package bttv;

use strict;

use interactive;
use detect_devices;
use lang;
use log;
use MDK::Common;
use modules;

# please update me on bttv update :

my $default = _("Auto-detect");
my %tuners_lst = 
	-1 => $default,
	0 => "Temic|PAL (4002 FH5)",
	1 => "Philips|PAL_I",
	2 => "Philips|NTSC",
	3 => "Philips|SECAM",
	4 => "NoTuner",
	5 => "Philips|PAL",
	6 => "Temic|NTSC (4032 FY5)",
	7 => "Temic|PAL_I (4062 FY5)",
	8 => "Temic|NTSC (4036 FY5)",
	9 => "Alps|HSBH1",
	10 => "Alps|TSBE1",
	11 => "Alps|TSBB5",
	12 => "Alps|TSBE5",
	13 => "Alps|TSBC5",
	14 => "Temic|PAL_BG (4006FH5)",
	15 => "Alps|TSCH6",
	16 => "Temic|PAL_DK (4016 FY5)",
	17 => "Philips|NTSC_M (MK2)",
	18 => "Temic|PAL_I (4066 FY5)",
	19 => "Temic|PAL* auto (4006 FN5)",
	20 => "Temic|PAL_BG (4009 FR5) or PAL_I (4069 FR5)",
	21 => "Temic|NTSC (4039 FR5)",
	22 => "Temic|PAL/SECAM multi (4046 FM5)",
	23 => "Philips|PAL_DK",
	24 => "Philips|PAL/SECAM multi (FQ1216ME)",
	25 => "LG|PAL_I+FM (TAPC-I001D)",
	26 => "LG|PAL_I (TAPC-I701D)",
	27 => "LG|NTSC+FM (TPI8NSR01F)",
	28 => "LG|PAL_BG+FM (TPI8PSB01D)",
	29 => "LG|PAL_BG (TPI8PSB11D)",
	30 => "Temic|PAL* auto + FM (4009 FN5)",
	31 => "SHARP|NTSC_JP (2U5JF5540)",
	32 => "Samsung|PAL TCPM9091PD27",
	33 => "MT2032|universal",
	34 => "Temic|PAL_BG (4106 FH5)",
	35 => "Temic|PAL_DK/SECAM_L (4012 FY5)",
	36 => "Temic|NTSC (4136 FY5)",
	37 => "LG|PAL (newer TAPC series)",
	38 => "Philips|PAL/SECAM multi (FM1216ME)"

# Tweaked from Cardlist
my %cards_lst =
	_("Auto-detect") => -1,
	_("Unknown|Generic") => 0,
	"M|Miro|PCTV" => 1,
	"Hauppauge|bt848" => 2,
	"S|STB|Hauppauge 878" => 3,
	"I|Intel|Create and Share PCI (bttv type 4)" => 4,
	"I|Intel|Smart Video Recorder III (bttv type 4)" => 4,
	"D|Diamond|DTV2000" => 5,
	"A|AVerMedia|TVPhone" => 6,
	"M|MATRIX-Vision|MV-Delta" => 7,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo II (Bt848) LR26" => 8,
	"G|Genius/Kye|Video Wonder Pro II (848 or 878)" => 8,
	"I|IMS/IXmicro|TurboTV" => 9,
	"Hauppauge|bt878" => 10,
	"M|Miro|PCTV pro" => 11,
	"A|ADS Technologies|Channel Surfer TV (bt848)" => 12,
	"A|AVerMedia|TVCapture 98" => 13,
	"A|Aimslab|Video Highway Xtreme (VHX)" => 14,
	"Z|Zoltrix|TV-Max" => 15,
	"P|Prolink|Pixelview PlayTV (bt878)" => 16,
	"L|Leadtek|WinView 601" => 17,
	"A|AVEC|Intercapture" => 18,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyKit LR38 Bt848 (capture only)" => 19,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo II EZ" => 19,
	"C|CEI|Raffles Card" => 20,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo 98" => 21,
	"L|Lucky Star|Image World ConferenceTV LR50" => 21,
	"A|Askey|CPH050" => 22,
	"P|Phoebe Micro|Tv Master + FM" => 22,
	"M|Modular|Technology MM205 PCTV (bt878)" => 23,
	"A|Askey|CPH06X (bt878)" => 24,
	"G|Guillemot|Maxi TV Video 3" => 24,
	"A|Askey|CPH05X (bt878)" => 24,
	_("Unknown|CPH05X (bt878) [many vendors]") => 24,
	_("Unknown|CPH06X (bt878) [many vendors]") => 24,
	"T|Terratec|Terra TV+ Version 1.0 (Bt848)" => 25,
	"Vobis|TV-Boostar" => 25,
	"T|Terratec|TV-Boostar" => 25,
	"Hauppauge|WinCam newer (bt878)" => 26,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo 98" => 27,
	"G|Guillemot|MAXI TV Video PCI2 LR50" => 27,
	"T|Terratec|TerraTV+" => 28,
	"I|Imagenation|PXC200" => 29,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo 98 LR50" => 30,
	"Formac|iProTV" => 31,
	"I|Intel|Create and Share PCI (bttv type 32)" => 32,
	"I|Intel|Smart Video Recorder III (bttv type 32)" => 32,
	"T|Terratec|TerraTValue" => 33,
	"L|Leadtek|WinFast 2000" => 34,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo 98 LR50" => 35,
	"C|Chronos|Video Shuttle II" => 35,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo 98FM LR50" => 36,
	"T|Typhoon|TView TV/FM Tuner" => 36,
	"P|Prolink|PixelView PlayTV pro" => 37,
	"P|Prolink|PixelView PlayTV Theater" => 37,
	"A|Askey|CPH06X TView99" => 38,
	"P|Pinnacle|PCTV Studio/Rave" => 39,
	"S|STB|STB2 TV PCI FM, P/N 6000704" => 40,
	"A|AVerMedia|TVPhone 98" => 41,
	"P|ProVideo|PV951" => 42,
	"L|Little|OnAir TV" => 43,
	"S|Sigma|TVII-FM" => 44,
	"M|MATRIX-Vision|MV-Delta 2" => 45,
	"Z|Zoltrix|Genie TV/FM" => 46,
	"T|Terratec|TV/Radio+" => 47,
	"A|Askey|CPH03x" => 48,
	"D|Dynalink|Magic TView" => 48,
	"P|Prolink|PixelView PlayTV PAK" => 50,
	"L|Lenco|MXTV-9578 CP" => 50,
	"P|Prolink|PV-BT878P+4E" => 50,
	"L|Lenco|MXTV-9578CP (Bt878)" => 50,
	"Eagle|Wireless Capricorn2 (bt878A)" => 51,
	"P|Pinnacle|PCTV Studio Pro" => 52,
	"T|Typhoon|KNC1 TV Station RDS" => 53,
	"T|Typhoon|TV Tuner RDS (black package)" => 53,
	"T|Typhoon|TView RDS + FM Stereo" => 53,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo 2000" => 54,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo A2" => 54,
	"L|Lifetec|LT 9415 TV [LR90]" => 54,
	"A|Askey|CPH031" => 55,
	"L|Lenco|MXR-9571 (Bt848)" => 55,
	"Bestbuy|Easy TV" => 55,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo 98FM LR50" => 56,
	"G|GrandTec|Grand Video Capture (Bt848)" => 57,
	"A|Askey|CPH060" => 58,
	"P|Phoebe Micro|TV Master Only (No FM)" => 58,
	"A|Askey|CPH03x TV Capturer" => 59,
	"M|Modular|Technology MM100 PCTV" => 60,
	"A|AG|Electronics GMV1" => 61,
	"A|Askey|CPH061" => 62,
	"Bestbuy|Easy TV (bt878)" => 62,
	"L|Lifetec|LT9306" => 62,
	"M|Medion|MD9306" => 62,
	"A|ATI|TV-Wonder" => 63,
	"A|ATI|TV-Wonder VE" => 64,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo 2000S LR90" => 65,
	"T|Terratec|TValueRadio" => 66,
	"3Dfx|VoodooTV FM (Euro)" => 68,
	"3Dfx|VoodooTV 200 (USA)" => 68,
	"A|Active|Imaging AIMMS" => 69,
	"P|Prolink|Pixelview PV-BT878P+ (Rev.4C)" => 70,
	"L|Lifeview|FlyVideo 98EZ (capture only) LR51" => 71,
#	"G|Genius/Kye|Video Wonder/Genius Internet Video Kit" => 71,
	"P|Prolink|Pixelview PV-BT878P+ (Rev.9B) (PlayTV Pro rev.9B FM+NICAM)" => 72,
	"T|Typhoon|TV Tuner Pal BG (blue package)" => 72,
	"S|Sensoray|311" => 73,
	"RemoteVision|MX (RV605)" => 74,
	"P|Powercolor|MTV878" => 75,
	"P|Powercolor|MTV878R" => 75,
	"P|Powercolor|MTV878F" => 75,
	"C|Canopus|WinDVR PCI (COMPAQ Presario 3524JP, 5112JP)" => 76,
	"G|GrandTec|Multi Capture Card (Bt878)" => 77,
	"Jetway|TV/Capture JW-TV878-FBK" => 78,
	"Kworld|KW-TV878RF" => 78,
	"D|DSP Design|TCVIDEO" => 79

my %pll_lst = 
	-1 => _("Default"),
	0 => "don't use pll",
	1 => "28 Mhz Crystal (X)",
	2 =>"35 Mhz Crystal"

sub config {
    my ($in) = @_;
    my %conf = (gbuffers => 4, card => $default, tuner => -1, radio => 0, pll => -1);
#    return unless (grep { $_->{media_type} eq 'MULTIMEDIA_VIDEO' } detect_devices::probeall(1));
    if ($in->ask_from("BTTV configuration", _("For most modern TV cards, the bttv module of the GNU/Linux kernel just auto-detect the rights parameters.
If your card is misdetected, you can force the right tuner and card types here. Just select your tv card parameters if needed"),
				   { label => _("Card model :"), val => \$conf{card}, list => [keys %cards_lst], type => 'combo', default => -1, sort =>1, separator => '|'},
				   { label => _("PLL setting :"), val => \$conf{pll}, list => [keys %pll_lst], format => sub { $pll_lst{$_[0]} }, sort => 1, default => 0, advanced =>1},
				   { label => _("Number of capture buffers :"), val => \$conf{gbuffers}, min=>2, max=>32, sort => 1, default => 0, type=>'range', advanced =>1, help => _("number of capture buffers for mmap'ed capture")},				   
				   { label => _("Tuner type :"), val => \$conf{tuner}, list => [keys %tuners_lst], format => sub { $tuners_lst{$_[0]} }, sort => 1, separator => '|'},
				   { label => _("Radio support :"), val => \$conf{radio}, type => "bool", text => _("enable radio support")},
	   my $options = 
	     'radio=' . ($conf{radio} ? 1 : 0) . ' '.
	     join(' ', map { if_($conf{$_} ne -1, "$_=$conf{$_}") } qw(card pll tuner gbuffers));
	   log::l("[harddrake::tv] $options");
	   standalone::explanations("modified file /etc/modules.conf ($options)");
	   modules::set_options("bttv", $options) if $options;
