path: root/move/make_live
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'move/make_live')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/move/make_live b/move/make_live
deleted file mode 100755
index 9bbb7033d..000000000
--- a/move/make_live
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-use lib "../perl-install";
-use common;
-use pkgs;
-use lang;
-@ARGV <= 1 or die "usage: make_live [live_location=/tmp/live_tree]\n";
-my $kernel_version = do {
- my @l = glob_('/export/Mandrake/RPMS/kernel-2.6*');
- @l >= 1 or die "can't find kernel";
- @l <= 1 or die "too many kernels";
- first(`rpm -qp --qf '%{name}' $l[0]` =~ /kernel-(.*)/);
-sub installPackages() {
- output_p("$::prefix/etc/rpm/macros", "%_install_langs all\n");
- rename '/etc/rpm/macros', '/etc/rpm/macros.';
- system('cp', "$::prefix/etc/rpm/macros", '/etc/rpm/macros');
- mkdir_p("$::prefix/var/lib/rpm");
- mkdir_p("$::prefix/root/drakx");
- undef *install_any::setDefaultPackages;
- *install_any::setDefaultPackages = sub {};
- undef *install_any::getFile;
- *install_any::getFile = sub {
- my ($f, $o_method) = @_;
- log::l("getFile $f:$o_method");
- open(my $F, '/export/' . install_any::relGetFile($f)) or return;
- $F;
- };
- undef *c::kernel_version;
- *c::kernel_version = sub { $kernel_version };
- install_any::setPackages(my $o = $::o = {
- prefix => $::prefix,
- meta_class => 'desktop',
- default_packages => [
- qw(XFree86-server XFree86-xfs XFree86-FBDev),
- qw(openssh-server), #- fred wants it
- qw(alsa-utils newt), #- newt
- qw(davfs nfs-utils samba-server sane-backends xsane xsane-gimp ntp),
- qw(acpi acpid), #- so that removing acpi=ht will work
- qw(mountloop), #- crypted folders
- qw(dnotify), #- notification of /etc changes
- qw(mandrake_doc-move-en mandrake_doc-move-fr mandrake_doc-move-drakxtools-en mandrake_doc-move-drakxtools-fr),
- qw(synaptics),
- #- network conf:
- qw(wireless-tools pcmcia-cs),
- #- zeroconf:
- qw(zcip dhcpcd tmdns),
- #- cnx stuff:
- qw(dhcp-client ppp kdenetwork-kppp ppp-pppoatm ppp-pppoe pptp-linux pptp-adsl rp-pppoe),
- #- ISDN stuff:
- qw(isdn4net ibod isdn4k-utils),
- #- network file sharing:
- qw(nfs-utils-clients samba-client),
- #- network drivers and firmwares:
- qw(eagle-usb speedtouch speedtouch_mgmt unicorn),
- qw(cups cups-drivers foomatic-db gimpprint hpoj libnet-snmp mtools mtoolsfm nmap printer-filters printer-testpages printer-utils scli xojpanel xpp), #- printer stuff
- qw(hcfpcimodem hsflinmodem ltmodem ipw2100),
- qw(nxclient), #- proprietary soft from powerpack
- qw(xinput), #- for some mice
- qw(perl-Term-Readline-Gnu binutils emacs-X11 bash-completion), #- allow debugging move
- qw(openssh-askpass-gnome), #- openssh-askpass for mountloop doesn't allow to click on ok/cancel buttons
- qw(clanbomber freeciv-client freeciv-server crack-attack kdegames), #- more games
- qw(numlock shorewall clamav unison),
- qw(xawtv zapping), #- tv apps
- qw(scribus scribus-i18n-de scribus-i18n-fr), #- John Jablonski says it's so much useful
- ],
- });
- my %compssUsersChoice = map { $_ => 1 } map { @{$_->{flags}} } values %{$o->{compssUsers}};
- $compssUsersChoice{$_} = 1 foreach qw(SYSTEM DVD USB SOUND BURNER UTF8 DOCS TV 3D INSTALL PHOTO);
- $compssUsersChoice{qq(LOCALES"$_")} = 1 foreach lang::langsLANGUAGE({ all => 1 });
- #- we don't want those
- foreach (qw(mdkonline)) {
- my $pkg = pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, $_) or die "$_ not there anymore";
- $pkg->set_rate(0);
- }
- pkgs::setSelectedFromCompssList($o->{packages}, \%compssUsersChoice, 4, 0);
- my @toInstall = pkgs::packagesToInstall($o->{packages});
- local $ENV{DURING_INSTALL} = 1;
- $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = "/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/lib/qt3/lib";
- pkgs::install($::prefix, 0, \@toInstall, $o->{packages});
- eval { fs::umount("$::prefix/proc") };
- unlink "/etc/rpm/macros";
- rename "/etc/rpm/macros.", "/etc/rpm/macros";
-sub config_X_proprietary_drivers() {
- unlink "$::prefix/usr/lib/";
- my %name_to_Driver = (NVIDIA_GLX => 'nvidia', ATI_GLX => 'fglrx');
- my $lib = '';
- symlinkf("/etc/X11/$lib", "$::prefix/usr/lib/$lib");
- foreach (keys %name_to_Driver) {
- my ($full_name) = run_program::rooted_get_stdout($::prefix, 'rpm', '-ql', $_) =~ m!/usr/lib/(\Q$lib\E\..*)! or die '';
- symlinkf($full_name, "$::prefix/usr/lib/$lib.$name_to_Driver{$_}");
- }
- #- nvidia's is hardwired to the tls version, change this
- system("cd $::prefix/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions ; ln -sf*");
- #- remove the dirty hack done by NVIDIA_kernel-xxx proprietary package
- #- we do it by hand when needed
- substInFile { $_ = '' if $_ eq 'nvidia' } "$::prefix/etc/modules";
-$::prefix = `make get_dest_livetree`;
-print "Making live in $::prefix directory.\n";
-eval { fs::umount("$::prefix/proc") };
-#eval { rm_rf($::prefix) };
-output_p("$::prefix/etc/fstab", "none /proc proc defaults 0 0\n");
-run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'ldconfig');
-run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'fc-cache'); #- generate cache in all directories mentioned in config file
- #- system
-# de-complexify, use the default on any arch
-eval { rm_rf("$::prefix$_") } foreach '/lib/i686', '/lib/tls', '/usr/lib/tls', '/usr/X11R6/lib/tls', '/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/tls';
-eval { config_X_proprietary_drivers() };
-substInFile {
- #- /lib is ro, for the moment we don't save, we'll see later if we may want to save (using /var/dev-state for example)
- s|.*lib/dev-state.*||;
-} "$::prefix/etc/devfsd.conf";
-substInFile {
- #- don't use shadow passwords since pwconv overwrites /etc/shadow hence contents will be lost for usb key
- s|\s*shadow||;
-} "$::prefix/etc/pam.d/system-auth";
-substInFile {
- #- remove this line which D-state mounting /home again
- #- we don't know what this line is for
- $_ = "# $_" if /Mounting other filesystems/;
-} "$::prefix/etc/init.d/netfs";
-#- remove services we start ourselves from chkconfig system
-substInFile {
- s|chkconfig:|chkconfig-disabled:|;
-} "$::prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/$_" foreach qw(xfs dm devfsd syslog);
-#- we're not using sysv init, we need to replace these
-unlink "$::prefix/sbin/$_" foreach qw(halt reboot);
-#- provide a way for speedtouch users of free version to escape
-if (!-e "$::prefix/usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o") {
- symlink '/etc/mgmt.o', "$::prefix/usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o";
-#- we don't want everyone to have the same ssh key :)
-system("rm -f $::prefix/etc/ssh/*key*");
- #- XFree
-#- don't want the relative path, prefering the absolute path
-symlinkf('/var/lib/xkb', "$::prefix/etc/X11/xkb/compiled");
-#- Xsession wants to start first-time
-unlink "$::prefix/usr/X11R6/bin/drakfw";
- #- KDE
-unlink "$::prefix/usr/share/autostart/$_.desktop" foreach 'klipper', 'korgac', 'kalarmd.autostart';
-update_gnomekderc("$::prefix/usr/share/config/kdesktoprc", ScreenSaver => (Lock => 'true'));
-#- remove CD-based applications from simplified menu
-substInFile {
- foreach my $app (qw(kaudiocreator kscd k3b)) {
- s|.*command="$app".*||;
- }
-} "$::prefix/usr/lib/menu/simplified/mandrake_desk";
-#- remove "Login Manager" module from kcontrol, rpmdrake stuff
-unlink "$::prefix/usr/lib/menu/$_" foreach qw(kdebase-kdm rpmdrake);
-substInFile {
- s/mandrake_doc-(en|fr)/mandrake_doc-move-$1/g;
-} "$::prefix/usr/lib/menu/simplified/mandrake_desk";
-substInFile {
- s!/es/Starter.html/!/en/Starter.html/!;
-} "$::prefix/usr/share/mdk/mandrakegalaxy/mdkgalaxy-es.html";
- local $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'en_US'; #- update-menus doesn't work when there is no locale (aka locale "C")
- local $ENV{HOME} = '/'; #- needs this otherwise it's tmp file fails
- run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'update-menus', '-n');
-run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'nspluginscan'); #- must be run before kbuildsycoca for the ksycoca to be flash plugin aware
-$ENV{HELP_BROWSER} = "kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing";
-$ENV{BROWSER} = "kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing";
-$ENV{DESKTOP} = "kde";
-foreach my $lang (lang::list_langs()) {
- local $ENV{LC_ALL} = lang::getLANGUAGE($lang);
- unlink "$::prefix/usr/share/services/ksycoca";
- run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'kbuildsycoca', '--global');
- rename("$::prefix/usr/share/services/ksycoca", "$::prefix/usr/share/services/ksycoca-$lang");
-symlinkf('/etc/X11/ksycoca', "$::prefix/usr/share/services/ksycoca");
-cp_af("$::prefix/usr/share/applnk-mdk/System/Configuration/Hardware/krandrtray.desktop", "$::prefix/usr/share/autostart");
- #- Mandrake
-substInFile {
- s|Mandrake Linux release (\S+) \(.*\)|Mandrake Move release $1 (Moyoto)|;
-} "$::prefix/etc/mandrake-release";
-#- fix mandrake galaxy version download
-my $next;
-substInFile {
- s/Mandrake%20Control%20Center\.desktop/Configure%20your%20computer.desktop/;
- s/logiciels\.// if $next;
- $next = s/, et installez de nouveaux/.../;
-} "$::prefix/usr/share/mdk/mandrakegalaxy/mdkgalaxy-fr.html";
-#- remove uncessary wizards, especially from appearing in MCC
-unlink "$::prefix/usr/sbin/$_" foreach qw(drakautoinst drakboot drakfloppy drakgw drakbackup drakedm drakfont drakperm draksec rpmdrake MandrakeUpdate rpmdrake-remove;
-unlink "$::prefix/usr/bin/$_" foreach qw(userdrake);
-#- selecting language must be done from drakx anyway
-unlink "$::prefix/usr/bin/localedrake";
-#- drakxtools contains a broken unneeded file
-unlink "$::prefix/usr/lib/libDrakX/";
-#- fix openoffice autopilote feature
-foreach (glob("$::prefix/usr/lib/openoffice/share/template/*")) {
- symlink '../../english/wizard/bitmap', "$_/wizard/bitmap";
-# fix nxclient
-system("chmod a+x $::prefix/etc/profile.d/nx*");