package Xconfigurator; use diagnostics; use strict; use vars qw($in $install $resolution_wanted @depths @monitorSize2resolution @hsyncranges %min_hsync4wres @vsyncranges %depths @resolutions %serversdriver @svgaservers @accelservers @allbutfbservers @allservers %vgamodes %videomemory @ramdac_name @ramdac_id @clockchip_name @clockchip_id %keymap_translate %standard_monitors $intro_text $finalcomment_text $s3_comment $cirrus_comment $probeonlywarning_text $monitorintro_text $hsyncintro_text $vsyncintro_text $XF86firstchunk_text $keyboardsection_start $keyboardsection_part2 $keyboardsection_end $pointersection_text1 $pointersection_text2 $monitorsection_text1 $monitorsection_text2 $monitorsection_text3 $monitorsection_text4 $modelines_text_Trident_TG_96xx $modelines_text $devicesection_text $screensection_text1 %lines %xkb_options); use pci_probing::main; use common qw(:common :file :functional :system); use log; use Xconfigurator_consts; use my_gtk qw(:wrappers); my $tmpconfig = "/tmp/Xconfig"; my ($prefix, %cards, %monitors); 1; sub getVGAMode($) { $_[0]->{card}{vga_mode} || $vgamodes{"640x480x16"}; } sub setVirtual($) { my $vt = ''; local *C; sysopen C, "/dev/console", 2 or die "failed to open /dev/console: $!"; ioctl(C, c::VT_GETSTATE(), $vt) or die "ioctl VT_GETSTATE failed"; ioctl(C, c::VT_ACTIVATE(), $_[0]) or die "ioctl VT_ACTIVATE failed"; ioctl(C, c::VT_WAITACTIVE(), $_[0]) or die "ioctl VT_WAITACTIVE failed"; unpack "S", $vt; } sub readCardsDB { my ($file) = @_; my ($card); %cards and return; local *F; open F, $file or die "file $file not found"; my ($lineno, $cmd, $val) = 0; my $fs = { LINE => sub { push @{$card->{lines}}, $val unless $val eq "VideoRam" }, NAME => sub { $cards{$card->{type}} = $card if $card; $card = { type => $val }; }, SEE => sub { my $c = $cards{$val} or die "Error in database, invalid reference $val at line $lineno"; push @{$card->{lines}}, @{$c->{lines} || []}; add2hash($card->{flags}, $c->{flags}); add2hash($card, $c); }, CHIPSET => sub { $card->{chipset} = $val; $card->{flags}{needVideoRam} = 1 if member($val, qw(mgag10 mgag200 RIVA128)); }, SERVER => sub { $card->{server} = $val; }, RAMDAC => sub { $card->{ramdac} = $val; }, DACSPEED => sub { $card->{dacspeed} = $val; }, CLOCKCHIP => sub { $card->{clockchip} = $val; $card->{flags}{noclockprobe} = 1; }, NOCLOCKPROBE => sub { $card->{flags}{noclockprobe} = 1 }, UNSUPPORTED => sub { $card->{flags}{unsupported} = 1 }, COMMENT => sub {}, }; foreach () { $lineno++; s/\s+$//; /^#/ and next; /^$/ and next; /^END/ and last; ($cmd, $val) = /(\S+)\s*(.*)/ or log::l("bad line $lineno ($_)"), next; my $f = $fs->{$cmd}; $f ? &$f() : log::l("unknown line $lineno ($_)"); } push @{$cards{S3}{lines}}, $s3_comment; push @{$cards{'CL-GD'}{lines}}, $cirrus_comment; #- this entry is broken in X11R6 cards db $cards{I128}{flags}{noclockprobe} = 1; } sub readMonitorsDB { my ($file) = @_; %monitors and return; local *F; open F, $file or die "can't open monitors database ($file): $!"; my $lineno = 0; foreach () { $lineno++; s/\s+$//; /^#/ and next; /^$/ and next; my @fields = qw(type bandwidth hsyncrange vsyncrange); my @l = split /\s*;\s*/; @l == @fields or log::l("bad line $lineno ($_)"), next; my %l; @l{@fields} = @l; $monitors{$l{type}} = \%l; } while (my ($k, $v) = each %standard_monitors) { $monitors{$k} = $monitors{$v->[0]} = { hsyncrange => $v->[1], vsyncrange => $v->[2] }; } } sub rewriteInittab { my ($runlevel) = @_; my $f = "$prefix/etc/inittab"; -r $f or log::l("missing inittab!!!"), return; substInFile { s/^(id:)[35](:initdefault:)\s*$/$1$runlevel$2\n/ } $f; } sub keepOnlyLegalModes { my ($card, $monitor) = @_; my $mem = 1024 * ($card->{memory} || 99999); my $hsync = max(split(/[,-]/, $monitor->{hsyncrange})); while (my ($depth, $res) = each %{$card->{depth}}) { @$res = grep { $mem >= product(@$_, $depth / 8) && $hsync >= ($min_hsync4wres{$_->[0]} || 0) } @$res; delete $card->{depth}{$depth} if @$res == 0; } } sub cardConfigurationAuto() { my $card; if (my ($c) = pci_probing::main::probe("DISPLAY")) { local $_; ($card->{identifier}, $_) = @$c; $card->{type} = $1 if /Card:(.*)/; $card->{server} = $1 if /Server:(.*)/; push @{$card->{lines}}, @{$lines{$card->{identifier}} || []}; } $card; } sub cardConfiguration(;$$$) { my ($card, $noauto, $allowFB) = @_; $card ||= {}; readCardsDB("$prefix/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Cards"); add2hash($card, $cards{$card->{type}}) if $card->{type}; #- try to get info from given type $card->{type} = undef unless $card->{server}; #- bad type as we can't find the server add2hash($card, cardConfigurationAuto()) unless $card->{server} || $noauto; $card->{server} = 'FBDev' unless !$allowFB || $card->{server} || $noauto; $card->{type} = $in->ask_from_list('', _("Select a graphic card"), ['Unlisted', keys %cards]) unless $card->{type} || $card->{server}; $card->{type} = undef, $card->{server} = $in->ask_from_list('', _("Choose a X server"), $allowFB ? \@allservers : \@allbutfbservers ) if $card->{type} eq "Unlisted"; add2hash($card, $cards{$card->{type}}) if $card->{type}; add2hash($card, { vendor => "Unknown", board => "Unknown" }); $card->{prog} = "/usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_$card->{server}"; -x "$prefix$card->{prog}" or !defined $install or &$install($card->{server}); -x "$prefix$card->{prog}" or die "server $card->{server} is not available (should be in $prefix$card->{prog})"; symlinkf "../..$card->{prog}", "$prefix/etc/X11/X" unless $::testing; unless ($card->{type}) { $card->{flags}{noclockprobe} = member($card->{server}, qw(I128 S3 S3V Mach64)); } $card->{flags}{needVideoRam} and $card->{memory} ||= $videomemory{$in->ask_from_list_('', _("Select the memory size of your graphic card"), [ sort { $videomemory{$a} <=> $videomemory{$b} } keys %videomemory])}; $card; } sub monitorConfiguration(;$$) { my $monitor = shift || {}; my $useFB = shift || 0; if ($useFB) { #- use smallest values for monitor configuration since FB is used, #- BIOS initialize graphics, current X server will not refuse that. $monitor->{hsyncrange} ||= $hsyncranges[0]; $monitor->{vsyncrange} ||= $vsyncranges[0]; add2hash($monitor, { type => "Unknown", vendor => "Unknown", model => "Unknown" }); } else { $monitor->{hsyncrange} && $monitor->{vsyncrange} and return $monitor; readMonitorsDB(-e "MonitorsDB" ? "MonitorsDB" : "/usr/share/MonitorsDB"); add2hash($monitor, { type => $in->ask_from_list('', _("Choose a monitor"), ['Unlisted', keys %monitors]) }) unless $monitor->{type}; if ($monitor->{type} eq 'Unlisted') { $in->ask_from_entries_ref('', _("The two critical parameters are the vertical refresh rate, which is the rate at which the whole screen is refreshed, and most importantly the horizontal sync rate, which is the rate at which scanlines are displayed. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not specify a monitor type with a sync range that is beyond the capabilities of your monitor: you may damage your monitor. If in doubt, choose a conservative setting."), [ _("Horizontal refresh rate"), _("Vertical refresh rate") ], [ { val => \$monitor->{hsyncrange}, list => \@hsyncranges }, { val => \$monitor->{vsyncrange}, list => \@vsyncranges }, ]); } else { add2hash($monitor, $monitors{$monitor->{type}}); } add2hash($monitor, { type => "Unknown", vendor => "Unknown", model => "Unknown" }); } $monitor; } sub testConfig($) { my ($o) = @_; my ($resolutions, $clocklines); write_XF86Config($o, $tmpconfig); unlink "/tmp/.X9-lock"; local *F; open F, "$prefix$o->{card}{prog} :9 -probeonly -pn -xf86config $tmpconfig 2>&1 |"; foreach () { $o->{card}{memory} ||= $2 if /(videoram|Video RAM):\s*(\d*)/; # look for clocks push @$clocklines, $1 if /clocks: (.*)/ && !/(pixel |num)clocks:/; push @$resolutions, [ $1, $2 ] if /: Mode "(\d+)x(\d+)": mode clock/; print; } close F or die "X probeonly failed"; ($resolutions, $clocklines); } sub testFinalConfig($;$) { my ($o, $auto) = @_; $o->{monitor}{hsyncrange} && $o->{monitor}{vsyncrange} or $in->ask_warn('', _("Monitor not configured")), return; $o->{card}{server} or $in->ask_warn('', _("Graphic card not configured yet")), return; $o->{card}{depth} or $in->ask_warn('', _("Resolutions not chosen yet")), return; rename("$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config", "$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config.old") || die "unable to make a backup of XF86Config" unless $::testing; write_XF86Config($o, $::testing ? $tmpconfig : "$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config"); $o->{card}{server} eq 'FBDev' and return 1; #- avoid testing since untestable without reboot. $auto or $in->ask_yesorno(_("Test configuration"), _("Do you want to test the configuration?"), 1) or return 1; unlink "$prefix/tmp/.X9-lock"; #- create a link from the non-prefixed /tmp/.X11-unix/X9 to the prefixed one #- that way, you can talk to :9 without doing a chroot symlinkf "$prefix/tmp/.X11-unix/X9", "/tmp/.X11-unix/X9" if $prefix; run_program::rooted($o->{prefix}, "/etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs", "stop"); run_program::rooted($o->{prefix}, "/etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs", "start"); my $f_err = "$prefix/tmp/Xoutput"; my $pid; unless ($pid = fork) { open STDERR, ">$f_err"; my @l = "X"; @l = ($o->{card}{prog}, "-xf86config", $tmpconfig) if $::testing; chroot $prefix if $prefix; exec @l, ":9" or exit 'true'; } do { sleep 1 } until c::Xtest(":9") || waitpid($pid, c::WNOHANG()); my $b = before_leaving { unlink $f_err }; local *F; open F, $f_err; while () { if (/\berror\b/i) { my @msg; while () { /^$/ and last; push @msg, $_; } $in->ask_warn('', [ _("An error occurred:"), " ", @msg, _("\ntry changing some parameters") ]); return 0; } } local *F; open F, "|perl" or die ''; print F "use lib qw(", join(' ', @INC), ");\n"; print F q{ use interactive_gtk; use my_gtk qw(:wrappers); $ENV{DISPLAY} = ":9"; gtkset_mousecursor(68); gtkset_background(200 * 256, 210 * 256, 210 * 256); my ($h, $w) = Gtk::Gdk::Window->new_foreign(Gtk::Gdk->ROOT_WINDOW)->get_size; $my_gtk::force_position = [ $w / 3, $h / 2.4 ]; $my_gtk::force_focus = 1; my $text = Gtk::Label->new; my $time = 8; Gtk->timeout_add(1000, sub { $text->set(_("(leaving in %d seconds)", $time)); $time-- or Gtk->main_quit; }); exit (interactive_gtk->new->ask_yesorno('', [ _("Is this correct?"), $text ], 0) ? 0 : 222); }; my $rc = close F; my $err = $?; unlink "/tmp/.X11-unix/X9" if $prefix; kill 2, $pid; $rc || $err == 222 << 8 or $in->ask_warn('', _("An error occurred, try changing some parameters")); $rc; } sub autoResolutions($;$) { my ($o, $nowarning) = @_; my $card = $o->{card}; $nowarning || $in->ask_okcancel(_("Automatic resolutions"), _("To find the available resolutions I will try different ones. Your screen will blink... You can switch if off if you want, you'll hear a beep when it's over"), 1) or return; #- swith to virtual console 1 (hopefully not X :) my $vt = setVirtual(1); #- Configure the modes order. my ($ok, $best); foreach (reverse @depths) { local $card->{default_depth} = $_; my ($resolutions, $clocklines) = eval { testConfig($o) }; if ($@ || !$resolutions) { delete $card->{depth}{$_}; } else { $card->{clocklines} ||= $clocklines unless $card->{flags}{noclockprobe}; $card->{depth}{$_} = [ @$resolutions ]; } } #- restore the virtual console setVirtual($vt); print "\a"; #- beeeep! } sub autoDefaultDepth($$) { my ($card, $wres_wanted) = @_; my ($best, $depth); # if ($card->{server} eq 'FBDev') { # 16; #- assume 16 bits depth for this case. # } else { while (my ($d, $r) = each %{$card->{depth}}) { $depth = $depth ? max($depth, $d) : $d; # try to have $resolution_wanted $best = $best ? max($best, $d) : $d if $r->[0][0] >= $wres_wanted; } $best || $depth or die "no valid modes"; # } } sub autoDefaultResolution(;$) { my $size = round(shift || 14); #- assume a small monitor (size is in inch) $monitorSize2resolution[$size] || $monitorSize2resolution[$#monitorSize2resolution]; #- no corresponding resolution for this size. It means a big monitor, take biggest we have } sub chooseResolutionsGtk($$;$) { my ($card, $chosen_depth, $chosen_w) = @_; my $W = my_gtk->new(_("Resolution")); my %txt2depth = reverse %depths; my ($r, $depth_combo, %w2depth, %w2h, %w2widget); my $best_w; while (my ($depth, $res) = each %{$card->{depth}}) { foreach (@$res) { $w2h{$_->[0]} = $_->[1]; push @{$w2depth{$_->[0]}}, $depth; $best_w = max($_->[0], $best_w) if $_->[0] <= $chosen_w; } } $chosen_w = $best_w; my $set_depth = sub { $depth_combo->entry->set_text(translate($depths{$chosen_depth})) }; #- the set function is usefull to toggle the CheckButton with the callback being ignored my $ignore; my $set = sub { $ignore = 1; $_[0]->set_active(1); $ignore = 0; }; while (my ($w, $h) = each %w2h) { my $V = $w . "x" . $h; $w2widget{$w} = $r = new Gtk::RadioButton($r ? ($V, $r) : $V); &$set($r) if $chosen_w == $w; $r->signal_connect("clicked" => sub { $ignore and return; $chosen_w = $w; unless (member($chosen_depth, @{$w2depth{$w}})) { $chosen_depth = max(@{$w2depth{$w}}); &$set_depth(); } }); } gtkadd($W->{window}, gtkpack_($W->create_box_with_title(_("Choose resolution and color depth")), 1, gtkpack(new Gtk::HBox(0,20), $depth_combo = new Gtk::Combo, gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0,0), map { 0, $w2widget{$_} } ikeys(%w2widget), ), ), 0, gtkadd($W->create_okcancel, gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button(_("Show all")), clicked => sub { $W->{retval} = 1; $chosen_w = 0; Gtk->main_quit })), )); $depth_combo->disable_activate; $depth_combo->set_use_arrows_always(1); $depth_combo->entry->set_editable(0); $depth_combo->set_popdown_strings(map { translate($depths{$_}) } ikeys(%{$card->{depth}})); $depth_combo->entry->signal_connect(changed => sub { $chosen_depth = $txt2depth{untranslate($depth_combo->entry->get_text, keys %txt2depth)}; my $w = $card->{depth}{$chosen_depth}[0][0]; $chosen_w > $w and &$set($w2widget{$chosen_w = $w}); }); &$set_depth(); $W->{ok}->grab_focus; $W->main or return; ($chosen_depth, $chosen_w); } sub chooseResolutions($$;$) { goto &chooseResolutionsGtk if ref($in) =~ /gtk/; my ($card, $chosen_depth, $chosen_w) = @_; my $best_w; local $_ = $in->ask_from_list('', _(""), [ map_each { map { "$_->[0]x$_->[1] ${main::a}bpp" } @$::b } %{$card->{depth}} ]) or return; reverse /(\d+)x\S+ (\d+)/; } sub resolutionsConfiguration($%) { my ($o, %options) = @_; my $card = $o->{card}; #- For the mono and vga16 server, no further configuration is required. if (member($card->{server}, "Mono", "VGA16")) { $card->{depth}{8} = [[ 640, 480 ]]; return; } #- some of these guys hate to be poked #- if we dont know then its at the user's discretion #-my $manual ||= #- $card->{server} =~ /^(TGA|Mach32)/ || #- $card->{name} =~ /^Riva 128/ || #- $card->{chipset} =~ /^(RIVA128|mgag)/ || #- $::expert; #- #-my $unknown = #- member($card->{server}, qw(S3 S3V I128 Mach64)) || #- member($card->{type}, #- "Matrox Millennium (MGA)", #- "Matrox Millennium II", #- "Matrox Millennium II AGP", #- "Matrox Mystique", #- "Matrox Mystique", #- "S3", #- "S3V", #- "I128", #- ) || #- $card->{type} =~ /S3 ViRGE/; #- #-$unknown and $manual ||= !$in->ask_okcancel('', [ _("I can try to autodetect information about graphic card, but it may freeze :("), #- _("Do you want to try?") ]); if (is_empty_hash_ref($card->{depth})) { $card->{depth}{$_} = [ map { [ split "x" ] } @resolutions ] foreach @depths; unless ($options{noauto}) { if ($options{nowarning} || $in->ask_okcancel(_("Automatic resolutions"), _("I can try to find the available resolutions (eg: 800x600). Sometimes, though, it may hang the machine. Do you want to try?"), 1)) { autoResolutions($o, $options{nowarning}); is_empty_hash_ref($card->{depth}) and $in->ask_warn('', _("No valid modes found Try with another video card or monitor")), return; } } } #- sort resolutions in each depth foreach (values %{$card->{depth}}) { my $i = 0; @$_ = grep { first($i != $_->[0], $i = $_->[0]) } sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @$_; } #- remove unusable resolutions (based on the video memory size and the monitor hsync rate) keepOnlyLegalModes($card, $o->{monitor}); my $res = $o->{resolution_wanted} || autoDefaultResolution($o->{monitor}{size}); my $wres = first(split 'x', $res); my $depth = eval { $card->{default_depth} || autoDefaultDepth($card, $wres) }; $options{auto} or ($depth, $wres) = chooseResolutions($card, $depth, $wres) or return; unless ($wres) { delete $card->{depth}; return resolutionsConfiguration($o, noauto => 1); } #- needed in auto mode when all has been provided by the user $card->{depth}{$depth} or die "you fixed an unusable depth"; #- remove all biggest resolution (keep the small ones for ctl-alt-+) #- otherwise there'll be a virtual screen :( $card->{depth}{$depth} = [ grep { $_->[0] <= $wres } @{$card->{depth}{$depth}} ]; $card->{default_depth} = $depth; $card->{vga_mode} = $vgamodes{"${wres}xx$depth"} || $vgamodes{"${res}x$depth"}; #- for use with frame buffer. 1; } #- Create the XF86Config file. sub write_XF86Config { my ($o, $file) = @_; my $O; local *F; open F, ">$file" or die "can't write XF86Config in $file: $!"; print F $XF86firstchunk_text; #- Write keyboard section. $O = $o->{keyboard}; print F $keyboardsection_start; print F " RightAlt ", ($O->{altmeta} ? "ModeShift" : "Meta"), "\n"; print F $keyboardsection_part2; print F qq( XkbLayout "$O->{xkb_keymap}"\n); print F join '', map { " $_\n" } @{$xkb_options{$O->{xkb_keymap}} || []}; print F $keyboardsection_end; #- Write pointer section. $O = $o->{mouse}; print F $pointersection_text1; print F qq( Protocol "$O->{XMOUSETYPE}"\n); print F qq( Device "/dev/$O->{device}"\n); #- this will enable the "wheel" or "knob" functionality if the mouse supports it print F " ZAxisMapping 4 5\n" if member($O->{XMOUSETYPE}, qw(IntelliMouse IMPS/2 ThinkingMousePS/2 NetScrollPS/2 NetMousePS/2 MouseManPlusPS/2)); print F $pointersection_text2; print F "#" unless $O->{XEMU3}; print F " Emulate3Buttons\n"; print F "#" unless $O->{XEMU3}; print F " Emulate3Timeout 50\n\n"; print F "# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice\n\n"; print F "#" unless $O->{chordmiddle}; print F " ChordMiddle\n\n"; print F " ClearDTR\n" if $O->{cleardtrrts}; print F " ClearRTS\n\n" if $O->{cleardtrrts}; print F "EndSection\n\n\n"; #- Write monitor section. $O = $o->{monitor}; print F $monitorsection_text1; print F qq( Identifier "$O->{type}"\n); print F qq( VendorName "$O->{vendor}"\n); print F qq( ModelName "$O->{model}"\n); print F "\n"; print F $monitorsection_text2; print F qq( HorizSync $O->{hsyncrange}\n); print F "\n"; print F $monitorsection_text3; print F qq( VertRefresh $O->{vsyncrange}\n); print F "\n"; print F $monitorsection_text4; print F ($O->{modelines} || '') . ($o->{card}{type} eq "TG 96" ? $modelines_text_Trident_TG_96xx : $modelines_text); print F "\nEndSection\n\n\n"; #- Write Device section. $O = $o->{card}; print F $devicesection_text; print F qq(Section "Device"\n); print F qq( Identifier "$O->{type}"\n); print F qq( VendorName "$O->{vendor}"\n); print F qq( BoardName "$O->{board}"\n); print F "#" if $O->{memory} && !$O->{flags}{needVideoRam}; print F " VideoRam $O->{memory}\n" if $O->{memory}; print F map { " $_\n" } @{$O->{lines} || []}; print F qq( Ramdac "$O->{ramdac}"\n) if $O->{ramdac}; print F qq( Dacspeed "$O->{dacspeed}"\n) if $O->{dacspeed}; if ($O->{clockchip}) { print F qq( Clockchip "$O->{clockchip}"\n); } else { print F " # Clock lines\n"; print F " Clocks $_\n" foreach (@{$O->{clocklines}}); } print F "EndSection\n\n\n"; #- Write Screen sections. print F $screensection_text1; my $screen = sub { my ($server, $defdepth, $device, $depths) = @_; print F qq( Section "Screen" Driver "$server" Device "$device" Monitor "$o->{monitor}{type}" ); print F " DefaultColorDepth $defdepth\n" if $defdepth; foreach (ikeys(%$depths)) { my $m = $server ne "fbdev" ? join(" ", map { qq("$_->[0]x$_->[1]") } @{$depths->{$_}}) : qq("default"); print F qq( Subsection "Display"\n); print F qq( Depth $_\n) if $_; print F qq( Modes $m\n); print F qq( ViewPort 0 0\n); print F qq( EndSubsection\n); } print F "EndSection\n"; }; #-" #- SVGA screen section. print F qq( # The Colour SVGA server ); if (member($O->{server}, @svgaservers)) { &$screen("svga", $O->{default_depth}, $O->{type}, $O->{depth}); } else { &$screen("svga", '', "Generic VGA", { 8 => [[ 320, 200 ]] }); } &$screen("vga16", '', (member($O->{server}, "Mono", "VGA16") ? $O->{type} : "Generic VGA"), { '' => [[ 640, 480 ], [ 800, 600 ]]}); &$screen("vga2", '', (member($O->{server}, "Mono", "VGA16") ? $O->{type} : "Generic VGA"), { '' => [[ 640, 480 ], [ 800, 600 ]]}); &$screen("accel", $O->{default_depth}, $O->{type}, $O->{depth}); &$screen("fbdev", $O->{default_depth}, $O->{type}, $O->{depth}); } sub XF86check_link { my ($void) = @_; my $f = "$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config"; touch($f); my $l = "$prefix/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config"; if (-e $l && (stat($f))[1] != (stat($l))[1]) { #- compare the inode, must be the sames -e $l and unlink($l) || die "can't remove bad $l"; symlinkf "../../../../etc/X11/XF86Config", $l; } } sub show_info { my ($o) = @_; my $info; $info .= _("Keyboard layout: %s\n", $o->{keyboard}{xkb_keymap}); $info .= _("Mouse type: %s\n", $o->{mouse}{XMOUSETYPE}); $info .= _("Mouse device: %s\n", $o->{mouse}{device}) if $::expert; $info .= _("Monitor: %s\n", $o->{monitor}{type}); $info .= _("Monitor HorizSync: %s\n", $o->{monitor}{hsyncrange}) if $::expert; $info .= _("Monitor VertRefresh: %s\n", $o->{monitor}{vsyncrange}) if $::expert; $info .= _("Graphic card: %s\n", $o->{card}{type}); $info .= _("Graphic memory: %s kB\n", $o->{card}{memory}) if $o->{card}{memory}; $info .= _("XFree86 server: %s\n", $o->{card}{server}); $in->ask_warn('', $info); } #- Program entry point. sub main { my ($o, $allowFB); ($prefix, $o, $in, $allowFB, $install) = @_; $o ||= {}; XF86check_link(); $o->{card} = cardConfiguration($o->{card}, $::noauto, $allowFB); $o->{monitor} = monitorConfiguration($o->{monitor}, $o->{card}{server} eq 'FBDev'); my $ok = resolutionsConfiguration($o, auto => $::auto, noauto => $::noauto); $ok &&= testFinalConfig($o, $::auto); my $quit; until ($ok || $quit) { my %c = my @c = ( __("Change Monitor") => sub { $o->{monitor} = monitorConfiguration() }, __("Change Graphic card") => sub { $o->{card} = cardConfiguration('', 'noauto') }, __("Change Resolution") => sub { resolutionsConfiguration($o, noauto => 1) }, __("Automatical resolutions search") => sub { delete $o->{card}{depth}; resolutionsConfiguration($o, nowarning => 1); }, __("Show information") => sub { show_info($o) }, __("Test again") => sub { $ok = testFinalConfig($o, 1) }, __("Quit") => sub { $quit = 1 }, ); &{$c{$in->ask_from_list_([''], _("What do you want to do?"), [ grep { !ref } @c ])}}; } if ($ok) { my $run = $o->{xdm} || $::auto || $in->ask_yesorno(_("X at startup"), _("I can set up your computer to automatically start X upon booting. Would you like X to start when you reboot?"), 1); rewriteInittab($run ? 5 : 3) unless $::testing; } }