package interactive::gtk; # $Id: 261628 2009-10-09 16:25:51Z tv $ use diagnostics; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(interactive); use interactive; use common; use mygtk2; use ugtk2 qw(:helpers :wrappers :create); use Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms; my $forgetTime = 1000; #- in milli-seconds sub new { my $w = &interactive::new; ($w->{windowwidth}, $w->{windowheight}) = gtkroot()->get_size if !$::isInstall; $w; } sub enter_console { my ($o) = @_; $o->{suspended} = common::setVirtual(1) } sub leave_console { my ($o) = @_; common::setVirtual(delete $o->{suspended}) } sub adapt_markup { #- nothing needed, the default markup is gtk2's my ($_o, $s) = @_; return $s; } sub exit { ugtk2::exit(@_) } sub ask_fileW { my ($in, $common) = @_; my $w = ugtk2::create_file_selector(%$common); my $file; $w->main(sub { $file = $w->{chooser}->get_filename; my $err = ugtk2::file_selected_check($common->{save}, $common->{want_a_dir}, $file); $err and $in->ask_warn('', $err); !$err; }) && $file; } sub create_boxradio { my ($e, $onchange_f, $double_click) = @_; my $boxradio = gtkpack2__(Gtk2::VBox->new, my @radios = gtkradio('', @{$e->{formatted_list}})); my $tips = Gtk2::Tooltips->new; mapn { my ($txt, $w) = @_; # workaround infamous 6 years old gnome bug #101968: $w->child->set_size_request(mygtk2::get_label_width(), -1) if $e->{alignment} ne 'right' && !$e->{label}; $w->signal_connect(button_press_event => $double_click) if $double_click; $w->signal_connect(key_press_event => $e->{may_go_to_next}); $w->signal_connect(clicked => sub { ${$e->{val}} ne $txt or return; $onchange_f->(sub { $txt }); }); if ($e->{help}) { gtkset_tip($tips, $w, ref($e->{help}) eq 'HASH' ? $e->{help}{$txt} : ref($e->{help}) eq 'CODE' ? $e->{help}($txt) : $e->{help}); } } $e->{list}, \@radios; $boxradio, sub { my ($v, $full_struct) = @_; mapn { $_[0]->set_active($_[1] eq $v); $full_struct->{focus_w} = $_[0] if $_[1] eq $v; } \@radios, $e->{list}; }, $radios[0]; } sub create_treeview_list { my ($e, $onchange_f, $double_click) = @_; my $curr; my $list = Gtk2::ListStore->new("Glib::String"); my $list_tv = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($list); $list_tv->set_headers_visible(0); $list_tv->get_selection->set_mode('browse'); my $textcolumn = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(undef, my $renderer = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 'text' => 0); $list_tv->append_column($textcolumn); $renderer->set_property('ellipsize', 'end'); my $select = sub { my ($path) = @_; return if !$list_tv->get_model; $list_tv->set_cursor($path, undef, 0); Glib::Timeout->add(100, sub { $list_tv->scroll_to_cell($path, undef, 1, 0.5, 0); 0 }); }; my ($starting_word, $start_reg) = ('', '^'); my $timeout; $list_tv->set_enable_search(0); $list_tv->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub { my ($_w, $event) = @_; my $c = chr($event->keyval & 0xff); Glib::Source->remove($timeout) if $timeout; $timeout = ''; if ($event->keyval >= 0x100) { $e->{may_go_to_next}(), return 1 if member($event->keyval, ($Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Return}, $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{KP_Enter})); $starting_word = '' if !member($event->keyval, ($Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Control_L}, $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Control_R})); } else { if (member('control-mask', @{$event->state})) { $c eq 's' or return 1; $start_reg and $start_reg = '', return 1; $curr++; } else { $e->{may_go_to_next}(), return 1 if $c eq ' '; $curr++ if $starting_word eq '' || $starting_word eq $c; $starting_word .= $c unless $starting_word eq $c; } my @l = @{$e->{formatted_list}}; my $word = quotemeta $starting_word; my $j; for ($j = 0; $j < @l; $j++) { $l[($j + $curr) % @l] =~ /$start_reg$word/i and last; } if ($j == @l) { $starting_word = ''; } else { $select->(Gtk2::TreePath->new_from_string(($j + $curr) % @l)); } $timeout = Glib::Timeout->add($forgetTime, sub { $timeout = $starting_word = ''; 0 }); } 0; }); $list_tv->show; $list->append_set([ 0 => $_ ]) foreach @{$e->{formatted_list}}; $list_tv->get_selection->signal_connect(changed => sub { my ($model, $iter) = $_[0]->get_selected; $model && $iter or return; $onchange_f->(sub { my $row = $model->get_path_str($iter); $e->{list}[$curr = $row]; }); }); $list_tv->signal_connect(button_press_event => $double_click) if $double_click; $list_tv, sub { my ($v) = @_; eval { my $nb = find_index { $_ eq $v } @{$e->{list}}; my ($old_path) = $list_tv->get_cursor; if (!$old_path || $nb != $old_path->to_string) { $select->(Gtk2::TreePath->new_from_string($nb)); } undef $old_path if $old_path; }; }; } sub __create_tree_model { my ($e) = @_; my $sep = quotemeta $e->{separator}; my $tree_model = Gtk2::TreeStore->new("Glib::String", if_($e->{image2f}, "Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf")); my $build_value = sub { my ($v) = @_; my $type = 0; if ($e->{image2f}) { my $image = $e->{image2f}->($_[0]); ($type, $v) = (1, gtkcreate_pixbuf($image)) if $image; } [ $type => $v ]; }; my (%wtree, $parent); $parent = sub { if (my $w = $wtree{"$_[0]$e->{separator}"}) { return $w } my $s = ''; foreach (split $sep, $_[0]) { $wtree{"$s$_$e->{separator}"} ||= $tree_model->append_set($s ? $parent->($s) : undef, $build_value->($_)); $s .= "$_$e->{separator}"; } $wtree{$s}; }; $tree_model->{path_str_list} = [ map { my ($root, $leaf) = /(.*)$sep(.+)/ ? ($1, $2) : ('', $_); my $iter = $tree_model->append_set($parent->($root), $build_value->($leaf)); $tree_model->get_path_str($iter); } @{$e->{formatted_list}} ]; undef $_ foreach values %wtree; undef %wtree; $tree_model; } sub create_treeview_tree { my ($e, $onchange_f, $double_click) = @_; my $tree_model = __create_tree_model($e); my $tree = Gtk2::TreeView->new_with_model($tree_model); $tree->get_selection->set_mode('browse'); { my $col = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new; $col->pack_start(my $texrender = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 0); $col->add_attribute($texrender, text => 0); if ($e->{image2f}) { $col->pack_start(my $pixrender = Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf->new, 0); $col->add_attribute($pixrender, pixbuf => 1); } $tree->append_column($col); } $tree->set_headers_visible(0); my $select = sub { my ($path_str) = @_; my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new_from_string($path_str); $tree->expand_to_path($path); $tree->set_cursor($path, undef, 0); gtkflush(); #- workaround gtk2 bug not honouring centering on the given row if node was closed $tree->scroll_to_cell($path, undef, 1, 0.5, 0); }; my $curr = $tree_model->get_iter_first; #- default value $tree->expand_all if $e->{tree_expanded}; my $selected_via_click; $tree->get_selection->signal_connect(changed => sub { my ($model, $iter) = $_[0]->get_selected; $model && $iter or return; undef $curr if ref $curr; my $path = $tree_model->get_path($curr = $iter); if (!$tree_model->iter_has_child($iter)) { $onchange_f->(sub { my $path_str = $path->to_string; my $i = find_index { $path_str eq $_ } @{$tree_model->{path_str_list}}; $e->{list}[$i]; }); } else { $tree->expand_row($path, 0) if $selected_via_click; } }); my ($starting_word, $start_reg) = ('', "^"); my $timeout; my $toggle = sub { if ($tree_model->iter_has_child($curr)) { $tree->toggle_expansion($tree_model->get_path($curr), 0); } else { &{$e->{may_go_to_next}}; } }; $tree->set_enable_search(0); $tree->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub { my ($_w, $event) = @_; $selected_via_click = 0; my $c = chr($event->keyval & 0xff); $curr or return 0; Glib::Source->remove($timeout) if $timeout; $timeout = ''; if ($event->keyval >= 0x100) { &$toggle and return 1 if member($event->keyval, ($Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Return}, $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{KP_Enter})); $starting_word = '' if !member($event->keyval, ($Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Control_L}, $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Control_R})); } else { my $next; if (member('control-mask', @{$event->state})) { $c eq "s" or return 1; $start_reg and $start_reg = '', return 0; $next = 1; } else { &$toggle and return 1 if $c eq ' '; $next = 1 if $starting_word eq '' || $starting_word eq $c; $starting_word .= $c unless $starting_word eq $c; } my $word = quotemeta $starting_word; my ($after, $best); my $sep = quotemeta $e->{separator}; my $currpath = $tree_model->get_path_str($curr); mapn { my ($path_str, $v) = @_; $next &&= !$after; $after ||= $path_str eq $currpath; $v =~ s/.*$sep//; if ($v =~ /$start_reg$word/i) { if ($after && !$next) { ($best, $after) = ($path_str, 0); } else { $best ||= $path_str; } } } $tree_model->{path_str_list}, $e->{formatted_list}; if (defined $best) { $select->($best); } else { $starting_word = ''; } $timeout = Glib::Timeout->add($forgetTime, sub { $timeout = $starting_word = ''; 0 }); } 0; }); $tree->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { $selected_via_click = 1; &$double_click if $curr && !$tree_model->iter_has_child($curr) && $double_click; }); $tree, sub { my $v = may_apply($e->{format}, $_[0]); eval { my $i = find_index { $v eq $_ } @{$e->{formatted_list}}; my ($model, $iter) = $tree->get_selection->get_selected; my $new_path_str = $tree_model->{path_str_list}[$i]; my $old_path_str = $model && $tree_model->get_path_str($iter); $select->($new_path_str) if $new_path_str ne $old_path_str; undef $iter if ref $iter; }; }; } #- $actions is a ref list of $action #- $action is a { kind => $kind, action => sub { ... }, button => Gtk2::Button->new(...) } #- where $kind is one of '', 'modify', 'remove', 'add' sub add_modify_remove_action { my ($button, $buttons, $e, $treelist) = @_; if (member($button->{kind}, 'modify', 'remove')) { @{$e->{list}} or return; } my $r = $button->{action}->(${$e->{val}}); defined $r or return; if ($button->{kind} eq 'add') { ${$e->{val}} = $r; } elsif ($button->{kind} eq 'remove') { ${$e->{val}} = $e->{list}[0]; } ugtk2::gtk_set_treelist($treelist, [ map { may_apply($e->{format}, $_) } @{$e->{list}} ]); add_modify_remove_sensitive($buttons, $e); 1; } sub add_padding { my ($w) = @_; gtknew('HBox', children => [ 0, gtknew('Alignment', width => $mygtk2::left_padding), 1, $w ]); } sub create_widget { my ($o, $common, $e, $onchange_f, $update, $ignore_ref) = @_; my $onchange = sub { my ($f) = @_; sub { $onchange_f->($f, @_) }; }; my ($w, $real_w, $focus_w, $set); if ($e->{type} eq 'iconlist') { $w = Gtk2::Button->new; $set = sub { gtkdestroy($e->{icon}); my $f = $e->{icon2f}->($_[0]); $e->{icon} = -e $f ? gtkcreate_img($f) : Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new(may_apply($e->{format}, $_[0])); $w->add(gtkshow($e->{icon})); }; $w->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $onchange_f->(sub { next_val_in_array(${$e->{val}}, $e->{list}) }); $set->(${$e->{val}}); }); if ($e->{alignment} eq 'right') { $real_w = gtknew('HButtonBox', layout => 'start', children_tight => [ $w ]); } else { $real_w = gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,10), 1, Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), 0, $w, 1, Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0)); } } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'bool') { if ($e->{image}) { $w = ugtk2::gtkadd(Gtk2::CheckButton->new, gtkshow(gtkcreate_img($e->{image}))); } else { #- warn "\"text\" member should have been used instead of \"label\" one at:\n", common::backtrace(), "\n" if $e->{label} && !$e->{text}; $w = Gtk2::CheckButton->new_with_label($e->{text}); } $w->signal_connect(clicked => $onchange->(sub { $w->get_active })); $set = sub { $w->set_active($_[0]) }; $real_w = add_padding($w); } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'only_label') { my @common = ( # workaround infamous 6 years old gnome bug #101968: if_($e->{alignment} ne 'right', width => mygtk2::get_label_width()) ); $w = $e->{title} ? gtknew('Title2', label => escape_text_for_TextView_markup_format(${$e->{val}}), @common) : gtknew($e->{alignment} eq 'right' ? 'Label_Right' : 'Label_Left', line_wrap => 1, text_markup => ${$e->{val}}, @common); } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'label') { $w = gtknew('WrappedLabel', text_markup => ${$e->{val}}); $set = sub { $w->set($_[0]) }; } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'empty') { $w = gtknew('HBox', height => $e->{height}); } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'button') { $w = gtknew(($e->{install_button} ? 'Install_Button' : 'Button'), text => '', clicked => $e->{clicked_may_quit_cooked}); $set = sub { my $w = $w->child; # handle Install_Buttons: if (ref($w) =~ /Gtk2::HBox/) { ($w) = find { ref($_) =~ /Gtk2::Label/ } $w->get_children; } # guard against 'advanced' widgets that are now in their own dialog # (instead of in another block child of an expander): return if !$w; $w->set_label(may_apply($e->{format}, $_[0])) }; } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'range') { my $adj = Gtk2::Adjustment->new(${$e->{val}}, $e->{min}, $e->{max} + ($e->{SpinButton} ? 0 : 1), 1, ($e->{max} - $e->{min}) / 10, 1); $w = $e->{SpinButton} ? Gtk2::SpinButton->new($adj, 10, 0) : Gtk2::HScale->new($adj); $w->set_size_request($e->{SpinButton} ? 100 : 200, -1); $w->set_digits(0); $adj->signal_connect(value_changed => $onchange->(sub { $adj->get_value })); $w->signal_connect(key_press_event => $e->{may_go_to_next}); $set = sub { $adj->set_value($_[0]) }; } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'expander') { $e->{grow} = 'fill'; my $children = [ if_($e->{message}, { type => 'only_label', no_indent => 1, val => \$e->{message} }), @{$e->{children}} ]; create_widgets_block($o, $common, $children, $update, $ignore_ref); $w = gtknew('HBox', children_tight => [ gtknew('Install_Button', text => $e->{text}, clicked => sub { ask_fromW($o, { title => $common->{title} || N("Advanced") }, $children) } ) ]); } elsif ($e->{type} =~ /list/) { $e->{formatted_list} = [ map { may_apply($e->{format}, $_) } @{$e->{list}} ]; if (my $actions = $e->{add_modify_remove}) { my @buttons = (N_("Add"), N_("Modify"), N_("Remove")); # Add Up/Down buttons if their actions are defined push @buttons, map { if_($actions->{$_}, 'gtk-go-' . $_) } qw(Up Down); @buttons = map { my $button = /^gtk-/ ? gtknew('Button', image => gtknew('Image', stock => lc($_))) : Gtk2::Button->new(translate($_)); my $kind = $_; $kind =~ s/^gtk-go-//; { kind => lc $kind, action => $actions->{$kind}, button => $button, real_kind => $_ }; } @buttons; my $modify = find { $_->{kind} eq 'modify' } @buttons; my $do_action = sub { my ($button) = @_; add_modify_remove_action($button, \@buttons, $e, $w) and $update->(); }; ($w, $set, $focus_w) = create_treeview_list($e, $onchange_f, sub { $do_action->($modify) if $_[1]->type =~ /^2/ }); foreach my $button (@buttons) { $button->{button}->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $do_action->($button) }); } add_modify_remove_sensitive(\@buttons, $e); my ($images, $real_buttons) = partition { $_->{real_kind} =~ /^gtk-/ } @buttons; $real_w = gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), 1, create_scrolled_window($w), 0, gtkpack__(Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0), (map { $_->{button} } @$real_buttons), if_($images, gtknew('HButtonBox', layout => 'spread', children_loose => [ map { $_->{button} } @$images ] ) ), ), ); $e->{grow} = 'expand'; } else { my $use_boxradio = exists $e->{gtk}{use_boxradio} ? $e->{gtk}{use_boxradio} : @{$e->{list}} <= 8; if ($e->{help} || $use_boxradio && $e->{type} ne 'treelist') { #- used only when needed, as key bindings are dropped by List (ListStore does not seems to accepts Tooltips). ($w, $set, $focus_w) = create_boxradio($e, $onchange_f, $e->{quit_if_double_click_cooked}); $real_w = add_padding($w); } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'treelist') { ($w, $set) = create_treeview_tree($e, $onchange_f, $e->{quit_if_double_click_cooked}); } else { ($w, $set, $focus_w) = create_treeview_list($e, $onchange_f, $e->{quit_if_double_click_cooked}); } if (@{$e->{list}} > 10 || $e->{gtk}{use_scrolling}) { $real_w = create_scrolled_window($w); $e->{grow} = 'expand'; } } } else { if ($e->{type} eq "combo") { my $model; my @formatted_list = map { may_apply($e->{format}, $_) } @{$e->{list}}; $e->{formatted_list} = \@formatted_list; if (!$e->{separator}) { if ($e->{not_edit}) { $real_w = $w = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text; # FIXME: the following causes Gtk-CRITICAL but not solvable at realize time: first($w->child->get_cell_renderers)->set_property('ellipsize', 'end') if !$e->{do_not_ellipsize}; $w->set_wrap_width($e->{gtk}{wrap_width}) if exists $e->{gtk}{wrap_width}; } else { $w = Gtk2::ComboBoxEntry->new_text; ($real_w, $w) = ($w, $w->child); } $real_w->set_popdown_strings(@formatted_list); } else { $model = __create_tree_model($e); $real_w = $w = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_with_model($model); $w->pack_start(my $texrender = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new, 0); $w->add_attribute($texrender, text => 0); if ($e->{image2f}) { $w->pack_start(my $pixrender = Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf->new, 0); $w->add_attribute($pixrender, pixbuf => 1); } } my $get = sub { my $i = $model ? do { my $s = $model->get_string_from_iter($w->get_active_iter); eval { find_index { $s eq $_ } @{$model->{path_str_list}} }; } : do { my $s = $w->get_text; eval { find_index { $s eq $_ } @formatted_list }; }; defined $i ? $e->{list}[$i] : $w->get_text; }; $w->signal_connect(changed => $onchange->($get)); $set = sub { my $s = may_apply($e->{format}, $_[0]); if ($model) { eval { my $i = find_index { $s eq $_ } @{$e->{formatted_list}}; my $path_str = $model->{path_str_list}[$i]; $w->set_active_iter($model->get_iter_from_string($path_str)); }; } else { $w->set_text($s) if $s ne $w->get_text && $_[0] ne $w->get_text; } }; } else { if ($e->{weakness_check}) { $w = gtknew('WeaknessCheckEntry'); } else { $w = Gtk2::Entry->new; } $w->signal_connect(changed => $onchange->(sub { $w->get_text })); $w->signal_connect(focus_in_event => sub { $w->select_region(0, -1) }); $w->signal_connect(focus_out_event => sub { $w->select_region(0, 0) }); $set = sub { $w->set_text($_[0]) if $_[0] ne $w->get_text }; if ($e->{type} eq 'file') { my $button = gtksignal_connect(Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-open'), clicked => sub { my $file = $o->ask_fileW({ title => $e->{label}, want_a_dir => to_bool($e->{want_a_dir}), }); $set->($file) if $file; }); $real_w = gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), 1, $w, 0, $button); } } $w->signal_connect(key_press_event => $e->{may_go_to_next}); if ($e->{hidden}) { $w->set_visibility(0); $w->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub { my (undef, $event) = @_; if (!$o->{capslock_warned} && member('lock-mask', @{$event->state}) && !$w->get_text) { $o->{capslock_warned} = 1; $o->ask_warn('', N("Beware, Caps Lock is enabled")); } 0; }); } } if (my $focus_out = $e->{focus_out}) { $w->signal_connect(focus_out_event => sub { $update->($focus_out) }); } $real_w ||= $w; $e->{w} = $w; $e->{real_w} = $real_w; $e->{focus_w} = $focus_w || $w if $e->{type} ne 'empty'; $e->{set} = $set || sub {}; } sub all_entries { my ($l) = @_; map { $_, if_($_->{children}, @{$_->{children}}) } @$l; } sub all_focusable_entries { my ($l) = @_; grep { $_->{focus_w} } @$l; } sub all_title_entries { my ($l) = @_; grep { $_->{title} } @$l; } sub create_widgets_block { my ($o, $common, $l, $update, $ignore_ref) = @_; my $label_sizegrp = Gtk2::SizeGroup->new('horizontal'); my $right_label_sizegrp = Gtk2::SizeGroup->new('horizontal'); my $realw_sizegrp = Gtk2::SizeGroup->new('horizontal'); @$l = map_index { if ($::i && ($_->{type} eq 'expander' || $_->{title})) { ({ type => 'empty', height => 4 }, $_); } else { $_; } } @$l; foreach my $e (@$l) { my $onchange_f = sub { my ($f, @para) = @_; return if $$ignore_ref; ${$e->{val}} = $f->(@para); $update->($e->{changed}); }; create_widget($o, $common, $e, $onchange_f, $update, $ignore_ref); my $label_w; if ($e->{label} || !$e->{no_indent}) { $label_w = gtknew($e->{alignment} eq 'right' ? 'Label_Right' : 'Label_Left', text_markup => $e->{label} || '', size_group => ($e->{alignment} eq 'right' ? $right_label_sizegrp : $label_sizegrp), ); $realw_sizegrp->add_widget($e->{real_w}); } if ($e->{do_not_expand}) { $e->{real_w} = gtknew('HBox', children => [ 0, $e->{real_w}, 1, gtknew('Label'), ]); } my $eater = if_($e->{alignment} eq 'right' && !$label_w, gtknew('Label')); $e->{real_w} = gtkpack_(Gtk2::HBox->new, if_($e->{icon}, 0, eval { gtkcreate_img($e->{icon}) }), if_($eater, 1, $eater), if_($label_w, $e->{alignment} eq 'right', $label_w), (!$eater, $e->{real_w}), ); } gtknew('VBox', children => [ map { $_->{grow} || 0, $_->{real_w} } @$l ]); } sub create_widgets { my ($o, $common, $mainw, $l) = @_; my $ignore = 0; #-to handle recursivity my $set_all = sub { $ignore = 1; my @all = all_entries($l); $_->{set}->(${$_->{val}}, $_) foreach @all; #- nb: the parameter "$_" is needed for create_boxradio $_->{disabled} and $_->{real_w}->set_sensitive(!$_->{disabled}()) foreach @all; $_->{hidden} and $_->{w}->set_visibility(!(ref($_->{hidden}) eq 'CODE' ? $_->{hidden}() : $_->{hidden})) foreach @all; $mainw->{ok}->set_sensitive(!$common->{ok_disabled}()) if $common->{ok_disabled}; $ignore = 0; }; my $update = sub { my ($f) = @_; return if $ignore; $f->() if $f; $set_all->(); }; my $ok_clicked = sub { !$mainw->{ok} || $mainw->{ok}->get_property('sensitive') or return; $mainw->{retval} = 1; Gtk2->main_quit; }; my @all = all_entries($l); foreach (@all) { my $e = $_; #- for closures # we only consider real widgets (aka ignoring labels and Help/Release Notes/... buttons): if ((grep { !$_->{install_button} && $_->{type} ne 'only_label' } @all) == 1 || $e->{quit_if_double_click}) { #- i'm the only one, double click means accepting $e->{quit_if_double_click_cooked} = sub { $_[1]->type =~ /^2/ && $ok_clicked->() }; } if ($e->{clicked_may_quit}) { $e->{clicked_may_quit_cooked} = sub { $mainw->{rwindow}->hide; if (my $v = $e->{clicked_may_quit}()) { $mainw->{retval} = $v; Gtk2->main_quit; } $mainw->{rwindow}->show; $update->(); }; } $e->{may_go_to_next} = sub { my (undef, $event) = @_; if (!$event || ($event->keyval & 0x7f) == 0xd) { my @current_all = all_focusable_entries($l); my $ind = eval { find_index { $_ == $e } @current_all }; if (my $e_ = $current_all[$ind+1]) { $e_->{focus_w}->grab_focus; } else { @current_all == 1 ? $ok_clicked->() : $mainw->{ok}->grab_focus; } 1; #- prevent an action on the just grabbed focus } else { 0; } }; } # add asterisks before titles when there're more than one: my @all_titles = all_title_entries($l); if (2 <= @all_titles) { ${$_->{val}} = mygtk2::asteriskize(${$_->{val}}) foreach @all_titles; } my $box = create_widgets_block($o, $common, $l, $update, \$ignore); my $tooltips = Gtk2::Tooltips->new; foreach my $e (@all) { $tooltips->set_tip($e->{w}, $e->{help}) if $e->{help} && !ref($e->{help}); } $box, $set_all; } sub add_modify_remove_sensitive { my ($buttons, $e) = @_; $_->{button}->set_sensitive(@{$e->{list}} != ()) foreach grep { member($_->{kind}, 'modify', 'remove') } @$buttons; } sub filter_widgets { my ($l) = @_; foreach my $e (all_entries($l)) { $e->{no_indent} = 1 if member($e->{type}, 'list', 'treelist', 'expander', 'bool', 'only_label'); } } my $help_path = "/usr/share/doc/installer-help/"; sub is_help_file_exist { my ($_o, $id) = @_; # just ignore anchors: $id =~ s/#.*//; -e "$help_path/$id.html"; } sub load_from_uri { my ($view, $url) = @_; $view->open(get_html_file($::o, $url)); } sub get_html_file { my ($o, $url) = @_; my $anchor; ($url, $anchor) = $url =~ /(.*)#(.*)/ if $url =~ /#/; $url .= '.html' if $url !~ /\.html$/; $url = find { -e $_ } map { "$help_path/${_}" } map { my $id = $_; require lang; map { ("$_/$id") } map { $_, lc($_) } (split ':', lang::getLANGUAGE($o->{locale}{lang})), ''; } $url; $url = "file://$url"; $anchor ? "$url#$anchor" : $url; } sub display_help { my ($o, $common, $mainw) = @_; if (my $file = $common->{interactive_help_id}) { require Gtk2::WebKit; my $view = gtknew('WebKit_View'); load_from_uri($view, $file); my $w = ugtk2->new(N("Help"), transient => $mainw->{real_window}, modal => 1); gtkadd($w->{rwindow}, gtkpack_(Gtk2::VBox->new, 1, create_scrolled_window(gtkset_border_width($view, 5), [ 'never', 'automatic' ], ), 0, Gtk2::HSeparator->new, 0, gtkpack(create_hbox('end'), gtknew('Button', text => N("Close"), clicked => sub { Gtk2->main_quit }) ), ), ); mygtk2::set_main_window_size($w->{rwindow}); $w->{real_window}->grab_focus; $w->{real_window}->show_all; $w->main; return; } elsif (my $message = $common->{interactive_help}->()) { $o->ask_warn(N("Help"), $message); } } sub ask_fromW { my ($o, $common, $l) = @_; filter_widgets($l); my $mainw = ugtk2->new($common->{title}, %$o, if__($::main_window, transient => $::main_window), if_($common->{icon}, icon => $common->{icon}), banner_title => $common->{banner_title}, ); my ($box, $set_all) = create_widgets($o, $common, $mainw, $l); $mainw->{box_allow_grow} = 1; my $pack = create_box_with_title($mainw, @{$common->{messages}}); mygtk2::set_main_window_size($mainw->{rwindow}) if $mainw->{pop_it} && !$common->{auto_window_size} && (@$l || $mainw->{box_size} == 200); my @more_buttons = ( if_($common->{interactive_help} || $common->{interactive_help_id}, [ gtknew('Install_Button', text => N("Help"), clicked => sub { display_help($o, $common, $mainw) }), undef, 1 ]), if_($common->{more_buttons}, @{$common->{more_buttons}}), ); my $buttons_pack = ($common->{ok} || !exists $common->{ok}) && $mainw->create_okcancel($common->{ok}, $common->{cancel}, '', @more_buttons); gtkpack_($pack, 1, gtknew('ScrolledWindow', shadow_type => 'none', child => $box)) if @$l; if ($buttons_pack) { $pack->pack_end(gtkshow($buttons_pack), 0, 0, 0); } ugtk2::gtkadd($mainw->{window}, $pack); $set_all->(); my $entry_to_focus = find { $_->{focus} && $_->{focus}() } @$l; my $widget_to_focus = $entry_to_focus ? $entry_to_focus->{focus_w} : $common->{focus_cancel} ? $mainw->{cancel} : @$l && (!$mainw->{ok} || @$l == 1 && member(ref($l->[0]{focus_w}), "Gtk2::TreeView", "Gtk2::RadioButton")) ? $l->[0]{focus_w} : $mainw->{ok}; $widget_to_focus->grab_focus if $widget_to_focus; my $validate = sub { my @all = all_entries($l); my $e = find { $_->{validate} && !$_->{validate}->() } @all; $e ||= $common->{validate} && !$common->{validate}() && $all[0]; if ($e) { $set_all->(); $e->{focus_w}->grab_focus; } !$e; }; $mainw->main($validate); } sub ask_browse_tree_info_refW { my ($o, $common) = @_; add2hash($common, { wait_message => sub { $o->wait_message(@_) } }); ugtk2::ask_browse_tree_info($common); } sub ask_from__add_modify_removeW { my ($o, $title, $message, $l, %callback) = @_; my $e = $l->[0]; my $chosen_element; put_in_hash($e, { allow_empty_list => 1, gtk => { use_boxradio => 0 }, sort => 0, val => \$chosen_element, type => 'list', add_modify_remove => \%callback }); $o->ask_from($title, $message, $l, %callback); } my $reuse_timeout; sub wait_messageW { my ($o, $title, $message, $message_modifiable) = @_; my $to_modify = Gtk2::Label->new(scalar warp_text(ref $message_modifiable ? '' : $message_modifiable)); Glib::Source->remove($reuse_timeout) if $reuse_timeout; $reuse_timeout = ''; my $Window = gtknew('MagicWindow', title => $title, pop_it => defined $o->{pop_wait_messages} ? $o->{pop_wait_messages} : 1, pop_and_reuse => $::isInstall, modal => 1, $::isInstall ? (banner => gtknew('Install_Title', text => $message)) : (), no_Window_Manager => exists $o->{no_Window_Manager} ? $o->{no_Window_Manager} : !$::isStandalone, child => gtknew('VBox', padding => 4, border_width => 10, children => [ 1, $to_modify, if_(ref($message_modifiable), 0, $message_modifiable), ]), ); mygtk2::enable_sync_flush($Window); $Window->{wait_messageW} = $to_modify; mygtk2::sync_flush($Window); $Window; } sub wait_message_nextW { my ($_o, $message, $Window) = @_; return if $message eq $Window->{wait_messageW}->get_text; #- needed otherwise no expose_event :( $Window->{displayed} = 0; $Window->{wait_messageW}->set($message); mygtk2::sync($Window) while !$Window->{displayed}; } sub wait_message_endW { my ($_o, $Window) = @_; if ($Window->{pop_and_reuse}) { $reuse_timeout = Glib::Timeout->add(100, sub { mygtk2::destroy_previous_popped_and_reuse_window(); }); } else { mygtk2::may_destroy($Window); mygtk2::flush(); } } sub wait_message_with_progress_bar { my ($in, $o_title) = @_; my $progress = gtknew('ProgressBar'); my $w = $in->wait_message($o_title, $progress); my $displayed; $progress->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { $displayed = 1; 0 }); $w, sub { my ($msg, $current, $total) = @_; if ($msg) { $w->set($msg); } if ($total) { $progress or internal_error('You must first give some text to display'); my $fraction = min(1, $current / $total); if ($fraction != $progress->get_fraction) { $progress->set_fraction($fraction); $progress->show; $displayed = 0; mygtk2::flush() while !$displayed; } } else { $progress->hide; mygtk2::flush(); } }; } sub kill { my ($_o) = @_; $_->destroy foreach $::WizardTable ? $::WizardTable->get_children : (), @tempory::objects; @tempory::objects = (); } 1; hl kwa">msgid "Get your driver update floppy ready." msgstr "आपला ड्रायव्हर अपडेट करणारी फ्लॉपी तयार ठेवा." #. dvd warning title #. txt_dvd_warning_title msgid "DVD Error" msgstr "DVD चूक" #. txt_dvd_warning2 msgid "" "This is a two-sided DVD. You have booted from the second side.\n" "\n" "Turn the DVD over then continue." msgstr "" "ही दोन्ही बाजूंनी वापरता येणारी DVDआहे. आपण दुसर्या बाजूपासून सुरु (बूट) केली आहे.\n" "\n" "DVD उलटी करा व पुढे चालू करा." #. power off dialog title #. txt_power_off_title msgid "Power Off" msgstr "वीजपुरवठा बंद" #. txt_power_off msgid "Halt the system now?" msgstr "प्रणाली आता थांबवायची?" #. menu entry for hard disk installation #. txt_harddisk msgid "Hard Disk" msgstr "हार्ड डिस्क" #. dialog title for hard disk installation #. txt_harddisk_title msgid "Hard Disk Installation" msgstr "हार्ड डिस्कची स्थापना" #. txt_hd_diskdevice msgid "Disk Device (Scans All Disks If Empty)\n" msgstr "डिस्क डिव्हाईस (सर्व डिस्क रिकाम्या आहेत किंवा काय ते पहाते)\n" #. txt_directory msgid "Directory\n" msgstr "डिरेक्टरी\n" #. dialog title for ftp installation #. txt_ftp_title msgid "FTP Installation" msgstr "FTP स्थापना" #. txt_server msgid "Server\n" msgstr "सर्व्हर\n" #. txt_password msgid "Password\n" msgstr "पासवर्ड\n" #. label for ftp user input #. txt_user1 msgid "User (Anonymous Login If Empty)\n" msgstr "उपभोक्ता (रिक्त असल्यास निनावी लॉगईन) \n" #. dialog title for nfs installation #. txt_nfs_title msgid "NFS Installation" msgstr "NFS स्थापना" #. label for smb user input #. txt_user2 msgid "User (Uses \"guest\" If Empty)\n" msgstr "उपभोक्ता (रिक्त असल्यास \"guest\" वापरते)\n" #. dialog title for smb installation #. txt_smb_title msgid "SMB (Windows Share) Installation" msgstr "SMB (विंडोज शेयर) स्थापना " #. dialog title for http installation #. txt_http_title msgid "HTTP Installation" msgstr "HTTP स्थापना" #. 'driver' as in '(hardware) driver update' #. txt_driver_update msgid "Driver" msgstr "ड्रायव्हर" #. as in Windows Authentication Domain #. txt_domain msgid "Domain\n" msgstr "डोमेन\n" #. button label for other/more options #. txt_other_options msgid "Other Options" msgstr "अन्य पर्याय" #. label for language selection #. txt_language msgid "Language" msgstr "भाषा" #. txt_apic msgid "Installation--IOAPIC Enabled" msgstr "स्थापना--IOAPIC समर्थ" #. txt_noapic_install msgid "Installation--IOAPIC Disabled" msgstr "स्थापना--IOAPIC असमर्थ" #. txt_nolapic_install msgid "Installation--Local APIC Disabled" msgstr "स्थापना--स्थानिक APIC असमर्थ" #. txt_yes msgid "Yes" msgstr "होय" #. txt_no msgid "No" msgstr "नाही" #. menu item for selecting a file #. txt_file msgid "File" msgstr "फाईल" #. input label: share as in "Windows share" (SMB) #. txt_share msgid "Share\n" msgstr "शेअर\n" #. txt_zenAuto msgid "Automatic Mode" msgstr "स्वयंचलित मोड" #. txt_zenManual msgid "Manual Mode" msgstr "हाताने चालणारा मोड" #. txt_zenConfig msgid "Configure Parameters on ZEN Partition" msgstr "ZEN पार्टिशनवर पॅरामीटर्सचा आकृतीबंध बनवा" #. txt_zenInstall msgid "Install or Update ZEN Partition" msgstr " ZEN पार्टिशन स्थापित किंवा अपडेट करा" #. txt_zenLilo msgid "Reinstall ZEN Partition Boot Loader" msgstr "ZEN पार्टिशन बूट लोडर पुनरस्थापित करा" #. txt_zenDisable msgid "Disable ZEN Partition" msgstr " ZEN पार्टिशन असमर्थ करा" #. txt_zenEnable msgid "Enable ZEN Partition" msgstr "ZEN पार्टिशन समर्थ करा" #. video mode menu item #. txt_text_mode msgid "Text Mode" msgstr "पाठ्य मोड" #. menu item, like 'memory test' #. txt_firmware msgid "Firmware Test" msgstr " फर्मवेअर चाचणी" #. txt_dud_file_msg msgid "" "To load driver updates directly from CD-ROM,\n" "enter the driver update file names (separated\n" "by commas ',') here:\n" msgstr "" "CD-ROM वरुन थेट ड्रायव्हर अपडेट्स लोड करण्यासाठी,\n" "ड्रायव्हर अपडेट फाईलींची नांवे येथे प्रविष्ट करा \n" "(स्वल्पविराम ',' देऊन) वेगवेगळी कराः\n" #. install source menu title #. ** please keep it really short (comparable to the english text) ** #. txt_install_source msgid "Source" msgstr "स्रोत" #. video mode/display size menu title #. ** please keep it really short (comparable to the english text) ** #. txt_video_mode msgid "Video Mode" msgstr "" #. driver update dialog title #. -> txt_dud_file_msg #. txt_driver_update2 msgid "Driver Update" msgstr "" #. menu label for selecting (cpu) architecture #. like i386, x86-64, ppc #. ** please keep it really short (comparable to the english text) ** #. txt_arch msgid "Arch" msgstr "शिल्प" #. menu label for selecting some (linux) kernel variant #. ** please keep it really short (comparable to the english text) ** #. txt_kernel #, fuzzy msgid "Kernel Option" msgstr "अन्य पर्याय" #. menu item for kernel variant (cf. txt_kernel) #. txt_kernel_default msgid "Default" msgstr "" #. menu item for kernel variant (cf. txt_kernel) #. -> like in txt_safe_linux #. txt_kernel_safe msgid "Safe Settings" msgstr "" #. menu item for kernel variant (cf. txt_kernel) #. -> similar to txt_noacpi_install #. txt_kernel_noacpi msgid "No ACPI" msgstr "" #. menu item for kernel variant (cf. txt_kernel) #. -> similar to txt_nolapic_install #. txt_kernel_nolapic msgid "No Local APIC" msgstr "" #. main menu: start in system repair mode #. txt_repain_system msgid "Repair Installed System" msgstr "" #. menu item #. txt_mediacheck msgid "Check Installation Media" msgstr "" #. menu item for keyboard layout (please keep it short) #. txt_keyboard msgid "Keyboard" msgstr "की बोर्ड" #. menu title #. txt_dud_download msgid "Download Driver Update" msgstr "" #. input label #. txt_dud_enter_url msgid "Enter Driver Update URL\n" msgstr "" #. title of warning box when running a 64bit CD on a 32bit machine #. txt_wrong_arch msgid "Wrong architecture" msgstr "" #. warning when running a 64bit CD on a 32bit machine #. txt_64bit_popup msgid "This is a 32-bit computer. You cannot use 64-bit software on it." msgstr "" #. title of warning box when running a 32bit CD on a 64bit machine #. txt_warning msgid "Warning" msgstr "" #. warning when running a 32bit CD on a 64bit machine #. txt_32bit_popup msgid "You are about to install 32-bit software on a 64-bit computer." msgstr "" #. insert CDROM with drivers #. txt_insert_driver_cd #, c-format msgid "" "Insert driver update CD-ROM for\n" "\"%s\"." msgstr "" #. insert Mandriva CD back #. txt_insert_mdv_cd msgid "Put the Mandriva Linux CD-ROM back into the drive." msgstr "" #~ msgid "Linux--Safe Settings" #~ msgstr " लायनक्स--सुरक्षित सेटिंग्ज " #~ msgid "Installation" #~ msgstr "स्थापना (इन्स्टॉलेशन)"