path: root/perl-install/printer
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/printer')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/printer/ b/perl-install/printer/
index 04464b1bd..bca7ae3ff 100644
--- a/perl-install/printer/
+++ b/perl-install/printer/
@@ -637,26 +637,14 @@ sub setup_local_autoscan {
$printer->{currentqueue}{connect} =~ m/^file:/) {
# Non-HP or HP print-only device (HPOJ not used)
$device = $printer->{currentqueue}{connect};
- $device =~ s/^file://;
- foreach my $p (keys %{$menuentries}) {
- if ($device eq $menuentries->{$p}) {
- $menuchoice = $p;
- last;
- }
- }
+ $menuchoice = { reverse %$menuentries }->{$device}
} elsif ($printer->{configured}{$queue} &&
$printer->{currentqueue}{connect} =~ m!^ptal:/mlc:!) {
# HP multi-function device (controlled by HPOJ)
my $ptaldevice = $printer->{currentqueue}{connect};
$ptaldevice =~ s!^ptal:/mlc:!!;
if ($ptaldevice =~ /^par:(\d+)$/) {
- $device = "/dev/lp$1";
- foreach my $p (keys %{$menuentries}) {
- if ($device eq $menuentries->{$p}) {
- $menuchoice = $p;
- last;
- }
- }
+ $menuchoice = { reverse %$menuentries }->{"/dev/lp$1"}
} else {
my $make = lc($printer->{currentqueue}{make});
my $model = lc($printer->{currentqueue}{model});
@@ -674,13 +662,7 @@ sub setup_local_autoscan {
} elsif ($printer->{configured}{$queue} &&
$printer->{currentqueue}{connect} =~ m!^(socket|smb):/!) {
# Ethernet-(TCP/Socket)-connected printer or printer on Windows server
- $device = $printer->{currentqueue}{connect};
- foreach my $p (keys %{$menuentries}) {
- if ($device eq $menuentries->{$p}) {
- $menuchoice = $p;
- last;
- }
- }
+ $menuchoice = { reverse %$menuentries }->{$printer->{currentqueue}{connect}}
} else { $device = "" }
if ($menuchoice eq "" && @menuentrieslist > -1) {
$menuchoice = $menuentrieslist[0];
' href='#n172'>172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223
package network::ethernet;

use network::network;
use modules;
use any;
use detect_devices;
use common;
use run_program;
use network::tools;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use MDK::Common::Globals "network", qw($in $prefix);

@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(configureNetwork conf_network_card conf_network_card_backend go_ethernet);

sub configure_cable {
    my ($netcnx, $netc, $intf, $first_time) = @_;
    $::isInstall and $in->set_help('configureNetworkCable');
    #  		     $netcnx->{cable}={};
    #  		     $in->ask_from_entries_ref(_("Cable connection"),
    #  _("Please enter your host name if you know it.
    #  Some DHCP servers require the hostname to work.
    #  Your host name should be a fully-qualified host name,
    #  such as ``''."),
    #  					       [_("Host name:")], [ \$netcnx->{cable}{hostname} ]);
    if ($::expert) {
	my @m=(
	       { description => "dhcpcd",
		 c => 1},
	       { description => "dhcpxd",
		 c => 3},
	       { description => "dhcp-client",
		 c => 4},
	if (my $f = $in->ask_from_listf(_("Connect to the Internet"),
					_("Which dhcp client do you want to use?
Default is dhcpcd"),
					sub { $_[0]{description} },
					\@m )) {
	    $f->{c}==1 and $netcnx->{dhcp_client}="dhcpcd" and $in->do_pkgs->install(qw(dhcpcd));
	    $f->{c}==3 and $netcnx->{dhcp_client}="dhcpxd" and $in->do_pkgs->install(qw(dhcpxd));
	    $f->{c}==4 and $netcnx->{dhcp_client}="dhcp-client" and $in->do_pkgs->install(qw(dhcp-client));
    } else {
    go_ethernet($netc, $intf, 'dhcp', '', '', $first_time);
    write_cnx_script($netc, "cable",
/sbin/ifup $netc->{NET_DEVICE}
/sbin/ifdown $netc->{NET_DEVICE}

sub configure_lan {
    my ($netcnx, $netc, $intf, $first_time) = @_;
    $::isInstall and $in->set_help('configureNetworkIP');
    configureNetwork($netc, $intf, $first_time) or return;
    configureNetwork2($in, $prefix, $netc, $intf);
    if ($::isStandalone and ($::expert or $in->ask_yesorno(_("Network configuration"),
							  _("Do you want to restart the network"), 1))) {
	run_program::rooted($prefix, "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop");
	if (!run_program::rooted($prefix, "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network start")) {
	    $in->ask_okcancel(_("Network Configuration"), _("A problem occured while restarting the network: \n\n%s", `/etc/rc.d/init.d/network start`), 0) or return;
    $netc->{NETWORKING} = "yes";
    if ($netc->{GATEWAY}) {
	$netcnx->{NET_DEVICE} = $netc->{NET_DEVICE} = '';
	$netcnx->{NET_INTERFACE} = 'lan'; #$netc->{NET_INTERFACE};
        write_cnx_script($netc, "local network",
/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart
/etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop
/sbin/ifup lo
    $::isStandalone and modules::write_conf($prefix);

sub conf_network_card {
    my ($netc, $intf, $type, $ipadr, $netadr) = @_;
    #-type =static or dhcp
    any::setup_thiskind($in, 'net', !$::expert, 1);
    my @all_cards=conf_network_card_backend($netc, $intf, $type, undef, $ipadr, $netadr);
    my $interface;
    @all_cards == () and $in->ask_warn('', _("No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system.
I cannot set up this connection type.")) and return;
    @all_cards == 1 and $interface = $all_cards[0]->[0] and goto l1;
    again :
	$interface = $in->ask_from_list(_("Choose the network interface"),
					_("Please choose which network adapter you want to use to connect to Internet"),
					[ map { $_->[0] . ($_->[1] ? " ( using module $_->[1] )" : "") } @all_cards ]
				       ) or return;
    defined $interface or goto again;
    $::isStandalone and modules::write_conf($prefix);

    my $device=conf_network_card_backend($netc, $intf, $type, $interface, $ipadr, $netadr, $interface);
    if ( $::isStandalone and !($type eq "dhcp")) {
	$in->ask_yesorno(_("Network interface"),
			  _("I'm about to restart the network device:\n") . $device . _("\nDo you agree?"), 1) and configureNetwork2($in, $prefix, $netc, $intf) and system("$prefix/sbin/ifdown $device;$prefix/sbin/ifup $device");

#- conf_network_card_backend : configure the network cards and return the list of them, or configure one specified interface : WARNING, you have to setup the ethernet cards, by calling setup_thiskind($in, 'net', !$::expert, 1) or setup_thiskind_backend before calling this function. Basically, you call this function in 2 times.
#- input
#-  $prefix
#-  $netc
#-  $intf
#-  $type : type of interface, must be given if $interface is : string : "static" or "dhcp"
#-  $interface : facultative, if given, set this interface and return it in a proper form. If not, return @all_cards
#-  $ipadr : facultative, ip address of the interface : string
#-  $netadr : facultative, netaddress of the interface : string
#- when $interface is given, informations are written in $intf and $netc. If not, @all_cards is returned.
#- $intf output: $device is the result of
#-  $intf->{$device}->{DEVICE} : which device is concerned : $device is the result of $interface =~ /(eth[0-9]+)/; my $device = $1;;
#-  $intf->{$device}->{BOOTPROTO} : $type
#-  $intf->{$device}->{NETMASK} : ''
#-  $intf->{$device}->{NETWORK} : $netadr
#-  $intf->{$device}->{ONBOOT} : "yes"
#- $netc output:
#-  $netc->{nb_cards} : nb of ethernet cards
#-  $netc->{NET_DEVICE} : this is used to indicate that this eth card is used to connect to internet : $device
#- output:
#-  $all_cards : a list of a list ( [eth1, module1], ... , [ethn, modulen]). Pass the ethx as $interface in further call.
#-  $device : only returned in case $interface was given it's $interface, but filtered by /eth[0-9+]/ : string : /eth[0-9+]/
sub conf_network_card_backend {
    my ($netc, $intf, $type, $interface, $ipadr, $netadr) = @_;
    #-type =static or dhcp
    if (!$interface) {
	my @all_cards = detect_devices::getNet();
	$netc->{nb_cards} = @all_cards;

	my @devs = modules::get_pcmcia_devices();
	my $saved_driver;
	return map {
	    my $interface = $_;
	    my $a = modules::get_alias($interface);
	    my $b;
	    foreach (@devs) {
		$_->{device} eq $interface and $b = $_->{driver};
	    $a ||= $b;
	    if ($a) { $saved_driver = $a }
	    [$interface, $saved_driver];
	} @all_cards;
    my ($device) = $interface =~ /(eth[0-9]+)/ or die("the interface is not an ethx");
    $netc->{NET_DEVICE} = $device; #- one consider that there is only ONE Internet connection device..

    @{$intf->{$device}}{qw(DEVICE BOOTPROTO   NETMASK     NETWORK ONBOOT)} = 
                         ($device, $type, '', $netadr, 'yes');

    $intf->{$device}->{IPADDR} = $ipadr if $ipadr;

sub go_ethernet {
    my ($netc, $intf, $type, $ipadr, $netadr, $first_time) = @_;
    conf_network_card($netc, $intf, $type, $ipadr, $netadr) or return;
    configureNetwork($netc, $intf, $first_time) or return;
    if ( $::isStandalone and $netc->{NET_DEVICE}) {
	$in->ask_yesorno(_("Network interface"),
			 _("I'm about to restart the network device %s. Do you agree?", $netc->{NET_DEVICE}), 1) and system("$prefix/sbin/ifdown $netc->{NET_DEVICE}; $prefix/sbin/ifup $netc->{NET_DEVICE}");

sub configureNetwork {
    my ($netc, $intf, $first_time) = @_;
    local $_;
    any::setup_thiskind($in, 'net', !$::expert, 1);
    my @l = detect_devices::getNet() or die _("no network card found");
    my @all_cards = conf_network_card_backend ($netc, $intf, undef, undef, undef, undef);

    my $n_card=0;
    $netc ||= {};
    my $last; foreach (@l) {
	my $intf2 = findIntf($intf ||= {}, $_);
	add2hash($intf2, $last);
	add2hash($intf2, { NETMASK => '' });
	configureNetworkIntf($netc, $in, $intf2, $netc->{NET_DEVICE}, 0, $all_cards[$n_card]->[1]) or return;

	$last = $intf2;
    #-	  {