path: root/perl-install/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 382 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index edaadab88..fb2703e8f 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -3,52 +3,28 @@ package fsedit;
use diagnostics;
use strict;
-#- misc imports
-use common qw(:common :constant :functional :file);
+use common qw(:common);
use partition_table qw(:types);
use partition_table_raw;
-use detect_devices;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use fsedit;
use devices;
-use loopback;
-use raid;
-use fs;
use log;
-#- Globals
my @suggestions = (
- { mntpoint => "/boot", size => 16 << 11, type => 0x83, ratio => 1, maxsize => 30 << 11 },
- { mntpoint => "/", size => 50 << 11, type => 0x83, ratio => 1, maxsize => 300 << 11 },
- { mntpoint => "swap", size => 30 << 11, type => 0x82, ratio => 1, maxsize => 250 << 11 },
- { mntpoint => "/usr", size => 200 << 11, type => 0x83, ratio => 6, maxsize =>3000 << 11 },
- { mntpoint => "/home", size => 50 << 11, type => 0x83, ratio => 3 },
- { mntpoint => "/var", size => 200 << 11, type => 0x83, ratio => 1, maxsize =>1000 << 11 },
- { mntpoint => "/tmp", size => 50 << 11, type => 0x83, ratio => 3, maxsize => 500 << 11 },
- { mntpoint => "/mnt/iso", size => 700 << 11, type => 0x83 },
+ { mntpoint => "/boot", minsize => 10 << 11, size => 16 << 11, type => 0x83 },
+ { mntpoint => "/", minsize => 50 << 11, size => 100 << 11, type => 0x83 },
+ { mntpoint => "swap", minsize => 30 << 11, size => 60 << 11, type => 0x82 },
+ { mntpoint => "/usr", minsize => 200 << 11, size => 500 << 11, type => 0x83 },
+ { mntpoint => "/home", minsize => 50 << 11, size => 200 << 11, type => 0x83 },
+ { mntpoint => "/var", minsize => 200 << 11, size => 250 << 11, type => 0x83 },
+ { mntpoint => "/tmp", minsize => 50 << 11, size => 100 << 11, type => 0x83 },
+ { mntpoint => "/mnt/iso", minsize => 700 << 11, size => 800 << 11, type => 0x83 },
-my @suggestions_mntpoints = ( "/root/", arch() =~ /sparc/ ? "/mnt/sunos" : "/mnt/windows" );
-my @partitions_signatures = (
- [ 0x83, 0x438, "\x53\xEF" ],
- [ 0x183, 0x10034, "ReIsErFs" ],
- [ 0x82, 4086, "SWAP-SPACE" ],
- [ 0x7, 0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x3, "NTFS" ],
- [ 0xc, 0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x52, "FAT32" ],
-arch() !~ /^sparc/ ? (
- [ 0x6, 0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x36, "FAT" ],
-) : (),
-sub typeOfPart($) { typeFromMagic(devices::make($_[0]), @partitions_signatures) }
-#- Functions
sub hds($$) {
my ($drives, $flags) = @_;
my @hds;
@@ -57,392 +33,155 @@ sub hds($$) {
foreach (@$drives) {
my $file = devices::make($_->{device});
- my $hd = partition_table_raw::get_geometry($file) or log::l("An error occurred while getting the geometry of block device $file: $!"), next;
- $hd = { (%$_, %$hd) };
+ my $hd = partition_table_raw::get_geometry($file) or die "An error occurred while getting the geometry of block device $file: $!";
$hd->{file} = $file;
- $hd->{prefix} = $hd->{device};
- # for RAID arrays of format c0d0p1
+ $hd->{prefix} = $hd->{device} = $_->{device};
+ # for RAID arrays of format c0d0p1
$hd->{prefix} .= "p" if $hd->{prefix} =~ m,(rd|ida)/,;
- eval { partition_table::read($hd, $flags->{clearall} || member($_->{device}, @{$flags->{clear} || []})) };
+ eval { $rc = partition_table::read($hd, $flags->{clearall}) };
if ($@) {
- cdie($@) unless $flags->{eraseBadPartitions};
- partition_table_raw::zero_MBR($hd);
- }
- member($_->{device}, @{$flags->{clear} || []}) and partition_table::remove($hd, $_)
- foreach partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd);
- #- special case for type overloading (eg: reiserfs is 0x183)
- foreach (grep { isExt2($_) } partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd)) {
- my $type = typeOfPart($_->{device});
- $_->{type} = $type if $type > 0x100;
+ $@ =~ /bad magic number/ or die;
+ $flags->{forcezero} && !$::testing ? partition_table_raw::zero_MBR($hd) : die;
- push @hds, $hd;
+ $rc ? push @hds, $hd : log::l("An error occurred reading the partition table for the block device $_->{device}");
[ @hds ];
-sub readProcPartitions {
- my ($hds) = @_;
- my @parts;
- foreach (cat_("/proc/partitions")) {
- my (undef, undef, $size, $device) = split;
- next if $size eq "1"; #- extended partitions
- foreach (@$hds) {
- push @parts, { start => 0, size => $size * 2, device => $device,
- type => typeOfPart($device), rootDevice => $_->{device}
- } if $device =~ /^$_->{device}./;
- }
- }
- @parts;
-#- get all normal partition including special ones as found on sparc.
sub get_fstab(@) {
- loopback::loopbacks(@_), map { partition_table::get_normal_parts($_) } @_
-#- get normal partition that should be visible for working on.
-sub get_visible_fstab(@) {
- grep { $_ && !partition_table::isWholedisk($_) && !partition_table::isHiddenMacPart($_) } map { partition_table::get_normal_parts($_) } @_;
-sub free_space(@) {
- sum map { $_->{size} } map { partition_table::get_holes($_) } @_;
-sub hasRAID {
- my $b = 0;
- map { $b ||= isRAID($_) } get_fstab(@_);
- $b;
-sub get_root($;$) {
- my ($fstab, $boot) = @_;
- if ($boot) { $_->{mntpoint} eq "/boot" and return $_ foreach @$fstab; }
- $_->{mntpoint} eq "/" and return $_ foreach @$fstab;
- undef;
-sub get_root_ { get_root([ get_fstab(@{$_[0]}) ], $_[1]) }
-sub is_one_big_fat {
- my ($hds) = @_;
- @$hds == 1 or return;
- my @l = get_fstab(@$hds);
- @l == 1 && isFat($l[0]) && free_space(@$hds) < 10 << 11;
-sub computeSize($$$$) {
- my ($part, $best, $hds, $suggestions) = @_;
- my $max = $part->{maxsize} || $part->{size};
- return min($max, $best->{size}) unless $best->{ratio};
- my $free_space = free_space(@$hds);
- my @l = my @L = grep {
- if (!has_mntpoint($_->{mntpoint}, $hds) && $free_space >= $_->{size}) {
- $free_space -= $_->{size};
- 1;
- } else { 0 } } @$suggestions;
- my $tot_ratios = 0;
- while (1) {
- my $old_free_space = $free_space;
- my $old_tot_ratios = $tot_ratios;
- $tot_ratios = sum(map { $_->{ratio} } @l);
- last if $tot_ratios == $old_tot_ratios;
- @l = grep {
- if ($_->{ratio} && $_->{maxsize} && $tot_ratios &&
- $_->{size} + $_->{ratio} / $tot_ratios * $old_free_space >= $_->{maxsize}) {
- return min($max, $best->{maxsize}) if $best->{mntpoint} eq $_->{mntpoint};
- $free_space -= $_->{maxsize} - $_->{size};
- 0;
- } else {
- $_->{ratio};
- }
- } @l;
- }
- my $size = int min($max, $best->{size} + $free_space * ($tot_ratios && $best->{ratio} / $tot_ratios));
- #- verify other entry can fill the hole
- if (grep { $_->{size} < $max - $size } @L) { $size } else { $max }
+ map { partition_table::get_normal_parts($_) } @_;
sub suggest_part($$$;$) {
my ($hd, $part, $hds, $suggestions) = @_;
$suggestions ||= \@suggestions;
+ foreach (@$suggestions) { $_->{minsize} ||= $_->{size} }
+ my $has_swap;
+ my @mntpoints = map { $has_swap ||= isSwap($_); $_->{mntpoint} } get_fstab(@$hds);
+ my %mntpoints; @mntpoints{@mntpoints} = undef;
- my $has_swap = grep { isSwap($_) } get_fstab(@$hds);
- my ($best, $second) =
- grep { !$_->{maxsize} || $part->{size} <= $_->{maxsize} }
- grep { $_->{size} <= ($part->{maxsize} || $part->{size}) }
- grep { !has_mntpoint($_->{mntpoint}, $hds) || isSwap($_) && !$has_swap }
- grep { !$_->{hd} || $_->{hd} eq $hd->{device} }
- grep { !$part->{type} || $part->{type} == $_->{type} || isTrueFS($part) && isTrueFS($_) }
+ my ($best, $second) =
+ grep { $part->{size} >= $_->{minsize} }
+ grep { !exists $mntpoints{$_->{mntpoint}} || isSwap($_) && !$has_swap }
@$suggestions or return;
-#- if (arch() =~ /^i386/) {
-#- $best = $second if
-#- $best->{mntpoint} eq '/boot' &&
-#- $part->{start} + $best->{size} > 1024 * $hd->cylinder_size(); #- if the empty slot is beyond the 1024th cylinder, no use having /boot
-#- }
+ $best = $second if
+ $best->{mntpoint} eq '/boot' &&
+ $part->{start} + $best->{minsize} > 1024 * partition_table::cylinder_size($hd); # if the empty slot is beyond the 1024th cylinder, no use having /boot
- defined $best or return; #- sorry no suggestion :(
+ defined $best or return; # sorry no suggestion :(
$part->{mntpoint} = $best->{mntpoint};
$part->{type} = $best->{type};
- $part->{size} = computeSize($part, $best, $hds, $suggestions);
+ $part->{size} = min($part->{size}, $best->{size});
-sub suggestions_mntpoint($) {
- my ($hds) = @_;
- sort grep { !/swap/ && !has_mntpoint($_, $hds) }
- (@suggestions_mntpoints, map { $_->{mntpoint} } @suggestions);
-#-sub partitionDrives {
-#- my $cmd = "/sbin/fdisk";
-#- -x $cmd or $cmd = "/usr/bin/fdisk";
-#- my $drives = findDrivesPresent() or die "You don't have any hard drives available! You probably forgot to configure a SCSI controller.";
-#- foreach (@$drives) {
-#- my $text = "/dev/" . $_->{device};
-#- $text .= " - SCSI ID " . $_->{id} if $_->{device} =~ /^sd/;
-#- $text .= " - Model " . $_->{info};
-#- $text .= " array" if $_->{device} =~ /^c.d/;
-#- #- truncate at 50 columns for now
-#- $text = substr $text, 0, 50;
-#- }
-sub has_mntpoint($$) {
- my ($mntpoint, $hds) = @_;
- scalar grep {
- $mntpoint eq $_->{mntpoint} ||
- grep { $mntpoint eq $_->{mntpoint} } @{$_->{loopback} || []}
- } get_fstab(@$hds);
-#- do this before modifying $part->{mntpoint}
-#- $part->{mntpoint} should not be used here, use $mntpoint instead
-sub check_mntpoint {
- my ($mntpoint, $hd, $part, $hds, $loopbackDevice) = @_;
- ref $loopbackDevice or undef $loopbackDevice;
- $mntpoint eq '' || isSwap($part) || isRAID($part) and return;
- local $_ = $mntpoint;
- m|^/| or die _("Mount points must begin with a leading /");
-#- m|(.)/$| and die "The mount point $_ is illegal.\nMount points may not end with a /";
- has_mntpoint($mntpoint, $hds) and die _("There is already a partition with mount point %s\n", $mntpoint);
- my $fake_part = { mntpoint => $mntpoint, device => $loopbackDevice };
- $fake_part->{loopback_file} = 1 if $loopbackDevice;
- my $fstab = [ get_fstab(@$hds), $fake_part ];
- my $check; $check = sub {
- my ($p, @seen) = @_;
- push @seen, $p->{mntpoint} || return;
- @seen > 1 && $p->{mntpoint} eq $mntpoint and die _("Circular mounts %s\n", join(", ", @seen));
- if (my $part = fs::up_mount_point($p->{mntpoint}, $fstab)) {
- #- '/' carrier is a special case, it will be mounted first
- $check->($part, @seen) unless loopback::carryRootLoopback($p);
- }
- if (isLoopback($p)) {
- $check->($p->{device}, @seen);
+#sub partitionDrives {
+# my $cmd = "/sbin/fdisk";
+# -x $cmd or $cmd = "/usr/bin/fdisk";
+# my $drives = findDrivesPresent() or die "You don't have any hard drives available! You probably forgot to configure a SCSI controller.";
+# foreach (@$drives) {
+# my $text = "/dev/" . $_->{device};
+# $text .= " - SCSI ID " . $_->{id} if $_->{device} =~ /^sd/;
+# $text .= " - Model " . $_->{info};
+# $text .= " array" if $_->{device} =~ /^c.d/;
+# # truncate at 50 columns for now
+# $text = substr $text, 0, 50;
+# }
+sub checkMountPoint($$) {
+# my $type = shift;
+# local $_ = shift;
+# m|^/| or die "The mount point $_ is illegal.\nMount points must begin with a leading /";
+# m|(.)/$| and die "The mount point $_ is illegal.\nMount points may not end with a /";
+# c::isprint($_) or die "The mount point $_ is illegal.\nMount points must be made of printable characters (no accents...)";
+# foreach my $dev (qw(/dev /bin /sbin /etc /lib)) {
+# /^$dev/ and die "The $_ directory must be on the root filesystem.",
+# }
+# if ($type eq 'linux_native') {
+# $_ eq '/'; and return 1;
+# foreach my $r (qw(/var /tmp /boot /root)) {
+# /^$r/ and return 1;
+# }
+# die "The mount point $_ is illegal.\nSystem partitions must be on Linux Native partitions";
+# }
+# 1;
+sub removeFromList($$$) {
+ my ($start, $end, $list) = @_;
+ my $err = "error in removeFromList: removing an non-free block";
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @$list; $i += 2) {
+ $start < $list->[$i] and die $err;
+ $start > $list->[$i + 1] and next;
+ if ($start == $list->[$i]) {
+ $end > $list->[$i + 1] and die $err;
+ if ($end == $list->[$i + 1]) {
+ # the free block is just the same size, removing it
+ splice(@$list, 0, 2);
+ } else {
+ # the free block now start just after this block
+ $list->[$i] = $end;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $end <= $list->[$i + 1] or die $err;
+ if ($end < $list->[$i + 1]) {
+ splice(@$list, $i + 2, 0, $end, $list->[$i + 1]);
+ }
+ $list->[$i + 1] = $start; # shorten the free block
- };
- $check->($fake_part) unless $mntpoint eq '/' && $loopbackDevice; #- '/' is a special case, no loop check
- die "raid / with no /boot" if $mntpoint eq "/" && raid::is($part) && !has_mntpoint("/boot", $hds);
- die _("You need a true filesystem (ext2, reiserfs) for this mount point\n") if !isTrueFS($part) && member($mntpoint, qw(/ /usr));
-#- if ($part->{start} + $part->{size} > 1024 * $hd->cylinder_size() && arch() =~ /i386/) {
-#- die "/boot ending on cylinder > 1024" if $mntpoint eq "/boot";
-#- die "/ ending on cylinder > 1024" if $mntpoint eq "/" && !has_mntpoint("/boot", $hds);
-#- }
+ return;
+ }
-sub add($$$;$) {
- my ($hd, $part, $hds, $options) = @_;
- isSwap($part) ?
- ($part->{mntpoint} = 'swap') :
- $options->{force} || check_mntpoint($part->{mntpoint}, $hd, $part, $hds);
- delete $part->{maxsize};
- partition_table::add($hd, $part, $options->{primaryOrExtended});
sub allocatePartitions($$) {
my ($hds, $to_add) = @_;
+ my %free_sectors = map { $_->{device} => [1, $_->{totalsectors} ] } @$hds; # first sector is always occupied by the MBR
+ my $remove = sub { removeFromList($_->{start}, $_->{start} + $_->{size}, $free_sectors{$_->{rootDevice}}) };
+ my $success = 0;
+ foreach (get_fstab(@$hds)) { &$remove(); }
- foreach my $hd (@$hds) {
- foreach (partition_table::get_holes($hd)) {
- my ($start, $size) = @$_{"start", "size"};
- my $part;
- while (suggest_part($hd,
- $part = { start => $start, size => 0, maxsize => $size },
- $hds, $to_add)) {
- add($hd, $part, $hds);
- $size -= $part->{size} + $part->{start} - $start;
- $start = $part->{start} + $part->{size};
+ FSTAB: foreach (@$to_add) {
+ foreach my $hd (@$hds) {
+ my $v = $free_sectors{$hd->{device}};
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @$v; $i += 2) {
+ my $size = $v->[$i + 1] - $v->[$i];
+ $_->{size} > $size and next;
+ $_->{start} = $v->[$i];
+ $_->{rootDevice} = $hd->{device};
+ partition_table::adjustStartAndEnd($hd, $_);
+ &$remove();
+ partition_table::add($hd, $_);
+ $success++;
+ next FSTAB;
+ log::ld("can't allocate partition $_->{mntpoint} of size $_->{size}, not enough room");
+ $success;
sub auto_allocate($;$) {
- my ($hds, $suggestions) = @_;
+ my ($hds, $suggestions) = @_;
allocatePartitions($hds, $suggestions || \@suggestions);
map { partition_table::assign_device_numbers($_) } @$hds;
-sub undo_prepare($) {
- my ($hds) = @_;
- $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
- foreach (@$hds) {
- my @h = @{$_}{@partition_table::fields2save};
- push @{$_->{undo}}, Data::Dumper->Dump([\@h], ['$h']);
- }
-sub undo($) {
- my ($hds) = @_;
- foreach (@$hds) {
- my $h; eval pop @{$_->{undo}} || next;
- @{$_}{@partition_table::fields2save} = @$h;
- $_->{isDirty} = $_->{needKernelReread} = 1 if $_->{hasBeenDirty};
- }
-sub move {
- my ($hd, $part, $hd2, $sector2) = @_;
- my $part1 = { %$part };
- my $part2 = { %$part };
- $part2->{start} = $sector2;
- $part2->{size} += $hd2->cylinder_size() - 1;
- partition_table::remove($hd, $part);
- {
- local ($part2->{notFormatted}, $part2->{isFormatted}); #- do not allow partition::add to change this
- partition_table::add($hd2, $part2);
- }
- return if $part2->{notFormatted} && !$part2->{isFormatted} || $::testing;
- local (*F, *G);
- sysopen F, $hd->{file}, 0 or die '';
- sysopen G, $hd2->{file}, 2 or die _("Error opening %s for writing: %s", $hd2->{file}, "$!");
- my $base = $part1->{start};
- my $base2 = $part2->{start};
- my $step = 10;
- if ($hd eq $hd2) {
- $base == $base2 and return;
- $step = min($step, abs($base2 - $base));
- if ($base < $base2) {
- $base += $part1->{size} - $step;
- $base2 += $part1->{size} - $step;
- $step = -$step;
- }
- }
- my $f = sub {
- $base < 0 and $base2 += -$base, $base = 0;
- $base2 < 0 and $base += -$base2, $base2 = 0;
- c::lseek_sector(fileno(F), $base, 0) or die "seeking to sector $base failed on drive $hd->{device}";
- c::lseek_sector(fileno(G), $base2, 0) or die "seeking to sector $base2 failed on drive $hd2->{device}";
- my $buf;
- sysread F, $buf, $SECTORSIZE * abs($_[0]) or die '';
- syswrite G, $buf;
- };
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $part1->{size} / abs($step); $i++, $base += $step, $base2 += $step) {
- print "$base $base2\n";
- &$f($step);
- }
- if (my $v = ($part1->{size} % abs($step)) * sign($step)) {
- $base += $v;
- $base2 += $v;
- &$f($v);
- }
-sub change_type($$$) {
- my ($hd, $part, $type) = @_;
- $type != $part->{type} or return;
- $hd->{isDirty} = 1;
- $part->{mntpoint} = '' if isSwap($part) && $part->{mntpoint} eq "swap";
- $part->{type} = $type;
- $part->{notFormatted} = 1;
- $part->{isFormatted} = 0;
-sub rescuept($) {
- my ($hd) = @_;
- my ($ext, @hd);
- my $dev = devices::make($hd->{device});
- open F, "rescuept $dev|";
- foreach (<F>) {
- my ($st, $si, $id) = /start=\s*(\d+),\s*size=\s*(\d+),\s*Id=\s*(\d+)/ or next;
- my $part = { start => $st, size => $si, type => hex($id) };
- if (isExtended($part)) {
- $ext = $part;
- } else {
- push @hd, $part;
- }
- }
- close F or die "rescuept failed";
- partition_table_raw::zero_MBR($hd);
- foreach (@hd) {
- my $b = partition_table::verifyInside($_, $ext);
- if ($b) {
- $_->{start}--;
- $_->{size}++;
- }
- local $_->{notFormatted};
- partition_table::add($hd, $_, ($b ? 'Extended' : 'Primary'), 1);
- }
-sub verifyHds {
- my ($hds, $readonly, $ok) = @_;
- if (is_empty_array_ref($hds)) { #- no way
- die _("An error has occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new filesystems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problem");
- }
- my @parts = readProcPartitions($hds);
- $ok &&= @parts == listlength(get_fstab(@$hds)) unless arch() eq "ppc";
- if ($readonly && !$ok) {
- log::l("using /proc/partitions as diskdrake failed :(");
- foreach my $hd (@$hds) {
- partition_table_raw::zero_MBR($hd);
- $hd->{primary} = { normal => [ grep { $hd->{device} eq $_->{rootDevice} } @parts ] };
- }
- }
- $readonly && get_fstab(@$hds) == 0 and die _("You don't have any partitions!");
- $ok;
-#- Wonderful perl :(
-1; #