Some users have encountered problems installing or using MandrakeMove due to specific configuration situations that we did not have an opportunity to fully test. Please use the patches or recommendations included below for each scenario if it applies to you.

Note on using Patches: To use any of the patches that are noted below, you must copy the appropriate patch onto a floppy disk, with the name Then you can boot off of your CD-ROM with the "linux patch" command at the boot prompt (obtained by pressing F1 at the splash screen), and making sure that the floppy containing the patch is in the floppy disk drive.

Error scenario: no program seem to see my webcam, whereas on regular Mandrake 9.2 it works perfectly (may apply to other USB devices as well).
Why: "hotplug" automatic loading of drivers is disabled due to a bug on our side.
Solution: add the following to the last line of /etc/rc.d/rc.local :

sysctl -w kernel.hotplug=/sbin/hotplug
and be sure to plug your webcam after boot and KDE startup is finished, not before booting.
Solution for download version: run the following command in a console at the end of KDE startup, and then plug in your webcam:
sysctl -w kernel.hotplug=/sbin/hotplug