/* * Copyright 2008 Arthur Renato Mello <arthur@mandriva.com> * Copyright 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <boiko@mandriva.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #include <QDir> #include <QList> #include <QPixmap> #include <KConfig> #include <KConfigGroup> #include <KGlobal> #include <KStandardDirs> #include <KLocale> #include "themesettings.h" ThemeSettings::ThemeSettings(const QString &p_theme, const QSize &p_target) { m_targetSize = p_target; if(p_theme.isEmpty()) { KConfig cfg("ksplashrc"); if(cfg.hasGroup("KSplash")) { KConfigGroup g = cfg.group("KSplash"); m_themeName = g.readEntry("Theme", "MgaDefault"); } else m_themeName = "MgaDefault"; } else m_themeName = p_theme; m_themePath = KGlobal::dirs()->locate("data", "ksplash/Themes/" + m_themeName + "/Theme.rc"); m_themePath = m_themePath.left(m_themePath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); //TODO: define start icons m_imagesDefault.append("kded"); m_imagesDefault.append("confupdate"); m_imagesDefault.append("kcminit"); m_imagesDefault.append("ksmserver"); m_imagesDefault.append("wm"); m_imagesDefault.append("desktop"); m_imagesDefault.append("ready"); m_stepsDefault.append("kded"); m_stepsDefault.append("confupdate"); m_stepsDefault.append("kcminit"); m_stepsDefault.append("ksmserver"); m_stepsDefault.append("wm"); m_stepsDefault.append("desktop"); m_stepsDefault.append("ready"); m_imagesTexts["kded"] = i18n("Starting Generic Services Daemon"); m_imagesTexts["confupdate"] = i18n("Starting Configuration Manager"); m_imagesTexts["kcminit"] = i18n("Starting Initialization Services Manager"); m_imagesTexts["ksmserver"] = i18n("Starting Session Manager"); m_imagesTexts["wm"] = i18n("Starting Window Manager"); m_imagesTexts["desktop"] = i18n("Initializing Desktop Environment"); m_imagesTexts["ready"] = i18n("Desktop Environment Running"); readSettings(); chooseResolution(); m_imageLoader.setBaseSize(m_baseSize); m_imageLoader.setTargetSize(m_targetSize); m_imageLoader.setCachePrefix("ksplash/cache/" + m_themeName); if(!m_statusFile.isEmpty()) loadStatusInfo(); } ThemeSettings::~ThemeSettings() { } void ThemeSettings::readSettings() { QString themeFile(m_themePath + "Theme.rc"); KConfig cfg(themeFile, KConfig::FullConfig); if(!cfg.hasGroup("KSplash Theme: " + m_themeName)) return; KConfigGroup group = cfg.group("KSplash Theme: " + m_themeName); m_bg = group.readEntry("Background", QString()).trimmed(); m_baseSize = group.readEntry("BaseResolution", QSize()); m_svgFileNormal = group.readEntry("SVGFile", QString()).trimmed(); m_svgFileWide = group.readEntry("SVGFileWide", QString()).trimmed(); m_statusFile = group.readEntry("Status", QString()).trimmed(); m_statusInfo.font = group.readEntry("StatusFont", QFont("Helvetica", 12)); m_statusInfo.color = group.readEntry("StatusColor", QColor(Qt::white)); QPoint statusCoord = group.readEntry("StatusCoords", QPoint(0, 0)); QSize statusSize = group.readEntry("StatusRectSize", QSize(200, 100)); m_statusInfo.rect = QRect(statusCoord, statusSize); m_useIconSet = group.readEntry("UseIconSet", true); m_items = group.readEntry("AnimationItems", m_imagesDefault.count()); for(int i = 0; i < m_items; i++) { m_images.append(group.readEntry(QString("Image%1").arg(i+1), m_imagesDefault[i]).trimmed()); m_steps.append(group.readEntry(QString("ImageStep%1").arg(i+1), m_stepsDefault[i]).trimmed()); m_imagesCoords.append(group.readEntry(QString("ImageCoords%1").arg(i+1), QPoint())); } QMapIterator<QString, QString> i(m_imagesTexts); while(i.hasNext()) { i.next(); QString text = group.readEntry(QString("Status-%1").arg(i.key()), QString()).trimmed(); if(!text.isNull()) m_imagesTexts[i.key()] = text; } } void ThemeSettings::chooseResolution() { if(!m_svgFileNormal.isEmpty()) m_svgFile = m_svgFileNormal; if(!m_svgFileWide.isEmpty()) { QSize normal = m_imageLoader.getSVGSize(m_themePath + m_svgFileNormal); QSize wide = m_imageLoader.getSVGSize(m_themePath + m_svgFileNormal); double desktopRatio = (double) m_targetSize.width() / m_targetSize.height(); double normalDiff = desktopRatio - ((double) normal.width() / normal.height()); double wideDiff = desktopRatio - ((double) wide.width() / wide.height()); if(normalDiff < 0) normalDiff *= -1; if(wideDiff < 0) wideDiff *= -1; if(wideDiff < normalDiff) m_svgFile = m_svgFileWide; } } void ThemeSettings::loadStatusInfo() { QString statusFile; if(!m_svgFile.isEmpty() && m_statusFile.startsWith(":")) statusFile = m_svgFile + m_statusFile; else statusFile = m_statusFile; m_statusInfo.rect = m_imageLoader.loadStatusRect(m_themePath + statusFile); } QMap<QString, QString> ThemeSettings::getStatusTexts() { return m_imagesTexts; } statusInfo ThemeSettings::getStatusInfo() { return m_statusInfo; } QPixmap ThemeSettings::getBackground() { QString bg; if(!m_svgFile.isEmpty() && m_bg.startsWith(":")) bg = m_svgFile + m_bg; else bg = m_bg; return m_imageLoader.loadBackground(m_themePath + bg); } itemsList ThemeSettings::getItemsList() { itemsList list; for(int i = 0; i < m_images.size(); i++) { loadedItem item; if(m_images.at(i) == m_imagesDefault.at(i)) item.pixmap = m_imageLoader.loadItem(m_themePath + m_imagesDefault.at(i), m_imagesCoords.at(i), true); else { QString itemFile; if( !m_svgFile.isEmpty() && m_images.at(i).startsWith(":")) itemFile = m_svgFile + m_images.at(i); else itemFile = m_images.at(i); item.pixmap = m_imageLoader.loadItem(m_themePath + itemFile, m_imagesCoords.at(i)); } item.step = m_steps.at(i); list.append(item); } return list; }