diff options
2 files changed, 114 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Users.pm b/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Users.pm
index 753b79e..f7815f4 100644
--- a/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Users.pm
+++ b/lib/AdminPanel/Module/Users.pm
@@ -123,14 +123,6 @@ has 'action_menu' => (
-## min UID was 500 now is 1000, let's change in a single point
-has 'min_UID' => (
- default => 1000,
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'Int',
- init_arg => undef,
has 'edit_tab_widgets' => (
traits => ['Hash'],
default => sub { {} },
@@ -845,7 +837,7 @@ sub addUserDialog {
$hbox = $factory->createHBox($align);
my $uidManually = $factory->createCheckBox($hbox, $self->loc->N("Specify user ID manually"), 0);
$factory->createHSpacing($hbox, 2.0);
- my $UID = $factory->createIntField($hbox, $self->loc->N("UID"), 1, 65000, $self->min_UID);
+ my $UID = $factory->createIntField($hbox, $self->loc->N("UID"), 1, 65000, $self->sh_users->min_UID);
# $uidManually->setWeight($yui::YD_HORIZ, 2);
@@ -932,10 +924,10 @@ sub addUserDialog {
my $uid = -1;
if ($continue && $uidManually->value()) {
- if (($uid = $UID->value()) < $self->min_UID) {
+ if (($uid = $UID->value()) < $self->sh_users->min_UID) {
$errorString = "";
- my $uidchoice = $self->sh_gui->ask_YesOrNo({title => $self->loc->N("User Uid is < %d", $self->min_UID),
- text => $self->loc->N("Creating a user with a UID less than %d is not recommended.\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\n", $self->min_UID)});
+ my $uidchoice = $self->sh_gui->ask_YesOrNo({title => $self->loc->N("User Uid is < %d", $self->sh_users->min_UID),
+ text => $self->loc->N("Creating a user with a UID less than %d is not recommended.\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\n", $self->sh_users->min_UID)});
$continue = $uidchoice;
@@ -1130,8 +1122,11 @@ sub _refreshUsers {
my $strfilt = $self->get_widget('filter')->value();
my $filterusers = $self->get_widget('filter_system')->isChecked();
- my ($users, $group, $groupnm, $expr);
- defined $self->sh_users->ctx and $users = $self->sh_users->ctx->UsersEnumerateFull;
+ my $usersInfo = $self->sh_users->getUsersInfo({
+ username_filter => $strfilt,
+ filter_system => $filterusers,
+ });
#for some reasons QT send an event using table->selectItem()
@@ -1139,46 +1134,26 @@ sub _refreshUsers {
- my @UserReal;
- LOOP: foreach my $l (@$users) {
- next LOOP if $filterusers && $l->Uid($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue) <= 499 || $l->Uid($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue) == 65534;
- next LOOP if $filterusers && $l->Uid($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue) > 499 && $l->Uid($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue) < $self->min_UID &&
- ($l->HomeDir($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue) =~ /^\/($|var\/|run\/)/ || $l->LoginShell($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue) =~ /(nologin|false)$/);
- push @UserReal, $l if $l->UserName($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue) =~ /^\Q$strfilt/;
- }
- my $i;
my $itemColl = new yui::YItemCollection;
- foreach my $l (@UserReal) {
- $i++;
- my $uid = $l->Uid($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue);
- if (!defined $uid) {
- warn "bogus user at line $i\n";
- next;
- }
- my $a = $l->Gid($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue);
- $group = $self->sh_users->ctx->LookupGroupById($a);
- $groupnm = '';
- $expr = $self->sh_users->computeLockExpire($l);
- $group and $groupnm = $group->GroupName($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue);
- my $fulln = $l->Gecos($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue);
- utf8::decode($fulln);
- my $username = $l->UserName($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue);
- my $Uid = $l->Uid($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue);
- my $shell = $l->LoginShell($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue);
- my $homedir = $l->HomeDir($self->sh_users->USER_GetValue);
- my $item = new yui::YTableItem ("$username",
- "$Uid",
- "$groupnm",
- "$fulln",
- "$shell",
- "$homedir",
- "$expr");
+ foreach my $username (keys %{$usersInfo}) {
+ my $info = $usersInfo->{$username};
+ my $item = new yui::YTableItem (
+ "$username",
+ "$info->{uid}",
+ "$info->{group}",
+ "$info->{fullname}",
+ "$info->{shell}",
+ "$info->{home}",
+ "$info->{status}"
+ );
# TODO workaround to get first cell at least until we don't
# a cast from YItem
$item->setLabel( $username );
my $item = $self->get_widget('table')->selectedItem();
$self->get_widget('table')->selectItem($item, 0) if $item;
diff --git a/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/Users.pm b/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/Users.pm
index ce6f41a..0c23cc2 100644
--- a/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/Users.pm
+++ b/lib/AdminPanel/Shared/Users.pm
@@ -149,6 +149,13 @@ sub _USERInitialize {
return undef;
+## min UID was 500 now is 1000, let's change in a single point
+has 'min_UID' => (
+ default => 1000,
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Int',
+ init_arg => undef,
@@ -684,6 +691,91 @@ sub deleteGroup {
+=head2 getUsersInfo
+=head3 INPUT
+$options: HASH reference containing
+ username_filter => username search string
+ filter_system => hides system users
+=head3 OUTPUT
+%users: HASH reference containing
+ username-1 => {
+ uid => user identifier
+ group => primary group name
+ gid => group identifier
+ fullname => user full name
+ home => home directory
+ shell => user shell
+ status => login status (locked, expired, etc)
+ }
+ username-2 => {
+ ...
+ }
+This method get users information (all or by using a filter)
+sub getUsersInfo {
+ my ($self, $options) = @_;
+ my $usersInfo = {};
+ return $usersInfo if !defined $self->ctx;
+ my $strfilt = $options->{username_filter} if exists($options->{username_filter});
+ my $filterusers = $options->{filter_system} if exists($options->{filter_system});
+ my ($users, $group, $groupnm, $expr);
+ $users = $self->ctx->UsersEnumerateFull;
+ my @UserReal;
+ LOOP: foreach my $l (@$users) {
+ next LOOP if $filterusers && $l->Uid($self->USER_GetValue) <= 499 || $l->Uid($self->USER_GetValue) == 65534;
+ next LOOP if $filterusers && $l->Uid($self->USER_GetValue) > 499 && $l->Uid($self->USER_GetValue) < $self->min_UID &&
+ ($l->HomeDir($self->USER_GetValue) =~ /^\/($|var\/|run\/)/ || $l->LoginShell($self->USER_GetValue) =~ /(nologin|false)$/);
+ push @UserReal, $l if $l->UserName($self->USER_GetValue) =~ /^\Q$strfilt/;
+ }
+ my $i;
+ my $itemColl = new yui::YItemCollection;
+ foreach my $l (@UserReal) {
+ $i++;
+ my $uid = $l->Uid($self->USER_GetValue);
+ if (!defined $uid) {
+ warn "bogus user at line $i\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my $gid = $l->Gid($self->USER_GetValue);
+ $group = $self->ctx->LookupGroupById($gid);
+ $groupnm = '';
+ $expr = $self->computeLockExpire($l);
+ $group and $groupnm = $group->GroupName($self->USER_GetValue);
+ my $fulln = $l->Gecos($self->USER_GetValue);
+ utf8::decode($fulln);
+ my $username = $l->UserName($self->USER_GetValue);
+ my $shell = $l->LoginShell($self->USER_GetValue);
+ my $homedir = $l->HomeDir($self->USER_GetValue);
+ $usersInfo->{"$username"} = {
+ uid => $uid,
+ group => $groupnm,
+ gid => $gid,
+ fullname => $fulln,
+ home => $homedir,
+ status => $expr,
+ shell => $shell,
+ };
+ }
+ return $usersInfo;
=head2 getUserHome
=head3 INPUT