/* Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2001 John E. Davis * This file is part of the S-Lang library. * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Perl Artistic License. */ #include "slinclud.h" #include "slang.h" #include "_slang.h" #define SLANG_HAS_DYNAMIC_LINKING 1 #ifndef HAVE_DLFCN_H # undef SLANG_HAS_DYNAMIC_LINKING # define SLANG_HAS_DYNAMIC_LINKING 0 #endif /* The rest of this file is in the if block */ #if SLANG_HAS_DYNAMIC_LINKING #ifdef HAVE_DLFCN_H # include #endif static char *Module_Path; #define MODULE_PATH_ENV_NAME "SLANG_MODULE_PATH" #ifndef MODULE_INSTALL_DIR # define MODULE_INSTALL_DIR "/usr/local/lib/slang/modules" #endif typedef struct _Handle_Type { struct _Handle_Type *next; char *name; VOID_STAR handle; void (*deinit_fun) (void); } Handle_Type; static Handle_Type *Handle_List; static void delete_handles (void) { while (Handle_List != NULL) { Handle_Type *next = Handle_List->next; if (Handle_List->deinit_fun != NULL) Handle_List->deinit_fun (); (void) dlclose (Handle_List->handle); SLang_free_slstring (Handle_List->name); SLfree ((char *)Handle_List); Handle_List = next; } } static Handle_Type *save_handle (char *name, VOID_STAR h, void (*df)(void)) { Handle_Type *l; l = (Handle_Type *) SLmalloc (sizeof (Handle_Type)); if (l == NULL) return NULL; memset ((char *) l, 0, sizeof(Handle_Type)); if (NULL == (l->name = SLang_create_slstring (name))) { SLfree ((char *) l); return NULL; } l->handle = h; l->next = Handle_List; l->deinit_fun = df; Handle_List = l; return l; } static Handle_Type *find_handle (char *name) { Handle_Type *l; l = Handle_List; while (l != NULL) { if (0 == strcmp (l->name, name)) break; l = l->next; } return l; } static int import_from_library (char *name, char *init_fun_name, char *deinit_fun_name, char *file, char *ns, char *ns_init_fun_name) { VOID_STAR handle; int (*init_fun) (void); int (*ns_init_fun) (char *); void (*deinit_fun) (void); char *err; char filebuf[1024]; char *fun_name; if (NULL != find_handle (name)) return 0; /* already loaded */ while (1) { #ifndef RTLD_GLOBAL # define RTLD_GLOBAL 0 #endif #ifdef RTLD_NOW handle = (VOID_STAR) dlopen (file, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); #else handle = (VOID_STAR) dlopen (file, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); #endif if (handle != NULL) break; if (NULL == strchr (file, '/')) { _SLsnprintf (filebuf, sizeof (filebuf), "./%s", file); file = filebuf; continue; } if (NULL == (err = (char *) dlerror ())) err = "UNKNOWN"; SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR, "Error linking to %s: %s", file, err); return -1; } fun_name = ns_init_fun_name; ns_init_fun = (int (*)(char *)) dlsym (handle, fun_name); if (ns_init_fun == NULL) { if ((ns != NULL) && (0 != strcmp (ns, "Global"))) goto return_error; fun_name = init_fun_name; init_fun = (int (*)(void)) dlsym (handle, fun_name); if (init_fun == NULL) goto return_error; if (-1 == (*init_fun) ()) { dlclose (handle); return -1; } } else if (-1 == (*ns_init_fun) (ns)) { dlclose (handle); return -1; } deinit_fun = (void (*)(void)) dlsym (handle, deinit_fun_name); (void) save_handle (name, handle, deinit_fun); return 0; return_error: if (NULL == (err = (char *) dlerror ())) err = "UNKNOWN"; dlclose (handle); SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR, "Unable to get symbol %s from %s: %s", name, file, err); return -1; } static void import_module (void) { char module_name[256]; char symbol_name[256]; char deinit_name[256]; char ns_init_name[256]; char *path; char *file; char *module; char *ns = NULL; if (SLang_Num_Function_Args == 2) { if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&ns)) return; } if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&module)) { SLang_free_slstring (ns); /* NULL ok */ return; } _SLsnprintf (symbol_name, sizeof(symbol_name), "init_%s_module", module); _SLsnprintf (module_name, sizeof(module_name), "%s-module.so", module); _SLsnprintf (deinit_name, sizeof(deinit_name), "deinit_%s_module", module); _SLsnprintf (ns_init_name, sizeof (ns_init_name), "init_%s_module_ns", module); if (Module_Path != NULL) file = SLpath_find_file_in_path (Module_Path, module_name); else file = NULL; if ((file == NULL) && (NULL != (path = getenv (MODULE_PATH_ENV_NAME)))) file = SLpath_find_file_in_path (path, module_name); if (file == NULL) file = SLpath_find_file_in_path (MODULE_INSTALL_DIR, module_name); if (file != NULL) { (void) import_from_library (symbol_name, symbol_name, deinit_name, file, ns, ns_init_name); SLfree (file); } else { /* Maybe the system loader can find it in LD_LIBRARY_PATH */ (void) import_from_library (symbol_name, symbol_name, deinit_name, module_name, ns, ns_init_name); } } static void set_import_module_path (char *path) { (void) SLang_set_module_load_path (path); } static char *get_import_module_path (void) { char *path; if (Module_Path != NULL) return Module_Path; if (NULL != (path = getenv (MODULE_PATH_ENV_NAME))) return path; return MODULE_INSTALL_DIR; } static SLang_Intrin_Fun_Type Module_Intrins [] = { MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("import", import_module, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_S("set_import_module_path", set_import_module_path, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("get_import_module_path", get_import_module_path, SLANG_STRING_TYPE), SLANG_END_INTRIN_FUN_TABLE }; #endif /* SLANG_HAS_DYNAMIC_LINKING */ int SLang_set_module_load_path (char *path) { #if SLANG_HAS_DYNAMIC_LINKING if (NULL == (path = SLang_create_slstring (path))) return -1; SLang_free_slstring (Module_Path); Module_Path = path; return 0; #else (void) path; return -1; #endif } int SLang_init_import (void) { #if SLANG_HAS_DYNAMIC_LINKING (void) SLang_add_cleanup_function (delete_handles); return SLadd_intrin_fun_table (Module_Intrins, "__IMPORT__"); #else return 0; #endif }