#!/usr/bin/python from RepSys import Error, config from RepSys.command import * from RepSys.rpmutil import get_spec, get_submit_info from RepSys.util import get_auth, execcmd, get_helper import urllib import getopt import sys import re #try: # import NINZ.client #except ImportError: # NINZ = None import xmlrpclib HELP = """\ Usage: repsys submit [OPTIONS] [URL [REVISION]] Submits the package from URL to the submit host. The submit host will try to build the package, and upon successful completion will 'tag' the package and upload it to the official repositories. The status of the submit can visualized at: http://kenobi.mandriva.com/bs/output.php If no URL and revision are specified, the latest changed revision in the package working copy of the current directory will be used. Options: -t TARGET Submit given package URL to given target -l Just list available targets -r REV Provides a revision number (when not providing as an argument) -s The host in which the package URL will be submitted (defaults to the host in the URL) -h Show this message --define Defines one variable to be used by the submit scripts in the submit host Examples: repsys submit repsys submit foo 14800 repsys submit https://repos/svn/mdv/cooker/foo 14800 repsys submit -r 14800 https://repos/svn/mdv/cooker/foo repsys submit -l https://repos repsys submit --define section=main/testing -t 2008.0 """ def parse_options(): parser = OptionParser(help=HELP) parser.defaults["revision"] = "" parser.add_option("-t", dest="target", default="Cooker") parser.add_option("-l", action="callback", callback=list_targets) parser.add_option("-r", dest="revision", type="string", nargs=1) parser.add_option("-s", dest="submithost", type="string", nargs=1, default=None) parser.add_option("--define", action="append") opts, args = parser.parse_args() if not args: name, rev = get_submit_info(".") args = name, str(rev) print "submitting %s at revision %s..." % args elif len(args) > 2: raise Error, "invalid arguments" opts.pkgdirurl = default_parent(args[0]) if len(args) == 2: opts.revision = re.compile(r".*?(\d+).*").sub(r"\1", args[1]) elif len(args) == 1 and opts.revision: # accepts -r 3123 http://foo/bar pass elif not opts.list: raise Error, "provide -l or a revision number" return opts def list_targets(option, opt, val, parser): host = config.get("submit", "host") if host is None: raise Error, "no submit host defined in repsys.conf" createsrpm = get_helper("create-srpm") #TODO make it configurable command = "ssh %s %s --list" % (host, createsrpm) execcmd(command, show=True) sys.exit(0) def submit(pkgdirurl, revision, target, list=0, define=[], submithost=None): #if not NINZ: # raise Error, "you must have NINZ installed to use this command" if submithost is None: submithost = config.get("submit", "host") if submithost is None: # extract the submit host from the svn host type, rest = urllib.splittype(pkgdirurl) host, path = urllib.splithost(rest) user, host = urllib.splituser(host) submithost, port = urllib.splitport(host) del type, user, port, path, rest # runs a create-srpm in the server through ssh, which will make a # copy of the rpm in the export directory if list: raise Error, "unable to list targets from svn+ssh:// URLs" createsrpm = get_helper("create-srpm") command = "ssh %s %s '%s' -r %s -t %s" % ( submithost, createsrpm, pkgdirurl, revision, target) if define: command += " " + " ".join([ "--define " + x for x in define ]) status, output = execcmd(command) if status == 0: print "Package submitted!" else: sys.stderr.write(output) sys.exit(status) def main(): do_command(parse_options, submit) # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4