#!/usr/bin/perl # To be used replacing move::init handling of etc files with: # # system("cp -a /image/etc /"); # symlinkf "/proc/mounts", "/etc/mtab"; # system("find /etc -type f > /tmp/filelist"); # touch '/dummy'; # m|^/var| && !-d $_ and mkdir_p $_ foreach chomp_(cat_('/image/move/directories-to-create')); # sleep 2; # goto meuh; use MDK::Common; sub stat_ { my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat $_[0]; [ $atime, max($mtime, $ctime) ]; } our $reference = (stat_('/dummy'))->[0]; our @old_filelist = chomp_(cat_("/tmp/filelist")); foreach (chomp_(`find /etc -type f`)) { if (!member($_, @old_filelist)) { push @new, $_; } else { $times = stat_($_); $times->[0] > $reference and push @read, $_; $times->[1] > $reference and push @wrote, $_; } } print "read:\n"; print "\t$_\n" foreach sort @read; print "wrote:\n"; print "\t$_\n" foreach sort @wrote; print "new:\n"; print "\t$_\n" foreach sort @new;