diff options
authorFrancois Pons <>2002-08-08 17:23:00 +0000
committerFrancois Pons <>2002-08-08 17:23:00 +0000
commitc3dc261088956d3aa66859258560b3f5c93f4d94 (patch)
parentfe435d0ab171cf1b928476964526965638123cd2 (diff)
added more detailed help files, fixed bad reset of text mode.
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/make_boot_img b/make_boot_img
index 909fda2c2..47955d562 100755
--- a/make_boot_img
+++ b/make_boot_img
@@ -496,27 +496,67 @@ sub isolinux {
default linux
prompt 1
timeout 150
-" . (-e "isolinux/boot.msg" ? "display boot.msg
-F1 help.msg" : "display help.msg") . "
-" . join('', map {
+" . (-e "isolinux/boot.msg" ? "display boot.msg" : "display help.msg") . "
+F1 help.msg
+F2 advanced.msg" . (-e "isolinux/boot.msg" && "F3 boot.msg") . "
+" . join('', map {
"label $_->[0]
kernel alt0/vmlinuz
append initrd=alt0/all.rdz $_->[1] automatic=method:cdrom
" } entries_append('all'))
- . join('', map_index {
+ . join('', map_index {
"label alt$::i
kernel alt$::i/vmlinuz
append initrd=alt$::i/all.rdz $default_append $default_vga
" } @kernels);
- output "isolinux/help.msg", (-e "isolinux/boot.msg" && pack "C*", 0x0E, 0x03, 0x00) .
-"Welcome to Mandrake Linux Installation.
-If you want more installations options (install from hard
-disk, network, etc), select the kernel you wish to use for
-this installation. Or you may just type Enter, so that the
-automatic CDROM installation will proceed, with the default
-kernel ($main).
-" . join('', map_index { "\"alt$::i\" is kernel $_\n" } @kernels);
+ output "isolinux/help.msg", (-e "isolinux/boot.msg" && pack "C*", 0x0E, 0x80, 0x03, 0x00) .
+ 0aWelcome to 09Mandrake Linux0a install help07
+In most cases, the best way to get started is to simply press the 0e<Enter>07 key.
+If you experience problems with standard install, try one of the following
+install types (type the highlighted text and press 0e<Enter>07):
+ o 0fvgalo07 for low resolution graphical installation.
+ o 0ftext07 for text installation instead of the graphical one.
+ o 0flinux07 for standard graphical installation at normal resolution.
+ o 0fexpert07 for expert graphical installation at normal resolution.
+To use this CD to repair an already installed system type 0frescue07
+followed by 0e<Enter>07.
+You can also pass some 0f<specific kernel options>07 to the Linux kernel.
+For example, try 0flinux mem=128M07 if your system has 128Mb of RAM but the default
+kernel ($main) does not detect it correctly.
+0cNOTE07: You cannot pass options to modules (SCSI, ethernet card) or devices
+such as CD-ROM drives in this way. If you need to do so, use expert mode.
+" . (-e "isolinux/boot.msg" ?
+ "0c[F1-Help] [F2-Advanced Help] [F3-Main]07" :
+ "0c[F1-Help] [F2-Advanced Help]07") . "\n";
+ output "isolinux/advanced.msg", (-e "isolinux/boot.msg" && pack "C*", 0x0E, 0x80, 0x03, 0x00) .
+The following install types may be used instead of previously notified :
+ o 0fvgahi07 for high resolution graphical installation.
+ o 0fvga1607 for 640x480 in 16 colors graphical installation.
+The following options may be added on the command line :
+ o 0freadonly=107 to disable editing disk partitions.
+ o 0fdisplay=ackbar:007 to export display to 09ackbar07 machine screen 0 during
+ installation.
+ o 0fnoauto07 to disable automatic detection (generally used with 0fexpert07).
+ o 0fsecurity=n07 to set security level to value 09n07.
+ o 0fupdatemodules07 to use the special update floppy containing modules updates.
+ o 0fpatch07 to use a patch from the floppy (file named 09patch.pl07).
+ o 0fauto_install=floppy07 to enable auto_install using 09auto_inst.cfg07 file on the
+ floppy.
+You can choose the following kernels :
+" . join('', map_index { " o 0alt$::i07 is kernel $_\n" } @kernels) . "
+" . (-e "isolinux/boot.msg" ?
+ "0c[F1-Help] [F2-Advanced Help] [F3-Main]07" :
+ "0c[F1-Help] [F2-Advanced Help]07") . "\n";