| (*) Automatic install \---------------------- This feature is used to replace redhat kickstart. It uses the kernel parameter "automatic" with keywords separated with commas and colons, on the following genres: automatic=method:nfs,network:static,ip:,server:,directory:/stable/i586 automatic=method:ftp,network:dhcp,server:ftp.ciril.fr,directory:/pub/linux/mandrake-devel/cooker automatic=method:ftp,network:dhcp,server:companyserver,directory:/mdkinst,user:XXX,pass:XXX automatic=method:ftp,interface:eth1,network:dhcp,... automatic=method:ftp,network:adsl,adsluser:XXX,adslpass:XXX,... automatic=method:cdrom automatic=method:disk,disk:hdb,partition:hdb7,directory:/cooker The keywords correspond to each "virtual" question answered automatically, either from a list or from a free field. Keywords are: `method' <- (nfs,ftp,http,cdrom,disk) if nfs/ftp/http: `network' <- (static,dhcp,adsl) if multiple interfaces detected: `interface' <- (list-of-detected-interfaces) fi if static: `ip', `dns', `gateway', `netmask' (free fields) elsif adsl: `adsluser', `adslpass' (free field) fi if resolving fails: `hostname', `domain' (free fields) fi `server', `directory' (free fields) if ftp: `user', `pass' (free fields) fi fi if disk: `disk' <- (list-of-detected-disks) `partition' <- (list-of-detected-partitions) `directory' (free fields) fi You may use shorter versions of keywords (it helps reducing size of commandline), please find each keyword short-alias counterpart in file ../automatic.c under the identifier named "short_aliases". This gives for example for: automatic=method:nfs,network:static,ip:,server:,directory:/stable/i586 ==> automatic=met:nfs,net:static,ip:,ser:,dir:/stable/i586