/* * Copyright 2008 Arthur Renato Mello * Copyright 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "imageloader.h" ImageLoader::ImageLoader() { } ImageLoader::~ImageLoader() { } void ImageLoader::setCachePrefix(const QString &cachePrefix) { m_cachePath = cachePrefix + "/" + QString("%1X%2/").arg(m_targetSize.width()) .arg(m_targetSize.height()) + "/"; } QSize ImageLoader::getSVGSize(const QString &p_file) { QSvgRenderer svg(p_file); return svg.defaultSize(); } void ImageLoader::setBaseSize(const QSize &s) { m_baseSize = s; } void ImageLoader::setTargetSize(const QSize &s) { m_targetSize = s; } loadedPixmap ImageLoader::loadPixmap(const QString &p_filename, const QSize &p_size, const QPoint &p_pos) { loadedPixmap ret; QString file; QStringList list = p_filename.split(":", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if(list.isEmpty()) return ret; file = list.at(0); QString item; if(list.size() > 1) item = list.at(1); QFileInfo fileInfo(file); QString fileCache = p_filename.right((p_filename.size() - p_filename.lastIndexOf("/")) - 1); fileCache += ".png"; QString confFile = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("data", m_cachePath + "Cache.rc"); if(!confFile.isEmpty()) { KConfig cfg(confFile, KConfig::SimpleConfig); if(cfg.hasGroup(fileCache)) { KConfigGroup group = cfg.group(fileCache); QString pixmap = group.readEntry("Path", QString()); QPoint pos = group.readEntry("Position", QPoint()); QDateTime modified = group.readEntry("Modified", QDateTime()); if( !pixmap.isEmpty() && !pos.isNull() && modified.isValid() && fileInfo.lastModified() <= modified) { ret.pixmap.load(pixmap); ret.pos = pos; return ret; } } } if(p_size.isValid()) ret.pixmap = QPixmap(p_size); ret.pos = p_pos; if(file.endsWith(".svg")) //.svgz not working correctly { QSvgRenderer svg(file); QSize svgSize = svg.defaultSize(); if(!item.isEmpty()) { QRect rect = svg.boundsOnElement(item).toRect(); if(!m_targetSize.isEmpty()) { QMatrix matrix; matrix.scale(((double)m_targetSize.width() / svgSize.width()), ((double)m_targetSize.height() / svgSize.height())); rect = matrix.mapRect(rect); } if(!p_size.isValid()) ret.pixmap = QPixmap(rect.size()); if(p_pos.isNull()) ret.pos = rect.topLeft(); } else if(!p_size.isValid()) ret.pixmap = QPixmap(svgSize); ret.pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&ret.pixmap); if(!item.isEmpty()) svg.render(&p, item); else svg.render(&p); } else { ret.pixmap.load(file); if(p_size.isValid() && p_size != ret.pixmap.size()) { if(p_size.isValid()) ret.pixmap = ret.pixmap.scaled(p_size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } } QString cache = KGlobal::dirs()->locateLocal("data", m_cachePath); KConfig cfg(cache + "Cache.rc", KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup group = cfg.group(fileCache); group.writeEntry("Path", cache + fileCache); group.writeEntry("Position", ret.pos); group.writeEntry("Modified", fileInfo.lastModified()); ret.pixmap.save(cache + fileCache, "PNG"); return ret; } QPixmap ImageLoader::loadBackground(const QString &p_background) { return loadPixmap(p_background, m_targetSize).pixmap; } loadedPixmap ImageLoader::loadItem(const QString &p_item, QPoint p_pos, const bool &p_useIconSet) { loadedPixmap ret; if(!p_pos.isNull()) { if(!m_baseSize.isEmpty() && !m_targetSize.isEmpty()) { QMatrix matrix; matrix.scale(((double)m_targetSize.width() / m_baseSize.width()), ((double)m_targetSize.height() / m_baseSize.height())); p_pos = matrix.map(p_pos); } } if(p_useIconSet) { ret.pixmap = DesktopIcon(p_item); ret.pos = p_pos; return ret; } ret = loadPixmap(p_item, QSize(), p_pos); return ret; } QRect ImageLoader::loadStatusRect(const QString &p_status) { loadedPixmap pix = loadPixmap(p_status); return(QRect(pix.pos, pix.pixmap.size())); }