package Xconfig; # $Id$ use diagnostics; use strict; use common qw(:common :file :system); use mouse; use devices; use Xconfigurator; # otherwise uses the rule substr($keymap, 0, 2) my %keymap_translate = ( cf => "ca_enhanced", uk => "gb", ); 1; sub keymap_translate { $keymap_translate{$_[0]} || substr($_[0], 0, 2); } sub getinfo { my $o = shift || {}; getinfoFromDDC($o); getinfoFromSysconfig($o); add2hash($o->{mouse}, mouse::detect()) unless $o->{mouse}{XMOUSETYPE}; $o->{mouse}{device} ||= "mouse" if -e "/dev/mouse"; $o; } sub getinfoFromXF86Config { my $o = shift || {}; #- original $::o->{X} which must be changed only if sure! my $prefix = shift || ""; my (%keyboard, %mouse, %wacom, %card, %monitor); my (%c, $depth, $driver); local $_; local *G; open G, "$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config-4"; while () { if (my $i = /^Section "InputDevice"/ .. /^EndSection/) { %c = () if $i == 1; $c{driver} = $1 if /^\s*Driver\s+"(.*?)"/; $c{xkb_keymap} ||= $1 if /^\s*Option\s+"XkbLayout"\s+"(.*?)"/; $c{XMOUSETYPE} ||= $1 if /^\s*Option\s+"Protocol"\s+"(.*?)"/; $c{device} ||= $1 if /^\s*Option\s+"Device"\s+"\/dev\/(.*?)"/; $c{chordmiddle} ||= $1 if /^\s*Option\s+"ChordMiddle"\s+"\/dev\/(.*?)"/; $c{nbuttons} = 2 if /^\s*Option\s+"Emulate3Buttons"\s+/; $c{nbuttons} ||= 3 if /^\s*#\s*Option\s+"Emulate3Buttons"\s+/; $c{nbuttons} ||= 5 if /^\s*#\s*Option\s+"ZAxisMapping"\s.*5/; $c{nbuttons} = 7 if /^\s*#\s*Option\s+"ZAxisMapping"\s.*7/; if ($i =~ /E0/) { @keyboard{qw(xkb_keymap)} = @c{qw(xkb_keymap)} if $c{driver} =~ /keyboard/i; @mouse{qw(XMOUSETYPE device chordmiddle nbuttons)} = @c{qw(XMOUSETYPE device chordmiddle nbuttons)} if $c{driver} =~ /mouse/i; @wacom{qw(device)} = @c{qw(device)} if $c{driver} =~ /wacom/i; } } elsif (/^Section "Monitor"/ .. /^EndSection/) { $monitor{type} ||= $1 if /^\s*Identifier\s+"(.*?)"/; $monitor{hsyncrange} ||= $1 if /^\s*HorizSync\s+(.*)/; $monitor{vsyncrange} ||= $1 if /^\s*VertRefresh\s+(.*)/; $monitor{vendor} ||= $1 if /^\s*VendorName\s+"(.*?)"/; $monitor{model} ||= $1 if /^\s*ModelName\s+"(.*?)"/; $monitor{modelines}{"$1_$2"} = $_ if /^\s*Mode[lL]ine\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/; } elsif (my $s = /^Section "Screen"/ .. /^EndSection/) { $card{default_depth} ||= $1 if /^\s*DefaultColorDepth\s+(\d+)/; if (my $i = /^\s*Subsection\s+"Display"/ .. /^\s*EndSubsection/) { undef $depth if $i == 1; $depth = $1 if /^\s*Depth\s+(\d*)/; if (/^\s*Modes\s+(.*)/) { my $a = 0; unshift @{$card{depth}{$depth || 8} ||= []}, #- insert at the beginning for resolution_wanted! grep { $_->[0] >= 640 } map { [ /"(\d+)x(\d+)"/ ] } split ' ', $1; } } } } close G; local *F; open F, "$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config"; while () { if (/^Section "Keyboard"/ .. /^EndSection/) { $keyboard{xkb_keymap} ||= $1 if /^\s*XkbLayout\s+"(.*?)"/; } elsif (/^Section "Pointer"/ .. /^EndSection/) { $mouse{XMOUSETYPE} ||= $1 if /^\s*Protocol\s+"(.*?)"/; $mouse{device} ||= $1 if m|^\s*Device\s+"/dev/(.*?)"|; $mouse{cleardtrrts} ||= 1 if m/^\s*ClearDTR\s+/; $mouse{cleardtrrts} ||= 1 if m/^\s*ClearRTS\s+/; $mouse{chordmiddle} ||= 1 if m/^\s*ChordMiddle\s+/; $mouse{nbuttons} = 2 if m/^\s*Emulate3Buttons\s+/; $mouse{nbuttons} ||= 3 if m/^\s*#\s*Emulate3Buttons\s+/; $mouse{nbuttons} ||= 5 if m/^\s*ZAxisMapping\s.*5/; $mouse{nbuttons} = 7 if m/^\s*ZAxisMapping\s.*7/; } elsif (/^Section "XInput"/ .. /^EndSection/) { if (/^\s*SubSection "Wacom/ .. /^\s*EndSubSection/) { $wacom{device} ||= $1 if /^\s*Port\s+"\/dev\/(.*?)"/; } } elsif (/^Section "Monitor"/ .. /^EndSection/) { $monitor{type} ||= $1 if /^\s*Identifier\s+"(.*?)"/; $monitor{hsyncrange} ||= $1 if /^\s*HorizSync\s+(.*)/; $monitor{vsyncrange} ||= $1 if /^\s*VertRefresh\s+(.*)/; $monitor{vendor} ||= $1 if /^\s*VendorName\s+"(.*?)"/; $monitor{model} ||= $1 if /^\s*ModelName\s+"(.*?)"/; $monitor{modelines}{"$1_$2"} = $_ if /^\s*Mode[lL]ine\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/; } elsif (my $i = /^Section "Device"/ .. /^EndSection/) { %c = () if $i == 1; $c{type} ||= $1 if /^\s*Identifier\s+"(.*?)"/; $c{memory} ||= $1 if /VideoRam\s+(\d+)/; $c{flags}{needVideoRam} ||= 1 if /^\s*VideoRam\s+/; $c{vendor} ||= $1 if /^\s*VendorName\s+"(.*?)"/; $c{board} ||= $1 if /^\s*BoardName\s+"(.*?)"/; $c{driver} ||= $1 if /^\s*Driver\s+"(.*?)"/; $c{options_xf3}{$1} ||= 1 if /^\s*Option\s+"(.*?)"/; $c{options_xf3}{$1} ||= 0 if /^\s*#\s*Option\s+"(.*?)"/; add2hash(\%card, \%c) if ($i =~ /E0/ && $c{type} && $c{type} ne "Generic VGA"); } elsif (my $s = /^Section "Screen"/ .. /^EndSection/) { undef $driver if $s == 1; $driver = $1 if /^\s*Driver\s+"(.*?)"/; if ($driver eq $Xconfigurator::serversdriver{$card{server}}) { $card{default_depth} ||= $1 if /^\s*DefaultColorDepth\s+(\d+)/; if (my $i = /^\s*Subsection\s+"Display"/ .. /^\s*EndSubsection/) { undef $depth if $i == 1; $depth = $1 if /^\s*Depth\s+(\d*)/; if (/^\s*Modes\s+(.*)/) { my $a = 0; unshift @{$card{depth}{$depth || 8} ||= []}, #- insert at the beginning for resolution_wanted! grep { $_->[0] >= 640 } map { [ /"(\d+)x(\d+)"/ ] } split ' ', $1; } } } } } close F; #- clean up modeline by those automatically given by $modelines_text. foreach (split /\n/, $Xconfigurator::modelines_text) { delete $monitor{modelines_}{"$1_$2"} if /^\s*Mode[lL]ine\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/; } $monitor{modelines} .= $_ foreach values %{$monitor{modelines_}}; delete $monitor{modelines_}; #- get the default resolution according the the current file. #- suggestion to take into account, but that have to be checked. $o->{card}{suggest_depth} = $card{default_depth}; if (my @depth = keys %{$card{depth}}) { $o->{card}{suggest_wres} = ($card{depth}{$o->{card}{suggest_depth} || $depth[0]}[0][0]); } #- try to merge with $o, the previous has been obtained by ddcxinfos. add2hash($o->{keyboard} ||= {}, \%keyboard); add2hash($o->{mouse} ||= {}, \%mouse); $o->{wacom} ||= $wacom{device}; add2hash($o->{monitor} ||= {}, \%monitor); $o; } sub getinfoFromSysconfig { my $o = shift || {}; my $prefix = shift || ""; add2hash($o->{mouse} ||= {}, { getVarsFromSh("$prefix/etc/sysconfig/mouse") }); if (my %keyboard = getVarsFromSh "$prefix/etc/sysconfig/keyboard") { $o->{keyboard}{xkb_keymap} ||= keymap_translate($keyboard{KEYTABLE}) if $keyboard{KEYTABLE}; } $o; } sub getinfoFromDDC { my $o = shift || {}; my $O = $o->{monitor} ||= {}; #- return $o if $O->{hsyncrange} && $O->{vsyncrange} && $O->{modelines}; devices::make("/dev/zero"); #- needed by ddcxinfos my ($m, @l) = `ddcxinfos`; $? == 0 or return $o; $o->{card}{memory} ||= to_int($m); local $_; while (($_ = shift @l) ne "\n") { my ($depth, $x, $y) = split; $depth = int(log($depth) / log(2)); if ($depth >= 8 && $x >= 640) { push @{$o->{card}{depth}{$depth}}, [ $x, $y ] unless scalar grep { $_->[0] == $x && $_->[1] == $y } @{$o->{card}{depth}{$depth}}; push @{$o->{card}{depth}{32}}, [ $x, $y ] if $depth == 24 && ! scalar grep { $_->[0] == $x && $_->[1] == $y } @{$o->{card}{depth}{32}}; } } my ($h, $v, $size, @m) = @l; chop $h; chop $v; $O->{hsyncrange} ||= $h; $O->{vsyncrange} ||= $v; $O->{size} ||= to_float($size); $O->{modelines} ||= join '', @m; $o; } quot;en"; var w = new Object(); //Localization txt_filesfound = 'Résultats'; txt_enter_at_least_1_char = "Vous devez saisir au moins un caractère."; txt_browser_not_supported = "JavaScript est désactivé dans votre navigateur. 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Il vous propose ensuite de les supprimer. Il est judicieux d'accepter, excepté si vous préparez une installation s'exécutant sur des configurations matériel différentes.</p><div class="mediaobject"><img src="images/live-unused-InstallationProgress.png"/></div><p>La prochaine étape consistera à copier les fichiers sur le disque dur. Ceci peut prendre quelques minutes. A la fin, vous verrez s'afficher un écran