path: root/perl-install/
diff options
authorGuillaume Cottenceau <>2003-10-10 11:08:42 +0000
committerGuillaume Cottenceau <>2003-10-10 11:08:42 +0000
commit9248bb78f5554c08817cc8c34458a9204ce23961 (patch)
tree1859e4ca4d66ba08d2451a747e6ca53e1860dbdc /perl-install/
parent3857b5ebc1e3c033eb03fcfaac11350fe3d3ed85 (diff)
give more details when using class_discard
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 7ecd1375b..6ca677e9d 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use log;
sub new { bless {}, "class_discard" }
- log::l("class_discard: $AUTOLOAD called at ", caller);
+ log::l("class_discard: $AUTOLOAD called at ", caller, ", params ", join(', ', @_));
='#n185'>185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298
** ********************************************************************
** md4.c -- Implementation of MD4 Message Digest Algorithm           **
** Updated: 2/16/90 by Ronald L. Rivest                              **
** (C) 1990 RSA Data Security, Inc.                                  **
** ********************************************************************

** To use MD4:
**   -- Include md4.h in your program
**   -- Declare an MDstruct MD to hold the state of the digest
**          computation.
**   -- Initialize MD using MDbegin(&MD)
**   -- For each full block (64 bytes) X you wish to process, call
**          MD4Update(&MD,X,512)
**      (512 is the number of bits in a full block.)
**   -- For the last block (less than 64 bytes) you wish to process,
**          MD4Update(&MD,X,n)
**      where n is the number of bits in the partial block. A partial
**      block terminates the computation, so every MD computation
**      should terminate by processing a partial block, even if it
**      has n = 0.
**   -- The message digest is available in MD.buffer[0] ...
**      MD.buffer[3].  (Least-significant byte of each word
**      should be output first.)
**   -- You can print out the digest using MDprint(&MD)

/* Implementation notes:
** This implementation assumes that ints are 32-bit quantities.

#define TRUE  1
#define FALSE 0

/* Compile-time includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include "md4.h"
#include "pppd.h"

/* Compile-time declarations of MD4 "magic constants".
#define I0  0x67452301       /* Initial values for MD buffer */
#define I1  0xefcdab89
#define I2  0x98badcfe
#define I3  0x10325476
#define C2  013240474631     /* round 2 constant = sqrt(2) in octal */
#define C3  015666365641     /* round 3 constant = sqrt(3) in octal */
/* C2 and C3 are from Knuth, The Art of Programming, Volume 2
** (Seminumerical Algorithms), Second Edition (1981), Addison-Wesley.
** Table 2, page 660.

#define fs1  3               /* round 1 shift amounts */
#define fs2  7
#define fs3 11
#define fs4 19
#define gs1  3               /* round 2 shift amounts */
#define gs2  5
#define gs3  9
#define gs4 13
#define hs1  3               /* round 3 shift amounts */
#define hs2  9
#define hs3 11
#define hs4 15

/* Compile-time macro declarations for MD4.
** Note: The "rot" operator uses the variable "tmp".
** It assumes tmp is declared as unsigned int, so that the >>
** operator will shift in zeros rather than extending the sign bit.
#define f(X,Y,Z)             ((X&Y) | ((~X)&Z))
#define g(X,Y,Z)             ((X&Y) | (X&Z) | (Y&Z))
#define h(X,Y,Z)             (X^Y^Z)
#define rot(X,S)             (tmp=X,(tmp<<S) | (tmp>>(32-S)))
#define ff(A,B,C,D,i,s)      A = rot((A + f(B,C,D) + X[i]),s)
#define gg(A,B,C,D,i,s)      A = rot((A + g(B,C,D) + X[i] + C2),s)
#define hh(A,B,C,D,i,s)      A = rot((A + h(B,C,D) + X[i] + C3),s)

/* MD4print(MDp)
** Print message digest buffer MDp as 32 hexadecimal digits.
** Order is from low-order byte of buffer[0] to high-order byte of
** buffer[3].
** Each byte is printed with high-order hexadecimal digit first.
** This is a user-callable routine.
  int i,j;
  for (i=0;i<4;i++)
    for (j=0;j<32;j=j+8)
      printf("%02x",(MDp->buffer[i]>>j) & 0xFF);

/* MD4Init(MDp)
** Initialize message digest buffer MDp.
** This is a user-callable routine.
  int i;
  MDp->buffer[0] = I0;
  MDp->buffer[1] = I1;
  MDp->buffer[2] = I2;
  MDp->buffer[3] = I3;
  for (i=0;i<8;i++) MDp->count[i] = 0;
  MDp->done = 0;

/* MDblock(MDp,X)
** Update message digest buffer MDp->buffer using 16-word data block X.
** Assumes all 16 words of X are full of data.
** Does not update MDp->count.
** This routine is not user-callable.
static void
unsigned char *Xb;
  register unsigned int tmp, A, B, C, D;
  unsigned int X[16];
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
    X[i] = Xb[0] + (Xb[1] << 8) + (Xb[2] << 16) + (Xb[3] << 24);
    Xb += 4;

  A = MDp->buffer[0];
  B = MDp->buffer[1];
  C = MDp->buffer[2];
  D = MDp->buffer[3];
  /* Update the message digest buffer */
  ff(A , B , C , D ,  0 , fs1); /* Round 1 */
  ff(D , A , B , C ,  1 , fs2);
  ff(C , D , A , B ,  2 , fs3);
  ff(B , C , D , A ,  3 , fs4);
  ff(A , B , C , D ,  4 , fs1);
  ff(D , A , B , C ,  5 , fs2);
  ff(C , D , A , B ,  6 , fs3);
  ff(B , C , D , A ,  7 , fs4);
  ff(A , B , C , D ,  8 , fs1);
  ff(D , A , B , C ,  9 , fs2);
  ff(C , D , A , B , 10 , fs3);
  ff(B , C , D , A , 11 , fs4);
  ff(A , B , C , D , 12 , fs1);
  ff(D , A , B , C , 13 , fs2);
  ff(C , D , A , B , 14 , fs3);
  ff(B , C , D , A , 15 , fs4);
  gg(A , B , C , D ,  0 , gs1); /* Round 2 */
  gg(D , A , B , C ,  4 , gs2);
  gg(C , D , A , B ,  8 , gs3);
  gg(B , C , D , A , 12 , gs4);
  gg(A , B , C , D ,  1 , gs1);
  gg(D , A , B , C ,  5 , gs2);
  gg(C , D , A , B ,  9 , gs3);
  gg(B , C , D , A , 13 , gs4);
  gg(A , B , C , D ,  2 , gs1);
  gg(D , A , B , C ,  6 , gs2);
  gg(C , D , A , B , 10 , gs3);
  gg(B , C , D , A , 14 , gs4);
  gg(A , B , C , D ,  3 , gs1);
  gg(D , A , B , C ,  7 , gs2);
  gg(C , D , A , B , 11 , gs3);
  gg(B , C , D , A , 15 , gs4);
  hh(A , B , C , D ,  0 , hs1); /* Round 3 */
  hh(D , A , B , C ,  8 , hs2);
  hh(C , D , A , B ,  4 , hs3);
  hh(B , C , D , A , 12 , hs4);
  hh(A , B , C , D ,  2 , hs1);
  hh(D , A , B , C , 10 , hs2);
  hh(C , D , A , B ,  6 , hs3);
  hh(B , C , D , A , 14 , hs4);
  hh(A , B , C , D ,  1 , hs1);
  hh(D , A , B , C ,  9 , hs2);
  hh(C , D , A , B ,  5 , hs3);
  hh(B , C , D , A , 13 , hs4);
  hh(A , B , C , D ,  3 , hs1);
  hh(D , A , B , C , 11 , hs2);
  hh(C , D , A , B ,  7 , hs3);
  hh(B , C , D , A , 15 , hs4);
  MDp->buffer[0] += A;
  MDp->buffer[1] += B;
  MDp->buffer[2] += C;
  MDp->buffer[3] += D;

/* MD4Update(MDp,X,count)
** Input: X -- a pointer to an array of unsigned characters.
**        count -- the number of bits of X to use.
**          (if not a multiple of 8, uses high bits of last byte.)
** Update MDp using the number of bits of X given by count.
** This is the basic input routine for an MD4 user.
** The routine completes the MD computation when count < 512, so
** every MD computation should end with one call to MD4Update with a
** count less than 512.  A call with count 0 will be ignored if the
** MD has already been terminated (done != 0), so an extra call with
** count 0 can be given as a "courtesy close" to force termination
** if desired.
unsigned char *X;
unsigned int count;
  unsigned int i, tmp, bit, byte, mask;
  unsigned char XX[64];
  unsigned char *p;

  /* return with no error if this is a courtesy close with count
  ** zero and MDp->done is true.
  if (count == 0 && MDp->done) return;
  /* check to see if MD is already done and report error */
  if (MDp->done)
  { printf("\nError: MD4Update MD already done."); return; }

  /* Add count to MDp->count */
  tmp = count;
  p = MDp->count;
  while (tmp)
  { tmp += *p;
  *p++ = tmp;
  tmp = tmp >> 8;

  /* Process data */
  if (count == 512)
  { /* Full block of data to handle */
  else if (count > 512) /* Check for count too large */
    printf("\nError: MD4Update called with illegal count value %d.",
  else /* partial block -- must be last block so finish up */
    /* Find out how many bytes and residual bits there are */
    byte = count >> 3;
    bit =  count & 7;
    /* Copy X into XX since we need to modify it */
    for (i=0;i<=byte;i++)   XX[i] = X[i];
    for (i=byte+1;i<64;i++) XX[i] = 0;
    /* Add padding '1' bit and low-order zeros in last byte */
    mask = 1 << (7 - bit);
    XX[byte] = (XX[byte] | mask) & ~( mask - 1);
    /* If room for bit count, finish up with this block */
    if (byte <= 55)
      for (i=0;i<8;i++) XX[56+i] = MDp->count[i];
    else /* need to do two blocks to finish up */
      for (i=0;i<56;i++) XX[i] = 0;
      for (i=0;i<8;i++)  XX[56+i] = MDp->count[i];
    /* Set flag saying we're done with MD computation */
    MDp->done = 1;

** Finish up MD4 computation and return message digest.
MD4Final(buf, MD)
unsigned char *buf;
  int i, j;
  unsigned int w;

  MD4Update(MD, NULL, 0);
  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    w = MD->buffer[i];
    for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
      *buf++ = w;
      w >>= 8;

** End of md4.c