How to handle wizard? to switch in wizard mode: set $::isWizard to true; if $::Wizard_no_previous is set to true, the wizard won't display the previous button. Usefull for first step if $::Wizard_finished is set to true, the wizard will display Finish instead of Next. Usefull for last step how to code: Code as if there were no wizard. OK button is displayed as Next Cancel is displayed as Previous a additional button Cancel is added, xhich die with the exception 'wizard_cancelled' You have to handle the previous button. For example: step 1: ask_from list( blablablabl) or return; step2: ask_from list( blablablabl) or goto step1; step3: ask_from list( blablablabl) or goto step2; etc... You don't have to handle the wizard Cancel button as it send an exception. Understood? If yes, you'll see that there is a pb with ask_yesorno. In this case, yes+next returns true, no+next returns false, Cancel send the exception 'wizard_canceled' and previous send the exception 'wizard previous'. So you have to handle the previous button manually. plop. dam's, pour vous servir