package bootloader; # $Id$ use diagnostics; use strict; #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use common; use fs::type; use fs::get; use fs::loopback; use fs::proc_partitions; use log; use any; use devices; use detect_devices; use partition_table::raw; use run_program; use modules; use URPM; #-##################################################################################### #- Functions #-##################################################################################### my $vmlinuz_regexp = 'vmlinuz|win4lin'; my $decompose_vmlinuz_name = qr/((?:$vmlinuz_regexp).*?)-(\d+\.\d+.*)/; sub expand_vmlinuz_symlink { my ($vmlinuz) = @_; my $f = $::prefix . ($vmlinuz =~ m!^/! ? $vmlinuz : "/boot/$vmlinuz"); -l $f ? readlink($f) : $vmlinuz; } sub installed_vmlinuz_raw() { grep { /^($vmlinuz_regexp)/ } all("$::prefix/boot") } sub installed_vmlinuz() { grep { ! -l "$::prefix/boot/$_" } installed_vmlinuz_raw() } sub vmlinuz2version { my ($vmlinuz) = @_; expand_vmlinuz_symlink($vmlinuz) =~ /$decompose_vmlinuz_name/ && $2; } sub vmlinuz2basename { my ($vmlinuz) = @_; expand_vmlinuz_symlink($vmlinuz) =~ /$decompose_vmlinuz_name/ && $1; } sub basename2initrd_basename { my ($basename) = @_; $basename =~ s!vmlinuz-?!!; #- here we do not use $vmlinuz_regexp since we explictly want to keep all that is not "vmlinuz" 'initrd' . ($basename ? "-$basename" : ''); } sub kernel_str2vmlinuz_long { my ($kernel) = @_; $kernel->{basename} . '-' . $kernel->{version}; } sub kernel_str2initrd_long { my ($kernel) = @_; basename2initrd_basename($kernel->{basename}) . '-' . $kernel->{version} . '.img'; } sub kernel_str2vmlinuz_short { my ($kernel) = @_; if ($kernel->{use_long_name}) { kernel_str2vmlinuz_long($kernel); } else { my $ext = $kernel->{ext} ? "-$kernel->{ext}" : ''; $kernel->{basename} . $ext; } } sub kernel_str2initrd_short { my ($kernel) = @_; if ($kernel->{use_long_name}) { kernel_str2initrd_long($kernel); } else { my $ext = $kernel->{ext} ? "-$kernel->{ext}" : ''; basename2initrd_basename($kernel->{basename}) . $ext . '.img'; } } sub vmlinuz2kernel_str { my ($vmlinuz) = @_; my ($basename, $version) = expand_vmlinuz_symlink($vmlinuz) =~ /$decompose_vmlinuz_name/ or return; { basename => $basename, version => $version, $version =~ /(.*mdk)-?(.*)/ ? (ext => $2, version_no_ext => $1) : (version_no_ext => $version), }; } sub kernel_str2label { my ($kernel, $o_use_long_name) = @_; my $base = $kernel->{basename} eq 'vmlinuz' ? 'linux' : $kernel->{basename}; $o_use_long_name || $kernel->{use_long_name} ? sanitize_ver("$base-$kernel->{version}") : $kernel->{ext} ? "$base-$kernel->{ext}" : $base; } sub get { my ($vmlinuz, $bootloader) = @_; $_->{kernel_or_dev} && $_->{kernel_or_dev} eq $vmlinuz and return $_ foreach @{$bootloader->{entries}}; undef; } sub get_label { my ($label, $bootloader) = @_; $_->{label} && lc(make_label_lilo_compatible($_->{label})) eq lc(make_label_lilo_compatible($label)) and return $_ foreach @{$bootloader->{entries}}; undef; } sub mkinitrd { my ($kernel_version, $entry) = @_; my $initrd = $entry->{initrd}; $::testing || -e "$::prefix/$initrd" and return 1; my $loop_boot = fs::loopback::prepare_boot(); modules::load('loop'); my @options = ( "-v", "-f", $initrd, "--ifneeded", $kernel_version, if_($entry->{initrd_options}, split(' ', $entry->{initrd_options})), ); if (!run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'mkinitrd', @options)) { unlink("$::prefix/$initrd"); die "mkinitrd failed:\n(mkinitrd @options))"; } add_boot_splash($entry->{initrd}, $entry->{vga}); fs::loopback::save_boot($loop_boot); -e "$::prefix/$initrd"; } sub remove_boot_splash { my ($initrd) = @_; run_program::rooted($::prefix, '/usr/share/bootsplash/scripts/remove-boot-splash', $initrd); } sub add_boot_splash { my ($initrd, $vga) = @_; $vga or return; require Xconfig::resolution_and_depth; if (my $res = Xconfig::resolution_and_depth::from_bios($vga)) { run_program::rooted($::prefix, '/usr/share/bootsplash/scripts/make-boot-splash', $initrd, $res->{X}); } else { log::l("unknown vga bios mode $vga"); } } sub read { my ($all_hds) = @_; my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; foreach my $main_method (main_method_choices()) { my $f = $bootloader::{"read_$main_method"} or die "unknown bootloader method $main_method (read)"; my $bootloader = $f->($fstab); my @devs = $bootloader->{boot}; if ($bootloader->{'raid-extra-boot'} =~ /mbr/ && (my $md = fs::get::device2part($bootloader->{boot}, $all_hds->{raids}))) { @devs = map { $_->{rootDevice} } @{$md->{disks}}; } elsif ($bootloader->{'raid-extra-boot'} =~ m!/dev/!) { @devs = split(',', $bootloader->{'raid-extra-boot'}); } my ($type) = map { if (m!/fd\d+$!) { warn "not checking the method on floppy, assuming $main_method is right\n"; $main_method; } elsif ($main_method eq 'yaboot') { #- not checking on ppc, there's only yaboot anyway :) $main_method; } elsif ($main_method eq 'cromwell') { #- XBox $main_method; } elsif (my $type = partition_table::raw::typeOfMBR($_)) { warn "typeOfMBR $type on $_ for method $main_method\n" if $ENV{DEBUG}; $type; } else { () } } @devs; if ($type eq $main_method) { my @prefered_entries = map { get_label($_, $bootloader) } $bootloader->{default}, 'linux'; if (my $default = find { $_ && $_->{type} eq 'image' } (@prefered_entries, @{$bootloader->{entries}})) { $bootloader->{default_vga} = $default->{vga}; $bootloader->{perImageAppend} ||= $default->{append}; log::l("perImageAppend is now $bootloader->{perImageAppend}"); } return $bootloader; } } } sub read_grub { my ($fstab) = @_; my $global = 1; my ($e, %b); my $grub2dev = read_grub_device_map(); my $menu_lst_file = "$::prefix/boot/grub/menu.lst"; -e $menu_lst_file or return; foreach (cat_($menu_lst_file)) { chomp; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; next if /^#/ || /^$/; my ($keyword, $v) = split(' ', $_, 2) or warn qq(unknown line in /boot/grub/menu.lst: "$_"\n), next; if ($keyword eq 'title') { push @{$b{entries}}, $e = { label => $v }; $global = 0; } elsif ($global) { $b{$keyword} = $v eq '' ? 1 : grub2file($v, $grub2dev, $fstab); } else { if ($keyword eq 'kernel') { $e->{type} = 'image'; (my $kernel, $e->{append}) = split(' ', $v, 2); $e->{root} = $1 if $e->{append} =~ s/root=(\S*)\s*//; $e->{kernel_or_dev} = grub2file($kernel, $grub2dev, $fstab); } elsif ($keyword eq 'root') { $e->{type} = 'other'; if ($v !~ /,/) { $e->{unsafe} = 1; } $e->{kernel_or_dev} = grub2dev($v, $grub2dev); $e->{append} = ""; } elsif ($keyword eq 'initrd') { $e->{initrd} = grub2file($v, $grub2dev, $fstab); } elsif ($keyword eq 'map') { $e->{mapdrive}{$2} = $1 if $v =~ m/\((.*)\) \((.*)\)/; } } } #- matches either: #- setup (hd0) #- install (hd0,0)/boot/grub/stage1 d (hd0) (hd0,0)/boot/grub/stage2 p (hd0,0)/boot/grub/menu.lst if (cat_("$::prefix/boot/grub/") =~ /^(?:setup|install\s+(?:\S+)(?:\s+d)?)\s+(\(.*?\))/m) { $b{boot} = grub2dev($1, $grub2dev); } #- sanitize foreach (@{$b{entries}}) { my ($vga, $other) = partition { /^vga=/ } split(' ', $_->{append}); if (@$vga) { $_->{vga} = $vga->[0] =~ /vga=(.*)/ && $1; $_->{append} = join(' ', @$other); } } $b{nowarn} = 1; # handle broken installkernel -r: if (@{$b{entries}}) { $b{default} = min($b{default}, scalar(@{$b{entries}}) - 1); $b{default} = $b{entries}[$b{default}]{label}; } $b{method} = $b{splashimage} ? 'grub-graphic' : 'grub-menu'; \%b; } sub yaboot2dev { my ($of_path) = @_; find { dev2yaboot($_) eq $of_path } map { "/dev/$_->{dev}" } fs::proc_partitions::read_raw(); } # assumes file is in /boot # to do: use yaboot2dev for files as well #- example of of_path: /pci@f4000000/ata-6@d/disk@0:3,/initrd- sub yaboot2file { my ($of_path) = @_; if ($of_path =~ /,/) { "$::prefix/boot/" . basename($of_path); } else { yaboot2dev($of_path); } } sub read_cromwell() { my %b; $b{method} = 'cromwell'; \%b; } sub read_yaboot() { &read_lilo } sub read_lilo() { my $file = sprintf("$::prefix/etc/%s.conf", arch() =~ /ppc/ ? 'yaboot' : 'lilo'); my $global = 1; my ($e, $v); my %b; -e $file or return; foreach (cat_($file)) { next if /^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/; ($_, $v) = /^\s*([^=\s]+)\s*(?:=\s*(.*?))?\s*$/ or log::l("unknown line in $file: $_"), next; if (/^(?:image|other|macos|macosx|bsd|darwin)$/) { $v = yaboot2file($v) if arch() =~ /ppc/; push @{$b{entries}}, $e = { type => $_, kernel_or_dev => $v }; $global = 0; } elsif ($global) { if ($_ eq 'disk' && $v =~ /(\S+)\s+bios\s*=\s*(\S+)/) { $b{bios}{$1} = $2; } elsif ($_ eq 'bios') { $b{bios}{$b{disk}} = $v; } elsif ($_ eq 'init-message') { $v =~ s/\\n//g; $v =~ s/"//g; $b{'init-message'} = $v; } else { $b{$_} = $v eq '' ? 1 : $v; } } else { if ((/map-drive/ .. /to/) && /to/) { $e->{mapdrive}{$e->{'map-drive'}} = $v; } else { if (arch() =~ /ppc/ && $_ eq 'initrd') { $v = yaboot2file($v); } $e->{$_} = $v || 1; } } } sub remove_quotes_and_spaces { local ($_) = @_; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; s/^"(.*?)"$/$1/; s/\\"/"/g; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; #- do it again for append=" foo" $_; } foreach ('append', 'root', 'default') { $b{$_} = remove_quotes_and_spaces($b{$_}) if $b{$_}; } foreach my $entry (@{$b{entries}}) { foreach ('append', 'root', 'label') { $entry->{$_} = remove_quotes_and_spaces($entry->{$_}) if $entry->{$_}; } } if (arch() =~ /ppc/) { $b{method} = 'yaboot'; } else { delete $b{timeout} unless $b{prompt}; $b{timeout} = $b{timeout} / 10 if $b{timeout}; $b{method} = 'lilo-' . (member($b{install}, 'text', 'menu', 'graphic') ? $b{install} : 'graphic'); } #- cleanup duplicate labels & bad entries (in case file is corrupted) my %seen; @{$b{entries}} = grep { !$seen{$_->{label}}++ } grep { $_->{type} ne 'image' || -e "$::prefix$_->{kernel_or_dev}" } @{$b{entries}}; \%b; } sub suggest_onmbr { my ($hd) = @_; my ($onmbr, $unsafe) = (1, 1); if (my $type = partition_table::raw::typeOfMBR($hd->{device})) { if (member($type, qw(dos dummy empty))) { $unsafe = 0; } elsif (!member($type, qw(lilo grub))) { $onmbr = 0; } log::l("bootloader::suggest_onmbr: type $type, onmbr $onmbr, unsafe $unsafe"); } ($onmbr, $unsafe); } sub allowed_boot_parts { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; ( @{$all_hds->{hds}}, if_($bootloader->{method} =~ /lilo/, grep { $_->{level} eq '1' } @{$all_hds->{raids}} ), (grep { !isFat_or_NTFS($_) } fs::get::hds_fstab(@{$all_hds->{hds}})), detect_devices::floppies(), ); } sub same_entries { my ($a, $b) = @_; foreach (uniq(keys %$a, keys %$b)) { if (member($_, 'label', 'append', 'mapdrive')) { next; } else { next if $a->{$_} eq $b->{$_}; my ($inode_a, $inode_b) = map { (stat "$::prefix$_")[1] } ($a->{$_}, $b->{$_}); next if $inode_a && $inode_b && $inode_a == $inode_b; } log::l("entries $a->{label} do not have same $_: $a->{$_} ne $b->{$_}"); return; } 1; } sub add_entry { my ($bootloader, $v) = @_; my $to_add = $v; my $label = $v->{label}; for (my $i = 0; $i < 10;) { my $conflicting = get_label($label, $bootloader); $to_add->{label} = $label; if ($conflicting) { #- replacing $conflicting with $to_add @{$bootloader->{entries}} = map { $_ == $conflicting ? $to_add : $_ } @{$bootloader->{entries}}; } else { #- we have found an unused label push @{$bootloader->{entries}}, $to_add; } if (!$conflicting || same_entries($conflicting, $to_add)) { log::l("current labels: " . join(" ", map { $_->{label} } @{$bootloader->{entries}})); return $v; } $to_add = $conflicting; if ($to_add->{label} eq 'linux') { expand_entry_symlinks($bootloader, $to_add); $label = kernel_str2label(vmlinuz2kernel_str($to_add->{kernel_or_dev}), 'use_long_name'); } else { $label =~ s/^alt\d*_//; $label = 'alt' . ($i++ ? $i : '') . "_$label"; } } die 'add_entry'; } sub expand_entry_symlinks { my ($bootloader, $entry) = @_; foreach my $kind ('kernel_or_dev', 'initrd') { my $old_long_name = $bootloader->{old_long_names} && $bootloader->{old_long_names}{$entry->{$kind}} or next; #- replace all the {$kind} using this symlink to the real file log::l("replacing $entry->{$kind} with $old_long_name for bootloader label $entry->{label}"); $entry->{$kind} = $old_long_name; } } sub _do_the_symlink { my ($bootloader, $link, $long_name) = @_; my $existing_link = readlink("$::prefix$link"); if ($existing_link && $existing_link eq $long_name) { #- nothing to do :) return; } #- the symlink is going to change! #- replace all the {$kind} using this symlink to the real file my $old_long_name = $existing_link =~ m!^/! ? $existing_link : "/boot/$existing_link"; if (-e "$::prefix$old_long_name") { $bootloader->{old_long_names}{$link} = $old_long_name; } else { log::l("ERROR: $link points to $old_long_name which does not exist"); } #- changing the symlink symlinkf($long_name, "$::prefix$link") or cp_af("$::prefix/boot/$long_name", "$::prefix$link"); } sub add_kernel { my ($bootloader, $kernel_str, $v, $b_nolink, $b_no_initrd) = @_; add2hash($v, { type => 'image', label => kernel_str2label($kernel_str), }); #- normalize append and handle special options { my ($simple, $dict) = unpack_append("$bootloader->{perImageAppend} $v->{append}"); if (-e "$::prefix/sbin/udev" && $kernel_str->{version} =~ /(2\.\d+\.\d+)/ && URPM::rpmvercmp($1, '2.6.8') >= 0) { log::l("it is a recent kernel, so we remove any existing devfs= kernel option to enable udev"); @$dict = grep { $_->[0] ne 'devfs' } @$dict; } $v->{append} = pack_append($simple, $dict); } #- new versions of yaboot do not handle symlinks $b_nolink ||= arch() =~ /ppc/; $b_nolink ||= $kernel_str->{use_long_name}; my $vmlinuz_long = kernel_str2vmlinuz_long($kernel_str); $v->{kernel_or_dev} = "/boot/$vmlinuz_long"; -e "$::prefix$v->{kernel_or_dev}" or log::l("unable to find kernel image $::prefix$v->{kernel_or_dev}"), return; if (!$b_nolink) { $v->{kernel_or_dev} = '/boot/' . kernel_str2vmlinuz_short($kernel_str); _do_the_symlink($bootloader, $v->{kernel_or_dev}, $vmlinuz_long); } log::l("adding $v->{kernel_or_dev}"); if (!$b_no_initrd) { my $initrd_long = kernel_str2initrd_long($kernel_str); $v->{initrd} = "/boot/$initrd_long"; mkinitrd($kernel_str->{version}, $v) or undef $v->{initrd}; if ($v->{initrd} && !$b_nolink) { $v->{initrd} = '/boot/' . kernel_str2initrd_short($kernel_str); _do_the_symlink($bootloader, $v->{initrd}, $initrd_long); } } add_entry($bootloader, $v); } sub duplicate_kernel_entry { my ($bootloader, $new_label) = @_; get_label($new_label, $bootloader) and return; my $entry = { %{ get_label('linux', $bootloader) }, label => $new_label }; add_entry($bootloader, $entry); } my $uniq_dict_appends = join('|', qw(devfs acpi pci resume PROFILE XFree)); sub unpack_append { my ($s) = @_; my @l = split(' ', $s); [ grep { !/=/ } @l ], [ map { if_(/(.*?)=(.*)/, [$1, $2]) } @l ]; } sub pack_append { my ($simple, $dict) = @_; #- normalize $simple = [ reverse(uniq(reverse @$simple)) ]; $dict = [ reverse(uniq_ { my ($k, $v) = @$_; $k =~ /^($uniq_dict_appends)$/ ? $k : "$k=$v"; } reverse @$dict) ]; join(' ', @$simple, map { "$_->[0]=$_->[1]" } @$dict); } sub modify_append { my ($b, $f) = @_; my @l = grep { $_->{type} eq 'image' && !($::isStandalone && $_->{label} eq 'failsafe') } @{$b->{entries}}; foreach (\$b->{perImageAppend}, map { \$_->{append} } @l) { my ($simple, $dict) = unpack_append($$_); $f->($simple, $dict); $$_ = pack_append($simple, $dict); log::l("modify_append: $$_"); } } sub append__mem_is_memsize { $_[0] =~ /^\d+[kM]?$/i } sub get_append_simple { my ($b, $key) = @_; my ($simple, $_dict) = unpack_append($b->{perImageAppend}); member($key, @$simple); } sub get_append_with_key { my ($b, $key) = @_; my ($_simple, $dict) = unpack_append($b->{perImageAppend}); my @l = map { $_->[1] } grep { $_->[0] eq $key } @$dict; log::l("more than one $key in $b->{perImageAppend}") if @l > 1; $l[0]; } sub remove_append_simple { my ($b, $key) = @_; modify_append($b, sub { my ($simple, $_dict) = @_; @$simple = grep { $_ ne $key } @$simple; }); } sub set_append_with_key { my ($b, $key, $val) = @_; modify_append($b, sub { my ($_simple, $dict) = @_; if ($val eq '') { @$dict = grep { $_->[0] ne $key } @$dict; } else { push @$dict, [ $key, $val ]; } }); } sub set_append_simple { my ($b, $key) = @_; modify_append($b, sub { my ($simple, $_dict) = @_; @$simple = uniq(@$simple, $key); }); } sub may_append_with_key { my ($b, $key, $val) = @_; set_append_with_key($b, $key, $val) if !get_append_with_key($b, $key); } sub get_append_memsize { my ($b) = @_; my ($_simple, $dict) = unpack_append($b->{perImageAppend}); my $e = find { $_->[0] eq 'mem' && append__mem_is_memsize($_->[1]) } @$dict; $e && $e->[1]; } sub set_append_memsize { my ($b, $memsize) = @_; modify_append($b, sub { my ($_simple, $dict) = @_; @$dict = grep { $_->[0] ne 'mem' || !append__mem_is_memsize($_->[1]) } @$dict; push @$dict, [ mem => $memsize ] if $memsize; }); } sub get_append_netprofile { my ($e) = @_; my ($simple, $dict) = unpack_append($e->{append}); my ($p, $dict_) = partition { $_->[0] eq 'PROFILE' } @$dict; pack_append($simple, $dict_), $p->[0][1]; } sub set_append_netprofile { my ($e, $append, $profile) = @_; my ($simple, $dict) = unpack_append($append); push @$dict, [ 'PROFILE', $profile ] if $profile; $e->{append} = pack_append($simple, $dict); } sub configure_entry { my ($entry) = @_; $entry->{type} eq 'image' or return; if (my $kernel_str = vmlinuz2kernel_str($entry->{kernel_or_dev})) { $entry->{initrd} ||= '/boot/' . kernel_str2initrd_short($kernel_str); mkinitrd($kernel_str->{version}, $entry) or undef $entry->{initrd}; } } sub get_kernels_and_labels_before_kernel_remove { my ($to_remove_kernel) = @_; my @kernels = grep { $_ ne $to_remove_kernel } installed_vmlinuz(); map { kernel_str2label($_) => $_ } get_kernel_labels(\@kernels); } sub get_kernels_and_labels { my ($b_prefer_24) = @_; get_kernel_labels([ installed_vmlinuz() ], $b_prefer_24); } sub get_kernel_labels { my ($kernels, $b_prefer_24) = @_; my @kernels_str = sort { URPM::rpmvercmp($b->{version_no_ext}, $a->{version_no_ext}) } grep { -d "$::prefix/lib/modules/$_->{version}" } map { vmlinuz2kernel_str($_) } @$kernels; if ($b_prefer_24) { my ($kernel_24, $other) = partition { $_->{ext} eq '' && $_->{version} =~ /^\Q2.4/ } @kernels_str; @kernels_str = (@$kernel_24, @$other); } $kernels_str[0]{ext} = ''; my %labels; foreach (@kernels_str) { if ($labels{$_->{ext}}) { $_->{use_long_name} = 1; } else { $labels{$_->{ext}} = 1; } } @kernels_str; } # sanitize_ver: long function when it could be shorter but we are sure # to catch everything and can be readable if we want to # add new scheme name. # DUPLICATED from /usr/share/loader/ sub sanitize_ver { my ($string) = @_; my ($name, $main_version, undef, $extraversion, $rest) = $string =~ m!^(.*?-)(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)(-((?:pre|rc)\d+))?(.*)$!; if (my ($mdkver, $cpu, $nproc, $mem) = $rest =~ m|-(.+)-(.+)-(.+)-(.+)|) { $rest = "$cpu$nproc$mem-$mdkver"; } $name = '' if $name eq 'linux-'; my $return = "$name$main_version$extraversion$rest"; $return =~ s|\.||g; $return =~ s|mdk||; $return =~ s|64GB|64G|; $return =~ s|4GB|4G|; $return =~ s|secure|sec|; $return =~ s|enterprise|ent|; $return; } sub suggest { my ($bootloader, $all_hds, %options) = @_; my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; my $root_part = fs::get::root($fstab); my $root = isLoopback($root_part) ? '/dev/loop7' : fs::wild_device::from_part('', $root_part); my $boot = fs::get::root($fstab, 'boot')->{device}; #- PPC xfs module requires enlarged initrd my $xfsroot = $root_part->{fs_type} eq 'xfs'; my ($onmbr, $unsafe) = $bootloader->{crushMbr} ? (1, 0) : suggest_onmbr($all_hds->{hds}[0]); add2hash_($bootloader, arch() =~ /ppc/ ? { defaultos => "linux", entries => [], 'init-message' => "Welcome to Mandriva Linux!", delay => 30, #- OpenFirmware delay timeout => 50, enableofboot => 1, enablecdboot => 1, if_(detect_devices::get_mac_model() =~ /IBM/, boot => "/dev/sda1", ), xfsroot => $xfsroot, } : { bootUnsafe => $unsafe, entries => [], timeout => $onmbr && 10, nowarn => 1, if_(arch() !~ /ia64/, boot => "/dev/" . ($onmbr ? $all_hds->{hds}[0]{device} : $boot), map => "/boot/map", color => 'black/cyan yellow/cyan', 'menu-scheme' => 'wb:bw:wb:bw' ), }); if (!$bootloader->{message} && !$bootloader->{message_text} && arch() !~ /ia64/) { my $msg_en = #-PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit) N_("Welcome to the operating system chooser! Choose an operating system from the list above or wait for default boot. "); my $msg = translate($msg_en); #- use the english version if more than 20% of 8bits chars $msg = $msg_en if int(grep { $_ & 0x80 } unpack "c*", $msg) / length($msg) > 0.2; $bootloader->{message_text} = $msg; } add2hash_($bootloader, { memsize => $1 }) if cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /\bmem=(\d+[KkMm]?)(?:\s.*)?$/; if (my ($s, $port, $speed) = cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /console=(ttyS(\d),(\d+)\S*)/) { log::l("serial console $s $port $speed"); set_append_with_key($bootloader, console => $s); any::set_login_serial_console($port, $speed); } my @kernels = get_kernels_and_labels() or die "no kernel installed"; foreach my $kernel (@kernels) { my $e = add_kernel($bootloader, $kernel, { root => $root, if_($options{vga_fb} && $kernel->{ext} eq '', vga => $options{vga_fb}), #- using framebuffer if_($options{vga_fb} && $options{quiet}, append => "splash=silent"), }); if ($options{vga_fb} && $e->{label} eq 'linux') { add_kernel($bootloader, $kernel, { root => $root, label => 'linux-nonfb' }); } } #- remove existing failsafe, do not care if the previous one was modified by the user? @{$bootloader->{entries}} = grep { $_->{label} ne 'failsafe' } @{$bootloader->{entries}}; add_kernel($bootloader, $kernels[0], { root => $root, label => 'failsafe', append => 'devfs=nomount failsafe' }); if (arch() =~ /ppc/) { #- if we identified a MacOS partition earlier - add it if (defined $partition_table::mac::macos_part) { add_entry($bootloader, { type => "macos", kernel_or_dev => $partition_table::mac::macos_part }); } } elsif (arch() !~ /ia64/) { #- search for dos (or windows) boot partition. Do not look in extended partitions! my @windows_boot_parts = grep { isFat_or_NTFS($_) && member(fs::type::fs_type_from_magic($_), 'vfat', 'ntfs') } map { @{$_->{primary}{normal}} } @{$all_hds->{hds}}; each_index { add_entry($bootloader, { type => 'other', kernel_or_dev => "/dev/$_->{device}", label => 'windows' . ($::i || ''), table => "/dev/$_->{rootDevice}" }); } @windows_boot_parts; } my @preferred = map { "linux-$_" } 'p3-smp-64GB', 'secure', 'enterprise', 'smp', 'i686-up-4GB'; if (my $preferred = find { get_label($_, $bootloader) } @preferred) { $bootloader->{default} ||= $preferred; } $bootloader->{default} ||= "linux"; $bootloader->{method} ||= first(method_choices($all_hds)); } sub detect_main_method { my ($all_hds) = @_; my $bootloader = &read($all_hds); $bootloader && main_method($bootloader->{method}); } sub main_method { my ($method) = @_; $method =~ /(\w+)/ && $1; } sub config_files() { my %files = ( lilo => '/etc/lilo.conf', grub => '/boot/grub/menu.lst', grub_install => '/boot/grub/', ); map_each { my $content = cat_("$::prefix/$::b"); { main_method => main_method($::a), name => $::a, file => $::b, content => $content }; } %files; } sub method2text { my ($method) = @_; +{ 'lilo-graphic' => N("LILO with graphical menu"), 'lilo-menu' => N("LILO with text menu"), 'grub-graphic' => N("GRUB with graphical menu"), 'grub-menu' => N("GRUB with text menu"), 'yaboot' => N("Yaboot"), }->{$method}; } sub method_choices_raw { my ($b_prefix_mounted) = @_; detect_devices::is_xbox() ? 'cromwell' : arch() =~ /ppc/ ? 'yaboot' : arch() =~ /ia64/ ? 'lilo' : ( if_(!$b_prefix_mounted || whereis_binary('lilo', $::prefix), 'lilo-graphic', 'lilo-menu'), if_(!$b_prefix_mounted || whereis_binary('grub', $::prefix), 'grub-graphic', 'grub-menu'), ); } sub method_choices { my ($all_hds) = @_; my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; my $root_part = fs::get::root($fstab); my $boot_part = fs::get::root($fstab, 'boot'); my $boot_disk = fs::get::part2hd($boot_part, $all_hds); grep { (!/lilo/ || !isLoopback($root_part) && !fs::type::is_dmraid($boot_disk)) && (!/lilo-graphic/ || !detect_devices::matching_desc__regexp('ProSavageDDR')) && (!/grub/ || !isRAID($root_part)); } method_choices_raw(1); } sub main_method_choices { my ($b_prefix_mounted) = @_; uniq(map { main_method($_) } method_choices_raw($b_prefix_mounted)); } sub configured_main_methods() { my @bad_main_methods = map { if_(!$_->{content}, $_->{main_method}) } config_files(); difference2([ main_method_choices(1) ], \@bad_main_methods); } sub keytable { my ($f) = @_; $f or return; if ($f !~ /\.klt$/) { my $file = "/boot/$f.klt"; run_program::rooted($::prefix, "", ">", $file, $f) or return; $f = $file; } -r "$::prefix/$f" && $f; } sub create_link_source() { #- we simply do it for all kernels :) #- so this can be used in %post of kernel and also of kernel-source foreach (all("$::prefix/usr/src")) { my ($version) = /^linux-(\d+\.\d+.*)/ or next; foreach (glob("$::prefix/lib/modules/$version*")) { -d $_ or next; log::l("creating symlink $_/build"); symlink "/usr/src/linux-$version", "$_/build"; } } } sub dev2yaboot { my ($dev) = @_; devices::make("$::prefix$dev"); #- create it in the chroot my $of_dev; run_program::rooted_or_die($::prefix, "/usr/sbin/ofpath", ">", \$of_dev, $dev); chomp($of_dev); log::l("OF Device: $of_dev"); $of_dev; } sub check_enough_space() { my $e = "$::prefix/boot/.enough_space"; output $e, 1; -s $e or die N("not enough room in /boot"); unlink $e; } sub write_yaboot { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; my $file2yaboot = sub { my ($part, $file) = fs::get::file2part($fstab, $_[0]); dev2yaboot('/dev/' . $part->{device}) . "," . $file; }; #- do not write yaboot.conf for old-world macs my $mac_type = detect_devices::get_mac_model(); return if $mac_type =~ /Power Macintosh/; $bootloader->{prompt} ||= $bootloader->{timeout}; if ($bootloader->{message_text}) { eval { output("$::prefix/boot/message", $bootloader->{message_text}) } and $bootloader->{message} = '/boot/message'; } my @conf; if (!get_label($bootloader->{default}, $bootloader)) { log::l("default bootloader entry $bootloader->{default} is invalid, choose another one"); $bootloader->{default} = $bootloader->{entries}[0]{label}; } push @conf, "# yaboot.conf - generated by DrakX/drakboot"; push @conf, "# WARNING: do not forget to run ybin after modifying this file\n"; push @conf, "default=" . make_label_lilo_compatible($bootloader->{default}) if $bootloader->{default}; push @conf, sprintf('init-message="\n%s\n"', $bootloader->{'init-message'}) if $bootloader->{'init-message'}; if ($bootloader->{boot}) { push @conf, "boot=$bootloader->{boot}"; push @conf, "ofboot=" . dev2yaboot($bootloader->{boot}) if $mac_type !~ /IBM/; } else { die "no bootstrap partition defined."; } push @conf, map { "$_=$bootloader->{$_}" } grep { $bootloader->{$_} } (qw(delay timeout), if_($mac_type !~ /IBM/, 'defaultos')); push @conf, "install=/usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot"; if ($mac_type =~ /IBM/) { push @conf, 'nonvram'; } else { push @conf, 'magicboot=/usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot'; push @conf, grep { $bootloader->{$_} } qw(enablecdboot enableofboot); } foreach my $entry (@{$bootloader->{entries}}) { if ($entry->{type} eq "image") { push @conf, "$entry->{type}=" . $file2yaboot->($entry->{kernel_or_dev}); my @entry_conf; push @entry_conf, "label=" . make_label_lilo_compatible($entry->{label}); push @entry_conf, "root=$entry->{root}"; push @entry_conf, "initrd=" . $file2yaboot->($entry->{initrd}) if $entry->{initrd}; #- xfs module on PPC requires larger initrd - say 6MB? push @entry_conf, "initrd-size=6144" if $bootloader->{xfsroot}; push @entry_conf, qq(append=" $entry->{append}") if $entry->{append}; push @entry_conf, grep { $entry->{$_} } qw(read-write read-only); push @conf, map { "\t$_" } @entry_conf; } else { my $of_dev = dev2yaboot($entry->{kernel_or_dev}); push @conf, "$entry->{type}=$of_dev"; } } my $f = "$::prefix/etc/yaboot.conf"; log::l("writing yaboot config to $f"); renamef($f, "$f.old"); output($f, map { "$_\n" } @conf); } sub install_yaboot { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; log::l("Installing boot loader..."); write_yaboot($bootloader, $all_hds); when_config_changed_yaboot($bootloader); } sub when_config_changed_yaboot { my ($bootloader) = @_; $::testing and return; if (defined $install_steps_interactive::new_bootstrap) { run_program::run("hformat", $bootloader->{boot}) or die "hformat failed"; } my $error; run_program::rooted($::prefix, "/usr/sbin/ybin", "2>", \$error) or die "ybin failed: $error"; } sub install_cromwell { my ($_bootloader, $_all_hds) = @_; log::l("XBox/Cromwell - nothing to install..."); } sub write_cromwell { my ($_bootloader, $_all_hds) = @_; log::l("XBox/Cromwell - nothing to write..."); } sub when_config_changed_cromwell { my ($_bootloader) = @_; log::l("XBox/Cromwell - nothing to do..."); } sub make_label_lilo_compatible { my ($label) = @_; $label = substr($label, 0, 31); #- lilo does not handle more than 31 char long labels $label =~ s/ /_/g; #- lilo does not support blank character in image names, labels or aliases qq("$label"); } sub write_lilo { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; $bootloader->{prompt} ||= $bootloader->{timeout}; my $file2fullname = sub { my ($file) = @_; if (arch() =~ /ia64/) { my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; (my $part, $file) = fs::get::file2part($fstab, $file); my %hds = map_index { $_ => "hd$::i" } map { $_->{device} } sort { my ($a_is_fat, $b_is_fat) = ($a->{fs_type} eq 'vfat', $b->{fs_type} eq 'vfat'); $a_is_fat <=> $b_is_fat || $a->{device} cmp $b->{device}; } @$fstab; $hds{$part->{device}} . ":" . $file; } else { $file; } }; my $quotes = sub { my ($s) = @_; $s =~ s/"/\"/g; qq("$s"); }; my $quotes_if_needed = sub { my ($s) = @_; $s =~ /["=\s]/ ? $quotes->($s) : $s; }; my @sorted_hds = sort_hds_according_to_bios($bootloader, $all_hds); if (is_empty_hash_ref($bootloader->{bios} ||= {}) && $all_hds->{hds}[0] != $sorted_hds[0]) { log::l("Since we're booting on $sorted_hds[0]{device}, make it bios=0x80"); $bootloader->{bios} = { "/dev/$sorted_hds[0]{device}" => '0x80' }; } my @conf; #- normalize: RESTRICTED is only valid if PASSWORD is set delete $bootloader->{restricted} if !$bootloader->{password}; foreach my $entry (@{$bootloader->{entries}}) { delete $entry->{restricted} if !$entry->{password} && !$bootloader->{password}; } if (!get_label($bootloader->{default}, $bootloader)) { log::l("default bootloader entry $bootloader->{default} is invalid, choose another one"); $bootloader->{default} = $bootloader->{entries}[0]{label}; } push @conf, "# File generated by DrakX/drakboot"; push @conf, "# WARNING: do not forget to run lilo after modifying this file\n"; push @conf, "default=" . make_label_lilo_compatible($bootloader->{default}) if $bootloader->{default}; push @conf, map { $_ . '=' . $quotes_if_needed->($bootloader->{$_}) } grep { $bootloader->{$_} } qw(boot root map install vga keytable raid-extra-boot menu-scheme); push @conf, grep { $bootloader->{$_} } qw(linear geometric compact prompt nowarn restricted static-bios-codes); push @conf, "append=" . $quotes->($bootloader->{append}) if $bootloader->{append}; push @conf, "password=" . $bootloader->{password} if $bootloader->{password}; #- also done by msec push @conf, "timeout=" . round(10 * $bootloader->{timeout}) if $bootloader->{timeout}; push @conf, "serial=" . $1 if get_append_with_key($bootloader, 'console') =~ /ttyS(.*)/; push @conf, "message=$bootloader->{message}" if $bootloader->{message}; push @conf, "ignore-table" if any { $_->{unsafe} && $_->{table} } @{$bootloader->{entries}}; push @conf, map_each { "disk=$::a bios=$::b" } %{$bootloader->{bios}}; foreach my $entry (@{$bootloader->{entries}}) { push @conf, "$entry->{type}=" . $file2fullname->($entry->{kernel_or_dev}); my @entry_conf; push @entry_conf, "label=" . make_label_lilo_compatible($entry->{label}) if $entry->{label}; if ($entry->{type} eq "image") { push @entry_conf, 'root=' . $quotes_if_needed->($entry->{root}) if $entry->{root}; push @entry_conf, "initrd=" . $file2fullname->($entry->{initrd}) if $entry->{initrd}; push @entry_conf, qq(append="$entry->{append}") if $entry->{append}; push @entry_conf, "vga=$entry->{vga}" if $entry->{vga}; push @entry_conf, grep { $entry->{$_} } qw(read-write read-only optional); } else { delete $entry->{unsafe} if $entry->{table}; #- we can't have both push @entry_conf, map { "$_=$entry->{$_}" } grep { $entry->{$_} } qw(table boot-as); push @entry_conf, grep { $entry->{$_} } qw(unsafe master-boot); if ($entry->{table}) { #- hum, things like table=c: are needed for some os2 cases, #- in that case $hd below is undef my $hd = fs::get::device2part($entry->{table}, $all_hds->{hds}); if ($hd && $hd != $sorted_hds[0]) { #- boot off the nth drive, so reverse the BIOS maps my $nb = sprintf("0x%x", 0x80 + (find_index { $hd == $_ } @sorted_hds)); $entry->{mapdrive} ||= { '0x80' => $nb, $nb => '0x80' }; } } if ($entry->{mapdrive}) { push @entry_conf, map_each { "map-drive=$::a", " to=$::b" } %{$entry->{mapdrive}}; } } push @entry_conf, "password=$entry->{password}" if $entry->{password}; push @entry_conf, "restricted" if $entry->{restricted}; push @conf, map { "\t$_" } @entry_conf; } my $f = arch() =~ /ia64/ ? "$::prefix/boot/efi/elilo.conf" : "$::prefix/etc/lilo.conf"; log::l("writing lilo config to $f"); renamef($f, "$f.old"); output_with_perm($f, $bootloader->{password} ? 0600 : 0644, map { "$_\n" } @conf); } sub install_lilo { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; if (my ($install) = $bootloader->{method} =~ /lilo-(text|menu)/) { $bootloader->{install} = $install; } else { delete $bootloader->{install}; } if ($bootloader->{message_text}) { output("$::prefix/boot/message-text", $bootloader->{message_text}); symlinkf "message-" . ($bootloader->{method} ne 'lilo-graphic' ? 'text' : 'graphic'), "$::prefix/boot/message"; $bootloader->{message} = '/boot/message'; } write_lilo($bootloader, $all_hds); when_config_changed_lilo($bootloader); configure_kdm_BootManager('Lilo'); } sub install_raw_lilo { my ($o_force_answer) = @_; my $error; my $answer = $o_force_answer || ''; run_program::rooted($::prefix, "echo $answer | lilo", '2>', \$error) or die "lilo failed: $error"; } sub when_config_changed_lilo { my ($bootloader) = @_; if (!$::testing && arch() !~ /ia64/ && $bootloader->{method} =~ /lilo/) { log::l("Installing boot loader on $bootloader->{boot}..."); install_raw_lilo($bootloader->{force_lilo_answer}); } } #- NB: ide is lower than scsi, this is important for sort_hds_according_to_bios() sub hd2bios_kind { my ($hd) = @_; lc(join('_', $hd->{bus}, $hd->{host})); } sub mixed_kind_of_disks { my ($hds) = @_; (uniq_ { hd2bios_kind($_) } @$hds) > 1; } sub sort_hds_according_to_bios { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; my $boot_hd = fs::get::device2part($bootloader->{first_hd_device} || $bootloader->{boot}, $all_hds->{hds}); #- $boot_hd is undefined when installing on floppy my $boot_kind = $boot_hd && hd2bios_kind($boot_hd); my $translate = sub { my ($hd) = @_; my $kind = hd2bios_kind($hd); $boot_hd ? ($hd == $boot_hd ? 0 : $kind eq $boot_kind ? 1 : 2) . "_$kind" : $kind; }; sort { $translate->($a) cmp $translate->($b) } @{$all_hds->{hds}}; } sub device_string2grub { my ($dev, $legacy_floppies, $sorted_hds) = @_; if (my $device = fs::get::device2part($dev, [ @$sorted_hds, fs::get::hds_fstab(@$sorted_hds) ])) { device2grub($device, $sorted_hds); } elsif (my $floppy = fs::get::device2part($dev, $legacy_floppies)) { my $bios = find_index { $floppy eq $_ } @$legacy_floppies; "(fd$bios)"; } else { internal_error("unknown device $dev"); } } sub device2grub { my ($device, $sorted_hds) = @_; my ($hd, $part_nb) = $device->{rootDevice} ? (fs::get::device2part($device->{rootDevice}, $sorted_hds), $device->{device} =~ /(\d+)$/) : $device; my $bios = find_index { $hd eq $_ } @$sorted_hds; my $part_string = defined $part_nb ? ',' . ($part_nb - 1) : ''; "(hd$bios$part_string)"; } sub read_grub_device_map() { my %grub2dev = map { m!\((.*)\)\s+/dev/(.*)$! } cat_("$::prefix/boot/grub/"); \%grub2dev; } sub write_grub_device_map { my ($legacy_floppies, $sorted_hds) = @_; my $f = "$::prefix/boot/grub/"; renamef($f, "$f.old"); output($f, (map_index { "(fd$::i) /dev/$_->{device}\n" } @$legacy_floppies), (map_index { "(hd$::i) /dev/$_->{device}\n" } @$sorted_hds)); } sub grub2dev_and_file { my ($grub_file, $grub2dev, $o_block_device) = @_; my ($grub_dev, $rel_file) = $grub_file =~ m!\((.*?)\)/?(.*)! or return; my ($hd, $part) = split(',', $grub_dev); $grub2dev->{$hd} or internal_error("$hd has no mapping in (when translating $grub_file)"); $part = $o_block_device ? '' : defined $part && $part + 1; #- grub wants "(hdX,Y)" where lilo just want "hdY+1" my $device = '/dev/' . $grub2dev->{$hd} . $part; $device, $rel_file; } sub grub2dev { my ($grub_file, $grub2dev, $o_block_device) = @_; first(grub2dev_and_file($grub_file, $grub2dev, $o_block_device)); } # replace dummy "(hdX,Y)" in "(hdX,Y)/boot/vmlinuz..." by appropriate path if needed sub grub2file { my ($grub_file, $grub2dev, $fstab) = @_; if (my ($device, $rel_file) = grub2dev_and_file($grub_file, $grub2dev)) { if (my $part = fs::get::device2part($device, $fstab)) { my $mntpoint = $part->{mntpoint} || ''; ($mntpoint eq '/' ? '' : $mntpoint) . '/' . $rel_file; } else { log::l("ERROR: unknown device $device (computed from $grub_file)"); $grub_file; } } else { $grub_file; } } sub write_grub { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ]; my @legacy_floppies = detect_devices::floppies(); my @sorted_hds = sort_hds_according_to_bios($bootloader, $all_hds); write_grub_device_map(\@legacy_floppies, \@sorted_hds); my $file2grub = sub { my ($file) = @_; if ($file =~ m!^\(.*\)/!) { $file; #- it's already in grub format } else { my ($part, $rel_file) = fs::get::file2part($fstab, $_[0], 'keep_simple_symlinks'); device2grub($part, \@sorted_hds) . $rel_file; } }; if (get_append_with_key($bootloader, 'console') =~ /ttyS(\d),(\d+)/) { $bootloader->{serial} ||= "--unit=$1 --speed=$2"; $bootloader->{terminal} ||= "--timeout=" . ($bootloader->{timeout} || 0) . " console serial"; } elsif ($bootloader->{splashimage} eq '' && $bootloader->{method} eq 'grub-graphic') { $bootloader->{splashimage} ||= $file2grub->("/boot/grub/mdv-grub_splash.xpm.gz"); $bootloader->{viewport} ||= "3 2 77 22"; $bootloader->{shade} ||= "1"; } elsif ($bootloader->{method} eq 'grub-menu') { delete $bootloader->{$_} foreach qw(splashimage viewport shade); } { my @conf; push @conf, map { "$_ $bootloader->{$_}" } grep { $bootloader->{$_} } qw(timeout color serial shade terminal viewport); push @conf, map { $_ . ' ' . $file2grub->($bootloader->{$_}) } grep { $bootloader->{$_} } qw(splashimage); eval { push @conf, "default " . (find_index { $_->{label} eq $bootloader->{default} } @{$bootloader->{entries}}); }; foreach (@{$bootloader->{entries}}) { my $title = "\ntitle $_->{label}"; if ($_->{type} eq "image") { my $vga = $_->{vga} || $bootloader->{vga}; push @conf, $title, join(' ', 'kernel', $file2grub->($_->{kernel_or_dev}), if_($_->{root}, $_->{root} =~ /loop7/ ? "root=707" : "root=$_->{root}"), #- special to workaround bug in kernel (see #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP) $_->{append}, if_($_->{'read-write'}, 'rw'), if_($vga && $vga ne "normal", "vga=$vga")); push @conf, "initrd " . $file2grub->($_->{initrd}) if $_->{initrd}; } else { my $dev = eval { device_string2grub($_->{kernel_or_dev}, \@legacy_floppies, \@sorted_hds) }; if (!$dev) { log::l("dropping bad entry $_->{label} for unknown device $_->{kernel_or_dev}"); next; } push @conf, $title, "root $dev"; if ($_->{table}) { if (my $hd = fs::get::device2part($_->{table}, \@sorted_hds)) { if (my $bios = find_index { $hd eq $_ } @sorted_hds) { #- boot off the nth drive, so reverse the BIOS maps my $nb = sprintf("0x%x", 0x80 + $bios); $_->{mapdrive} ||= { '0x80' => $nb, $nb => '0x80' }; } } } if ($_->{mapdrive}) { push @conf, map_each { "map ($::b) ($::a)" } %{$_->{mapdrive}}; push @conf, "makeactive"; } push @conf, "chainloader +1"; } } my $f = "$::prefix/boot/grub/menu.lst"; log::l("writing grub config to $f"); renamef($f, "$f.old"); output($f, map { "$_\n" } @conf); } { my $f = "$::prefix/boot/grub/"; my $boot_dev = device_string2grub($bootloader->{boot}, \@legacy_floppies, \@sorted_hds); my $files_dev = device2grub(fs::get::root_($fstab, 'boot'), \@sorted_hds); renamef($f, "$f.old"); output_with_perm($f, 0755, "grub --device-map=/boot/grub/ --batch < ( BootManager => $name )) }; } sub install_grub { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; write_grub($bootloader, $all_hds); if (!$::testing) { my @files = grep { /(stage1|stage2|_stage1_5)$/ } glob("$::prefix/lib/grub/*/*"); cp_af(@files, "$::prefix/boot/grub"); install_raw_grub(); } configure_kdm_BootManager('Grub'); } sub install_raw_grub() { log::l("Installing boot loader..."); my $error; run_program::rooted($::prefix, "sh", '/boot/grub/', "2>", \$error) or die "grub failed: $error"; } sub when_config_changed_grub { my ($_bootloader) = @_; #- do not do anything } sub action { my ($bootloader, $action, @para) = @_; my $main_method = main_method($bootloader->{method}); my $f = $bootloader::{$action . '_' . $main_method} or die "unknown bootloader method $bootloader->{method} ($action)"; $f->($bootloader, @para); } sub install { my ($bootloader, $all_hds) = @_; if (my $part = fs::get::device2part($bootloader->{boot}, [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ])) { die N("You can not install the bootloader on a %s partition\n", $part->{fs_type}) if $part->{fs_type} eq 'xfs'; } $bootloader->{keytable} = keytable($bootloader->{keytable}); action($bootloader, 'install', $all_hds); } sub update_for_renumbered_partitions { my ($in, $renumbering, $all_hds) = @_; my @configs = grep { $_->{content} } config_files(); $_->{new} = $_->{orig} = $_->{content} foreach @configs; my @sorted_hds; { my $grub2dev = read_grub_device_map(); map_each { $sorted_hds[$1] = fs::get::device2part($::b, $all_hds->{hds}) if $::a =~ /hd(\d+)/; } %$grub2dev; } #- NB: we make the changes with an added string inside so that hda5 is only renamed once to hda6 foreach (@$renumbering) { my ($old, $new) = @$_; log::l("renaming $old -> $new"); (my $lnew = $new) =~ s/(\d+)$/__DRAKX_DONE__$1/; $_->{new} =~ s/\b$old/$lnew/g foreach @configs; any { $_->{name} eq 'grub' } @configs or next; my ($old_grub, $new_grub) = map { device_string2grub($_, [], \@sorted_hds) } $old, $new; log::l("renaming $old_grub -> $new_grub"); (my $lnew_grub = $new_grub) =~ s/\)$/__DRAKX_DONE__)/; $_->{new} =~ s/\Q$old_grub/$lnew_grub/g foreach @configs; } $_->{new} =~ s/__DRAKX_DONE__//g foreach @configs; my @changed_configs = grep { $_->{orig} ne $_->{new} } @configs or return 1; # no need to update $in->ask_okcancel('', N("Your bootloader configuration must be updated because partition has been renumbered")) or return; foreach (@changed_configs) { renamef("$::prefix/$_->{file}", "$::prefix/$_->{file}.old"); output("$::prefix/$_->{file}", $_->{new}); } my $main_method = detect_main_method($all_hds); my @needed = map { $_ eq 'grub' ? 'grub_install' : $_; } $main_method ? $main_method : ('lilo', 'grub'); if (intersection(\@needed, [ map { $_->{name} } @changed_configs ])) { $in->ask_warn('', N("The bootloader can not be installed correctly. You have to boot rescue and choose \"%s\"", N("Re-install Boot Loader"))); } 1; } 1;