package crypto; # $Id$ use diagnostics; use strict; use vars qw(%url2land %land2tzs %static_mirrors %mirrors); use MDK::Common::System; use common; use log; use ftp; %url2land = ( fr => N("France"), cr => N("Costa Rica"), be => N("Belgium"), cz => N("Czech Republic"), de => N("Germany"), gr => N("Greece"), no => N("Norway"), se => N("Sweden"), nl => N("Netherlands"), it => N("Italy"), at => N("Austria"), ); %land2tzs = ( N("France") => [ 'Europe/Paris', 'Europe/Brussels', 'Europe/Berlin' ], N("Belgium") => [ 'Europe/Brussels', 'Europe/Paris', 'Europe/Berlin' ], N("Czech Republic") => [ 'Europe/Prague', 'Europe/Berlin' ], N("Germany") => [ 'Europe/Berlin', 'Europe/Prague' ], N("Greece") => [ 'Europe/Athens', 'Europe/Prague' ], N("Norway") => [ 'Europe/Oslo', 'Europe/Stockholm' ], N("Sweden") => [ 'Europe/Stockholm', 'Europe/Oslo' ], N("United States") => [ 'America/New_York', 'Canada/Atlantic', 'Asia/Tokyo', 'Australia/Sydney', 'Europe/Paris' ], N("Netherlands") => [ 'Europe/Amsterdam', 'Europe/Brussels', 'Europe/Berlin' ], N("Italy") => [ 'Europe/Rome', 'Europe/Brussels', 'Europe/Paris' ], N("Austria") => [ 'Europe/Vienna', 'Europe/Brussels', 'Europe/Berlin' ], ); %static_mirrors = ( # "ackbar" => [ "Ackbar", "/updates", "a", "a" ], ); %mirrors = (); sub mirror2text { $mirrors{$_[0]} && $mirrors{$_[0]}[0] . '|' . $_[0] } sub mirrors { unless (keys %mirrors) { #- contact the following URL to retrieve list of mirror. #- require http; my $f = http::getFile(""); local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout" }; alarm 60; foreach (<$f>) { my ($arch, $url, $dir) = m|updates([^:]*):ftp://([^/]*)(/\S*)| or next; MDK::Common::System::compat_arch($arch) or log::l("ignoring updates from $url because of incompatible arch: $arch"), next; my $land = N("United States"); foreach (keys %url2land) { my $qu = quotemeta $_; $url =~ /\.$qu(?:\..*)?$/ and $land = $url2land{$_}; } $mirrors{$url} = [ $land, $dir ]; } http::getFile('/XXX'); #- close connection. alarm 0; #- now add static mirror (in case of something wrong happened above). add2hash(\%mirrors, \%static_mirrors); } keys %mirrors; } sub bestMirror { my ($string) = @_; my %mirror2value; foreach my $url (mirrors()) { my $value = 0; my $cvalue = mirrors(); $mirror2value{$url} ||= 1 + $cvalue; foreach (@{$land2tzs{$mirrors{$url}[0]} || []}) { $_ eq $string and $mirror2value{$url} > $value and $mirror2value{$url} = $value; (split '/')[0] eq (split '/', $string)[0] and $mirror2value{$url} > $cvalue and $mirror2value{$url} = $cvalue; ++$value; } } my $min_value = min(values %mirror2value); my @possible = (grep { $mirror2value{$_} == $min_value } keys %mirror2value) x 2; #- increase probability push @possible, grep { $mirror2value{$_} == 1 + $min_value } keys %mirror2value; $possible[rand @possible]; } #- hack to retrieve Mandrake Linux version... sub version { require pkgs; my $pkg = pkgs::packageByName($::o->{packages}, 'mandrake-release'); $pkg && $pkg->version || '9.0'; #- safe but dangerous ;-) } sub dir { $mirrors{$_[0]}[1] . '/' . version() } sub ftp($) { ftp::new($_[0], dir($_[0])) } sub getFile { my ($file, $host) = @_; $host ||= $crypto::host; my $dir = dir($host) . ($file =~ /\.rpm$/ && "/RPMS"); log::l("getting crypto file $file on directory $dir with login $mirrors{$host}[2]"); my ($ftp, $retr) = ftp::new($host, $dir, if_($mirrors{$host}[2], $mirrors{$host}[2]), if_($mirrors{$host}[3], $mirrors{$host}[3]) ); $$retr->close if $$retr; $$retr = $ftp->retr($file) or ftp::rewindGetFile(); $$retr ||= $ftp->retr($file); } sub getPackages { my ($prefix, $packages, $mirror) = @_; $crypto::host = $mirror; #- check first if there is something to get... my $fhdlist = getFile("base/", $mirror); unless ($fhdlist) { log::l("no updates available, bailing out"); return; } #- extract hdlist of crypto, then depslist. require pkgs; my $update_medium = pkgs::psUsingHdlist($prefix, 'ftp', $packages, "", "1u", "RPMS", "Updates for Mandrake Linux " . version(), 1, $fhdlist) and log::l("read updates hdlist"); #- keep in mind where is the URL prefix used according to mirror (for install_any::install_urpmi). $update_medium->{prefix} = "ftp://$mirror" . dir($mirror); #- (re-)enable the medium to allow install of package, #- make it an update medium (for install_any::install_urpmi). $update_medium->{selected} = 1; $update_medium->{update} = 1; #- search for packages to update. $packages->{rpmdb} ||= pkgs::rpmDbOpen($prefix); pkgs::selectPackagesToUpgrade($packages, $prefix, $update_medium); return $update_medium; } sub get { my ($mirror, $dir, @files) = @_; foreach (@files) { log::l("crypto: downloading $_"); ftp($mirror)->get($_, "$dir/$_") } int @files; } 1;