package diskdrake::interactive; # $Id$ use diagnostics; use strict; use common; use partition_table qw(:types); use partition_table_raw; use detect_devices; use run_program; use loopback; use devices; use fsedit; use raid; use any; use log; use fs; =begin struct part { int active # one of { 0 | 0x80 } x86 only, primary only int start # in sectors int size # in sectors int type # 0x82, 0x83, 0x6 ... string device # 'hda5', 'sdc1' ... string rootDevice # 'sda', 'hdc' ... string real_mntpoint # directly on real /, '/tmp/hdimage' ... string mntpoint # '/', '/usr' ... string options # 'defaults', 'noauto' string device_windobe # 'C', 'D' ... string encrypt_key # [0-9A-Za-z./]{20,} bool isMounted bool isFormatted bool notFormatted # isFormatted means the device is formatted # !isFormatted && notFormatted means the device is not formatted # !isFormatted && !notFormatted means we don't know which state we're in int raid # for partitions of type isRawRAID and which isPartOfRAID, the raid device number string lvm # partition used as a PV for the VG with {lvm} as LVMname loopback loopback[] # loopback living on this partition # internal string real_device # '/dev/loop0', '/dev/loop1' ... # internal CHS (Cylinder/Head/Sector) int start_cyl, start_head, start_sec, end_cyl, end_head, end_sec, } struct part_allocate inherits part { int maxsize # in sectors (alike "size") int ratio # string hd # 'hda', 'hdc' string parts # for creating raid partitions. eg: 'foo bar' where 'foo' and 'bar' are mntpoint } struct part_raid inherits part { string chunk-size # usually '64k' string level # one of { 0, 1, 4, 5, 'linear' } part disks[] # invalid: active, start, rootDevice, device_windobe?, CHS } struct part_loopback inherits part { string loopback_file # absolute file name which is relative to the partition part loopback_device # where the loopback file live # device is special here: it is the absolute filename of the loopback file. # invalid: active, start, rootDevice, device_windobe, CHS } struct part_lvm inherits part { # invalid: active, start, device_windobe, CHS } struct partition_table_elem { part normal[] # part extended # the main/next extended part raw[4] # primary partitions } struct geom { int heads int sectors int cylinders int totalcylinders # for SUN, forget it int start # always 0, forget it } struct hd { int totalsectors # size in sectors string device # 'hda', 'sdc' ... string device_alias # 'cdrom', 'floppy' ... string media_type # one of { 'hd', 'cdrom', 'fd', 'tape' } string info # name of the hd, eg: 'QUANTUM ATLAS IV 9 WLS' bool isDirty # does it need to be written to the disk bool needKernelReread # must we tell the kernel to reread the partition table bool hasBeenDirty # for undo bool rebootNeeded # happens when a kernel reread failed bool partitionsRenumbered # happens when you # - remove an extended partition which is not the last one # - add an extended partition which is the first extended partition int bus, id partition_table_elem primary partition_table_elem extended[] geom geom # internal string prefix # for some RAID arrays device=>c0d0 and prefix=>c0d0p string file # '/dev/hda' ... } struct hd_lvm inherits hd { int PE_size # block size (granularity, similar to cylinder size on x86) string LVMname # VG name part_lvm disks[] # invalid: bus, id, extended, geom } struct raw_hd inherits hd { string type # 0x82, 0x83, 'nfs', ... string mntpoint # '/', '/usr' ... string options # 'defaults', 'noauto' # invalid: isDirty, needKernelReread, hasBeenDirty, rebootNeeded, primary, extended } struct all_hds { hd hds[] hd_lvm lvms[] part_raid raids[] # indexed by number: raids[$n]{device} is "md$n" part_loopback loopbacks[] raw_hd raw_hds[] raw_hd nfss[] raw_hd smbs[] raw_hd special[] # internal: if fstab_to_string($all_hds) eq current_fstab then no need to save string current_fstab } =cut sub main { my ($in, $all_hds) = @_; if ($in->isa('interactive_gtk')) { require diskdrake::hd_gtk; goto &diskdrake::hd_gtk::main; } my ($current_part, $current_hd); while (1) { my $choose_txt = $current_part ? __("Choose another partition") : __("Choose a partition"); my $parts_and_holes = [ fsedit::get_all_fstab_and_holes($all_hds) ]; my $choose_part = sub { $current_part = $in->ask_from_listf('diskdrake', translate($choose_txt), sub { format_part_info_short(fsedit::part2hd($_[0], $all_hds), $_[0]) }, $parts_and_holes, $current_part) || return; $current_hd = fsedit::part2hd($current_part, $all_hds); }; $choose_part->() if !$current_part; return if !$current_part; my %actions = my @actions = ( if_($current_part, (map { my $s = $_; $_ => sub { $diskdrake::interactive::{$s}($in, $current_hd, $current_part, $all_hds) } } part_possible_actions($in, $current_hd, $current_part, $all_hds)), '____________________________' => sub {}, ), if_(@$parts_and_holes > 1, $choose_txt => $choose_part), if_($current_hd, (map { my $s = $_; $_ => sub { $diskdrake::interactive::{$s}($in, $current_hd, $all_hds) } } hd_possible_actions_interactive($in, $current_hd, $all_hds)), ), (map { my $s = $_; $_ => sub { $diskdrake::interactive::{$s}($in, $all_hds) } } general_possible_actions($in, $all_hds)), ); my ($actions) = list2kv(@actions); my $a; if ($current_part) { $in->ask_from_({ cancel => _("Exit"), title => 'diskdrake', messages => format_part_info($current_hd, $current_part), }, [ { val => \$a, list => $actions, type => 'list', sort => 0, gtk => { use_boxradio => 0 } } ]) or last; $actions{$a}(); $current_hd = $current_part = '' if !is_part_existing($current_part, $all_hds); } else { $choose_part->(); } partition_table::assign_device_numbers($_) foreach fsedit::all_hds($all_hds); } Done($in, $all_hds) or goto &main; } ################################################################################ # general actions ################################################################################ sub general_possible_actions { __("Undo"), ($::expert ? __("Toggle to normal mode") : __("Toggle to expert mode")); } sub Undo { my ($in, $all_hds) = @_; fsedit::undo($all_hds); } sub Wizard { $::o->{wizard} = 1; goto &Done; } sub Done { my ($in, $all_hds) = @_; eval { raid::verify($all_hds->{raids}) }; if ($@) { $::expert or die; $in->ask_okcancel('', [ $@, _("Continue anyway?")]) or return; } foreach (@{$all_hds->{hds}}) { if (!write_partitions($in, $_)) { return if !$::isStandalone; $in->ask_yesorno(_("Quit without saving"), _("Quit without writing the partition table?"), 1) or return; } } if (!$::isInstall) { my $new = fs::fstab_to_string($all_hds); if ($new ne $all_hds->{current_fstab} && $in->ask_yesorno('', _("Do you want to save /etc/fstab modifications"), 1)) { $all_hds->{current_fstab} = $new; fs::write_fstab($all_hds); } } 1; } ################################################################################ # per-hd actions ################################################################################ sub hd_possible_actions { __("Clear all"), if_($::isInstall, __("Auto allocate")), __("More"); } sub hd_possible_actions_interactive { hd_possible_actions(), __("Hard drive information"); } sub Clear_all { my ($in, $hd, $all_hds) = @_; isPartOfLVM($_) and RemoveFromLVM($in, $hd, $_, $all_hds) foreach partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd); partition_table_raw::zero_MBR_and_dirty($hd); } sub Auto_allocate { my ($in, $hd, $all_hds) = @_; my $suggestions = partitions_suggestions($in) or return; my %all_hds_ = %$all_hds; $all_hds_{hds} = [ sort { $a == $hd ? -1 : 1 } @{$all_hds->{hds}} ]; eval { fsedit::auto_allocate(\%all_hds_, $suggestions) }; if ($@) { $@ =~ /partition table already full/ or die; $in->ask_warn("", [ _("All primary partitions are used"), _("I can't add any more partition"), _("To have more partitions, please delete one to be able to create an extended partition"), ]); } } sub More { my ($in, $hd) = @_; $in->ask_from('', '', [ { val => _("Save partition table"), clicked_may_quit => sub { SaveInFile($in, $hd); 1 } }, { val => _("Restore partition table"), clicked_may_quit => sub { ReadFromFile($in, $hd); 1 } }, { val => _("Rescue partition table"), clicked_may_quit => sub { Rescuept($in, $hd); 1 } }, if_($::isInstall, { val => _("Reload partition table"), clicked => sub { $::o->{all_hds} = fsedit::empty_all_hds(); die "setstep doPartitionDisks\n" if $::setstep; } }), if_($::isInstall, { text => _("Removable media automounting"), val => \$::o->{useSupermount}, type => 'bool' }, ), ], ); } sub ReadFromFile { my ($in, $hd) = @_; my $file = $::isStandalone ? $in->ask_file(_("Select file")) : devices::make("fd0") or return; eval { catch_cdie { partition_table::load($hd, $file) } sub { $@ =~ /bad totalsectors/ or return; $in->ask_yesorno('', _("The backup partition table has not the same size Still continue?"), 0); }; }; if (my $err = $@) { $in->ask_warn(_("Error"), formatError($err)); } } sub SaveInFile { my ($in, $hd) = @_; my $file = $::isStandalone ? $in->ask_file(_("Select file")) : $in->ask_okcancel(_("Warning"), _("Insert a floppy in drive All data on this floppy will be lost"), 1) && devices::make(detect_devices::floppy()) or return; eval { partition_table::save($hd, $file) }; if (my $err = $@) { $in->ask_warn(_("Error"), formatError($err)); } } sub Rescuept { my ($in, $hd) = @_; my $w = $in->wait_message('', _("Trying to rescue partition table")); fsedit::rescuept($hd); } sub Hd_info { my ($in, $hd) = @_; $in->ask_warn('', [ _("Detailed information"), format_hd_info($hd) ]); } ################################################################################ # per-part actions ################################################################################ sub part_possible_actions { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; $part or return; my %actions = my @l = ( __("Mount point") => '($part->{real_mntpoint} && common::usingRamdisk()) || (!isBusy && !isSwap && !isNonMountable)', __("Type") => '!isBusy && $::expert', __("Options") => '$::expert', __("Resize") => '!isBusy && !isSpecial', __("Move") => '!isBusy && !isSpecial && $::expert && 0', # disable for the moment __("Format") => '!isBusy && ($::expert || $::isStandalone)', __("Mount") => '!isBusy && (hasMntpoint || isSwap) && maybeFormatted && ($::expert || $::isStandalone)', __("Add to RAID") => '!isBusy && isRawRAID && !isSpecial', __("Add to LVM") => '!isBusy && isRawLVM', __("Unmount") => '!$part->{real_mntpoint} && isMounted', __("Delete") => '!isBusy', __("Remove from RAID") => 'isPartOfRAID', __("Remove from LVM") => 'isPartOfLVM', __("Modify RAID") => 'isPartOfRAID && !isMounted($all_hds->{raids}[$part->{raid}])', __("Use for loopback") => '!$part->{real_mntpoint} && isMountableRW && !isSpecial && hasMntpoint && $::expert', ); my ($actions_names) = list2kv(@l); my %macros = ( hasMntpoint => '$part->{mntpoint}', isPrimary => 'isPrimary($part, $hd)', ); if ($part->{type} == 0) { __("Create"); } else { grep { my $cond = $actions{$_}; while (my ($k, $v) = each %macros) { $cond =~ s/$k/qq(($v))/e; } $cond =~ s/(^|[^:\$]) \b ([a-z]\w{3,}) \b ($|[\s&\)])/$1 . $2 . '($part)' . $3/exg; if (/Create/) { 1; } eval $cond; } @$actions_names; } } sub Create { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my ($def_start, $def_size, $max) = ($part->{start}, $part->{size}, $part->{start} + $part->{size}); $part->{maxsize} = $part->{size}; $part->{size} = 0; if (!fsedit::suggest_part($part, $all_hds)) { $part->{size} = $part->{maxsize}; $part->{type} ||= 0x483; } #- update adjustment for start and size, take into account the minimum partition size #- including one less sector for start due to a capacity to increase the adjustement by #- one. my ($primaryOrExtended, $migrate_files); my $type = type2name($part->{type}); my $mb_size = $part->{size} >> 11; my $has_startsector = ($::expert || arch() !~ /i.86/) && !isLVM($hd); my $w = $in->ask_from(_("Create a new partition"), '', [ if_($has_startsector, { label => _("Start sector: "), val => \$part->{start}, min => $def_start, max => ($max - min_partition_size($hd)), type => 'range' }, ), { label => _("Size in MB: "), val => \$mb_size, min => min_partition_size($hd) >> 11, max => $def_size >> 11, type => 'range' }, { label => _("Filesystem type: "), val => \$type, list => [ partition_table::important_types() ], not_edit => !$::expert, sort => 0 }, { label => _("Mount point: "), val => \$part->{mntpoint}, list => [ fsedit::suggestions_mntpoint($all_hds), '' ], disabled => sub { my $p = { type => name2type($type) }; isSwap($p) || isNonMountable($p) }, type => 'combo', not_edit => 0, }, if_($::expert && $hd->hasExtended, { label => _("Preference: "), val => \$primaryOrExtended, list => [ '', "Extended", "Primary", if_($::expert, "Extended_0x85") ] }, ), ], changed => sub { if ($part->{start} + ($mb_size << 11) > $max) { if ($_[0] == 0) { # Start sector changed => restricting Size $mb_size = ($max - $part->{start}) >> 11; } else { # Size changed => restricting Start sector $part->{start} = $max - ($mb_size << 11); } } }, complete => sub { $part->{size} = from_Mb($mb_size, min_partition_size($hd), $max - $part->{start}); #- need this to be able to get back the approximation of using MB $part->{type} = name2type($type); $part->{mntpoint} = '' if isNonMountable($part); $part->{mntpoint} = 'swap' if isSwap($part); fs::set_default_options($part); check($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) or return 1; $migrate_files = need_migration($in, $part->{mntpoint}) or return 1; fsedit::add($hd, $part, $all_hds, { force => 1, primaryOrExtended => $primaryOrExtended }); 0; }, ) or return; warn_if_renumbered($in, $hd); if ($migrate_files eq 'migrate') { format_($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) or return; migrate_files($in, $hd, $part); fs::mount_part($part); } } sub Delete { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; if (isRAID($part)) { raid::delete($all_hds->{raids}, $part); } elsif (isLVM($hd)) { lvm::lv_delete($hd, $part); } elsif (isLoopback($part)) { my $f = "$part->{loopback_device}{mntpoint}$part->{loopback_file}"; if (-e $f && $in->ask_yesorno('', _("Remove the loopback file?"))) { unlink $f; } my $l = $part->{loopback_device}{loopback}; @$l = grep { $_ != $part } @$l; delete $part->{loopback_device}{loopback} if @$l == 0; fsedit::recompute_loopbacks($all_hds); } else { if (arch() =~ /ppc/) { undef $partition_table_mac::bootstrap_part if (isAppleBootstrap($part) && ($part->{device} = $partition_table_mac::bootstrap_part)); } partition_table::remove($hd, $part); warn_if_renumbered($in, $hd); } } sub Type { my ($in, $hd, $part) = @_; my $warn = sub { ask_alldatawillbelost($in, $part, __("After changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost")) }; #- for ext2, warn after choosing as ext2->ext3 can be achieved without loosing any data :) isExt2($part) or $warn->() or return; my $type = type2name($part->{type}); $in->ask_from(_("Change partition type"), _("Which filesystem do you want?"), [ { label => _("Type"), val => \$type, list => [ partition_table::important_types() ], sort => 0, not_edit => !$::expert } ]) or return; if (isExt2($part) && isThisFs('ext3', { type => name2type($type) })) { my $w = $in->wait_message('', _("Switching from ext2 to ext3")); if (run_program::run("tune2fs", "-j", devices::make($part->{device}))) { $part->{type} = name2type($type); $part->{isFormatted} = 1; #- assume that if tune2fs works, partition is formatted #- disable the fsck (don't do it together with -j in case -j fails?) fs::disable_forced_fsck($part->{device}); return; } } #- either we switch to non-ext3 or switching losslessly to ext3 failed !isExt2($part) or $warn->() or return; if (defined $type) { my $i_type = name2type($type); fsedit::change_type(name2type($type), $hd, $part); } } sub Mount_point { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my $mntpoint = $part->{mntpoint} || do { my $part_ = { %$part }; if (fsedit::suggest_part($part_, $all_hds)) { fsedit::has_mntpoint('/', $all_hds) || $part_->{mntpoint} eq '/boot' ? $part_->{mntpoint} : '/'; } else { '' } }; $in->ask_from( '', isLoopback($part) ? _("Where do you want to mount loopback file %s?", $part->{loopback_file}) : _("Where do you want to mount device %s?", $part->{device}), [ { label => _("Mount point"), val => \$mntpoint, list => [ if_($mntpoint, $mntpoint), fsedit::suggestions_mntpoint($all_hds), '' ], not_edit => !$::expert } ], complete => sub { !isPartOfLoopback($part) || $mntpoint or $in->ask_warn('', _("Can't unset mount point as this partition is used for loop back. Remove the loopback first")), return 1; $part->{mntpoint} eq $mntpoint || check_mntpoint($in, $mntpoint, $hd, $part, $all_hds) or return 1; 0; } ) or return; $part->{mntpoint} = $mntpoint; } sub Mount_point_raw_hd { my ($in, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my $mntpoint = $part->{mntpoint}; $in->ask_from( '', _("Where do you want to mount device %s?", $part->{device}), [ { label => _("Mount point"), val => \$mntpoint, list => [ if_($mntpoint, $mntpoint), '' ], not_edit => 0 } ], complete => sub { $part->{mntpoint} eq $mntpoint || check_mntpoint($in, $mntpoint, {}, $part, $all_hds) or return 1; 0; } ) or return; $part->{mntpoint} = $mntpoint; } sub Resize { my ($in, $hd, $part) = @_; my ($resize_fat, $resize_ext2, $resize_reiserfs, $block_count, $free_block, $block_size); my ($min, $max) = (min_partition_size($hd), partition_table::next_start($hd, $part) - $part->{start}); if (maybeFormatted($part)) { # here we may have a non-formatted or a formatted partition # -> doing as if it was formatted if (isFat($part)) { write_partitions($in, $hd) or return; #- try to resize without losing data my $w = $in->wait_message(_("Resizing"), _("Computing FAT filesystem bounds")); $resize_fat = resize_fat::main->new($part->{device}, devices::make($part->{device})); $min = max($min, $resize_fat->min_size); $max = min($max, $resize_fat->max_size); } elsif (isExt2($part)) { write_partitions($in, $hd) or return; $resize_ext2 = devices::make($part->{device}); my $r = `dumpe2fs $resize_ext2 2>/dev/null`; $r =~ /Block count:\s*(\d+)/ and $block_count = $1; $r =~ /Free blocks:\s*(\d+)/ and $free_block = $1; $r =~ /Block size:\s*(\d+)/ and $block_size = $1; log::l("dumpe2fs $resize_ext2 gives: Block_count=$block_count, Free_blocks=$free_block, Block_size=$block_size"); if ($block_count && $free_block && $block_size) { $min = max($min, ($block_count - $free_block) * $block_size / 512); $max = min($max, $block_count * $block_size / 512); } else { $resize_ext2 = undef; } } elsif (isThisFs("reiserfs", $part)) { write_partitions($in, $hd) or return; if (defined (my $free = fs::df($part))) { $resize_reiserfs = 1; $min = max($min, $free); } } #- make sure that even after normalizing the size to cylinder boundaries, the minimun will be saved, #- this save at least a cylinder (less than 8Mb). $min += partition_table_raw::cylinder_size($hd); $min >= $max and return $in->ask_warn('', _("This partition is not resizeable")); #- for these, we have tools to resize partition table #- without losing data (or at least we hope so :-) if ($resize_fat || $resize_ext2 || $resize_reiserfs) { ask_alldatamaybelost($in, $part, __("All data on this partition should be backed-up")) or return; } else { ask_alldatawillbelost($in, $part, __("After resizing partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost")) or return; } } my $mb_size = $part->{size} >> 11; $in->ask_from(_("Resize"), _("Choose the new size"), [ { label => _("New size in MB: "), val => \$mb_size, min => $min >> 11, max => $max >> 11, type => 'range' }, ]) or return; my $size = from_Mb($mb_size, $min, $max); $part->{size} == $size and return; my $oldsize = $part->{size}; $hd->{isDirty} = $hd->{needKernelReread} = 1; $part->{size} = $size; $hd->adjustEnd($part); undef $@; my $b = before_leaving { $@ and $part->{size} = $oldsize }; my $w = $in->wait_message(_("Resizing"), ''); if ($resize_fat) { local *log::l = sub { $w->set(join(' ', @_)) }; $resize_fat->resize($part->{size}); } elsif ($resize_ext2) { my $s = int(($part->{size} << 9) / $block_size); log::l("resize2fs $resize_ext2 to size $s in block of $block_size bytes"); system "resize2fs", "-pf", $resize_ext2, $s; } elsif ($resize_reiserfs) { log::l("reiser resize to $part->{size} sectors"); install_any::check_prog ("resize_reiserfs") if $::isInstall; system "resize_reiserfs", "-f", "-q", "-s" . $part->{size}/2 . "K", devices::make($part->{device}); } else { $part->{notFormatted} = 1; $part->{isFormatted} = 0; partition_table::verifyParts($hd); return; } $part->{isFormatted} = 1; partition_table::adjust_local_extended($hd, $part); partition_table::adjust_main_extended($hd); } sub Move { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my $hd2 = $in->ask_from_listf(_("Move"), _("Which disk do you want to move it to?"), \&partition_table::description, @{$all_hds->{hds}}) or return; my $start2 = $in->ask_from_entry(_("Sector"), _("Which sector do you want to move it to?")); defined $start2 or return; my $w = $in->wait_message(_("Moving"), _("Moving partition...")); fsedit::move($hd, $part, $hd2, $start2); } sub Format { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; format_($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds); } sub Mount { my ($in, $hd, $part) = @_; write_partitions($in, $hd) or return; fs::mount_part($part); } sub Add2RAID { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my $raids = $all_hds->{raids}; local $_ = @$raids == () ? "new" : $in->ask_from_list_('', _("Choose an existing RAID to add to"), [ (grep {$_} map_index { $_ && "md$::i" } @$raids), __("new") ]) or return; if (/new/) { my $nb1 = raid::new($raids, $part); defined modifyRAID($in, $raids, $nb1) or return raid::delete($raids, $nb1); } else { raid::add($raids, $part, $_); } raid::update(@$raids); raid::stopAll(); } sub Add2LVM { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my $lvms = $all_hds->{lvms}; write_partitions($in, $_) or return foreach isRAID($part) ? @{$all_hds->{hds}} : $hd; my $lvm = $in->ask_from_listf_('', _("Choose an existing LVM to add to"), sub { ref $_[0] ? $_[0]{LVMname} : $_[0] }, [ @$lvms, __("new") ]) or return; if (!ref $lvm) { # create new lvm my $name = $in->ask_from_entry('', _("LVM name?")) or return; $name =~ s/\W/_/g; $name = substr($name, 0, 63); # max length must be < NAME_LEN / 2 where NAME_LEN is 128 $lvm = bless { disks => [], LVMname => $name }, 'lvm'; push @$lvms, $lvm; } $part->{lvm} = $lvm->{LVMname}; push @{$lvm->{disks}}, $part; delete $part->{mntpoint}; require lvm; lvm::check($in) if $::isStandalone; lvm::vg_add($part); lvm::update_size($lvm); } sub Unmount { my ($in, $hd, $part) = @_; fs::umount_part($part); } sub RemoveFromRAID { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; raid::removeDisk($all_hds->{raids}, $part); } sub RemoveFromLVM { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my $lvms = $all_hds->{lvms}; isPartOfLVM($part) or die; my ($lvm) = grep { $_->{LVMname} eq $part->{lvm} } @$lvms; lvm::vg_destroy($lvm); @$lvms = grep { $_ != $lvm } @$lvms; } sub ModifyRAID { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; modifyRAID($in, $all_hds->{raids}, $part->{raid}); } sub Loopback { my ($in, $hd, $real_part, $all_hds) = @_; write_partitions($in, $hd) or return; my $handle = any::inspect($real_part) or $in->ask_warn('', _("This partition can't be used for loopback")), return; my ($min, $max) = (1, loopback::getFree($handle->{dir}, $real_part)); my $part = { maxsize => $max, size => 0, loopback_device => $real_part, notFormatted => 1 }; if (!fsedit::suggest_part($part, $all_hds)) { $part->{size} = $part->{maxsize}; $part->{type} ||= 0x483; } delete $part->{mntpoint}; # we don't want the suggested mntpoint my $type = type2name($part->{type}); my $mb_size = $part->{size} >> 11; $in->ask_from(_("Loopback"), '', [ { label => _("Loopback file name: "), val => \$part->{loopback_file} }, { label => _("Size in MB: "), val => \$mb_size, min => $min >> 11, max => $max >> 11, type => 'range' }, { label => _("Filesystem type: "), val => \$type, list => [ partition_table::important_types() ], not_edit => !$::expert, sort => 0 }, ], complete => sub { $part->{loopback_file} or $in->ask_warn('', _("Give a file name")), return 1, 0; $part->{loopback_file} =~ s|^([^/])|/$1|; if (my $size = loopback::verifFile($handle->{dir}, $part->{loopback_file}, $real_part)) { $size == -1 and $in->ask_warn('', _("File already used by another loopback, choose another one")), return 1, 0; $in->ask_yesorno('', _("File already exists. Use it?")) or return 1, 0; delete $part->{notFormatted}; $part->{size} = divide($size, 512); } else { $part->{size} = from_Mb($mb_size, $min, $max); } 0; }) or return; $part->{type} = name2type($type); push @{$real_part->{loopback}}, $part; fsedit::recompute_loopbacks($all_hds); } sub Options { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my @simple_options = qw(user noauto supermount); my (undef, $user_implies) = fs::mount_options(); my ($options, $unknown) = fs::mount_options_unpack($part); my %help = fs::mount_options_help(keys %$options); my $prev_user = $options->{user}; $in->ask_from(_("Mount options"), '', [ (map {; { label => $_, text => warp_text(formatAlaTeX($help{$_})), val => \$options->{$_}, advanced => !$part->{rootDevice} && !member($_, @simple_options), if_(!/=$/, type => 'bool'), } } keys %$options), { label => _("Various"), val => \$unknown, advanced => 1 }, ], changed => sub { if ($prev_user != $options->{user}) { $prev_user = $options->{user}; $options->{$_} = $options->{user} foreach @$user_implies; } if ($options->{encrypted}) { # modify $part->{options} for the check local $part->{options}; fs::mount_options_pack($part, $options, $unknown); if (!check($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds)) { $options->{encrypted} = 0; } elsif (!$part->{encrypt_key} && !isSwap($part)) { if (my $encrypt_key = choose_encrypt_key($in)) { $options->{'encryption='} = 'AES128'; $part->{encrypt_key} = $encrypt_key; } else { $options->{encrypted} = 0; } } } else { delete $options->{'encryption='}; } }, ) or return; fs::mount_options_pack($part, $options, $unknown); } { no strict; *{"Toggle to normal mode"} = sub { $::expert = 0 }; *{"Toggle to expert mode"} = sub { $::expert = 1 }; *{"Clear all"} = *Clear_all; *{"Auto allocate"} = *Auto_allocate; *{"Mount point"} = *Mount_point; *{"Modify RAID"} = *ModifyRAID; *{"Add to RAID"} = *Add2RAID; *{"Remove from RAID"} = *RemoveFromRAID; *{"Add to LVM"} = *Add2LVM; *{"Remove from LVM"} = *RemoveFromLVM; *{"Use for loopback"} = *Loopback; *{"Hard drive information"} = *Hd_info; } ################################################################################ # helpers ################################################################################ sub is_part_existing { my ($part, $all_hds) = @_; $part && grep { fsedit::is_same_part($part, $_) } fsedit::get_all_fstab_and_holes($all_hds); } sub modifyRAID { my ($in, $raids, $nb) = @_; my $md = "md$nb"; $in->ask_from('', '', [ { label => _("device"), val => \$md, list => [ map { "md$_" } grep { $nb == $_ || !$raids->[$_] } 0..8 ] }, { label => _("level"), val => \$raids->[$nb]{level}, list => [ qw(0 1 4 5 linear) ] }, { label => _("chunk size"), val => \$raids->[$nb]{'chunk-size'} }, ], ) or return; raid::updateSize($raids->[$nb]); # changing the raid level changes the size available raid::changeNb($raids, $nb, first($md =~ /(\d+)/)); } sub ask_alldatamaybelost { my ($in, $part, $msg) = @_; maybeFormatted($part) or return 1; #- here we may have a non-formatted or a formatted partition #- -> doing as if it was formatted $in->ask_okcancel(_("Read carefully!"), [ _("Be careful: this operation is dangerous."), _($msg, $part->{device}) ], 1); } sub ask_alldatawillbelost { my ($in, $part, $msg) = @_; maybeFormatted($part) or return 1; #- here we may have a non-formatted or a formatted partition #- -> doing as if it was formatted $in->ask_okcancel(_("Read carefully!"), _($msg, $part->{device}), 1); } sub partitions_suggestions { my ($in) = @_; my $t = $::expert ? $in->ask_from_list_('', _("What type of partitioning?"), [ keys %fsedit::suggestions ]) : 'simple'; $fsedit::suggestions{$t}; } sub check_type { my ($in, $type, $hd, $part) = @_; eval { fsedit::check_type($type, $hd, $part) }; my $err = $@; $in->ask_warn('', $err) if $err; !$err; } sub check_mntpoint { my ($in, $mntpoint, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; eval { fsedit::check_mntpoint($mntpoint, $hd, $part, $all_hds) }; local $_ = $@; if (m|/boot ending on cylinder > 1024|) { $in->ask_warn('', _("Sorry I won't accept to create /boot so far onto the drive (on a cylinder > 1024). Either you use LILO and it won't work, or you don't use LILO and you don't need /boot")); } elsif (m|/ ending on cylinder > 1024|) { $in->ask_warn('', _("The partition you've selected to add as root (/) is physically located beyond the 1024th cylinder of the hard drive, and you have no /boot partition. If you plan to use the LILO boot manager, be careful to add a /boot partition")); undef $_; } elsif (m|raid / with no /boot|) { $in->ask_warn('', _("You've selected a software RAID partition as root (/). No bootloader is able to handle this without a /boot partition. So be careful to add a /boot partition")); undef $_; } elsif ($_) { $in->ask_warn('', $_); } !$_; } sub check { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; check_type($in, $part->{type}, $hd, $part) && check_mntpoint($in, $part->{mntpoint}, $hd, $part, $all_hds); } sub write_partitions { my ($in, $hd) = @_; $hd->{isDirty} or return 1; isLVM($hd) and return 1; $in->ask_okcancel(_("Read carefully!"), _("Partition table of drive %s is going to be written to disk!", $hd->{device}), 1) or return; if (!$::testing) { partition_table::write($hd); } $hd->{rebootNeeded} and die _("You'll need to reboot before the modification can take place"); 1; } sub unmount { my ($hd, $part) = @_; fs::umount_part($part); } sub format_ { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; write_partitions($in, $_) or return foreach isRAID($part) ? @{$all_hds->{hds}} : $hd; ask_alldatawillbelost($in, $part, __("After formatting partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost")) or return; $part->{isFormatted} = 0; #- force format; my $w = $in->wait_message(_("Formatting"), isLoopback($part) ? _("Formatting loopback file %s", $part->{loopback_file}) : _("Formatting partition %s", $part->{device})); fs::format_part($all_hds->{raids}, $part); 1; } sub need_migration { my ($in, $mntpoint) = @_; my @l = grep { $_ ne "lost+found" } all($mntpoint); if (@l && $::isStandalone) { my $choice; my @choices = (__("Move files to the new partition"), __("Hide files")); $in->ask_from('', _("Directory %s already contain some data\n(%s)", $mntpoint, formatList(5, @l)), [ { val => \$choice, list => \@choices, type => 'list' } ]) or return; $choice eq $choices[0] ? 'migrate' : 'hide'; } else { 'hide'; } } sub migrate_files { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my $wait = $in->wait_message('', _("Moving files to the new partition")); my $handle = any::inspect($part, '', 'rw'); my @l = glob_("$part->{mntpoint}/*"); foreach (@l) { $wait->set(_("Copying %s", $_)); system("cp", "-a", $_, $handle->{dir}); } foreach (@l) { $wait->set(_("Removing %s", $_)); system("rm", "-rf", $_); } } sub warn_if_renumbered { my ($in, $hd) = @_; my $l = delete $hd->{partitionsRenumbered}; return if is_empty_array_ref($l) || $::isInstall; my @l = map { _("partition %s is now known as %s", @$_) } @$l; $in->ask_warn('', join("\n", 'Partitions have been renumbered: ', @l)); } #- unit of $mb is mega bytes, min and max are in sectors, this #- function is used to convert back to sectors count the size of #- a partition ($mb) given from the interface (on Resize or Create). #- modified to take into account a true bounding with min and max. sub from_Mb { my ($mb, $min, $max) = @_; $mb <= $min >> 11 and return $min; $mb >= $max >> 11 and return $max; $mb * 2048; } sub format_part_info { my ($hd, $part) = @_; my $info = ''; $info .= _("Mount point: ") . "$part->{mntpoint}\n" if $part->{mntpoint}; $info .= _("Device: ") . "$part->{device}\n" if $part->{device} && !isLoopback($part); $info .= _("DOS drive letter: %s (just a guess)\n", $part->{device_windobe}) if $part->{device_windobe}; if (arch() eq "ppc") { my $new_value = $part->{pType}; $new_value =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]//g; $info .= _("Type: ") . $new_value . ($::expert ? sprintf " (0x%x)", $part->{type} : '') . "\n"; if (defined $part->{pName}) { $new_value = $part->{pName}; $new_value =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]//g; $info .= _("Name: ") . $new_value . "\n"; } } elsif ($part->{type}) { my $type = substr(type2name($part->{type}), 0, 40); # limit the length $info .= _("Type: ") . $type . ($::expert ? sprintf " (0x%x)", $part->{type} : '') . "\n"; } else { $info .= _("Empty") . "\n"; } $info .= _("Start: sector %s\n", $part->{start}) if $::expert && !isSpecial($part); $info .= _("Size: %s", formatXiB($part->{size}, 512)); $info .= sprintf " (%s%%)", int 100 * $part->{size} / $hd->{totalsectors} if $hd->{totalsectors}; $info .= _(", %s sectors", $part->{size}) if $::expert; $info .= "\n"; $info .= _("Cylinder %d to cylinder %d\n", $part->{start} / $hd->cylinder_size(), ($part->{start} + $part->{size} - 1) / $hd->cylinder_size()) if ($::expert || !$part->{type}) && !isSpecial($part); $info .= _("Formatted\n") if $part->{isFormatted}; $info .= _("Not formatted\n") if !$part->{isFormatted} && $part->{notFormatted}; $info .= _("Mounted\n") if $part->{isMounted}; $info .= _("RAID md%s\n", $part->{raid}) if isPartOfRAID($part); $info .= sprintf "LVM %s\n", $part->{lvm} if isPartOfLVM($part); $info .= _("Loopback file(s):\n %s\n", join(", ", map { $_->{loopback_file} } @{$part->{loopback}})) if isPartOfLoopback($part); $info .= _("Partition booted by default\n (for MS-DOS boot, not for lilo)\n") if $part->{active} && $::expert; if (isRAID($part)) { $info .= _("Level %s\n", $part->{level}); $info .= _("Chunk size %s\n", $part->{'chunk-size'}); $info .= _("RAID-disks %s\n", join ", ", map { $_->{device} } @{$part->{disks}}); } elsif (isLoopback($part)) { $info .= _("Loopback file name: %s", $part->{loopback_file}); } if (isApple($part)) { $info .= _("\nChances are, this partition is\na Driver partition, you should\nprobably leave it alone.\n"); } if (isAppleBootstrap($part)) { $info .= _("\nThis special Bootstrap\npartition is for\ndual-booting your system.\n"); } # restrict the length of the lines $info =~ s/(.{60}).*/$1.../mg; $info; } sub format_part_info_short { my ($hd, $part) = @_; $part->{type} ? partition_table::description($part) : format_part_info($hd, $part); } sub format_hd_info { my ($hd) = @_; my $info = ''; $info .= _("Device: ") . "$hd->{device}\n"; $info .= _("Size: %s\n", formatXiB($hd->{totalsectors}, 512)) if $hd->{totalsectors}; $info .= _("Geometry: %s cylinders, %s heads, %s sectors\n", @{$hd->{geom}}{qw(cylinders heads sectors)}) if $::expert && $hd->{geom}; $info .= _("Info: ") . ($hd->{info} || $hd->{media_type}) . "\n" if $::expert && ($hd->{info} || $hd->{media_type}); $info .= _("LVM-disks %s\n", join ", ", map {$_->{device}} @{$hd->{disks}}) if isLVM($hd) && $hd->{disks}; $info .= _("Partition table type: %s\n", $1) if $::expert && ref($hd) =~ /_([^_]+)$/; $info .= _("on bus %d id %d\n", $hd->{bus}, $hd->{id}) if $::expert && exists $hd->{bus}; $info; } sub format_raw_hd_info { my ($raw_hd) = @_; my $info = ''; $info .= _("Mount point: ") . "$raw_hd->{mntpoint}\n" if $raw_hd->{mntpoint}; $info .= format_hd_info($raw_hd); if ($raw_hd->{type}) { my $type = substr(type2name($raw_hd->{type}), 0, 40); # limit the length $info .= _("Type: ") . $type . "\n"; } $info .= _("Options: %s", $raw_hd->{options}) if $raw_hd->{options}; $info; } #- get the minimal size of partition in sectors to help diskdrake on #- limit cases, include a cylinder + start of a eventually following #- logical partition. sub min_partition_size { $_[0]->cylinder_size() + 2*$_[0]->{geom}{sectors} } sub choose_encrypt_key { my ($in) = @_; my ($encrypt_key, $encrypt_key2); $in->ask_from_( { title => _("Filesystem encryption key"), messages => _("Choose your filesystem encryption key"), callbacks => { complete => sub { length $encrypt_key < 20 and $in->ask_warn('', _("This encryption key is too simple (must be at least %d characters long)", 20)), return (1,0); $encrypt_key eq $encrypt_key2 or $in->ask_warn('', [ _("The encryption keys do not match"), _("Please try again") ]), return (1,1); return 0 } } }, [ { label => _("Encryption key"), val => \$encrypt_key, hidden => 1 }, { label => _("Encryption key (again)"), val => \$encrypt_key2, hidden => 1 }, ]) && $encrypt_key; }