package any; use diagnostics; use strict; use vars qw(@users); #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use common qw(:common :system :file :functional); use commands; use detect_devices; use partition_table qw(:types); use fsedit; use fs; use run_program; use log; #-PO: names (tie, curly...) have corresponding icons for kdm my @users_male = (__("tie"), __("default"), __("curly")); #- don't change the names, files correspond to them my @users_female = (__("brunette"), __("girl"), __("woman-blond")); @users = (@users_male, @users_female, __("automagic")); sub addKdmIcon { my ($prefix, $user, $icon, $force) = @_; my $dest = "$prefix/usr/share/apps/kdm/pics/users/$user.xpm"; unlink $dest if $force; eval { commands::cp("$prefix/usr/share/icons/user-$icon-mdk.xpm", $dest) } if $icon; } sub allocUsers { my ($prefix, @users) = @_; require timezone; my @u1 = @users_male; my @u2 = @users_female; foreach (grep { !$_->{icon} || $_->{icon} eq "automagic" } @users) { my $l = rand() < timezone::sexProb($_->{name}) ? \@u2 : \@u1; $_->{auto_icon} = splice(@$l, rand(@$l), 1); #- known biased (see cookbook for better) @u1 = @users_male unless @u1; @u2 = @users_female unless @u2; } } sub addUsers { my ($prefix, @users) = @_; my $msec = "$prefix/etc/security/msec"; allocUsers($prefix, @users); foreach my $u (@users) { substInFile { s/^$u->{name}\n//; $_ .= "$u->{name}\n" if eof } "$msec/user.conf" if -d $msec; addKdmIcon($prefix, $u->{name}, delete $u->{auto_icon} || $u->{icon}, 'force'); } run_program::rooted($prefix, "/usr/share/msec/ --refresh"); addKdmIcon($prefix, 'root', 'hat', 'force'); } sub crypt { my ($password, $md5) = @_; $md5 ? c::crypt_md5($password, salt(8)) : crypt ($password, salt(2)); } sub enableShadow { my ($prefix) = @_; run_program::rooted($prefix, "pwconv") or log::l("pwconv failed"); run_program::rooted($prefix, "grpconv") or log::l("grpconv failed"); } sub enableMD5Shadow { my ($prefix, $shadow, $md5) = @_; substInFile { if (/^password.* { s/\s*shadow//; s/\s*md5//; s/$/ shadow/ if $shadow; s/$/ md5/ if $md5; } } grep { -r $_ } map { "$prefix/etc/pam.d/$_" } qw(login rlogin passwd); } sub setupBootloader { my ($in, $b, $hds, $fstab, $security, $prefix, $more) = @_; $more++ if $b->{bootUnsafe}; if ($::beginner && $more >= 1) { my @l = (__("First sector of drive (MBR)"), __("First sector of boot partition")); $in->set_help('setupBootloaderBeginner') unless $::isStandalone; if (arch() =~ /sparc/) { $b->{use_partition} = $in->ask_from_list_(_("SILO Installation"), _("Where do you want to install the bootloader?"), \@l, $l[$b->{use_partition}]); } else { my $boot = $hds->[0]{device}; my $onmbr = "/dev/$boot" eq $b->{boot}; $b->{boot} = "/dev/" . ($in->ask_from_list_(_("LILO/grub Installation"), _("Where do you want to install the bootloader?"), \@l, $l[!$onmbr]) eq $l[0] ? $boot : fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')->{device}); } } elsif ($more || !$::beginner) { $in->set_help(arch() =~ /sparc/ ? "setupSILOGeneral" : "setupBootloaderGeneral") unless $::isStandalone; #- TO MERGE ? if ($::expert) { my $default = arch() =~ /sparc/ ? 'silo' : 'grub'; my $m = $in->ask_from_list_('', _("Which bootloader(s) do you want to use?"), [ keys(%{$b->{methods}}), __("None") ], $default) or return; $b->{methods}{$_} = 0 foreach keys %{$b->{methods}}; $b->{methods}{$m} = 1 if $m ne "None"; } #- at least one method grep_each { $::b } %{$b->{methods}} or return; #- put lilo if grub is chosen, so that /etc/lilo.conf is generated exists $b->{methods}{lilo} and $b->{methods}{lilo} = 1 if $b->{methods}{grub}; my @silo_install_lang = (_("First sector of drive (MBR)"), _("First sector of boot partition")); my $silo_install_lang = $silo_install_lang[$b->{use_partition}]; my @l = ( arch() =~ /sparc/ ? ( _("Bootloader installation") => { val => \$silo_install_lang, list => \@silo_install_lang, not_edit => 1 }, ) : ( _("Boot device") => { val => \$b->{boot}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_" } (map { $_->{device} } @$hds, @$fstab), detect_devices::floppies() ], not_edit => !$::expert }, _("LBA (doesn't work on old BIOSes)") => { val => \$b->{lba32}, type => "bool", text => "lba" }, _("Compact") => { val => \$b->{compact}, type => "bool", text => _("compact") }, _("Video mode") => { val => \$b->{vga}, list => [ keys %bootloader::vga_modes ], not_edit => $::beginner }, ), _("Delay before booting default image") => \$b->{timeout}, $security < 4 ? () : ( _("Password") => { val => \$b->{password}, hidden => 1 }, _("Password (again)") => { val => \$b->{password2}, hidden => 1 }, _("Restrict command line options") => { val => \$b->{restricted}, type => "bool", text => _("restrict") }, ) ); @l = @l[0..3] unless $::expert; #- take "bootloader installation" and "delay before ..." on SPARC. $b->{vga} ||= 'Normal'; $in->ask_from_entries_refH('', _("Bootloader main options"), \@l, complete => sub { #- $security > 4 && length($b->{password}) < 6 and $in->ask_warn('', _("At this level of security, a password (and a good one) in lilo is requested")), return 1; $b->{restricted} && !$b->{password} and $in->ask_warn('', _("Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a password")), return 1; $b->{password} eq $b->{password2} or !$b->{restricted} or $in->ask_warn('', [ _("The passwords do not match"), _("Please try again") ]), return 1; 0; } ) or return 0; $b->{use_partition} = $silo_install_lang eq _("First sector of drive (MBR)") ? 0 : 1; $b->{vga} = $bootloader::vga_modes{$b->{vga}} || $b->{vga}; } until ($::beginner && $more <= 1) { $in->set_help(arch() =~ /sparc/ ? 'setupSILOAddEntry' : 'setupBootloaderAddEntry') unless $::isStandalone; my $c = $in->ask_from_listf([''], _("Here are the different entries. You can add some more or change the existing ones."), sub { my ($e) = @_; ref $e ? "$e->{label} ($e->{kernel_or_dev})" . ($b->{default} eq $e->{label} && " *") : translate($e); }, [ @{$b->{entries}}, __("Add"), __("Done") ]); $c eq "Done" and last; my ($e); if ($c eq "Add") { my @labels = map { $_->{label} } @{$b->{entries}}; my $prefix; if ($in->ask_from_list_('', _("Which type of entry do you want to add?"), [ __("Linux"), arch() =~ /sparc/ ? __("Other OS (SunOS...)") : __("Other OS (windows...)") ] ) eq "Linux") { $e = { type => 'image', root => '/dev/' . fsedit::get_root($fstab)->{device}, #- assume a good default. }; $prefix = "linux"; } else { $e = { type => 'other' }; $prefix = arch() =~ /sparc/ ? "sunos" : "windows"; } $e->{label} = $prefix; for (my $nb = 0; member($e->{label}, @labels); $nb++) { $e->{label} = "$prefix-$nb" } } else { $e = $c; } my %old_e = %$e; my $default = my $old_default = $e->{label} eq $b->{default}; my @l; if ($e->{type} eq "image") { @l = ( _("Image") => { val => \$e->{kernel_or_dev}, list => [ eval { map { s/$prefix//; $_ } glob_("$prefix/boot/vmlinuz*") } ] }, _("Root") => { val => \$e->{root}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } @$fstab ], not_edit => !$::expert }, _("Append") => \$e->{append}, _("Initrd") => { val => \$e->{initrd}, list => [ eval { map { s/$prefix//; $_ } glob_("$prefix/boot/initrd*") } ] }, _("Read-write") => { val => \$e->{'read-write'}, type => 'bool' } ); @l = @l[0..5] unless $::expert; } else { @l = ( _("Root") => { val => \$e->{kernel_or_dev}, list => [ map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } @$fstab ], not_edit => !$::expert }, arch() !~ /sparc/ ? ( _("Table") => { val => \$e->{table}, list => [ '', map { "/dev/$_->{device}" } @$hds ], not_edit => !$::expert }, _("Unsafe") => { val => \$e->{unsafe}, type => 'bool' } ) : (), ); @l = @l[0..1] unless $::expert; } @l = ( _("Label") => \$e->{label}, @l, _("Default") => { val => \$default, type => 'bool' }, ); if ($in->ask_from_entries_refH($c eq "Add" ? '' : ['', _("Ok"), _("Remove entry")], '', \@l, complete => sub { $e->{label} or $in->ask_warn('', _("Empty label not allowed")), return 1; member($e->{label}, map { $_->{label} } grep { $_ != $e } @{$b->{entries}}) and $in->ask_warn('', _("This label is already used")), return 1; 0; })) { $b->{default} = $old_default || $default ? $default && $e->{label} : $b->{default}; require bootloader; bootloader::configure_entry($prefix, $e); #- hack to make sure initrd file are built. push @{$b->{entries}}, $e if $c eq "Add"; } else { @{$b->{entries}} = grep { $_ != $e } @{$b->{entries}}; } } 1; } sub setAutologin { my ($prefix, $user, $exe, $flag) = @_; my $f = "$prefix/etc/sysconfig/autologin"; my $t1 = "USER="; my $t2 = "EXEC="; my $t3 = "AUTOLOGIN="; substInFile { s/^(\Q$t1\E|\Q$t2\E|\Q$t3\E).*\n//; $_ .= "$t1$user\n$t2$exe\n$t3=$flag" if eof } $f; `chmod 644 $f`; } sub writeandclean_ldsoconf { my ($prefix) = @_; my $file = "$prefix/etc/"; log::l("before: ", cat_($file)); output $file, grep { !m|^(/usr)?/lib$| } #- no need to have /lib and /usr/lib in uniq cat_($file), "/usr/X11R6/lib\n"; log::l("after: ", cat_($file)); } sub shells { my ($prefix) = @_; grep { -x "$prefix$_" } map { chomp; $_ } cat_("$prefix/etc/shells"); } sub inspect { my ($part, $prefix, $rw) = @_; isMountableRW($part) or return; my $dir = "/tmp/inspect_tmp_dir"; if ($part->{isMounted}) { $dir = ($prefix || '') . $part->{mntpoint}; } elsif ($part->{notFormatted} && !$part->{isFormatted}) { $dir = ''; } else { mkdir $dir, 0700; fs::mount($part->{device}, $dir, type2fs($part->{type}), !$rw); } my $h = before_leaving { if (!$part->{isMounted} && $dir) { fs::umount($dir); unlink($dir) } }; $h->{dir} = $dir; $h; } #-----modem conf sub pppConfig { my ($o) = @_; $o->{modem} or return; symlinkf($o->{modem}{device}, "$o->{prefix}/dev/modem") or log::l("creation of $o->{prefix}/dev/modem failed"); $::isStandalone ? `urpmi --auto ppp` : $o->pkg_install("ppp") unless $::testing; my %toreplace; $toreplace{$_} = $o->{modem}{$_} foreach qw(connection phone login passwd auth domain dns1 dns2); $toreplace{kpppauth} = ${{ 'Script-based' => 0, 'PAP' => 1, 'Terminal-based' => 2, 'CHAP' => 3, }}{$o->{modem}{auth}}; $toreplace{phone} =~ s/\D//g; $toreplace{dnsserver} = join ',', map { $o->{modem}{$_} } "dns1", "dns2"; $toreplace{dnsserver} .= $toreplace{dnsserver} && ','; #- using peerdns or dns1,dns2 avoid writing a /etc/resolv.conf file. $toreplace{peerdns} = "yes"; $toreplace{connection} ||= 'DialupConnection'; $toreplace{domain} ||= 'localdomain'; $toreplace{intf} ||= 'ppp0'; $toreplace{papname} = $o->{modem}{auth} eq 'PAP' && $toreplace{login}; #- build ifcfg-ppp0. my $ifcfg = "$o->{prefix}/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0"; local *IFCFG; open IFCFG, ">$ifcfg" or die "Can't open $ifcfg"; print IFCFG <$chat" or die "Can't open $chat"; print CHAT <{netcnx}{special_command}' 'ATDT$toreplace{phone}' 'CONNECT' '' END if ($o->{modem}{auth} eq 'Terminal-based' || $o->{modem}{auth} eq 'Script-based') { print CHAT <{modem}{auth} eq 'PAP') { #- need to create a secrets file for the connection. my $secrets = "$o->{prefix}/etc/ppp/" . lc($o->{modem}{auth}) . "-secrets"; my @l = cat_($secrets); my $replaced = 0; do { $replaced ||= 1 if s/^\s*"?$toreplace{login}"?\s+ppp0\s+(\S+)/"$toreplace{login}" ppp0 "$toreplace{passwd}"/; } foreach @l; if ($replaced) { local *F; open F, ">$secrets" or die "Can't open $secrets: $!"; print F @l; } else { local *F; open F, ">>$secrets" or die "Can't open $secrets: $!"; print F "$toreplace{login} ppp0 \"$toreplace{passwd}\"\n"; } #- restore access right to secrets file, just in case. chmod 0600, $secrets; } #- CHAP is not supported by initscripts, need patching before doing more on that here! #-install_any::template2userfile($o->{prefix}, "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/", ".kde/share/config/kppprc", 1, %toreplace); commands::mkdir_("-p", "$o->{prefix}/usr/share/config"); template2file("$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/", "$o->{prefix}/usr/share/config/kppprc", %toreplace); miscellaneousNetwork($o); } sub miscellaneousNetwork { my ($o) = @_; setVarsInSh ("$o->{prefix}/etc/profile.d/", $o->{miscellaneous}, qw(http_proxy ftp_proxy)); setVarsInCsh("$o->{prefix}/etc/profile.d/proxy.csh", $o->{miscellaneous}, qw(http_proxy ftp_proxy)); } 1;