#!/usr/bin/python from distutils.core import setup import sys import re verpat = re.compile("VERSION *= *\"(.*)\"") data = open("repsys").read() m = verpat.search(data) if not m: sys.exit("error: can't find VERSION") VERSION = m.group(1) setup(name="repsys", version = VERSION, description = "Tools for Mandriva Linux repository access and management", author = "Gustavo Niemeyer", author_email = "gustavo@niemeyer.net", url = "http://qa.mandriva.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/RepositorySystem", license = "GPL", long_description = """Tools for Mandriva Linux repository access and management.""", packages = ["RepSys", "RepSys.cgi", "RepSys.commands", "RepSys.plugins"], scripts = ["repsys", "repsys-ssh"], data_files = [ ("/usr/share/repsys/", ["default.chlog", "revno.chlog", "create-srpm"]), ("/etc/", ["repsys.conf"]), ("share/man/man8/", ["repsys.8"])] ) # vim:ts=4:sw=4:et