}; } 'doInstallStep'; } sub selectPath { $o->{isUpgrade} = $o->selectInstallOrUpgrade; $o->{steps} = $o->{isUpgrade} ? \%upgradeSteps : \%installSteps; $o->{orderedSteps} = $o->{isUpgrade} ? \@orderedUpgradeSteps : \@orderedInstallSteps; } sub selectInstallClass { $o->{installClass} = $o->selectInstallClass(@install_classes); $::expert = $o->{installClass} eq "expert"; } sub setupSCSI { $o->{autoSCSI} ||= $o->{installClass} eq "beginner"; $o->setupSCSI($o->{autoSCSI} && !$_[0]); } sub partitionDisks { $o->{drives} = [ detect_devices::hds() ]; $o->{hds} = catch_cdie { fsedit::hds($o->{drives}, $o->{default}{partitioning}) } sub { $o->ask_warn(_("Error"), _("I can't read your partition table, it's too corrupted for me :( I'll try to go on blanking bad partitions")); 1; }; unless (@{$o->{hds}} > 0) { $o->setupSCSI if $o->{autoSCSI}; # ask for an unautodetected scsi card } unless (@{$o->{hds}} > 0) { # no way die _("An error has occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new filesystems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problem"); } unless ($o->{isUpgrade}) { eval { fsedit::auto_allocate($o->{hds}, $o->{partitions}) } if $o->{default}{partitioning}{auto_allocate}; $o->doPartitionDisks($o->{hds}); unless ($::testing) { $o->rebootNeeded foreach grep { $_->{rebootNeeded} } @{$o->{hds}}; } } $o->{fstab} = [ fsedit::get_fstab(@{$o->{hds}}) ]; my $root_fs; map { $_->{mntpoint} eq '/' and $root_fs = $_ } @{$o->{fstab}}; $root_fs or die _("partitioning failed: no root filesystem"); } sub formatPartitions { $o->choosePartitionsToFormat($o->{fstab}); unless ($::testing) { $o->formatPartitions(@{$o->{fstab}}); fs::mount_all([ grep { isExt2($_) || isSwap($_) } @{$o->{fstab}} ], $o->{prefix}); } mkdir "$o->{prefix}/$_", 0755 foreach qw(dev etc etc/sysconfig etc/sysconfig/network-scripts home mnt tmp var var/tmp var/lib var/lib/rpm); #) } sub choosePackages { install_any::setPackages($o) if $_[1] == 1; $o->choosePackages($o->{packages}, $o->{compss}); $o->{packages}{$_}{base} = 1 foreach @{$o->{base}}; } sub doInstallStep { install_any::setPackages($o) unless $_[1]; # FIXME $o->beforeInstallPackages; $o->installPackages($o->{packages}); $o->afterInstallPackages; } sub configureMouse { $o->mouseConfig } sub configureNetwork { $o->configureNetwork($_[1] == 1 && !$_[0]) } sub configureTimezone { my $f = "$o->{prefix}/etc/sysconfig/clock"; return if ((-s $f) || 0) > 0 && $_[1] == 1 && !$_[0]; $o->timeConfig($f); } sub configureServices { $o->servicesConfig } sub configurePrinter { $o->printerConfig } sub setRootPassword { $o->setRootPassword } sub addUser { $o->addUser; addToBeDone { run_program::rooted($o->{prefix}, "pwconv") or log::l("pwconv failed"); # use shadow passwords } 'doInstallStep'; } sub createBootdisk { fs::write($o->{prefix}, $o->{fstab}) unless $o->{isUpgrade}; modules::write_conf("$o->{prefix}/etc/conf.modules", 'append'); $o->createBootdisk($_[1] == 1); } sub setupBootloader { $o->setupBootloader; } sub configureX { $o->setupXfree if $o->{packages}{XFree86}{installed} || $_[0]; } sub exitInstall { $o->exitInstall } sub main { $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { chomp $_[0]; log::l("ERROR: $_[0]") }; # if this fails, it's okay -- it might help with free space though unlink "/sbin/install" unless $::testing; unlink "/sbin/insmod" unless $::testing; print STDERR "in second stage install\n"; log::openLog(($::testing || $o->{localInstall}) && 'debug.log'); log::l("second stage install running"); log::ld("extra log messages are enabled"); $o->{prefix} = $::testing ? "/tmp/test-perl-install" : "/mnt"; mkdir $o->{prefix}, 0755; # make sure we don't pick up any gunk from the outside world $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:$o->{prefix}/sbin:$o->{prefix}/bin:$o->{prefix}/usr/sbin:$o->{prefix}/usr/bin:$o->{prefix}/usr/X11R6/bin"; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = ""; #really needed ?? spawnSync(); eval { spawnShell() }; # needed very early for install_steps_graphical $o->{mouse} = install_any::mouse_detect() unless $::testing || $o->{mouse}; $o = install_steps_graphical->new($o); $o->{netc} = network::read_conf("/tmp/network"); if (my ($file) = glob_('/tmp/ifcfg-*')) { log::l("found network config file $file"); my $l = network::read_interface_conf($file); add2hash(network::findIntf($o->{intf} ||= [], $l->{DEVICE}), $l); } modules::load_deps("/modules/modules.dep"); modules::get_stage1_conf("/tmp/conf.modules"); modules::read_already_loaded(); while (@_) { local $_ = shift; if (/--method/) { $o->{method} = $_ = shift; if (/ftp/) { require ''; local $^W = 0; *install_any::getFile = \&ftp::getFile; } } elsif (/--step/) { $o->{steps}{first} = shift; } elsif (/--expert/) { $::expert = 1; } } my $clicked = 0; for ($o->{step} = $o->{steps}{first};; $o->{step} = getNextStep()) { $o->enteringStep($o->{step}); $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{entered}++; eval { &{$install2::{$o->{step}}}($clicked, $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{entered}); }; $clicked = 0; $@ =~ /^setstep (.*)/ and $o->{step} = $1, $clicked = 1, redo; $@ =~ /^theme_changed$/ and redo; if ($@) { $o->errorInStep($@); $o->{step} = $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{onError}; redo; } $o->leavingStep($o->{step}); $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{done} = 1; last if $o->{step} eq 'exitInstall'; } killCardServices(); log::l("installation complete, leaving"); } sub killCardServices { my $pid = chop_(cat_("/tmp/")); $pid and kill(15, $pid); # send SIGTERM }