# Changed by Makefile of cvs.
# do not edit here, but in cvs/soft/control-center

Summary:	The Mandrake Control Center 
Name:		drakconf
Version:	9.1
Release:	0.2mdk
# get the source from our cvs repository (see
# http://www.linuxmandrake.com/en/cvs.php3)
Source0:	%name-%version.tar.bz2
Source1:	drakconf16.png.bz2
Source2:	drakconf32.png.bz2
Source3:	drakconf48.png.bz2
License:	GPL
Group:		System/Configuration/Other
Url:		http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/cvs.php3
Obsoletes:	DrakConf
Provides:	DrakConf
BuildRequires: gettext
Requires:	mandrake-release, drakxtools >= 1.1.12-2mdk, gtk+mdk >= 0.1.6-10mdk
Requires:	menudrake >= 0.6.5-2mdk, harddrake-ui >= 1.1.8-16mdk
Requires:	perl-GTK, perl-GTK-GdkImlib, usermode
Requires:	popt >= 1.6.3-9mdk
Requires:	XFree86-100dpi-fonts
Requires:	rxvt, drakcronat >= 0.1.2-9mdk, draksec >= 0.1-4mdk, perl-GTK-GdkPixbuf, userdrake
BuildRoot:	%_tmppath/%name-%version-buildroot

drakconf includes the Mandrake Control Center which is an interface to 
multiple utilities from DrakXtools.

%package themes
Summary:	Mandrake Control Center Themes
Release:	%{release}plf
Requires:	drakconf >= %version
Group:		System/Configuration/Other

%description themes
This package contains fancy themes for the standard Mandrake Control
Center : kde and gnome themes.

%setup -q

perl -pi -e 's/^use strict/#use strict/g' control-center


#install lang
%find_lang %name

#install menu
mkdir -p %buildroot/%_menudir
cat > %buildroot/%_menudir/drakconf << EOF
?package(%{name}): needs="x11" icon="drakconf.png" section="Configuration" title="Mandrake Control Center" longtitle="System configuration tool" command="%_sbindir/%name"

#install menu icon
mkdir -p %buildroot/{%_miconsdir,%_liconsdir}
bzcat %SOURCE1 > %buildroot/%_miconsdir/drakconf.png
bzcat %SOURCE2 > %buildroot/%_iconsdir/drakconf.png
bzcat %SOURCE3 > %buildroot/%_liconsdir/drakconf.png

#this allow user to use drakconf
ln -sf %_bindir/drakconf %buildroot/%_sbindir/drakconf

install -d %buildroot/etc
touch %buildroot/etc/mcc.conf

for i in %buildroot{%_sbindir,%_bindir}/mcc; do ln -s {drakconf,$i}; done
mkdir -p %buildroot/usr/X11R6/bin/
echo -e "#\!/bin/sh\nexec /usr/bin/mcc" > %buildroot/usr/X11R6/bin/DrakConf



%triggerun -- %name < 9.0-0.6mdk
[[ -s /root/.mcc ]] && cp -af /root/.mcc /etc/mcc.conf; :


%files -f %{name}.lang
%config(noreplace) %ghost /etc/mcc.conf
%config(noreplace) /etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/vfolders/*
%attr(755,root,root) /usr/X11R6/bin/DrakConf
%dir %_datadir/mcc

%files themes

* Mon Nov 18 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.1-0.2mdk
- clock.pl, menus_launcher.pl and print_launcher.pl :
  o use my_gtk to
    * transparently handle embedding
    * ease future gtk2 port
    * simplify code
  o kill dead code
- mcc : global workaround for broken locales

* Fri Nov 15 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.1-0.1mdk
- bump version
- require a drakxtools package that is enough recent
- set textdomain earlier than locale initialization so that messages
  get really translated

* Thu Nov 14 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-8mdk
- fix interactive drakxconf
- lots of cleanups for perl_checker and strict mode
- resync with latest libDrakx changes

* Wed Nov  6 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-7mdk
- resync with latest libDrakx changes

* Tue Oct 29 2002 Stefan van der Eijk <stefan@eijk.nu> 9.0-6.2mdk
- BuildRequires: gettext

* Mon Oct  7 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-6.1mdk
- fix sl translations
- workaround for nl and sl locales (daouda)

* Fri Sep 20 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-6mdk
- fix DrakConf (mdk8.2 compatibility link) : sh needs passing -e to
  echo unlike full bash

* Wed Sep 18 2002 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-5mdk
- kill logdrake after exiting mcc aka ts.
- updated po

* Wed Sep 18 2002 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-4mdk
- non embedded apps (for instance rpmdrake) should not quit when 
  switching section in mcc.
- do not call set_active method on menu widgets while in chinese locale.

* Tue Sep 17 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-3mdk
- fix ui freeze with embedded x11 app

* Fri Sep 13 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-2mdk
- kill warning: once logdrake run, don't restart a new one
- don't kill logdrake
- don't kill applications if they're not embedded when we switch on
  another notebook page
- update translations
- added drakboot too list of not "displaying logs" apps (daouda)

* Mon Sep  9 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-1mdk
- thierry:
	o don't go back to main notebook page when clicking on title
	  since it's both not classic and result in hidden pending apps
	o add /usr/X11R6/bin/DrakConf compatibility link for mdk8.2
	  bookmarks & desktop icons
- daouda & dams: 
	o fix banner crash
- daouda:
	o Restore normal cursor when exiting drakconf.

* Sat Sep  7 2002 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.32mdk
- (fork / exec)  replaces system for non embeddable app:
   fix for rpmdrake, drakwizard freezes

* Fri Sep  6 2002 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.31mdk
- hide logs when drakfont is embedded (ergonomy)

* Fri Sep  6 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.30mdk
- requires embeded aware drakcronat, drakxtools and draksec
- rip zombies files but third party ones (aka infamous console)

* Fri Sep  6 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.29mdk
- big icon animation while starting an application
- don't display logs when back in main summary
- lot of cleanups

* Fri Sep  6 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.28mdk
- animated icon while launching an application

* Thu Sep  5 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.27mdk
- fix flickering
- fix centerage (better and size independant now)

* Thu Sep 05 2002 David BAUDENS <baudens@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.26mdk
- Update icons, authors and copyright

* Wed Sep  4 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.25mdk
- add tv and drakperm icons

* Wed Sep  4 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.24mdk
- add drakperm in Security
- don't crash apps by disabling logs while there're pending apps

* Wed Sep  4 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.23mdk
- embbed drakbackup, drakcronat, draksec
- requires embbeded aware  drakcronat, draksec and drakxtools
- requires userdrake

* Tue Sep 03 2002 David BAUDENS <baudens@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.22mdk
- Update icons

* Tue Sep  3 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.21mdk
- new services icons
- make icon look more transparent when the mouse cursor is on them

* Mon Sep  2 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.20mdk
- fix xfdrake entry
- require drakxtools >= 1.1.9-29mdk for checking ugtk

* Mon Sep  2 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.19mdk
- new background under main text
- don't display log on first notebook page
- tinyfirewall is now drakfirewall
- update translations

* Mon Sep  2 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.18mdk
- update translations (fr, pl)
- add mcc link
- as per ln advice, use more various icons for wizards

* Sat Aug 31 2002 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.17mdk
- s/diskdrake-cdwriter.png/diskdrake_cdwriter.png/ (hopefully only
  users with cd burners are affected) (deush)

* Fri Aug 30 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.16mdk
- fiq requires on gdk-pixbuf
- fix icon position in left column (2 pixels down)

* Fri Aug 30 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.15mdk
- use pixbufs to render icons with alpha blendering (much nicer rendering)
- requires drakxtools >= 1.1.9-27mdk for alpha layer aware ugtk.pm
- requires perl-GTK-GdkPixBuf
- use new ln's icon set

* Wed Aug 28 2002 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.14mdk
- added drakxconf back (updates apps) 
- move themes from %_datadir/mcc to %_datadir/mcc/themes since fred
  has added gnome files in the directory we put themes, thus making a
  bogus "desktop" them appears in menu (tvignaud)

* Mon Aug 26 2002 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.13mdk
- remove CHLD wait signal handler which prevent non perl-Gtk programs 
  (console, menudrake...)  to be embedded.

* Mon Aug 26 2002 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.12mdk
- cleanups explanations socket related code
- Be consistent with enable / disable logs from menu 

* Mon Aug 26 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.11mdk
- add back tv cards configuration

* Mon Aug 26 2002 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.10mdk
- log display fix.

* Fri Aug 23 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.9mdk
- requires drakxtools >= 1.1.9-20mdk for fixed tinyfirewall
- require draksec

* Fri Aug 23 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.8mdk
- add drakcronat, drakbackup, tinyfirewall
- fix wrong link in menu (poulpy)
- add support for system-settings for GNOME2 (fcrozat)

* Wed Aug 14 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.7mdk
- fix move from /root/.mcc to /etc/mcc.conf

* Tue Aug 13 2002 Pixel <pixel@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.6mdk
- add WebDAV entry
- replace /etc/mcc with /etc/mcc.conf (?)
- create the ghost file at build time to make rpm happy

* Mon Aug 12 2002 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.5mdk
- cleanups
- config file is /etc/mcc not /root/.mcc (titi)
- fix log display 

* Tue Aug  6 2002 Guillaume Cottenceau <gc@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.4mdk
- add missing rpmdrake icons
- Thierry Vignaud:
	o fixes for strict mode
	o add userdrake and fix system/users
	o kill dead code
	o simplify compute_exec_string()
	o perl_checker fixes
	o really remove logdrake which is in drakxtools now

- Damien Chaumette:
	o add new rpmdrake
	o workaround for system/console
	o little fix
	o Add drakwizard

* Thu Aug 01 2002 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.3mdk
- don't require harddrake service, harddrake ui is engough
- various fixes
- vietnamese translation update (pablo)
- Damien Chaumette :
	o little fix
	o Add drakwizard

* Thu Aug 01 2002 David BAUDENS <baudens@mandrakesoft.com> 9.0-0.2mdk
- Move menu entry in Configuration

* Mon Jul 29 2002 Pixel <pixel@mandrakesoft.com> 8.3-0.5mdk
- add Resolution and Monitor (needs the to-be-released drakxtools)

* Tue Jul 23 2002 Damien Chaumette <dchaumette@mandrakesoft.com> 8.3-0.4mdk
- link /usr/bin/drakconf to /usr/sbin to allow simple user to run drakconf

* Mon Jul 15 2002 Damien Chaumette <dchaumette@mandrakesoft.com> 8.3-0.3mdk
- change drakfloppy exec hash

* Thu Jul 11 2002 damien <dchaumette@mandrakesoft.com> 8.3-0.2mdk
- change draknet in drakconnect

* Sun Jun 02 2002 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 8.3-0.1mdk
- requires clean up.
- new versioning scheme.
- remove consolehelper dependencies. interactive is here for that.

* Fri Mar 15 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-16mdk
- removed broken drakxtv

* Wed Mar 13 2002 dams <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-15mdk
- no themes by default, due to unilateral decision of mandrakesoft ergonomy team.

* Tue Mar 12 2002 dams <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-14mdk
- no more userdrake
- coded appropriate dialog for additional themes
- splited package to package and package-themes

* Fri Mar  8 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-13mdk
- various bugfixs
- proxy conf
- new splash screen

* Thu Mar  7 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-12mdk
- minor bugfixes, tiunyfirewall is back

* Thu Mar  7 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-11mdk
- splash screen, better wizard test, rpmdrake bugfixes. userdrake is buggy.

* Sun Mar  3 2002 Pixel <pixel@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-10mdk
- pass the widget to gtkicons_labels_widget instead of directly passing the font
  => really fix the font in non iso1/iso15

* Sun Mar  3 2002 Pixel <pixel@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-9mdk
- pass the style to gtkicons_labels_widget instead of directly passing the font
  => fix the font in non iso1/iso15
- include dam's non-commited changelog

* Fri Mar 01 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-8mdk
- bugfixes.

* Thu Feb 28 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-7mdk
- corrected bad style/fonts.

* Thu Feb 28 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-6mdk
- added gnome theme. Enjoy!

* Wed Feb 27 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-5mdk
- bug fix

* Wed Feb 27 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-4mdk
- new gnome theme. Enjoy

* Tue Feb 26 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-3mdk
- bug corrections, themes, ...

* Sun Feb 24 2002 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-2mdk
- launch clock.pl

* Tue Feb 19 2002 dams <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.96-1mdk
- updated drakxtools require 
- themes implementation
- new gfx directory and politics. needs new drakxtools

* Fri Feb 15 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.95-2mdk
- added wait message

* Fri Feb 15 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.95-1mdk
- new gfx, highlighting.

* Thu Feb 14 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.92-4mdk
- snapshot

* Thu Feb 14 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.92-3mdk
- snapshot. Bug corrections, code cleanup

* Tue Feb 12 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.92-2mdk
- snapshot

* Thu Feb  7 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.92-1mdk
- bug correction, more features working.

* Tue Feb  5 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.90-5mdk
- big improvment : embedded and logs work.

* Tue Jan 29 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.90-4mdk
- control-center improved (better icon positioning)
- changed xpm to png.

* Sun Jan 27 2002 Pixel <pixel@mandrakesoft.com> 0.90-3mdk
- remove logdrake (moved to drakxtools)

* Fri Jan 25 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.90-2mdk
- bug correction

* Wed Jan 23 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.90-1mdk
- major code update

* Fri Jan 11 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.89-5mdk
- minor correctsion

* Wed Jan  9 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.89-4mdk
- updated require
- corrected wizard package mode.

* Tue Jan  8 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.89-3mdk
- little improvment

* Tue Jan  8 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.89-2mdk
- pixmap added

* Mon Jan  7 2002 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.89-1mdk
- improvment, correction. Still alpha, don't use seriously.
- sdupont still sux, pixmap added.

* Sun Dec 30 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-16mdk
- sync with cvs : sdupont sux, stagiaire sux.

* Sat Dec 22 2001 Sebastien Dupont <sdupont@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-15mdk
- remove obsolete require drakfont >= 0.58-11mdk 

* Mon Nov 12 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-14mdk
- rebuild, added url tag, sir rpmlint happier

* Mon Sep 24 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-13mdk
- corrected showing xplug

* Fri Sep 21 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-12mdk
- print.pm now included in the package

* Fri Sep 21 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-11mdk
- snapshot. printerdrake not embedded anymore

* Wed Sep 19 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-10mdk
- snapshot

* Fri Sep 14 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-9mdk
- bugfix, snapshot for RC.

* Mon Sep  3 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-8mdk
- logdrake: added --word=foo option
- logdrake: removed neddless ok button
- mcc: diskdrake gtk plug and no more x plug
- mcc: added few icons

* Tue Aug 28 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-7mdk
- mcc: added diskdrake. WARNING: diskdrake crashes with icewm-gnome
- logdrake: fix window size in embedded mode

* Mon Aug 27 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-6mdk
- added prosuite-corporate-java-wizard
- logdrake: added save command (support request)
- bugs fixing (specially the "Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry" one !)

* Wed Aug 22 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-5mdk
- removed all the data dumper debugging stuff..

* Tue Aug 21 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-4mdk
- new snapshot : should fix all the console related bug (i hope!)
- Mandrake Linux splash
- fix Mandrake{Campus,Expert} links in menu

* Thu Aug 16 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-3mdk
- re-added all mo files thanx to pablo

* Wed Aug 15 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-2mdk
- renamed to drakconf
- new logdrake
- added in MandrakeControlCenter : drakautoinst
- fixed many bugs (kde crash, menu, i18n ..)

* Fri Aug 10 2001 Yves Duret <yduret@mandrakesoft.com> 0.70-1mdk
- snapshot for Mandrake Linux 8.1
- new icons, a console is now embedded, added logdrake
- spec : s/Copyrght/License/, macros

* Wed May 30 2001 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.62-1mdk
- snapshot -> 0.62
- add linuxconf in System.

* Tue Apr 17 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-44mdk
- snapshot. RC2

* Mon Apr 16 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-43mdk
- snapshot. RC

* Mon Apr 16 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-42mdk
- snapshot

* Fri Apr 13 2001 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-41mdk
- snapshot (bug fixes )

* Fri Apr 13 2001 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-40mdk
- don't allow user to launch DrakConf in unpriviledged mode  

* Thu Apr 12 2001 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-39mdk
- update code ( display popup error msg if browser isn't set for any reasons )

* Thu Apr 12 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-38mdk
- rpmdrake cleaner launching when using translated languages (fr, de ...)

* Tue Apr 10 2001 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-37mdk
- freshened po .
- polishing...

* Tue Apr 10 2001 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-36mdk
- duplicate menus fixed when translated (?)

* Mon Apr  9 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-35mdk
- snapshot

* Mon Apr  9 2001 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-34mdk
- snapshot
- reput printerdrake 
- setup linked to DrakConf
- fix Menu title to better reflect package achievement.
- fix requires.   

* Sat Apr  7 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-33mdk
- snapshot. updated requires.

* Fri Apr  6 2001 Daouda LO <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-32mdk
- cvs snapshot
- Safe links to MandrakeCampus and MandrakeExpert in menu .

* Tue Apr  3 2001  Daouda Lo <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-31mdk
- new menu icons .

* Tue Apr  3 2001  Daouda Lo <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-30mdk
- No need to launch DrakConf through a terminal 

* Thu Mar 29 2001 Daouda Lo <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-29mdk
- Now you can launch DrakConf by typing mcc (standing for Mandrake Control Center)

* Wed Mar 28 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-28mdk
- readded boot disk

* Mon Mar 26 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-27mdk
- updated requires

* Sat Mar 24 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-26mdk
- synch with drakxtools.

* Sat Mar 24 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-25mdk
- readded service.png

* Sat Mar 24 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-24mdk
- use cvs DrakConf.spec

* Fri Mar 23 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-23mdk
- corrected bad require

* Fri Mar 23 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-22mdk
- included tinyfirewall

* Wed Mar 21 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-21mdk
- corrected bad execution path.

* Tue Mar 20 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-20mdk
- requires updated for new drakxtools and drakfont.

* Tue Mar 20 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-19mdk
- updated requires.
- DrakConf crash bug corrected by daouda.

* Wed Mar 14 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-18mdk
- corrected bad use in perl script

* Wed Mar 14 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-17mdk
- new icons

* Wed Mar 14 2001 Daouda Lo <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-16mdk
- workaround  for this *$�^ DrakConf crash bug.

* Mon Mar 12 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-15mdk
- updated requires

* Mon Mar 12 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-14mdk
- corrected requires

* Mon Mar 12 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-13mdk
- new drakxservices included.

* Fri Mar  9 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-12mdk
- No more DrakeLogo
- new icons, wait message.

* Wed Mar  7 2001  Daouda Lo <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-11mdk
- fix pam authentification typo

* Wed Mar  7 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-10mdk
- corrected requires

* Tue Mar  6 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-9mdk
- bug fix, improvement.

* Tue Feb 27 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-8mdk
- TERM signal handling.

* Tue Feb 27 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-7mdk
- some bug fix, new pixmaps.

* Mon Feb 12 2001  Daouda Lo <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-6mdk
- corrected typo 

* Mon Feb 12 2001  Daouda Lo <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-5mdk
- release 5mdk .

* Mon Feb 12 2001 Daouda Lo <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-4mdk
- features add-ons 

* Fri Feb 9 2001 Daouda Lo <daouda@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-3mdk
- fix typo in description .

* Thu Feb  8 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-2mdk
- corrected require

* Thu Feb  8 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.61-1mdk
- added application killing when leaving.

* Thu Feb  8 2001 dam's <damien@mandrakesoft.com> 0.60-1mdk
- new version. Should crash.

* Fri Dec 29 2000 Pablo Saratxaga <pablo@mandrakesoft.com> 0.53-1mdk
- this versions uses UTF-8 for the *.rc files, and does, if needed, the
  conversion to the user's charset

* Fri Oct  6 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-41mdk
- Completly get rid of kdesu

* Fri Oct  6 2000 Renaud Chaillat <rchaillat@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-40mdk
- added requirement for usermode

* Fri Oct  6 2000 Renaud Chaillat <rchaillat@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-39mdk
- last update to consolehelper configuration (renaming of the original 

* Thu Oct  5 2000 Renaud Chaillat <rchaillat@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-38mdk
- one more update for pam configuration, to allow the link 
  to consolehelper be DrakConf with caps
- fix rpmdrake calling path (fix 651)

* Thu Oct  5 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-37mdk
- fix menu entry to use drakconf-auth
- update liveupdate description

* Thu Oct  5 2000 Renaud Chaillat <rchaillat@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-36mdk
- corrected pam configuration (pam_authenticate has problems 
  with caps in services names)
- Added an rc for livedrake (fix 599)
- s/Outils de d�marrage/Gestion de d�marrage/ (fix 627)

* Wed Oct 04 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-35mdk
- rc fixes
- linuxconf launch /sbin/linuxconf
- New icons from LN
- back to kdesu, since pam does not want to work :(

* Tue Oct 03 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-34mdk
- resurect LinuxConf
- small rc fix

* Tue Oct 03 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-33mdk
- Change some rc entry (suggestion from gc)
- use pam instead of kdesu

* Tue Oct 03 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-32mdk
- change Mandrake to Linux-Mandrake in the rc files

* Mon Oct 02 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-31mdk
- fix menudrake calling (for system menu)
- update some rc

* Mon Oct 02 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-30mdk
- fix french translation of draknet (fix bug 469)
- update translations of other rc

* Fri Sep 29 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-29mdk
- new icons

* Fri Sep 29 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-28mdk
- Small rc fixes

* Thu Sep 28 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-27mdk
- change adduserdrake for userdrake

* Thu Sep 28 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-26mdk
- small UI changes
- updated po

* Fri Sep 15 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-25mdk
- fix a problem with i18n of some language (Pablo)
- updated po (Pablo)
- work around a perl bug (Chmouel)

* Mon Sep 11 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-24mdk
- Small UI changes
- Added menudrake, draknet and drakgw

* Mon Aug 28 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-23mdk
- use %%lang
- use noreplace with %%config for rc files

* Fri Aug 25 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-22mdk
- Remove the border of the info notebook
- po updates

* Thu Aug 24 2000 David BAUDENS <baudens@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-21mdk
- Fix macro disaster

* Sun Aug 13 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau <gc@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-20mdk
- fixing %post script

* Tue Aug 08 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-19mdk
- fix BuildRequires (Fred sucks)
- BM
- New harddrake.rc

* Mon Aug 07 2000 Frederic Lepied <flepied@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-18mdk
- automatically added BuildRequires

* Tue May  9 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau <gc@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-17mdk
- added require to kdesu

* Wed May  3 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-16mdk
- Added Mandrake Update

* Fri Apr 28 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-15mdk
- Added a 32x32 and a 48x48 icons

* Fri Apr 28 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-14mdk
- remove icon menu path

* Thu Apr 20 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-13mdk
- Put a better looking logo
- Remove kpackage

* Wed Apr 19 2000 warly <warlyn@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-12mdk
- remove this f****ng bl***y bast*** logo

* Wed Apr 19 2000 warly <warlyn@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-11mdk
- really remove logo

* Wed Apr 19 2000 warly <warly@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-10mdk
- remove some logos

* Wed Apr 19 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-9mdk
- remove drakbootdisk (merge with drakboot)

* Tue Apr 18 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-8mdk
- Added an entry drakboot

* Mon Apr 17 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-7mdk
- Added an entry for drakbootdisk
- only read .rc files

* Tue Apr 11 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-6mdk
- Added nice icons from H�l�ne

* Mon Apr 10 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-5mdk
- Better handling of different resolutions

* Sat Apr  8 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-4mdk
- Fix the grammar in the Desc.
- Added rpmdrake and drakfont.
- rename lothar to harddrake.

* Sat Apr  8 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-3mdk
- Add a %config tag to make rpmlint happy

* Fri Mar 31 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-2mdk
- Menu group back to /Configuration/Other :(

* Fri Mar 31 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.52-1mdk
- New version w/ support for 640x480 screens
- Spec update
- Change Group
- Add menu

* Mon Mar 13 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com> 0.51-1mdk
- Requires true perl when using Getopt::Long.

* Sun Mar 12 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com> 0.51-1mdk
- DrakConf.pm (usage): parse arguments with Getopt::Long;
- DrakConf.pm: Now use a directory and one config file for entry.

* Tue Feb 29 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.50-1mdk
- Use a more usefull version number...

* Mon Feb 28 2000 DindinX <odin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.34-2mdk
- Added a "close" button

* Tue Jan 25 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com> 0.37-1mdk
- po/lothar.rc: Exclusivearchs: i386
- DrakConf.pm (get_arch): add ability to do Exclusivearchs for 
  certain program.

* Wed Jan 12 2000 Fran�ois PONS <fpons@mandrakesoft.com>
- remove provide control-panel.

* Fri Jan  7 2000 Pixel <pixel@mandrakesoft.com>
- DrakConf.c (main): add setlocale call for i18n

* Tue Jan  4 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com> 0.34-10mdk
- respawn with kdesu if launching as user.

* Mon Jan  3 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com>
- Remove Obsoletes and Provides control-panel.

* Mon Jan 03 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com>
- po/*lothar*: add blank line in the end of file.

* Mon Dec 27 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com>
- create the temporary file in ~tmp/ for obvious
  security reasons, also fix an improbable but possible
  race conditions.

* Mon Dec 27 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com>
- po/*: adjust & change.
- diskdrake.pm: can do eval of perl code in config files.
- DrakConf.pm: Try better to find the language.
- pics/*diskdrake: new icon.
- DrakConf.c: create a temporary file when 'exec'ing a tool (dinx)
- DrakConf.c: fix a very stupid bug in the tests for existing tools (dinx).

* Fri Dec 24 1999 Pixel <pixel@mandrakesoft.com>
- add obsoletes control-panel

* Mon Dec 20 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com>
- DrakConf.c: remove the obsolete translation of '�' into ' '
- DrakConf.rc: Add a lot of i18n translations from pablo
- DrakConf.rc: s|/sbin/netconf|/bin/netconf|;
- DrakConf.rc: remove the �.
- DrakConf.pm: fix bad call.
- pics/*mouse*.xpm: new icon from helene.
- pics/*keyboard*.xpm: new icon from helene.
- pics/*drake*.xpm: new icon from helene.
- pics/*lothar*.xpm: new icon from helene.
- DrakConf.pm: Parse better arguments.

* Sun Dec 19 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com>
- French and Spanish Description (camille).
- strip binaries.

* Sat Dec 18 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com> 
- Makefile: dist rpm.
- DrakConf.pm: Rewrite the parser.
- DrakConf.(c|pm): add a test mode.
- pics/*: clean name and add icones (helene).
- DrakConf.rc: cleaning.

* Thu Dec 16 1999 Pixel <pixel@mandrakesoft.com>
- Makefile (dis): changed to ignore pics/unused
- DrakConf.rc: many change
- pics/*: additions and modifications

* Thu Dec 16 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com>
- Add many changes (see the ChangeLog).

* Fri Dec 10 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com>

- First spec file.

# end of file