diff options
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/samba_wizard/ b/samba_wizard/
index 011f3e50..f8f7d2dc 100755
--- a/samba_wizard/
+++ b/samba_wizard/
@@ -445,53 +445,25 @@ sub write_conf_restart_smb {
# remember one variable cannot be commented and not in the same file.
sub do_it {
- $::testing and return;
- my $window = Gtk2::Window->new( "toplevel" );
- $window->signal_connect( "destroy", sub { Gtk2->main_quit; } );
- $window->set_title( "Barre de progression" );
- $window->set_border_width( 0 );
- my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new( FALSE, 5 );
- $vbox->set_border_width( 10 );
- $window->add( $vbox );
- $vbox->show();
- # Centre les objets
- my $align = Gtk2::Alignment->new( 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0 );
- $vbox->pack_start( $align, FALSE, FALSE, 5 );
- $align->show();
- my $obar = Gtk2::ProgressBar->new();
- # display a wait dialog box
- my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su', 'Samba');
- $obar->show();
-# my $w = $in->wait_message(N("Samba server"), N("Configuring your Samba server..."));
- $obar->set_text("test");
- $obar->set_fraction(0);
- # global section
- $samba->{global}{workgroup} = $o->{var}{wiz_workgroup};
- $samba->{global}{'server string'} = $o->{var}{wiz_banner};
- $o->{var}{wiz_netbios} and $o->{var}{wiz_netbios} and $samba->{global}{netbios} = $o->{var}{wiz_netbios};
- # add special global options
- $obar->set_fraction(0.2);
- global_special_options;
- # log level in global section
- $o->{var}{wiz_log_file} and $samba->{global}{'log file'} = $o->{var}{wiz_log_file};
- $o->{var}{wiz_log_level} and $samba->{global}{'log level'} = $o->{var}{wiz_log_level};
- $o->{var}{wiz_max_log_size} and $samba->{global}{'max log size'} = $o->{var}{wiz_max_log_size};
- $obar->set_fraction(0.7);
- write_conf_restart_smb();
- # remove wait message
-# undef $w;
- $obar->set_fraction(0.9);
- check_started('smbd');
- $obar->set_fraction(1.0);
- undef $obar;
- }
+ $::testing and return;
+ # display a wait dialog box
+ my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su', 'Samba');
+ my $w = $in->wait_message(N("Samba server"), N("Configuring your Samba server..."));
+ # global section
+ $samba->{global}{workgroup} = $o->{var}{wiz_workgroup};
+ $samba->{global}{'server string'} = $o->{var}{wiz_banner};
+ # add special global options
+ global_special_options;
+ # log level in global section
+ $o->{var}{wiz_log_file} and $samba->{global}{'log file'} = $o->{var}{wiz_log_file};
+ $o->{var}{wiz_log_level} and $samba->{global}{'log level'} = $o->{var}{wiz_log_level};
+ $o->{var}{wiz_max_log_size} and $samba->{global}{'max log size'} = $o->{var}{wiz_max_log_size};
+ write_conf_restart_smb();
+ # remove wait message
+ undef $w;
+ check_started('smbd');