# Drakwizard wizard's Portable Object Template file # Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # wiz2po 2002. # NOTE: sometimes "\q" appear in msgid around a word; the \q sequences # are for quote marks; put them in the translation too; or put proper # quotation marks for your language. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: drakwizard 0.2\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2002-08-14 14:25+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-08-21 05:22+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Ramon Casha \n" "Language-Team: Maltese \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.6\n" msgid "Drakwizard wizard selection" msgstr "Għażla ta' saħħar DrakWizard" msgid "Please select a wizard" msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok agħżel saħħar" msgid "Enable the Web Server for the Intranet" msgstr "Issettja web server għall-intranet" msgid "Internet Web Server:" msgstr "Web server tal-internet:" msgid "This wizard will help you configuring the Web Server for your network." msgstr "Dan is-saħħar għinek tissettja web server għan-network tiegħek." msgid "Enable the Web Server for the Intranet and for the Internet" msgstr "Attiva l-web server għall-intranet u l-internet" msgid "Web Server" msgstr "Web server" msgid "Web Server Configuration Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar ta' konfigurazzjoni tal-web server" msgid "Configuring the Web Server" msgstr "Qed jiġi kkonfigurat il-web server" msgid "Web wizard" msgstr "Saħħar web" msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your Web " "Server" msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġi kkonfigurat il-web " "server" msgid "The wizard successfully configured your Intranet/Internet Web Server" msgstr "Is-saħħar ikkonfiguralek il-web server tal-internet/intranet" msgid "Don't check any box if you don't want to activate your Web Server." msgstr "Tittikkja ebda kaxxa jekk ma tridx tattiva l-web server" msgid "Select the kind of Web service you want to activate:" msgstr "Agħżel liema tip ta' servizz web trid tattiva:" msgid "Intranet Web Server:" msgstr "Web server għall-intranet:" msgid "" "Your server can act as a Web Server toward your internal network (intranet) " "and as a Web Server for the Internet." msgstr "" "Is-server jista' jaġixxi bħala web server għan-network interna (intranet), " "kif ukoll web server għall-internet." msgid "Server IP address:" msgstr "Indirizz IP tas-server:" msgid "Network Address" msgstr "Indirizz tan-network" msgid "IP net address:" msgstr "Indirizz IP tan-network:" msgid "Network Device" msgstr "Apparat tan-network" msgid "" "The wizard successfully configured the basic networking services of your " "server." msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ikkonfiguralek is-servizzi bażiċi tan-network tas-server tiegħek." msgid "" "(you can change here these values if you know exactly what you're doing)" msgstr "(tista' tibdel dawn il-valuri hawn jekk taf eżatt x'int tagħmel)" msgid "Server Address" msgstr "Indirizz tas-server" msgid "The network address is wrong" msgstr "L-indirizz tan-network huwa ħażin" msgid "Server Name:" msgstr "Isem is-server:" msgid "" "The server IP address is a number identifing your server in your network; " "the proposed value designed for a private network , with no internet " "visibility, or connected using IP masquerading; unless you know what you are " "doing, accept the default value." msgstr "" "L-indirizz IP tas-server huwa numru li jidentifika s-server fuq in-network; " "il-valur propost huwa diżinjat għal network privat li ma jidhirx mill-" "internet, inkella mqabbad permezz ta' \"IP masquerading\". Jekk ma tafx " "x'qed tagħmel, żomm il-valur impliċitu." msgid "" "External connection is a network from which the computer is client (Internet " "or upstream network), connected using another network card or a modem." msgstr "" "Il-konnessjoni esterna hija network li fuqha l-kompjuter huwa klijent " "(internet jew network \"upstream\"), imqabbda permezz ta' kard tan-network " "oħra jew modem." msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your " "network" msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġi kkonfigurat in-network" msgid "Host Name:" msgstr "Isem tal-kompjuter:" msgid "" "The hostname is the name under which your server will be known from the " "other workstations in your network and maybe on the Internet (depending of " "your upstream configuration)." msgstr "" "L-isem tal-kompjuter huwa l-isem li bih ikun magħruf is-server minn " "kompjuters oħrajn fuq in-network, u possibbilment anke mill-Internet (skond " "il-konfigurazzjoni upstream)." msgid "Gateway IP:" msgstr "IP tal-\"gateway\":" msgid "Configuring your network" msgstr "Qed jiġi kkonfigurat in-network" msgid "Network Address:" msgstr "Indirizz tan-network:" msgid "" "Devices are presented with the Linux name and, if known, with the card " "description." msgstr "" "L-apparat jiġi ppreżentat bl-isem tal-Linux u, jekk magħruf, id-deskrizzjoni " "tal-kard." msgid "Wizard Error." msgstr "Problema fis-saħħar" msgid "" "Note: the gateway IP address should be non empty if you want an access to " "outside world." msgstr "" "Nota: l-IP tal-gateway ma jridx ikun vojt jekk trid aċċess għall-internet" msgid "" "Choose the network device (usually a card) the server should use to connect " "to your network. It's the device for the local network, probably not the " "same device used for internet access." msgstr "" "Agħżel l-apparat tan-network (normalment kard) li s-server għandu juża biex " "jaqbad man-network. Huwa l-apparat għan-network lokali, aktarx mhux l-istess " "apparat li tuża biex taqbad mal-internet." msgid "Note about networking" msgstr "Nota dwar networking" msgid "This wizard will set the basic networking parameter of your server." msgstr "Dan is-saħħar jissettja l-parametri bażiċi tan-network għas-server." msgid "" "This wizard will help you configuring the basic networking services of your " "server." msgstr "" "Dan is-saħħar jgħinek tikkonfigura l-parametri bażiċi tan-network għas-" "server." msgid "External gateway" msgstr "Gateway estern" msgid "" "Host names must be in the form \\qhost.domain.domaintype\\q; if your server " "will be an Internet server, the domain name should be the name registered " "with your provider. If you will only have intranet any valid name is OK, " "like \\qcompany.net\\q." msgstr "" "Ismijiet ta' kompjuters iridu jkollhom il-forma \\qkompjuter.dominju.tld\\q; " "Jekk is-server se jkun server għall-internet, l-isem tad-dominju irid ikun " "isem reġistrat mal-provider tiegħek. Jekk għandek biss intranet, kwalinkwa " "isem validu huwa tajjeb, eż \\qditta.net\\q." msgid "The host name is not correct" msgstr "L-isem tal-kompjuter huwa ħażin" msgid "Basic Network Configuration Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar ta' konfigurazzjoni bażika tan-network" msgid "This page compute the default server address; should be invisible." msgstr "This page compute the default server address; should be invisible." msgid "Host Name" msgstr "Isem tal-kompjuter" msgid "Computed domain Name" msgstr "Isem tad-dominju misjub" msgid "Server Address:" msgstr "Indirizz tas-server:" msgid "" "So, it's very probable that domain name and IP adresses for this local " "network are DIFFERENT from the server \\qexternal\\q connection." msgstr "" "Għalhekk, huwa probabbli li l-isem tad-dominju u l-indirizz IP għan-network " "lokali huma DIFFERENTI mill-konnessjoni \\qesterna\\q tas-server." msgid "This page compute the domainname; it should be invisible" msgstr "This page compute the domainname; it should be invisible" msgid "Warning" msgstr "Twissija" msgid "Device:" msgstr "Apparat:" msgid "" "As regards these wizards, your computer is seen as a server managing his own " "local network (C class network)." msgstr "" "Fir-rigward ta' dawn is-sħaħar, il-kompjuter jitqies bħala server fuq " "network lokali tiegħu (network klassi C)" msgid "" "The network address is a number identifing your network; the proposed value " "is designed for a configuration not connected to Internet, or connected " "using IP masquerading; unless you know what you are doing, accept the " "default value." msgstr "" "L-indirizz tan-network huwa numru li jidentifika n-network. Il-valur propost " "huwa ntenzjonat għal konfigurazzjoni li m'hix imqabbda mal-internet, jew " "imqabbda permezz ta' \"IP masquerading\". Jekk ma tafx x'qed tagħmel, żomm " "il-valur impliċitu." msgid "" "Here is your current value for the external gateway (value specified during " "the initial installation). The device (network card or modem) should be " "different from the one used for the internal network." msgstr "" "Hawn huwa l-valur kurrenti għall-gateway esterna (il-valur speċifikat waqt l-" "installazzjoni). L-apparat (kard tan-network jew modem) għandu jkun " "differenti minn dak użat għan-network interna." msgid "net device" msgstr "apparat net" msgid "" "Network addresses are a list of four numbers smaller than 256, separated by " "dots; the last number of the list must be zero." msgstr "" "L-indirizzi tan-network huma lista ta' erba' numri iżgħar minn 256, separati " "b'tikka. L-aħħar numru jrid ikun żero." msgid "Server Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar tas-server" msgid "Gateway device:" msgstr "Apparat gateway:" msgid "The Server IP address is incorrect" msgstr "L-indirizz IP tas-server huwa ħażin" msgid "" "You should not run any other applications while running this wizard and at " "the end of the wizard you should exit your session and redo the login." msgstr "" "M'għandek tħaddem ebda programm ieħor waqt li qed tħaddem dan is-saħħar, u " "fl-aħħar għandek ittemm is-sessjoni u terġa' tagħmel login." msgid "Enable Server Printer Sharing" msgstr "Ippermetti l-qsim tal-printer" msgid "Samba Configuration Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar ta' konfigurazzjoni tas-Samba" msgid "Samba wizard" msgstr "Saħħar tas-Samba" msgid "No Samba service has been requested" msgstr "Ebda servizz Samba ma ntalab" msgid "Press Quit to exit or Back to correct your choice" msgstr "Agħfas Oħroġ biex toħroġ, jew Lura biex tikkoreġi l-għażla" msgid "Print Server:" msgstr "Server tal-ipprintjar:" msgid "Server Banner:" msgstr "Deskrizzjoni tas-server:" msgid "The wizard successfully configured your Samba server." msgstr "Is-saħħar ikkonfiguralek is-server Samba." msgid "Samba need to know the Windows Workgroup it will serve." msgstr "Samba jrid ikun jaf il-workgroup tal-Windows fejn se jservi." msgid "" "Samba can provide a common file sharing area to your Windows workstation, " "and can also provide printer sharing for the printers connected to your " "server." msgstr "" "Samba jista' jipprovdi post komuni fejn jiġu serviti l-fajls lill-kompjuters " "Windows, u jista' wkoll iservi printers li huma mqabbdin mas-server tiegħek." msgid "Enable Common File Sharing Area" msgstr "Attiva l-post komuni fejn jiġu serviti l-fajls" msgid "The Workgroup is wrong" msgstr "Il-workgroup huwa ħażin" msgid "Server Banner." msgstr "Deskrizzjoni tas-server." msgid "Configuring Samba" msgstr "Qed jiġi kkonfigurat Samba" msgid "" "Samba allows your server to behave as a file and print server for " "workstations running non-Linux systems." msgstr "" "Samba jħalli lis-server tiegħek jaġixxi bħala server tal-fajls u printers " "għal kompjuters li jħaddmu sistema tal-Windows." msgid "File Sharing:" msgstr "Servizz ta' fajls:" msgid "" "The banner is the way this server will be described in the Windows " "workstations." msgstr "" "Din id-deskrizzjoni hija l-mod kif is-server jiġi deskritt fuq kompjuters " "bil-Windows." msgid "Workgroup" msgstr "Workgroup" msgid "Banner:" msgstr "Deskrizzjoni:" msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure Samba." msgstr "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġi konfigurat Samba." msgid "Enabled Samba Services" msgstr "Servizzi Samba attivati" msgid "" "This wizard will help you configuring the Samba services of your server." msgstr "" "Dan is-saħħar jgħinek tikkonfigura s-servizzi Samba fuq is-server tiegħek." msgid "The Server Banner is incorrect" msgstr "Id-deskrizzjoni tas-server hija ħażina" msgid "" "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the " "SAMBA configuration" msgstr "" "Jekk tagħżel li tikkonfigura issa, awtomatikament tkompli bil-" "konfigurazzjoni ta' SAMBA" msgid "Workgroup:" msgstr "Workgroup:" msgid "For information, here is /var/spool/squid space on disk:" msgstr "Għal informazzjoni, hawn huwa l-ispazju /var/spool/squid fuq id-diska:" msgid "This wizard will help you configuring your proxy server." msgstr "Dan is-saħħar jgħinek tikkonfigura s-server proxy." msgid "Upper level proxy port:" msgstr "Port tal-livell ewlieni tal-proxy:" msgid "The proxy can be configured to use different access control levels." msgstr "" "Dan il-proxy jista' jiġi kkonfigurat biex juża livelli ta' kontroll tal-" "aċċess differenti." msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your proxy:" msgstr "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex tikkonfigura l-proxy:" msgid "" "As an option, Squid can be configured in proxy cascading. You can add a new " "upper level proxy by specifying its hostname and port." msgstr "" "Jekk trid, Squid jista' jiġi konfigurat b' \"proxy cascading\". Tista' żżid " "livell ewlieni ġdid tal-proxy billi tispeċifika l-isem u l-port tal-" "kompjuter." msgid "" "Choose the level that suit to your needs. If you don't know,the Local " "Network level is usually the most appropriate. Beware that the All level may " "be not secure." msgstr "" "Agħżel livell li jaqdi l-ħtiġiet tiegħek. Jekk ma tafx, il-livell \"Network " "lokali\" normalment huwa l-iżjed tajjeb. Attent li l-livell \"Kollox\" jista " "ma jkunx sikur." msgid "Authorised network:" msgstr "Network awtorizzata:" msgid "Proxy Configuration Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar ta' konfigurazzjoni tal-proxy" msgid "" "You can use either a numeric format like \\q192.168.1.0/\\q or " "a text format like \\q.domain.net\\q" msgstr "" "Tista' tuża format numeriku bħal \\q192.168.1.0/\\q inkella " "format testwali bħal \\q.domain.net\\q" msgid "Localhost - access restricted to this server only" msgstr "Localhost - aċċess ristrett għal dan is-server biss" msgid "" "Press Next if you want to keep this value, or Back to correct your choice." msgstr "" "Agħfas \"Li jmiss\" biex iżżomm dan il-valur, jew \"Lura\" biex tikkoreġi l-" "għażla." msgid "Proxy Cache Size" msgstr "Daqs tal-cache tal-proxy" msgid "You must choose a port greater than 1024 and lower than 65535" msgstr "Trid tagħżel port ikbar minn 1024 u inqas minn 65535" msgid "No upper level proxy (recommended)" msgstr "Ebda livell ewlieni proxy (rakkomandat)" msgid "Grant acces on local network" msgstr "Ippermetti aċċess fuq network lokali" msgid "" "Enter the qualified hostname (like \\qcache.domain.net\\q) and the port of " "the proxy to use." msgstr "" "Daħħal isem sħiħ (eż. \\qcache.dominju.net\\q) u l-port tal-proxy li trid " "tuża." msgid "Press back to change the value." msgstr "Agħfas Lura biex tibdel il-valur" msgid "Proxy Port" msgstr "Port tal-proxy" msgid "" "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the " "Proxy configuration." msgstr "" "Jekk tagħżel li tikkonfigura issa, awtomatikament tkompli bil-" "konfigurazzjoni tal-proxy" msgid "Access Control:" msgstr "Kontroll tal-aċċess:" msgid "Memory cache (MB):" msgstr "Cache fil-memorja (MB):" msgid "Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on" msgstr "Filesystem Daqs Użat Liber Użat% Immuntat fuq" msgid "" "You can safely select \\qNo upper level proxy\\q if you don't need this " "feature." msgstr "" "Tista' tagħżel \\qEbda livell ewlieni proxy\\q jekk m'għandekx bżonn din il-" "faċilità." msgid "Port:" msgstr "Port:" msgid "Squid wizard" msgstr "Saħħar ta' Squid" msgid "" "Proxy port value sets what port the proxy server will listen on for http " "requests. Default is 3128, other common value can be 8080, the port value " "need to be greater than 1024." msgstr "" "Il-valur tal-port tal-proxy jissettja liema port jissemma' fuqu s-server " "proxy għal talbiet http. Il-valur impliċitu huwa 3128, valur ieħor komuni " "huwa 8080. Il-valur tal-port irid ikun ikbar minn 1024." msgid "Configuring the Proxy" msgstr "Qed jiġi kkonfigurat il-proxy" msgid "Local Network - access for local network (recommended)" msgstr "Network lokali - aċċess għan-network lokali (rakkomandat)" msgid "" "Disk Cache is the amount of disk space that can be used for caching on disk." msgstr "" "Cache fid-diska huwa l-ammont ta' spazju fuq id-diska li jista' jintuża " "għall-cache." msgid "Upper level proxy hostname:" msgstr "Isem tal-kompjuter ta' livell ewlieni tal-proxy:" msgid "Disk space (MB):" msgstr "Spazju fuq id-diska (MB):" msgid "Access Control" msgstr "Kontroll tal-aċċess" msgid "" "Access will be allowed for hosts on the network. Here is the information " "found about your current local network, you can modify it if needed." msgstr "" "Se jingħata aċċess għall-kompjuters fuq in-network tiegħek. Hawn l-" "informazzjoni li stabet dwar in-network lokali. Tista' tibdilha jekkt trid." msgid "All - No access restriction" msgstr "Kollox - ebda restrizzjoni lill-aċċess" msgid "Define an upper level proxy" msgstr "Iddefinixxi proxy tal-livell ewlieni" msgid "Cache hierarchy" msgstr "Ġerarkija tal-cache" msgid "" "Squid is a web caching proxy server, it allows faster web acces for your " "local network." msgstr "" "Squid huwa server tal-proxy għall-web. Huwa jippermetti aċċess aċċelerat " "għan-network tiegħek." msgid "You have entered a port that may be useful for this service:" msgstr "Int għażilt port li jista' jkun użat minn dan is-servizz:" msgid "The wizard successfully configured your proxy server." msgstr "Is-saħħar ikkonfiguralek is-server proxy." msgid "Proxy port:" msgstr "Port tal-proxy:" msgid "" "Memory Cache is the amount of RAM dedicated to cache memory operations (note " "that actual memory usage of the whole squid process is bigger)." msgstr "" "Cache fil-memorja hija l-ammont ta' RAM dedikat għall-operazzjoni ta' cache " "fil-memorja (innota li l-użu totali ta' memorja tal-proċess sħiħ ta' Squid " "huwa ikbar)." msgid "See you soon!" msgstr "Għal darb' oħra!" msgid "" "Your choice can be accepted, but this will not allow you to send mail " "outside your local network. Press next to continue, or back to enter a value." msgstr "" "L-għażla tiegħek tista' tiġi aċċettata, imma ma tħallikx tibgħat imejl barra " "min-network lokali tiegħek. Agħfas \"Li jmiss\" biex tkompli, jew lura biex " "iddaħħal valur." msgid "Mail Server Name:" msgstr "Isem is-server tal-imejl:" msgid "Internet Mail Gateway" msgstr "Gateway tal-imejl tal-internet" msgid "Hmmm" msgstr "Mmmm" msgid "" "The wizard successfully configured your Internet Mail service of your server." msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ikkonfiguralek is-servizz tal-imejl lill-internet tas-server " "tiegħek." msgid "Mail Address:" msgstr "Indirizz imejl:" msgid "You entered an empty address for the mail gateway." msgstr "Daħħalt indirizzi vojt għall-gateway tal-imejl." msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your " "Internet Mail Service:" msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex tikkonfigura s-servizz tal-" "imejl tal-internet:" msgid "End" msgstr "Tmiem" msgid "Internet Mail Configuration Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar tal-konfigurazzjoni tal-imejl" msgid "" "Internet host names must be in the form \\qhost.domain.domaintype\\q; for " "example, if your provider is \\qprovider.com\\q, the internet mail server is " "usually \\qsmtp.provider.com\\q." msgstr "" "Ismijiet tal-kompjuters fuq l-internet iridu jkollhom il-forma \\qkompjuter." "dominju.tld\\q; per eżempju jekk l-ISP huwa \\qditta.net.mt\\q, is-server " "tal-imejl jista' jkun \\qmail.ditta.net.mt\\q." msgid "Form of the Address" msgstr "Forma tal-indirizz" msgid "" "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the " "POSTFIX configuration" msgstr "" "Jekk tagħżel li tikkonfigura issa, awtomatikament tkompli bil-" "konfigurazzjoni ta' POSTFIX" msgid "Sorry, you have to be root to run this wizard..." msgstr "Jiddispjaċini, trid tkun \"root\" biex tħaddem dan is-saħħar..." msgid "Masquerade not good!" msgstr "Masquerade mhux tajjeb!" msgid "There seems to be a problem... go ask to the big black man downstairs" msgstr "Jidher li hemm problema... staqsi lill-amministratur" msgid "Outgoing Mail Address" msgstr "Indirizz tal-imejl li ħiereġ" msgid "" "This should be chosen consistently with the address you use for incoming " "mail." msgstr "" "Dan għandu jintgħażel b'mod konsistenti mal-indirizz għall-imejl li dieħel" msgid "" "This wizard will help you configuring the Internet Mail services for your " "network." msgstr "" "Dan is-saħħar jgħinek tikkonfigura s-servizzi tal-imejl tal-internet għan-" "network." msgid "" "Your server will send the outgoing through a mail gateway, that will take " "care of the final delivery." msgstr "" "Is-server tiegħek jibgħat l-imejl li ħiereġ lil gateway tal-imejl, li jieħu " "jsieb id-destinazzjoni finali." msgid "Postfix wizard" msgstr "Saħħar Postfix" msgid "Configuring the Internet Mail" msgstr "Qed jiġi kkonfigurat l-imejl tal-internet" msgid "" "You can select the kind of address that outgoing mail will show in the " "\\qFrom:\\q and \\qReply-to\\q field." msgstr "" "Tista' tagħżel it-tip ta' indirizz li jidher fil-messaġġi ħerġin taħt " "\"Mingħand\" u \"Risposti lil\"" msgid "Do It" msgstr "Agħmel" msgid "Configuring the Internet News" msgstr "Konfigurazzjoni tal-Internet News" msgid "" "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the " "NEWS configuration" msgstr "" "Jekk tagħżel li tikkonfigura issa, awtomatikament tkompli bil-" "konfigurazzjoni ta' \"news\"" msgid "News Server Name:" msgstr "Isem is-server \"news\":" msgid "" "Your server will regularly poll the News Server for obtaning the latest " "Internet News; the polling period set the intervall between two consecutive " "polling." msgstr "" "Is-server regolarment jiġi mitlub l-aħħar internet news. L-intervall tat-" "talbiet jissettja l-ħin bejn żewġ talbiet konsekuttivi." msgid "News Server:" msgstr "Server \"news\":" msgid "" "The news server name is the name of the host providing the Internet news to " "your network; the name is usually provided by your provider." msgstr "" "L-isem tas-server \"news\" huwa l-isem tal-kompjuter li jipprovdi internet " "news lin-network tiegħek. Dan l-isem normalment jingħata mill-ISP tiegħek." msgid "The polling period is not correct" msgstr "L-intervall tat-talbiet m'hux tajjeb" msgid "Polling Period" msgstr "Intervall tat-talbiet" msgid "News Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar \"news\"" msgid "" "The wizard successfully configured your Internet News service of your server." msgstr "Is-saħħar ikkonfigura s-servizz \"news\" għas-server." msgid "" "This wizard will help you configuring the Internet News services for your " "network." msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġi konfigurat is-servizz " "\"news\":" msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your " "Internet News Service:" msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġi konfigurat is-servizz " "\"news\":" msgid "" "Depending on the kind of internet connection you have, an appropriate " "polling period can change between 6 and 24 hours." msgstr "" "Skond it-tip ta' konnessjoni li għandek, valur adegwat jista' jvarja bejn 6 " "siegħat u 24 siegħa." msgid "Polling Interval:" msgstr "Intervall tat-talbiet:" msgid "The news server name is not correct" msgstr "Isem is-server \"news\" mhux tajjeb" msgid "" "Internet host names must be in the form \\qhost.domain.domaintype\\q; for " "example, if your provider is \\qprovider.com\\q, the internet new server is " "usually \\qnews.provider.com\\q." msgstr "" "Ismijiet tal-kompjuters fuq l-internet iridu jkollhom il-forma \\qkompjuter." "dominju.tld\\q; per eżempju jekk l-ISP huwa \\qditta.net.mt\\q, is-server " "tal-imejl aktarx jkun \\qnews.ditta.net.mt\\q." msgid "News Server" msgstr "Server \"news\":" msgid "Polling Period (Hours):" msgstr "Intervall ta' talbiet (siegħat):" msgid "Welcome to the News Wizard" msgstr "Merħba għas-saħħar \"news\"" msgid "FTP Server" msgstr "Server FTP" msgid "Don't check any box if you don't want to activate your FTP Server." msgstr "Tittikkja ebda kaxxa jekk ma tridx tattiva s-server FTP." msgid "Configuring the FTP Server" msgstr "Qed jiġi kkonfigurat is-server FTP" msgid "Intranet FTP Server:" msgstr "Server FTP tal-intranet:" msgid "FTP Server Configuration Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar tal-konfigurazzjoni ta' server FTP" msgid "" "Your server can act as a FTP Server toward your internal network (intranet) " "and as a FTP Server for the Internet." msgstr "" "Is-server jista' jaġixxi bħala server FTP għan-network interna (intranet) " "jew bħala server FTP għall-internet." msgid "This wizard will help you configuring the FTP Server for your network." msgstr "Dan is-saħħar jgħinek tissettja server FTP għan-network tiegħek." msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your FTP " "Server" msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġi kkonfigurat is-server " "FTP" msgid "FTP wizard" msgstr "Saħħar FTP" msgid "Enable the FTP Server for the Intranet" msgstr "Attiva s-server FTP għall-intranet" msgid "The wizard successfully configured your Intranet/Internet FTP Server" msgstr "Is-saħħar ikkonfiguralek is-server FTP għall-intranet/internet" msgid "Internet FTP Server:" msgstr "Server FTP tal-internet:" msgid "" "Warning\\nYou are in dhcp, server may doesn't work with your configuration." msgstr "" "Twissija\\nInt qiegħed fuq dhcp. Is-server jista' ma jaħdimx b'din il-" "konfigurazzjoni." msgid "Enable the FTP Server for the Intranet and for the Internet" msgstr "Attiva s-server FTP għall-intranet u l-internet" msgid "Select the kind of FTP service you want to activate:" msgstr "Agħżel it-tip ta' servizz FTP li trid tattiva:" msgid "" "The firewall can be configured to offer different levels of protection; " "choose the level that corresponds to your needs. If you don't know, the " "Medium level is usually the most appropriate." msgstr "" "Il-firewall jista' jiġi kkonfigurat biex joffri livelli differenti ta' " "protezzjoni; agħżel livell li jaqdi l-ħtiġiet tiegħek. Jekk ma tafx, il-" "livell medju huwa normalment l-aħjar." msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your " "firewall:" msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġi kkonfigurat il-firewall." msgid "Protection Level:" msgstr "Livell ta' protezzjoni:" msgid "Firewall Network Device" msgstr "Apparat tan-network tal-firewall" msgid "Low - Light filtering, standard services available" msgstr "Baxx - filtrazzjoni ħafifa, servizzi standard disponibbli" msgid "This wizard will help you configuring your server firewall." msgstr "Dan is-saħħar jgħinek tikkonfigura l-firewall tas-server." msgid "None - No protection" msgstr "Xejn - ebda protezzjoni" msgid "Configuring the Firewall" msgstr "Qed jiġi kkonfigurat il-firewall" msgid "This Wizard need to run as root" msgstr "Dan is-saħħar irid jitħaddem bħala root" msgid "" "The firewall protects your internal network from unauthorized accesses from " "the Internet." msgstr "" "Il-firewall jipproteġi n-network interna minn aċċess mhux awtorizzat mill-" "internet" msgid "The device name is not correct" msgstr "L-isem tal-apparat huwa ħażin" msgid "Exit" msgstr "Oħroġ" msgid "Protection Level" msgstr "Livell ta' protezzjoni" msgid "Medium - web, ftp and ssh shown to outside" msgstr "Medju - servizzi web, ftp u ssh jiġu esposti" msgid "The wizard successfully configured your server firewall." msgstr "Is-sażżar ikkonfiguralek il-firewall tas-server." msgid "Firewall wizard" msgstr "Saħħar tal-firewall" msgid "" "The firewall need to know how your server is connected to Internet; choose " "the device you are using for the external connection." msgstr "" "Il-firewall għandu bżonn ikun jaf kif is-server huwa mqabbad mal-Internet. " "Agħżel l-apparat li qed tuża għall-konnessjoni esterna." msgid "Fix It" msgstr "Irranġa" msgid "Internet Network Device:" msgstr "Apparat tan-network għall-internet:" msgid "Firewall Configuration Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar ta' konfigurazzjoni tal-firewall" msgid "Something terrible happened" msgstr "Waqgħet id-dinja" msgid "Strong - no outside visibility, users limited to web" msgstr "B'saħħtu - ma jidhirx minn barra, users limitati għall-web" msgid "Device" msgstr "Apparat" msgid "The wizard successfully configured the DNS services of your server." msgstr "Is-saħħar ikkonfiguralek is-servizzi DNS tas-server." msgid "" "DNS (Domain Name Server) is the service that put in correspondance a machine " "with an internet host name." msgstr "" "DNS (Domain Name Server) huwa s-servizz li jżomm assoċjazzjoni bejn indirizz " "ta' kompjuter u l-isem." msgid "" "Your setting could be accepted, but you will not be able to identify machine " "names outside your local network." msgstr "" "Is-seting jista' jiġi aċċettat, imma ma tkunx tista' tidentifika l-ismijiet " "tal-kompjuters barra n-network tiegħek." msgid "" "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the DNS " "configuration" msgstr "" "Jekk tagħżel li tikkonfigura issa, awtomatikament tkompli bil-" "konfigurazzjoni tad-DNS" msgid "Primary DNS Address:" msgstr "Indirizz DNS ewlieni:" msgid "DNS Configuration Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar ta' konfigurazzjoni DNS" msgid "Press next to leave these values empty, or back to enter a value." msgstr "" "Agħżel \"Li jmiss\" biex tħalli dawn il-valuri vojta, jew Lura biex iddaħħal " "valur." msgid "You have entered an empty address for the DNS server." msgstr "Daħħalt indirizz vojt għas-server DNS." msgid "" "DNS will allow your network to communicate with the Internet using standard " "internet host names. In order to configure DNS, you must provide the IP " "address of primary and secondary DNS server; usually this address are given " "by your Internet provider." msgstr "" "DNS iħalli lin-network tiegħek jikkomunika mal-internet permezz ta' ismijiet " "normali tal-kompjuters. Sabiex tikkonfigura d-DNS, tried tagħti l-indirizz " "IP tas-server DNS ewlieni u dak sekondarju. Dawn l-indirizzi normalment " "jingħataw mill-ISP tiegħek." msgid "" "This wizard will help you configuring the DNS services of your server. This " "configuration will provide a local DNS service for local computers names, " "with non-local requests forwarded to an outside DNS." msgstr "" "Dan is-saħħar jgħinek tikkonfigura s-servizzi DNS tas-server tiegħek. Din il-" "konfigurazzjoni tipprovdilek servizz DNS lokali għal ismijiet ta kompjuters " "lokali, filwaqt li ismijiet m'humiex lokali jiġu mgħoddija lil DNS estern." msgid "DNS Server Addresses" msgstr "Indirizzi tas-servers DNS" msgid "Secondary DNS Address:" msgstr "Indirizz DNS sekondarju:" msgid "Configuring the DNS Server" msgstr "Qed jiġi kkonfigurat is-server DNS" msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your DNS " "service:" msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġi konfigurat is-servizz " "DNS:" msgid "DNS Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar DNS" msgid "Configuring the DHCP Server" msgstr "Qed jiġi kkonfigurat is-server DHCP" msgid "DHCP Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar DHCP" msgid "" "To accept these values, and configure your server, click on \\qConfigure\\q " "or use the Back button to correct them." msgstr "" "Biex taċċetta dawn il-valuri u tikkonfigura s-server, klikka \\qIkkonfigura" "\\q, inkella agħfas Lura biex tikkoreġihom." msgid "The IP range specified is not correct" msgstr "Il-medda ta' indirizzi IP speċifikat huwa ħażin" msgid "DHCP Configuration Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar ta' konfigurazzjoni DHCP" msgid "Lowest IP Address:" msgstr "Indirizz IP minimu:" msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your DHCP " "service:" msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġi konfigurat is-servizz " "DHCP:" msgid "This wizard will help you configuring the DHCP services of your server." msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġu konfigurati is-servizzi " "DHCP:" msgid "The wizard successfully configured the DHCP services of your server." msgstr "Is-saħħar ikkonfiguralek is-servizzi DHCP tas-server." msgid "" "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the " "DHCP configuration" msgstr "" "Jekk tagħżel li tikkonfigura issa, awtomatikament tkompli bil-" "konfigurazzjoni ta' DHCP" msgid "Fix it" msgstr "Irranġa" msgid "" "DHCP is a service that automatically assigns networking addresses to your " "workstations." msgstr "" "DHCP huwa servizz li awtomatikament jassenja indirizzi tan-network lil " "kompjuters fuq in-network tiegħel" msgid "Highest IP Address:" msgstr "Indirizz IP massimu:" msgid "Range of addresses used by dhcp" msgstr "Medda ta' indirizzi użati minn dhcp" msgid "" "Select the range of addresses assigned to the workstations by the DHCP " "service; unless you have special needs, you can safely accept the proposed " "values." msgstr "" "Agħżel medda ta' indirizzi assenjati lill-kompjuters mis-servizz DHCP. Jekk " "m'għandekx bżonnijiet speċifiċi, tista' żżomm il-valuri proposti." msgid "IP addresses are a dotted list of four numbers smaller than 256." msgstr "" "Indirizzi IP huma lista ta' erba' numri iżgħar minn 256, separati b'tikek" msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to configure your MySQL " "Database Server" msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġi konfigurat is-server " "tad-database MySQL:" msgid "MySQL Database wizard" msgstr "Saħħar tad-database MySQL" msgid "To run your server, you first need to specify a root password" msgstr "Biex tħaddem is-server, l-ewwel trid tispeċifika password ta' root" msgid "Configuring the MySQL Database Server" msgstr "Qed jiġi kkonfigurat is-server tad-database MySQL" msgid "Please type a password for the root user:" msgstr "Jekk jogħġbok ittajpja password għall-user \"root\":" msgid "Add" msgstr "Żid" msgid "Note: This user will have all permissions" msgstr "Nota: Dan il-user se jkollu l-permessi kollha" msgid "Username:" msgstr "Isem tal-user:" msgid "" "This wizard will help you configuring the MySQL Database Server for your " "network." msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiġi konfigurat is-server " "tad-database MySQL:" msgid "" "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the " "MySQL Database configuration" msgstr "" "Jekk tagħżel li tikkonfigura issa, awtomatikament tkompli bil-" "konfigurazzjoni tad-database MySQL" msgid "Password:" msgstr "Password:" msgid "Sorry, you must be root to do this..." msgstr "Jiddispjaċini, trid tkun root biex tagħmel dan..." msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Ikkonferma" msgid "Root Password:" msgstr "Password ta' root:" msgid "Database Server" msgstr "Server tad-database" msgid "The wizard successfully configured your MySQL Database Server" msgstr "Is-saħħar ikkonfiguralek is-server tad-database MySQL." msgid "" "To accept this value, and configure your server, click on \\qConfirm\\q or " "use the Back button to correct them." msgstr "" "Biex taċċetta dan il-valur u tikkonfigura s-server, klikkja \"Ikkonferma\" " "jew uża l-buttuna Lura biex tikkoreġihom" msgid "User addition" msgstr "Żieda ta' user" msgid "Please enter a username and password to add a user" msgstr "Daħħal isem il-user u password biex iżżid user" msgid "MySQL Database Server" msgstr "Server tad-database MySQL" msgid "Configuration Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar ta' konfigurazzjoni" msgid "Warning:" msgstr "Twissija:" msgid "Client wizard" msgstr "Saħħar tal-klijent" msgid "Client IP:" msgstr "IP tal-klijent:" msgid "You need to be root to run this wizard" msgstr "Trid tkun root biex tħaddem dan is-saħħar" msgid "" "Press next to configure these parameters now, or Cancel to exit this wizard." msgstr "" "Agħfas \"Li jmiss\" biex tikkonfigura dawn il-parametri issa, jew Ikkanċella " "biex twaqqaf is-saħħar" msgid "" "To accept these values, and add your client, click on \\qConfigure\\q or use " "the Back button to correct them." msgstr "" "Biex taċċetta dawn il-valuri u żżid klijent, klikkja \"Ikkonferma\" jew uża " "l-buttuna Lura biex tikkoreġihom" msgid "Press next to begin, or Cancel to leave this wizard." msgstr "Agħfas Li jmiss biex tibda, jew Ikkanċella biex tħalli s-saħħar" msgid "This wizard will help you in adding a new client in your local DNS." msgstr "Dan is-saħħar jgħinek biex iżżid klijent ġdid fuq id-DNS lokali." msgid "Network not configured yet" msgstr "Network għadu m'hux konfigurat" msgid "Quit" msgstr "Oħroġ" msgid "IP number of the machine:" msgstr "Numru IP tal-kompjuter:" msgid "" "Your client on the network will be identified by name, as in clientname." "company.net. Every machine on the network must have a (unique) IP address, " "in the usual dotted syntax." msgstr "" "Il-klijent fuq in-network jiġi identifikat mill-isem, bħal komp01.ditta.com." "mt. Kull kompjuter fuq in-network irid ikollu indirizz IP uniku, fis-" "sintassi normali tat-tikek." msgid "" "Note that the given IP number and client name should be unique in the " "network." msgstr "" "Innota li n-numru IP u isem il-klijent iridu jkunu uniċi fuq in-network." msgid "" "You have to configure the basic network parameters before launch this wizard." msgstr "" "Trid tissettja l-parametri bażiċi tan-network qabel tħaddem dan is-saħħar." msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" msgid "Name of the machine:" msgstr "Isem tal-kompjuter:" msgid "The wizard successfully added the client." msgstr "Is-saħħar żied il-klijent." msgid "You have entered a machine name or an IP number already used." msgstr "L-isem jew l-indirizz li daħħalt tal-kompjuter diġà użati." msgid "" "The server will use the informations you enter here to make the name of the " "client available to other machines into your network." msgstr "" "Is-server juża l-informazzjoni li daħħalt hawn biex jagħmel l-isem tal-" "klijent disponibbli lill-kompjuters l-oħra fuq in-network." msgid "" "If you choose to configure now, you will automatically continue with the " "Client configuration" msgstr "" "Jekk tagħżel li tikkonfigura issa, awtomatikament tkompli bil-" "konfigurazzjoni tal-klijent" msgid "(you don't need to type the domain after the name)" msgstr "(m'hemmx bżonn iddaħħal id-dominju wara l-isem)" msgid "Client identification:" msgstr "Identifikazzjoni tal-klijent:" msgid "Configure" msgstr "Ikkonfigura" msgid "Adding a new client to your network" msgstr "Qed jiġi miżjud klijent ġdid man-network" msgid "Client name" msgstr "Isem il-klijent" msgid "System error, no configuration done" msgstr "Problema interna, konfigurazzjoni ma saritx" msgid "" "The wizard collected the following parameters needed to add a client to your " "network:" msgstr "" "Is-saħħar ġabar dawn il-parametri meħtieġa biex jiżdied klijent man-network:" msgid "DNS Client Wizard" msgstr "Saħħar DNS għall-klijenti" msgid "Congratulations" msgstr "Prosit!" msgid "" "Press next if you want to change the already existing value, or back to " "correct your choice." msgstr "" "Agħfas Li jmiss jekk trid tibdel il-valur eżistenti, jew Lura biex tibdel l-" "għażla" msgid "This is not a valid address... press next to continue" msgstr "Dan m'huwiex indirizz validu... Agħfas Li jmiss biex tkompli" msgid "" "A client of your local network is a machine connected to the network having " "its own name and IP number." msgstr "" "Klijent tan-network lokali huwa kompjuter imqabbad man-network li għandu " "isem u indirizz IP tiegħu."