path: root/isolinux-graphic.bmp
blob: 0f8402945363aeecb5af0d9584a9d2b88f53c510 (plain)
ofshex dumpascii
0000 42 4d 36 55 07 00 00 00 00 00 36 02 00 00 28 00 00 00 20 03 00 00 58 02 00 00 01 00 08 00 00 00 BM6U......6...(.......X.........
0020 00 00 00 53 07 00 12 0b 00 00 12 0b 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 bd 94 85 00 7c 2a 0b 00 e3 d2 ...S......................|*....
0040 cb 00 d3 d3 d3 00 c9 c8 c8 00 a4 6b 56 00 79 24 04 00 d2 b6 ab 00 98 5b 44 00 e9 e8 e7 00 8b 43 ...........kV.y$.......[D......C
0060 28 00 5f 5a 5b 00 94 54 3c 00 c1 9b 8d 00 d6 bc b2 00 ff ff ff 00 de ca c2 00 80 31 13 00 72 47 (._Z[..T<..................1..rG
0080 38 00 03 eb fd 00 02 02 02 00 71 39 24 00 b4 84 73 00 b2 ac aa 00 9e 61 4a 00 e0 cd c6 00 e8 da 8.........q9$...s......aJ.......
00a0 d5 00 cc ad a1 00 77 21 01 00 2d 2c 2c 00 4f 31 26 00 c5 a0 93 00 92 4d 34 00 89 3f 23 00 b9 8d ......w!..-,,.O1&......M4..?#...
00c0 7d 00 ea dd d8 00 ce b0 a5 00 aa 74 61 00 ca a8 9c 00 96 92 90 00 dc c6 be 00 f5 f3 f2 00 a7 70 }..........ta..................p
00e0 5c 00 f9 f5 f3 00 42 68 92 00 85 38 1b 00 0e af eb 00 ae 7b 68 00 d9 c1 b9 00 49 db ff 00 c8 a5 \.....Bh...8.......{h.....I.....
0100 98 00 89 ec ff 00 82 34 17 00 85 48 32 00 b0 7e 6b 00 e7 d8 d2 00 a1 66 51 00 ae a0 9b 00 e5 d5 .......4...H2..~k......fQ.......
0120 cf 00 6e 6a 6b 00 dd db d9 00 1e 15 11 00 c1 b9 b7 00 ac 78 65 00 b7 8a 79 00 8b 57 43 00 7e 2d ..njk..............xe...y..WC.~-
0140 0f 00 aa 87 7a 00 7f 4f 3e 00 b2 81 6f 00 e5 df dc 00 ee ec eb 00 f3 f0 ef 00 38 23 1b 00 68 2b ....z..O>...o.............8#..h+
0160 15 00 ba f4 ff 00 db c4 bc 00 a5 7a 6b 00 1b 85 bf 00 9f 73 63 00 58 2a 18 00 fb f9 f8 00 85 82*........
0180 81 00 a5 7f 72 00 d4 cf cc 00 8e 48 2d 00 c5 c3 c2 00 d8 bf b6 00 3f 18 09 00 d0 ac a6 00 64 30 ....r......H-.........?.......d0
01a0 1c 00 d1 c4 c0 00 df fa ff 00 b5 86 75 00 81 60 61 00 71 34 1c 00 b9 87 79 00 b7 83 75 00 9c 5d ............u..`a.q4....y...u..]
01c0 46 00 78 76 79 00 8c 3e 1e 00 7e 2c 0b 00 5d 22 0a 00 74 2a 0c 00 98 58 40 00 b3 80 71 00 bc a7 F.xvy..>..~,..]"..t*...X@...q...
01e0 9f 00 a1 77 68 00 95 5e 49 00 20 1f 1f 00 7d 29 07 00 b1 74 60 00 7a 27 08 00 50 49 47 00 da c3 ...wh..^I.....})...t`.z'..PIG...
0200 bb 00 b5 87 77 00 cd cd cc 00 e5 e3 e2 00 7f 2f 11 00 3c 3a 39 00 a9 78 67 00 a5 76 65 00 d0 d0 ....w........../..<
0220 d0 00 df df de 00 bb 90 81 00 87 3b 1f 00 9f 63 4d 00 76 20 00 00 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ...........;...cM.v.............
0240 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0260 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0280 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
02a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
02c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
02e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0300 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0320 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0340 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0360 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0380 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
03a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
03c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
03e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0400 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 76 7d ..............................v}
0420 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0440 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0460 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0480 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 11 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f }}}}}}}}}.......................
04a0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
04c0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 70 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 70 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}p...................p}}}}
04e0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0500 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0520 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0540 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}..........
0560 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0580 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
05a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
05c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
05e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0600 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0620 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0640 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0660 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0680 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
06a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
06c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
06e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0700 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0720 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0740 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0760 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0780 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
07a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
07c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
07e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0800 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0820 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0840 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0860 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0880 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
08a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
08c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
08e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0900 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0920 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0940 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0960 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0980 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
09a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
09c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
09e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0a00 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0a20 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0a40 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 76 7d 7d .............................v}}
0a60 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0a80 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0aa0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0ac0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 2d 1c 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f }}}}}}}}}}-.....................
0ae0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0b00 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 70 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 70 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}p...................p}}}}
0b20 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0b40 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0b60 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
0b80 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}..........
0ba0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0bc0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0be0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0c00 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0c20 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0c40 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0c60 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0c80 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0ca0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0cc0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0ce0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0d00 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0d20 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0d40 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0d60 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0d80 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0da0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0dc0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0de0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0e00 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0e20 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0e40 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0e60 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0e80 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0ea0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0ec0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0ee0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0f00 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0f20 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0f40 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0f60 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0f80 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0fa0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0fc0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
0fe0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1000 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1020 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1040 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1060 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1080 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 42 7d 7d 7d ............................B}}}
10a0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
10c0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
10e0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1100 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 06 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f }}}}}}}}}}}}....................
1120 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1140 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 70 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 70 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}p...................p}}}}
1160 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1180 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
11a0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
11c0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}..........
11e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1200 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1220 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1240 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1260 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1280 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
12a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
12c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
12e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1300 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1320 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1340 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1360 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1380 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
13a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
13c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
13e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1400 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1420 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1440 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1460 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1480 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
14a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
14c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
14e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1500 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1520 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1540 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1560 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1580 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
15a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
15c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
15e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1600 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1620 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1640 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1660 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1680 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
16a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
16c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 06 7d 7d 7d 7d ............................}}}}
16e0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1700 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1720 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1740 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 70 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f }}}}}}}}}}}}}p..................
1760 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1780 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 70 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 70 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}p...................p}}}}
17a0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
17c0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
17e0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1800 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}..........
1820 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1840 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1860 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1880 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
18a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
18c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
18e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1900 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1920 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1940 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1960 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1980 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
19a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
19c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
19e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1a00 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1a20 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1a40 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1a60 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1a80 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1aa0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1ac0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1ae0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1b00 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1b20 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1b40 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1b60 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1b80 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1ba0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1bc0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1be0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1c00 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1c20 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1c40 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1c60 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1c80 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1ca0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1cc0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1ce0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1d00 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 2d 7d 7d 7d 7d ...........................-}}}}
1d20 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1d40 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1d60 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1d80 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 70 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f }}}}}}}}}}}}}}p.................
1da0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1dc0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 70 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 70 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}p...................p}}}}
1de0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1e00 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1e20 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
1e40 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}..........
1e60 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1e80 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1ea0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1ec0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1ee0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1f00 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1f20 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1f40 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1f60 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1f80 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1fa0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1fc0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
1fe0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2000 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2020 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2040 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2060 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2080 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
20a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
20c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
20e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2100 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2120 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2140 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2160 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2180 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
21a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
21c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
21e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2200 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2220 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2240 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2260 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2280 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
22a0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
22c0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
22e0 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2300 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2320 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f ................................
2340 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 42 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d ..........................B}}}}}
2360 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
2380 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 34 11 42 42 42 42 42 11 34 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}4.BBBBB.4}}}}
23a0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
23c0 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d 7d1800'>1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086
# translation of drakwizard-zh_TW.po to Chinese Traditional
# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Hilbert <>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: drakwizard-zh_TW\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-01-05 14:38+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-04 07:48+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Hilbert <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese Traditional <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=BIG5\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.0.2\n"

#: ../Wiztemplate.pm_.c:31
msgid "configuration wizard"
msgstr "³]©wºëÆF"

#: ../Wiztemplate.pm_.c:60 ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:63
#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:71 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:81
#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:88 ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:147
#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:195 ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:137
#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:144 ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:83
msgid "Warning."
msgstr "ĵ§i."

#: ../Wiztemplate.pm_.c:64 ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:68
#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:76 ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:81
#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:83 ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:67
#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:87 ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:103
#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:164 ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:201
#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:115 ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:123
msgid "Error."
msgstr "¿ù»~."

#: ../Wiztemplate.pm_.c:78 ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:97
#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:110 ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:84
#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:87 ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:96
#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:102 ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:91
#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:172 ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:228
#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:144
msgid "Congratulations"
msgstr "®¥³ß"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:38 ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:55
msgid "DNS Client Wizard"
msgstr " DNS  «È¤áºÝºëÆF"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:47
msgid "You must first run the DNS server wizard"
msgstr ""

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:55
msgid ""
"A client of your local network is a machine connected to the network having "
"its own name and IP number."
msgstr "¥»¦aºÝºô¸ô¤Wªº«È¤áºÝ¬O¤@³¡¾Ö¦³­Ó§O¦WºÙ©M IP ¸¹½Xªº¾÷¾¹."

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:55
msgid "Press next to begin, or Cancel to leave this wizard."
msgstr "«ö¤U¤@¨B¶}©l, ©Î¨ú®øÂ÷¶}³oºëÆF."

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:55
msgid ""
"The server will use the informations you enter here to make the name of the "
"client available to other machines into your network."
msgstr ""

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:55
msgid "This wizard will help you in adding a new client in your local DNS."
msgstr "¥»ºëÆF·|À°§U±z¥h¼W¥[¤@­Ó·s«È¤áºÝ¦b±zªº¥»¦aºÝ DNS ¤¤."

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:61
msgid "(you don't need to type the domain after the name)"
msgstr "(±z¤£»Ý­n¦b¦W¦r«áÁä¤Jºô°ì)"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:61
msgid "Client identification:"
msgstr "«È¤áºÝ»{ÃÒ:"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:61
msgid ""
"Note that the given IP number and client name should be unique in the "
msgstr "ª`·N¦bºô¸ô¤W©Ò¤À°tªº IP ¸¹½X©M«È¤áºÝ¦WºÙ³£À³¸Ó¬O¿W¤@ªº."

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:61
msgid ""
"Your client on the network will be identified by name, as in clientname."
" Every machine on the network must have a (unique) IP address, "
"in the usual dotted syntax."
msgstr ""
"¦bºô¸ô¤W, ±zªº«È¤áºÝ·|¥Î¦WºÙ¨ÓÃѧO, ¦ºô¸ô¤W¨C¤@³¡¾÷¾¹"
"³£¥²¶·¦³¤@­Ó¥H±`¥Î¤pÂI°O¸¹±Æ¦C¤è¦¡ªº(¿W¤@) IP ¦ì§}."

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:67
msgid "Name of the machine:"
msgstr "¾÷¾¹¦WºÙ:"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:68
msgid "IP number of the machine:"
msgstr "¾÷¾¹ªº IP ¸¹½X:"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:73 ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:80
#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:90
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "ĵ§i"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:73 ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:80
#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:83
msgid "You are in dhcp, server may not work with your configuration."
msgstr "±z¥¿¦b dncp ¤¤, ¦øªA¾¹¥i¯à¤£¯à»P±zªº³]©w¹B§@."

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:78 ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:83
#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:85 ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:95
#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:70 ../drakwizard.pl_.c:89 ../drakwizard.pl_.c:138
#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:142
msgid "Error"
msgstr "¿ù»~"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:78
msgid "System error, no configuration done"
msgstr "¨t²Î¿ù»~, ¨S¦³§¹¦¨¥ô¦ó³]©w"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:83 ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:64
msgid "This is not a valid address... press next to continue"
msgstr "³o¤£¬O¤@­Ó¦³®Äªº¦ì§}. ½Ð«ö¤U¤@¨BÄ~Äò"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:88
msgid "Adding a new client to your network"
msgstr "¥¿¦b¥[¤J¤@­Ó·s«È¤áºÝ©ó±zªººô¸ô¤¤"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:88
msgid ""
"The wizard collected the following parameters needed to add a client to your "
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤U»Ý­n¥[¤J±zªººô¸ôªº«È¤áºÝªº°Ñ¼Æ:"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:88
msgid ""
"To accept these values, and add your client, click the Next button or use "
"the Back button to correct them."
msgstr "«ö¤U¤@¨B«öÁä±µ¨ü³o¨Ç¼Æ­È©M¥[¤J±zªº«È¤áºÝ, ©Î«ö¤W¤@¨B«öÁä§@¥X§ó¥¿."

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:90
msgid "Client name"
msgstr "«È¤áºÝ¦WºÙ"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:91
msgid "Client IP:"
msgstr "«È¤áºÝ IP :"

#: ../client_wizard/Bind_client.pm_.c:97
msgid "The wizard successfully added the client."
msgstr "ºëÆF¤w¦¨¥\¥[¤J¤@­Ó«È¤áºÝ."

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:38 ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:51
msgid "DHCP Wizard"
msgstr "DHCP ºëÆF"

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:51
msgid ""
"DHCP is a service that automatically assigns networking addresses to your "
msgstr "DHCP ¬O¤@ºØ·|¦Û°Ê¤À°tºô¸ô¦ì§}µ¹±zªº¤u§@¯¸ªºªA°È."

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:51
msgid "This wizard will help you configuring the DHCP services of your server."
msgstr "³oºëÆF±N·|À°§U±z¬°±zªº¦øªA¾¹³]©w DHCP ªA°È."

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:57
msgid "Range of addresses used by dhcp"
msgstr "dhcp ©Ò¥Îªº¦ì§}½d³ò"

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:57
msgid ""
"Select the range of addresses assigned to the workstations by the DHCP "
"service; unless you have special needs, you can safely accept the proposed "
msgstr ""
"¿ï¾Ü¥Ñ DHCP ¬°¤u§@¯¸©Ò¤À°tªº¦ì§}ªº½d³ò; °£«D±z¦³¯S§Oªº»Ý­n, §_«h±z¥i¥H¦w¥þ¦a"

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:64 ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:102
msgid "Lowest IP Address:"
msgstr "³Ì§Cªº IP ¦ì§}:"

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:65 ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:103
msgid "Highest IP Address:"
msgstr "³Ì°ªªº IP ¦ì§}:"

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:70
msgid "Interface the dhcp server must listen to"
msgstr ""

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:85
msgid "The IP range specified is not correct."
msgstr "©Ò«ü©wªº IP ½d³ò¨Ã¤£¥¿½T."

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:90
msgid "The IP range specified is not in server address range."
msgstr "©Ò«ü©wªº IP ½d³ò¨Ã¤£¥¿½T."

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:95
msgid "The IP of the server must not be in range."
msgstr ""

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:100
msgid "Configuring the DHCP Server"
msgstr "¥¿¦b³]©w DHCP ¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:100
msgid ""
"The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your DHCP "
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤U»Ý­n³]©w±zªº DHCP ªA°Èªº°Ñ¼Æ:"

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:104
msgid "Interface:"
msgstr ""

#: ../dhcp_wizard/Dhcp.pm_.c:110
msgid "The wizard successfully configured the DHCP services of your server."
msgstr "³oºëÆF¦¨¥\¬°±zªº¦øªA¾¹³]©w DHCP ªA°È."

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:36
msgid "DNS Configuration Wizard"
msgstr " DNS  ³]©wºëÆF"

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:47
msgid ""
"DNS (Domain Name Server) is the service that maps an IP address of a machine "
"with an internet host name."
msgstr ""
" DNS  (Domain Name Server)¬O¹ïÀ³¤@­Ó¾÷¾¹ IP ¦ì§}¨ì¤@­Óºô»Úºô¸ô¥D¾÷¦WºÙªºªA°È."

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:47
msgid "DNS configuration wizard"
msgstr " DNS  ³]©wºëÆF"

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:47
msgid ""
"This wizard will help you configuring the DNS services of your server. This "
"configuration will provide a local DNS service for local computers names, "
"with non-local requests forwarded to an outside DNS."
msgstr ""
"³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹ªº DNS ªA°È. ³o³]©w·|´£¨Ñ¤@­Ó¥»¦aºÝ DNSªA°Èµ¹¤©¥»"
"¦aºÝ¹q¸£¦WºÙ, ¨Ã¶Ç°e«D¥»¦aºÝ©Ê­n¨D¨ì¥~­±ªº DNS."

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:52
msgid "DNS Server Addresses"
msgstr "DNS ¦øªA¾¹¦ì§}"

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:52
msgid ""
"DNS will allow your network to communicate with the Internet using standard "
"internet host names.  In order to configure DNS, you must provide the IP "
"address of primary and secondary DNS server; usually this address are given "
"by your Internet provider."
msgstr ""
"DNS ·|­ã³\±zªººô¸ô¨Ï¥Î¼Ð·Çºô»Úºô¸ô¥D¾÷¦WºÙ»Pºô»Úºô¸ô·¾³q.³]©w DNS ®É, ±z¥²¶·"
"´£¨Ñ¥D©M¦¸ DNS ¦øªA¾¹ªº IP ¦ì§};³o¦ì§}³q±`·|¥Ñ±zªººô»Úºô¸ô¨ÑÀ³°Ó´£¨Ñ."

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:52
msgid "IP addresses are a dotted list of four numbers smaller than 256"
msgstr "IP ¦ì§}¬O¥Ñ¥|­Ó¤Ö©ó 256 ªº¼Æ¦r¥H¤pÂI°O¸¹±Æ¦C¤è¦¡²Õ¦¨."

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:58
msgid "Primary DNS Address"
msgstr "¥D DNS ¦ì§}:"

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:59 ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:78
msgid "Secondary DNS Address:"
msgstr "¦¸ DNS ¦ì§}:"

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:69
msgid "You have entered an empty address for the DNS server."
msgstr "±z¿é¤J¤@­ÓªÅ¥Õªº DNS ¦øªA¾¹¦ì§}."

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:70
msgid ""
"Your setting could be accepted, but you will not be able to identify machine "
"names outside your local network."
msgstr "±zªº³]©w±N·|³Q±µ¯Ç, ¦ý¬O±z±N¤£¯à°÷¦b±zªº¥»¦aºÝºô¸ô¥~ÃѧO¥D¾÷¦WºÙ."

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:71
msgid "Press next to leave these values empty, or back to enter a value."
msgstr "½Ð«ö¤U¤@¨BÅý³o¨Ç¼Æ­ÈªÅ¥Õ, ©Î«ö¤W¤@¨B­«·s¿é¤J¼Æ­È."

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:75
msgid "Configuring the DNS Server"
msgstr "³]©w DNS ¦øªA¾¹¤¤"

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:75
msgid ""
"The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your DNS "
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤U»Ý­n³]©w±zªº DNS ªA°Èªº°Ñ¼Æ:"

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:75 ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:74
msgid ""
"To accept these values, and configure your server, click the Next button or "
"use the Back button to correct them"
msgstr "«ö¤U¤@¨B±µ¨ü³o¨Ç¼Æ­È©M³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹, ©Î¨Ï¥Î¤W¤@¨B§@¥X§ó¥¿."

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:77
msgid "Primary DNS Address:"
msgstr "¥D DNS ¦ì§}:"

#: ../dns_wizard/Bind.pm_.c:85
msgid "The wizard successfully configured the DNS services of your server."
msgstr "³oºëÆF¦¨¥\³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹ªº DNS ªA°È."

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:41
msgid "Apache web server"
msgstr "Apache ºô­¶¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:42
msgid "Dhcp server"
msgstr "Dhcp ¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:43
msgid "Dns (configuration)"
msgstr "DNS (³]©w)"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:44
msgid "Dns (add client)"
msgstr "Dns (·s¼W«È¤áºÝ)"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:45
msgid "News server"
msgstr "·s»D¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:46
msgid "NFS server"
msgstr "NFS ¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:47
msgid "Mail server"
msgstr "¹q¶l¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:48
msgid "Ftp server"
msgstr "Ftp ¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:49
msgid "Samba server"
msgstr "Samba ¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:50
msgid "Proxy"
msgstr "¥N²z¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:51
msgid "Time server"
msgstr "®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:52
msgid "Apache2 web server"
msgstr "Apache2 ºô­¶¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:53
msgid "Nis server + Autofs"
msgstr "Nis ¦øªA¾¹ + Autofs"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:58
msgid "Drakwizard wizard selection"
msgstr "Drakwizard ºëÆF¿ï¾Ü"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:59
msgid "Please select a wizard"
msgstr "½Ð¿ï¾ÜºëÆF"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:138
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s is not installed\n"
"Click \"Next\" to install or \"Cancel\" to quit"
msgstr ""
"%s ¨S¦³¦w¸Ë\n"
"­n¦w¸ËÂI¿ï \"Next ¤U¤@¨B\" ©Î \"Cancel ¨ú®ø\" Â÷¶}"

#: ../drakwizard.pl_.c:142
msgid "Installation failed"
msgstr ""

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:33
msgid "FTP wizard"
msgstr "FTP ºëÆF"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:45
msgid "FTP Server Configuration Wizard"
msgstr "FTP ¦øªA¾¹³]©wºëÆF"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:45
msgid "This wizard will help you configuring the FTP Server for your network."
msgstr "³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªººô¸ôªº FTP ¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:51
msgid "Don't check any box if you don't want to activate your FTP Server."
msgstr "¤£­n¿ï¾Ü¥ô¦ó¿ï¶µ¦pªG±z¤£·Q¿E¬¡±zªº FTP ¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:51
msgid "FTP Server"
msgstr "FTP ¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:51
msgid "Select the kind of FTP service you want to activate:"
msgstr "¿ï¾Ü±z·Q¿E¬¡ªº FTP ªA°ÈÃþ«¬:"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:51
msgid ""
"Your server can act as an FTP Server toward your internal network (intranet) "
"and as an FTP Server for the Internet."
msgstr "±zªº¦øªA¾¹¯à¦¨¬°±zªº¤º³¡ºô¸ô©Mºô»Úºô¸ôªº FTP ¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:57
msgid "Enable the FTP Server for the Intranet"
msgstr "±Ò¥Î FTP ¦øªA¾¹©ó¤º³¡ºô¸ô"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:58
msgid "Enable the FTP Server for the Internet"
msgstr "±Ò¥Î FTP ¦øªA¾¹©óºô»Úºô¸ô"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:63
msgid ""
"You are in dhcp, server may not work with your configuration."
msgstr ""
"±z¥¿¦b dhcp ¤¤, ¦øªA¾¹¥i¯à¤£¯à°÷¨Ï¥Î±zªº³]©w."

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:68
msgid "Sorry, you must be root to do this..."
msgstr "¹ï¤£°_, ±z¥²¶·¥H root ¨­¥÷¤~¥i¥H³o¼Ë°µ..."

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:73
msgid "Configuring the FTP Server"
msgstr "³]©w FTP ¦øªA¾¹¤¤"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:73
msgid ""
"The wizard collected the following parameters\n"
"needed to configure your FTP Server"
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤U»Ý­n³]©w±zªº FTP ¦øªA¾¹ªº°Ñ¼Æ"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:76 ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:77
#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:211 ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:212
#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:213 ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:131
#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:132
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "¤wÃö³¬"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:76 ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:77
#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:211 ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:212
#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:213 ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:131
#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:132
msgid "enabled"
msgstr "¤w±Ò¥Î"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:80
msgid "Intranet FTP Server:"
msgstr "¤º³¡ºô¸ô FTP ¦øªA¾¹:"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:81
msgid "Internet FTP Server:"
msgstr "ºô»Úºô¸ô FTP ¦øªA¾¹:"

#: ../ftp_wizard/Proftpd.pm_.c:87
msgid "The wizard successfully configured your Intranet/Internet FTP Server"
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¨¥\³]©w±zªº¤º³¡ºô¸ô/ºô»Úºô¸ô FTP ¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:33
msgid "News Wizard"
msgstr "·s»DºëÆF"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:44
msgid ""
"This wizard will help you configuring the Internet News services for your "
msgstr "³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªººô¸ôªººô»Úºô¸ô·s»DªA°È."

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:44
msgid "Welcome to the News Wizard"
msgstr "Åwªï¨Ó¨ì·s»DºëÆF"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:49
msgid ""
"Internet host names must be in the form \"host.domain.domaintype\"; for "
"example, if your provider is \"\", the internet news server is "
"usually \"\"."
msgstr ""
"ºô»Úºô¸ô¥D¾÷¦WºÙ¥²¶·¥H\"host.domain.domaintype\"ªº®æ¦¡©R¦W; ¨Ò¦p, ¦pªG±zªº¨Ñ"
"À³ªÌ¬O\"\", ¨ººô»Úºô¸ô·s»D¦øªA³q±`¬O\"\"."

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:49
msgid "News Server"
msgstr "·s»D¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:49
msgid ""
"The news server name is the name of the host providing the Internet news to "
"your network; the name is usually provided by your provider."
msgstr ""
"·s»D¦øªA¦WºÙ¬O¤@­Ó´£¨Ñºô»Úºô¸ô·s»Dµ¹±zªººô¸ôªº¥D¾÷¦WºÙ; ³o¦WºÙ³q±`·|¥Ñ±zªº¨Ñ"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:54
msgid "News Server Name:"
msgstr "·s»D¦øªA¾¹¦WºÙ:"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:60
msgid ""
"Depending on the kind of internet connection you have, an appropriate "
"polling period can change between 6 and 24 hours."
msgstr "¸ò¾Ú±z³s±µºô»Úºô¸ôªºÃþ§O, ¾A¦Xªº±´¸ß¶g´Á¥i¥H¬O¤»¦Ü¤G¤Q¥|¤p®É¤§¶¡."

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:60
msgid "Polling Period"
msgstr "±´¸ß¶g´Á"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:60
msgid ""
"Your server will regularly poll the News Server for obtaning the latest "
"Internet News; the polling period set the interval between two consecutive "
msgstr ""
"±zªº¦øªA¾¹·|©w´Á±´¸ß·s»D¦øªA¾¹¥H±o¨ì³Ì·sªººô»Úºô¸ô·s»D;  ±´¸ß¶g´Á³]©w¶¡¶Z¦b¨â"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:65
msgid "Polling Period (Hours):"
msgstr "±´¸ß¶g´Á (¤p®É):"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:76
msgid "The news server name is not correct"
msgstr "·s»D¦øªA¾¹¦WºÙ¤£¥¿½T"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:81
msgid "The polling period is not correct"
msgstr "±´¸ß¶g´Á¤£¥¿½T"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:86
msgid "Configuring the Internet News"
msgstr "³]©wºô»Úºô¸ô·s»D¤¤"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:86
msgid ""
"The wizard collected the following parameters\n"
"needed to configure your Internet News Service:"
msgstr ""

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:87 ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:82
#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:148 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:161
#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:208 ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:129
msgid ""
"To accept these values, and configure your server, click the Next button or "
"use the Back button to correct them."
msgstr "«ö¤U¤@¨B±µ¨ü³o¨Ç¼Æ­È©M³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹, ©Î«ö¤W¤@¨B§@¥X§ó¥¿."

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:89
msgid "News Server:"
msgstr "·s»D¦øªA¾¹:"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:90
msgid "Polling Interval:"
msgstr "±´¸ß¶¡¶Z:"

#: ../news_wizard/Inn.pm_.c:96
msgid ""
"The wizard successfully configured your Internet News service of your server."
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¨¥\³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹ªººô»Úºô¸ô·s»DªA°È."

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:34
msgid "NFS Wizard"
msgstr "NFS ºëÆF"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:45 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:37
#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:65
msgid "All - No access restriction"
msgstr "¥þ³¡ - ¨S¦³¨Ï¥Î¦s¨ú­­¨î"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:46 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:38
msgid "Local Network - access for local network (recommended)"
msgstr "¥»¦aºÝºô¸ô - ¥»¦aºÝºô¸ô¦s¨ú («Øij)"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:51
msgid "NFS Server Configuration Wizard"
msgstr "NFS ¦øªA¾¹³]©wºëÆF"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:51
msgid "This wizard will help you configuring the NFS Server for your network."
msgstr "³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªººô¸ôªº NFS ¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:56
msgid "NFS Server"
msgstr "NFS ¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:59
msgid "Directory:"
msgstr "¥Ø¿ý:"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:64 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:104
msgid "Access Control"
msgstr "¦s¨úÅv±±¨î"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:64 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:104
msgid ""
"Choose the level that suits your needs. If you don't know, the Local Network "
"level is usually the most appropriate. Beware that the All level may be not "
msgstr ""
"¿ï¾Ü¾A¦X±z»Ý­nªºµ{«×. ¦pªG±z¤£ª¾¹Dªº¸Ü, ¥»¦aºÝºô¸ôµ{«×³q±`·|¬O³Ì¾A¦Xªº. ª`·N"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:64
msgid "NFS can be restricted to a certain ip class"
msgstr ""

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:75 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:117
msgid ""
"Access will be allowed for hosts on the network. Here is the information "
"found about your current local network, you can modify it if needed."
msgstr ""
"®e³\ºô¸ô¤Wªº¥D¾÷¦s¨ú. ³o¸Ì¬O¤@¨Ç±z²{¦b¥»¦aºÝºô¸ôªº¸ê®Æ, ¦p»Ý­nªº¸Ü,±z¥i§@¥X§ï"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:75 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:117
msgid "Grant access on local network"
msgstr "³\¥i¥»¦aºôµ¸¦s¨ú"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:77 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:122
msgid "Authorized network:"
msgstr "³Q»{¥iªººô¸ô:"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:83 ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:164
#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:117
msgid "The path you entered does not exist."
msgstr ""

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:88
msgid "The wizard collected the following parameters."
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤Uªº°Ñ¼Æ."

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:94
msgid "Exported dir:"
msgstr ""

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:95
msgid "Access :"
msgstr "¦s¨úÅv :"

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:96
msgid "Netmask :"
msgstr ""

#: ../nfs_wizard/NFS.pm_.c:102
msgid "The wizard successfully configured your NFS Server"
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¨¥\³]©w±zªº NFS ¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:64
msgid "Nis Server - Setup configuration NIS + Autofs(nfs) server"
msgstr ""

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:65
msgid "Nis Client - Setup a Nis Client"
msgstr ""

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:70
msgid "NIS+autofs configuration wizard"
msgstr "DNS ³]©wºëÆF"

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:78
msgid "Which operation on Wizard:"
msgstr "¦ó¶µºëÆF¾Þ§@"

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:83
msgid "Be a nis client"
msgstr ""

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:83
msgid "You just have to put nisdomain and nisserver"
msgstr ""

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:85
#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:119
msgid "Nis Server:"
msgstr "Nis ¦øªA¾¹:"

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:86
#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:96
#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:106
#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:120
msgid "Nis Domain:"
msgstr ""

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:93
#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:104
msgid "Nis server:"
msgstr "Nis ¦øªA¾¹:"

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:94
#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:105
msgid "Home nis:"
msgstr "Home nis:"

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:95
#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:107
msgid "Nis directory Makefile:"
msgstr "Nis ¥Ø¿ý Makefile:"

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:108
msgid "Network File:"
msgstr "ºô¸ôÀÉ®×:"

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:109
msgid "Nfs exports:"
msgstr ""

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:110
msgid "Auto master:"
msgstr ""

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:111
msgid "Auto home:"
msgstr ""

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:295
msgid "Configuring your system as a Nis+Autofs(nfs) server ..."
msgstr ""

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:295
msgid "Nis+autofs Server"
msgstr "Nis+autofs ¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:323
msgid "Configuring your system as Nis Client ..."
msgstr ""

#: ../nisautofs_wizard/Nisautofs.pm_.c:323
msgid "Nis Client"
msgstr "Nis «È¤áºÝ"

#: ../placeholder.h:7
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "¨ú®ø"

#: ../placeholder.h:8
msgid "Next ->"
msgstr "¤U¤@¨B ->"

#: ../placeholder.h:9
msgid "<- Previous"
msgstr "<- ¤W¤@¨B"

#. I18N: it is important to have this properly aligned.
#. it will be displayed with a monospace font; and the alignment
#. must be the same as for the command "df -h" on the command line
#: ../placeholder.h:14
msgid "Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on"
msgstr "Àɮרt²Î              ®e¶q  ¤w¥Î ¥i¥Î ¨Ï¥Î% ±¾¸ü©ó"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:36
msgid "Postfix wizard"
msgstr "Postfix ºëÆF"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:47
msgid "Internet Mail Configuration Wizard"
msgstr "ºô»Úºô¸ô¹q¶l³]©wºëÆF"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:47
msgid ""
"This wizard will help you configuring the Internet Mail services for your "
msgstr "³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªººô¸ôªººô»Úºô¸ô¹q¶lªA°È."

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:52
msgid "Outgoing Mail Address"
msgstr "¥~¥X¹q¶l¦a§}"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:52
msgid ""
"This should be chosen consistently with the address you use for incoming "
msgstr "±zÀ³¸Ó¿ï¾Ü¤@­Ó©M¶i¨Ó¹q¶l¦a§}¤@­Pªº."

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:52
msgid ""
"You can select the kind of address that outgoing mail will show in the "
"\"From:\" and \"Reply-to\" field."
msgstr "±z¥i¥H¿ï¾Ü¥~¥X¹q¶l©ÒÅã¥Ü¦b \"From:\" ¤Î \"Reply-to\" Äæ¦ìªº¦a§}ºØÃþ."

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:58
msgid "Masquerade domain name:"
msgstr "°°¸Ëªººô°ì¦WºÙ:"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:63
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "ĵ§i:"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:63
msgid "You entered an empty address for the mail gateway."
msgstr "±z¿é¤J¤@­ÓªÅ¥Õªº¹q¶l¹h¹D¦ì§}."

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:63
msgid ""
"Your choice can be accepted, but this will not allow you to send mail "
"outside your local network. Press next to continue, or back to enter a value."
msgstr ""
"±zªº¿ï¾Ü¥i¥H³Q±µ¯Ç, ¦ý³o±N¤£·|­ã³\±z¶Ç°e¶l¥ó¨ì±zªº¥»¦aºÝºô¸ô¥~.«ö¤U¤@¨BÄ~Äò, "

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:67
msgid "Masquerade not good!"
msgstr "°°¸Ë¬O¤£¦nªº!"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:71 ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:84
msgid "Internet Mail Gateway"
msgstr "ºô»Úºô¸ô¹q¶l¹h¹D"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:71
msgid ""
"Internet host names must be in the form \"host.domain.domaintype\"; for "
"example, if your provider is \"\", the internet mail server is "
"usually \"\"."
msgstr ""
"ºô»Úºô¸ô¥D¾÷¦WºÙ¥²¶·¥H\"host.domain.domaintype\"ªº®æ¦¡©R¦W; ¨Ò¦p, ¦pªG±zªº¨Ñ"
"À³ªÌ¬O\"\", ¨ººô»Úºô¸ô¹q¶l¦øªA¾¹±`¬O\"\"."

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:71
msgid ""
"Your server will send the outgoing through a mail gateway, that will take "
"care of the final delivery."
msgstr "±zªº¦øªA¾¹·|¸g¥Ñ¹q¶l¹h¹D¨Ó¶Ç°e¥~¥X¹q¶l, ¹q¶l¹h¹D·|³B²z³Ì²×ªº§ë»¼¤u§@."

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:77
msgid "Mail Server Name:"
msgstr "¹q¶l¦øªA¾¹¦WºÙ:"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:82
msgid "Configuring the Internet Mail"
msgstr "¥¿¦b³]©wºô»Úºô¸ô¹q¶l¤¤"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:82
msgid ""
"The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your "
"Internet Mail Service:"
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤U»Ý­n³]©w±zªººô»Úºô¸ô¹q¶lªA°Èªº°Ñ¼Æ:"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:85
msgid "Form of the Address"
msgstr "¦a§}ªí®æ"

#: ../postfix_wizard/Postfix.pm_.c:91
msgid ""
"The wizard successfully configured your Internet Mail service of your server."
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¨¥\³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹ªººô»Úºô¸ô¹q¶lªA°È."

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:39
msgid "Localhost - access restricted to this server only"
msgstr "¥»¦aºÝ¥D¾÷ - ¥u¦³³o¦øªA¾¹¨ü¨ì¦s¨ú­­¨î"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:42
msgid "No upper level proxy (recommended)"
msgstr "¨S¦³¤W¼h¥N²z («Øij)"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:43
msgid "Define an upper level proxy"
msgstr "©w¸q¤W¼h¥N²z"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:47
msgid "Squid wizard"
msgstr "SquidºëÆF"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:65
msgid "Proxy Configuration Wizard"
msgstr "¥N²z³]©wºëÆF"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:65
msgid ""
"Squid is a web caching proxy server, it allows faster web access for your "
"local network."
msgstr "Squid¬O¤@­Óºô­¶½w¨R¦øªA¾¹, ¥¦¥i¥O±zªº¥»¦aºÝºô¸ô¦s¨úºô­¶³t«×¥[§Ö."

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:65
msgid "This wizard will help you in configuring your proxy server."
msgstr "³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªº¥N²z¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:70
msgid "Proxy Port"
msgstr "¥N²z³q°T°ð"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:70
msgid ""
"Proxy port value sets what port the proxy server will listen on for http "
"requests. Default is 3128, other common value can be 8080, the port value "
"needs to be greater than 1024."
msgstr ""
"¥N²z¦øªA¾¹³q°T°ð¼Æ­È¬O³]©w¥N²z¦øªA¾¹±N·|¨Ï¥Î¨º¤@­Ó³q°T°ð¨Ó±µ¦¬ http ½Ð¨D.¤º©w"
"­È¬O 3128, ¨ä¥L±`¨£¼Æ­È¬O 8080, ³q°T°ð»Ý­n¤j©ó 1024."

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:76
msgid "Proxy port:"
msgstr "¥N²z³q°T°ð:"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:81
msgid ""
"Press Next if you want to keep this value, or Back to correct your choice."
msgstr "¦pªG±z·Q«O«ù³o­Ó¼Æ­È½Ð«ö¤U¤@¨B, ©Î¤W¤@¨B§ó§ï±zªº¿ï¾Ü."

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:81
msgid "You have entered a port that may be useful for this service:"
msgstr "±z¿é¤J¤F¤@­Ó¹ï³oºË°È¦³®Äªº³q°T°ð:"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:88
msgid "Press back to change the value."
msgstr "«ö¤W¤@¨B§ó§ï¼Æ­È."

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:88
msgid "You must choose a port greater than 1024 and lower than 65535"
msgstr "±z¥²¶·¿ï¾Ü¤@­Ó¤j©ó1024¤Î¤Ö©ó65535ªº³q°T°ð"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:92
msgid ""
"Disk Cache is the amount of disk space that can be used for caching on disk."
msgstr "ºÏ½L½w¨R¬O¤@­Ó¥i¥Î§@½w¨R©óºÏ½L¤WªººÏ½LªÅ¶¡Á`ÃB."

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:92
msgid "For your information, here is /var/spool/squid space on disk:"
msgstr "³o¬O/var/spool/squid¾l¤UªÅ¶¡:"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:92
msgid ""
"Memory Cache is the amount of RAM dedicated to cache memory operations (note "
"that actual memory usage of the whole squid process is bigger)."
msgstr ""
"½w¨R¦sÀx¾¹¬O¤@­Ó¥i¥Î§@½w¨R©ó°O¾ÐÅé¤Wªº±M¥Î°O¾ÐÅéªÅ¶¡Á`ÃB(­nª`·N¾ã­Ó squid µ{"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:92
msgid "Proxy Cache Size"
msgstr "¥N²z½w¨R®e¶q"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:98 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:151
#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:164
msgid "Memory cache (MB):"
msgstr "°O¾ÐÅé§Ö¨ú (MB):"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:99 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:152
#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:165
msgid "Disk space (MB):"
msgstr "ºÏºÐªÅ¶¡ (MB):"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:104
msgid "The proxy can be configured to use different access control levels"
msgstr "¥N²z¥i³Q³]©w¨Ó¨Ï¥Î¤£¦P¦s¨ú±±¨î¯Å§O."

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:117
msgid ""
"You can use either a numeric format like \"\" or a "
"text format like \"\""
msgstr ""

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:122
msgid ""
"Use numeric format like \"\" or a text format like "
msgstr ""
"¨Ï¥Î¼Æ¦r§Î¦¡¦p \"\" ©Î¤å¦r§Î¦¡¦p \"\""

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:127
msgid ""
"As an option, Squid can be configured in proxy cascading. You can add a new "
"upper level proxy by specifying its hostname and port."
msgstr ""
"¦³¤@­Ó¿ï¶µ¬O¥i¥H¦b¥N²z¼hÅ|¤¤³]©w Squid. ±z¥i¥H«ü©ú¤W¼h¥N²zªº¥D¾÷¦WºÙ©M³q°T°ð"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:127 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:140
msgid "Cache hierarchy"
msgstr "½w¨R¶¥¯Å²Õ´"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:127
msgid ""
"You can safely select \"No upper level proxy\" if you don't need this "
msgstr "¦pªG±z¤£»Ý­n³o­Ó¥N²z¥\¯à, ±z¥i¦w¥þ¦a¿ï¾Ü \"¨S¦³¤W¼h¥N²z\"."

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:140
msgid ""
"Enter the qualified hostname (like \"\") and the port of the "
"proxy to use."
msgstr "¿é¤J»{¥iªº¥D¾÷¦WºÙ (¦p \"\") ©M¥N²z©Ò¥Îªº³q°T°ð."

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:142 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:154
msgid "Upper level proxy hostname:"
msgstr "¤W¼h¥N²z¦øªA¾¹¦WºÙ:"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:143 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:155
msgid "Upper level proxy port:"
msgstr "¨Ï¥Î¤W¼h¥N²z¦øªA¾¹³q°T°ð:"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:148 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:161
msgid "Configuring the Proxy"
msgstr "³]©w¥N²z¦øªA¾¹¤¤"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:148 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:161
msgid ""
"The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your proxy:"
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤U»Ý­n³]©w±zªº¥N²z¦øªA¾¹ªº°Ñ¼Æ:"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:150 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:163
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "³q°T°ð:"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:153 ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:166
msgid "Access Control:"
msgstr "¦s¨úÅv±±¨î:"

#: ../proxy_wizard/Squid.pm_.c:172
msgid "The wizard successfully configured your proxy server."
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¨¥\³]©w±zªº¥N²z¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:49
msgid "PXE Wizard"
msgstr "PXE ºëÆF"

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:58
msgid "PXE - Set PXE server"
msgstr ""

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:59
msgid "add - Add image in PXE"
msgstr ""

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:60
msgid "remove - remove image in PXE"
msgstr ""

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:61
msgid "Modify - Modify image in PXE"
msgstr ""

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:68
msgid "PXE wizard"
msgstr "PXE ºëÆF"

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:68
msgid "Set a PXE server."
msgstr "³]©w PXE ¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:68
msgid ""
"This wizard will help you configuring the PXE server. This configuration "
"will provide a pxe services, and ability to add/remove/modify boot images."
msgstr ""
"³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªº PXE ¦øªA¾¹. ³o³]©w·|´£¨Ñ¤@­Ó pxe ªA°È»P·s¼W/²¾°£/­×§ï"

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:82
msgid "Which operation:"
msgstr ""

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:88
msgid "Add a boot Image"
msgstr ""

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:88
msgid "Where is that boot image ?"
msgstr ""

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:95
msgid "Remove a boot Image"
msgstr ""

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:95
msgid "Which one ?"
msgstr ""

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:102
msgid "Add Option to boot image"
msgstr ""

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:102
msgid "on Which image ?"
msgstr ""

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:109
msgid "Set PXE server"
msgstr "³]©w PXE ¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../pxe_wizard/Pxe.pm_.c:109
msgid "We will use a special dhcpd.conf"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:34
msgid "Samba wizard"
msgstr "Samba ºëÆF"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:59 ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:60
#, c-format
msgid "%s does not exist."
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:66
msgid "My rules - Ask me allowed and denied hosts"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:71
msgid "Samba Configuration Wizard"
msgstr "Samba ³]©wºëÆF"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:71
msgid ""
"Samba allows your server to behave as a file and print server for "
"workstations running non-Linux systems."
msgstr ""
"Samba ®e³\±zªº¦øªA¾¹§@¬°¤@¥xÀɮפΦC¦L¾÷¦øªA¾¹, ´£¨ÑªA°È¤©¤@¨Ç«D Linux ¨t²Îªº"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:71
msgid ""
"This wizard will help you configuring the Samba services of your server."
msgstr "³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹ªº Samba ªA°È."

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:76
msgid "Samba needs to know the Windows Workgroup it will serve."
msgstr "Samba »Ý­nª¾¹D©ÒªA°Èªºµøµ¡¤u§@¸s²Õ."

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:76
msgid "Workgroup"
msgstr "¤u§@¸s"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:81 ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:216
msgid "Workgroup:"
msgstr "¤u§@¸s²Õ:"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:87
msgid "The Workgroup is wrong"
msgstr "¿ù»~¤u§@¸s"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:92
msgid "Server Banner."
msgstr "¦øªA¾¹¾î´T."

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:92
msgid ""
"The banner is the way this server will be described in the Windows "
msgstr "¾î´T¬O¤@­Ó¦b¦Uµøµ¡¤u§@¯¸¤W´y­z¦¹¦øªA¾¹ªº¤èªk."

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:98
msgid "Banner:"
msgstr "¾î´T:"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:103
msgid "The Server Banner is incorrect"
msgstr "¦øªA¾¹¾î´T¤£¥¿½T"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:108 ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:119
msgid "Access control"
msgstr "¦s¨úÅv±±¨î"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:114
msgid "Access level :"
msgstr "¦s¨úµ¥¯Å:"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:119
msgid ""
"* Example 1: allow all IPs in 150.203.*.*; except one\n"
"hosts allow = 150.203. EXCEPT"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:119
msgid ""
"* Example 2: allow hosts that match the given network/netmask\n"
"hosts allow ="
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:119
msgid ""
"* Example 3: allow a couple of hosts\n"
"hosts allow = lapland, arvidsjaur"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:119
msgid ""
"* Example 4: allow only hosts in NIS netgroup \"foonet\",  but deny access "
"from one particular host\n"
"hosts allow = @foonet\n"
"hosts deny = pirate"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:119
msgid "Note that access still requires suitable user-level passwords."
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:126
msgid "Allow hosts:"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:127
msgid "Deny hosts:"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:132
msgid "Enabled Samba Services"
msgstr "±Ò¥Î Samba ªA°È"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:132
msgid ""
"Samba can provide a common file sharing area to your Windows workstation, "
"and can also provide printer sharing for the printers connected to your "
msgstr ""
"Samba ¥i¥H´£¨Ñ¤@­Ó¤½¦@ÀɮפÀ¨É¥»¦aºÝµ¹¤©±zªºµøµ¡¤u§@¯¸,¤]¥i¥H´£¨Ñ¤À¨É³s±µ¤W±z"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:140
msgid "Enable file sharing area"
msgstr "±Ò¥Î /home/samba/public sharing area"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:141
msgid "Enable Server Printer Sharing"
msgstr "±Ò¥Î¦øªA¾¹¤Wªº¦C¦L¾÷¤À¨É"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:142
msgid "Make home directories available for their owners"
msgstr "¨Ï®a¥Ø¿ý¥i³Q¥L­Ìªº¾Ö¦³ªÌ¨Ï¥Î"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:147
msgid ""
"You have selected to allow user access their home directories via samba but "
"you/they must use smbpasswd to set a password."
msgstr ""
"±z¿ï¾Ü¤F­ã³\¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¸g¥Ñ samba ¦s¨ú¥L­Ìªº¥D¥Ø¿ý, ¦ý¬O±z/¥L­Ì¥²¶·¨Ï¥Î smpasswd "

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:153 ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:159
#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:219
msgid "Shared directory:"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:153
msgid "Type the path of the directory you want being shared."
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:169
msgid "File permissions"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:169
msgid ""
"Type users or group separated by a comma (groups must be preceded by a '@') "
"like this :\n"
"root, fred, @users, @wheel for each kind of permission."
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:176
msgid "read list:"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:176 ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:177
msgid "root, fred, @users, @wheel"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:177
msgid "write list:"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:182
msgid "Select which printers you want to be accessible from known users"
msgstr ""

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:189
msgid "Enable all printers"
msgstr "±Ò¥Î¥þ³¡¦C¦L¾÷"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:207
msgid "Configuring Samba"
msgstr "¥¿¦b³]©w Samba ¤¤"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:207
msgid ""
"The wizard collected the following parameters\n"
"configure Samba."
msgstr ""
"ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤U»Ý­n³]©w Samba\n"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:217
msgid "Server Banner:"
msgstr "¦øªA¾¹¾î´T:"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:218
msgid "File Sharing:"
msgstr "ÀɮפÀ¨É:"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:220
msgid "Print Server:"
msgstr "¦C¦L¦øªA¾¹:"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:221
msgid "Home:"
msgstr "®a¥Ø¿ý:"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:222
msgid "Printers:"
msgstr "¦C¦L¾÷:"

#: ../samba_wizard/Samba.pm_.c:228
msgid "The wizard successfully configured your Samba server."
msgstr "³oºëÆF¦¨¥\³]©w±zªº Samba ¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:34
msgid "Time wizard"
msgstr "®É¶¡ºëÆF"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:60
msgid "Try again"
msgstr "­«·s¹Á¸Õ"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:61
msgid "Save config without test"
msgstr "Àx¦s¨S¦³´ú¸Õªº³]©w"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:82
msgid ""
"This wizard will help you to set the time of your server synchronized with "
"an external time server."
msgstr "³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹¦P¨B©ó¤@¥~³¡®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:82
msgid "Thus your server will be the local time server for your network."
msgstr "©Ò¥H±zªº¦øªA¾¹·|¬O±zªººô¸ôªº¥»¦aºÝ®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:82
msgid "press next to begin, or cancel to leave this wizard"
msgstr "«ö¤U¤@¨BÄ~Äò, ©Î¨ú®øÂ÷¶}³oºëÆF"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:87
msgid ""
"(we recommand you to use twice as this server randomly points "
"to available time servers)"
msgstr ""

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:87
msgid "Select a primary and secondary server from the list."
msgstr "±q²M³æ¤¤¿ï¾Ü¤@­Ó¥D©M¦¸¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:87
msgid "Time Servers"
msgstr "®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:93 ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:130
msgid "Primary Time Server:"
msgstr "¥D®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹:"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:94 ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:131
msgid "Secondary Time Server:"
msgstr "¦¸®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹:"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:99 ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:114
msgid "Choose a timezone"
msgstr "¿ï¾Ü®É°Ï"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:106
msgid "Choose a region:"
msgstr "¿ï¾Ü¦a°Ï:"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:119
msgid "Choose a country:"
msgstr "¿ï¾Ü°ê®a:"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:124
msgid ""
"If the time server is not immediately available (network or other reason), "
"there will be about a 30 second delay."
msgstr "¦pªG®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹¤£¯à§Y®É¦³®Ä(ºô¸ô©Î¨ä¥L­ì¦]), ±z±N­nµ¥«Ý¤j¬ù¤T¤Q¬í."

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:124
msgid "Press next to start the time servers test."
msgstr "«ö¤U¤@¨B¶}©l®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹´ú¸Õ."

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:124
msgid "Testing the time servers availability"
msgstr "´ú¸Õ®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹ªº¦³®Ä©Ê¤¤"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:132
msgid "Time zone:"
msgstr "®É°Ï:"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:145
msgid "The time servers are not responding. The causes could be:"
msgstr "®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹¨S¦³¤ÏÀ³. ­ì¦]¥i¯à¬O:"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:146
msgid "- non existent time servers"
msgstr "- ¨Ã¤£¦s¦bªº®É¶¡ªA°È"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:147
msgid "- no outside network"
msgstr "- ¨S¦³¥~³¡ºô¸ô"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:148
msgid "- other reasons..."
msgstr "- ¨ä¥L­ì¦]..."

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:149
msgid ""
"- You can try again to contact time servers, or save configuration without "
"actually setting time."
msgstr "- ±z¥i¥H­«·s¹Á¸ÕÁpµ¸®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹, ©Î¦b¨S¦³¥¿½T³]©w®É¶¡¤UÀx¦s³]©w."

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:165
msgid "Time server configuration saved"
msgstr "®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹³]©w¤wÀx¦s"

#: ../time_wizard/Ntp.pm_.c:165
msgid "Your server can now act as a time server for your local network."
msgstr "±zªº¦øªA¾¹²{¦b¥i¦¨¬°±zªº¥»¦aºÝºô¸ôªº®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:38
msgid "Web wizard"
msgstr "ºô­¶ºëÆF"

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:69
msgid "This wizard will help you configuring the Web Server for your network."
msgstr "³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªººô¸ôªººô­¶¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:69
msgid "Web Server Configuration Wizard"
msgstr "ºô­¶¦øªA¾¹³]©wºëÆF"

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:75
msgid "Don't check any box if you don't want to activate your Web Server."
msgstr "¤£­n¿ï¾Ü¥ô¦ó¿ï¶µ¦pªG±z¤£·Q¿E¬¡±zªººô­¶¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:75
msgid "Select the kind of Web service you want to activate:"
msgstr "¿ï¾Ü±z·Q¿E¬¡ªººô­¶ªA°ÈªºÃþ«¬:"

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:75
msgid "Web Server"
msgstr "ºô­¶¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:75
msgid ""
"Your server can act as a Web Server toward your internal network (intranet) "
"and as a Web Server for the Internet."
msgstr "±zªº¦øªA¾¹¯à¦¨¬°±zªº¤º³¡ºô¸ô(¤º³¡ºô¸ô)©Mºô»Úºô¸ôªººô­¶¦øªA¾¹."

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:77
msgid "Enable the Web Server for the Intranet"
msgstr "±Ò¥Î¤º³¡ºô¸ôªººô­¶¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:78
msgid "Enable the Web Server for the Internet"
msgstr "±Ò¥Îºô»Úºô¸ôªººô­¶¦øªA¾¹"

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:88
msgid ""
"* User module : allows users to have a directory in their home directories "
"available on your http server via, you will "
"be asked for the name of this directory afterward."
msgstr ""

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:88
msgid "Modules :"
msgstr ""

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:91
msgid ""
"Allows users to get a directory in their homes directories \n"
"available on your http server via"
msgstr ""

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:98 ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:101
msgid ""
"Type the name of the directory users should create in their homes (whitout "
"~/) to get it available via"
msgstr ""

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:101
msgid "user http sub-directory : ~/"
msgstr ""

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:106
msgid "Type the path of the directory you want being the document root."
msgstr ""

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:109
msgid "Document Root:"
msgstr ""

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:129
msgid "Configuring the Web Server"
msgstr "³]©wºô­¶¦øªA¾¹¤¤"

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:129
msgid ""
"The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your Web "
msgstr "ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤U»Ý­n³]©w±zªººô­¶¦øªA¾¹ªº°Ñ¼Æ"

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:135
msgid "Intranet web server:"
msgstr "¤º³¡ºô¸ôºô­¶¦øªA¾¹:"

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:136
msgid "Internet web server:"
msgstr "ºô»Úºô¸ôºô­¶¦øªA¾¹:"

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:137
msgid "Document root:"
msgstr ""

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:138
msgid "User directory:"
msgstr "¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¥Ø¿ý:"

#: ../web_wizard/Apache.pm_.c:145
msgid "The wizard successfully configured your Intranet/Internet Web Server"
msgstr "³oºëÆF¦¨¥\³]©w±zªº¤º³¡ºô¸ô/ºô»Úºô¸ôºô­¶¦øªA¾¹"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Warming."
#~ msgstr "ĵ§i"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Congratulationss"
#~ msgstr "®¥³ß"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Press next to configure these parameters now, or Cancel to exit this "
#~ "wizard."
#~ msgstr "«ö¤U¤@­¶³]©w³o¨Ç°Ñ¼Æ¡A©Î¨ú®øÂ÷¶}³oºëÆF¡C"

#~ msgid "OK"
#~ msgstr "½T©w"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the "
#~ "Client configuration"
#~ msgstr "¦pªG±z²{¦b¿ï¾Ü³]©w¡A±z±N·|¦Û°Ê¦aÄ~Äò¥Î¤á³]©w"

#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "³]©w"

#~ msgid "You need to be root to run this wizard"
#~ msgstr "±z»Ý­n¥H root ªº¨­¥÷¥h¨Ï¥Î³o­ÓºëÆF"

#~ msgid "Network not configured yet"
#~ msgstr "ºô¸ôÁÙ¨S¦³¶i¦æ³]©w"

#~ msgid "You have entered a machine name or an IP number already used."
#~ msgstr "±z©Ò¿é¤Jªº¥D¾÷¦WºÙ©MIP¸¹½X¤w³Q¨Ï¥Î¡C"

#~ msgid "Quit"
#~ msgstr "Â÷¶}"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Press next if you want to change the already existing value, or back to "
#~ "correct your choice."
#~ msgstr "¦pªG±z·QÅܧó²{¦³ªº¼Æ­È½Ð«ö¤U¤@­¶¡A©Î¤W¤@­¶¥h§ó¥¿±zªº¿ï¾Ü¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You have to configure the basic network parameters before launching this "
#~ "wizard."
#~ msgstr "¦b¨Ï¥Î³o­ÓºëÆF«e¡A±z»Ý­n³]©w°ò¥»ºô¸ôªº°Ñ¼Æ¡C"

#~ msgid "User addition"
#~ msgstr "¼W¥[¨Ï¥ÎªÌ"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "To accept this value, and configure your server, click on \\qConfirm\\q "
#~ "or use the Back button to correct them."
#~ msgstr "«ö\"½T»{\"±µ¨ü³o¼Æ­È©M³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹¡A©Î¤W¤@­¶§@¥X§ó§ï¡C"

#~ msgid "Please type a password for the root user:"
#~ msgstr "½ÐÁä¤Jroot¨Ï¥ÎªÌªº±K½X¡G"

#~ msgid "Configuring the MySQL Database Server"
#~ msgstr "³]©wMySQL¼Æ¾Ú®w¦øªA¾¹¤¤"

#~ msgid "Confirm"
#~ msgstr "½T»{"

#~ msgid "Password:"
#~ msgstr "±K½X¡G"

#~ msgid "The wizard successfully configured your MySQL Database Server"
#~ msgstr "³oºëÆF¦¨¥\³]©w±zªºMySQL¼Æ¾Ú®w¦øªA¾¹"

#~ msgid "Username:"
#~ msgstr "¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¦WºÙ¡G"

#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "¼W¥["

#~ msgid "Note: This user will have all permissions"
#~ msgstr "ª`·N: ³o­Ó¨Ï¥ÎªÌ±N·|¾Ö¦³©Ò¦³ªº­ã³\"

#~ msgid "MySQL Database wizard"
#~ msgstr "MySQL¼Æ¾Ú®wºëÆF"

#~ msgid "To run your server, you first need to specify a root password"
#~ msgstr "­Y°õ¦æ±zªº¦øªA¾¹¡A±z­º¥ý»Ý­n«ü©w¤@­Óroot±K½X"

#~ msgid "Root Password:"
#~ msgstr "Root ±K½X¡G"

#~ msgid "MySQL Database Server"
#~ msgstr "MySQL¼Æ¾Ú®w¦øªA¾¹"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your "
#~ "MySQL Database Server"
#~ msgstr "ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤U»Ý­n³]©w±zªºMySQL¼Æ¾Ú®w¦øªA¾¹ªº°Ñ¼Æ"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This wizard will help you configuring the MySQL Database Server for your "
#~ "network."
#~ msgstr "³oºëÆF±N·|À°§U±z¥h³]©w±zªººô¸ôªºMySQL¼Æ¾Ú®w¦øªA¾¹¡C"

#~ msgid "Please enter a username and password to add a user"
#~ msgstr "½Ð¿é¤J¥Î¨Ï¥ÎªÌºÙ©M±K½X¥h¼W¥[¤@­Ó¥Î¤á"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the "
#~ "MySQL Database configuration"
#~ msgstr "¦pªG±z¿ï¾Ü²{¦b¶i¦æ³]©w¡A±z±N·|¦Û°Ê¦aÄ~Äò©MMySQL¼Æ¾Ú®w³]©w¤@°_¶i¦æ"

#~ msgid "Fix it"
#~ msgstr "­×´_¥¦"

#~ msgid "DHCP Configuration Wizard"
#~ msgstr "DHCP³]©wºëÆF"

#~ msgid "Medium - web, ftp and ssh shown to outside"
#~ msgstr "¤¤ - ¤¬Ápºô¡Aftp©MsshÅã¥Ü¦b¥~­±ªººô¸ô"

#~ msgid "Strong - no outside visibility, users limited to web"
#~ msgstr "±j - ¨ä¥L¤H¤£¥i±q¥~­±ºô¸ô¶i¤J¥ô¦ó¥»¾÷ªA°È¡A¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¦³­­¨î¦a¶i¤J¤¬Ápºô"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your "
#~ "firewall:"
#~ msgstr "ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤U»Ý­n³]©w±zªº¨¾¤õÀ𪺰ѼơG"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The firewall protects your internal network from unauthorized accesses "
#~ "from the Internet."
#~ msgstr "¨¾¤õÀð«OÅ@±zªº¤º³¡ºô¸ô¤£¨ü¤¬Ápºô¤¤¥¼¸g§å­ãªº¨Ï¥Î¼vÅT¡C"

#~ msgid "Device"
#~ msgstr "¸Ë¸m"

#~ msgid "Firewall wizard"
#~ msgstr "¨¾¤õÀðºëÆF"

#~ msgid "None - No protection"
#~ msgstr "µL - ¨S¦³«OÅ@"

#~ msgid "Internet Network Device:"
#~ msgstr "¤¬Ápºôºô¸ô¸Ë¸m¡G"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The firewall can be configured to offer different levels of protection; "
#~ "choose the level that corresponds to your needs.  If you don't know, the "
#~ "Medium level is usually the most appropriate."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¨¾¤õÀð¥i´£¨Ñ¤£¦P«OÅ@µ{«×¡F ¸ò¾Ú±zªº»Ý­n¿ï¾Ü¬ÛÀ³ªºµ{«×¡C ¦pªG±z¤£²M·¡ªº¸Ü, "
#~ "¤¤¯Åµ{«×·|¬O³Ì¾A¦Xªº¡C"

#~ msgid "The device name is not correct"
#~ msgstr "¸Ë¸m¦WºÙ¤£¥¿½T"

#~ msgid "Fix It"
#~ msgstr "­×´_¥¦"

#~ msgid "Firewall Configuration Wizard"
#~ msgstr "¨¾¤õÀð³]©wºëÆF"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The firewall needs to know how your server is connected to Internet; "
#~ "choose the device you are using for the external connection."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¨¾¤õÀð»Ý­nª¾¹D±zªº¦øªA¾¹¦p¦ó³s±µ¤¬Ápºô¡F ¿ï¾Ü±z©Ò¥Îªº¥~³¡³s±µªº¸Ë¸m¡C"

#~ msgid "Protection Level"
#~ msgstr "«OÅ@µ{«×"

#~ msgid "Something terrible happened"
#~ msgstr "µo¥Í¤@¨Ç¥i©ÈªºªF¦è"

#~ msgid "Firewall Network Device"
#~ msgstr "¨¾¤õÀðºô¸ô¸Ë¸m"

#~ msgid "The wizard successfully configured your server firewall."
#~ msgstr "³oºëÆF¦¨¥\³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹ªº¨¾¤õÀð¡C"

#~ msgid "Configuring the Firewall"
#~ msgstr "³]©w¨¾¤õÀð¤¤"

#~ msgid "Exit"
#~ msgstr "Â÷¶}"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "This wizard will help you configuring your server firewall."
#~ msgstr "³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹ªº¨¾¤õÀð¡C"

#~ msgid "Low - Light filtering, standard services available"
#~ msgstr "§C - »´«×¹LÂo¡A¦³®Äªº¼Ð·ÇªA°È"

#~ msgid "Protection Level:"
#~ msgstr "«OÅ@µ{«×¡G"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Internet host names must be in the form \\qhost.domain.domaintype\\q; for "
#~ "example, if your provider is \\\\q, the internet news server "
#~ "is usually \\\\q."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¤¬Ápºô¥D¾÷¦WºÙ¥²¶·¥H\"host.domain.domaintype\"ªº®æ¦¡©R¦W¡F¨Ò¦p¡A¦pªG±zªº¨Ñ"
#~ "À³ªÌ¬O\"\"¡A¨º¤¬Ápºô·s»D¦øªA³q±`¬O\"\"¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You can select the kind of address that outgoing mail will show in the "
#~ "\\qFrom:\\q and \\qReply-to\\q field."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "±z¥i¥H¿ï¾Ü¥~¥X¹q¶l©ÒÅã¥Ü¦b \"From:\" ¤Î \"Reply-to\" Äæ¦ìªº¦a§}ºØÃþ¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Internet host names must be in the form \\qhost.domain.domaintype\\q; for "
#~ "example, if your provider is \\\\q, the internet mail server "
#~ "is usually \\\\q."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¤¬Ápºô¥D¾÷¦WºÙ¥²¶·¥H\"host.domain.domaintype\"ªº®æ¦¡©R¦W¡F¨Ò¦p¡A¦pªG±zªº¨Ñ"
#~ "À³ªÌ¬O\"\"¡A¨º¤¬Ápºô¹q¶l¦øªA³q±`¬O\"\"¡C"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "There seems to be a problem..."
#~ msgstr "³o¬Ý¦üµo¥Í¤F°ÝÃD...½ÐÁpµ¸¨t²ÎºÞ²z­û"

#~ msgid "Do It"
#~ msgstr "°µ§a"

#~ msgid "Hmmm"
#~ msgstr "¶â"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the "
#~ "POSTFIX configuration"
#~ msgstr "¦pªG±z²{¦b¿ï¾Ü³]©w¡A±z±N·|¦Û°Ê¦aÄ~ÄòPOSTFIX³]©w"

#~ msgid "Mail Address:"
#~ msgstr "¹q¶l¦a§}¡G"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the "
#~ "Proxy configuration."
#~ msgstr "¦pªG±z²{¦b¿ï¾Ü³]©w¡A±z±N·|¦Û°Ê¦aÄ~Äò¥N²z³]©w¡C"

#~ msgid "This Wizard needs to run as root"
#~ msgstr "³oºëÆF»Ý­n¥Ñroot°õ¦æ"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You can use either a numeric format like \\q192.168.1.0/\\q "
#~ "or a text format like \\\\q"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "±z¥i¥H¿ï¾Ü¨Ï¥Î¼Æ¦r§Î¦¡¦p\"\"©Î¤å¦r§Î¦¡¦p\"."
#~ "\""

#~ msgid "/etc/services:"
#~ msgstr "/etc/services¡G"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You can safely select \\qNo upper level proxy\\q if you don't need this "
#~ "feature."
#~ msgstr "¦pªG±z¤£»Ý­n³o­Ó¥N²z¥\¯à¡A±z¥i¦w¥þ¦a¿ï¾Ü \"¨S¦³¤W¼h¥N²z\"¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the qualified hostname (like \\\\q) and the port "
#~ "of the proxy to use."
#~ msgstr "¿é¤J»{¥iªº¥D¾÷¦WºÙ (¦p \"\") ©M¥N²z©Ò¥Îªº³q°T°ð¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the "
#~ "SAMBA configuration"
#~ msgstr "¦pªG±z²{¦b¿ï¾Ü³]©w¡A±z±N·|¦Û°Ê¦aÄ~ÄòSAMBA³]©w"

#~ msgid "This wizard will set the basic networking parameters of your server."
#~ msgstr "³oºëÆF±N·|³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹ªº°ò¥»Ápºô°Ñ¼Æ¡C"

#~ msgid "Host Name:"
#~ msgstr "¥D¾÷¦WºÙ¡G"

#~ msgid "Basic Network Configuration Wizard"
#~ msgstr "°ò¥»ºô¸ô³]©wºëÆF"

#~ msgid "The network address is wrong"
#~ msgstr "ºô¸ô¦ì§}¿ù»~"

#~ msgid "Server IP address:"
#~ msgstr "¦øªA¾¹IP¦ì§}¡G"

#~ msgid "Network Address"
#~ msgstr "ºô¸ô¦ì§}"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You should not run any other applications while running this wizard and "
#~ "at the end of the wizard you should exit your session and login again."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "·í°õ¦æ¦¹ºëÆF®É¡A±z¤£À³°õ¦æ¨ä¥LÀ³¥Îµ{¦¡¡C¨Ã©óºëÆFµ²§ô«á¡A±z»Ý­n­«·sµn¤J¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The wizard successfully configured the basic networking services of your "
#~ "server."
#~ msgstr "³oºëÆF¦¨¥\³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹ªº°ò¥»ÁpºôªA°È¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "(you can change here these values if you know exactly what you're doing)"
#~ msgstr "(¦pªG±z¥¿½Tª¾¹D±z©Ò°µªº¡A±z¥i¥H¦b³o¸Ì§ïÅܳo¨Ç¼Æ­È)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The network address is a number identifying your network; the proposed "
#~ "value is designed for a configuration not connected to Internet, or "
#~ "connected using IP masquerading; unless you know what you are doing, "
#~ "accept the default value."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ºô¸ô¦ì§}¬O¤@²Õ¥Î¨Ó¤À¿ë±zªººô¸ôªº¼Æ¦r¡F«Øijªº¼Æ­È¬O´£¨Ñµ¹¨S¦³³s±µ¤¬Ápºô¡A©Î"
#~ "¨Ï¥ÎIP°°¸Ëªº³]©w¦Ó¥Î¡A°£«D§A©ú¥Õ¼Æ­È·N«ä¡A§_«h±µ¨ü¹w©w­È¡C"

#~ msgid "Note about networking"
#~ msgstr "Ápºôª`·N¨Æ¶µ"

#~ msgid "Server Address"
#~ msgstr "¦øªA¾¹¦ì§}"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Network addresses are a list of four numbers smaller than 256, separated "
#~ "by dots; the last number of the list must be zero."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ºô¸ô¦ì§}¬O¥Ñ¤@²Õ¥HÂI¸¹¨Ó¤À¹j¶}¥|­Ó¤Ö©ó256ªº¼Æ¦r²Õ¦¨¡F³Ì«áªº¤@­Ó¼Æ¦r¥²¶·¬O"
#~ "0¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Note: the gateway IP address should be non empty if you want an access to "
#~ "outside world."
#~ msgstr "ª`·N: ¦pªG±z·Q¶i¤J¥~³¡ºôµ¸¡AºôÃöIP¦ì§}¤£À³¸ÓªÅ¥Õ¡C"

#~ msgid "The Server IP address is incorrect"
#~ msgstr "¦øªA¾¹ªºIP¦ì§}¤£¥¿½T"

#~ msgid "Configuring your network"
#~ msgstr "³]©w±zªººô¸ô¤¤"

#~ msgid "Gateway IP:"
#~ msgstr "ºôÃöIP¡G"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This page computes the default server address; it should be invisible."
#~ msgstr "¦¹­¶¬O¥Î§@¦ô­p¹w³]ªº¦øªA¾¹¦ì§}¡F À³¸Ó¬O¬Ý¤£¨£ªº"

#~ msgid "IP net address:"
#~ msgstr "IPÁpºô¦ì§}¡G"

#~ msgid "External gateway"
#~ msgstr "¥~³¡ºôÃö"

#~ msgid "Server Wizard"
#~ msgstr "¦øªA¾¹ºëÆF"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "So, it's very probable that domain name and IP adresses for this local "
#~ "network are DIFFERENT from the server \\qexternal\\q connection."
#~ msgstr "©Ò¥H°Ï°ìºô¸ôªººô°ì¦WºÙ¤ÎIP¦ì§}¬O«Ü¥i¯à»P\"¥~³¡\"³s±µªº¤£¦P¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Choose the network device (usually a card) the server should use to "
#~ "connect to your network. It's the device for the local network, probably "
#~ "not the same device used for internet access."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¿ï¾Ü¦øªA¾¹¥Î¨Ó³s±µ±zªººô¸ô¤§ºôµ¸¸Ë¸m(³q±`¬Oºôµ¸¥d)¡C¥¦¬O´£¨Ñ¥»¦aºôµ¸³s±µ¤§"
#~ "¥Î¡A³q±`¤£·|©M³s±µ¤¬Ápºôªº¸Ë¸m¬Û¦P¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Devices are presented with the Linux name and, if known, with the card "
#~ "description."
#~ msgstr "¸Ë¸m¥HLinux¤Wªº¦WºÙ¨Óªí¥Ü¡A¤wª¾ªº¸Ë¸m·|¥[¥H´y­z¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Here is your current value for the external gateway (value specified "
#~ "during the initial installation). The device (network card or modem) "
#~ "should be different from the one used for the internal network."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "³o¬O±zªº¥~³¡ºôÃöªº²{®É¼Æ­È(¦b³Ìªì¦w¸Ë®É«ü©wªº)¡C¸Ó¸Ë¸m(ºôµ¸¥d©Î½Õ¨î¸Ñ½Õ¾¹)"
#~ "¸Ó¬O»P¤º³¡ºôµ¸©Ò¥Îªº¤£¦P¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This wizard will help you in configuring the basic networking services of "
#~ "your server."
#~ msgstr "³oºëÆF·|À°§U±z³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹ªº°ò?»ÁpºôªA°È¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The server IP address is a number identifing your server in your network; "
#~ "the proposed value designed for a private network , with no internet "
#~ "visibility, or connected using IP masquerading; unless you know what you "
#~ "are doing, accept the default value."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¦øªA¾¹IP¦a§}¬O¤@²Õ¥Î¨Ó¦b±zªººô¸ô¤W¤À¿ë±zªº¦øªA¾¹ªº¼Æ¦r¡F«Øijªº¼Æ­È¬O´£¨Ñµ¹"
#~ "¨p¤Hºôµ¸¡A¨S¦³³s±µ¤¬Ápºô¡A©Î¨Ï¥ÎIP°°¸Ë³s±µ¡F°£«D±z©ú¥Õ±z©Ò°µ¡A§_«h±µ¨ü¹w©w"
#~ "­È¡C"

#~ msgid "The host name is not correct"
#~ msgstr "¥D¾÷¦WºÙ¤£¥¿½T"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The hostname is the name under which your server will be known from the "
#~ "other workstations in your network and maybe on the Internet (depending "
#~ "of your upstream configuration)."
#~ msgstr "¥D¾÷¦WºÙ¬O¤@­Ó¦b±zªººô¸ô©M¤¬Ápºô¤W¨ä¥L¤u§@¯¸¤wª¾ªº¦WºÙ¡C"

#~ msgid "Wizard Error."
#~ msgstr "ºëÆF¿ù»~¡C"

#~ msgid "net device"
#~ msgstr "ºô¸ô¸Ë¸m"

#~ msgid "Computed domain Name"
#~ msgstr "¤w¦ô­pªººô°ì¦WºÙ"

#~ msgid "This page computes the domainname; it should be invisible"
#~ msgstr "¦¹­¶¬O¥Î§@¦ô­pºô°ì¦WºÙ¡F À³¸Ó¬O¬Ý¤£¨£ªº¡C"

#~ msgid "Gateway device:"
#~ msgstr "ºôÃö¸Ë¸m¡G"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your "
#~ "network"
#~ msgstr "ºëÆF¦¬¶°¨ì¥H¤U»Ý­n³]©w±zªººô¸ôªº°Ñ¼Æ¡G"

#~ msgid "Device:"
#~ msgstr "¸Ë¸m¡G"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "In regards to these wizards, your computer is seen as a server managing "
#~ "his own local network (C class network)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¸ò¾Ú³o¨ÇºëÆF, ±zªº¹q¸£¦n¹³¬O¤@¥xºÞ²z¤@­Ó°Ï°ìºôµ¸(C classºôµ¸)ªº¦øªA¾¹¡C"

#~ msgid "Server Address:"
#~ msgstr "¦øªA¾¹¦ì§}¡G"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "External connection is a network from which the computer is client "
#~ "(Internet or upstream network), connected using another network card or a "
#~ "modem."
#~ msgstr "¥~³¡³s±µ¬O¥Ñ¤@³¡«È¤áºÝ¹q¸£¨Ï¥Î¥t¥~ªººô¸ô¥d©Î½Õ¸Ñ¾¹³s±µªººô¸ô¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Host names must be in the form \\qhost.domain.domaintype\\q; if your "
#~ "server will be an Internet server, the domain name should be the name "
#~ "registered with your provider. If you will only have intranet any valid "
#~ "name is OK, like \\\\q."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¥D¾÷¦WºÙ¥²¶·¥H\"host.domain.domaintype\"ªº®æ¦¡¨Ó©R¦W¡F¦pªG±zªº¦øªA¾¹¬O¤@¥x"
#~ "¤¬Ápºô¦øªA¾¹¡A¥D¾÷¦WºÙÀ³¸Ó¬O±z¦V±zªº¨ÑÀ³ªÌµn°Oªº¦WºÙ¡C¦pªG±z¥u¦³¤ºÁpºô¡A«h"
#~ "¥i¨Ï¥Î¥ô¦ó¦³®Ä¦WºÙ¡A¦p\"\"¡C"

#~ msgid "Host Name"
#~ msgstr "¥D¾÷¦WºÙ"

#~ msgid "Network Address:"
#~ msgstr "ºô¸ô¦ì§}¡G"

#~ msgid "Server Name:"
#~ msgstr "¦øªA¾¹¦WºÙ¡G"

#~ msgid "University of Manchester, Manchester, England"
#~ msgstr "­^°ê°Ò¹ý´µ¯S¥«°Ò¹ý´µ¯S¤j¾Ç"

#~ msgid "(please, choose servers in your geographical area)"
#~ msgstr "(½Ð¿ï¾Ü¦b±zªº¦a²z°Ï°ìªº¦øªA¾¹)"

#~ msgid "University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA"
#~ msgstr "¬ü°ê¶ø§J©Ô²ü°¨¦{¶ø§J©Ô²ü°¨¤j¾Ç"

#~ msgid "University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada"
#~ msgstr "¥[®³¤j¨F¤h¦NÅs¬Ù¨½¸ë¯Ç¨½¸ë¯Ç¤j¾Ç"

#~ msgid "Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland"
#~ msgstr "·Rº¸Äõ³£¬fªL¸t¤T¤@¾Ç°|"

#~ msgid "Singapore"
#~ msgstr "·s¥[©Y"

#~ msgid "The Chinese University of Hong Kong"
#~ msgstr "­»´ä¤¤¤å¤j¾Ç"

#~ msgid "UNLV College of Engineering, Las Vegas, NV"
#~ msgstr "¤ºµØ¹F¦{©Ô´µºû¥[´µ¤ºµØ¹F¤j¾Ç¤uµ{¾Ç°|"

#~ msgid "University of Adelaide, South Australia"
#~ msgstr "«n¿D¬wªü¼w¹p¼w¤j¾Ç"

#~ msgid "WARNING"
#~ msgstr "ĵ§i"

#~ msgid "Fukuoka university, Fukuoka, Japan"
#~ msgstr "¤é¥»ºÖ©£ºÖ©£¤j¾Ç"

#~ msgid "Dept. Computer Science, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland"
#~ msgstr "Ĭ®æÄõ®æ©Ô´µ­ô´µ¯S©Ô´µ§JµÜ¼w¤j¾Ç­pºâ¾÷¬ì¾Ç¾Ç¨t"

#~ msgid "Penn State University, University Park, PA"
#~ msgstr "»«¤i¤Z¥§¨È¦{¤j¾Ç¶é»«¦{¦{¥ß¤j¾Ç"

#~ msgid "University of Oslo, Norway"
#~ msgstr "®¿«Â¶ø´µ³°¤j¾Ç"

#~ msgid "Computer Science Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison"
#~ msgstr "«Â´µ±d¨¯¤j¾Ç³Á­}»¹®Õ°Ï­pºâ¾÷¬ì¾Ç¾Ç¨t"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "To accept this value, and configure your server, click on \"Confirm\" or "
#~ "use the Back button to correct them."
#~ msgstr "«ö\"½T»{\"±µ¨ü³o¼Æ­È©M³]©w±zªº¦øªA¾¹¡A©Î¤W¤@­¶§@¥X§ó§ï¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "So, it's very probable that domain name and IP adresses for this local "
#~ "network are DIFFERENT from the server \"external\" connection."
#~ msgstr "©Ò¥H°Ï°ìºô¸ôªººô°ì¦WºÙ¤ÎIP¦ì§}¬O«Ü¥i¯à»P\"¥~³¡\"³s±µªº¤£¦P¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Host names must be in the form \"host.domain.domaintype\"; if your server "
#~ "will be an Internet server, the domain name should be the name registered "
#~ "with your provider. If you will only have intranet any valid name is OK, "
#~ "like \"\"."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "¥D¾÷¦WºÙ¥²¶·¥H\"host.domain.domaintype\"ªº®æ¦¡¨Ó©R¦W¡F¦pªG±zªº¦øªA¾¹¬O¤@¥x"
#~ "¤¬Ápºô¦øªA¾¹¡A¥D¾÷¦WºÙÀ³¸Ó¬O±z¦V±zªº¨ÑÀ³ªÌµn°Oªº¦WºÙ¡C¦pªG±z¥u¦³¤ºÁpºô¡A«h"
#~ "¥i¨Ï¥Î¥ô¦ó¦³®Ä¦WºÙ¡A¦p\"\"¡C"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Public directory:"
#~ msgstr "¥Ø¿ý¡G"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You can set the time of your machine in two ways: Locally means that the "
#~ "setting will simply set the system clock, without synchronizing with the "
#~ "external world."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "±z¥i¥H¥Î¨âºØ¤èªk¥h³]©w±zªº¥D¾÷ªº®É¶¡: °Ï°ì©Ê¥u·|²³æ¦a³]©w¨t²Îªº®ÉÄÁ¡A¨Ã¨S"
#~ "¦³»P¥~³¡ºôµ¸¦P¨Bµo¥Í¡C"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you use a time server, your machine will ask from that server the "
#~ "correct time."
#~ msgstr "¦pªG±z¨Ï¥Î®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹, ±zªº¥D¾÷·|¥Ñ¸Ó¦øªA¾¹¨ú±o¥¿½T®É¶¡¡C"

#~ msgid "Internet time setting (external time server)"
#~ msgstr "¤¬Ápºô®É¶¡³]©w(¥~³¡®É¶¡¦øªA¾¹)"

#~ msgid "Which kind of setting would you like to do?"
#~ msgstr "±z·Q°µ¨ºÃþ³]©w¡H"

#~ msgid "Type of setting"
#~ msgstr "³]©wÃþ«¬"

#~ msgid "Local time setting"
#~ msgstr "°Ï°ì®É¶¡³]©w"

#~ msgid "Enable the Web Server for the Intranet and for the Internet"
#~ msgstr "±Ò°Ê¤ºÁpºô©M¤¬Ápºôªººô­¶¦øªA¾¹"