path: root/mdk-stage1/ppp/README.MSCHAP80
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authorGuillaume Cottenceau <>2001-06-11 11:44:34 +0000
committerGuillaume Cottenceau <>2001-06-11 11:44:34 +0000
commitab5559aaabd1167a18ac882e64d97c5adc0e7d03 (patch)
treed22adafe4701e0abbccc7456fc58ae60ce75d5fb /mdk-stage1/ppp/README.MSCHAP80
parentf35f2383eed07ff16aa76f30975817117eea6cbb (diff)
Initial revision
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1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
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+PPP Client Support for Microsoft's CHAP-80
+Eric Rosenquist
+(updated by Paul Mackerras)
+(updated by Al Longyear)
+(updated by Farrell Woods)
+Microsoft has introduced an extension to the Challenge/Handshake
+Authentication Protocol (CHAP) which avoids storing cleartext
+passwords on a server. (Unfortunately, this is not as secure as it
+sounds, because the encrypted password stored on a server can be used
+by a bogus client to gain access to the server just as easily as if
+the password were stored in cleartext.) The details of the Microsoft
+extensions can be found in the document:
+ <>
+In short, MS-CHAP is identified as <auth chap 80> since the hex value
+of 80 is used to designate Microsoft's scheme. Standard PPP CHAP uses
+a value of 5. If you enable PPP debugging with the "debug" option and
+see something like the following in your logs, the remote server is
+requesting MS-CHAP:
+ rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <asyncmap 0x0> <auth chap 80> <magic 0x46a3>]
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
+The standard pppd implementation will indicate its lack of support for
+MS-CHAP by NAKing it:
+ sent [LCP ConfNak id=0x2 <auth chap 05>]
+Windows NT Server systems are often configured to "Accept only
+Microsoft Authentication" (this is intended to enhance security). Up
+until now, that meant that you couldn't use this version of PPPD to
+connect to such a system. I've managed to get a client-only
+implementation of MS-CHAP working; it will authenticate itself to
+another system using MS-CHAP, but if you're using PPPD as a dial-in
+server, you won't be able to use MS-CHAP to authenticate the clients.
+This would not be a lot of extra work given that the framework is in
+place, but I didn't need it myself so I didn't implement it.
+MS-CHAP uses a combination of MD4 hashing and DES encryption for
+authentication. You may need to get Eric Young's libdes library in
+order to use my MS-CHAP extensions. A lot of UNIX systems already
+have DES encryption available via the crypt(3), encrypt(3) and
+setkey(3) interfaces. Some may (such as that on Digital UNIX)
+provide only the encryption mechanism and will not perform
+decryption. This is okay. We only need to encrypt to perform
+MS-CHAP authentication.
+If you have encrypt/setkey available, then hopefully you need only
+define these two things in your Makefile: -DUSE_CRYPT and -DCHAPMS.
+Skip the paragraphs below about obtaining and building libdes. Do
+the "make clean" and "make" as described below. Linux users
+should not need to modify their Makefiles. Instead,
+just do "make CHAPMS=1 USE_CRYPT=1".
+If you don't have encrypt and setkey, you will need Eric Young's
+libdes library. You can find it in:
+Australian residents can get libdes from Eric Young's site:
+It is also available on many other sites (ask Archie).
+I used libdes-3.06, but hopefully anything newer than that will work
+also. Get the library, build and test it on your system, and install
+it somewhere (typically /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include).
+You should now be ready to (re)compile the PPPD. Go to the pppd
+subdirectory and make sure the Makefile contains "-DCHAPMS" in the
+CFLAGS or COMPILE_FLAGS macro, and that the LIBS macro (or LDADD for
+BSD systems) contains "-ldes". Depending on your system and where the
+DES library was installed, you may also need to alter the include and
+library paths used by your compiler.
+Do a "make clean" and then a "make" to rebuild pppd. Assuming all
+goes well, install the new pppd and move on to the CONFIGURATION
+If you've never used PPPD with CHAP before, read the man page (type
+"man pppd") and read the description in there. Basically, you need to
+edit the "chap-secrets" file typically named /etc/ppp/chap-secrets.
+This should contain the following two lines for each system with which
+you use CHAP (with no leading blanks):
+ RemoteHost Account Secret
+ Account RemoteHost Secret
+Note that you need both lines and that item 1 and 2 are swapped in the
+second line. I'm not sure why you need it twice, but it works and I didn't
+have time to look into it further. The "RemoteHost" is a somewhat
+arbitrary name for the remote Windows NT system you're dialing. It doesn't
+have to match the NT system's name, but it *does* have to match what you
+use with the "remotename" parameter. The "Account" is the Windows NT
+account name you have been told to use when dialing, and the "Secret" is
+the password for that account. For example, if your service provider calls
+their machine "DialupNT" and tells you your account and password are
+"customer47" and "foobar", add the following to your chap-secrets file:
+ DialupNT customer47 foobar
+ customer47 DialupNT foobar
+The only other thing you need to do for MS-CHAP (compared to normal CHAP)
+is to always use the "remotename" option, either on the command line or in
+your "options" file (see the pppd man page for details). In the case of
+the above example, you would need to use the following command line:
+ pppd name customer47 remotename DialupNT <other options>
+or add:
+ name customer47
+ remotename DialupNT
+to your PPPD "options" file.
+The "remotename" option is required for MS-CHAP since Microsoft PPP servers
+don't send their system name in the CHAP challenge packet.
+If your RAS server is not the domain controller and is not a 'stand-alone'
+server then it must make a query to the domain controller for your domain.
+You need to specify the domain name with the user name when you attempt to
+use this type of a configuration. The domain name is specified with the
+local name in the chap-secrets file and with the option for the 'name'
+For example, the previous example would become:
+ DialupNT domain\\customer47 foobar
+ domain\\customer47 DialupNT foobar
+ pppd name 'domain\\customer47' remotename DialupNT <other options>
+or add:
+ name domain\\customer47
+ remotename DialupNT
+when the Windows NT domain name is simply called 'domain'.
+Assuming that everything else has been configured correctly for PPP and
+CHAP, the MS-CHAP-specific problems you're likely to encounter are mostly
+related to your Windows NT account and its settings. A Microsoft server
+returns error codes in its CHAP response. The following are extracted from
+Microsoft's "chapexts.txt" file referenced above:
+You'll see these in your pppd log as a line similar to:
+ Remote message: E=649 R=0
+The "E=" is the error number from the table above, and the "R=" flag
+indicates whether the error is transient and the client should retry. If
+you consistently get error 691, then either you're using the wrong account
+name/password, or the DES library or MD4 hashing (in md4.c) aren't working
+properly. Verify your account name and password (use a Windows NT or
+Windows 95 system to dial-in if you have one available). If that checks
+out, test the DES library with the "destest" program included with the DES
+library. If DES checks out, the md4.c routines are probably failing
+(system byte ordering may be a problem) or my code is screwing up. I've
+only got access to a Linux system, so you're on your own for anything else.
+Another thing that might cause problems is that some RAS servers won't
+respond at all to LCP config requests without seeing the word "CLIENT"
+from the other end. If you see pppd sending out LCP config requests
+without getting any reply, try putting something in your chat script
+to send the word CLIENT after the modem has connected.
+If everything compiles cleanly, but fails at authentication time, then
+it might be a case of the MD4 or DES code screwing up. The following
+small program can be used to test the MS-CHAP code to see if it
+produces a known response:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "pppd.h"
+#include "chap.h"
+#include "chap_ms.h"
+int main(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char *argv[];
+ u_char challenge[8];
+ int challengeInt[sizeof(challenge)];
+ chap_state cstate;
+ int i;
+ if (argc != 3) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <16-hexchar challenge> <password>\n",
+ argv[0]); exit(1);
+ }
+ sscanf(argv[1], "%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x",
+ challengeInt + 0, challengeInt + 1, challengeInt + 2,
+ challengeInt + 3, challengeInt + 4, challengeInt + 5,
+ challengeInt + 6, challengeInt + 7);
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(challenge); i++)
+ challenge[i] = (u_char)challengeInt[i];
+ ChapMS(&cstate, challenge, sizeof(challenge), argv[2], strlen(argv[2]));
+ printf("Response length is %d, response is:", cstate.resp_length);
+ for (i = 0; i < cstate.resp_length; i++) {
+ if (i % 8 == 0)
+ putchar('\n');
+ printf("%02X ", (unsigned int)cstate.response[i]);
+ }
+ putchar('\n');
+ exit(0);
+This needs to link against chap_ms.o, md4.o, and the DES library. When
+you run it with the command line:
+ $ testchap 00000000000000000000000000000000 hello
+it should output the following:
+ Response length is 49, response is:
+ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ F4 D9 9D AF 82 64 DC 3C
+ 53 F9 BC 92 14 B5 5D 9E
+ 78 C4 21 48 9D B7 A8 B4
+ 01
+if not, then either the DES library is not working, the MD4 code isn't
+working, or there are some problems with the port of the code in
+A site using only MS-CHAP to authenticate has no need to store cleartext
+passwords in the "chap-secrets" file. A utility that spits out the ASCII
+hex MD4 hash of a given password would be nice, and would allow that hash
+to be used in chap-secrets in place of the password. The code to do this
+could quite easily be lifted from chap_ms.c (you have to convert the
+password to Unicode before hashing it). The chap_ms.c file would also have
+to be changed to recognize a password hash (16 binary bytes == 32 ASCII hex
+characters) and skip the hashing stage.
+A server implementation would allow MS-CHAP to be used with Windows NT and
+Windows 95 clients for enhanced security. Some new command-line options
+would be required, as would code to generate the Challenge packet and
+verify the response. Most of the helper functions are in place, so this
+shouldn't be too hard for someone to add.